Unit 3

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Unit 3

Task 1: -Digital cameras: Digital cameras are designed to capture still images and store them in a digital
format. Most digital cameras come with a USB cable that allows you to transfer the images directly to
your computer.

-Smartphones: Most modern smartphones are equipped with high-quality cameras that can capture
high-resolution images. You can transfer the images from your smartphone to your computer using a
USB cable, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi.

-Scanners: Scanners are devices that capture images from printed materials such as photographs,
documents, and artwork. Scanners can be connected to a computer using a USB cable or a wireless

-Webcams: Webcams are small cameras that are built into laptops and desktop computers. They can
capture images and video in real-time and transmit them over the internet.

Task2: 1. Document scanning is the process of converting physical documents, such as paper files, into
digital files that can be stored electronically. The process involves using a scanner to capture an image of
the document, which is then converted into a digital format, such as a PDF or JPEG file.

2.There are various types of documents that can be scanned, including:

+Text documents


+Receipts and invoices

+Artwork and designs

+Map and blueprints

+Book and magazines

3. Total number of pixels in the horizontal direction = 6 inches x 150 DPI = 900 pixels

Total number of pixels in the vertical direction = 4 inches x 150 DPI = 600 pixels

 Total number of pixels = Total number of pixels in the horizontal direction x Total number of
pixels in the vertical direction

<=> Total number of pixels = 900 x 600 = 540,000 pixels

4. The function of PTM and CCD in a scanner is important for ensuring the correct translation of light

Task 3:

1. A particular color can be perceived in different ways depending on the color it is placed next to.
2. A surface that looks red under white light will be perceived as orange if illuminated by
yellow light, for example
3. The type of off press processing (postpress) you'll be doing in phase eight might determine what
paper you need to use in the original design concept.
4. It is an important step in the process, as it is the last opportunity to check the material and make
any necessary changes.
5. Once the proofs are approved, it's time to make the printing plate that will be used to strike the
actual prints.
6. In order to transfer original images to a computer for viewing and editing, you use a scanner,
which reads the original image and converts it into a digital image.
7. In a drum scanner, the originals are mounted on a glass drum, while in a flatbed scanner they
are placed on a flat glass surface, much like they would be in a copier.
8. When scanning an image, the scanner divides the surface of the original image into a checkered
pattern, in which every little square corresponds to a scanning point.
9. The light that is reflected (if you are using reflective art) or transmitted (if you are using
transparent art) from the scanning point will pick upthe color from the respective point on the
original image.
10. The quality of the photo multipliers or CCD cells in a scanner is important for ensuring the
correct translation of light signals.

Task 4: A slide is a single page of a presentation. In printing it is considered as positive film. They are
so called because a slide is a specially mounted individual transparency intended for projection a
screen using a slide projector. This allows the photograph to be viewed by a large audience at once.

Task 5: 1. electronic; 2. images; 3. digital; 4.software; 5. quality; 6.scanning; 7. Transmitting ;

8. reliability; 9. Resolutions; 10. cost-saving

Task 6:

Verbs Noun denote object, events, Nouns express activities

Design Designer, Designing, Designing
Process Processor, Processing, Processing
Print Printer, Printing, Printout Printing
Scan Scanner, Scanning, Scantron Scanning
Edit Editor, Editing, Edition Editing
Light Lighter, Lighting, Lightness Lighting

 The design of the new building is very modern and innovative.

 The process of manufacturing this product involves several different stages.
 I need to print out these documents before the meeting.
 Can you scan this image and email it to me?
 I need to edit this video before I can upload it to YouTube.
 The light in this room is too dim, we need to turn on some more lamps.

Task 7:
1. Standardize: to make something conform to a standard or set of standards.
Example sentence: The company needs to standardize its production process to ensure
consistent quality.
2. Digitize: to convert analog information into digital format.
Example sentence: The library is digitizing its entire collection to make it more accessible
to the public.
3. Minimize: to reduce something to the smallest possible amount or degree.

Example sentence: We need to minimize the risks involved in this project.

4. Computerize: to automate tasks or processes using computers.

Example sentence: The company decided to computerize its inventory management system for
greater efficiency.

Suffix "-ization": This suffix is used to form nouns that indicate the process or result of a certain action.

1. Standardization: the process of making something conform to a standard or set of standards.

Example sentence: The standardization of safety regulations is crucial in the construction
2. Digitization: the process of converting analog information into digital format.
Example sentence: The digitization of medical records has made it easier for healthcare
providers to access patient information.
3. Minimization: the act or process of reducing something to the smallest possible amount or
Example sentence: The minimization of waste is important for environmental sustainability.
4. Computerization: the process of automating tasks or processes using computers.
Example sentence: The computerization of payroll processing has reduced the workload for HR

Task 8: 1. lighting/ printing

2. light

3. minimize/ processing/ standardization

4. printed/ standards

5. designer/ computer

6. digital

7. scanner/ digital

8. scanning/ scanner

9. editing/ computers/ edit

10. digitization/ digital/ computing/ computing

Task 9:
Characteristic Drum scanner Flatbed scanner
Kind of originals Flexible Rigid
Price Expensive Cheaper
Shape of originals mounting Drum Flatbed
Quality & productivity High quality, very productive Moderate quality
Receiver of light signals PTM CCD cells

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