The biology of Olios spp., huntsman spiders In this paper, observations will be presented
(Araneae, Sparassidae) from Queensland and concerning the behaviour of Australian and Sri Lankan
Sri Lanka: predatory behaviour and cohabitation sparassids of the genus Olios which frequent the webs
with social spiders of spiders of other families. Web-invasion behaviour is
apparently aberrant for spiders of this family.
Robert R. Jackson
Department of Zoology, Materials and Methods
University of Canterbury, Four species were observed in the field in
Christchurch 1, Queensland and Sri Lanka; and two species, Olios
New Zealand
diana (L. Koch) and Olios sp., were collected in
Summary Queensland along with their host, a social spider
Four species of sparassid spiders were observed in the Badumna Candida (L. Koch), and taken to
field to cohabit with cribellate web-building social spiders: Christchurch for laboratory studies. Colonies of the
Olios diana (L. Koch) and Olios sp. indet. with Badumna social spiders were set up in glass tanks and the
Candida (L. Koch) (Amaurobiidae) in Queensland; Olios sparassids were allowed to occupy them. Maintenance,
lamarcki (Latreille) and Olios obesulus (Pocock) with observation procedures and terminology were as in
Stegodyphus sarasinorum (Karsch) (Eresidae) in Sri
Lanka. Olios diana and Olios sp. in the laboratory and previous studies (Jackson & Hallas, 1987). Two
Olios lamarcki in nature were observed to feed on insects O. diana in the laboratory were blinded by covering
ensnared in the alien webs. Olios diana and Olios sp. also their eyes with opaque enamel paint. They were kept
captured insects away from webs in the laboratory. The with colonies of B. Candida and observed. Voucher
behaviour of these web-invading sparassids is compared specimens have been lodged at the British Museum
with that of web-invading salticids.
(Natural History) (Sri Lankan species) and the
Introduction Queensland Museum (Australian species).
Spiders are often placed informally into two
behavioural groups, the web-builders and the cursorial Observations
hunting spiders. A minority of species belong to Four species of Olios — O. diana, Olios sp., O.
another, smaller, behavioural group, the web-invaders: lamarcki (Latreille), and O. obesulus (Pocock) — were
spiders which frequent webs built by other species of observed occupying alien webs in Australia and Sri
spiders. In general, web-invaders and web-builders Lanka (Table 1). Individuals of 3 of these species were
have poorly developed vision; but the cursorial spiders also seen away from webs occupying nests in masses of
can be divided additionally into two sub-groups: species leaves on Acacia trees. About equal numbers of adult
with acute vision ('visual hunters'), namely the males, adult females, and large juveniles (body size 1-2
Salticidae, and species lacking acute vision ('non-visual cm) of each species were observed. They were found
hunters'). Although cursorial spiders do not live in both in and away from alien webs. These spiders were
webs, they often build silken nests in which they moult, mottled brown with bright blue and yellow markings on
oviposit and usually remain when inactive. The nest their forelegs. Small juveniles, which are uniform
consists of enclosing layers of silk, only slightly bigger bright green, were not seen in the field.
than the spider itself and often tubular in shape. The two species of host spiders, Badumna Candida
Because of the large size and crab-like shape of (Amaurobiidae) and Stegodyphus sarasinorum
many species, the Sparassidae are one of the most (Karsch) (Eresidae) are social spiders (communal, non-
distinctive groups of non-visual hunting spiders. territorial: Jackson, 1978) which build large communal
Sparassids are particularly diverse and common in webs (diameter: 50-100 cm) on leaves and stems of
Australia, but little detailed information is available Acacia and other trees and shrubs. Usually, 20-200
concerning their behaviour and natural history (see spiders freely share the communal web and feed
Coleman, 1938; Main, 1976). Since they are generally together on prey, especially beetles, cockroaches and
regarded as nocturnal species with predatory behaviour moths, which are often considerably larger than the
consisting of little more than a sudden lunge at close individual spiders. Their webs are cribellate (see
range on insects, perhaps their neglect in behavioural Discussion) and highly adhesive. Often the webs
studies is not surprising. contain considerable amounts of debris (dead leaves,
* towns close to or at which observations were made (additional information about each locality: Jackson & Hallas,
carcasses of insects, etc.). (For additional information Often silk could be seen to adhere to its legs, which
about these two social spider species, see: Jacson & the sparassid forcefully pulled free as it walked. If a leg
Joseph, 1973; Gray, 1982.) could not be pulled free quickly, the sparassid tended
The sparassids were found in their own silk nests to back away and try a different route. Occasionally, it
(cup-shaped silk chambers, usually open at only one chewed at the silk around a leg that became stuck and
end and slightly larger than the sparassid) within the freed it.
social spiders' communal webs. The nests were usually Sometimes the sparassid forced its way across
fastened to debris or living leaves and stems of the expanses of open silk. Amaurobiids sometimes
plant, and they were completely surrounded by the silk approached the sparassid; and one or two might bite at
of the alien web. Sometimes, part of the surrounding its legs but move away when the sparassid jerked its leg
webbing was old and disused (i.e., no longer sticky and away or kept walking.
no longer occupied by social spiders), but more often While walking and resting, the sparassid's legs were
the surrounding web contained an active colony of usually held to the side, and its body was positioned
social spiders. Each species of sparassid moulted, near or on the substratum (Fig. 1). On a web, this
oviposited, and presumably mated in the social spider laterigrade leg arrangement was disadvantageous since
colonies: eggs were sometimes present in nests with the body made contact with and tended to adhere to the
females; some nests contained newly moulted silk. Away from webs, a disturbed sparassid would pull
sparassids and their exoskeletons; and males were its legs in under the body, raising the body high above
found cohabiting in nests with subadult females. the substratum, to run away. However, sparassids on
The two Queensland sparassid species were webs could not be induced to run.
sympatric, and on one occasion an individual of each The varied sizes (0.25-1.5 times the sparassid's body
species was found in the same amaurobiid colony. size) and types of insect prey which were made
Otherwise, except for cohabiting pairs of conspecific available by being released into the tanks were eaten
males and subadult females, sparassids were found only both by the sparassids and the social spiders: beetles,
one per colony. On one occasion, O. lamarcki was seen Tenebrio molitor L.; blow flies, Calliphora vicina
at night feeding on a moth. The sparassid stood facing (Robineux-Desvoidy); cockroaches, Periplaneta
downwards on debris and partly on silk near the bottom americana (L.); houseflies, Musca domestica (L.);
of an eresid web with the moth, which was about 0.75 locusts, Locusta migratoria L.; moths Ctenopseustis sp.
times the size of the sparassid, held away from the silk. (Tortricidae), Graphania sp. (Noctuidae).
No eresids were near the sparassid. The sparassids captured insects away from webs by
To ascertain whether the sparassids were vulnerable suddenly lunging and grabbing them when they came
to the sticky silk of their hosts, individuals of each of near. Insects ensnared on the amaurobiid silk were
the four species were collected and dropped directly sometimes attacked in the same way when the sparassid
onto fresh portions of communal webs in the field. Silk contacted them as it walked along stems through the
obviously adhered to the spiders, and they moved web. However, the sparassid sometimes clearly
across the webs with difficulty by forcefully lifting their responded to ensnared insects, before making physical
legs and bodies to break free from the sticky silk. contact, by turning towards struggling insects on the
However, no sparassids were immobilised for more web away from the stem. Next the sparassid waved legs
than a few seconds. The social spiders often began to I slowly up and down and stepped slowly out onto the
approach; and, occasionally, a few bit at the sparassid's web in the general direction of the insect, keeping at
legs but failed to hold on. least legs IV on the stem and shifting to the right and
Similar tests were carried out in the laboratory with left as it advanced. If it contacted the insect with its
0, diana on B. Candida webs, with similar results. legs, it moved forwards and bit it. Generally, it did not
Colonies of another social spider, Stegodyphus lunge but simply walked forwards to bring its chelicerae
mimosarum (Pavesi), an eresid from Kenya, were to the insect. Usually, if contact could not be made with
available in the laboratory. O. diana was tested on
these webs, also, with similar results except that the
sparassids tended to become immobilised for longer
(up to 15 min). During these tests, the eresids were
removed from the web to avoid risking injury to the
In the laboratory, O. diana built nests within the
occupied communal webs of B. Candida. Generally,
they remained inactive in their nests during the day, but
they often came out at night to stand or walk about
either in the web or completely away from it. While in
the web, the sparassid usually rested with its legs
primarily on stems and debris rather than on the silk. It
walked mainly by following stems. However, being Fig. 1: Female Olios diana standing on Acacia leaves. Note
considerably larger than the stems, the sparassid laterigrade positioning of legs. Markings on forelegs are
continually contacted the amaurobiid silk. yellow and blue. Body length of spider: c. 20 mm.
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As a non-visual web-invader, Olios is consistent in its versatility and intraspecific interactions. N.Z.Jl Zool. 13:
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Financial support was provided by National (Salticidae: Dendryphantinae) in response to visual stimuli.
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from the Erskine Foundation of the University of MAIN, B. Y. 1967: Spiders. Sydney, Collins.
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Committee of the University of Canterbury. I thank WANLESS, F. R. 1984: A review of the spider subfamily
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