03 - Notes - Solidity OOps Concepts
03 - Notes - Solidity OOps Concepts
03 - Notes - Solidity OOps Concepts
Contract Book.
Inheritance Brand="NYC" Brand="NYC"
Length = 5 Length = 5
1. Inheritance in Solidity is the procedure Breadth = 4
Breadth = 4
in which one contract inherits the
Height = 3 Height = 3
attributes and methods of another
HeatResistant = true
WaterProof = true
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
contract Car {
uint public wheels=4;
uint public doors=4;
string public brandName="CTE";
uint public headlight=2;
bool public safetyBag=true;
contract superCar is Car{
uint public speed=400;
uint public modelNumber=121;
string public modelName="Texxo";
Abstract Contracts
• Abstract contracts are contracts that can have functions without its implementation.
• The abstract contract defines the structure of the contract and any derived contract
inherited from it should provide an implementation for the incomplete functions. And
that functions should contain override keyword.
• And if the derived contract is also not implementing the incomplete functions then
that derived contract will also be marked as abstract.
• An interface is an agreement or a contract between itself and any contract that
implements it.
• Interfaces restrictions -
• They can only inherit from other interfaces but not from other contracts.
contract A is Calculator{
function getResult() external view returns(uint){
• Polymorphism is one of the core concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP)
and describes situations in which something occurs in several different forms.
contract Poly{
function add(uint a,uint b) public pure returns(uint){
return a+b;
function add(uint a,uint b,uint c) public pure returns(uint){
return a+b+c;
function add(string memory a,uint b) public pure returns(uint){
Error and Revert
• Errors allow you to provide more information to the caller about why a condition or
operation failed.
• The revert statement unconditionally aborts and reverts all changes similar
to the require function, but it also allows you to provide the name of an error
and additional data which will be supplied to the caller (and eventually to the front-end
application or block explorer) so that a failure can more easily be debugged or reacted
Error and Revert
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
contract A {
error InsufficientBalance(uint balance, uint withdrawAmount);
Pay Button
• When you call them, they cause the arguments to be stored in the
transaction’s log - a special data structure in the blockchain.
• These logs are associated with the address of the contract, are incorporated into the blockchain, and
stay there as long as a block is accessible.
• The Log and its event data is not accessible from within contracts (not even from
the contract that created them).
Where events get stored ?
Logs file
Event Advantages
User get notify
• The library does not have state variables, it cannot inherit any
element and cannot be inherited.
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.9.0;
library Addition{
contract demo {
Contract and Object
Solidity is a programming language used for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. In
Solidity, a contract is a collection of code (functions) and data that is stored on the Ethereum blockchain.
Contracts can be used to represent digital assets, such as tokens or certificates, or to execute a predefined set
of rules.
In Solidity, objects are instances of contract types. They are created when a contract is deployed to the
Ethereum blockchain. Each object has its own set of data and can execute the functions defined within the
contract. When an object executes a function, it can modify its own data and/or the data of other objects on
the blockchain.
Solidity contracts and objects work together to define the behavior of decentralized applications (DApps) on
the Ethereum blockchain. Contracts define the rules and functions of the DApp, while objects represent the
actual instances of the DApp that are executed on the blockchain.
Instance of contract
In Solidity, you can create instances of contracts just like you would create objects in an object-oriented programming
When you deploy a contract to the Ethereum blockchain, it creates a new instance of that contract, which has its own state
and behavior. You can interact with the contract instance by sending transactions or making calls to its public functions.
Here's an example of how to create a contract instance in Solidity:
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract MyContract {
uint256 public myValue;
constructor(uint256 initialValue) {
myValue = initialValue;
contract MyContractFactory {
function createMyContract(uint256 initialValue) public returns (MyContract) {
return new MyContract(initialValue);
Part 1 of 2
Instance of contract
In this example, we have two contracts: `MyContract` and `MyContractFactory`. `MyContract` has a public state variable
`myValue`, and a function `setValue` that allows you to update the value of `myValue`. The `constructor` function sets the
initial value of `myValue` when the contract is created.
`MyContractFactory` has a function `createMyContract` that creates a new instance of `MyContract` and returns it. When you
call `createMyContract` on `MyContractFactory`, it deploys a new instance of `MyContract` to the blockchain with the initial
value specified in the function call.
You can interact with the contract instance returned by `createMyContract` just like you would with any other contract
instance. For example:
MyContractFactory factory = new MyContractFactory();
MyContract myContract = factory.createMyContract(42);
uint256 value = myContract.myValue(); // returns 42
value = myContract.myValue(); // returns 100
In this example, we create an instance of `MyContractFactory`, then use it to create a new instance of `MyContract` with an
initial value of 42. We then call `myValue` to retrieve the value of `myValue`, which should be 42. We then call `setValue` to
update the value of `myValue` to 100, and call `myValue` again to verify that the value was updated. Part 2 of 2
Inheritance is a mechanism in Solidity that allows a new contract to be based on an existing contract, inheriting all of its
properties and methods. This can help to make Solidity code more modular, as it allows for common functionality to be
defined in a base contract and then reused in multiple derived contracts.
To define a new contract that inherits from an existing contract, the `is` keyword is used, followed by the name of the base
contract. For example:
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract Animal {
string public species;
Inheritance can be used to create hierarchies of contracts, where more specific contracts inherit from more general
contracts. This can help to reduce code duplication and increase code reuse, as well as make the code easier to understand
and maintain.
Part 2 of 2
Why Interface?
The main use of interfaces in Solidity is to provide a way for contracts to interact with each other in a
standardized and secure manner.
Interfaces are used to define the functions that can be called on a contract, but they do not provide any
implementation details for those functions. This allows other contracts to interact with the contract without
knowing the implementation details, making the contract more secure and less prone to errors.
In addition, interfaces can be used to abstract the implementation details of a contract, making it easier to
upgrade or replace the implementation without affecting the contracts that rely on it.
Another use of interfaces is to provide a way for contracts to interact with external systems, such as other
blockchains or off-chain data sources. By defining a standardized interface for these systems, contracts can
interact with them in a secure and consistent way.
Overall, interfaces provide a way to create modular and interoperable contracts, which can help to reduce the
complexity and increase the security of decentralized applications.
Abstract Contract
Solidity is a programming language used for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. In
Solidity, a contract is a collection of code (functions) and data that is stored on the Ethereum blockchain.
Contracts can be used to represent digital assets, such as tokens or certificates, or to execute a predefined set
of rules.
In Solidity, objects are instances of contract types. They are created when a contract is deployed to the
Ethereum blockchain. Each object has its own set of data and can execute the functions defined within the
contract. When an object executes a function, it can modify its own data and/or the data of other objects on
the blockchain.
Solidity contracts and objects work together to define the behavior of decentralized applications (DApps) on
the Ethereum blockchain. Contracts define the rules and functions of the DApp, while objects represent the
actual instances of the DApp that are executed on the blockchain.
In Solidity, an event is a way for a contract to notify the outside world when something happens. Events are
essentially messages that the contract emits, and they can be subscribed to by external parties such as user
interfaces, other contracts, or even off-chain systems.
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract MyContract {
event NewValueSet(uint256 value);
Part 1 of 2
In this example, `NewValueSet` is an event that is emitted by the `MyContract` contract when the `setValue`
function is called. The event takes a single argument, `value`, which is an unsigned integer of 256 bits.
To listen for this event, an external party could use the Web3.js library or a similar tool to subscribe to events
emitted by the `MyContract` contract. For example:
myContractInstance.events.NewValueSet(function(error, result) {
if (!error) {
console.log("New value set:", result.returnValues.value);
This code would listen for `NewValueSet` events emitted by `myContractInstance`, and log a message to the
console whenever a new value is set.
Events are commonly used in Solidity to notify external parties of important state changes in a contract, such
as the creation of a new user account, the completion of a transaction, or the occurrence of an error. By
emitting events, a contract can provide transparency and visibility into its internal state, and allow external
parties to react to those changes in a timely and effective manner. Part 2 of 2
In this example, `NewValueSet` is an event that is emitted by the `MyContract` contract when the `setValue`
function is called. The event takes a single argument, `value`, which is an unsigned integer of 256 bits.
To listen for this event, an external party could use the Web3.js library or a similar tool to subscribe to events
emitted by the `MyContract` contract. For example:
myContractInstance.events.NewValueSet(function(error, result) {
if (!error) {
console.log("New value set:", result.returnValues.value);
This code would listen for `NewValueSet` events emitted by `myContractInstance`, and log a message to the
console whenever a new value is set.
Events are commonly used in Solidity to notify external parties of important state changes in a contract, such
as the creation of a new user account, the completion of a transaction, or the occurrence of an error. By
emitting events, a contract can provide transparency and visibility into its internal state, and allow external
parties to react to those changes in a timely and effective manner. Part 2 of 2
Solidity is a programming language used for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. In
Solidity, a contract is a collection of code (functions) and data that is stored on the Ethereum blockchain.
Contracts can be used to represent digital assets, such as tokens or certificates, or to execute a predefined set
of rules.
In Solidity, objects are instances of contract types. They are created when a contract is deployed to the
Ethereum blockchain. Each object has its own set of data and can execute the functions defined within the
contract. When an object executes a function, it can modify its own data and/or the data of other objects on
the blockchain.
Solidity contracts and objects work together to define the behavior of decentralized applications (DApps) on
the Ethereum blockchain. Contracts define the rules and functions of the DApp, while objects represent the
actual instances of the DApp that are executed on the blockchain.
Part 1 of 2
Library are stateless?
Libraries in Solidity are typically stateless because they are designed to provide a collection of reusable
functions that can be called by other contracts without the need to modify the state of the library or the
calling contract.
When a library is called by a contract, the library's code is executed in the context of the calling contract. This
means that the library has access to the state of the calling contract, but it cannot modify that state directly.
Instead, any modifications to the state must be performed by the calling contract itself.
By making libraries stateless, Solidity ensures that they can be reused by multiple contracts without the risk of
introducing unwanted side effects or unexpected interactions between contracts. Stateless libraries are also
more efficient and easier to test, because they do not rely on external state or dependencies that can change
over time.
That being said, it is possible to create stateful libraries in Solidity by using global variables or storage
pointers. However, this is generally discouraged, because it can make the library less predictable and more
difficult to use and test. In general, it's best to keep Solidity libraries stateless and focused on providing a
collection of reusable functions that can be called by other contracts.
Code Eater
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