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Buddhism and Jainism Key Terms

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Keywords of Buddhism and Jainsim



1)Sadaparibhuta- manifests the never disparaging spiring remove feelings of worthlessness &
low self esteem
Represent Buddha’s Qualities

Lord with a Lotus in hand” deals with compassion represents Buddha’s Compassion

3)Maitreya- future Buddha who will appear on Earth in future,Laughing Buddha represents
Buddha Activity

4)Manjushri-Bodhisattva of Wisdom
male,with flaming sword in one hand and blue Lotus on other ,represent Buddha’s Wisdom

5)Samantabhadra- Bodhisattva of Practice and Meditation, represents Buddha’s Aspirations

6)Ksitigarbha-Bodhisattva of Mortals, saving oppressed represents Buddha’s Merit

7)Vajrapani -Thunderbolt-bearing Bodhisattva

depicted holding the vajra in his right hand represents Buddha’s Power

8) Akasagarbha boundless space treasury,

represents Buddha’s Blessings

"Parajika" is serious offence which led to expulsion from Sangha

"Ashtangika Marg" is recommended 8 fold path by Buddha

"Sthaviravada " and "Mahasanghika" school established during 2nd Buddhist council

"Tara" is associated with Vajrayana Buddhism represents virtue of success in work and
achievement ,female Diety
"Paramita"means perfection in Buddhism is associated with noble qualities that are found in
Buddha-like enlightened beings

"Sutta Patika" - teaching of Buddha complied by Ananda its further divided into following
*Digha Nikaya
*Majjhima Nikaya
*Samyutta Nikaya
*Anguttara Nikaya
*Khuddaka Nikaya

*Vinaya Pitaka*- Rules followed by monks compiled by Upali

*Abhidhamma*- Philosophical Buddhist teaching composed by Mogaliputta Tissa

"Jataka" - related to stories from previous birth of Buddha

" Nettipakaraṇa " is a mythological Buddhist scripture, sometimes included in the Khuddaka
Nikaya of Theravada Buddhism's Pali Canon.

"Avadanasataka "or “Century of Noble Deeds” is an anthology in Sanskrit which contains some
collection of Buddhist narratives compiled from the second to fifth centuries CE

"Lokottaravadin " sect was an offshoot of Mahasanghika sect of Buddhism

"Upasika" lay worshippers

"Mongolian Kanjur" Buddhist canonical text considered to be the most important ij Mongolia

"Parinirvana" regarded as one of the major principles as well as goals of Buddhism,

"Suttavibhanga" also known as the Patimokkha Sutta, provides the regulations for completely
ordained monks known as bhikkhus (Maha Vibhanga) and fully ordained nuns known as
bhikkhunis (Maha Vibhanga).
"Mahavagga " is about the Buddha's awakening and his great disciples,

"Cullavagga" is about the First and Second Buddhist Councils, as well as the establishment of a
community of Buddhist nuns

"Parivara "- said to have been written by a Ceylonese monk, it is a handbook of instruction on
the contents of the Vinaya Pitaka

"Udana " is a compilation of the Buddha's compassionate remarks. It includes the well-known
fable "Blind Men and Elephant.

"Itivuttaka "- literally means "thus hath been spoken" - is a collection of maxims uttered by the
Buddha to his students.

"Jatakamala"- folklore literature

Niddesa or Mahaniddesa - a commentary on the Suttanipata's first and second chapters.

"Buddhavamsa" tells the story of the lives and acts of the 24 Buddhas who preceded Gautama.

"Mahavastu" is widely regarded as the most important work of the Hinayana school.

"Apadanas",describes the actions of young monks and nuns who have acquired the level of

"Lalitvistara" -Mahayanic text deals with life of Buddha

Divyavadana means divine tales. It contains anthology in 38 stories in Sanskrit text, deals with
Mauryan and Sunga History

Udanavarga is an early Buddhist Sanskrit text. It has verses attributed to Buddha and his

"Mahavibhasa "Sanskrit work on Buddhism attributed to Vasumitra,also deals with Vaisheshika

and samkhya philosophy
"Digha Nikaya"contains some of the speeches of the Buddha.

"Bodhi Vamsa"
Bodhi Vamsa is a mix Sanskrit Pali text,
by Upatissa

"Buddhacharita"- by Ashvagosha epic poem written on the life of Gautam Buddha in the early
second century in the Sanskrit languag

Milinda Panha
Milinda Panha means “Questions of Milinda it has compiled dialogue of Indo-Greek king
Meander and Buddhist monk Nagasena


"Nine Tattvas "act to it Jainism has 9 truths

"Asrava "denotes the inflow of karmic matter by the soul.

"Anekantavada "reality is manifold can be examined from many standpoints.It means non-
one-sidedness or “many-sidedness, or non-absolutism

"Arhat "one who is about to attain Nirvana

"Upadhya" is Saint Teacher

"Kevalya Gyana" is absolute knowledge and is the highest form of knowledge that a soul can

"Navakar Mantra" is the fundamental prayer in Jainism

"Shufta kevalin" are those individuals In Jains who have complete knowledge of Jains text

"Anuvrata" vows "of jainsim taken by household persons

"Mahavrata vows" of Jainsim taken saints/monks….major difference between Annuvrata and

Muhavrata is celibacy ,saints have to follow celibacy completely

"Pratikraman " ritual where Jain Saints Repent for their sins in daily life

According to the Jainism "illustrious or worthy persons" are 63 illustrious beings who appear
during each half-time cycle
During Rise and Fall cycle ,Shalakapurashi guides man , Tirthankara is also part of

Jains believe in cycle of rise and fall wheel of time ,"Utasapan"i means Rise, Fall means
"Avasarpni "

"Basadis" Jain established Monastery

"Yapaniya "sect of jain originated from the Digambara sect present in Karnataka
"Kapalsutra" is jain text contains biographies of all jains tirthankara ,Bhadrabahu was the author
of Kalpa Sutra.

"Samosaran" - the divine preaching hall of the Tirthankara, where sermons of Trithankara are
delivered a
Sittanavasal Cave are also based on this

"Sharavak "- who taken 5 vows of jainsim and tries to fulfill it

"Parishishtaparvan" tells political history of Jainism ,was written by Hemachandra which

describes the establishing Chandragupta’s connections with Jainism

"Trishashthilkshana Mahapurana" is a major Jain text composed largely by Acharya Jinasena

during the rule of Rashtrakuta. Relates the history and legends of 63 important figures in the
Jain faith.

"Pancha Parameshthi "is the hierarchy of religious authorities in Jainism

Arihants, Siddhas,Acharyas,Upadhyayas, Saints or Monks

"Syadvada " means the doctrine that all judgments are conditional, holding good only in certain
conditions, circumstances, or senses.

"Nayavada" denotes the system of explaining reality from several points of view.

The Jainsim has been divided into two major sects: Digambara and Svetambara.
Sub sects of Digambara
Mula Sangh
Taranpantha or Samaiyapantha

Minor Sub-Sets of Digambara


Major Sub-Sects of Svetambara


"Agam "Literature the sacred books of the Jain religion.

"Ang-agama": These texts contain the direct preaching of Lord Mahavir
"Ang-bahya"-agams expansions of Ang-agams

"Kalas "Jaina conception of time which is divided into six stages called Kalas

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