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M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II

Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find the factorial of given number and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that will send positive integer number and test the web
[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert Rupees to Dollar, Pound, Euro,…..and create 'Dynamic Web Project',
which will host the client application that will send amount in Rupees & type of
conversion and tests the web service.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 1
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
greet the user according to server time and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which
will host the client application that will send user name and test the web service
[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host
the client application that will send Celsius and test the web service.

[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 2
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert weight from kilograms to gram and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which
will host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
validate email id (use regular expression) and create 'Dynamic Web Project',
which will host the client application that will send email id and test the web

[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 3
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find area and volume of the rectangle and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which
will host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
select staff details (use database for storing staff details (sno, sname, designation,
salary)) and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the client application
that will send staff name and display the details.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 4
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find the factorial of given number and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that will send positive integer number and test the web

[10 Marks]
Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality for
returning price of a stationary item and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that will send Name of any stationary item.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 5
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality
to find number of vowels in the given string and create 'Dynamic Web Project',
which will host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]
Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
validate user name and password and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host SPPU M.Sc. Computer Science Syllabus 2023-24 63 the client application
that will send user name and password and test the web service
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks ]

Slip 6
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert weight from kilograms to gram and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which
will host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
select staff details (use database for storing staff details (sno, sname, designation,
salary)) and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the client application
that will send staff name and display the details.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks ]

Slip 7
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find area and volume of the rectangle and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which
will host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
return the percentage of a student when marks of five subjects are given as input
and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the client application that will
send actor name and display the details.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks ]

Slip 8
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
greet the user according to server time and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which
will host the client application that will send user name and test the web service

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
validate mobile no (use regular expression: should contain only 10 numeric no)
and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the client application that will
send mobile no and test the web service.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 9
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert weight from kilograms to gram and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert Rupees to Dollar, Pound, Euro,…..and create 'Dynamic Web Project',
which will host the client application that will send amount in Rupees & type of
conversion and tests the web service.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [5 Marks]

Slip 10
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find number of vowelsin the given string and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert decimal number to Binary, Octal,Hexa Decimal and create 'Dynamic
Web Project', which will host the client application that will send decimal number
& type of conversion and test the web service.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 11
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find area and volume of the rectangle and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
check whether login success or fail (use database for storing username and
password) and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the client
application that will send user name and password and test the web service.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [5 Marks]

Slip 12
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find number of vowels in the given string and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which
will host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert Rupees to Dollar, Pound, Euro,…..and create 'Dynamic Web Project',
which will host the client application that will send amount in Rupees & type of
conversion and tests the web service.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [5 Marks]

Slip 13
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find the factorial of given number and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host
the client application that will send positive integer number and test the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the
client application that will send Celsius and test the web service.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 14
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
greet the user according to server time and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that will send user name and test the web service

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
validate email id (use regular expression) and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which
will host the client application that will send email id and test the web service.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 15
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert weight from kilograms to gram and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality for
returning price of a stationary item and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host
the client application that will send Name of any stationary item
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 16
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find area and volume of the rectangle and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
validate mobile no (use regular expression: should contain only 10 numeric no) and
create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the client application that will send
mobile no and test the web service
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 17
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality
to find number of vowels in the given string and create 'Dynamic Web Project',
which will host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
return the percentage of a student when marks of five subjects are given as input
and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the client application that will
send actor name and display the details.

[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 18
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
greet the user according to server time and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that will send user name and test the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert decimal number to Binary, Octal,Hexa Decimal and create 'Dynamic Web
Project', which will host the client application that will send decimal number & type of
conversion and test the web service.
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 19
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find the factorial of given number and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host
the client application that will send positive integer number and test the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
validate mobile no (use regular expression: should contain only 10 numeric no) and
create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the client application that will send
mobile no and test the web service
[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 20
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert weight from kilograms to gram and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the
client application that will send Celsius and test the web service.

[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 21
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find number of vowels in the given string and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which
will host the client application that tests the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
validate mobile no (use regular expression: should contain only 10 numeric no) and
create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the client application that will send
mobile no and test the web service.

[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 22
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
greet the user according to server time and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that will send user name and test the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality for
returning price of a stationary item and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host
the client application that will send Name of any stationary item.

[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 23
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find the factorial of given number and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host
the client application that will send positive integer number and test the web service.

[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the
client application that will send Celsius and test the web service.

[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 24
M.Sc.(Computer Science) Sem-II
Practical Examination (From 2023-2024)
SUBJECT: CS-563-MJP: Lab Course on CS-562-MJ (Web Services)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 35

Q.1) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
find area and volume of the rectangle and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will
host the client application that tests the web service.
[10 Marks]

Q.2) Create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host your web service functionality to
return the percentage of a student when marks of five subjects are given as input
and create 'Dynamic Web Project', which will host the client application that will
send actor name and display the details.

[20 Marks]

Q.3) Viva [ 5 Marks]

Slip 25

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