Comparative Performance of 40% and 30% MEA

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and 30% monoethanolamine at PACT pilot plant.

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Akram, M., Milkowski, K., Gibbins, J. et al. (1 more author) (2020) Comparative energy
and environmental performance of 40% and 30% monoethanolamine at PACT pilot plant.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 95. 102946. ISSN 1750-5836

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Comparative Energy and Environmental Performance of 40% and 30%
Monoethanolamine at PACT Pilot Plant
Muhammad Akram*,$, Kris Milkowski*, Jon Gibbins*, Mohammed Pourkashanian*
Translational Energy Research Centre, Energy Institute, University of Sheffield, UK
Corresponding author: e-mail:; Tel: +44 114 222 3655

1. Abstract:
Post combustion CO2 capture using amines is one of the most well understood processes. The
most widely used and studied solvent for this purpose is 30% Monoethanolamine (MEA). The main
issue with the process is the use of energy for stripping CO2 out of the solvent. It is anticipated that
higher concentrations of MEA can capture a higher amount of CO2 and thus reduce energy
consumption but may also result in a worsening of the environmental emissions due to potential
increase in corrosion and solvent degradation.
In order to study the impact of 40% MEA (as opposed to 30% MEA) on the capture plant
performance, a test campaign was carried out at the Pilot Scale Advanced Capture Technology
(PACT) facilities of the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre (UKCCSRC) using 30%
and 40% MEA. The absorber (9 m height x 0.3 m dia.) is packed with 28 sections (6.5 m) of Mellapak
CC3 structured packing. The absorption column temperature profile is measured by 10 RTDs
installed around 48 cm apart along the column length. The performance of the capture plant in terms
of reboiler duty, capture efficiency, loading capacity and liquid to gas ratio is evaluated at different
operating conditions.
It has been found that specific reboiler duty using 40% MEA drops by up to 14% as compared
to that with 30% MEA under similar test conditions. It has also been observed that the process is very
sensitive to reboiler temperature and slight changes in reboiler temperature can have a significant
impact on the plant performance. Moreover, similar energy and capture performance can be achieved
at different reboiler temperatures with right combination of temperature and pressure in the
reboiler/stripper. Corrosion rate was found to be higher with 40% MEA than 30% MEA. Solvent
degradation rate and solvent carry over has also indicated slightly higher levels for 40%. Water wash
was shown to be effective in recovering most of the MEA from the flue gas.

Keywords: Monoethanolamine; Next generation solvents; Carbon capture; Solvent degradation

CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
CCUS Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage
CHP Combined Heat and Power
FGD Flue Gas Desulphurisation
FTIR Fourier-Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy
IMTP INTALOX Metal Tower Packing
L/G Liquid to Gas Ratio
MEA Mono-Ethanol-Amine
NSRD Normalised Specific Reboiler duty
PACT Pilot-scale Advanced Capture Technology
PHW Pressurised Hot Water
RTD Resistance Temperature Detectors
SRD Specific Reboiler Duty
TPD Tonnes Per Day
UKCCSRC UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre

2. Introduction:
Climate change is becoming an increasingly bigger challenge as time is passing. Efforts are
being made to reduce the use of fossils and move towards renewable sources of energy, improving
existing technologies and inventing new technologies. Biomass, renewables, efficiency
improvements, new technologies and CCUS all are required to save the planet. None of these alone
can solve the problem due to technical, environmental, social and availability challenges. All has to
play their part if global temperature rise has to be kept under 2 ⁰C.
Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) is becoming increasingly important as one of
the leading options to tackle climate change. In Oct 2017, UK Government announced new approach
to CCUS as part of clean growth strategy. The main aim is to be ready to deploy CCUS at scale
during 2030s if costs are significantly reduced. Under this plan, a CCUS task force was setup who
delivered its report to the Government in July 2018. The report set out the view of the industry on
how best to progress CCUS in the UK. The key message given by the report is that a roadmap is
developed jointly by government and industry to show how CCUS can be developed and deployed
across all sectors [CCUS Cost Challenge Task Force, 2018]. CCUS deployment pathway published
at the end of 2018 has given an action plan aiming at first UK CCUS commercial plant to be
operational from Mid-2020s [Clean Growth, 2018].
In order to meet the emissions reduction targets, decarbonising industrial sector is as important
as power sector. Post combustion CO2 capture by absorption using amines is one of the leading
technologies to reduce CO2 emissions. The technology is proven to work at commercial scale. The
technology has been used in the industry for more than 60 years mainly applied to gas sweetening
plants and petrochemicals but also applied to Urea manufacturing plants. The beauty of this
technology is that it can be retrofitted to the existing infrastructure saving investments in costly
process changes. The application of the technology to the power sector is relatively new. However,
there are some commercial scale facilities operational around the globe. Sask Power (Boundary Dam
3) in Canada and Petra Nova in USA are two such facilities. There are a number of research facilities
in industrial and academic setups working on different aspects of the technology (de Cazenove et al.
2016; Akram et al. 2016; Notz et al. 2012; Mejdell et al. 2011). Details of all the carbon capture plants
operational, being built or planned can be found on the global CCS institute website.
Pilot-scale Advanced Capture Technology (PACT) situated at University of Sheffield is one
such facility working on CO2 capture from different sources including natural gas, coal, biomass,
waste materials and synthetic flue gases. PACT has two of 330kW CHP gas turbines for firing
gaseous fuels, 250kW pulverised fuel rig for firing biomass, coal and mixtures, 240kW chip boiler
for firing waste wood of different grades.
Although post combustion CO2 capture is well advanced and understood, it has some
drawbacks. The major disadvantage is the cost of CO2 capture, which reduces the power plant
efficiency by 6-7% points. The other issue with this technology is degradation of the solvent due to
heating “thermal degradation” and due to the presence of oxygen in the flue gas “oxidative
degradation”. The chemicals used in this technology are very aggressive and cause corrosion which
is another weak point. Process modifications (Kang et al. 2016; Jassim et al. 2007; Le Moullec et al.
2014; Madan et al. 2013; Ahn et al. 2013; Amrollahi et al. 2011; Oh et al. 2018; Diego et al. 2017;
Merkel et al. 2013; Herraiz, 2016) and new solvents (Aronu et al. 2010; Kumar et al. 2014; Hakka
2007; Yuan and Rochelle, 2018; Wang et al. 2015; Yang et al. 2016; Kim et al. 2013; Cheng et al.

2013) are being tested to minimise these issues. Monoethanolamine (MEA) 30wt% is the most widely
studied solvent. It is understood that higher concentrations of MEA can have better energy
performance. Abu-Zahra et al. (2007) have shown by Aspen plus simulations that reboiler duty drops
as concentration of MEA in the solvent is increased. Therefore, as MEA has been used in the industry
for many decades and its degradation pathways are better understood than most of the new solvents,
concentrated MEA can potentially be a next generation solvent.
However, there are only limited studies on the use of 40% MEA as an alternative solvent
(Abu-Zahra et al. 2007; Li et al. 2016; Delfort et al. 2011, Brigman et al. 2014; Morken et al. 2014).
Abu Zahra et al. performed Aspen simulations to find out optimum conditions for lower reboiler duty
by varying a number of parameters including variation of solvent concentration from 20% to 40%.
They observed that reboiler duty drops with increase in solvent concentration and obtained minimum
reboiler duty with 40% MEA at 0.3 mol/mol lean loading. Li et al. presented simulation results for
different MEA concentrations varying from 25% to 40%. Morken et al. presented emissions data and
concluded that 40% MEA gives higher levels of MEA emissions from absorber. Delfort et al.
presented the impact of oxidation inhibitors on solvent degradation and found that specific inhibitors
were able to reduce solvent degradation considerably. The only study authors found in open literature
comparing the energy performance of 30% and 40% MEA in a real capture plant is by Brigman et al.
Above literature citation indicates that although lots of research work has been carried out on
the CO2 capture process using 30% MEA, practical data with higher concentrations of MEA is very
limited. Therefore, in this test campaign 40% MEA has been tested under widely varying operational
conditions and its energy and environmental performance, wherever appropriate, has been compared
with 30% MEA. The impact of different reboiler temperature and stripper pressures has also been

3. Materials and Methods:

The tests campaign is carried out on 1 TPD CO2 capture capacity pilot plant. Brief plant
overview and experimental strategy including measurements and calculations is described in the

3.1 Plant overview:

The pilot plant is equipped with a Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) column, an absorber, a
desorber, a reboiler and ancillary equipment. Simplified process flow diagram of the plant is shown
in Fig 1. Absorber and desorber specifications are given in Table 1. Both the absorber and the desorber
are 300 mm in diameter. Absorber has 28 sections of Mellapak CC3 packing (total packed height of
6.5 m) while desorber has IMTP25 random packing. The absorber has 10 equally spaced RTDs along
the height for temperature profiling. The absorber is also equipped with watch ports to observe
The plant uses Pressurised Hot Water (PHW) in the reboiler for desorbing CO2. The hot water
is produced by an electric boiler having four electric elements controlled by two separate relays. The
temperature of the hot water is varied by user input and controlled by a thermostat.
In order to reduce costs during these tests, synthetic flue gas was used instead of real flue gas.
Synthetic flue gas was formulated by mixing CO2 from a cryogenic storage tank with air. Therefore,
FGD has not been used during this test campaign. Flow of CO2 was measured by a Coriolis type flow
meter and controlled by a pneumatic control valve. Flow of mixed gas (air+CO2) was measured at

the inlet to the absorber using a Pitot tube type flow meter. Solvent flow rate was measured by
electromagnetic type flow meters and controlled by pneumatic control valves.

Table 1: Absorber and desorber specifications

Specification Absorber Desorber
Diameter (mm) 300 300
Height (m) 9 7.5
Packed height (m) 6.5 7
Packing type Structured Random
Packing specification Mellapak CC3 IMTP25
No. of temperature measurements 10 9

3.2 Sampling and measurements:

In order to assess the performance of the plant, gaseous and liquid streams are analysed. Gas
analysis are performed at five different locations of the plant (FGD inlet, absorber inlet, absorber
outlet, water wash outlet and desorber outlet) using FTIR. Gas samples are extracted using isokinetic
sampling probes. The gas is then passed through heated filters and routed to a heated cabinet via
heated lines. The heated cabinet has solenoids for switching between different lines. The sequence of
the lines and sampling time can be varied using FTIR software. The heated cabinet has two sets of
solenoids for sampling and purging. When one line is being sampled, the next one is being purged to
avoid cross contamination. Gas flow for both purging and sampling setups was measured by rotameter
type flow meters installed in the heated cabinet. After leaving the heated cabinet, sampling line is
routed to FTIR while purging line is routed to a safe location outside the lab. The gaseous stream
exiting the FTIR after analysis is also discharged to a safe location outside the lab. In order to avoid
condensation in the sampling system and that the analysis are as accurate as possible, the whole
sampling system starting from the sampling point on the plant up till the FTIR is kept heated up to
180 ⁰C by thermostatic temperature controllers.

Figure 1: Simplified flow diagram of PACT CO2 capture plant

For solvent analysis, samples from rich and lean solvent streams were collected from the plant
at the end of each test, when the plant was operating at steady state for a period of time. The samples
were analysed for CO2 loadings, MEA concentration and iron content. CO2 loadings and MEA
concentration in rich and lean solvent streams for each test run was measured by endpoint titration
method using Mettler Toledo auto-titrator. The samples were titrated against 0.2M HCl to determine
MEA concentration and with 0.5M NaOH to determine CO2 loading. Further details of titration
procedure and calculations formulas are given in Akram et al. (2016).
Corrosion rate was measured by the amount of Iron (Fe) build up in the solvent over time.
Iron content in the samples was measured using HACH Pocket II Colorimeter. Sample (10 mL) was
taken in each of the two bottles. One of the bottle was used as baseline while Ferrover reagent was
introduced into the second bottle. The working principle is the measurement of light getting through
the sample. Light getting through each of the sample bottles is compared and the difference is
correlated to the amount of Fe in the sample.
The apparatus can only measure up to 5 mg/L of Fe. In order to measure higher concentrations,
samples were diluted by 50% with demineralised water. In this procedure, same sample is used as
span as well as for measurement. Therefore, the impact of change in colour of the aged solvent on the
measurements is neglected.

3.3 Calculations:
Capture efficacy is calculated using flue gas composition and conditions at the inlet and outlet
of the absorber. Temperature, pressure and composition of flue gas are measured at the inlet and outlet
while flow rate is measured only at the inlet of the absorber. There is no gas flow measurement at the
outlet of the absorber due to the risk of flow meter being damaged due to potential of carrying over
water droplets with the absorber exiting flue gas. Thus, outlet flow rate is calculated using mass
balance across the absorber. Following equation (1) is used to calculate capture efficiency.
Capture Efficiency = (Cin – Cout)*100/Cin (1)
Where, Cin = Volume flow of CO2 at NTP entering the absorber; Cout = Volume flow of CO2
at NTP leaving the absorber
Specific Reboiler Duty (SRD) and the amount of CO2 captured is calculated using energy
used in the reboiler and the amount of captured CO2 by using formulas previously given in Akram et
al. (2016). Energy used in the reboiler is calculated using temperature of the Pressurised Hot Water
(PHW) at the inlet and outlet of the reboiler and its flow rate by using Equation 2.
Q = M ∗ Cp ∗ (Tin −Tout) (2)
Where, Q = energy consumption, kJ/h; M = mass flow rate of the pressurised hot water, kg/h;
Cp = specific heat capacity of water, kJ/kg.K; Tin = inlet temperature of the pressurised hot water, ◦C;
Tout = outlet temperature of the pressurised hot water, ◦C.
The amount of CO2 captured was calculated using Equation 3.
MCO2 = (nCO2in − nCO2out) ∗ MWCO2 (3)
Where, MCO2= mass of CO2 captured, kg/h; nCO2in= moles of CO2 entering the absorber;
nCO2out = moles of CO2 leaving the absorber; MWCO2 = molecular weight of CO2.
The energy consumption per unit mass of CO2 captured (MJ/kgCO2) also referred to as SRD
is calculated by using Equation 4 by putting values calculated in equations 2 & 3.
SRD = Q/MCO2 (4)
Normalised Specific Reboiler Duty (NSRD) is calculated by dividing SRD for each test with
the SRD for the test having the lowest SRD.

NSRD = SRD/(SRD)min (5)
Degree of regeneration is calculated by Equation 6.
Degree of regeneration = (Rich loading – Lean loading)*100/Rich loading (6)

3.4 Test Matrix:

Operational conditions (solvent flow rate, gas flow rate, stripper pressure and reboiler
temperature) were varied to test the performance of the solvent. One parameter was varied at a time
keeping rest of the operational conditions fixed. The range of variation in operational conditions is
given in Table 2.

Table 2: Test matrix

Parameter Unit Operational Range
Solvent flow rate kg/h 600-1200
Stripper pressure barg 0.2-0.5
Reboiler temperature set point ⁰C 120-128
Flue gas flow m3/h 160-200
Lean solvent temperature ⁰C 40
Flue gas temperature ⁰C 40

Some of the tests were carried out under controlled conditions for both 30% and 40% MEA
for comparison. Results of all the tests carried out during this test campaign are described in the
following section and sub-sections.

4. Results and discussion:

First set of experiments was carried out for evaluating the performance of 40% MEA,
followed by the comparative tests with 30% MEA and the impact of variation is PHW. The results of
the tests are presented in here.
4.1 Tests with 40% MEA
A number of experiments were carried out under varying operational conditions. The results
of the experiments and interdependency of operational and calculated parameters are presented in this

4.1.1 Capture Efficiency and Specific Reboiler duty

Figure 2 plots the impact of changes in capture efficiency on the reboiler duty for all the 23
experiments carried out with 40% MEA during this test campaign. It can be seen from the plot that,
as the capture efficiency increases, the NSRD first drops and then increases, passing through a
minimum. The data is scattered due to different operational conditions used but the trend is clear.
Minimum NSRD is observed to be at around 75-77% capture efficiency.

4.1.2 Variation of L/G ratio:

Figure 3 shows variation in capture efficiency and NSRD with changes in Liquid to Gas (L/G)
ratio for 40% MEA. It can be observed from the figure that both capture efficiency and NSRD
increase with increase in L/G ratio under the experimental conditions. The figure shows three sets of
data. For the first two sets of data flue gas flow rate was fixed at (170 m3/h and 190 m3/h) while
solvent flow rate was changed to vary L/G ratio. For the third set of data, solvent flow rate was fixed
at 1200 kg/h while gas flow rate was changed to vary L/G ratio. For all the tests, reboiler temperature
was fixed at 125 ⁰C while stripper pressure was fixed at 0.5 barg.


Normalised Specific Reboiler duty

60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Capture Efficiency (%)
Figure 2: Capture efficiency vs. NSRD for 40% MEA

It can be observed from the figure that capture efficiency increases with increase in L/G ratio
but at the cost of increase in NSRD. With increase in L/G ratio, more solvent is available to capture
more CO2 from the flue gas thus capture efficiency increases. On the other hand, at higher solvent
flow rates, more energy is required to heat up the solvent which results in higher NSRD. It can be
concluded from the data that both capture efficiency and NSRD increase with increase in L/G ratio
regardless of the flow variation parameter i.e. solvent flow variation or gas flow variation. At lower
L/G ratios, solvent has lesser capacity to absorb CO2 resulting in increase in CO2 loadings and thus
drop in CO2 capture efficiency. Although plot shows linear trend between L/G ratio and NSRD at the
conditions tested, it is anticipated that at some lower L/G ratio NSRD will start to increase due to
reduction in the amount of captured CO2.

100 2
Normalised Specific Reboiler Duty

90 1.8
80 1.6
Capture Efficiency (%)

70 1.4
60 1.2
50 1
Capture efficiency at 190 m3/h
40 0.8
Capture efficiency at 170 m3/h
30 Capture efficiency at 1200 kg/h 0.6
20 NSRD at 190 m3/h 0.4
10 NSRD at 170 m3/h 0.2
NSRD at 1200 kg/h
0 0
4 6 80 102
L/G ratio (kg/kg)
Figure 3: Capture efficiency and reboiler duty as a function of L/G ratio for 40% MEA

4.2 Comparison of 40% and 30% MEA:
A number of experiments were carried out with 30% to compare the results with 40% MEA.
The results of the tests are given in Figure 4. The figure compares NSRD as a function of capture
efficiency for 30% and 40% MEA. It can be observed from the figure that NSRD is lower for 40%
MEA as compared to that for 30% MEA. Moreover, the difference in the specific reboiler duty
between the two concentrations of MEA is higher at higher capture efficiency. This could be due to
higher capacity of solvent in the case of 40% MEA which can absorb more CO2. It is interesting to
note that the lowest NSRD for both the concentrations of MEA under the tests conditions is around

Normalised specific reboielr duty

0.8 30% MEA
40% MEA
50 55 60 65
70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Capture efficiency (%)
Figure 4: Comparison of capture efficiency vs NSRD for 30% and 40% MEA

Table 3: Operational conditions and results for comparative tests

Parameters Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
MEA (%) 40 30 40 30 40 30
Flue gas flow rate (m3/h) 197.9 197 161 158.5 162.4 158.5
CO2 (%) 13.19 13.14 11.83 12.11 11.83 11.93
Solvent flow (kg/h) 897 890.7 709.7 677.9 705 684.6
Stripper pressure (barg) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4
Reboiler sump temperature (⁰C) 115.4 114.4 115.39 115.62 117.32 117.84
Rich loading (mol/mol) 0.464 0.445 0.432 0.493 0.444
Lean loading (mol/mol) 0.236 0.224 0.209 0.407 0.272
Capture efficiency (%) 77.57 77.76 88.26 90.7 65.84 80.75
NSRD 1.06 1.21 1.21 1.38 1.28 1.24
Degree of regeneration (%) 49.1 49.7 51.6 17.4 38.7
CO2 capture rate (kg/h) 33.7 33.5 28.3 29.3 21.6 26.1

In order to better understand the operational difference between 30% and 40% MEA, a set of
experiments are carried out to compare 30% and 40% MEA under similar operational conditions.
Operational conditions and the results for the three comparative tests are given in Table 3. Tests 1
and 2 were carried out at 0.2 barg stripper pressure while Test 3 was carried out at 0.4 barg stripper

pressure. Temperature of the PHW for all these tests was set at 120 ⁰C. For all the tests reported here,
data is averaged over half an hour steady state test run.
It can be observed from the table that for Test 1, capture efficiency is the same (̴78%) for both
the concentrations of MEA while NSRD is 14% lower for 40% MEA. Similar behaviour is witnessed
in Test 2 where capture efficiency for both of the MEA concentrations is very close (88-90%) while
NSRD is 14% lower in the case of 40% MEA. Brigman et al. (2014) reported a 15% drop in reboiler
duty when concentration of MEA was increased from 30% to 40%, with lean loading of 0.25 and 0.2-
0.25 for 30% and 40% MEA, respectively, and capture efficiency of 85%. Therefore, it can be
concluded that, under the conditions tested, 40% MEA has 14% less specific reboiler duty as
compared to 30% MEA.
On the other hand, in the case of Test 3, NSRD for both the MEA concentrations is close but
capture efficiency is 15% lower in the case of 40% MEA. The reason for this can be explained by
comparing lean loading which is very high, above 0.4 mol/mol, in the case of 40% MEA resulting in
solvent having very low capacity to absorb CO2 in the absorber. This can be observed by looking at
loadings and degree of regeneration values given in Table 3.
It can be observed from the table that lean loading increased from 0.224 to 0.407 mol/mol as
stripper pressure was increased from 0.2 to 0.4 barg, all other parameters were kept the same. This
indicates that there was not enough stripping at this point due to temperature limitations.
For tests 1 and 2, degree of regeneration is 49% while for test 3 it is dropped from 49% to just
17% with increase in stripper pressure from 0.2 to 0.4 barg. So, the poor performance of the stripper
at these conditions is the reason for lower capture efficiency in the case of 40% MEA.
In order to further explain the above phenomenon, Figure 5 plots absorber temperature profile
for the three comparative tests. It can be observed from the figure that the temperature profile for all
the three test cases is similar but bulge temperature is different. The highest bulge temperature is
recorded for Test 2 due to highest capture efficiency for this test case. The lowest bulge temperature
is recorded in the case of Test 3. This is due to reduced absorption as a result of poor stripping as
explained above.
The poor stripper performance resulted in higher lean loading which pushed the absorber
conditions towards the equilibrium pinch. If lean loading is not sufficiently low, CO2 equilibrium
partial pressure in the lean stream entering the absorber is close to the partial pressure of CO2 in the
gas leaving at the top of the absorber. Under these conditions, mass transfer will drop in the upper
section due to lower mass transfer driving force available. In order to avoid such a situation, lean
loading should be dropped by increasing stripper temperature (Brigman et al. 2014). Therefore, in
order to avoid the pinch performance of the absorber, PHW temperature was increased. Results of
the experiments with elevated PHW temperature at 0.4 barg stripper pressure are explained in the
next section.
The temperature at the bottom of the absorber in test 3 is lower than 40 ⁰C due to poor
absorption rate resulting in lower temperatures throughout the absorption column. For the other two
tests, due to higher absorption rate, temperatures along the column are higher so as the temperature
at the bottom of the column.


Location from bottom of packing (m)


Test 1
Test 2
3 Test 3

30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature (C)

Figure 5: Absorber temperature profile for 40% MEA for the comparative tests

4.3 Variation of PHW Temperature:

In the previous section, results of 30% and 40% MEA are compared for three experiments
under similar conditions. The results of Test 3 indicate that the process was equilibrium pinched due
to high lean loading. In order to decrease lean loading and push the conditions away from pinch,
PHW set point was increased gradually from 120 ⁰C to 125 ⁰C.
Figure 6 plots capture efficiency and NSRD for these tests. When the PHW temperature is
increased, capture efficiency increased almost linearly under these conditions. With the increase in
PHW temperature, stripper performs better and therefore, lean loading decreases. NSRD first dropped
with increase in PHW temperature and then increased with further increase in PHW temperature. At
the start, with increase in PHW temperature from 120 ⁰C to 122 ⁰C, NSRD dropped due to
enhancement in stripping process. At these conditions, solvent absorbed more CO2 in the absorber as
a result of lower lean loading. With further increase in PHW temperature to 124 ⁰C, NSRD did not
change although capture efficiency increased from 72% to 88%. At this point increase in energy
consumption in the reboiler is balanced with the increased amount of absorbed CO2. With further
increase in PHW temperature to 125 ⁰C, NSRD started increasing due to relatively higher increase in
the amount of energy used in the reboiler as compared to the increase in the amount of captured CO2
under these conditions.
Figure 7, plot of loadings and degree of regeneration, shows that both lean and rich loadings
drop with increase in PHW temperature. Lower the lean loading, higher the solvent capacity for more
CO2 absorption. The plot shows that lean loading drops sharply while rich loading drops less
dramatically. In other words, the difference between lean and rich loadings, represented as degree of
regeneration in Figure 7, increases as PHW temperature is increased which results in more CO2 to be
captured. The figure shows that as the PHW is increased from 120 ⁰C to 125 ⁰C, degree of regeneration
increases from 17% to around 65%. It is interesting to note that values of degree of regeneration,
capture efficiency and NSRD achieved for stripper pressure of 0.2 barg at PHW temperature of 120
⁰C (test 2 in Table 3) are similar to those achieved at stripper pressure of 0.4 barg and PHW
temperature of 124 ⁰C (Figures 6&7) indicating that capture process for 40% MEA under these
conditions is similar.
In order to better understand the phenomenon, a RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) was
inserted into the reboiler to measure the actual solvent temperature in the reboiler sump. The reboiler
sump temperature is plotted against PHW temperature in Figure 8. PHW is the water providing heat
to the reboiler. PHW temperature is the boiler set point temperature while reboiler temperature is the
actual solvent temperature as measured by inserting RTD right into the middle of the reboiler. As can
be observed from the figure that, at the start, the reboiler sump temperature increase with increase in
PHW temperature. However, when PHW temperature increased from 124 ⁰C to 125 ⁰C, reboiler sump
temperature did not increase indicating that most of the excessive energy introduced by increase in
PHW temperature may have been used in the production of steam under these conditions which has
resulted in increase in NSRD. This indicates that the optimum PHW temperature for 40% MEA under
these operational conditions in this plant is around 124 ⁰C.


Normalised Specific Reboiler Duty

Capture efficiency (%)

60 1.5

40 1
Capture efficiency (%)
20 0.5
0 0
119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
PHW Temperature (⁰C)
Figure 6: Impact of regeneration temperature on capture efficiency and NSRD

0.6 70
0.5 Degree of regeneration (%)
Loading (mol/mol)

Rich loading 40
0.3 Lean loading
0.2 Degree of regeneration
0.1 10
0 0
118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
PHW Temperature (⁰C)
Figure 7: Comparison of rich and lean loadings and degree of regeneration for PHW
temperature variation

0.6 130

Reboiler Temperature (⁰C )

Loading (mol/mol)
0.3 120
0.2 Rich loading 116
Lean loading 114
Reboiler temperature
0 110
118 119
120 121 122 123 124 125 126
PHW Temperature (⁰C)
Figure 8: Comparison of rich and lean loadings and reboiler sump temperature for PHW
temperature variation

In order to reduce the production of steam, pressure was increased to 0.5 barg at reboiler
temperature of 125 ⁰C. The results are plotted in Figure 9. With further increase in reboiler
temperature, NSRD dropped slightly and stayed stable. Capture efficiency also dropped slightly due
to reduced stripping at increased pressure at the same reboiler temperature, however, capture
efficiency kept on increasing with increase in reboiler temperature due to increased amount of
stripping at higher temperature at constant stripper pressure of 0.5 barg. It is clear from the figure that
capture efficiency increases linearly with increase in reboiler temperature at both pressures under the
test conditions.
It is also interesting to observe in the plot that similar capture efficiency can be obtained at
0.5 barg as at 0.4 barg but at slightly higher temperature with 0.5 barg. This highlights that capture
efficiency can be maintained at elevated stripper pressure by the right combination of temperature
and pressure. It is anticipated that compression costs can be reduced if performance of the capture
plant can be maintained at elevated stripper pressures.

100 1.8
Normalised Specific Reboiler

80 1.4
Capture efficiency (%)


Capture efficiency at 0.4 barg 0.8

Capture efficiency at 0.5 barg 0.6
20 NSRD at 0.4 barg 0.4
NSRD at 0.5 barg 0.2
0 0
120 121
122 123 124 125 126 127
PHW Temperature (⁰C)
Figure 9: Capture efficiency and NSRD as a function of reboiler temperature
4.4 Emissions:
Gas composition was analysed at absorber inlet, absorber outlet and water wash outlet
periodically. Figures 10 and 11 plot concentration of MEA and Ammonia recorded on a typical test
day by FTIR for 40% and 30% MEA concentrations, respectively. In order to distinguish between
different measurements points only part of the data is plotted. The measurement intervals at absorber
inlet, absorber outlet and water wash outlet are marked in the graphs. In both cases, peak values for
MEA in the plot are the measurements at the outlet of the absorber while the lower values are for
water wash outlet. As can be seen from the plot in Figure 10, concentration of MEA at the outlet of
the absorber for 40% MEA was quite high, mostly between 100 and 150 ppm while at the outlet of
the water wash was below 10 ppm indicating that simple water wash was quite effective in removing
most of the MEA from the flue gas. Concentration of ammonia was always measured to be around
50 ppm and was similar at the inlet and outlet of the water wash. Fractionally higher values noted at
the water wash outlet are due to changes in gas composition due to water condensation.

Absorber outlet
Absorber inlet MEA
MEA/Ammonia (ppm)

Water wash outlet Ammonia




0 60 3090 120 150
Time (mins)
Figure 10: Emissions of MEA and Ammonia for 40% MEA (sample data)

Absorber outlet
Absorber inlet,
MEA/Ammonia (ppm)

stripper outlet
Water wash outlet



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (mins)
Figure 11: Emissions of MEA and Ammonia for 30% MEA (sample data)
In the case of 30% MEA, concentration of MEA in the flue gas was always below 15 ppm
with slightly lower values measured at the outlet of the water wash as compared to the inlet. This
suggests that higher concentrations of MEA can result in higher carryover of MEA from absorber but
simple water wash is good enough to tackle the issue. Concentration of ammonia in the case of 30%
MEA was always around 25 ppm or below indicating that higher concentration of MEA can degrade
at faster rate. In order to make full understanding of the phenomenon, further studies are being carried
out at the PACT plant which will be published in the public domain very soon.
Morken et al. (2014) reported emissions of MEA at the outlet of water wash of around 20 ppm
and 100 ppm for 30% and 40% MEA, respectively. Similar data is reported by Rochelle et al. (2011)
who reported that 30% MEA at a CO2 loading of 0.45 has a MEA volatility of 30 ppm.
This indicates that higher concentrations of MEA have higher tendency for carry over with
the flue gas. Water wash section has to be designed to be very efficient in removing MEA from
exiting flue gases if higher concentrations of MEA are to be used.

4.5 Corrosion:
Baseline solvent used in the industry is 30% MEA and all other new solvents and
concentrations are compared to the performance of the baseline standard. Higher concentrations of
MEA can result in higher degradation rates (Morken et al. 2014) and possibly higher material
corrosion rates (Brigman et al 2014).
In order to compare the rate of degradation of 30% and 40% MEA, samples were collected
every two days and were analysed for Iron (Fe) by HACH Pocket Colorimeter II. The results are
shown in Figure 12. After 8 days of operation with 40% MEA, Fe content was measured to be 5.5
mg/L while that with 30% MEA was 3.2 mg/L. This indicates that 40% MEA has higher corrosion
rate as compared to 30% MEA. However, Brigman et al (2014) reported that they have not measured
any significant increase in iron concentrations when using 40% MEA in a stainless steel absorber but
their absorber was lined with polypropylene. Further pilot scale studies are being carried out at PACT
pilot plant to quantify the impact of MEA strength on the plant corrosion and resulting degradation.
However, the results presented in Figure 12 show a clear trend that higher concentrations of MEA
can result in higher degree of solvent degradation.

40% MEA
Fe conc. in solvent (mg/L)

30% MEA

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Operational Days

Figure 12: Corrosion measurement with 40% MEA

5. Conclusions:
Experiments are carried out with 30% and 40% MEA concentrations to compare performance
of the two solvent concentration at PACT CO2 capture pilot plant. The results have shown that higher
concentrations of MEA give better specific reboiler duty but result in increase in rate of corrosion
and degradation. It has been observed that 40% MEA offers around 14% lower specific reboiler duty
than 30% MEA under identical operational conditions.
The process is very temperature sensitive and slight change in reboiler temperature can have
a big impact on the performance. It is observed during these tests that it may be possible to achieve
similar capture efficiency and specific reboiler duty for different reboiler temperatures with right
combination of stripper pressure and reboiler temperature. In order to reduce burden on the
downstream compression process it is desirable to operate the CO2 capture strippers at elevated
pressures. The results here suggest that it is possible to achieve similar performance at elevated
pressures. However, higher operating temperature at higher pressures will have impact on solvent
degradation and corrosion.
Although 40% MEA has better energy and capture performance, degradation and corrosion
rates are higher with 40% MEA as compared to those with 30% MEA. In order to control degradation
and corrosion rate it may be required to introduce corrosion inhibitors into the system. Further
research is required to compare the impact of corrosion inhibitors on controlling the corrosion rate in
different MEA concentrations.
Solvent emissions at the absorber outlet are higher for 40% MEA than 30% MEA indicating
that concentrated MEA has higher tendency for carry over. During these trials it was observed that
simple water wash was able to lower the MEA emissions to below 10 ppm. However, in order to
control the emissions to the atmosphere, if higher concentrations of MEA are to be used, it may be
required to use two stage water wash, acid wash in the first stage and simple water wash in the 2nd

6. Acknowledgement:
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the UK CCS Research Centre
for making their Pilot-scale Advanced Capture Technology (PACT) facilities available for the
research. The UKCCSRC is funded by the EPSRC as part of the Research Council UK (RCUK)
Energy Programme.

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