Research Paper in English
Research Paper in English
Research Paper in English
School Strand
A Research Report
In Partial Fulfillment
school or a junior and senior high school that consists of grades 7 to 12 levels and in the
education (Junior High School) grades 7 to 10 and upper secondary education (Senior
High School) grades 11 to 12. Junior high school is more generalized, with students more
or less studying the same subject matter which are English, Science, Filipino, AP, ESP,
TLE, Math, and MAPEH subjects, while senior high school is much more individualized.
Students that had passed grade 10 levels will now choose a senior high school strand.
Enrolling and choosing a senior high school strand is one of the most challenging
decisions that junior high school will have to face. The study aimed to know the factors
and percentage of CLIS students that struggles in choosing a senior high school strand.
This study will help to know the records of students that struggle in enrolling for a senior
high school strand and will help to know the tips and measures on how to enroll for a
senior high school strand without any hardships. The survey was conducted online (all
section of Grade 10 CLIS students) using data collection method with yes and no type of
The researchers also employed a validation using the statistics method and frequency
distribution method.
Choosing a senior high school strand is one of the most challenging decisions
that junior high school CLIS students will have to face. Choosing and enrolling for
senior high school strand is greatly important because the strand they choose will serve
as their training ground before entering college. This is following their diverse dreams
and interests in life that can still change over time (Deil-Amen, 2011). In relevance,
knowing and exploring one’s field of interest will nurture and help one land on the right
should consider factors that would affect their overall decision such as the
sociodemographic profile, socio-economic status, parents, job opportunities, academic
of the things they will encounter in a not too distant future (Moneva & Malbas, 2019;
chosen then the students next step is to enroll. Enrolling is the step in which students
will do the requirement to enter in their preferred choice of strand that will be the
students preferred study training for their future college. And people know that
enrolments have its overviews, conditions, and constraints to enter in the preferred
senior high school strand. But since senior high school strand has its level of
conditions to enter the preferred strand of the students, In Conde Labac Integrated
School, there only has 3 different choice of strand which are: SMAW that stands for
Shielded Metal Arc Welding, is one of the specialized subjects under the Technical-
Vocational Livelihood (TVL) career track. ABM that stands for Accountancy, Business
and Management, is geared for students who are adept at financial management and
would like to pursue careers in the corporate world or perhaps pursue their own
entrepreneurial dreams. And STEM that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics, is a senior high school strand which focuses on the intertwining
disciplines revolving around the hard sciences. Students that are enrolled on this track
will be exposed to advanced concepts and topics that will help them explore careers as
Most students basis are on how difficult the studies will be in each senior high
school strand levels. SMAW was known for students to be the easiest strand in which
they claim that it mostly engages on physical activities like venturing in wielding that
made students to enjoy practicing in wielding, ABM was known to be the moderately
difficult strand among students and in which they claim that it has a least studies in
mathematics and mostly engages in business activities with less math computations,
and lastly STEM was known to be the most difficult strand in which students claim that
it mostly engages in difficult mathematics that studies about the whole grades 7-10
studies of lessons in math and in which most of the junior high schools chooses the
As the students enroll for their preferred strand in senior high school, the
students also struggles in enrolling as strands has the strict conditions about the
student grades, characters, and performance in studies to enter the senior high strand.
Based on the research, since the senior high school strand has its preferred levels
either it is a lower level or a higher level, teachers said that ‘’ students are not the one
who will choose for their strand to enter but instead the school is the one that will
choose for their senior high school strand. And a student has to refer on their grades
and academic performance in choosing their senior high school strand which leads to
either committing for their chosen strand or not. And this research could be a helpful
solution for the students struggle in enrolling for their preferred senior high school
strand in which this study can be a guide for the students. This study can help the
students to improve their academic performances by the means of giving different kinds
of tips and measures to improve and make their validation on the chosen strand.
This study aims to determine the challenges or struggles experienced by the Grade
1. What are the requirements that the Grade 10 students need to submit in enrolling in
their preferred Senior High School Strand in ensure of :
2. What are the challenges that the Grade 10 students are facing in enrolling in Senior
High School Strand?
3. What are the factors behind the Grade 10 struggles in enrolling in senior high
4. Bend on the findings of the percentage of students who are still struggling in
Method used:
The method that was used in the research study was both qualitative and quantitative.
In this research the researchers used survey and questionnaire which are: Recognition
researchers only chose to create Google forms to deliver them online for an easy
In this research the researchers made a population technique in which the researchers
conducted the computation of percentage of grade10 CLIS students that are struggling in
enrolling for senior high school and not to know the population record of the students that
has difficulties in choosing also for the senior high school strand.
Sampling Techniques:
In this research the researchers used a fishbowl sampling method, in which the fishbowl
sampling technique is being done by doing a lottery method, the researchers selects a
select number of slips randomly. Alternatively, the researcher will place all the slips of
Data Collection:
Data collection is where the researchers serve the surveys or questionnaires to the
4. And once the questions had been answered by the students/respondents then,
collect the data and create a linear text and nonlinear text for better explanation of
5. And since the researchers are using both quantitative and qualitative method for the
research then, create a table that shows the percentages of the respondents
6. And lastly, picture all the bibliographies and references of the researchers in
creating the research paper with its credits to the owners of the references used.
survey was compiled, sorted, organized and tabulated. The survey was subject to
statistical treatment in order to answer the questions proposed in the study. The
statistical tools employed were the frequency distribution, percentage, ordinal scale and
weight mean.
% = percentage
F= No. of respondents
respect to their academic performance. And the research study was about
Table 1. Shows the number of grade 10 students that choose a senior high school
G10St. Therese 0 0 0 2 2
TOTAL 6 6 5 3 21
Table 1. Shows that from 21 students or respondents that answered the questions, St.
Claire section of grade 10 students has the highest total of 16 students among all
respondents. By computing the total percentage of the column and the row, since the st.
Claire section has the highest number of respondents the percentage won’t come out but
still the row has a respondents of 1.66% and 4% of the respondents in the column. The
interpretation says that the highest number/ percentage of respondents are on the column.
1. The second questionnaire where in thin the tablee question is about the
requirements that are needed in enrolling which has almost the same requirements,
the grades is the most needed among students who are enrolling that may be
TOTAL 8 13 21
In table 2, the table shows that it has the highest number of respondents to say no on the
first question. As I computed the percentage, the columns percentage was 1.53% while the
row has no percentage. The table interprets that the number of students has the highest
saying to disagreement or no to the first question which is the question if students area still
TOTAL 11 10 21
In table 3. it shows that the both students of st,. Claire are the same. And in the table it also
shows that in deciding on which school to enter is also difficult for the students. And in this
1. The requirements that the grade 10 students needed to submit in enrolling in their
preferred senior high school are the outputs, grades with passing scores for the
strand the student will choose, Xerox of PSA, enrollment form, birth certificate, and
no fail grades.
2. The challenges that the grade 10 students are facing in enrolling for the senior high
school strand are the lack of understanding on what strand to choose, difficulties in
knowing the students interest in things, which school to enroll, difficulty in achieving
a required grades for the strand, difficulty on passing a passing grade on math, and
3. The factors behind the grade 10 students struggles in entering senior high school
strand are the difficulty in achieving a required grades for the strand, difficulty on
4. The percentage of students that are struggling to enter in senior high school stand
are in the midst of 52% in which the researchers conducted that there are still half
of the grade 10 students population that are struggling in enrolling for their senior
5. The measures and tips that the grade 10 students can do to alleviate their
enrollment form are by the means of studying hard in order to get a passing grades,
completing the incomplete requirements, completing the missing outputs, doing the
complete it.
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn.
3. therefore the researchers conclude that students still need much more advanced
guide to the strand they are going to choose for their future and for better
From the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are
path they are going to enter for their better and successful future.
2. This research study can also be recommended on the their grade level student
either senior or junior high school student can read this for advanced learning.
3. And this research paper can also be recommended among the future
References / Bibliography
ASEAN Journal of Educational research and Technology: Princes Aires Mlaguial’’,
(Submitted / received 05 jul 2022, First revised 09 Aug 2022, Accepted 20 Aug
2022, First available online 23 Aug 2022, Publication date 01Mar 2023)Senior High
School Strands: Factors Affecting the Students Preference, Sultan Kudarat State
Appendix A. Questionnaire
Instructions: Choose the strand you are going to choose for senior high school.
What are the requirements needed for enrolling in senior high school with the strand
you choose?
Instructions: Choose yes if you agree with the question and no if not.
1. Are you still undecided on what strand you are going to choose?
2. Are you having a hard time in choosing which school to enter in senior high school?
3. Are you already decided on what strand you are going to choose?
4. Are you already decided on which school to enter in senior high school?
Instructions: choose your answer on the following given question.
What are the possible measures you can use if you are still having a hard time in
Appendix B.