Worker Accommodation Camp Guidelines R0
Worker Accommodation Camp Guidelines R0
Worker Accommodation Camp Guidelines R0
Camp Guidelines
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1. Purpose 03
2. Definitions 03
3. References 03
4. Responsibility 03
5. Salient Features 03
5.1 Scope 04
5.2 Habitat Site Selection Criteria 04
5.3 Minimum area requirements 05
5.4 Minimum facilities to be provided in a room 05
5.5 Design & Construction of habitat 05
5.6 Sanitary Facilities 05
5.7 Drinking Water 06
5.8 First Aid & Medical Facilities 06
5.9 Cooking Area 06
5.10 Hygiene & Housekeeping 06
5.11 Fire Prevention 06
5.12 Security 06
5.13 EHS Inspection 07
5.14 Illumination / Ventilation 07
5.15 Electricals 07
5.16 Community Health & Safety 07
5.17 Emergency Management 08
5.18 Recreational Facilities 08
5.19 Demobilization of labour camp 08
5.20 Maintenance 08
6. Inspection Report 09
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1.0 Purpose:
Tata Projects Limited is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment
and achieving an injury and illness free work place. We understand &comply with
corporate procedures and controls in place to ensure compliance. We commit ourselves
to handle our operations according to specific regulations.
2.0 Definitions:
PET Project Execution Team
3.0 References:
The Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment &
Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 and Central Rules 1998.
4.0 Responsibility:
Project Head shall have overall responsibilities towards Labour Camp to
ensure that standards are implemented & followed.
PET shall be responsible to include all labour camp EHS standards during
designs stage.
Site HR / Admin shall be responsible for
o Maintain and upkeep of the WAC including canteen.
o Security to workers.
o Maintain & upkeep the housekeeping of surrounding area, Toilet &
availability of water.
EHS – They will do audit once in a month along with CFT members
Employees / Workers are responsible to
o Take reasonable care for the health and safety of people who may
be affected by your actions or omissions;
o Co-operate with and support PET with regard to any requirement
imposed in the interests of health, safety or welfare.
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8. First Aid &Medical Facilities
9. Cooking Area
10. Hygiene & Housekeeping
11. Fire Prevention
12. Security
13. EHS Inspection
14. Illumination / Ventilations:
15. Electricals
16. Community Health & Safety
17. Emergency Management
18. Recreational Facilities
19. Demolition of labour camp after project completion
20. Some other regular requirements include
21. Inspections / Audit
5.1 Scope:
This specification establishes the construction &welfare requirements for the
Workmen Habitat.
It covers,
Area requirements for the various facilities of the habitat
Design of the habitat including the construction materials
Specifications of living area, height of the rooms& doors
Specification & requirements for kitchen and other sanitary facilities
such as Toilets, Bathrooms &etc.
Fire & safety requirements
First Aid & Medical requirements
Habitat Operation & Maintenance
Recreational Facilities
Waste Management
EHS Inspection &Monitoring
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5.3 Minimum Area Requirements:
The following requirements shall be considered as a minimum requirement;
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5.7 Drinking Water Requirements:
Sufficient quantity of potable water shall be made available for drinking.
Drinking water tanks should be legibly marked “Drinking Water” in a language
understood by a majority of the workers and 6 meters away from washing
place, urinal or latrine.
Storage tanks must be cleaned as part of regular maintenance procedure to
prevent growth of slime and collection of sediments.
Drinking water must meet IS:10500 drinking water standards and water
quality must be monitored regularly
5.12 Security:
Adequate number of Security Personnel shall be deployed to restrict
unauthorized entries
Security staff shall receive adequate training on first aid, fire fighting and
emergency preparedness.
Security staff shall have a good understanding about the importance of
respecting Workers ‘rights and the rights of the communities.
Security staff shall have the emergency lights, torches and other accessories
required to facilitate during emergency situations
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A minimum of 50 Lux lighting shall be maintained on the roads, parking area,
boundary wall and other general areas of the habitat and site.
Emergency contact numbers shall be displayed at security cabin and
wherever required
First Aid kit shall be available in security cabin.
They should be aware of firefighting equipment.
5.15 Electricals:
The following minimum standards shall be followed for further internal power
The panel board and other electrical installation shall be properly earthed with
suitably designed earth pits.
All outdoor electrical cabling will be sheathed or concealed or buried.
All outdoor electrical equipment’s used shall be weather protected to
minimum IP55
Double earthing to be provided to all panels and to be tested periodically.
The system shall be protected with RCCB or ELCB to trip at 30 mA.
Fuses/MCB/MCCB of suitable ratings, DB boxes etc. to be used in circuits.
There shall be separate circuits for lighting to avoid overloading in circuits.
Rubber mats to be provided in front of electrical panels.
Electrical inspection of wiring must be carried, at regular intervals & any
repairs to be done by only Authorized person.
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A measure if required by analyzing any adverse impacts on the local
environment due to the operation of the WAC facility is minimized.
Measures that there is no discharge of polluted material (liquid or solid) or
air emissions that could health issues within the nearby community.
Controls on dust emissions due to traffic movement will be minimized by
water sprinkling or any other proven control measures.
Measures of water sources (especially the source of potable water) shall
not be endangered by any activity from or due to the WAC.
Space for recreational facilities like volley ball / cricket & their kits to be
made available.
Weekly once arrangement of screening of Safety films to be done.
After the building or other construction work is over, the PET shall
demolition of the temporary structures erected.
In case the land given by a Municipal Board or any other local authority for
the purposes of providing temporary accommodation for the building
workers it shall be returned.
5.20 Maintenance:
House Keeping:
Safety hazards can often be reduced by applying good housekeeping habits and
common sense, by ensuring below requirements;
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The WAC area to be kept free of ambient dust emission by water
sprinkling or other appropriate means to minimize the exposure.
Open areas will be regularly maintained and shall be kept free of dry
grass, bushes or other combustible material.
WAC shall use pesticides that are low in human toxicity, known to be
effective against the target species, and have minimal effects on non-
target species and the environment
Containers, packaging material etc. shall be properly segregated and
disposed off.
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Name of the site :
Job No :
Inspected By :
Points Observation Measures
Are the entry roads / walkways/ passages to
1. habitat kept clear?
Are the walkways & roads are even and free
2. from water logging?
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Any Other Information
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