Mathematical Physics Short Notes

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Shert Notes
Malhinathal Physics

Vecte Calculus:-

1 Orthegsnal Rosblution: i ) A Ay ?+A, A?

i RlA+A+ A

2 DirecticonComes Cas = Ax

m= lodBF-


iv) tm+n=1

3 Scala Psoduct a.b = Jal [bl coa

i) a.B ab, t ,ta
i ) Brojedion o R on B .8 =

4VectorPsrodut: )axb l llEI sin e

Az Ay
JBz by Bzl
(i) Tonque about a
abouta line =(AF
V) Toreue
V)Aua a parallelegram= 7xbT-
5. Scalan TnplhPraduct ú La b ] =a.(Ex2)
Liii) Velumi eparallelohped E La t z
v Coplama yecters [ B 2]=0

6 Vecto Trlph Product: i äx(Bxz) = bla.2)-2(aR).

i) @x(Bx2) + bx(era)+Cx(RxE) Fo
7. Del opnate V
8. Gradiant i Vo= +30 +30
)nputScalah Output:Vectet
(üi) Vectes aleng whuch nat s changk s
A Matimun
(i) Nohmal ta the esel Surla.ce of
(V)_Umt noAmal yecdos=

(NI) Directienal olerivative : Bojectien radient en

ecto = (V4). A
Rate s changc el alsng A.
V) Tangeont Plane :X-x)30 4+(Y-y) dd +(z-z)3 -0
9. iverpnetli) 7.AA Ay + A
) nput: Vecter Output: Scala
Gii) Divespnce ata pt » sutuwrd u eru
(iv) die-(T)=0- Seleneidal div(Y)<0 Sink
di V) >0 Seune
i) 9nput: Vecto Outpu: Vecto
ii) Retational kect at a P&unt
v) Jwnetational [Combervative vecter field Cwl- o

Il Laplocian ii V=
(i) 3t meaauus encau a fielo.
i i ) peala -Ve Valley - tve

12 Vecte Sdontities:) lo +-)= V¢

iv) ()=(o).R+¢ (G.A)

i) (A B)= Åx(Er Bx()+.F)A-(AF)e

i) E)=8.(7R)- A.(F2E)
ix) 7x(RrB)=AS.8)-R(OA) +(E7)
)(TKA =o
i)x(6) =o
i) Vx(78) = FA- A(V.) =7A)-SA
(Kn) Fra censtant veto A
(R) R = amd Vx(Rx)- 2
iv v = n(n+i)-2
Laplace ogualn: V¢=o
13. Line Jntinal : i) Jntgration o ecte aleng a u

ti) Line Srtigial =F.d

Pd Lne untepal aas Liotkdens

) ekdem by cenmser valiueMold dAA nat

olepend_upon path
basP. - Fo P-p
I n t a s l of Lnsratuekeldl, wOk dan
ina closed loop FdR0
14Spherucal Coesdinates:iy_2 1 Esinecas
y n n e Sn

tan ( 2t
tan ton )

O S 27

(iv) Snsd Sun SenC

Cos e Sin -Sum
L-Sun Cos

(V) dl, = dr A

d de 6
d l h = n Sine do
Cyimdncal Cee)dunales: i) X=pco»
P,z) 1psin

in) 0< p<o
O<D 2T

iv) Cos San

Sein Ces O

dlp= dp
dlydl ap d
dl, = dz 2

6. Genvral Cperate Fermulas:

h h ha
Carlebian Z

Spheucal 9 e

A,h) (h,Ah,)+ 2(h, hA)/

Divesgpncu: y.A(u,u,u=h J

Curl: Vx (U,,L1,)3 h
h,h,hau, Su
Ih,A hA
Laplacian: V ¢(u,.u, .u,) =
hh,h h
17 Suace Jnligal: i) ntehatisn ek vecte om a
u) Compermamt of Ealemg nomul Usedl
ini) Sukaa Intigsal= f(R-ds
uV) A (Suhacs uttzral ue Cutdjhy

19 Veluwmi Stigal: 0 Fitughatien veter acies

a velumi
Gi)ffRdv Velun Intigral)

u px,4,2)is _hange densy

pdVqutscharge enclosed an velumm V.

19Dive1yna Thashm AAV

20 Stpte Theshsm R.d (PxE).d

21 Lina dopemduno oectet

i) K,at,bt C=0 Lmiarly Dependbnt
a,d td,b+a,ct0 Linuarly ndspendsnt
b C
o lina dopemeert
b to Liniarky wmdep nelert
in) 4f vecttru auandeenelont, they nrm aa
basis o R Space
Shot Nous

Mathomaficol Phypac
Matric am Determmany--

1 Orde : (i) mxn

no. o celumns
) u lomant e th e s and 1th ceumm
(i) A J.

2. TyfeD o matrices i Sauaru Mamx m

i) Diagsnal atyx 0 LE
ii) Scala Matnz aija0 p itf, All a; Samt
bianonal Matnx wth Somd diagenel el.E i=j
Uv) dontity Matrixa =0 it+j, Al aliaj-
LDiospnal Mat th deagoral lemenis =)

Reus matrix m=
(vi Celumon man neL_
(vi) NulJ mami a i j EO
ii) phe trianala matnxa0 izj.
(ADlunents beleus_principal duaganal=o)
(ix) Louse tlangulah matnix: a oi <1
CAOelemun.tsbeR tinapal_dengonal =0)
(X) PoniodneMatnix Sauare matn'x haemg A=A
k enco
i demhotet Matrix: A A (IAL= OA)
(fiedhc Puti wth_perioad CK) =1)
Maix Sauahe matrix h A =0
xi)Nidpelnt P indr
tyace dtiymunant=0
X1i) Ioolultry Marix: A-I SM nver
T a c o a Matrix ti) Suun o Pincipal oluagpral slemnt
i) T(A) =2i

ii Tr(A+8) =TA +Tr(6)

iv) TrlcA) c TrlA)
) Tr(AB) =TLBA)
vi) Ts(ABc)= T(6cA) =TM(CAB)cuc pertonen
v) I n-
U ramspaå : ) AtiNchamgung owsand sems
gi a3) =[
ui) (AT=EA
iv) (A A

Ttngate it Tsanbpoa +Coniugath Daag

i) A A =(A)
(ii) (A)= A
iv)AB) =8'A
6. Symmetric Matrix: ) A =A e
i / 0ji-
Gi) No. owndoendent cempontwek nxn malnz:
I+213+ut-tn nti)
Skew-Symmtric matrti) Le ai-a
i) .ot undapendant cemponun:
12t3Mt ) n{n -1)
t) Diagpmak glumtnb a n
alunys 3A
NOTE Asguau mari Can be itten as
A- A+A)+lA- A)
Smmetic SKaus- SYmmil
H Aard B e dymmetricAB dymm ic if AB B.
ABe A'B=(BA). NKsAB-(A6) 48 AB

5, Hesmithn Mazrix: U A =A i a
(iL)Diagena lomeni_analwngs nial
L) Miunum a wal elemvns = YM nxn maix

SKe-Hey miiaa Matix:U) A--Ae aa a

ii) Dlagonal elemonts aru 301s PPuuly ungine
Liüy Min. n . ual elom =0
iv) f A hmitian, iA -iA wl b
f A human, KA A alsa rmidan
NOTE [A,6) =A6-BA ABL=Abt8BA [A,8J= comle A, 6y-o dmti-cOmmuite

lo. Sin SaMotrix Determimnt = 0

Non- 3imgulahMafnc Determinart | O

12 Adsint a a matniz4h Tran2poAe Co-factor matriz.

iAdjA)A= AltdjCa))=JAl
i)adA =IA
13 TnRDAL ef_a matix:i)A A =
u)Any mverhblh madnix has a

) (ABC-.)=.CBA
14Orthogovmal Matrix : (i) A matrir thoganal AA'= A'A-1
n eterminand Th to
Ii) A A =

iv) Each Ds and celumn nmalizd vechi

A n y hwo neudd on colkunna a l efhogenal

ach athe/
i f Aand B a s hogarnal, AB_and Bh a
alte shegena!

15. Unutany matix: ti AA A'A =I


) Determmant e undany matrix dd unt nta

ii) A= A
V) Éach you_amd celuoor anenmaliaeol Veces
VAny Awe r e celumms ae thog2mal
Lv) A and B
Sf unitony matrices, AB anod
BA u alutns umkany-

6 . Eiamvaluss amd Eigcnuecto»: i AX=ax

(A-2I)X =0.
2 2 Eigenvaluus X Elgenvector ter 2
IA-3I| =0has sokution 9uing eugen values
ii) F e tkat genVakus ,, a,n Le ha.
eugenuede X, ,Xz,X3X rtistun9 (-)X =0

17 Impentant povnts i) 2, +t 2,t2gt-tn = Tr(A)

i) 2 , : DetlA)
ii) Eigen vales o A andA are saml
iv) f 2,.2,., ana
2ginv auss o A,
(a) Bnvaluos o KkA a a
KA, Ka .K2
1b)Eigonuakud o A L.L
(c) Eipnbauss o A a
(V)Eigmwnluis oa 0alb dymmutric matrix a
homitiam t r i x 0 alwrays rea
i)Eigondnuas a eal Symmnc matriz a
shuw-ountiam mamr ah eiko na o purly imegnay
(vii) Eigmdulus e a 20al olthogenol matrie ora unday matrr
e o nit modulus.
(Viu) Elqtmudalts diasgnal matjx, uten Lorser tromgulat
mmatriz a the rincpal duagenol sennits
ix) Any dUO ugtnvectvs epondin te dasthnci sgen
vaunseaKenmdjan umitany madrix ahealras
hogenal e oach dho-
( Egmvaluss ae nVahumt under Stmilaritiy ransfermator
) E19eomtaluus l petpnt mac au aluwas 3pa

iy Eigenaluts A L1 o n,0,0,0--
he o columms aS cala
ei)Eigenvaluts oA havting
mutiple n, ae TrA),0,o,0.. -

Cal Hamutem Thaokem: ) tvery S9uasmatrin ghshes

hahacterishc e4uation ( usunvalu cq)
) L chot ca. e A,. 4a tb2+C0,
fhen a A tbA tcI =0 u also 3ahsficd
i ) Calculatien e inverse: aAtbAt cI:

A(aA+ bA t¢I)

a A AbAA + cAI

a A t bI =-cA
A aAtbI

19Ramk ofa trix: i Anachoral no. saud Je benl
ahee sts at lent am Squane ub-mal o A
edor hawng mon-gene oletiaminart
h) very Squase sub- mumie A t h d Aihs
An detzrminamt

Sub-madrix kating n8m-48L APIminant.

uü) Kamk a null ynatriJ2NE-
J) Kan o am nen- mal r 2L
V)Kanla o any nen singula naini x (nx n)

) Ranla AB b aluays Kanh(A), lankAA

o Diaagmalirpion: i)_A matpixhaung dushint agcn valuus
1) Diaaemaliagd matrix ,D = PAP

whare P
Mcthod LD and A_we san gin ea
D= O***0

Li eusn a Matrix: D= P AP
( Expemential D: PAP A= PDP
,ep(A) =f xP(D) P
y Leganihm D P AP A- PDP

r(A) n A)- P Ln(D)
.1. Rotattenal Matrin:i) Whim >state_coofdunotu otout a
Sciic axis PE Rt®]e]
Ry =o Stne
- Sun
Cn css

(C) R CO Sne

() Rotahional matx is ahegenal

iv) Determinant = -
a e 1, e ,
Shent NZps
Mathumotlcal Phyáics
Differential auatiaas
DiFfesenhial Euation: ) An uation smtauing dlendert and
mdapendemt vasuables amd their deriatve

n) a) 6rdimcoy DE
Single indapendint wrih
b)Paoial DE. \Muüple indupendent whnables.
2. Ordea and beghe: ) Oxoder: ighut berivative
u Deghuu: feoe d highust divative tom

3ineo DIferential uatien.i poue d ) =1

n:0 1,2,3
() 9t mtans pou o y amd s Juivahius

First Ordor and First dethot

1A) Saparabl femi
Cam betameated ta fly)dy 32) dr

18) Reducibl ta Sapaabk ferami

un the dy= a,fx.y) +6,
em olr
dakine f ) =
2A) Henegenialls jtm
Cnstant tem-0;te. gz,y) y-f,D =0
dy f4)fdet wntaig

untificafien f[ax,Ay)f (bothf"kaust Ssm dt

Put 4= VZ o =Vy acc ta
2 L6)j Raclucdbk a hemaqmins govm
fln)datknet ist as n 1(8j
Taa = Xth_; y=Ytksuch that final
Lauatim hemagenial

3t Linea DE eFirst ehdes i

Fehmi du P( u-Q2)
IE e
Selutien : LEx4

Bemeull uatiGn uduable te Linea Ist oAlen

oy P(2) y Qz) y

dioidk by y +Pt)y = )

tahe V 3 dy

Exact biferential Eamatimm

tehm ML) dy Nl) dy= 0 t

M N Exadt M N NGm-E
Sotion Exact
Md +N dy0
Ly-Cenut xterm-ntet)
Lyneflact [x-con OR
i) Md
Ndy CTahe Cemmem tetmme

s Ditferentiaa(Exact)
We amnGh, dh . Sem o h m f
Exact dknenhals (d) an aun bila

i d(/, yd -xdy

d 2xyd zdy

d ) 2xy-2xyy
(v) d(/e) 2x'dy-2xy'de

(i) d[ s (xy)= Xdqt ydt Viu) d(y)= xdy+ydk

1X) d oly-yd x) d tan = ydr- xdy

(xi) d tog X- Ydt-xd i) d og
ydit xdy
ki)d btr)|= zde+ydy
5 SecBmd Sdo :


1ylemopneeuss DE. (wih_cenbtantcsdirla)

Fo + Py +
Qy =0 (L,O
Tahetrial solutiem
Them dlse th quadnatic 4 med um m{Auilen
Surposition i Final Selution is
=ie*Ge D,m astind,
yzCe+2Ce m,=msm ual
ui) y= C +Ge;m,n,dsbnct, toyla
(iW) 42GaspX tCSunfr)jnn rglar chmiju
hire m tis

2 Nlenz HeumegLueLenea DE (Leth Lnt_(ecdent

Fer P y RR(Z)
(F Complimentoy kundhion Saame as hemeqmsud
P T - lasticulah intrghal [Depenols upen R)
weL'Hopital sul
fa whn adid

)R esaz Anar
PE= m a Sun ar u Lhoptal
0) f-0) ule awhun nadi
(Sin Stn

()Ra pelynbmial e 9.x)

PL al cenat tve tgms D
fo S(D)
+ 7 = 1-2t-?.
iv Rx) e
Lcornst/40ha)nNe toma otDJ
w1nsKaoam e a Differential Equatieni
one Solutims e 2nd oder hamogenew

O a kinea mdupendnt

1 Method oVauaisne_ponamilerd:
4 hat tPy Qy=kX)
Omd e
CF= A y B y u= - Ra)y

Cauchy -Eukes Eguatim:

bE. t vauable c o l i u t a )
y ta,y+ay Qz)
Lt =e Log

dy dy Ld

zdydy zdDyD
d dz

a'y d/d d
dy dy ddy -Ld+dz
d(-D of
o (D
Shr Notes

Mathimatical fhuyc

Cemplec alss:

Combler numbe (1) Ze t l y

ui) t nepniemlid un Complex ngamd pern

w) mpla lenigale: 2 a X-y
lzl= dTAY
vi) ang(z): tan e

vi) Pelatu erm X=nCss e

Z= AÅG +L Sune

ú)z, +z,ls lz+lz)
ui) 1z-z12 |z-1zJ
ii) 12,z=|21lz)
)gzZ,) g l2,) + ag(z2)

Lvi) ag{ ag(z)=2yl za)

SDe-Moivre's thecrm
ne = (CasG+ CSine)

(Cos +isin) Codme)t i Snn9)

unnaugumunt: t) Ct,+)
= TT-X

--TT+ 9= -

5. Cemplez funchien ulz) ti v(zy).
() G(z)
is Linut e f):
um f) eusts shun hs_amdu
Jath indspendet

Analytic nctien:) fflz) u dsuntd at z=z, ant

dilleendable aA Cy hent pa Naghbouun 7,
bad Te be analletic af Z=7,
(ti Cauch RLmanm Eguuatien:-
f fe) = Utiv
u -d
then ( amalytic.

& u -

7. Harmene fumctien Funtion &afisfyuim

Sahisty Laplac kaunahsn.

Cempiul and neal parls a an COmpll an
wnuhion a thvmêC funchiers
fers Sertes Expamsi m -i) Jf a sompie f f) analytic at
z-Zo Kan f(z) Cam be rpussed
powe bous aboul povmt z Z,.z
fte) a.(z -z.)
msen seus tonuehgint, f" analgic ar

se gon disehant, i o nom-analfic

at that pint
Kagem ocenuwgence f f"_s_amalytic t
Z=Z, ThentAL Langpt_nde anourd Z,,-
AnSide hch a e posnts asu analytic (poa
Aeuisk ihat ontsi miepnt) s callecd

[vi) Cl2-z,=R nck

2-zaLR Rogien ot comueAgoa
Kadus cenuengencl

Radu cenugntk i k=

(ii) Rahie tot

Ana 1 Conllignt
1 dusen gemt

ivRoot test: 1a, 1 Centnp

1 dusensind

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