Efecto Aireación y Concentración Lodos
Efecto Aireación y Concentración Lodos
Efecto Aireación y Concentración Lodos
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 78 2011
various sludge concentrations, pH and acclimatization periods by the cost of substrate (molasses, glucose and propionate) and
on the oily effluent quality. Also, due to the nature of the extraction of the polymer from the cells. Furthermore, the need
wastewater, the microbial activity throughout the treatment for sterilization and sterile fermentation systems is prevented.
will result the accumulation of biodegradable polyester, It is well known that activated sludge submitted to transient
Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) which can be used in the conditions, mainly caused by discontinuous feeding and
manufacturing of biodegradable plastics. In short, the variations in electron acceptor presence, can store large
proposed reactor will not only reduce the detrimental effects of amounts of PHA. This accumulation is the key factor in the
the effluents, but the end products of this reaction will benefit competition for substrate between microorganisms in the
the general public. activated sludge processes [7].
During the wastewater treatment, bacteria can produce PHA is synthesized and intracellularly accumulated in most
storage granules of PHB (poly-b-hydroxy butyric acid). PHB bacteria under unfavorable growth condition such as limitation
is microbial poly-esters, and also called as bio-plastics, as they of nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen or magnesium in the presence
are biodegradable polymer. PHB is stored in the cell of excess supply of carbon source [4] and [8]. Strategies are
cytoplasm by a microorganism under stress conditions caused still being developed to simulate conditions for efficient
by limitation of nutrients. Industry use pure microbial cultures production of PHAs. [8] and [9]. Some bacteria such as A.
and pure substrate (mostly glucose) to produce PHB. A high eutrophus, A. Latus and mutant strain of Azotobacter
production cost process is caused by the substrate cost and vinelandii are known to accumulate PHA during growth in the
energy for sterilization and extraction of the polymer, absence of nutrient limitation.
therefore, so far production cost of polymer. Therefore, still Several factors need to be considered in the selection of a
ten times of the conventional plastics. Using mixed cultures microorganism for the industrial production of PHA such as
can reduce cost of production of PHB, because of cheap the ability of the cell to utilize an inexpensive carbon source,
substrate and simple (non-sterile) reactors are used. Using growth rate, polymer synthesis rate and the maximum extent of
mixed culture, selection of microorganism occurs based on its polymer accumulation of a particular cell based on the
capability, to store PHB. The metabolism of PHB storage is substrate. Some workers have derived equation that predicts
the availability of electron donor and acceptor or because the the PHA yield on carbon sources [10] which could be used for
non-continuous availability of substrate for the microorganism. the preliminary calculation of PHA yields. In order to reduce
Cooking oil wastewater (from palm oil factory) can be the overall cost, it is important to produce PHA with high
considered as an alternative, cheap substrate for PHB productivity and yield.
production. The COD moderate content (1500-5000 mg/L) Several methods such as fed-batch and continuous
and high oil and grease content (80-100 g/L) will be an cultivations have been carried out to improve productivity [4]
advantage as a substrate. and [8]. Only three prominent PHAs [PHB, poly (3-
Bioplastics are attracting much interest as alternatives to hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) and poly (3-
traditional plastics. They are biodegradable and can be formed hydroxyhexanoate-co-3-hydroxyoctanoate)] had been
from renewable resources. Among the biodegradable plastics produced to a relatively high concentration with high
polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), and in particular, the productivity. Recently, workers have been exploring
copolymer poly -(hydroxybutyrate-hydroxyvalerate) cultivation strategies involving inexpensive, renewable carbon
[P(HBHV)], are the most promising. P(HB-HV) has similar substrates in order to reduce production cost and obtain high
properties to polypropylene. It can be processed in the same productivity [4], [11] - [14]. Recovery of PHA should also be
way, and it could have the same wide range of application [1]. considered because it significantly affects the overall process
However, until now production of P(HB-HV) has proven to be economics. The last stage of PHB production involves
much more costly than traditional oil-derived plastics and this separating the polymer from the cells. To do this a solvent of
has hindered its use becoming more widespread [2]. aqueous extraction can be used. In the aqueous process, the
Poly -hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) is the most extensively cell walls are broken, and the polymer is then extracted and
studied PHA, produced in nature in the presence of excess purified. The aqueous process is less expensive, but the
carbon by bacteria as storage granules providing food, energy process reduces the polymer molecular weight.
and reducing power [3]. PHB has properties similar to The research project is primarily intended to treat oily
petroleum derived synthetic plastics like polypropylene (PP) wastewater, and simultaneously to produce bio-plastic in terms
and is completely biodegradable in the environment. of PHB (poly hydroxy butyric acid). The stirred tank reactor
Much effort has been spent in optimizing the poly-b- was used, and to enhance pollutant reduction and PHB
hydroxybutyrate (PHB) production using pure substrates and accumulation, aeration was applied. Effect of sludge
pure cultures [4] - [5]. However, the product (PHB) cost is still concentration, i.e. number of microbes worked for treatment,
around ten times higher than that of conventional plastics [6]. and effect of aeration, i.e. amount of aeration supplied were
The use of mixed cultures and cheap substrates (waste investigated.
materials) can reduce costs of PHA production by more than
50%. The major costs in the PHA production are determined
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 78 2011
B. Sludge
Fig. 1 Effect of aeration and sludge concentration on COD
The raw oily wastewater and SBR sludge from a palm oil removal
refinery factory in Kuala Langat, Selangor was collected as the
subjects for this study. These samples were collected using 25 Higher aeration provides more oxygen to oxidize and
liters containers and kept in the cold room (in the degrades the COD in the wastewater. The organic substances
Environmental and Public Health Laboratory, Department of are readily degraded to simple organics by microorganisms in
Civil and Environmental Engineering) at temperature range the treatment. Sludge concentration of 7350mg/L VSS is
from three ºC to four ºC for preservation. suitable for oily wastewater treatment as the sludge contains
C.Experimental adequate microorganisms to remove organic substances in
wastewater. It is comparable with previous study which stated
Acclimatization is a process for microorganisms in the
sludge to adapt to the new environment in wastewater and 3000-6000mg/L MLSS can achieve higher treatment
maintaining performance in different environmental condition. efficiency in activated sludge. The other operation parameters
The organisms adjust their morphological, behavior, physical can be varied to improve the removal efficiency, and the best
and chemical form so able to respond to the changes occurred. operational condition may apply in this study.
Acclimatization is carried out using a mixture of activated B. Oil and Grease removal
sludge, and wastewater collected in a 3:1 ratio in volume for
Fig. 2 shows oil and grease removal at different aeration
five days. Every acclimatization process was carried out in a
three liter stirred tank with a 6-blades up-pumping 45o-pitched rate. Oil and grease removal was found in range of 12.9 to
blade impeller at 200 rpm. 54.8%. It is obvious that from no aeration to higher aeration
The treatment process of oily wastewater was carried out in rate, the removal percentage increased. For run at sludge
variation of aeration rate (zero aeration, low aeration concentration of 7350mg/L VSS, the final effluent still contain
1.5L/min, high aeration 2.0L/min), and sludge volume (25%, high oil and grease concentration, as the removal percentage is
50%, and 75% equivalent to 4360mg/l, 8720mg/l, and low. Aerobic treatment of oil and grease is shown to be in low
13080mg/l VSS respectively). All the treatment run are carried efficiency when oily wastewater is not diluted because oil is
out in a three liters cylinder tank and stirred with a 6-blades long chain organics and hard to be degraded. In conclusion,
up-pumping 45o-pitched blade impeller. To provide aeration, oxygen provided can help degrade oil and grease better.
an air pump was utilized to provide different rate of air supply.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 78 2011
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