TM154 Yeni
TM154 Yeni
TM154 Yeni
Account No: 27
44, Avenue John F. Kennedy
L-18726 Luxembourg Name: BULUT FARUK
Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg INVOICE Adress:Turkey/Antalya
Phone: +352 7832 732823
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 171358
VAT No: LU3267382367 No: 0545 628 87 39
Aut. Ets: 376289302387
Phone: +352 32 63 74 4658
Quantity 1
Barcode/Serial: 31562323627
Device Information
A wireless connection problem was detected on the phone brought by the customer. There are frequent interruptions
during the meeting. It was observed that the device brought by the customer was overheating. During the checks, it was
seen that the motherboard was deformed. Device warranty was applied due to lack of motherboard supply.
- Ensure that the old motherboard's serial number and issue are documented.
- Provide details of the new motherboard to be installed.
- Specify any additional services requested.
Ta receive a credit far the activation fee, cancellations must occur within 3 days of activation of service. Returning
equipment does not terminate your service - please cali Customer Service at the number above. lf you received a
replacement device under the Certified Like-New Replacement program, you must return your original device within 1
O days. BUSINESS AND GOVERNMENT CUSTOMERS: T he terms and conditions far return and exchange,
including the return period, may vary by contract. Please contact your Sprint Account Manager ar refer ta your
contract ta determine the terms and conditions of your Sprint contract.
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44, Avenue John F. Kennedy BULUT FARUK
L-18726 Luxembourg
20.03.2024 Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg TURKEY/ANTALYA
Phone: +352 7832 732823
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 171358
VAT No: LU3267382367
Aut. Ets: 376289302387
C0A 83.25