Late Quaternary Changes in Moisture Availability A
Late Quaternary Changes in Moisture Availability A
Late Quaternary Changes in Moisture Availability A
trace element geochemistry, stable isotopes, Asian monsoon system, rare earth
elements (REE), Tibetan Plateau, paleohydrology, carbonate precipitation
(A) Topographic map of the Tibetan Plateau showing the locations of Nam Co (NC) and Tangra Yumco (TAN) (map source: http://www.demis.
nl) and the atmospheric system, including the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) in orange, the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) in blue, and the
Westerlies in green, as well as the Asian winter monsoon (AWM) in red (Anslan et al., 2020). The dotted black lines denote the summer monsoon
transition zone (SMTZ) as suggested by Wünnemann et al. (2018). (B) Bathymetric map of Tangra Yumco with core site TAN12-2 (red dot, Wang
et al., 2010), and (C) bathymetric map of Nam Co with core site NC08/01 (red dot, Wang et al., 2009).
2 Regional setting 10,680 km2 (Keil et al., 2010; Zhou et al., 2013). The maximum water
depth in the central basin is 98.8 m (Wang et al., 2009; Daut et al.,
The Tibetan Plateau hosts more than 300 lakes with a surface 2010) and it is located in a hydrologically closed basin. Lake waters
area greater than 10 km2 (Yu et al., 2001). In our study, we are dominated by HCO3− and Na+ ions, but show very low Ca2+ and
investigate lacustrine records from Nam Co and Tangra Yumco, Mg2+ concentrations and a Mg/Ca ratio of 17.5 mol/mol (Table 1).
two lakes located on a west-east transect in the central and Carbonates precipitated in the lake are monohydrocalcite (MHC),
southern part of the Tibetan Plateau (Figure 1A). low-Mg calcite and traces of dolomite. Extensive lake level changes
Nam Co is located 230 km north of Lhasa (30°30’–30°35′ N, are indicated by numerous lake terraces around Nam Co. The
90 16′–91°05′ E; Figure 1C) in an altitude of 4,718 m above sea level
° highest terrace of 140 m above present lake level was formed during
(a.s.l.). Nam Co is one of the largest saline lakes on the Tibetan the last interglacial at around 116 ka BP (Wu et al., 2004). A
Plateau, with a surface area of 2017 km2 and a catchment area of lacustrine terrace at 11 m above present lake level indicates the
TABLE 1 Characteristics of modern lake waters of both studied lakes Nam Co and Tangra Yumco.
Nam Co 30.67 90.81 4,725 98.8 1870 1.2 9.1 17.2 −6.1 −66.4 3.2
Tangra 31.27 86.65 4,540 230 11890 8.6 9.5 41.5 −6.5 −76.7 5.2
Nam Co 5.8 56.8 3.06 0.30 23.37 0.46 17.5 38.76 1.255 0.41 0.040
Tangra 22.0 278.7 61.6 1.45 5.34 0.31 22.7 6.78 0.076 2.15 0.052
Water parameters were measured on 13 September, 2011, at Tangra Yumco and on 4 July, 2018, at Nam Co.
Holocene highstand and was dated to 6 ka BP (Wallis et al., 2011) or 75 were measured in Tangra Yumco in 2009 (Börner et al., 2017),
4.2–2.2 ka BP (Chen et al., 2017). but decreased to 22.7 in the following sampling years (Table 1).
The present climate at Nam Co is semi-arid to sub-humid with a The largest lake level changes observed on the Tibetan Plateau
mean January temperature of −10.8°C and mean July temperature of were reported for Tangra Yumco (Kong et al., 2011; Rades et al.,
12.6°C. The lake freezes completely during the winter months with 2015). Well-preserved paleoshorelines are located up to 185 m above
an average ice cover period of 90–130 days (Kropáček et al., 2013; the present lake level, indicating an early Holocene lake-level
Wang et al., 2019). The mean annual precipitation is 406 mm, highstand followed by shrinkage of the large lake (Long et al.,
mainly brought by the ISM from June to August (Li M. et al., 2008). 2012; Liu et al., 2013; Rades et al., 2013). High bedrock terraces
The water balance is mainly controlled by precipitation, evaporation around the lake (~360 m above present lake level) reflect the mid-
and groundwater inflow, and to a lesser extent by meltwater runoff. Pleistocene highest lake level of Tangra Yumco (Kong et al., 2011).
Zhu et al. (2010) found that precipitation on the lake and as surface Tangra Yumco lies in the climatic transition between Westerly-
runoff accounted for 63% to the water input, while glacier meltwater influenced and ISM-influenced regions. Climate conditions are cold
only contributes ~10%, and the remaining 27% are attributed to semi-arid, with a mean January temperature of −11.4°C and mean
other sources, including groundwater. The P/E (precipitation/ July temperature of 10.9°C (Miehe et al., 2014). During winter
evaporation) balance is negative. More than 60 streams feed the months, the lake is covered with ice for ~95 days but due to the high
lake, most of them discharging from the Nyainqêngtanglha salinity it is not completely frozen in every year (Kropáček et al.,
mountain range in the south (Wang et al., 2009), resulting in 2013). Mean annual precipitation is 305 mm (Hudson and Quade,
moister conditions on the southern bank. These climatic 2013) with highest rainfall during summer monsoon (Singh and
conditions are reflected by the vegetation, which is dominated by Nakamura, 2009; Maussion et al., 2013; Guo et al., 2014). The water
alpine meadows and steppe grassland (e.g. Stipa spp., Artemisia balance is predominantly controlled by precipitation and
spp. and Kobresia spp.), and is commonly used as pasture land evaporation, whereas meltwater from glaciers has a minor impact
(Miehe et al., 2008, 2009). and accounted for only 14% of the total basin runoff between
Tangra Yumco is located 450 km west of Lhasa and 375 km west 2001 and 2011 (Biskop et al., 2016). Two large rivers enter the
of Nam Co (30°45′–31°22′N, 86°23′–86°49′E; Figure 1B). It is a currently terminal lake from the west and the southeast, discharging
saline closed-basin lake situated on the northern slope of the from the Gangdis mountain range (Long et al., 2012). Climate
Gangdis Mountains at an altitude of 4,540 m a.s.l. The lake is conditions support alpine steppe vegetation (e.g. Stipa purpurea,
situated in an active north–south trending graben system Kobresia pygmea and Artemisia spp.) used as pasture or infrequently
(Armijo et al., 1986) and consists of two sub-basins with a irrigated agriculture (Miehe et al., 2014; Ma et al., 2017).
surface area of 824 km2 and a catchment area of 8,934 km2. The
southern basin has a water depth of 100 m and the northern basin a
maximum depth of 230 m, making Tangra Yumco the deepest lake 3 Material and methods
on the Tibetan Plateau (Wang et al., 2010; Haberzettl et al., 2015).
The modern-day water parameters of the northern basin, where the 3.1 Sampling and sample preparation
sediment core was taken, are summarized in Table 1. Tangra Yumco
waters contain nearly equal amounts of HCO3− and SO42- and are Sediment core NC08/01, with a total length of 10.41 m, was
rich in Na+ (>80%). High Mg/Ca molar ratios with values up to recovered from 93 m water depth in the central part of Nam Co
basin (30°44.25′ N, 90°47.42′ E; Figure 1B). Gravity core NC08/ 80 μm s−1 at an energy density of 2.6 J cm−2 and a repetition rate
01-Pilot4 (1.15 m length, 30°44.25′ N, 90°47.42′ E, 93 m water of 5 Hz. Three linescans were carried out across the surface of
depth) forms the uppermost part of the composite profile. each single shell. For each stratigraphic horizon, two to four
Sediment core TAN12-2, with a total length of 11.5 m, was shells were analyzed. Isotopes measured in this study (25Mg, 27Al,
retrieved from 217 m water depth in the northern basin of Si, 31P, 43Ca, 47Ti, 55Mn, 57Fe, 63Cu, 85Rb, 88Sr, 89Y, 137Ba, 139La,
Tangra Yumco (31°13.93′N, 86°43.25′E; Figure 1C). Gravity Ce, 141Pr, 146Nd, 147Sm, 151Eu, 157Gd, 159Tb, 163Dy, 165Ho, 167Er,
core TAN10/4 (1.62 m length, 31°15.15′N, 86°43.37′E, 223 m Tm, 174Yb, 175Lu, 208Pb, 232Th, and 238U) are interference-free as
water depth) forms the upper part of the composite profile. demonstrated by Jochum et al. (2012). NIST SRM 612 reference
Piston cores were recovered using a piston coring system (Ø glass was used for external calibration. Precision of
90 mm; UWITEC, Mondsee, Austria) and gravity cores (Ø measurements ranges between 1.2 and 7.8% for all elements
63 mm) were retrieved using a modified gravity corer with increasing error at lower concentrations (i.e., 2.0% for Ba,
(Meischner and Rumohr, 1974). Details on core recovery, 2.4% for Sr, 3.1% for Mg, 4.5% for U, and 7.8% for Fe). Blank-
handling and sedimentological properties for Nam Co are corrected count rates of the analyzed isotopes were calculated
given in Doberschütz et al. (2013) and Kasper et al. (2012) relative to the internal standard (43Ca; Yang et al., 2014). Each
and for Tangra Yumco in Akita et al. (2015) and Henkel et al. measurement was checked for elevated Al and Ti counts to
(2016). For geochemical and paleontological analysis, the cores identify remaining shell contamination, such as
were sampled in 1 cm intervals. Bulk sediment samples for stable Aluminosilicates, which would result in enhanced element
isotope analysis were freeze-dried and homogenized by grinding. counts. These sections were removed from further
For paleontological analysis, sediment samples were treated consideration. Elemental ratios in ostracod shells (El/Ca) are
with 5% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for organic matter removal, expressed in mmol/mol. REE concentrations were chondrite
followed by washing and sieving (63 and 200 µm mesh size) with normalized following Haskin et al. (1968; 1971). Intra-shell
deionized water. From the 200 µm size fraction, ostracod shells and inter-shell-variability ranges from 2% (Sr), 3% (Mg, Ba),
were picked with a fine brush under a low magnification 4% (P, Mn, Y), 5% (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Gd, Sm, Eu, and Dy), 6% (Fe,
stereoscopic microscope. Identification was based on Hou and Tb, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Pb), 7% (Al, Cu, Lu, and Th), 8% (Si, Ti,
Gou (2002, 2007) and Wrozyna et al. (2009). For chemical U), up to 9% (Rb), and lie within the analytical error margin.
analyses (REEs, trace elements and stable isotopes) only adult Analysis of stable isotopes was done at the GFZ Potsdam,
individuals with pristine shells from the dominant ostracod Germany. The analysis of δ18O and δ13C values in ostracod shells
taxon Leucocytherella sinensis were used. was done with a KIEL-IV-Carbonate Device connected to a
Selection of shells was done under a low magnification Finnigan MAT253 mass spectrometer. Around 40–80 µg
stereoscopic microscope by visual inspection of surface ostracod samples were reacted with 103% H3PO4 at 72°C.
coatings or dissolution evidence. Shells were cleaned manually Standardization was done using international reference
with a fine brush and deionized water and ethanol. After materials IAEA-NBS18 and NBS19, as well as laboratory
cleaning, shells were dried and split into two groups, one for internal standards C1 (calibrated against VPDB). The
stable isotope and one for REE and trace element analysis. Shells analytical precision was better than ±0.06‰ for both, δ18OLsin
destined for stable isotope analysis were weighed (average 7 µg and δ13CLsin values (Lsin = Leucocytherella sinensis).
per shell) and 10–15 shells per sample horizon were used to reach Stable isotope analysis of bulk sediment from Tangra Yumco
the minimal sample weight of 80 µg. Stable isotopes of ostracod core was carried out using a Finnigan GasBench-II with
shells could not be analyzed for Tangra Yumco due to an carbonate-option connected to a DELTAplus XL isotope ratio
insufficient number of available adult L. sinensis shells in parts mass spectrometer (IRMS). Around 200 µg of bulk sediment
of the core (Akita et al., 2015). Shells destined for REE and trace samples was reacted with 100% H3PO4 at 75°C for 60 min.
element analysis were fixed on glass slides using double-faced Results are expressed in the standard delta notation in per mil
adhesive pads (tesa TACK). relative to VPDB (Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite). The analytical
precision was better than ±0.07‰ for δ18Obulk and δ13Cbulk
3.2 Analytical procedures
REE and trace element analysis was carried out using a high- 3.3 Chronologies
resolution sector-field ICP–MS Thermo Element 2 combined
with a 213 nm (UP-213) Nd:YAG laser ablation system from AMS 14C radiocarbon dating of 24 bulk sediment samples
New Wave at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPI), from NC08/01-Pilot4 and NC08/01 and 28 bulk sediment
Mainz (Jochum et al., 2007). Ablation was performed in a helium samples from TAN10/4 and TAN12-2 was carried out by Beta
atmosphere and argon was the carrier gas. Line-scan analysis was Analytics, Miami, United States A reservoir age correction of
performed using a 100 μm crater size with a high scan speed of 1,420 years for Nam Co (Kasper et al., 2012; Doberschütz et al.,
2013) and 2070 years for Tangra Yumco (Haberzettl et al., 2015; 4 Results
Henkel et al., 2016), respectively, was applied, based on dating of
surface sediments. Corrected ages were calibrated with OxCal 4.1 The Nam Co ostracod shell chemistry
4.1.7 and Calib 7.0, respectively, and the age-depth model was record
established by applying a linear interpolation (Doberschütz et al.,
2013; Haberzettl et al., 2015). The sediment records reach back to Trace element ratios of ostracod shells from the whole Nam
approximately 23.8 cal ka BP for Nam Co and 17.5 cal. ka BP for Co composite profile range from 0.39–13.21 mmol/mol for Mg/
Tangra Yumco. The mean time resolution of intervals between Ca, 0.6–20.3 mmol/mol for Sr/Ca, 0.04–0.38 mmol/mol for Ba,
bulk sediment samples is approximately 50 years, for intervals 0.09–6.47 mmol/mol for Mn/Ca, 0.04–4.82 mmol/mol for Fe/Ca,
between ostracod samples approximately 100 years. and 0.008 μmol/mol—0.6 mmol/mol for U/Ca (Figure 2). As
expected, all REEs are positively correlated with each other
and sum of REEs (ΣREEs) ranges from 0.006–0.22 mmol/mol.
3.4 Statistics High elemental ratios are found in the lower part of the record
(19–16 cal. ka BP; Figure 2), except for Sr/Ca, which is biased by
Statistical analysis were performed on datasets comprising aragonite precipitation, whereas the ΣREEs show lowest
trace element (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca, Mn/Ca, Fe/Ca, U/Ca), REEs concentrations of the whole record. Lower El/Ca ratios are
(LREE = sum of light REE/Ca: La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu); HREE = observed between 16 and 13 cal. ka BP, accompanied by a
sum of heavy REE/Ca: Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu) and slight increase in ΣREEs from 16 to 14.5 cal. ka BP, and a
stable isotope composition of ostracod shells (δ13CLsin, δ18OLsin). peak in ΣREEs between 14.5 and 13 cal. ka BP. In addition,
Dissimilarity indices, detecting underlying ecological gradients enrichment in light REEs is observed, as the LREE/HREE
(Faith et al., 1987), were calculated for both datasets, followed by ratio increases. A strong increase in Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios
constrained hierarchical clustering to establish a hierarchical occurs at 13 cal. ka BP, reaching values comparable to modern
classification of the records (Grimm, 1987; Birks et al., 2012). ones at 12 cal. ka BP. After 10 cal. ka BP, observed elemental
Constrained clustering is used to detect discontinuities within the ratios are low and most stable. A slight increase in elemental
record and to identify homogeneous sections. A broken-stick ratios is observed at 3.8 cal ka BP accompanied by peaks in Fe/Ca
model was applied to test for number of significant groups within and LREE/HREE. During the last 2000 years the Mg/Ca, and
the classification (Bennett, 1996). To allow statistical comparison especially Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios show again an increase, while
between Nam Co and Tangra Yumco records all data sets were Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca ratios and REEs remain constant. The LREE/
harmonized by simple linear interpolation and re-sampled in 50- HREE ratio decreases significantly. U/Ca values show increased
years intervals. The ordination method non-metric variability but are decreasing since 2 cal. ka BP.
Multidimensional Scaling (nMDS) was used on the original Stable isotopes in ostracod shells range between -0.04 and
and harmonized datasets to explore patterns of variation 2.8‰ for δ13CLsin and between −8.7 and −2.1‰ for δ18OLsin
within each data set. The applied distance measure was values (Figure 2), respectively. Both stable isotope values are high
Gower. Goodness of fit is given in the stress value. We chose in the lowest part of the record (18–11 cal. ka BP) with a shift to
a 2-dimensional model, as no significant reduction in stress level more negative values at 13 cal. ka BP. After 11 cal. ka BP, δ13CLsin
was observed with increasing dimension. In order to analyze the and δ18OLsin values are strongly decreasing, reaching minima
similarity or dissimilarity between different records and to test around 9.5 cal ka BP. Thereafter, δ13CLsin values show a gradual
for the significance of any relationship found, Procrustes rotation increase until 4 cal. ka BP, whereas δ18OLsin values remain low.
and associated PROTEST permutation test were applied to the The last 2000 years are characterized by a rather sudden increase
nMDS results. Procrustes rotation finds an optimal in both δ13CLsin and δ18OLsin values followed by relatively stable
superimposition that maximizes fit of different datasets values.
(Gower, 1971; Peres-Neto and Jackson, 2001). The ordinations
(nMDS) of both datasets are compared pair-wise and rotated or
re-scaled to find the optimal fit. Procrustes rotation was 4.2 The Tangra Yumco ostracod shell
performed on harmonized datasets. The effectiveness of the chemistry and bulk carbonate stable
rotation is elevated by the residual sum-of-squares and root isotope record
mean squared error (RMSE). Statistical significance is assessed
by the Procrustes permutation test (PROTEST), using a In the Tangra Yumco record the ranges are 1.73–38.6 mmol/
correlation-like statistic derived from the symmetric mol for Mg/Ca, 0.37–14.35 mmol/mol for Sr/Ca,
Procrustes sum of squares (m12) and associated p-value. 0.03–0.51 mmol/mol for Ba/Ca, 0.18–11.37 mmol/mol for Mn/
Statistical analysis was carried out using R-software (R Core Ca, 0.06–18.38 mmol/mol for Fe/Ca, and 0.06–16.93 mmol/mol
Team, 2015) and packages vegan and rioja (Juggins, 2015; for U/Ca (Figure 3). REEs are positively correlated with each
Oksanen et al., 2016). other and ΣREEs ranges from –0.004–0.48 mmol/mol. In
Nam Co trace element, REE and stable isotope records of ostracod shells (δ18OLsin and δ13CLsin, Lsin = Leucocytherella sinensis) as well as bulk
isotopes (δ18Obulk, δ13Cbulk; Kasper et al., 2021) from core NC08/01. Authigenic carbonate mineralogy is shown on the left to indicate phases of
formation of aragonite (red cross), calcite (blue x), and monohydrocalcite (green diamond). Ostracod Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and Ba/Ca ratios represent lake
water salinity, ratios of Mn/Ca, Fe/Ca, and U/Ca reflect redox conditions and microbial activity. Rare earth elements (REEs) display weathering
intensity and provenance change, where ΣREEs is the sum of light REE/Ca ratios (LREE: La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu) and heavy REE/Ca ratios (HREE: Gd, Tb,
Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu). Stable oxygen isotopes indicate changes in the precipitation to evaporation ratio (P/E) and meltwater input. Stable carbon
isotopes and ostracod accumulation rate reflect biological productivity. Very low ostracod accumulation rates are indicative of oxygen deficiency,
low carbonate contents or calcite dissolution. Dashed lines show levels of modern values from Börner et al. (2017). Solid black lines show 5-point
smoothed data.
general, element concentrations and element variability are reach lowest values, except for Mn/Ca ratios, which show still
higher in the Tangra Yumco record than in the Nam Co slightly increased values between 10 and 8 cal. ka BP. From 4.8 to
record (e.g., 2.6-fold in Mg/Ca ratios), except for Sr/Ca. The 3.6 cal. ka BP, Mg/Ca, Ba/Ca and Mn/Ca ratios start to increase
lowest part of the record (17.5–16 cal. ka BP) is characterized by slightly, ΣREEs and U/Ca ratios reach lowest values. A shift
high elemental to calcium ratios with high variability and low towards very low El/Ca ratios occurs at 2.8 cal. ka BP, followed
ΣREEs. At 16 cal. ka BP, a major shift seems to occur as ΣREEs by a general, mostly distinct increase, with the uppermost sample
are increasing significantly and enrichment in LREEs is showing highest values for all El/Ca ratios.
observed. Other elemental ratios seem to decrease slightly or The isotope values of bulk sediment from TAN12-2 range
remain stable. From 15.8 to 13.5 cal. ka BP the sedimentation between 3.3 and 7‰ for δ13Cbulk values and −9 to 0.48‰ for
rate was very low (19 cm in 2300 years; (Henkel et al., 2016). δ18Obulk values and show a general correlation. Most positive
Thus, only a few ostracod samples cover this time span. δ13Cbulk and δ18Obulk values occur before 16 cal. ka BP. Until
Nevertheless, at 13 cal. ka BP all El/Ca ratios reach maximum 13 cal. ka BP, δ18Obulk values are stable, whereas δ13Cbulk
concentrations and start to decrease afterwards. The highest increases slightly until 12 cal. ka BP. Most negative values of
variability in elemental ratios is observed between 13 and both isotopes occur at 11.5 cal ka BP. Until 4.8 cal ka BP,
10 cal. ka BP. Low El/Ca ratios are observed at 12.3 cal. ka BP, δ13Cbulk and δ18Obulk values increase constantly. From 4.8 to
higher Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios occur at 12 cal. ka BP. A second 0.8 cal ka BP, δ13Cbulk values are constant and δ18Obulk values
slight increase in El/Ca ratios occurs from 11 to 10 cal. ka BP. increase. The past 800 years are characterized by a decrease in
After 10 cal. ka BP, elemental ratios and LREE/HREE ratios δ13Cbulk and δ18Obulk values.
Tangra Yumco trace element and REE record of ostracod shells and stable isotopes of bulk sediment (δ18Obulk and δ13Cbulk) from core TAN12-2.
Authigenic carbonate mineralogy is shown on the left to indicate phases of formation of aragonite (red cross), calcite (blue x), and combination of
calcite and aragonite (purple diamond). Dashed lines show levels of modern values from Börner et al. (2017). Solid black lines show 5-point smoothed
data. See caption of Figure 2 for more details.
TABLE 2 Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) stress scores, Procrustes rotation and PROTEST diagnostics to show statistical comparison
between the Nam Co and Tangra Yumco records.
Data set nMDS stress Procrustes rotation RMSE PROTEST (m12) p value
score (%) sum of squares
NMDS scores are shown for the original datasets of Nam Co and Tangra Yumco (1 + 2), covering 18.9–0 cal. ka BP and 17.4–0.3 cal. ka BP, respectively, as well as for the harmonized
(simple linear interpolation) data matrices in 50-years intervals (3 + 4), covering 17.4–0.3 cal. ka BP. Applied distance measure was Gower. Procrustes rotation and PROTEST were
performed on harmonized datasets.
increase the LREE fraction more than the HREE fraction. been caused by longer ice cover and/or thermohaline
Therefore, we propose that permafrost occurred in the stratification of the water body. These observations are
catchment, that soils were frozen and the lake was covered by supported by the highest δ18Obulk values (Kasper et al., 2021).
ice, which prevented any weathered material from entering the Stable oxygen isotopes in closed lakes are mainly influenced by
lake during this period. The source of high HREE concentrations the isotopic signature of precipitation and inflowing water, which
could possibly be explained by HREEs being introduced to the are affected by temperature and continental effects, as well as
lake by groundwater inflow. HREE enrichment patterns are evaporative enrichment (Last and Smol, 2001). In the lake water a
commonly observed in groundwater, because HREEs decrease in the P/E ratio would result in increasing δ18O values as
preferably form strong dissolved complexes with organic H216O evaporates faster than H218O. In addition, increasing water
ligands, which facilitate the transport of HREEs into solution, temperatures result in decreasing δ18O values of the lake water
whereas LREEs are lost due to adsorption to Mn- and Fe-oxides (Craig, 1965). Thus, positive δ18O values reflect cold and dry
(Johannesson, 2005; Och et al., 2014). conditions. Cold and arid conditions during this period were
In both records, the high Mg/Ca ratios in ostracod shells as reported for many lakes on the Tibetan Plateau (Herzschuh,
well as positive δ18Obulk values (Figures 2, 3) indicate high salinity 2006; Günther et al., 2015), and are attributed to a weak ISM
and dry conditions during this period related to a shallow lake (Sirocko et al., 1993).
level. The very low Sr/Ca ratios are caused by aragonite
precipitation in the lake, as indicated by mineralogy.
Aragonite is formed under dry conditions, when lake levels 5.2 Increased weathering between
decrease and salinity increases, and the Mg concentrations in 16.5–14 cal. ka BP
lake waters reach a threshold. Aragonite is thermodynamically
unstable and tends to convert to calcite, except Sr is available as it An initial increase in weathering in both records can be
stabilizes the crystal structure (Wray and Daniels, 1957). When observed after 16.5 cal. ka BP, when the concentration in LREEs
aragonite is formed, it removes most bio-available strontium slowly starts to rise (Figures 2, 3). Increasing LREEs may be
from the water column, resulting in very low ostracod Sr/Ca attributed to weathered material entering the lake due to a
ratios. The relatively low Ba/Ca ratios may also be attributed to reduction in ice coverage, and the thawing of land surfaces,
aragonite precipitation, as Ba2+ adsorption is stronger in resulting in increased susceptibility to erosion, supporting
aragonite than calcite (Tunusoglu et al., 2007), but to which previous findings by Kasper et al. (2015). The LREE/HREE
extent Ba incorporation into ostracod calcite is affected by ratio shows enrichment in LREEs, while HREE concentrations
aragonite is still unclear. Thus, we advise caution when are decreasing significantly in Nam Co, suggesting increased
interpreting the Ba/Ca signal during phases of aragonite influx of weathered material into the lake. The prominent
formation. High concentrations of U/Ca and Mn/Ca ratios negative shift in trace-element to calcium ratios in Nam Co
mirror oxygen deficiency on the lake bottom (Börner et al., sediments is indicative for decreasing salinity, reflecting an
2017), which results from microbial activity decomposing increased water supply, and permanently oxygenated
organic material and from hindered CO2 exchange with the conditions. The δ18Obulk values show a strong negative shift,
atmosphere, which may point to prolonged ice-coverage of indicating a decrease in salinity and thus moister conditions.
the lake. Furthermore, the mineralogy changed from aragonite
In summary, Nam Co and Tangra Yumco were probably precipitation to calcite precipitation, which is reflected in the
shallow lakes with suboxic conditions in the bottom water and increasing Sr/Ca ratios. Conditions became moister due to
prolonged ice coverage. These suboxic conditions could have summer monsoon strengthening and increased precipitation.
δ13Cbulk values (Kasper et al., 2021), indicating generally cold and accumulate on the lake bottom. The decomposition of organic
dry conditions. matter releases preferentially 12C, which can be incorporated into
After 11.5 cal. ka BP, salinity decreased again, displayed as a the ostracod calcite, resulting in a decrease in δ13C values of
decrease in Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca ratios, and δ18OLsin values, and ostracod shells (Leng and Marshall, 2004; Schwalb et al., 2013).
total REEs rise without change in LREE/HREE ratios (Figure 2). The significant decrease in REEs to very low values, while
Decreasing El/Ca ratios suggest an increase in precipitation at proportions in LREE and HREE remain constant, indicates an
Nam Co, resulting in stronger weathering of soils in the whole accumulation of organic material. In lake waters, REEs have a
catchment. Thus LREE/HREE ratios display no trend. This strong affinity to organic materials, ferromanganese oxides and
interpretation supports local inflow and erosion events as carbonates, which effectively remove REEs from the water by
suggested by Kasper et al. (2015). Increased moisture supply is adsorption or complexation (Johannesson and Lyons, 1994).
also proposed by the concomitant negative trend of δ13Cbulk Accordingly, very low ΣREE concentrations reflect
and δ18Obulk values (Kasper et al., 2021), reaching lowest values accumulation of organic matter due to high primary
at around 9.8 cal. ka BP. Ratios of U/Ca, Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca productivity and an increased formation of authigenic
decrease further during this period and indicate a better precipitates (Johannesson, 2005; Tang and Johannesson,
supply of oxygen to the lake bottom. 2005). This interpretation is in agreement with high δ13Obulk
The Tangra Yumco record shows more variability during this and TOC values in bulk sediment, and low C/N ratios
period, compared to the Nam Co record (Figure 3). Salinity- (Doberschütz et al., 2013; Kasper et al., 2021), also suggesting
dependent trace elements, redox sensitive elements as well as enhanced biogenic productivity and carbon burial.
REEs show a strong drop at the beginning of this period, The low U/Ca, Mn/Ca, and Fe/Ca ratios reflect well
indicative of increased moisture supply and rising lake levels. oxygenated bottom waters and low microbial activity at the
The increase in REE concentrations and, especially, the distinct beginning of this period, but increasing U/Ca and low Fe/Ca
positive peak in the light REE fraction at 11.8 cal. ka BP indicate ratios after 8 cal. ka BP (Figures 2, 3) reflect the occurrence of
increased weathering of the catchment. In addition, we observe oxygen deficiency at the lake bottom related to an increase in
an increase in δ13Cbulk and δ18Obulk values, suggesting higher microbial activity. The slow but constant increase in δ18OLsin
evaporation and a shift to drier conditions. Therefore, the values can be attributed to enhanced evaporation. The decrease
increased weathering may be attributed to increased physical in ΣREEs supports the idea of reduced inflow. This inference is
weathering caused by intensified winds. At 11.5 cal. ka BP, supported by the slow increase in Mg/Ca ratios during the mid-
δ13Cbulk and δ18Obulk values show a distinct negative shift Holocene indicating less moisture supply and decreasing lake
associated with a decrease in ΣREEs and its light fraction, levels. The slightly increasing but fluctuating Ba/Ca ratios in
indicating a freshwater pulse, probably due to inflow of glacial Tangra Yumco are likely an effect of the aragonite precipitation
meltwater. In addition, formation of aragonite resulted in very in the lake. However, the extent of the effect of aragonite
low Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios. precipitation on Ba incorporation into ostracod calcite is
Between 9 and 3.8 cal. ka BP salinity-indicating trace A distinct shift in moisture occurs at 2.6 cal. ka BP in Tangra
elements display low concentrations (Figures 2, 3) and thus Yumco and at 2 cal. ka BP in Nam Co, when trace elements in
low salinity, suggesting humid conditions and high lake levels. ostracods suggest increasing salinity, caused by an increase in
Variation in Mg/Ca, Ba/Ca, and Sr/Ca ratios is only minor during evaporation and decrease in water supply. This increase in
this period; thus, we can assume that the lake volume was salinity is reflected by a strong increase in Mg/Ca, Ba/Ca
sufficiently large to buffer minor climatic fluctuations. In (Figures 2, 3), and Sr/Ca ratios and δ18OLsin values (Figure 2).
Tangra Yumco, Sr/Ca ratios are very low (Figure 3), reflecting However, the prominent increase in Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios to
aragonite precipitation in the lake, which predominantly occurs values significantly higher than modern-day values, cannot be
under warm and wet conditions in high Mg/Ca waters. The low explained by evaporative enrichment alone. In Nam Co, this shift
ostracod abundance indicates a deep profundal habitat. is associated with a shift in carbonate mineral formation in the
Productivity is high, suggested by low δ13CLsin values in Nam lake (Kasper et al., 2013). From 2 cal. ka BP to the present, MHC
Co (Figure 2) as well as by the higher δ13Cbulk values in both lakes is the primarily formed carbonate in Nam Co. MHC is formed in
(Figures 2, 3; Kasper et al., 2021). During phases of high primary high Mg/Ca, low temperature waters under dry conditions (Han
productivity 12C is removed from the water, resulting in higher et al., 2020). The precipitation of MHC affects the chemical
δ13Cbulk values. Consequently, high amounts of organic matter composition of the remaining lake water by causing enrichment
in Sr and Ba. It is still unclear to which extent MHC may affect 5.7 Regional synchroneity or
particularly Sr and Ba in solution, and if other elements are also asynchroneity of hydrological changes?
affected. A study by Li et al. (2012) did not find any effect of
MHC precipitation on the Mg/Ca ratio of the lake water, but a The response of lakes Nam Co and Tangra Yumco to changing
significant effect on the oxygen isotopic composition. climate conditions shows high similarity. Procrustes test was carried
Compared to calcite, MHC seems to preferentially out in order to verify this visual expression and confirmed that most
incorporate 18O, resulting in lower δ18Obulk values. This climatic events captured in the records occurred simultaneously.
carbonate ion effect on oxygen isotope ratios was also Procrustes rotation revealed a generally good fit between both
reported by Devriendt et al. (2017) for high pH and high records (Table 2; Figure 4). Procrustes residuals allow
salinity waters. This effect might explain the slight negative identification of time periods exhibiting differences in lake
shift in δ18Obulk values (Kasper et al., 2021), which is system response to environmental change. Highest Procrustes
independent from trends of other salinity proxies (Figure 2). residuals, reflecting degree of dissimilarity between both records,
It may reflect the combined effect of an increase in temperature, occur in the periods 18–15.8, 13.4–13, and 12–11.1 cal. ka BP.
a negative P/E balance and MHC precipitation. Temperature is During the Holocene, significant dissimilarities only occur at
not captured in the ostracod trace element signatures, as 10.5 cal. ka BP and after 1.1 cal ka BP. The observed
temperature variations on the lake floor, especially in deep dissimilarities are mainly attributed to differences in the
lakes, remain relatively low throughout the year. magnitude of change. The total variation over the last
In Nam Co, the strong initial decrease in LREE/HREE ratio 18,000 years is much higher for Tangra Yumco. For example,
shows a much stronger decrease in LREEs, compared to HREEs, total variance in Mg/Ca ratios is three times higher than in Nam
suggesting continued groundwater inflow containing HREE- Co, but this may be attributed to the generally higher salinity of the
organic complexes (Och et al., 2014). Nevertheless, ΣREE lake water due to evaporative enrichment over long time scales.
concentrations and especially the LREE fraction show Additionally, the lake water volume of Nam Co is considerably
enrichment in both lakes. As salinity-indicating trace elements higher compared to Tangra Yumco, therefore Nam Co reacts slower
suggest a drier climate during this period, an increase in to climatic changes. In contrast, the observed shifts are more
weathering in the catchment is unlikely. Therefore, the pronounced in the Nam Co record reacting more sensitive.
increase in LREEs could be associated with the reductive Furthermore, the REE composition in both lakes is completely
dissolution of Fe-Mn-oxides, on which LREEs preferentially different during the late glacial, which also results in high
adsorb (Och et al., 2014). This suggested process agrees with Procrustes residuals. Nevertheless, both records show high
the observed increase in Mn/Ca, Fe/Ca, and U/Ca ratios, similarity in amplitude and timing of hydrological changes, while
indicating amplified oxygen consumption by microbial during the Holocene, the changes are more gradual.
activity, which leads to oxygen deficiency at the lake floor. The major climatic events are best captured in the ostracods REE,
Accumulation of organic matter as a result of increased lake Mg/Ca, Mn/Ca, and U/Ca records of both lakes and are consistent
productivity is also displayed in the high ostracod abundance. with observations from other monsoonal records (Figure 5). We
The initial increase in δ13CLsin values followed by a trend to more identified two major phases of dry conditions at 18–16 cal. ka BP,
negative values is also indicative for decomposition of organic coinciding with the “Heinrich 1 event” in the North Atlantic region
matter, releasing 12C. (GS-2, 16.8 ka; Hemming, 2004; Figure 5), and 13–11.5 cal. ka BP,
A shift to wetter conditions since 300 cal. a BP is displayed in coinciding with the Younger Dryas chronozone (GS-1; Björck et al.,
the bulk isotope data in the upper part of the Tangra Yumco 1998; Figure 5). Both events are also clearly displayed in records from
record. Both isotope values show a negative trend, which can be the ISM source area Bay of Bengal (Contreras-Rosales et al., 2014),
related to an increase in precipitation intensity. This the Arabian Sea (Sirocko et al., 1993), and the East Asian monsoon
interpretation is supported by Alivernini et al. (2018) (EASM) region (Wang et al., 2001; Yuan et al., 2004). The first
reporting a decrease in conductivity as suggested by the significant transition to moist conditions is observed at 16.5 cal. ka
application of the ostracod-based conductivity transfer BP in the Nam Co record. During the Greenland Interstadial 1 (GI-1)
function. Ostracod abundance is high, indicating high primary many records identified a strong increase in moisture driven by an
productivity in the lake, although the so far dominant species L. intensification of the ISM coinciding with a phase of deglaciation
sinensis disappears (Alivernini et al., 2018). As this change to (Sirocko et al., 1993; Contreras-Rosales et al., 2014). A freshwater
moist conditions is only visible in the Tangra Yumco record, it pulse is observed after 14 ka cal. BP in the Nam Co record inferred by
might have been caused by an intensification in Westerly concomitant distinctive negative shifts in both the carbon and oxygen
precipitation, probably because Westerlies could protrude after bulk isotopes (Kasper et al., 2021). REEs suggest that glacier melt and
the ISM had retracted. Nevertheless, a lake level increase was also probably permafrost thawing increased the freshwater input during
reported for Nam Co in recent decades, but was primarily linked this phase. The period is less pronounced in the Tangra Yumco
to glacier melting due to the current warming (Anslan et al., record due to a low sample resolution, as ostracod abundance was
2020). very low during this period. Nevertheless, many studies from the
Moisture changes on the southern Tibetan Plateau based on Mg/Ca ratios of Leucocytherella sinensis shells from Nam Co and Tangra Yumco
compared to Indian summer monsoon records from the Bay of Bengal (Contreras-Rosales et al., 2014) and Arabian Sea (Sirocko et al., 1993), East
Asian monsoon records from Dongge and Hulu Cave stalagmites (Wang et al., 2001; Yuan et al., 2004), Westerlies record from Kesang Cave
stalagmites (Cheng et al., 2012), as well as 30°N summer insolation showing orbital forcing (Berger and Loutre, 1991), the North Atlantic signal
from the GISP2 δ18O record (Grootes and Stuiver, 1997). Solid black lines show 5-point smoothed data. The GISP2 record shows major climatic
events in Greenland: Greenland Stadial 2 (GS-2, “Heinrich 1 event”), Greenland Stadial 1 (GS-1, Younger Dryas chronozone) and Greenland
Interstadial 1 (GI-1, Bølling/Allerød).
region inferred a first substantial increase in Asian monsoon gradient, resulting in stronger monsoonal winds delivering more
precipitation during this period (Figure 5). precipitation to the Tibetan Plateau.
The second strengthening of the monsoon occurred at The late Holocene is characterized by a decrease in water supply
11.5 cal. ka BP, marking the onset of the Holocene. During the resulting from decreasing monsoon strength. The effect of weakening
early Holocene, monsoonal precipitation reached its northernmost monsoon intensity during the late Holocene seems to have appeared
position, and its influence was even observed in Kesang Cave on the first at Tangra Yumco and approximately 600 years later in the Nam
northwestern Tibetan Plateau (Cheng et al., 2012). A strong ISM Co area, suggesting a retreat of the ISM with an estimated velocity of
during the early to mid-Holocene (10.5–6 cal. ka BP) was reported approximately 600 m per year. At Tangra Yumco, there is a trend to
for the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea (Sirocko et al., 1993; wetter conditions and lake level increase since the Little Ice Age. This
Contreras-Rosales et al., 2014) and, with some delay, at moisture increase possibly results from an intensified westerly
8–4 cal. ka BP maximum monsoon strength occurred in the precipitation. We hence propose a southeastward shift of the
EASM region (Wang et al., 2001; Yuan et al., 2004). The ISM-Westerly boundary since 2.6 cal. ka BP. This shift was also
observed strengthening in monsoonal activity at 11.5 cal ka BP, observed in Kesang Cave in the northwestern part of the Tibetan
which has a pronounced effect on precipitation, coincides with the Plateau at 3 cal. ka BP. Cheng et al. (2012) suggested a possible shift in
Holocene maximum solar summer insolation at 30°N (Berger and seasonality from wet summers to wet winters, thus indicating a
Loutre, 1991) Figure 5). Solar insolation is associated with a weakening in ISM strength and strengthening of the Westerlies,
temperature increase and an enhanced land-sea pressure supporting a southeastward shift of the ISM-Westerly boundary.
Ulrike Weis and Brigitte Stoll (MPI for Chemistry) for laser ablation Publisher’s Note
ICP-MS measurements on ostracod shells. Special thanks go to Torsten
Haberzettl (University of Greifswald), Thomas Kasper (FSU Jena), and All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
Gerhard Daut (FSU Jena) for their support during field work and authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
retrieval of both cores. We thank Marieke Ahlborn (GFZ) and Karoline organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
Henkel (FSU Jena) for chronological and sedimentological data. We reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
also thank the reviewers and editor for their constructive suggestions claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
which helped to improve this manuscript. endorsed by the publisher.
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