1 s2.0 009286749090303V Main
1 s2.0 009286749090303V Main
1 s2.0 009286749090303V Main
5' CG TC G C 3'
T A G G T T T 5’
C c c c
Figure 1. N-Terminal Amino Acid Sequence of KL and Deduction of the Corresponding Nucleic Acid Sequence by PCR
Top line: N-terminal amino acid sequence (residues lO-36)of KL. Middle line: Nucleotide sequences of three cDNAs obtained by cloning the 101
bpPCRproduct(~rightpanel)intoM13andsubsequentsequencedetermination.Bottomline:sequencesofthe degenerate senseandantisense
primers used for first-strand cDNA synthesis and PCR. Right panel: Derivation of cDNAs corresponding to the N-terminal amino acids 10-36 of
KL by RT-PCR. One microgram of pcly(A)+ RNA from BALB/c 3T3 cells was used as template for cDNA synthesis and subsequent PCR amplifica-
tion in combination with the two degenerate oligonucleotide primers. Electrophoretic analysis of the 101 bp PCR product in agarose is shown.
91- I)
sihw 125
Figure 3. Identification of KL-Specific RNA Transcripts in BALB/c 3T3 Figure 4. SDS-PAGE Analysis of KL
Cell RNA by Northern Blot Analysis
(A) Silver staining of KL. (B) Autoradiography of ‘*%KL.
Poly(A)+ RNA (4 kg) from BALB/c 3T3 cells was electrophoretically
separated, transferred to nitrocellulose, and hybridized with 32P-
labeled 1.4 kb KL cDNA. The migration of 18s and 28s ribosomal
RNAs is indicated. transcript of 6.5 kb and two minor transcripts of 4.6 and 3.5
kb were identified on a blot containing poly(A)+ RNA by
using the 1.4 kb KL cDNA as a probe. Identical transcripts
were detected by using an end-labeled oligonucleotide de
ers corresponding to amino acids 10-16 (sense primer) rived from the N-terminal protein sequence (not shown).
and 31-36 (antisense primer) provided with endonuclease This result then indicates that KL is encoded by a large
recognition sequences at their 5’ ends were synthesized mRNA that is abundantly expressed in BALE/c 3T3 cells.
as indicated in Figure 1A. A cDNA corresponding to the
KL mRNA sequences that specify amino acids 10-36 of The Soluble Form of KL Is a Ligand of the
KL was obtained by using the reverse transcriptase modifi- c-kit Receptor
cation of the polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). pOly(A)+ The fibroblast-derived hematopoietic growth factor KL
RNA from BALE/c 3T3 cells was used as template for had been shown to facilitate the proliferation of primary
cDNA synthesis and PCR amplification in combination bone marrow mast cells and peritoneal mast cells and to
with the degenerate oligonucleotide primers. display erythroid burst-promoting activity. To determine if
The amplified DNA fragment was subcloned into M13, KL is the ligand of the c-kit receptor, we first thought to
and the sequences of three inserts were determined. The demonstrate specific binding of KL to cells that express
sequence in between the primers was found to be unique high levels of the c-kit protein: mast cells (BMW) and NW
and to specify the correct amino acid sequence (Figure 1). 1+r2cells expressing the c-kit cDNA. KL was labeled to high
An oligonucleotide (49 nucleotides) corresponding to the specific activity with 1251 by using the modified chlora-
unique sequence of the PCR products was then used to mine T method (Stanley and Guilbert, 1961). Analysis of
screen a hgtll mouse fibroblast cDNA library. A 1.4 kb the labeled material by SDS-PAGE showed a single band
clone was obtained that, in its 3’ half, specifies an open of 26-30 kd (Figure 4), and mast cell proliferation assays
reading frame that extends to the 3’ end of the clone and indicated that the labeled material had retained its bio-
encodes 270 amino acids (Figure 2). The first 25 amino logical activity. Binding of increasing concentrations of
acids of the KL amino acid sequence have the character- ‘*%KL to NIH ~2 cells expressing the c-kit cDNA, NIH ~2
istics of a signal sequence. The N-terminal peptide se- control cells, normal BMMC, and WW, WI+, and WV/WV
quence that had been derived from the purified protein BMMC at 4% was measured. The results shown in Figure
(amino acids 26-65) follows the signal sequence. A hydro- 5 indicated binding of labeled KL to NIH IJ.I~c-kit cells and
phobic sequence of 21 amino acids (residues 217-237) fol- to +I+, WI+, and WY/WY mast cells, but not to NIH ~2
lowed at its carboxyl end by postively charged amino control cells or WV mast cells. The WY mutation is the re-
acids has the features of a transmembrane segment. In sult of a missense mutation in the kinase domain of c-kit
the sequence between the signal peptide and the trans- that impairs the in vitro kinase activity but does not affect
membrane domain, four potential N-linked glycosylation the expression of the c-kit protein on the cell surface
sites and four irregularly spaced cysteines are found. A (Nocka et al., 199Oa). By contrast, W results from a dele-
C-terminal segment of 33 amino acids follows the trans- tion due to a splicing defect that removes the transmem-
membrane segment without reaching a termination signal brane domain of the c-kit protein; the protein therefore is
(end of clone). The KL amino acid sequence therefore has not expressed on the cell surface (Nocka et al., 199Oa).
the features of a transmembrane protein: an N-terminal Furthermore, binding of 1251-KL could be competed with
signal peptide, an extracellular domain, a transmembrane unlabeled KL and with two different anti-c-kit antisera (not
domain, and a C-terminal intracellular segment. shown). These results indicated binding of 1251-labeled
RNA blot analysis was performed to identify KL-specific KL to cells that express c-kit on their cell surface.
RNA transcripts in BALE/c 3T3 cells (Figure 3). A major To obtain more direct evidence that KL is the ligand of
+I+ ,--
(A) NIH qQ/c-kit cells containing
expression vector and expressing
the pLJ c-M
a high level
,,,f’ /1
of c-kit protein.
(6) Mast cells derived from bone marrow of
7G‘Or :/,’<’
+I+ or WY/W’ adult mice or fetal liver cells of
,’I +I+).
8 L’ ,,:‘I
5 ,*;
I / / / /
0, 1
0 .4 .0 1.2 -1 .6
KL (nrr) KL (na)
the c-kit receptor, we determined if receptor-ligand com- dicated three species: one at approximately 30 kd, repre-
plexes could be purified by immunoprecipitation with c-kit senting KL coprecipitated but not cross-linked to c-kit; one
antisera. This experiment requires that a KL-c-kit com- at 180-190 kd, corresponding to a covalently linked c-kif-
plex be stable and not be affected by the detergents used KL monomer-monomer complex; and a high molecular
for the solubilization of the c-kit receptor. Precedent for weight structure that is at the interface between the sepa-
such properties of receptor-ligand complexes derives rating and stacking gels (Figure 6B). Molecular structures
from the closely related macrophage colony&imulating of similar size were observed if the cell lysates were sepa-
factor (CSF-1) receptor and PDGF receptor systems (Sherr rated directly on SDS-PAGE without prior immunoprecipi-
et al., 1985; Heldin et al., 1989). 1251-KL was bound to tation (not shown). Following precipitation with nonim-
receptors on BMMC by incubation at 4%. Upon washing mune serum, no l~l-labeled molecules were observed.
to remove free 1251-KL, the cells were solubilized by us- The formation of the high molecular weight structures was
ing the Triton X-100 lysis procedure and precipitated with dependent on the incubation of KL with mast cells and
anti-v-kit and anti-c-kit rabbit sera conjugated to protein was not observed by cross-linking KL with itself. Taken to-
A-Sepharose. ‘25l-KL was retained in immunoprecipi- gether, these results provide evidence that KL specifically
tates obtained by incubation with anti-kit sera but not with binds to the c-kit receptor and is a ligand of c-kit.
nonimmune controls, as shown by the analysis of the im-
mune complexes by SDS-PAGE (Figure 6A), where recov- Mapping of KL to the SI Locus
ery of intact 1251-KL was demonstrated from the samples To test whether KL is encoded at the SI locus, we used
containing the immune complexes prepared with anti-kit recombination analysis to determine the map position of
sera. KL with respect to a locus that is tightly linked to SI. This
To further characterize the c-kit-KL receptor-ligand com- locus is the site of the transgene insertion in the trans-
plexes, we determined whether KL could be cross-linked genie line TG.EB (Schmidt et al., 1988). We have deter-
to c-kit. BMMC were incubated with ‘*%KL, washed, and mined that genomic sequences cloned from the insertion
treated with the cross-linker disuccinimidyl suberate. Cell site map 0.8 f 0.8 CM from SI (D. Ft. B. and I? L., submit-
lysates were then immunoprecipitated with anti-v-kit an- ted). This therefore represents the closest known marker
tiserum and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Autoradiography in- to SI.
1.4 kb KL cDNA 66 SP B6 SP
TIS DralSal B6 SP SP 66
32 20 0 1
linkage between the KL gene, the SI locus, and the trans- Yung and Moore, 1962). BALB/c 3T3 cells (Aaronson and Todaro, 1966)
gene insertion locus Tg.fB on mouse chromosome 10. A were obtained from Paul O’Donnell (Sloan Kettering Institute) and were
grown in Dulbecco’s modified MEM supplemented with 10% calf se-
similar approach had previously been used to map the rum, penicillin, and streptomycin.
Tg.fB locus in the vicinity of S/(D. Ft. 8. and l? L., submit-
ted). The finding that the KL coding sequences are de- Purification and Amino Acid Sequence Determination of KL
leted in the original SI allele supports the identity of the KL was purified from conditioned medium of BALB/c 3T3 ceils by using
a mast cell proliferation assay as described elsewhere (NO&I et al.,
SI locus with the KL gene. The size of the deletion in the 1990b). Conditioned medium was then concentrated 100. to 200-fold
SI allele at this time is not known. It will be important to with a Peilicon ultrafiltration apparatus followed by an Amicon stirred
determine whether it affects neighboring genes as well. ceil. The concentrate was then chromatographed on Blue Agarose
The lack of KL coding sequences in the SI allele indi- (Bethesda Research Laboratories, Gaithersburg, MD), and the fiow-
through, which contained the active material, wasconcentrated in dial-
cates that this allele is a KL null mutation. When homozy-
ysis tubing with polyethylene glycol 6000 and then fractionated by gel
gous for the SI allele, most mice die perinatally of macro- filtration chromatography on an A0154 Ultrogel (LKB, Rockland, MD)
cytic anemia, and rare survivors lack coat pigmentation column. The biological activity eiuted as a major and a minor peak, cor-
and are devoid of germ cells (Bennett, 1956). This pheno- responding to 55-70 kd and 30 kd, respectively. The fractions of the
type closely parallels that of severe c-M/W loss-of-func- main peak were pooled, dialyzed, and fractionated by FPLC on a
DEAEdPW column with an NaCl gradient. The activityeluted at 0.11 M
tion mutations, in agreement with the ligand-receptor NaCl from the FPLC column. Peak fractions were pooled and sub-
relationship of KL and c-kit. Although differences exist be- jected to HPLC with a semipreparative Cl8 column and an ammonium
tween SIISI and IYW homozygotes, e.g., in germ cell de- acetate-n-propanol gradient. The active material eluted at 30% n-pro-
velopment, SI may have a more pronounced effect, and in panol from the semipreparative Cl6 column was diluted I:1 and re-
hematopoiesis SI may cause a more severe anemia; how- chromatographed by using an analytical Cl6 column. A single peak of
activity eiuted again at 30% n-propanol, which corresponded to a ma-
ever, it is not known if these differences are a result of jor peak of absorbance (280 nm) in the eluant profile. Similar results
different strain backgrounds or are possibly effects of the were obtained by using a C4 column with H20 and acetonitriie con-
SI deletion on neighboring genes (Bennett, 1956). taining 0.1% TFA as solvents. N-terminal amino acid sequence was de-
The original W mutation is an example of a c-kit null mu- termined on an Applied Biosystems 477A on-line PTH amino acid ana-
lyzer (Hewick et al., 1981).
tation (No&a et al., 199Oa). When heterozygous with the
normal allele, WI+ mice typically have a ventral spot but iodination
no coat dilution and no effects on hematopoiesis and KL was iodinated with chloramine T with modifications of the method
gametogenesis. The weak heterozygous phenotype of of Stanley and Guilbert (1981). Briefly, the labeling reaction contained
tV+ mice is in contrast to the phenotype of heterozygous 200 ng of KL. 2 nmol of chloramine T, 10% dimethyl sulfoxide, and
0.02% polyethylene glywl 8000, in a total volume of 25 pl in 0.25 M
S/l+ mice, which have moderate macrocytic anemia and
phosphate buffer (pH 6.5). The reaction was carried out for 2 min at
a diluted coat pigment in addition to a ventral spot and 4OC and stopped by the addition of 2 nmol of cysteine and 4 pM KI.
gonads that are reduced in size. Thus 50% gene dosage KL was then separated from free Nai by gel filtration on a PDlO column
of KL is limiting and is not sufficient for normal function (Pharmacia). iodinated KL was stored for up to 2 weeks at 4OC.
of the c-kit receptor, yet 50% dosage of the c-kit receptor
does not appear to be limiting in most situations. Binding Assay
Binding buffer contained RPM1 1640 medium, 5% BSA (Sigma), 20
The c-kit receptor system functions in immature progen- mM HEPES (pH 7.5), and NaNa. Binding experiments with nonadher-
itor cell populations as well as in more mature cell types ent ceils were carried out in 96-well tissue culture dishes with 2 x lo5
in hematopoiesis, gametogenesis, and melanogenesis. cells per well in a volume of 100 pl. Binding experiments with ~2 ceils
Severe SI or W mutations may block the development of were carried out in 24-well dishes in a volume of 300 ~1. Cells were
equilibrated in binding buffer 15 min prior to the addition of competitor
these cell lineages, and therefore a function for the c-kit or labeled KL. To determine nonspecific binding, unlabeled KL or anti-
receptor in more mature cell populations would not be evi- c-kit rabbit serum was added in a IO-fold excess 30 min prior to the ad-
dent. Sland W mutations in which c-kitlKL function is only dition of ‘*VKL. Ceils were incubated with 1251-KL for QO min, and
partially impaired often reveal effects in more mature cell nonadherent cells were pelleted through 150 pl of FCS. Cell pellets
were frozen and counted.
populations. Numerous weak SI alleles are known. Their
phenotypes, e.g., in gametogenesis and melanogenesis, tmmunoprctcipttatlon and Cross-Linking
will be of great value in the elucidation of the pleiotropic BMMC were incubated with ‘=i-KL under standard binding conditions
functions of the c-kit receptor system. and washed in FCS and then in PBS at 4OC. Ceils were iysed as previ-
ously described (Nocka et al., 1989) in 1% Triton X-100,20 mM Tris (pH
Ex~rlmentai Procedures 7.4), 150 mM NaCI. 20 mM EDNA. 10% glycerol, and protease inhibitors
phenytmethylsulfonyl fluoride (1 mM) and ieupeptin (20 &ml). Lysates
Mice and Tiaaue Culture were immunoprecipitated with normal rabbit serum, or c-kit-specific
WBB6 +I+, C57BL/W, C57BU6.l WV+, WBB6 ‘191+, CZHeB/FeJ 8/a sera raised by immunization of rabbits with a fragment of the v-kit tyro-
Ca’SIHm, and M. spretus mice were obtained from The Jackson Lab- sine kinase domain (Majumder et al., 1988) or the murine c-kit ex-
oratory (Bar Harbor, ME). For the interspecific cross, female C57BU6J pressed from a cDNA in a recombinant vaccinia virus (No&a et al.,
and male M. spretus mice were mated; progeny of this cross were 1QQOa). For coprecipitation experiments, immunoprecipitates were
scored for inheritance of C57BU6J or M. spretus alleles as described washed three times with wash A (0.1% Triton X-100,20 mM Tris [pH 7.41,
in Results. (C57BU6J x M. spretus)Fl female offspring were back- 150 mM NaCI, 10% glycerol), solublized in SDS sample buffer, and
crossed with C57BU6J males. analyzed by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography. For cross-linking ex-
Mast cells were grown from the bone marrow of adult +I+, WY/W”, periments, cells were incubated with disuccinimidyi suberate (0.25
and W+ mice and IMW fetal liver of day 14-15 fetuses in RPM 1640 mg/ml) in PBS for 30 min at 4OC, washed in PBS, and lysed as de-
medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS), conditioned scribed above. Washing conditions following precipitation were as fol-
medium from WEHI- cells, nonessential amino acids, sodium pyru- lows: one time in wash B (50 mM Tris, 500 mM NaCI, 5 mM EDTA, 0.2%
vate, and P-mercaptoethanol (RPMi-Compiete) (NO&R et al., 1QQOa; Triton X-100). three times in wash C (50 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCI, 0.1%
Triton X-100, 0.1% SDS, 5 mM EDTA), and one time in wash D (10 mM Refemnces
Tris, 0.1% Triton X-100).
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the first to provide a comprehensive description of the developmental
oncogene. Cell 55. 185-192.
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