BD Complete Week 01

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Wee eI SII LILIA LIS e?S + ae Back-end Devel opment Cxpren js It w a small framework that works on the top 4 Nodes web server Jorctionality to simply ity APL and add helpfel new feateres : Tt makes it eaier cto Applicaton 's dorctonality with og anize Your Midelleware anal routing ; Create 4 Application Step at creme a folder Step t+ open md and move tnt thot dfololey Step 3. npm init -y Step 4) open that older ag Weede Step 5 npm 2 express Steps create — index “fs Code const xpress = require Whexprens'y; | const app = epresO ih Backend application name “app” i> created « Expren dramewerk iw import cof comt port = 8000; scatliback function fapp:Nsten Lpert, O > console. log C Hello fey communi tation happem S) sR woth — ligten an om te qve port no NOTE: Te run this type " node traded oy terminal. Middleware Middleware are jorctions that ean be vaed to perern a variety ef aske Such on — Payain — Authenticaton - Logging — Error handling f Adding middlensve app. uae. Lex prens fn oy iw to prriee | fetch de json ' (lITt, woetk , Routes Routes handle user igen +o various URLs Hrrougheut your app leaton. uate Requ rots — GET —- — Fetch — POST — -—> Crugte — put ~4 \_s Update — DELETE — | _. Remove Code Ww App. method (7 " lveq res) > § Yer. send C chip Hello f'

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