OBGYN History Form

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Name______________________________ Date of Birth __________ Date __________

Reason for Visit / Chief Complaint _______________________________________________
Primary Care Physician ________________________________________________________
Menstrual History
Age when started first menstrual cycle _______ Fist day of last menstrual period __________
Number of days from the first day of one cycle to the first day of next cycle __________
Duration (how many days of flow?) _______ Amount (light, moderate, heavy) ______________
Cramping (mild, moderate, severe?) __________ Helped with medication __________________
What type of contraceptive (birth control device) do you use? ____________________________
When was your last Pap smear? __________ Where? __________ Was it normal? __________
When was your last Mammogram? __________ Where? __________
When was your last Dexa (bone density scan)? __________ Where? __________
Menopausal History
Age of onset of menopause _______
Are you experiencing menopausal symptoms? _______
Are you currently on hormone replacement therapy? _______
Obstetrical History
_______ Number of living children
_______ Number of premature deliveries
_______ Number of full term births

_______ Number of miscarriages/abortions

_______ Number of vaginal deliveries
_______ Number of Cesarean section

Surgical History
List all surgeries you have every had (include C-sections, tonsillectomy, gallbladder, oral, etc.)
Date of surgery:
Type of surgery:
Have you ever had a colonoscopy? _______ If yes, When? _______ Where? ________________
Family History
Father (circle one) Living Deceased
List any known illnesses, medical conditions, cause of death. ______________________
Mother (circle one) Living Deceased
List any known illnesses, medical conditions, cause of death. ______________________
Please complete reverse side of form. OVER

Family History Contd

Do you have any sibling with any medical problems. If so, please list. (Circle which sibling)
Sister (Living / Deceased) ___________________________________________
Sister (Living / Deceased) ___________________________________________
Sister (Living / Deceased) ___________________________________________
Is there any family history of cancer? _______. Please list which relative and type of caner.
(Please specify if maternal or paternal relative.)
Type of Cancer
_______________ (Living/Deceased)
_______________ (Living/Deceased)
_______________ (Living/Deceased)
Social History
Marital Status _______________
Occupation ____________________________________________________________________
Do you smoke?_______ How many packs per day? __________ How many years? __________
Do you drink alcohol? _______ How much? __________ How often do you drink? __________
How many caffeinated drinks do you have in a day (coffee, tea, soda)? ____________________
Do you exercise? _______ What type? ________________ How many days per week? _______
Spouses name and occupation ____________________________________________________
What is your preferred Pharmacy___________________________ Location________________
List all medications that you are currently taking (include birth control, creams, aspirin, vitamins,
hormones, and other supplements).
Name of Medication
How often you take it
Medication Allergies (Include Latex allergies)
Your Reaction
Medical Conditions
List any medical conditions that you have (diabetes, asthma, hypertension, high cholesterol, etc.)
Any history in you or your sexual partner(s) of syphilis, sores, gonorrhea, herpes, blisters,
trichomonas, warts, pelvic or tubal inflammation (PID), or other sexually transmitted diseases?
If yes, indicate which STDs. ______________________________________________________
**Please remember to bring this form in with you to your appointment.**

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