General Knowledge
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. B
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. B
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. A
16. A
17. A
18. B
19. C
20. C
3. PR Newswire
5. News Forecast
8. Bloomberg News
9. Zuma Press
10. SIPA
4. Hindustan Samachar
1. Interfax
3. RIA Novosti
1. Reuters
2. AGI
1. Anadolu Agency
PR Newswire
2. Order Neisse Line was the boundary between _____ and ______ after Second World War?
(A) East Germany and Poland
(B) East Germany and West Germany
(C) Israel and Palestine
(D) None of these
3. Line of Actual Control is the current border dividing India and ________?
(A) Pakistan
(B) China
(C) Nepal
(D) Sri Lanka
4. Mannerheim Line is a line dividing ______ and ___________?
(A) Russia and Afghanistan
(B) Russia and Finland
(C) Russia and China
(D) None of the Above.
6. Green Line (Israel) refers to the 1949 Armistice border between Israel and _________?
(A) Palestine
(B) Its Neighbors
(C) Lebanon
(D) Syria
10. Total Length of the Land Borders of Pakistan with its neighbor countries is________?
(A) 6774 KM
(B) 7774 km
(C) 87774 Km
(D) None of these
Answers to MCQs General Knowledge Set-8
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. B
42. World Second Highest Peak K-2 total length in Meter is ____?
(A) 8600 Meters
(B) 8610 Meters
(C) 8611 Meters
(D) None of the Above
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. D
15. C
16. B
17. A
18. C
19. A
20. C
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. D
25. D
26. A
27. C
28. A
29. A
30. B
31. A
32. C
33. B
34. C
35. A
36. C
37. A
38. C
39. B
40. D
41. C
42. C
43. D
44. C
45. A
46. D
47. C
48. B
49. B
50. A
5. Who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan ?
(A) Justice Muhammad Munir
(B) Jusitce Muhammad Salahuddin
(C) Justice Abdul Rashid
(D) All of the above.
10. Who was the first Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan?
(A) Shujjat Ali Hasni
(B) Abdul Qadir
(C) Zahid Hussain
(D) None of the Above
17. Who was the first Commander in Chief (C in C) of Pakistan Air Force?
(A) Allan Perry Keen
(B) Richard Atcherely
(C) Asghar Khan
(D) None of the Above.
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. C
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. B
16. B
17. A
18. A
19. A
United Nations Security Council and General Assembly Questions and Answers
Q.No. 37 ECOSOC UN stands for? Economic and Social Council of United Nations
Q.No. 38 Who is the president of ECOSOC ? Marie Chatardova
Q. No. 39.Economic and Social Council has how many members ? 54
Q.No. 40 Member of the of the Economic and Social Council selected for the period of how
many years ? 3 years
Q. 41Who elect the member of ECOSOC ? General Assembly
Q. 42 What is the role of ECOSOC ? The of Cconomic and Social Council is to coordinate
economic , social and related works of 15 UN specialized agencies. United Nations UN summary
of all the primary organs which includes key facts about UN General Assembly, United Nations
Security Council , International Court of Justice , ECOSOC council and International trusteeship