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Modul 2

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Description of project and tasks

This module is six hours - Day 2: Private and Public API.

The goal of this Project is to deploy and scale an API server services and exam service web application
to support client services for Admission Apps. Today you will deploy a highly available, scalable, and
efficient web application using the nodejs server provided. You also should be build required initial
support services.
This nodejs application has service dependencies as outlined in the Technical Details section below.
This application responds well to scale as horizontal scaling. This application will not work "out of the
box". Instead, you will have six hours to get an infrastructure rolled out and application deployment.
Throughout the day it is your responsibility to respond to any challenges that may present themselves.
Once the day has concluded, additional load testing will be conducted to determine your architecture’s
resiliency and ability to self-repair.

1. Share you AWS pro account on this link https://s.id/akunlksprovjatim2022.
2. Read the documentation thoroughly (Outlined below).
3. Please view and understanding the application architecture in the architecture section.
4. Please carefully read the technical details section.
5. Please carefully read the application details.
6. Log into the AWS console.
7. Create your key pair and uploaded to this link https://s.id/keyday2 . Use this key pair to each instance
you created.
8. Re-install client service. You can read detail instruction in Application Detail section.
9. Setup your VPC configurations. You can read VPC configuration details in Networking - Service
Details section.
10. Setup a security group. You can read security additional rules in Security – Service Details section.
11. Setup document db. More details about it in Details Service section.
12. Deploy the API and exam services. More details instruction in Application section. (Please read
technical details for more information’s).
13. Setup ELB for exam and API services. Please Read Technical details for more information’s.
14. Re-setup Public ELB to provide URL Routing.
15. Configure the client, API, and exam services to handle increasing load (See technical detail section,
what auto scale config to use for client, API, and exam services).
(a) Create and/or update the user data configuration correctly, including download locations of the
javascript code and server configuration file.
(b) Create and/or update the user data configuration to include any required local dependencies.
16. Verifying all of services are running well and the admission apps can work well.
17. Configure any server dependencies as outlined in the technical details.
18. Configure necessary application monitoring and metrics in CloudWatch.
Technical Details
1. The admission apps is deployed as a javascript application. Do not alter the source code both of
client and API service in any way as that will be grounds for disqualification.
2. The admission apps have three services that are must be deploy to the different server setup and you
should deploy two (API and Exam service) of three services today.
3. All of application services such as client, API, and exam must be deploy in t2.small instance type.
4. You should be prepared for 1000 concurrent request to Admission apps. Be careful about
overloading and watch for HTTP 503 or 404 responses from the client, API and exam service.
5. You should use existing public load balancer for setting up the URL routing of public exam API.
Don’t create a new public load balancer or you will lose the points.
6. API server cannot be accessible from outside as a private API.
7. Exam service can be accessible from outside as a public API.
8. The committee may send you a link to get your public load balancer address.
9. An additional load testing may be sent in the middle of the competition to your public load balancer
address, and you may have to make performance improvements at that time. Better performance
and less errors will make you earn more point.
10. While you create API service for Auto-Scaling, you are only allowed to use the launch
configurations for the API server services. If the configuration is not following the instruction, then
you will lose the point.
11. While you create Exam service for Auto-Scaling, you are allowed to use the launch configurations
or launch template for the Exam services. If the configuration is not following the instruction, then
you will lose the point
12. This API server requires a connection to a Redis database, a MySQL database, and a location to
store data cache and log files. You can use the service you have created on the day one.
13. This exam service requires a connection to a mongo database as a document db. More details about
document db instruction at service details section.
14. You should be creating an additional security group follows in security Service Details section.
15. Remember to label every service you have created like vpc, security group, ec2 instance and
everything else you have created except those created automatically like instance who has creating
automatically by auto scaling. The more attentions to the little things, more point you will earn.
16. Remember to fill each description and tag of the services to get more points.
17. The base OS that has been chosen is Amazon Linux (https://aws.amazon.com/amazon-linux- ami/).
This distribution was selected for its broad industry support, stability, availability of support and
excellent integration with AWS.

The above example illustrates one possible architectural design for the deployment of the application.
This shows all required segments needed to server requests. The Url Routing “/” to access client services
and url path “/exam” to access exam services, all of them path can be accessible from outside (public).

Application Details
The Admission Apps was developed with javascript with three services running in it. Those services are
Client services, API Server services and the additional service is Exam services, those services have
their respective functions. The Client service is used for the front end which is to provide views and
interaction between applications and users. The API Server is used for back-end purpose which served
to provide data to user through client service. The last one is Exam service is use for public exam API.
Installation instructions of those service are below.

All services were developed with javascript and running with nodejs for the runtime. Firstly, you need
nodejs and NPM package installed to your system. You can follow this LKS documentation for node js
installation or you can use AWS documentation installation in aws docs, for LKS documentation you
can follows below.
First of all, you need to enable node.js yum repository in your system provided by the Node.js official
website. You also need development tools to build native add-ons to be installed on your system. sudo
yum install -y gcc-c++ make
curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo -E bash -
NPM will also be installed with node.js. If you have done with the repository, next you can install the
nodejs packages. The NPM was already installed when node js was installed.
You should clone a Admission Apps source code from git repository. Make sure you have git package
installed in your system. The git repo URL is https://github.com/betuah/lks-apps-one.git.
Once complete, there are three folders on it with some file in the root folder, one of some files is
README.md file. You can carefully read the configuration instruction and environment key and value
of each service in README.md file. There has three folders on it, the client, server and exam folders.
Each folder represents an application service.
Note: make sure your instance is connected to the internet for running all these instructions.

Client Services
You may have deployed this service yesterday but there has been a slight change in the source code to
support the exam service. you have to re-clone or pull service to get the latest updates. There is an
additional environment to be able to connect with the Exam public API. detailed instructions are
1. You should install all required dependencies with npm or yarn command in the client folder.
2. You should pull request to git repository to get the latest updates.
3. Create new version of client launch template.
4. You should create the .env file in server folder like below.
More detail you can follows the client config Setup instruction in README.md file.
5. Use 2nd option deployment in README.md file to re-generate static source code. Remember don’t
use first option deployment or you will lose the points. This Gives us the ability to host our web
application on any static hosting.
6. The static source code will be generated in dist folder.
7. This client service must be running on web server, please install httpd as web server.
8. If all done you can access the client apps with http://YOUR_DOMAIN in web browser. The
functionality of client service may not run properly. You should deploy the API and Exam service
to work with this client service.
Note: If you have Auto-Scaling Group for this services, use launch template while build it.

API Server Services

The API server services was developed with express js, which is a node js framework. This API server
services require all of dependencies in server/package.json file in server folder of Admission Apps.
This service requires a connection to redis as cache, s3 to store assets data, serverless database and
storage to store log and file cache. You can’t start deploying this service if those all services are not
available or not running well. More details for installation of those service at the Service Details section.
You can follow these instructions below for the API server deployment.
1. You should install all required dependencies with npm or yarn command in the client folder.
2. You should create the .env file in server folder like below.
More detail you can follows the Server config Setup instruction in README.md file. Run “npm
run start-prod” to start API server with PM2. You can use “npm run stop-prod” to stop it if is

3. Then you can access the API endpoint at http://YOUR_API _HOST:8000/check.

Note: If you have Auto-Scaling Group for this services, use launch configurations while build it.

Exam API Services

Same as API server the exam services was developed with express js. This exam service also require all
of dependencies in exam/package.json file in exam folder of Admission Apps. This service needs to
connect with mongodb as a document database. You can use document db service on aws instead of
mongodb. You can’t run this service if it fails to connect to document db. More details about document
db in Service details section. For deploying exam service, you can follows these instruction below.
1. You should install all required dependencies with npm or yarn command in the client folder.
2. You should create document db and download the ssl into exam/ssl folder and set the cert name in
environment file.
3. You should create the .env file in exam folder like below.
Note: Don’t change DB_TYPE variable. More detail you can follows the Exam config Setup
instruction in README.md file.

4. Run “npm run start-prod” to start API server with PM2. You can use “npm run stop-prod” to stop it
if is needed.
5. Then you can access the Exam API endpoint using Postman software at http://YOUR_API
6. You can create initial dummy data with Exam API Endpoint “GET
http://YOUR_HOST:9000/exam/init”. This endpoint is used to create dummy data. You can flush
the dummy data with this Exam API endpoint “GET http://YOUR_HOST:9000/exam/flush”. You
can use “GET http://YOUR_HOST:9000/exam/quiz” to retrieve all dummy data.

Application Testing
You can make sure the application that you have deployed can run properly. you can try to register at
root URL in registration menu. If the connection to your database is successful, the data will appear in
the student data menu and vocational drop down will show the data on register form.

To find out if the client service is connected to the general exam API, you can check on the exam menu,
if the dummy question data appears, it means it has been successful, but if the data is not found, it is
possible that the init data is not running or your exam service is not running properly.
Service Details
Networking (VPC)

You have built a network infrastructure before and you will also use that infrastructure for today.
However, there will be additional service today, so you have to create a few more subnets. As shown in
the following topology, then you have to create a new subnet to provide exam service network. You
should create subnet with 50 IP portion for each AZ from block IP and should create
subnet with 50 IP portion from block IP

Like a networking section above, maybe you have also created a few securities group necessary. Security
is an important thing that should not be pass when you are building an infrastructure. Today there is an
additional service that must be deploy so you must create some additional security group to allow exam
port just can be accessible from public subnet and client subnet. You also should create security group
allow document db port can be accessible from exam service, the default port of document db is 27017.
You can use the security group that you have created before according to your current service needs.

URL Routing
You will provide a single URL that the application will use to access both of your applications. In
order to facilitate this, you will need to perform URL routing. The application identified as “root”
should run on the root of your URL. Thus, if deployed properly, when you visit the public URL of
your application, you should see the screen below:

You will need to deploy the second application named, “exam” to the URL of “/exam” off of your main
URL. If your main URL is http://server.example.com, then hitting that main site in your browser should
return the image above. Going to http://server.example.com/exam should however show the page below:

You can accomplish this by also deploying the application named “exam” to the “/exam” suffix to your URL. The
URL that you enter will receive requests on the root of your URL as well as the “/exam” endpoint.

Document DB
The Exam service uses Mongoose as an ORM library that connects the exam service to database services
with No SQL language. Mongoose uses the document base database, so you need to deploy a document
db cluster. You need to create a document db cluster with instance class db.r5.large with just one instance
and 27017 as a ducment db port. Don’t forget to setup user and password to be access by exam service.
Once complete, you will need to set database environment to exam services via ".env" files deployed to
each instance.
Note: The db_type env variable must be mongodb_aws for use document db on aws cloud.

File Storage
A central file storage location IS NOT a requirement for the application to operate. The application will
serve some requests faster with a centralized file storage solution. As with the previous service
examples, you could look to create a centralized file storage solution with Elastic File Storage to store
log and cache file from the application. You can use a local directory to save the log files but a shared
storage solution or the ability to share files to each instance will allow you to have centralize log file
which is it will be made maintenance process easier. File Cache need central file storage solution for
consistency data. The relevant environment variable in the ".env" configuration file is below:
CACHE_PATH is the local directory for file cache on the instance where the server application is able
to both read and write to the cache files. This can be a local directory on the server or a remote directory
mounted as a local directory on the server. The default path storage if you not set cache environment
path will store in <your_apps_path>/server/tmp.
LOG_PATH is the local directory for store applications log on the instance where the server application
is able to both read and write to the cache files. This can be a local directory on the server or a remote
directory mounted as a local directory on the server. The default path log storage if you not set cache
environment path will store in <your_apps_path>/server/logs.

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