Oral Traditions
Oral Traditions
Oral Traditions
Abstract - Oral traditions are considered as a reliable source of The Great Tradition is principally the work of the urban
historical writing. It represents collective experience and literate and represents abstract thinking and philosophical
wisdom. But oral tradition is largely anonymous. It speculation as also creative aesthetic expression in varied
imperceptibly absorbs what comes from many sources— forms of art. This tradition draws a wide range of elements
individuals, inside groups, and outside groups. In any society,
from the little traditions. Several symbols are reinterpreted
oral tradition has the function of supporting the political
structure, economic systems, religious aspects and the social in such a manner that their philosophical content is
and cultural moves of the group. The knowledge and enriched. It is essential to bear in mind that most great
experience of elders and lessons learned by several generations civilizations have had large illiterate populations who were
through experience are crystallized into it. In this paper, an influenced nevertheless by the small literate segment which
attempt is made to analyse the importance of oral tradition, its produced the prime movers and pace-setters for cultural
elements and various aspects in association with utilization of continuities and change. Great Tradition is creative
oral tradition as important source material for the expression in varied forms of art and principally the work of
reconstruction of history. Paper also emphasize the need of the urban literate and represents abstract thinking and
carefulness and patience on the part of historian while using
philosophical speculations. They are indebted to little
the facts and should go in to deep the roots of the oral
tradition in order to ensure that the facts collected and traditions in many ways and literate populations were
gathered are authentic and genuine. influenced by the small literate segment which produced the
Keywords: Oral tradition, Cultural Development, Great prime movers and pace-setters for cultural continuities and
Tradition change.
ultimately form the social structure and the norms, values is that it serves to validate culture, justify its rituals and
and customs related with these social relationships institutions to those who perform and observe them. The
determines the cultural aspects of human being. third function is, there are in every cultural word the social
SomenathBhattacharje, (2016). Jan Vansina’s text, Oral norms and customs have been highlighted altogether. The
traditions: a study in historical methodologyis a crucial fourth function is, it keeps the social solidarity and social
methodological intervention of how oral traditions can be an interaction in the entire community. (Somenath
aided source in reconstructing a society with scarce written Bhattacharje, 2016).
evidence. Vansina argues for the equal value of oral source
of history with the written records. The sources like 'oral Oral traditions could also be ideological and may be for the
history' and 'oral traditions' encode the vast knowledge maintenance of status of dynasties, classes, cults or
about the past. The goal behind collecting them is to save associations such as praise – appellations, praise-poems,
sources from oblivion, to come to a first assessment of the ritual utterances, epic and myths of various types. Eic is a
events occurred. Vansina (1965). Oral tradition, a tradition class of traditions all on its own. It is a narrative couched in
or practice that is shared orally or through speech- usually poetic language, subject to special linguistic rules of focus.
handed down from generation to generation. Oral tradition It is instructive about the lives of heroes and entertaining by
is usually eventually written down, but can tell us so much their dramatic qualities. Tales as a type of tradition are
about the society and the people who originated them and fiction and cannot be original. Tales, often do not have a
allowed history to be kept and shared by groups who do or beginning, a composition and an end, but rather disappeared
did not have writing. It was a good way to keep valuable into later tales. Though useful for the historian they contain
information for others in your group and would allow the materials of very mixed age and parentage. Myths are called
literate and the illiterate alike to share the information. Oral as sacred narratives telling which is another aspect of orally
tradition include myths and legends which throw light on transmitted tradition among tribal communities. For them
origin of communities- their social, economic and political myths are real to which cannot be overemphasized. Many
institutions, their taboo, totems, social concepts and authorities on Mythology hence stressed the reality, as
practices (Fadeiye, J, D, 2004). distinct from the fantastic or unreal aspects of myth. Myth is
not merely a story that is told but a reality lived. Myth is not
Secondary sources available at government offices, an idle tale rendered, but a hard worked active force behind
archives, libraries, museums often complements the a generation who had lived in the past. Myths, as tradition
information collected by field work as it pieces together of the people, are not invented they are experienced. The
memories of people and what the elite have written about important attributes of myths are that they are cultural,
them. At times they fill in the gaps where the link is difficult psychological and spiritual. Proverbs are vital aspect of oral
to be found. For instance, the information collected through tradition, are the repository of the collective wisdom of the
oral histories depends upon the extent the informants can tribe, tribal etiquette dictates that the older members of the
recall (Rachel Santhosh, 2008) society. Proverbs are efficient in placing contemporary
incidents within the continuum of tribal tradition. It is an
III. ELEMENTS OF ORAL TRADITION ever-growing and blossoming source of historical data. It is
imperative to stress here that oral traditions are veritable
When thinking about oral tradition we often take into tools in historical reconstruction. Many professional and
account mythology and sacred lore, legends and epics, folk non-professional historians have judiciously used oral
songs and folk tales, and proverbs and riddles. These are sources in writing history.
important elements of the oral tradition, but they are by not
the only components of it.Oral tradition is a vast reservoir of Thus oral tradition represents the essence of their culture. It
secular knowledge. Subjects as diverse as astronomy, helps to understand the meanings that people themselves
agronomy, medicine, meteorology, and rudimentary give and to comprehend how they define different life
engineering and technology are encompassed in the oral situations. Cognitive orientations of the people are shaped
tradition. The spells and chants, sacred rituals employed to by it. It also spells out the desirable goals and values which
gain secular ends and other knowledge systems, traditional provide them broad guidelines to chart the course of their
knowledge, knowledge about medicinal plants, treatment lives. Implicit in it are the evaluative norms which
and others come under oral tradition. Knowledge and skills determine the people’s sense of right and wrong. The
are transmitted through this tradition. Aesthetic expression normative standards that sustain the social system are
and various art forms—dance, dance-drama, and drama— embedded in the corpus of knowledge and beliefs
are vitally linked with the oral tradition. In its totality the transmitted by oral traditions. In many ways it helps in the
oral tradition is a repository of culture as well as its vehicle socialization processes and ensures broad conformity to the
(Dube, 1990). norms of culture. The economic and material base of life
keeps functioning because of the known-how and skills
There are diversified functions of folklore; the first function imparted by oral tradition (Dube, 1990).
is to provide education to the people and a note of discipline
to the very young children. These provide moral to ridicule Oral tradition is largely anonymous. It represents collective
laziness, rebelliousness snobbishness. The second function experience and wisdom. It imperceptibly absorbs what
comes from many sources—individuals, inside groups, and archaeological research. But with patience and care and the
outside groups. The lessons learned by several generations ability to transcend his own cultural and educational biases,
through experience are crystallized into it. People have to the historian in Africa can make good use of oral
respond to new challenges in new ways. The more traditions”.
successful of these responses get absorbed into the oral
tradition.In some societies a part of the oral tradition can be IV. CONCLUSION
extremely valuable in the reconstruction of history. Of
course, not all oral tradition leads to historical Even though there has been a considerable opposition to the
reconstruction. In many societies remembered history of a use of oral tradition in historical writing, it is clear that such
few generations tends to merge into mythology. However, opposition is unjustified because there is no historical
in many cultures there are people who remember source either oral or written that is perfect. There is no
genealogies as well as the deeds of valor and heroism of key record of fulfilling all required conditions. Nevertheless,
historical figures. Thus, such parts of the oral tradition can the use of oral traditions and other non-written sources like
be tapped as sources of history. oral history-oral evidence, archeological remains and a host
of others have come to stay as reliable sources for the
Perhaps the most important area of research in oral tradition writing of history or for the recovery of the past history.
is its role as an instrument of socialization. Through oral Many eminent historians used oral sources or a non-written
tradition explicit and implicit attitudes and values as well as source to reconstruct history proves that oral traditions are
the general outlook on life are transmitted. Cultural good source materials for historical writing. However, it is a
emphases and definition of goals of life are also determined good practice to cross-check oral sources and derived
by the oral tradition. This aspect needs to be investigated in conclusions through other available sources like written
depth. The roles of oral tradition in identity formation as sources and also throughinterdisciplinary approach such as
identities of groups as well as of larger collectivities are anthropology, ethnography, linguistics, geography, sciences
influenced by the oral tradition. (Dube, 1990). In a world of and archaeology. Historian must be careful while using the
global interaction, with aggressive promotion of facts and also to be patient to go to the roots of the oral
international tourism, the exotic elements of tradition have tradition in order to ensure that the facts collected and
become objects of curiosity and interest. While projecting gathered are authentic and genuine. Through the
tradition in an attractive and presentable manner leads to multidisciplinary method, historians are able to apply the
hybridization and even vulgarization. A comparative study insights of history, historical linguistics, archaeology, and
of different cultural policies in this regard is essential. the resources of other disciplines to enrich the evidence of
oral traditions, oral history, and folklore. The reliability of
In spite of the unjustifiable allegations or arguments levied oral tradition can be better guaranteed through critical
against the use of oral tradition in historical writing, it is analysis of data and by following internal and external
important that the historian must know the shortcomings criticism of sources. Finally, a careful effort should be made
noticeable in oral tradition. Should take care to avoid as in the preservation and the enrichment of the tradition so as
much as possible such shortcomings while using oral to preserve the authenticity and diversity of traditional
tradition. The historian must understand the fact that precise cultures.
dates are rare in oral tradition and that oral tradition can be
distorted or fabricated to give credence to a religion or REFERENCES
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