The road safety engineering (RSE) function has the overarching aim of reducing the risk of collisions on
the road network by implementing a range of low-cost improvements.
Road traffic safety refers to the methods and measures used to prevent road users from being killed or
seriously injured. Typical road users include: pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, vehicle passengers and
passengers of on-road public transport (mainly buses and trams).
Fatal traffic accident is one which involves a person who dies as a result of an injury sustained in
the accident (usually within 30 days); it excludes confirmed suicides
Serious accident involves a person who is detained in hospital as an in-patient, or who suffers
any of the following injuries: fractures, concussion, internal injuries, crushings, severe cuts and
lacerations, or severe general shock, that require medical treatment
Slight accident is one involving a person who is only slightly injured, e.g. a person who sustains a
sprain, bruise or cut, which is not judged (by the police) to be severe, or slight shock requiring
only roadside attention
Damage-only accident does not involve people who sustain personal injuries
1. Distracted Driving
Distracted driving becomes a larger threat every year and has been the leading cause of car accidents
for the past decades. Please pay attention to the road while you are driving. That means no calls, no
texting, no eating, no reading, no grooming or application of makeup, and talking while behind the
2. Drunk Driving
Drunk driving is one of the most dangerous causes of accidents in the U.S. and is the most deadly. If you
have had anything to drink, take a taxi or give your keys to a sober friend. It is not worth the risk.
3. Speeding
Although it can be tempting to push the speed limit when you are running late, speeding is the second
most common cause of accidents, so you should resist the urge and stay within the legal limits.
4. Reckless Driving
Changing lanes too quickly, speeding well over the limit, and acting aggressive on the roads can lead to
horrible accidents. It is important to take your time and remain calm while driving to avoid needless
accidents caused by simple carelessness.
5. Rain
While you can’t always avoid driving in the rain, the slippery, treacherous road conditions caused by
heavy rains should be avoided when at all possible. If visibility is too low to drive or the roads seem
particularly slick, you should pull over and wait until the storm passes.
It may seem obvious, but it bears repeating. Red always means stop. Even if it seems like no other cars
are coming, you can cause a serious accident by running a red light and you will be breaking the law.
We’ve heard several excuses from busy entrepreneurs trying to run through red lights while thinking
about work, from those legal contracts to investor relations, and at the same time literally trying to
answer to work emails. Understand that life is more important than all these issues combined and it’s
best to be safe than sorry.
7. Night Driving
Lack of visibility makes hazards more difficult to see at night. Make sure that you are extra alert on the
road at night, and use your full lights when on an abandoned road without streetlights.
8. Design Defects
Sometimes accidents are caused by flaws in the car itself. While you cannot always avoid this, make sure
to take note of any recalls in the news and take your car in for regular maintenance.
9. Tailgating
There is never an excuse to get too close to the car in front of you, no matter how frustratingly slow
they seem to be going. Keep a safe distance from other cars so that you will have time to react to
sudden turns or uses of brakes.
Everyone makes mistakes, but lapses in judgement while driving a car can cause horrible accidents. Be
aware of street signs warning of one-way streets or other irregularities, especially in unfamiliar areas.
When people don’t get in the proper lane to make a turn, use signals properly, or follow traffic signals,
accidents happen. Always look out for traffic signs and obey the proper right-of-way when you make a
Teens don’t have the experience to know what to do in unsafe conditions and that naïveté causes
accidents. If you have teenagers, make sure that they have had a defensive driving course, do not permit
cell phone use while driving, and limit the passengers they can take with them in the car.
11. Drugs:
While alcohol is the culprit we usually associate with DUIs, drugs, including marijuana, prescription pills
and other illegal drugs also cause terrible accidents. Never drive if you are under the influence of any
drug, prescribed or not.
12. Potholes:
Potholes are very frustrating for drivers because sometimes they can’t be avoided. Try to drive around
potholes to avoid damaging your car, when you can, but do not swerve into another lane if cars are
coming. Despite the fact that there are some laws that could work in your favor, don’t take chances,
especially with the heartbreaking car accident statistics from previous cases.
13. Tire Blowouts
If you get a flat while driving, it can cause you to swerve unexpectedly. Try to stay calm and keep control
of the wheel while pulling over as soon as it is safe. Call for help if you cannot change the tire yourself
Anyone who has ever heard someone tell about hitting a deer knows that this is a big danger. For this
reason, take extra caution when you see an animal crossing sign and always use your high beams when
travelling in rural, woody areas where wild animals are common.
Sometimes the way a construction zone is set up can be confusing. Follow the cones as well as possible
and be aware of other drivers who may be confused. It is especially important to drive slowly in these
areas to avoid even the smallest accidents from occuring.
At certain sites, the level of risk of road accidents is higher than the general level of risk in surrounding
Crashes tend to be concentrated at these relatively high-risk locations. These locations with an
abnormally high number of crashes are generally described as black spots.
Scientific Investigation
scientific investigation of accidents - branch of forensic science.
Forensic scientists / Accident Investigators will carefully examine the scene of a crime for
physical evidence
Outcome of such analyses may assist the Court to determine guilt, innocence, fault or liability.
In road traffic accidents the primary physical evidence lies in the
site details,
conditions which prevailed at the time of the accident,
state of the road,
marks and debris on the road,
physical characteristics of the vehicles involved,
damage sustained by the vehicles,
injuries sustained by persons involved in the accident,
police plan,police measurements, police photographs, police video and
laws of physics which determine the movement of vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians before,
during and after an accident.
Secondary physical evidence comes from the statements of witnesses when they refer to times,
distances, speeds and locations. However, the validity and interpretation of such statements
are matters for the Court to determine
R = A/L
R = (B × 100000 )/ P
P = population of area
R = (B × 10000) / M
numbers of drivers of vehicles with certain characteristics who were involved in accidents per 100
million vehicle-kms of travel.
R = (N × 100000000)/V
N -total number of drivers of vehicles involved in accidents during the period of investigation
R = (C × 100000000)/V
1. The Motor vehicle consumption in a city is 5.082 million liters, there were 3114 motor vehicle
fatalities, 355,799 motor vehicle injuries, 6,721,049 motor vehicle registrations and an estimated
population of 18,190,238. Kilometer of travel per liter of fuel is 12.42 km/liter. Calculate registration
death rate, population death rate and accident rate per vehicle km.
Solution: Approximate vehicle kms of travel = Total consumption of fuel × kilometer of travel per liter
of fuel =5.08 × 109 × 12.42 = 63.1 × 109 km.
R = (B × 10, 000) /M
R is the death rate per 10,000 vehicles registered, B (Motor vehicle fatalities) is 3114, M (Motor vehicle
registered) is 6.72 × 106. Hence, R =(3114 × 10000) /6.72 × 106 = 4.63
Here, R is the death rate per 100,000 population, B (Motor vehicle fatalities) is 3114, P(Estimated
population) is = 18.2 × 106.
Accident rate per vehicle kms of travel can be obtained from the equation below as:
Here, R is the accident rate per 100 million vehicle kms of travel, C (total accident same as vehicle
fatalities) is 3114, V (vehicle kms of travel) is 63.1 × 109.
General - Date, time, person involved in accident, classification of accident like fatal, serious, minor
Details of vehicle involved -Registration number, description of vehicle, loading detail, vehicular defects
Road and traffic condition - Details of road geometry, surface characteristics, type of traffic, traffic
density etc.
Primary causes of accident -Details of various possible cases which are the main causes of accident.
Accident cost - Financial losses incurred due to property damage, personal injury and casualty
Accident reconstruction
Representing the accidents occurred in schematic diagram to determine the pre-collision speed.
helps in regulating or enforcing rules to control or check movement of vehicles on road at high speed.
collision of two vehicles is shown that occur during turning movements.
collision diagram.
Each collision is represented by a set of arrows to show the direction of before and after movement
provides a powerful visual record of accident occurrence over a significant period of time.
collinear impact
Head-on collision.
angular collision.
Data Mining
To explore data recorded Police Information System, discover patterns, predicts future behaviour,
effective decision to reduce accidents.
RADMS is a geographical information system (GIS) solution for identification of black spots, wrong driving
practices, road infrastructure, vehicular defects, road types, damage to property, overloading issues,
driver issues and other factors causing or related to road accidents.
iMAAP -tool for identifying and analysing causes of crashes
Accident Prediction from Traffic Data using Hadoop provide alerts before accidents happens based on
highway conditions like road surface, light on highway, turns etc.TrafficAccident Analysis Using Decision
Trees and Neural Networks
The Empirical Bayes method is used to estimate the expected long-term crash experience, which is a
weighted average of the observed crashes at the site of interest and the predicted crashes from an SPF.
TEAAS-Traffic Engineering Accident Analysis System: a Software used to analyze the accident data
( North Carolina)
FARS (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) and GES (General Estimates System) UK