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Wonder World 3

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world A Book of Environmental Studies

Written by:
Navit Jain
B.C.A., M.B.A
Shailendra Shivhare
B.tech (HBIT, Kanpur)
M.tech (IIT, Roorkee)

Audio E-book

Online Test Generator

Tear-Away Worksheets 3
Let's take a look at all resources provided with ''Wonderland'' series.

Wonderland (Resources)

Textbooks Interactive Learning Assessment Tools Online Support

s id e T e xtbooks
Key Words
Quick Brush Up
Self Survey
It consists of terms after every
It provides questions based on thinking chapter to revise the concepts
skills to enhance critical thinking. learnt.

Teacher's Tip
It provides nuggets of wisdom to Let us Do
the children to make them socially
and morally aware and resposible. It consists of a wide variety of
questions for students to practice.

Brain Twister Acitivty Session

It consists of oral questions It consists of plenty of
for quick recapitulation of knowledge testing
concepts learnt. activities.
Life Skills Creative Corner
It consists of discussions
It consists of fun activities
based on values and life skills
included in the last of
to inculcate values and
enhance interpersonal skills.
every chapter.

Exercises : These is a huge variety of exercises in the
form of oral, descriptive and objectives questions to
assess the performance of the students.

Tear Away Worksheet : Worksheets are given at the end

Assessment of the book to assess the students for checking purpose,
Tools teacher can ask the students to tear them.

Activities and Projects : A variety of activities and

projects are given to assess the thinking and creative skills
of the students.

Digital Tools
Teacher 's App
Teacher's App is provided with each book that consists of the following
Teacher's App Test Generator
Animated Lessons

Answer keys
Online Support Worksheets
Test Papers
Learning Treasure
! Types of Families
Chapter ! Relationship
MY FAMILY ! Family Tree

Family Resemblance
Things We Learn From Our Family
! Things We Do For Our Family

Self Survey
What do you call your following relatives :
1. Father's Father _______________ 2. Father's Mother _______________
3. Mother's Father _______________ 4. Mother's Mother _______________
5. Your real brother or sister _______________

Family is the basic unit of society. A group of people who share a home and are related
to each other is called a family. All family members are usually very close to one
another. They live together and try to help one another in many ways.
According to the number of family members. Families are mainly of three types.
1. Small Family 2. Big Family 3. Joint Family
1. Small Family : A family which consists of
parents and one or two
children is called a small family
or a small nuclear family.

Fact Treasure
Some children do not have parents. They are called
orphans. They live in a special home called an orphanage.

Small Family
Teacher's Tip
Tell the students the importance of a family. Encourage them to help their family members in
their work.

2. Big Family : A family which consists of
parents and more than two
children is called a big family
or a big nuclear family.
3. Joint Family : A family in which more than
one set of parents and their
children live together is
called a joint family.
Big Family
A joint family may be of two types :
Small Joint Family
In small joint families, grandparents,
parents and their children live together.
Big Joint Family
In big joint families, grandparents, parent,
uncles, aunts and their children live
together. Small Joint Family
Except these families. We can see some special families such as :

Big Joint Family

5Single-Parent Families : Some families have only the
father or the mother with the children. Such families
are called single-parent families

Single Parent Family

5Without Children Families : Families which does
not any children only husband and wife live
together are called without children families.

Relationship Without Children Family

People who are related to each other in a family are known as relatives. For better
understanding of this topic, let us meet the family of Bhumi. Who lives in a joint family.
Bhumi's father and mother are her parents. She is their daughter. Bhumi's brother is
their son.
All family members who are related to Bhumi's father are Bhumi's paternal relatives.
Parents of Bhumi's father are her paternal grandparents. She calls them Dadaji &
Dadiji or Dadima. She has two paternal uncle one is elder i.e. her Tauji and one is
younger i.e. her Chacha ji. All the family members who are related to Bhumi's mother
are Bhumi's maternal relatives. Her mother's parents are her maternal grandparents.
She call them Nanaji & Naniji or Nanima. Her maternal uncle is her Mama ji. Her
mother's sister is her aunt i.e. Mausi Ji. Her father's sister is her aunt i.e. her Bua ji.

Fact Treasure
Your uncle's and aunt's children are your cousins.
Your brother's or sister's, son is your nephew and daughter is your niece.
Your real brother or sister is your siblings.

A Family Tree
A family tree is a tree like Chart or a diagram that help us to know how all the members
of a family are related to each other. It shows many generations.
5 A family tree starts from grandparents. They belongs to the first generation.
5 Parents, uncle and aunts belongs to the second generation.
5 Parents, uncle and aunts children belong to the third generation.

Fact Treasure
Every family has a common name which is called their surname.

Family Resemblance
The members of a family look like each other. This is called family resemblance. We
look a like our family members or relatives in some way or the other. We take or get
some of their characteristics or special qualities. A child may have black eyes like
his/her mother or father and curly hair like his/her father or mother. Children often
resemble their parents, grandparents or any other member of the family.
Some times, two children are born to the same
mother at the same time. Such children are called Fact Treasure
twins. Twins may or may not be identical. Some Some twins do not look alike.
times they look exactly the same. They are called They are called fraternal twins.
identical twins.
Some times we share certain physical features and habits with our family members.
These are called hereditary traits.
Things We Learn From Our Family
Our family gives us support and a lot of love and care. We share our joys and sorrows
with our family. We learn all elementary habits from our family so it is called the first
teacher of a child. As a member of the family, it is our duty to do our best for the family.
Some of the things we learn from our family are :
5 Good habits 5 Good Manners
5 Our Customs 5 Love & respect for others
5 Sharing and Caring for others

Activity Session
Write any two features that you have inherited from your parents.
______________________ ______________________

Things We Do For Our Family

5 We should also help our parents.
5 We should keep our room neat & tidy.
5 We should respect our parents & elders.
5 We should obey our parents instructions.

Quick Brush Up
$Family is the basic unit of society.
$A family tree helps us to know the relationship in a family.
$Families are mainly of three types :
Small Family Big Family Joint Family
$People who are related to each other in a family are known as relatives.
$We share our joys and sorrows with our family.
$Family is called the first teacher of a child.

Key Words
Paternal : From father's side Maternal : From mother's side
Hereditary : genetic Resemble : look like

Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. A small family is also a ___________.
(a) small nuclear family (b) big nuclear family
(c) joint family
2. Maternal grandparents are the parents of your ___________.
(a) uncle (b) mother (c) father
3. ___________ is the basic unit of society.
(a) Family (b) Small family (c) Big Family
4. We should respect our parents and ___________.
(a) children (b) younger (c) elders
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Families are mainly of ___________ types.
2. Bhumi's father and mother are her ___________.
3. Your uncle's and aunt's children are yours ___________.
4. Twins may or may not be ___________.
C. Write True or False.
1. Children generally resemble their parents.
2. A family tree tells us about our neighbours.
3. Joint families are called single-parent families.
4. Your real brother or sister is your cousin.
D. Match the following :
1. Grandmother (a) Uncle's children
2. Grandfather (b) Father's mother
3. Siblings (c) Father's father
4. Cousins (d) Real brother or sister
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a family?
2. What is a nuclear family?
3. Write any two things which your can do to keep your parents happy.
4. What are the hereditary features?
5. Who are twins?
6. What does a family tree tell us about?

Brain Twister
1. What do you we need a family?
2. Why is our family called our first school?

Creative Corner

Draw your family tree and lable the photo's of the family members.

Life Skills

Get to know your neighbours. Is there any old lady or old couple staying alone? Go
and talk to them. Ask them if they need any help.

Learning Treasure
! Old People
Chapter ! Sick People
HELPING AND Physically Challenged People
CARING ! Care of Physically Challenged
or Special People

Self Survey
Write True or False :
1. Love and care make a person old.
2. We all live in a society.
3. People who cannot see are dumb.
4. We all have five sesnse organs.

We all live in a society. We learn the value of Kindness, sharing affection and helping
each other in a society.
Unfortunately, all the people living around us are not healthy enough to look after
themselves. These are people who are old, sick physically or mentally challenged etc.
These people need our special care and love.
Let us know about them and learn how we can help them.
Everybody grows old and becomes weak and inefficient
with age. They are not able to work as swiftly as they
used to work in their youth. At this age, they get various
health problems too. So we cannot look after
themselves, when they fall ill. Then it is our duty to do
small things for them, and make them fell comfortable
in every way.
Old couple
Teacher's Tip
Make the students understand the problems that old, sick and physically challenged people feel in
their daily lives. Encourage them to help those people.
Care of Old People
Here are some ways in which are can take care of them :
1. We should help them in his daily work.
2. We can read out magazine, newspaper etc to them.
3. We should listen to him carefully and should not
laugh at his advice. Helping an old lady.
4. We should spend our space time with them so that they do not fell lovely.
5. We should accompany them for walks and for medical check ups.
6. We should be given them healthy and hygienic food.
7. We should involve them in all family celebrations like marriage anniversary, birthday
Fact Treasure Fact Treasure
Old age day is celebrated on Ist As people grow old, their hair truns
October every year. grcy and face becomes wrinkled.
Now a days in many cities have old age homes in which old people, who are alone, can
live and look after themselves. They enjoy and share their sorrow and joy among
Some times we can tall sick. We can get ill by any disease
and have to be confined to bed. This can happen to our
friends or relatives. It is not good to avoid or ignore people
who are sick. One always feels bad when he/she is ill. The
words of affection and encouragement are soothing when
your are ill. The sick person needs more care and attention.
Here are some ways in which we can take care of sick
people : A sick boy
1. We should help them in their daily chores.
2. We should keep the patient in a clean room with fresh air.
3. We should be polite and nice to sick people.
4. We should give them healthy food as prescribed by the doctor.
5. We should take them to the doctor regularly and help them in taking medicines.

6. We should spend time with the people admitted in a hospital.
7. We should be washed patient's clothes with dettol or savlon.
Same people are ill for a long time with serious diseases like AIDS and cancer. They
have to make certain changes in their life style to live comfortably. We should never
laught at them. Love and proper care makes a person recover fast.
Most of the people in the world are fighting fit because
their sense organs are functioning well. They can do all
types of work with ease and comfort. But there are some
unfortunate people whose one or the other organs do not
function normally. They may be unable to hear, speak, see
or walk. Such people are physically challenged people or
special people.
Louis Braille, a blind french student developed Braille script in 1824.
There are some people who take birth as physically
handicapped and some become differently challenged Fact Treasure
because of some accident. We all have five sense organs :
eyes, ears, nose, tongue and
A deaf person cannot hear at all. One can also be hard
skin. They help us to see, hear,
of hearing. A deaf person uses hearing-aids, a machine smell, taste & feel.
which helps him/her to listen properly.
People who cannot see are blinds. Some people have
eye-right in one eye only. A blind person uses Braille Fact Treasure
script to read and write. In this script letters and Blind people can write Braille
numbers are printed as raised dots that can be read by on a six key machine called a
running fingers on them.
A dumb person cannot talk. This kind of people use a
sigh language to communicate. In this language fingers
of the hands are moved to different positions to
represent various letters of the alphabet.
Some children suffer from polio. It is a disease that
deforms your arms or legs. People usually get suffered
from this disease in childhood and are not able to walk
or work properly. They were walking around with the support
of calipers. But some people lose a part of their body like a leg
or on arm in an accident. A person walking on one leg uses
crutch to help him walk. Those who cannot walk even with
crutch move on a wheel chair.
Some children are born with immature or totally inactive brain.
They cannot talk, listen, work or even use their limbs in a
normal way. They are called mentally challenged or spastics
1. We should be kind and resistive to them.
2. We should be friendly with them and don't make fun of them.
3. We should be polite towards them and given respect and attention.
4. They should be take to the doctor, if they are sick. Give them enough rest, a
healthy diet and medicines on time.
5. Request the people not to store or make comments
about them. Fact Treasure
Helen Keller, a famous writer
6. We should be encourage them to go special schools
and orator who was blind. The
to study. We all should be help them as you help famous movie 'Black' is based
your friends, taking it as your duty and not a favour. on the life of Helen Keller.
You feel good when you do a good deed.
It is our duty to help people with special needs whenever they need help. These small
deeds on your part can make them feel very ease and comfortable.

Quick Brush Up
$We all live in a society.
$Everybody grows old and becomes weak and inefficient with age.
$The sick person needs more care and attention.
$A deaf person cannot hear at all.
$It is a disease that deforms your arms or legs.
$It is our duty to help people with special need whenever they need help.
Key Words
Sharing : To distribute
Dumb : A person cannot talk
Physically Challenged People : People whose one or the other organs do not function

Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option :
1. Braille script was designed by ___________.
(a) Helen Keller (b) Louis Braille (c) Stephen Hawking
2. Old Age Day is celebrated on ___________.
(a) 13th October (b) 24th October (c) Ist October
3. ___________ deforms our legs or arms.
(a) Polio (b) Cholera (c) Malaria
4. A partially deaf person uses ___________.
(a) wheel chair (b) hearing-aids (c) braille script
5. People who cannot see are ___________.
(a) deaf (b) dumb (c) blind
B. Fill in the blanks :
1. People affected with ___________ walk with the help of calipers.
2. Love and care make a person ___________ faster.
3. People whose brain does not function properly are called ___________
4. Blind people can write Braille on a six key machine called a ___________.
5. Everybody ___________ old and becomes week and ___________ with age.
C. Write True or False :
1. Sick people should be kept in clean surroundings.
2. All of us become old and week one day.
3. Deaf people often use hearing aid to hear well.
4. Helen keller was a famous writer and orator.
5. One always feels bad when he/she is healthy.
D. Match the following :
1. Hearing aid (a) Suffring from polio
2. Braille script (b) Unable to walk
3. Wheel chair (c) Blind people
4. Calipers (d) Deaf people
E. Answer the following questions :
1. What do we learn in a society?
2. Who are mentally challenged people?
3. Who are physically challenged? Give some examples.
4. How should we treat the old people?
5. What is Braille?
6. Suggest two ways to help the sick people.

Brain Twister
1. How do blind people read the Braille script?
2. What happen when people grow old?

Creative Corner

Draw or Paste here a picture of Mother Teresa in the

given space and write five lines about her.
1. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________

Life Skills

Visit an old age home or orphanage with your parents to understand their problems
and try to help them.

Learning Treasure
! Different Occupations In Our
Chapter Community
WORK PEOPLE ! Work at Home

3 DO
! Child Labour
! Preventing Child Labour

Self Survey
Identify, who am I?
1. I drive a taxi _____________. 2. I treat sick people _____________.
3. I teach students _____________. 4. I help to put out fire _____________.

Work is very important in our life. It we look around, we will find everyone doing some
work. Different people do different kinds of work to earn money. They earn money to
meet the daily need of their family. The work people do to earn money is known as
occupation. Let us read.
Making Goods Occupation
Some people make new things to earn money. They use different material to make
things. For examples :
5 A tailor stitches our clothes. 5 A mason builds houses.

Mason Black smith Carpenter Baker

Teacher's Tip
By explaining to the children initiate the lesson, that every occupation is important for the society.
Tell them the concept of dignity of labour.
5A blacksmith makes things from iron.
5A carpenter makes wooden things.
5A baker bakes bread, biscuits, buns etc.
Things Selling Occupations
Some people sell things to earn money. For examples :
5 A pharmacist sells medicines.
5 A florist sells flowers and bouquets.
5 A jeweller sells jewellery.
5 A draper sells cloths.
5 A greengrocer sells vegetables and fruits.

Pharmacist Florist Jeweller Greengrocer

Things Repairing Occupation

Some people repair our faulty or brocken things to earn money. For examples :
5 A mechanic repairs machines like car, AC, phone etc.
5 An electrician repairs electrical gadgets.
5 A plumber repairs taps and water pipes.
5 A cobbler repairs shoes and foot wears.

Mechanic Electrician Plumber Cobbler

Some Other Occupations
5 Some people entertain us to earn money. They do different works to entertain us.
For examples : Singer, dancer, actor, clown, musician etc.
5 Some people provide useful services to earn money. For example : Doctor,
postman, teacher, policeman etc.

Dancer Postman Musican Doctor Singer Policeman

Activity Session
There may be many more occupations. Find out about them and make a
chart on different occupations.

Work At Home
In most families, father's go out to work in the mornings. They may have their own
business or they work in offices and other places. Mother's look after the house, cook
food and do household jobs. They are called home makers. In some families, mother's
also go to work.
They manage their work, household work and look after their families as well.
Children also help their parents, younger brother and sisters and themselves. Girls
generally help mother in cooking, boys go to nearby market to buy things. They keep
their things tidy. They arrange school bags before going to bed according to the next
day's timetable.
Many of us also have domestic helps–maid, washerman and driver who make life easy
for us. We must always be kind to them.

Many families in our country are poor and do not have
enough money. In these families, children aged
between 5 to 14 years don't go to school and are
forced to work and earn money for the family. This is
known as child labour.
They work as domestic helps, work on farms, sell
things on streets, work in factories and work in dhabas
etc. They also do some dangerous work like making Child labour is a criminal offence
glass, fire works, match sticks etc. They do many such things by which they can earn
some money.
Preventing child labour there are many organization like ILO (International Labour
Organization), UNICEF (United Nations International Energency Children's Fund) etc,
that look after the rights of children and help them fight against child labour. Several
steps have been take such many organisations to protect the children from this kind of
exploitation. In India, the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan is a government programme that
helps give free education, bags, books, uniforms and even mid-day meals to children
going to schools.

Quick Brush Up
$Work is very important in our life.
$The work people do to earn money is known as occupation.
$Some people make new things to earn money.
$Some people provide useful services to earn money.

Key Words
Occupation : The work that one does to get money regularly.
Ban : To say that something must be stopped.
Deprived : Those who do not have things to lead a comfortable life.

Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. The plumber repairs our ___________.
(a) shoes (b) utensils (c) water pipes and taps
2. Which of the organizations fight against child labour?
(a) ILO (b) UNICEF (c) Both of these
3. ___________ repairs scooter, car, phones etc.
(a) Doctor (b) Mechanic (c) Carpenter
4. Greengrocers earn money by selling ___________.
(a) vegetables (b) fruits (c) both of these
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. An ___________ repairs electrical gadgets.
2. Working children are often beaten by their ___________.
3. In India, ___________ is a government programme that helps give free
4. Children aged between ___________ are forced to work and earn money.
C. Write True or False.
1. Child labour is banned in India.
2. Woman who stay at home to look after their families are called home makers.
3. Work is not important in our life.
4. A chemist sell medicines.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What is an occupation? Name any four occupations.
2. What is child labour?
3. What is Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan?
4. Why people are required to do work?

Brain Twister
1. How is your life different from the life of a child labour?
2. How can you help poor children?

Creative Corner
Collect some pictures and make a scrapbook of various jobs that people do to earn
a money.

Learning Treasure
! Means of Recreation
Chapter ! Playing Games
Fun and Traditional Games
Adventure Sports
Games !
! Visit of A Fun Places

Self Survey
Tick (3) the correct answer from the brackets :
1. Carom and chess are (Indoor/Outdoor) games.
2. Cricket and hockey are (Indoor/Outdoor) games.
3. Sachin Tendulkar is a famous (Tennis/Cricket) player.
4. Sania Mirza is a very famous (Tennis/Chess) player.

We all get tired after working the whole day long. We can not always keep on working
without any relaxations. So, it is very important to take a break or free time for refresh
the mind.
The free time when we can do what we want do is known as Leisure. An activity done
for pleasure or to relax is called Recreation. We need recreation to have fun, to feel
fresh and to spend time with our family.
People have various means of recreation depending on their interests. For examples :
Playing games, visit to a fun place, reading books and magazines, watching television,
listening to music, fairs, cycling etc.
Out of all the leisure activities games are the Fact Treasure
most popular. They not only help us relax Chess was invented in India in 6th
but also keep us fit and healthy. Games are century. It is also called Shatranj in India,
mainly of two types: Makruk in Thailand and Shogi in Japan.
5Indoor Games 5Outdoor Games

Teacher's Tip
Tell the children about the different ways of recreation and also tell them the benefits of recreation.
Indoor Games
The games that we play inside the
house are called indoor games.
They can be played at any time of
the day and in all types of
weather. We do not need a large
space or ground for these games. Ludo Chess
Ludo, Chess, Scrabble, Snakes & Ladders, Cards, Billiards, Snookers, Table Tennis etc
are the examples of indoor games.

Scrabble Billiards Snooker Table Tennis

Outdoor Games
The games that we play outside the house are called outdoor games. Some outdoor
games can be individual games like golf, bad minton, lawn Tennis etc. Some outdoor
games can be team games like hockey, football, basket ball, cricket etc. Team games
should be played with team spirit and sportsman ship spirit. The whole team plays
with the common aim of achieving victory.

Cricket Football Golf Hockey

Except these games we play some traditional or adventure sports.

Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Gilli danda, Kushti etc are traditional games of India. These games
were earlier played in India. But some of these traditional games are still popular in
villages and small towns of India.

Activity Session
Here are given pictures of some games. Identify and write the name of the

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

Adventure sports are games that are a little dangerous to play. They provide thrill
excitement and a sense of adventure to the players. Therefore, these games are called
adventure sports. River rafting, wind surfing, bungee jumping etc are the examples of
adventure sports.

Traditional Game Adventure Game

Fact Treasure Fact Treasure
Now a days most of the children spend hours National sport is a sport or game that is a
playing strategy games on computers, tabs part of the culture of a Nation.
and mobile phones. These games need skill Hockey is the National Game of India.
and presence of mind. These games are called

Some people play games to earn money. Play is like work for them. They are known as
professional players. Famous players like Sachin Tendulkar (Cricket), Vishwanathan
Anand (Chess), Abhinav Bindra (Shooting), Sardar Singh (Hockey), Mary Kom (Boxing)
and many others earn a lot of money by playing their respective games.

Sachin Tendulkar Vishwanathan Abhinav Bindra Sardar Singh Mary Kom



There are so many viriding places of recreation in most of the towns or cities. The fairs,
zoo, circus & museum are such places of recreation.
5Fairs and exhibitions are one of the oldest means of
recreations. Fairs often take place on festivals like Fact Treasure
Diwali, Baisakhi etc. There are some special fairs An activity which is practiced
which are held for commercial purposes. For for fun is called hobby.
examples : Book fair, Trade fair etc.
5Visit the zoo and watch the wild animals and their life is also a fun.

Circus Zoo Fair

5We go to a circus to watch bold feats. We laugh at clown’s actions.
5A museum is a place where things related to a particular
subject or period are kept.
We can entertain ourselves by watching T.V. We see different
types of cartoon films on cartoon channels. Cartoon films
make us laugh and refresh our mind. In fact T.V. is most
popular means of recreations. Watching TV
Reading Books
Reading is another favourite past time of many people. Some people have a habit of
reading newspapers as the first thing in the morning. Reading is an enriching source of
entertainment. Children also love to read comics, fairytales and other books.
Music and dance
Music helps the mind to relax and calms our senses. Music has
an universal appeal. Every state of India has its own kind of folk
dance. These dances are traditional. Chhau, Bihu, Bhangra,
Dandia, Garba, Ghoomer etc are some of the folk dance.
‘‘A folk dance has a story to tell about a festival, nature,
religions beliets or customs’’. Dance
Schools also help the students in relaxation. Sports have become an important part of
school curriculum. Students are encouraged to play different games and participate
various athletic competition and team games.

Quick Brush Up
$An activity done for pleasure or to relax is called Recreation.
$Games are mainly of two types:
(i) Indoor Games (ii) Outdoor Games
$The games that we play outside the house are called outdoor games.
$Adventure sports are games that are a little dangerous to play.
$Hockey is the National Game of India.
$Fairs and exhibitions are one of the oldest means of recreation.
$A museum is a place where things related to a particular subject or period are kept.

Key Words
Recreation : Things that we do in our free time.
Folk dance : A folk dance has a story to tell about a festival, natural, religious beliefs
or customs.

Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. The games that we play inside the house are called ____________.
(a) Outdoor games (b) Indoor games (c) National games
2. Abhinav Bindra plays ____________.
(a) Shooting (b) Hockey (c) Cricket
3. The National game of India is ____________.
(a) Cricket (b) Football (c) Hockey
4. People play games for ____________.
(a) fun (b) relaxation (c) both (a) and (b)
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Carrom and Scrabble are ____________ games.
2. Games which are played outside are called ____________ games.
3. ____________ is an enriching source of entertainment.
4. A ____________ are games that are a little dangerous to play.
5. ____________ and ____________ are one of the oldest means of recreation.
C. Write True or False.
1. We need recreation to have fun.
2. Games are mainly of three types.
3. Kho-Kho is a traditional game.
4. Cricket is the national game of India.
5. Schools also help the students in relaxation.

D. Match the following.
1. Virat Kholi (a) Boxing
2. Sania Mirza (b) Tennis
3. Mary Kom (c) Football
4. Baichung Bhuita (d) Cricket
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Why do we play games? Name any two famous sports man personalities.
2. What are indoor games? Name any two indoor games that you like to play.
3. Write the two types of special fairs.
4. What is recreation?
5. How do schools help in relaxation?

Brain Twister
1. What precautions should be taken while playing outdoor games?
2. Team spirit is very important for a game. Do you agree? It yes, give reason for your answer.

Creative Corner
Stick the pictures of your favourite four famous players in the space given and write
two lines each of them about their achievements.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Life Skills
We should not play computer games for two long. It is not good for our health as it may
our health as it may affect our eyesight.
Learning Treasure
! Sources of Food
Chapter ! Kinds of Food
FOOD AND WAYS Cooking the Food
Ways of Cooking
! Fuels and Stoves for Cooking
! Good Eating Habits
Self Survey
Complete the table with the names of some plants needs that we eat.
Cereals Fruits/Vegetables Oil seeds
Wh___at P___p___y___ S___nf___ower
Mai___e O___io___ M___star___
Ri___e Sp___n___ch C___c___nut

All living things like human being, plants and animals need food to survive. Food help
us to grow, gives us energy and keep us strong and healthy. The food we take daily is
called our diet. We eat different meals, breakfast, lunch, dinner at different times of
the day at our diet.
All the different kinds of food that people eat comes either from plants or animals.
Plants are an important source of food. Plants make their own food by the process of
photosynthesis. Some food is used by plants for their growth. The rest of food is
stored in different parts of plant (like roots, stems, flowers, seeds, leaves and fruits
etc) and is eaten by us.
Food from Plants
Fact Treasure
Plants make their own food.
5Cereals such as wheat, rice, maize and millets This is why plants are called
are important part of our food. They contain producers.
high amount of starch and hence they are Animals cannot make their
excellent source of energy. own food. This is why animals

Teacher's Tip
The objective of this lesson is to make students aware to the importance of food.
5Pulses are dried seeds of some plants. They are rich in protein. Common pulses
are arhar, moong, urad, masoor, chana etc.
5Spices are used to flavour food and have some medicinal value. Pepper, chilli,
cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, turmeric are some of the commonly used spices.
5Vegetable oil is one of the main ingredients of cooking food. We get vegetable oil
from some plants such as mustard, groundnut, coconut, sunflower, soyabean etc.
Vegetable add taste to the food. They contain vitamins and minerals that keep us
healthy. Carrot, spinach, garlic, lady finger, cauliflower etc are the examples of vegetables.
Fruits are nutritious. Most fruits are sweet in taste and act as
rapid source of energy. Fruits also contain vitamins and Fact Treasure
minerals. They protect our body from diseases. Mango, The oils that are used
banana, apple, grapes papaya are the some examples of fruits. in cooking are called
edible oils.
In addition to the above food items, we get sugar, nuts, coffee,
tea and chocolate from plants

Cereal Pulses Spices Fruits & Vegetables

Animals are also a rich source of food.
Food From Animals
5Meat : We rear many animals like pig, hen,
goat to eat their meat as food. Fact Treasure
5Milk : Much animals like cow, buffalo, 7 People who eat meat, fish and
eggs are called non-vegetarians.
goat etc provide milk, cheese, curd,
7People who eat only plant products
butter, ghee, ice-cream are made
of milk and are called milk products.
Milk is known as a complete food as it is rich in almost all nutrients
required by our body.
5Egg : Birds like hen, duck and turkey give us egg.
5Honey : Bees make honey that is collected from their beehives.

Hen Cow Duck Bees

We eat different Kinds of food. All foods contains many nutrients like carbohydrates,
proteins, minerals and vitamin, fats etc. They give us energy, help in building our body
& also protect us from diseases. According to presence of three nutrients in food, food
product can be grouped into three categories.
1. Protective foods 2. Energy-giving foods 3. Body-building foods.
Protective Foods
Foods rich in vitamins and minerals are called protective foods. They help the body for
fighting against diseases. Fruits, green vegetables and milk are rich in vitamins and
minerals. They keep our skin healthy and improve our eyesight. Milk, cheese, fish,
eggs, etc make our bones strong. They are full of calcium and protein.

Milk Cheese Fish Egg

Protective foods
Energy-giving Foods
Foods that give energy to our body are called energy-giving foods. Energy is required
by the body to do work and to perform all the physiological functions of the body.
Carbohydrates like rice, wheat, potato and fats like ghee and oil belong to this group.
Wheat and corn are used for making breads, chapatis and flakes.
Rice Wheat Ghee Oil
Energy-giving foods
Body-building Foods
Foods that contain proteins make the body strong. They are called Body building
foods. Our body needs to grow. Due to constant wear and tear in the body, new cells
have to be built to repair the damage parts. Proteins like milk, eggs, meat, cheese and
dal help in body building. Proteins are essential for our body. Growing children need
more protein than adults. Soyabean and milk are rich in proteins.

Milk Pules Meat Egg

Body-building foods

Activity Session
Name the vegetables you eat in each category.
Roots Leaves Stems Fact Treasure
______________ ______________ ______________ A diet that contains all
______________ ______________ ______________ the nutrients is called a
______________ ______________ ______________ balanced diet.


Different types of foods items are eaten by us. Some food items can be eaten by raw
like onion, fruits, tomato, beetroot etc. Other need to be cooked like meat,
vegetables, pulses etc. Some can be eaten either raw or cooked or both raw and
cooked like carrot. Today most of the food that we eat is cooked.
Cooking makes food soft, tasty and easy to digest. It also kills disease carrying germs
in the food.
There are various ways of cooking the food.
Boiling tea and coffee are also made with boiled water. You
can boil vegetables, eggs, rice etc by covering them with
water and heating to the boiling point (100°C). This is the
most common method of cooking rice, pulses and
Boiling with boiled water vegetables in home.
Steaming means to cook with the help of steam. Popular
South Indian food- Idli, dosa and North eastern food-momos
etc are cooked by steaming.

Frying Steaming
Frying means to cook in hot oil. It is usually done in a frying
pan or a wok. French Fries, Pakoras, cutlets and kachoris are
prepared in by deep-frying for which a large amount of oil is
Frying pan (karahi)

Shallow frying can be done on a griddle. A griddle is a flat

round iron plate that is heated on a stove or over a fire.
Parathas are prepared on griddles by shallow frying for which
less oil is used.
Griddle (Tawa)

Roasting means to cook food over direct heat or in an oven.
Papad and popcorn are often roasted, chicken and fish can
also be roasted.
Baking is done in the dry heat of an oven. Cakes, Bread
biscuits are baked.


Food is cooked on a stove in which fuel is used. Let us read about different fuels and
kinds of stoves used for cooking food.
Types of stove Fuel used
Gas stove Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Kerosene stove Kerosene oil
Solar cooker Sunlight (Solar energy)
Microwave oven Electricity
Hotplate (Induction) Electricity
Tandoor Wood and coal
Chullah Wood, coal and cow dung cakes

Activity Session
Think and fill the chart given below:
Food that is eaten raw.
Food that is cooked before eating.
Food that can be eaten raw as
well as after being cooked.

To stay healthy, we need to eat good food. But having good eating habits is an important
thing. Let us read now some good eating habits.
5 Wash your hands with soap before and after taking the food.
5 Wash vegetables and fruits in fresh water before eating and cutting them.
5 Always cover all the food do not eat uncovered food.
5 Eat slowly and chew the food properly.
5 Never leave half-eaten food in plate, take only as much food on our plates as we can eat.
5 Avoid talking while eating.
5 Avoid eating food that is sold in the open.
5 Drink plenty of water it helps us to digest the food that we eat.

Quick Brush Up
$All living things like human being, plants and animals need food to survive
$All the different kinds of food that people eat comes either from plants or animals.
$Milch animals like cow, buffalo, goat etc provide milk.
$Foods rich in vitamins and minerals are called protective foods.
$Steaming means to cook food with the help of steam.
$Food is cooked on a stove in which fuel is used.
$Drink plenty of water it helps us to digest the food that we eat.

Key Words
Cereals : The seeds of plants like wheat, rice, maize etc.
Pulses : Protein-rich foods like arhar, moong etc.
Nutrients : Substances needed by our body for health and growth.
Fuel : A material burnt to produce heat.

Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. Roasting is done in a _________.
(a) cooker (b) tandoor (c) wok
2. Hens and ducks give us _________.
(a) milk (b) eggs (c) both (a) & (b)
3. The food we take daily is called our _________.
(a) skin (b) diet (c) bone
4. We use _________ as fuel for cooking.
(a) CNG (b) LPG (c) both (a) & (b)
5. We cook rice and pulses by _________.
(a) boiling (b) baking (c) frying
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Cooking makes food tasty, soft and easy to _________.
2. Pakoras, samosas and chips are cooked by _________.
3. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals are called _________ foods.
4. People who do not eat meat are called _________.
5. We must wash _________ and _________ properly before eating them.
C. Write True or False.
1. In roasting we use direct heat to cook.
2. Microwave oven is used for storing food.
3. Steaming means to cook with the help of steam.
4. We should eat uncovered food.
D. Match the following.
1. Omeiette (a) boiling
2. Idli (b) boiling
3. Rice (c) deep frying
4. Chowmein (d) shallow frying
5. French fries (e) stir frying

E. Answer the following questions.
1. What are different ways of cooking food?
2. Who are vegetarians and non-vegetarians?
3. Why do we need food?
4. What are protective food? Give two examples.
5. Why is milk considered a complete food?
6. What are nutrients? Name any four nutrients of food.
7. List any three rules of healthy eating.
8. What is a balanced died?
9. Why do we cook food?
F. Give three examples of each.
1. Protective Food _____________ _____________ _____________
2. Body-building Food _____________ _____________ _____________
3. Energy-giving Food _____________ _____________ _____________

Brain Twister
1. Why should we cook food in a pressure cooker?
2. Why should we eat at least one meal in a day with our family?

Creative Corner
Food covers a long journey from fields to reach our plates. The journey of food is
given below. Write numbers frm 1 to 6 to put in proper sequence.

Life Skills
We should not eat over cooked or uncooked food. It may not be good for our health.

Learning Treasure
! Need or Uses of Water
Chapter ! Sources of Water
PRECIOUS ! Formes of Water

Water Cycle
Water Shortage
Water Pollution
! Clean Water
! Water Conservation
Self Survey ! Rain Water Harvesting

1. An animal which lives in water _______________.

2. A plant which lives in water _______________.
3. Three forms of water _______________.
4. Two methods for purifying water _______________.

Just food is important for us to remain healthy, so is water. Water is the precious gift
given to us by nature. Without water, there is no life possible on the earth. Almost 3/4
of our planet earth is covered by water. That is why the earth is often called the Blue
planet. But 98% of water is sea water and it’s too salty for us to use. Moreover, since
most of this remaining 2% fresh water is ice, less than 0.3% of water on earth is
directly available to us.
All living things need water to live, to work properly and to grow. Let us read about the
need or uses of water.
We need water for drinking, cooking,
washing, bathing, cleaning and
even putting our fire.
5 Farmers need water to grow
crops. Irrigate the fields and

Teacher's Tip
Importance of water in our lives can be discussed with strees on conservation of water.
Environmental Studies-3 38
5Some factories need water for production of goods we use.
5Water is used to produce electricity.
5Water is used for many sports like surfing, rafting, swimming etc.
5Water is also a medium of transport. Ship, boat, cruise etc move on water. They
carry goods andpeople from one place to another.
5Water is the home of aquatic plants like (lily,
hydrilla) and animals like (fish, octopus).
5Animals also need water to drink and bathe.
Some animals like hippopotamus, elephant,
buffaloes etc stay in water for a long time to
keep their body cool.
5Plants also need water for their growth and to prepare their food plants get water
from soil through their roots.
5Water is a universal solvent since it can dissolve a number of substance in it.
Rain is the main source of water on the earth.
Some rain water gets collected in water bodies on Fact Treasure
the surface of he earth such as rivers, lakes, 7 Water is used to generate electricity
that is called hydro electricity.
ponds, tanks, seas and oceans etc. This is called
7Around 70% of our body is made
surface water. Some rain water seeps into the soil of water.
and gets collected as ground water. It can be 7 A camel stores water in its hump
drawn out using hand pumps, tube wells dug and can stay without water for
wells that are made by man. Taps, canals, dams
and tanks are some more man-made sources of water.

Natural Source of Water Man-made Source of water

Environmental Studies-3 39
Properties of Water
Main properties of water are :
5 It is transparent or colour less. It has no taste and smell.
5 It has no shape. It take the shape of the container in which it is put.
Water exists in three forms such as-
5 Solid 5 Liquid 5 Gas
In summers, we put water in ice trays and keep it in the refrigerator. There it gets cold
and freezes to form ice. Ice is a solid form of water.
The water we drink is liquid form of it.
It we heat water, it changes into water vapour or steam. Steam is a gaseous form of
the water.
Changing of water into water vapour on heating is called evaporation. Changing of
water vapour into water on cooling is called condensation.
All these forms are interchangeable.
Ice ___ Melting ___ Water ___ Heating ___ Steam.
Steam ___ Cooling ___ Water ___ Freezing ___ Ice.
On the earth not a single drop of
water is wasted in nature. Nature
recycles and reuses water. The
water from the oceans seas and
rivers heats up with run’s rays. This
heaed water rises up in the form of
water vapour. These droplets join
together to form clouds. As the
clouds become heavy, they fall
down as rain. This rain water again
goes back to the oceans, rivers and
other water bodies till they are heated again to form the clouds. This is continuous on-
going process. This process in the water cycle.

Environmental Studies-3 40
There are many human activities that cause water shortage :
Wastage of water or over use of water.
5 Increase in consumption of water in industries.
5 Poor ground water resources.
5 Increasing demand of water due to increase in
5 Water pollution. In many parts like Rajasthan of
our country, the water is scarce.
5 Woman have to walk several kilometers everyday to fetch water.
5 Water shortage is more acute in the summer months.
We see how much we depend on water in our daily life. On
the other hand, we unconsciously cause a lot of damage to
the water everyday.
Washing clothes, bathing, using
Fact Treasure chemical soaps and detergents,
Only 1% of the total industrial wastes disposal of other
water on earth is fit for water in water, all these pollute
drinking. Water pollution
water and make it unfit for consumption.
The water that reaches our homes is not
totally clean. It has be made safe for
drinking. If we drink water that is not clean
we may suffer from diseases like jaundice,
cholera and typhoid.
We can purify water by using a water filter,
or by boiling it. Boiling of water Water purifier
Boiling kills the germs in the water and filtering removes impurities such as sand and
Water can also be purified by using water purifiers which kill germs using ultraviolet rays.
We also can use some chemicals like chlorine, bleaching powder etc to kill germs
present in water.
Environmental Studies-3 41
There is very little potable water available on the earth. So is it is very important to use
water wisely. Wise and careful use of water is called water conservation. Here are
some points which should be kept in mind to conserve water:
5 Do not leave the taps open use water wisely
5 Some water is left after washing clothes. We can use it in cleaning floors.
5 We should not pollute the water bodies.
5 We should use a bucket and mug to take a bath rather than using a shower and
reuse left over water in bottles for watering the plants.
5 We should plant as many trees as you can as they help to conserve water.
5 We should practice rainwater harvesting.
When it rains, most of the water flows down to lakes
and rivers, and finally into the sea. Very little water
seeps into the ground. So the quantity of water under
the ground decreases. In summer, when the lakes and
rivers dry up, there is very little water left for use. So
there is water shortage.
It we can store the rainwater during the rainy season,
we will have more water to use in the summers. Rain water harvesting

Fact Treasure We can store the rainwater in underground

In the Dead Sea, the water is so salty that tanks by digging small drains up to the tanks.
people can float in it without Swimming. This is called rainwater harvesting. Water is very
precious. We must not waste it, we must save it.
Quick Brush Up
$Water is the precious gift given to us by nature.
$We need water for drinking, cooking, washing, bathing, cleaning and even putting
our fire.
$Rain is the main source of water on the earth.
$Water exists in three forms such as : (i) Solid (ii) Liquid (iii) Gas
$There is very little potable water available on the earth.
$Rainwater harvesting is the process by which rain water is collected and stored for
use or for eaten use.
Environmental Studies-3 42
Key Words
Natural : Available in nature Potable : Safe to drink
Filter : To purify water by passing it through special device
Scarcity : Shortage, Cycle- Series of events occurring regularly.
Rainwater harvesting : Special process of collecting rainwater.

Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. The main source of water on earth is _________.
(a) river (b) pond (c) rain
2. We use a hand pump to draw _________.
(a) surface water (b) river water (c) underground water
3. The solid state of water is
(a) steam (b) ice (c) juice
4. Water in _________ and oceans in not fit for drinking.
(a) rain (b) pond (c) seas
5. In nature, not a single drop of water is
(a) stored (b) used (c) wasted
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Without __________ there is no life possible on the earth.
2. __________ is an aquatic plant.
3. There is very little __________ available on the earth.
4. The water we drink is in __________ state.
5. Farmers need water to grow __________.
C. Write True or False.
1. Water has no shape.
2. There can be no life without water.
3. Ice is a gaseous form of water.
Environmental Studies-3 43
4. We should pollute the water bodies.
5. Water can be cleaned by boiling and filtering.
D. Define the following term.
1. Evaporation __________________________________________
2. Condensation __________________________________________
3. Rain Water Harvesting __________________________________________
4. Water cycle __________________________________________
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Why do we need water?
2. What is water pollution?
3. How is water made fit for drinking?
4. Explain water cycle?
5. Why is water so scarce on the earth?
6. What do you understand by rain water harvesting?
7. Define water conservation.

Brain Twister
1. Why do use have a shortage of water during summer?
2. Why should we drink pure water?

Creative Corner
When it rains it makes everything clean and fresh. Draw a picture of rainy day in the
space given below and describe how you enjoy the rain.

Life Skills
When it is very hot is summer keep one or two earthen pictures outside your house along
with a drinking cup. Observe how many people drink water from the pitchers in one day.
Environmental Studies-3 44
Learning Treasure
! Need of A Houses
Chapter ! Types of Houses
! An Ideal Houses

Taking Care of Our Houses
Decorating The House

Self Survey
Look at these pictures of houses and then write the name of houses:

Early Man did not live in houses. They lived in caves or on trees and later started
making simple houses.
A house is the place where we live with our family. Our house that is our home is our
shelter. Living together in our shelter teaches us lessons is sharing, caring and love.
A house is the basic necessities of our life.
We need shelter for the following purposes:
5 A house protects us from hot weather, cold weather, rain, stormy wind and dust.
5 It also protects us from wild animals, birds, harmful insects, snakes, thieves,
robbers and burglars.

Teacher's Tip
The picture of different kind of houses should be shown to the children. They should also be told
why people build different types of houses in different regions.
Environmental Studies-3 45
5A house gives us space and protection to keep our clothes, jewellery and house
hold appliances.
People living in different regions or countries have different kinds of houses. The type
of houses depends on the following factors.
5 The climate of our region.
5 The requirement of the owner.
5 The raw materials available to build the house.
5 The amount of money we can spend.
5 From the above discussion we can divide the houses in the following types:
Kuchcha House
Kuchcha houses are mostly built in villages and backward
areas because the materials needed to build them are
easily available there. They are build by straw bamboo,
mud, cowdung etc. The roofs of these houses are made of
thatch and palm leaves or asbestos sheets. They are not
expensive and take less time to build. They are not strong
and durable. They need regular care and maintenance.
They are also called Temporary houses or Huts. Kuchcha House

Pucca House
In cities, towns and how even in
many villages houses are made of
bricks, cement, wood, steel and iron.
They are pucca houses. They are very
strong, expensive and last for many
years. They vary in size. Some are
small while some are big. Bungalow Multi-story Building

All bungalows, flats in multi-storeyed

building and apartments, are pucca houses. Fact Treasure
The are also called detached Permanent 7 Bangalows are large Single-storeyed
houses. houses.
A multistoreyed buildings consists of
a number of apartments.
Environmental Studies-3 46
Stilt Houses
In places like Assam where it rains a lot, people build
houses on stilts. Such houses are made of wood and have
sloping roofs. So that rain water can easily slide down.
These houses rest on strong bamboo poles, 10-12 feet
above the ground. This keeps people safe from moisture,
insects, rains and floods. To enter the houses, a ladder is
used. This type of house is also known as a shelter on
poles. Stilt Houses

House Boat
A house boat is a floating house with well furnished
rooms. It is found in Dal Lake in Kashmir and in back
waters of Kerala.

House Boat
A caravan is a house on wheels that can move from
one place to another. It is a mobile house. It is pulled
by animals, horses, and ox or engine. Nomads and
Gypsies are live in caravans.

Fact Treasure
People who do not stay in one place are called nomads.
7 Caravan

A tent is made from thick cloth called canvas. It is used by
soldiers, scouts, guides, nomads and people who are
camping. It is like a temporary house erected in mountains,
forests and deserts. It can be pitched and folded easily.

Fact Treasure
Tent Tapee is a house made of animal skin.

Environmental Studies-3 47
An igloo is a house which is built out of snow or blocks of ice.
It is a dome shaped structure. People who live in igloos are
called Inuits or Eskimos. These houses are found in the
Arctic regions or the region where it shows all year round.
You must have seen jhuggi colonies in your city where small temporary houses are
built very close to one another. These are called slums. Poor people like construction
labourers, rickshaw pullers and factory workers live in these slums. They make
kachcha houses with cheap and readily available materials like plastic and tin sheets.
The people in slums live in unhygienic conditions. There is no safe drinking water and
proper toilet facilities for them. Stagnant water and garbage is found all over. It is an
ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes and flies.
Whatever be the type of house we live in, it should
be neat, clean and comfortable. But for a good Fact Treasure
house, we should remember the following things : In Kutch, Gujarat there are single
5 A good house should have a separate place for cylindrical houses with conical
roots. These are called bongas.
cooking, eating, sleeping, bathing, entertaining,
guests etc.
5 A good house should have enough doors and windows to let in fresh air, and
Sulight. Proper sunlight and fresh air kill germs in the house. The system of letting
in fresh air and letting out stale air is called ventilation.
5 The house should be free of insects like flies and
mosquitoes. Wire netting on the doors and
windows keep them out.
5 The house must have a proper drainage system
to carry out the dirty water.
5 Balconies and verandahs are the open spaces in
the house which help come direct contact with
sunlight and fresh air. An ideal house
Environmental Studies-3 48
We must care of our house and keep it clean. We can keep our home clean by doing
the following things :
1. Keep all the house hold things in their proper places.
2. Throw the household waste only in covered dustbins. Household garbags should
be disposed at proper place.
3. Sweep and mop the floors of the house daily. Use phenyl and other floor cleaners.
4. Keep the kitchen clean and free from insects like ant. The kitchen should have a
good chimney or exhaust fan to drive away any smoke. We must clean the dirty
utensils soon after their use.
5. Keep the bathrooms and toilets clean and dry. We must see to it that all the drains
are well covered and clean.

6. Do not allow cobwebs to collect in the house.

7. The surroundings of the house should be kept clean. Remove any dirty water
collected in puddles. Dirty water encourages mosquitoes to breed. It is a joint
responsibility of all the family members to keep the house clean.


We decorate our house using different things like show pieces, paintings,
photographs, various types of wall hangings, aquariums, plants, artifical plants in
vases and carpets.
In villages people use vegetable dyes to make colourful designs on walls. These
designs based on the tradition of the place.
During festivals, houses are cleaned and painted, people make rangoli patterns in
front of the main door on the ground. On some occasions people hang a string of
mango leaves on their doors.

Environmental Studies-3 49
Quick Brush Up
$Early Man did not live in houses.
$A house is the basic necessities of our life.
$People living in different regions or countries have different kinds of houses.
$They are build by straw bamboo, mud, cowdung etc.
$In places like Assam where it rains a lot, people build houses on stilts.
$An igloo is a house which is built out of snow or blocks of ice.
$A good house should have a separate place for cooking, eating, sleeping, bathing,
entertaining, guests etc.
$Do not allow cobwebs to collect in the house.

Key Words
Kuchcha house : A house made with mud and straw.
Pucca house : A strong house made of cement, bricks, steel and iron etc.
Igloo : A house made of ice.

Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. A house made from blocks of ice is ___________.
(a) igloo (b) stilt house (c) caravan
2. All bungalows and flats in multi-storeyed buildings are :
(a) kachacha houses (b) pucca houses (c) tent
3. A house boat is formed in ___________.
(a) Kerala (b) Kashmir (c) both (a) & (b)
4. A caravan is a house on :
(a) sticks (b) shoes (c) wheels
5. Door and windows should have wire-netting to keep away ___________.
(a) wind (b) flies (c) water
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. A tent is made up of ___________.
Environmental Studies-3 50
2. People who live in igloos are called ___________.
3. Kuchcha house are also called ___________.
4. Caravans are pulled by ___________, ___________ or ___________.
5. Early man did not live in ___________.
6. Pucca houses are also called ___________ houses.
7. A house must have a proper _________ system to carry out the _________
C. Write True or False.
1. Flats are found in villages.
2. Kuchcha houses are mostly build in villages.
3. Bungalows are small single and storeyed houses.
4. A carvan is a floating house.
5. The people is slums live in unhygienic conditions.
D. Who am I?
1. I am a house made of thick cloth. __________________________
2. I am a house made of ice. __________________________
3. I am a house made of floating on water. __________________________
4. I am a house made of on wheels. __________________________
5. I am a house made of on stilts. __________________________
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Why do we need a house?
2. What is an igloo?
3. List any three ways to keep your house clean.
4. On which factors the types of houses depend?
5. How can you decorate your home?
6. What is the differece between a kachcha house and a pucca house?
7. What is ventilation?
8. What is a slum?

Brain Twister
1. How do Eskimos protect themselves from cold inside an igloo?
2. Do you think it was easier to build houses in olden days as compared to these days? Why?
Environmental Studies-3 51
Creative Corner
Many people make rangolis in and outside their houses on festivals and other special
occasions. Draw and colour a rangoli design in your note book.

Life Skills

All of you live in your houses. Discuss with your elders and find out the following things:
1. What things were required during construction of your house?
2. How do you clean your house?

Environmental Studies-3 52
Learning Treasure
! Directions
Chapter ! Maps
! More About Maps


Self Survey
Help Shubh to go to the greengrocer from his house.

We all go to different places for different purposes. We go to school to study. We go to

market with our parents to make purchases. Sometimes we go to places, like
restaurant, cinema, park etc. So we must know where these places and how to reach
there. We must therefore have an idea of the street in the locality and places we visit
frequently and in what direction they are located? When we go some where for the
first time we must have an idea of the direction to find our way.
There are four main directions: North, South, East and West. If we face the rising sun,
we are facing east. We will have west behind us. South is on our right and north is on
the left side.

Teacher's Tip
Explain the children about the importance of map and symbols in tracing router.
We can find out directions by using a magnetic compass. It
has a needle which always point to the north direction. It
is used by astronomes, sailors, mountaineer etc.
Our earth is huge, we represent the whole earth on a
globe. But it is difficult to use it or carry along places. So we
use maps.
A map is a picture of a place and its location on a piece of paper. It shows land, seas
and other physical features. It also shows the distribution of things like rain, weather,
forests, population, crops etc.
A map is very handy and informative. A book of maps is called an Atlas. There are two
types of maps - Physical Maps and Political Maps.
Physical Map
A map which shows mountains ranges,
hills, plains, plateaus, deserts and water
bodies is called physical maps.
Political Map
A map which shows divisions of the world
into countries, countries into states and
states into districts etc is called political

Fact Treasure
The science of making maps is called
cartography and the person who makes maps
is called a cartographer.


There are many thing like scale, legend, and colours are used in maps.
Since maps are much smaller than the areas they represent, we use a map scale. A
scale is the number of Kilometres that a certain distance on the map shows.
For example : Scale: 1 cm 100 Kilometres
As a map represents big places on a small scale it uses many symbols for cities, towns,
hilly areas, railways and road routes. The table of these symbols is called legend. Some
of the important symbols are shown in the following table:

City Railway

Road Rain place Fact Treasure

A symbol is a sign. It represent a
Highway Boundary land work. The explanation of
symbols is called a Key.
River Temple

Hospital Park

Fact Treasure
Colours used in maps are: A rough drawing of a place is
Blue : Blue colour is used for water bodies. called a sketch.
Green : Green colour is used for plains. Land mark is an important place or
Light brown : Light brown is used for deserts. thing that one can easily recognize
such as post office, school, hospital,
Dark brown : Dark brown is used for mountains.

Quick Brush Up
$We all go to different places for different purposes.
$There are four main directions: North, South, East and West.
$A map is a picture of a place and its location on a piece of paper.
$A scale is the number of kilometres that a certain distance on the map shows.
$A rough drawing of a place is called a sketch.

Key Words
Magnetic Compass : An instrument which help us to find directions.
Atlas : A book of maps.
Cartographer : A person who makes maps.
Sketch : A rough drawing of a place.
Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. The needle of a compass always points towards the __________.
(a) east (b) west (c) north
2. There are __________ directions.
(a) three (b) four (c) six
3. We represent the whole earth on a __________.
(a) table (b) book (c) globe
4. We locate the places with the help of __________.
(a) directions (b) directories (c) pencils
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. A book of maps is called __________.
2. A rough drawing of a place is called a __________.
3. The science of making __________ is called cartography.
4. We can find out directions by using a __________ compass.
5. A map is very handy and __________.
C. Write True or False.
1. We all go to different places for some purposes.
2. There are three main directions.
3. We represent the whole earth on a map.
4. On maps, blue colour is used for water bodies.
5. The explanation of symbols is called a landmark.
D. Define the following terms.
1. Land marks ______________________________________________
2. Sketch ______________________________________________
3. Atlas ______________________________________________
4. Physical maps ______________________________________________
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a map?
2. What are the four main directions?

Environmental Studies-3 56
3. What is an atlas?
4. What is cartography and who is cartographer?
5. What is the difference between a physical and a political map?

Brain Twister
How do landmarks help in locating a place? Explain with the help of an example.

Creative Corner
Read the instructions and draw the following in the space given below:
1. a hut in the centre 2. hills behind the hut
3. sun in the sky to the left of the hills 4. a tree to the right of the hut
5. flowers in front of the hut 6. cat next to the tree

Life Skills
We should always give clear and easy directions to people whenever they need them.
This would help people in locating a place easily.

Environmental Studies-3 57
Learning Treasure
! Types of Plants
Chapter ! Habitats of Plants
Some Unusual Plants

! Uses of Plants

Self Survey
Give three examples of each of the following :
1. Trees _______________ _______________ _______________
2. Water plants _______________ _______________ _______________
3. Creepers _______________ _______________ _______________
4. Desert plants _______________ _______________ _______________

There are many types of plants around us. Some plants are big while some are small.
Some grow on land and some in water. Most of plants are green in colour but a few
may be yellow, red or even purple. Some plants bear flowers but some are not. All
plants have roots, stems, branches, and leaves.
Based on their shapes and sizes, plants can be classified into five categories.
Trees are the largest of all the plants. They are strong and big in size. They have a tall
and a strong woody stem, called a ‘Trunk’. The stem is covered with bark. Banyan,
Peepel, Mango, Neem, coconut, etc are the examples of trees. A tree lives for many

Banyan tree Mango tree Coconut tree

Teacher's Tip
Tell the students about the types of plants. Also tell them how useful the plants are for human beings.
Environmental Studies-3 58
Shrubs are smaller than
trees. They have thin but
hard stem. They are of
medium size and low height.
Shrubs live for several years
but not as long as tree lives. Rose Plant Cotton Plant Hibiscus
Rose, cotton, hibiscus, bougainvillea etc are the example of the shrubs.
Herbs are small plants
having soft green stems.
Herbs grow in the gardens
and in the forests. Their
height is usually less than one
Tulsi Tomato Coriander meter. Herbs are seasonal
plants and they live only for a few months. Jasmine, tulsi, mint, coriander, tomato,
spinach, etc are the examples of herbs.
Some plants have very weak stems. They
cannot stand straight. Such plants climb
other trees for support. They are called
climbers. Many plants, grapevine, pea,
bitter gourd are the examples of climbers. Grapevine Bitter gourd
There are some plants that have very
weak stems but their fruits are big and
heavy. They creep on the ground. They are
called creepers. Watermelon, pumpkin
Pumpkin Watermelon and cucumber are the examples of creepers.

Fact Treasure
Creepers can’t climb on the support because their fruits are very heavy.
Environmental Studies-3 59
Habitat is defined as a place where a plant or animal lives and grows. Plants are found
in different types of habitats. They adjust their ways of growing according to their
surroundings. This is called adaptation.
According the Habitats of plants, plants can be divided into the following categories.
Terrestrial plants
Plants that grow on land are called
terrestrial plants. These plants have broad
leaves. They hold on to the soil with the
help of roots. Banyan, neem, wheat etc
are the examples of terrestrial plants.
Banyan Neem

Aquatic Plants
Plants that grow in water
are called water plants.
They are also called aquatic
plants. Lotus, waterlily and
Lotus Hydrilla Tapegrass water hyacinth are the
examples of water plants. Some plants like water hyacinth float on the surface of
water. They are called floating plants. Some plants like hydrilla and tapegrass live
completely under water. They are called submerged plants.
Desert Plants
The plants that can grow well in dry, sandy deserts are called
desert plants. They have long roots to grow deep in soil to
absorb water. Since there is very little water and hardly any
rainfall in the desert very few plants grow there. For example :
Cactus, date palm etc.
Leaves of cactus are reduced to spines that reduces loss of water
and protects plants from being eaten by animals.

Environmental Studies-3 60
Coniferous trees
Trees that grow on high mountains are
called coniferous trees. They have hard
needle-like leaves and wooden flowers
called cones that can with stand show fall.
Pine, deodar, chir, etc are the examples of
coniferous trees. Pine Chir

Fact Treasure
7Plants the bear flowers are called flowing plants like mango, neem, rose, etc.
7Plants that do not bear flowers are called non-flowing plants like fern, etc.

Mangroves plants
Mangroves are the plants that grows in
marshy areas.
Marshy areas are areas with lots of
water and sticky soil.
Rose Fern


Some plants like venus flytrap, sundew and pitcher plants eat insects. A venus fly trap
catches an insect between its leaves.
Moulds and mushrooms are non- green plants. They get their food from dead and
decaying plants and animals.
Activity Session
Circle the odd one. Give the reason for your answer :
1. banyan neem mountain coconut
2. chair shrub creeper herb
3. coconut tulsi mint spinach

Plants are useful to us in many ways. In our everyday life, we use many things made
from plants and plants products.
Environmental Studies-3 61
We get foods such as cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables, oil, tea, spices, coffee,
sugar and cocoa from plants.
Plants give us fibres like cotton, jute and flex for clothes.
Neem, tulsi, mint, clove etc are some other plants used for medicinal purposes.
Cinchona plant gives us medicine for treating malaria.
Plants like jasmine, rose etc, produce fragrant flowers which are used to make
Plants help us to make things like soaps, toothpastes points, rubber and gum.
The wood or timber of plants like teak, rosewood etc is used in making furniture
and houses.
Paper is also obtained from plants such as the bamboo plants.
Plants release oxygen that purify air and keep environment green and clean.
Plants provide shelter to many animals and birds. They give us shade to some
animals and birds.

Quick Brush Up
$There are many types of plants around us.
$Based on their shapes and sizes, plants can be classified into five categories.
$Herbs are small plants having soft green stems.
$Habitat is defined as a place where a plant or animal lives and grows.
$The plants that can grow well in dry, sandw deserts are called desert plants.
$Some Plants like venus flytrap, sundew and pitcher plants eat insects.
$Plants release oxygen that purify air and keep environment green and clean.

Key Words
Habitat : A place where a plant grows.
Plains : Flat land
Shelter : Home

Environmental Studies-3 62
Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. Which of these plants floats on the surface of water?
(a) water hyacinth (b) tapegrass (c) hydrilla
2. Which of these plants does not bear flowers?
(a) fern (b) hibiscus (c) lotus
3. The cactus plant grows in _________.
(a) mountains (b) warm places (c) desert
4. Which of these have hard and thin stems?
(a) herbs (b) shrubs (c) climbers
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The ___________ plants do not bear flowers.
2. Trees have hard and thick stem called ___________.
3. The water lily plant grows in ___________.
4. ___________ are the plants that live for two seasons.
5. ___________ grows in hot deserts.
C. Write True or False.
1. Herbs have many branches.
2. Shurbs live for many years.
3. Climbers are the plants that can’t stand up like trees.
4. Fir and pine trees grow on mountains.
D. Define the following terms.
1. Habitat ______________________________________________
2. Aquatic plants ______________________________________________
3. Adaptation ______________________________________________
4. Mangrove ______________________________________________
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a tree? Give three examples.
2. What are herbs? Give three examples.
3. What is are creepers? Give three examples.

Environmental Studies-3 63
4. What are the non-flowering plants?
5. How are plants useful to us?
6. What are terrestrial plants?

Brain Twister
1. Are most plants growing around us flowering?
2. How does the stem of cactus help it to survive in the desert?

Creative Corner
A. Paste pictures of different plants having dry-leaves in your note book.
B. Divide your class into groups of five. Collect various plants products that are
used by us. Example: wood, spices, oil, sugar, paper and cotton. Put them in
small plastic packets. Staple them on a chart paper and label them. Display the
chart on the class bulletin board.

Life Skills
Adopt a tree in your neighbourhood. Give your tree a name. Give it water and a hug
everyday. Observe the changes in the tree from time to time. Which are the animals that
visit your tree?

Environmental Studies-3 64
Learning Treasure
! Parts of a plant
Chapter ! Leaves
Characteristics of Leaves

! Uses of Leaves

Self Survey
Find out the correct names.
1. Leaves used to make medicines. ___ EE ___
2. Leaves used of give flavour to the food. C ___ ___ R ___
3. Leaves used as food. ___ A ___ ___ K
4. Many people chew these leaves. B ___ ___ E ___

We all know that plants have certain

common parts such as roots, leaves, flowers
etc. Each part of plant is equally important.
The part of the plant above the soil is known Leaf
as the shoot system. The shoot system is
further divided into stem, branch, leaves,
flowers, fruits etc. The part of the plant
below the soil is known as the root system. Parts of Plants

All roots grow in the soil. There are two types
of roots : Tap root and fibrous root.
They absorb water and minerals from the soil
Taproot Fibrousroots through root hair.

Teacher's Tip
Draw a picture of a plant on the board. Be sure to include roots, a stem, a flower, and leaves in
your drawing. Ask your students to tell what you're just drawn.
Environmental Studies-3 65
The part of plant above the soil is called stem. They bear branches, leaves, flowers and
A bud on the stem opens into a flower. They make the plant look colourful and
Fruits and seeds
A flower changes into a fruit slowly. Almost all fruits have Fact Treasure
seeds inside them. Seeds have a baby plant or embryo inside
Raffleria is the largest
them that grows into a new plant if it gets the required air, flower in the world.
water and warmth.
Leaves are very important part of a plant. They are known as the kitchen of the plant.
They make food for the plant with the help of a special green pigment called
chlorophyll. Leaves make their food with chlorophyll, water, soil, sunlight and a gas
called carbon dioxide which is present in air. This process is called photosynthesis.
Leaves of trees are different from one
another. They can be grouped in many ways.
Size of leaves various from very small (like
tulsi, tamarind) and fine to very big, wide and
long (like banana, raffia, palm). Tulsi Banana

Leaves have different shapes also. A peepal
leaf is triangular whereas a mango leaf is
long and slender.
A pine leaf looks like a needle whereas a
Peepal Papaya
papaya leaf is star-shaped.

Environmental Studies-3 66
Most of the leaves are green but some
have different colours. Leaves of the
maple tree are orange while croton leaves
are yellow and red in colour. Some leaves
change their colour with the changes of
Different leaves have different types of surfaces. The leaves of mint are rough while
the leaves of hibiscus has a soft touch. The leaves of lotus are oily, glossy and slippery
to touch.

Mint Lotus Hibiscus

The smell of a leaf is called its aroma.
Some leaves have simple scent others
are highly scented. Leaves of plants like
grass also have aroma. Leaves of some
plants give off repelling smell. For
example- tulsi, mint, neem, curry leaves, Curry leaf Mint leaf
eucalyptus etc.

The number of leaves on plants ranges
from a few to several thousands.

Banana Neem
Environmental Studies-3 67
5Leaves of plants like mint, lettuce, spinach and cabbage are eaten as food.
5Leaves of plants, like neem, tulsi and mint have medicinal values.
5Mehndi leaves are used to make floral patterns on hands and feet.
5Tea is made from dry leaves of the plant.
5Betal leaves are used to make paan.
5Leaves of coconut palm and date palm are used to make roots of hut.
5Design of different leaves are used as motifs on table cover, bed sheets, crockery
5Banana leaves and mango leaves are used for decoration during religious ceremonies.
5Except above uses of leaves there are several uses of leaves in our daily life.

Quick Brush Up
$The part of the plant above the soil is known as the shoot system.
$There are two types of roots : Tap root and fibrous root.
$A flower changes into a fruit slowly.
$The part of plant above the soil is called stem.
$Leaves are known as the kitchen of the plant.
$Some leaves changes their colour with the changes of season.
$The smell of a leaf is called its aroma.
$Betal leaves are used to make paan.

Key Words
Chlorophyll : green pigment found in leaves.
Photosynthesis : Process by which green leaves prepare their food.

Environmental Studies-3 68
Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. The colour of chlorophyll is __________.
(a) yellow (b) green (c) red
2. Pine leaves look like __________.
(a) eggs (b) stars (c) needles
3. The plants prepare their food with the process of :
(a) droping (b) wiping (c) photosynthesis
4. The part of the plant below the soil is known as :
(a) root system (b) shoot system (c) both (a) & (b)
5. A flower changes into a __________.
(a) leaf (b) stem (c) fruit
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. All roots grow in the __________.
2. A __________ plant has few leaves.
3. The smell of a leaf is called its __________.
4. Generally leaves are __________ in colour.
5. __________ and __________ leaves are used as thatch for roots.
C. Write True or False.
1. Plants need methane gas for photosynthesis.
2. Leaves of all plants look similar.
3. Peepal leaf is triangular is shape.
4. Tulsi and mint have big leaves.
5. Lotus leaves have an oily surface.
D. Unscramble the words to get the correct answer.
1. Big leaf NABAAN ________________
2. Orange coloured leaf ELAMP ________________
3. Leaf of a yellow coloured fruit MNOEL ________________
4. Small leaf RNEF ________________

Environmental Studies-3 69
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is photosynthesis?
2. Write any four uses of leaves.
3. Name any four leaves used as food.
4. How many types of roots are there? Name them.
5. Write down any five characteristics of leaves?

Brain Twister
1. Why should we not burn the fallen leaves?
2. What will happen to a plant if its roots are cut off ?

Creative Corner
Collect different types of leaves and dry them. Paste these leaves in your scrap book
with the help of cellotape. Also write their name below each.

Life Skills
Grow herbs such as pudina, dhania in pots in your backyard.

Environmental Studies-3 70
Learning Treasure
! Types of Animals
! Types of Animals Based on Their
Chapter Size
ANIMALS ! Types of Animals Based on Their
11 AROUND US Habitats
! Types of Animals Based on Eating
! Special Body Parts of Animals
Self Survey For Eating
! Animals Tail
Write the names of three:
1. Aquatic Animals _____________ _____________ _____________
2. Arboreal Animals _____________ _____________ _____________
3. Scavengers _____________ _____________ _____________
4. Herbivores _____________ _____________ _____________

Different types of animals live on the earth. The animal kingdom has a variety of
animals-big and small, wild, domestic and pet, land and water animals.
We can categorize the animals in the bases of their size, habitat and eating habits.
On the bases of their sizes, animals can be divided into two groups such as :
7 Big animals 7 Small animals
Big Animals
Animals such as elephant, whale, giraffe, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, tiger, cow,
ostrich etc are big animals.

Whale Elephant Giraffe Tiger Rhinoceros

Teacher's Tip
Tell students the difference between various animals on the basis of their size, habitats and food habits.
Environmental Studies-3 71
Small Animals
Animals such as rat, rabbit, dog, squirrel, duck, beer, worm, grasshopper etc are small

Rabbit Squirrel Grasshopper Rat Dog

Fact Treasure
The blue whale is the biggest animal on the earth.
The elephant is the largest animal on the earth.
The giraffe is the tallest animal on the earth.


Based on their habitats, animals can be
divided into the following groups. Fact Treasure
Land Animal The animals that live in jungles are known
as wild animals like lion, zebra, deer etc.
The animals that live on land are called The animals that can be kept in our houses
land animals or terrestrial animals; lion, or on farves and very useful to us are
cow, deer, giraffe, elephant, tiger etc are
some land animals.

Lion Deer Cow Tiger Dog

Water Animals
Animals that live in water are called water or aquatic or marine animals. Fish, Crab,
Sea horse, prawn, octopus and whale are some aquatic animals.
Environmental Studies-3 72
Prawn Sea horse Octopus
Animals that live both in water and on land are called amphibians. Frogs, toads,
crocodiles, turtle etc are some amphibians.

Frog Turtle Crocodile

Aerial Animals
The animals that fly in the air are called aerial animals. Crow, peacock, pigeon,
sparrow, vulture, etc. are some aerial animals.

Crow Peacock Pigeon

Arboreal Animals
Animals that live on trees are known as arboreal animals. Monkeys, squirrels, owls,

Environmental Studies-3 73
sloths, chimpanzees lizard, chameleon, leopard and even birds are some arboreal

Monkey Lizard Owl

Animals that crawl and live under the ground are known as crawlers. Ants, termites,
earthworms, etc. are some crawlers.
Based on eating habits, animals can be divided into the following groups:
The animals that eat only plants and plants
products are called herbivores or plant
eaters. Deer, goat, cow, zebra, giraffe, etc
are some herbivores.
Deer Zebra
The animals that eat only flesh of other
animals are called carnivores or flesh-
eaters. Tiger, crocodiles, wolf, leopard, etc
are some carnivores.
Wolf Crocodile
The animals that eat both plants and flesh
of other animals are called omnivores.
Human, bears, dog, crow, etc are some
Dog Man
Environmental Studies-3 74
The animals that eat flesh of dead animals
are called scavengers. Vultures, jackals,
hyenas, fox, etc are some scavengers. They
help in keeping the forest clean.
Vulture Hyena


Some animals also have some specialized body parts that help them to survive.
Long sticky tongue of frog to catch insects.
Herbivores have strong grinding teeth to chew the plant and their parts.
Carnivores have sharp pointed teeth to tear the flesh.
Strong thin legs of deer and zebra to
Fact Treasure
outrun their predators.
An elephant has a long thick trunk
Long flexible neck of giraffe to eat leaves
5 which helps it to eat and drink.
from tall trees. Butterflies, bees and mosquitoes have
long sucking tubes which help them
Sharp front teeth of rabbit and squirrel
suck juice from flower and blood from
to gnaw the food (like nuts & seeds).
For movement
Animals move from one place to another in search of food
and shelter and to escape from enemies. Animals move in Fact Treasure
different ways. Some walk, some fly, some crawl and some Kangoroos & rabbits
swim. To do this they use their legs, fins, wings and even tails.
Human beings have two legs to walk and run. Most land animals have four legs to
move, walk, run, climb or jump. Birds have a pair of legs to walk and a pair of wings to
fly in the air. Fish and other water animals swim with the help of fins and tails. Insects
have six legs and two pairs of wings. Spiders have eight legs. Centipedes have a large
number of tiny legs which help them to crawl. Snakes and earthworms have no legs.
They also crawl on the land.

Environmental Studies-3 75
Activity Session
Fill in the correct answer :
1. _________ is the biggest and _________ is the tallest animal on the earth.
2. Fish swims with the help of their _________.
3. Insects have _________ legs.
4. Birds have a pair of _________ to fly in the air.

Most animals have a tail. It may be short as
like rabbit's tail or long as like Monkey's
tail. They use their tails for different
activities, like to balance their body, to
swing from tree to tree, to swim, jump,
hop pr to fly away insects. Insects do not
Monkey Rabbit
have a tail at all.

Quick Brush Up
$On the bases of their sizes, animals can be divided into two groups such as :
Big animals Small animals
$The animals that lives on land are called land animals or terrestrial animals.
$The animals that fly in the air are called aerial animals.
$Animals that crawl and live under the ground are known as crawlers.
$The animals that eat only flesh of other animals are called carnivores.
$Long sticky tongue of frog to catch insects.
$Most land animals have four legs to move, walk, run, climb or jump.

Key Words
Domestic Animals : Animals that work for us.
Wing : A part of the body that helps in flying.

Environmental Studies-3 76
Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. Animals that live in water are called __________.
(a) aquatic animals (b) amphibians (c) herbivores
2. The animals who eat flesh of other animals, are called __________.
(a) omnivores (b) herbivores (c) carnivores
3. One of these animals have six legs __________.
(a) insects (b) aerial (c) amphibians
4. One of these animals can live both on land and in the water.
(a) fish (b) amphibians (c) aquatic
5. __________ is a herbivores.
(a) Fox (b) Bear (c) Cow
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Wild animals live in the __________.
2. The __________ is the largest animal in the world.
3. Animals that eat plants are called __________.
4. __________ are the animals that crawl and live underground.
5. Birds fly with the help of their __________.
6. The tallest animal on the earth is __________.
C. Write True or False.
1. Humans are not herbivores.
2. Domestic animals are useful to us in many ways.
3. Wild animals can be kept at home.
4. An elephant eats and drinks with its long trunk.
5. The largest animal on the land is elephant.
D. Define the following terms.
1. Land animals ______________________________________________
2. Amphibious ______________________________________________
3. Carnivores ______________________________________________
4. Omnivores ______________________________________________
5. Aerial animals ______________________________________________
Environmental Studies-3 77
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the difference between domestic and wild animals?
2. Differentiate between carnivores and omnivores.
3. What are aquatic animals? Give two examples.
4. What are scavengers? Give two examples.
5. What are the different categories of animals on the basis of their eating
6. What is a habitat?

Brain Twister
1. Why fish cannot survive outside water?
2. Why do ruminants developed the habit of chewing cud?

Creative Corner
Collect pictures of different types of animals and paste in your scrapbook. Write
their names below the pictures.

Life Skills
Look at a ten rupee note. Name the animals you see on it. What do you think why these
animals are there on the note?

Environmental Studies-3 78
Learning Treasure
! Parts of a Bird's Body
Chapter ! What makes the Birds Fly?
BIRDS ! Types of Feathers

12 !
Flight of the Bird
Nests of Birds

Self Survey
Write the names of the three:

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

Birds are the most amazing creatures of the world. A bird belongs to the family of
animals that can fly.
Birds are the only animals with feathers on
their body. They have a pair of wings
instead of limbs. They have two legs with
claws and a beak.
A bird’s body is divided into a head, a neck,
a trunk and a tail.
Trunk bears feathers, wings and legs.
Body parts of bird

Teacher's Tip
Take them to the field and let them observe birds quietly. Help them notice the different size and their
food habits. Encourage them to write down their observations.
Environmental Studies-3 79
A bird is able to fly because :
5It has very light body.
5It has a stream lived ( Boat - shaped ) body.
5It has strong muscles that move the wings up and down. These are called flight
5It has a pair of wings covered with feathers that help them to fly.
5It has a tail to change its directions while flying.
Feathers are mainly of three types :
Down Feathers : These feathers keep the body of the bird warm. They are soft,
short and fluffy. They lie next to the birds skin.
Body Feathers : The entire body of the bird is covered by these feathers. They give
shape to a bird’s body.
Flight Feathers : They are long, flat and strong. These feathers cover the bird’s wing
and tail. They help the bird to fly.

Down feather Body feather Fight feather


Wings of the bird have two types of movements :
5Upstroke : In upstorke the wings
move upward and
5Downstroke : In downstroke the wings
move downward and
forward. Upstrote Downstorke
Environmental Studies-3 80
These two stroke make the birds fly.
5Some birds like eagle and vulture fly very high.
5Some birds like crow, crane, pigeon and swallow fly long distances.
5Some birds like peacock, hen and duck can fly only short distance.
5Some birds like emu, penguin and ostrich can not fly. These birds are called
flightless birds.
5Some birds live in water like swan, gull and crane are called aquatic birds.

Vulture Crow Hen Penguin Ostrich

Nest is the home of a bird. Birds build nests to lay eggs in
Fact Treasure
them. They take care of their young ones till they are old
Kiwi is the only living
enough to fly. Birds choose their nesting place with great care
bird which does not
so that the eggs and the chicks remain safe from enemies and have wings.
bed weathers. Most birds build nests on tree tops,
ventilators, building tops or even on the ground. Fact Treasure
Tailorbird stitches large leaves with the help of its beak and A humming bird has a
uses thread, straw, wool to stitch its nest. This is the reason it long, thin beak which
is called the tailorbird. helps it to suck nector
from the flowers.
5Partridge digs a hole in the ground among the plants and
lines it with grass and dry leaves.
5Wood Pecker builds its nest in a hole
in the tree trunk.
5Pigeons builds its nest on roof tops,
old building and under bridges.
5The cuckoo does not make a nest. It
lays its eggs in the nest of crow. Tailor bird nest Partridge's nest
Environmental Studies-3 81
5Weaver bird is very small. It makes a beautiful nest by
weaving the grass in and out rapidly. The nest hangs Fact Treasure
from a branch. It enters the nest through a tunnel- Bee humming bird is the
smallest and ostrich is the
like opening from the bottom.
largest and fastest running
5Penguin collects few pebbles and stones to make a
nest on the ground.

Woodpecker nest Pigeons nest Weaver bird's nest Penguin nest

Quick Brush Up
$Birds are the most amazing creatures in the world.
$The bird’s body is divided into a head, a neck, a trunk and a tail.
$Wings of the bird have two types of movements.
$Some birds like emu, penguin, ostrich can not fly. These birds are called flightless
$The cuckoo does not make a nest. It lays its eggs in the nest of crow.

Key Words
Creatures : Living Animals
Stream Line : Boat shaped
Movement : Changed the position of a body with a stationary object.
Nest : A bird’s house.

Environmental Studies-3 82
Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. Nest is the home of a ________.
(a) cow (b) bird (c) fish
2. Birds build nests ________.
(a) to lay eggs (b) to keep their young ones safe
(c) both (a) & (b)
3. Which of these birds do not fly?
(a) Owl (b) Penguin (c) Hen
4. The feathers give shape to a bird’s body ________.
(a) flight feathers (b) down feathers (c) body feathers
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The tailor bird stitches its nest with its __________.
2. Birds like __________ and __________ fly very high.
3. __________ lays its eggs in the nests of other birds.
4. __________ are the only animals with feathers on their body.
C. Write True or False.
1. Birds have very light body.
2. Wings of the birds have three types of movements.
3. Penguin is a flightless bird.
4. Tailorbird stitches leaves using thread to make its nest.
D. Match the following.
1. Stitches leaves using grass as thread (a) Woodpecker
2. Collects pebbles to make nest (b) Penguin
3. Digs the ground to make nest (c) Partridge
4. Makes nest in the hole of a tree (d) Weaver bird
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Why do birds build nests?
2. How many types of feathers found on a bird’s body? Name it.
3. How does a weaver bird make its nest?

Environmental Studies-3 83
4. Mention any four features that help the bird to fly.
5. What is the use of down feather?
6. What are the two types of movements that birds show?

Brain Twister
1. Why do the penguins, emu and ostrich cannot fly in spite of having feathers?
2. Why do birds like some trees more than the others?

Creative Corner
A. Collect the feathers of at least 10 birds and paste them in your scrap book. Also
write the name of the birds.
B. Look for a fallen bird feather in a park. Dip its end in ink or paint and write on
paper with it. This is how people used to write before the pen was invented!

Life Skills
We should never harm birds by throwing stones on them. We should never touch their
nests or break their eggs.

Environmental Studies-3 84
Learning Treasure
! Needs of transport
Chapter ! Means of transport
MEANS OF ! Fuel for vehicles

13 TRANSPORT ! Some special means of


Self Survey
Put these vehicles in the right column :
Car, Glider, Ship, Bus, Aeroplane, Van, Helicopter, Boat, Ferry
Air Transport Water Transport Land Transport

Hundreds of years ago, man travelled on foot. Later he learnt to use animals. They
drew the carriages and carts. As man progressed, cars, aeroplanes, ships and trains
were invented.
Going from one place to another is called travelling. We need to travel for various
purposes like shopping, going to school, office, visiting relatives, for entertainment
etc. People also travel when they migrate from one place to another.
The vehicles that we use to travel and carrying goods from one place to another are all
known as means of transport.
There are mainly three kinds of transport :
5Land transport Water transport
5 5Air transport

Teacher's Tip
Explain the children how life can become very difficult without the means of transport. Also tell them
about the development in transport sector.
Land Transport
All the vehicles that run on roads or rails are known
Fact Treasure
as land transport. It is the most common kind of
India has the largest railways
transportation. We use road transport like cycle, network in Asia and fourth
car, scooter, bus, mini metro, motorcycle and auto largest in the world.
rickshaw when we travel short distances within the 7 India has one of the world’s
city. When we go to a far off place or another city or largest network of roadways.
Bullet trains of Japan are too
state we travel by train. All these vehicles are 7
engine-powered and move on wheel.
The local trains in Mumbai are the life line
of the people living there. Lakhs of people
travel by them everyday.
Now a days, metro trains are used in big
cities like Delhi, Kolkata which make the
Car Mini metro life much easier.

Bus Metro train Scooter Cycle

Water Transport
All the vehicles that run in water are known as water transport. Water transport is the
oldest and cheapest mode of transport. Raft was the first step in the development of
water transport. Slowly man-made small boats were rowed with the help of a
bamboo. After sometimes the man made boats, steam-boats, engines fitted ships
were used to carry goods and passengers through water.
Now a days, some huge ships called liners carry hundreds of passengers on long
holiday cruises. A journey by water is also known as voyage.
A harbor is a place on the coast where ships and boats can safely load and unload their
goods & passengers.
A city with a harbour is known as
Fact Treasure
a port. India had eleven major
Submarines are boats that can travel under the sea.
ports all along its coast. Mumbai 7
A hovercraft can move over both land and water on a
is the biggest part of India.

Raft Boat Ship Hovercraft

Air Transport
Air transport is the fastest as well as the most
expensive means of transport in the world. Fact Treasure
Aeroplanes, helicopters, hot air balloons, jumbo jet, There are six international
gliders are some important means of air transport. airports in India-Delhi, Mumbai,
An aeroplane needs a runway to land and take off at Kilkata, Chennai, Amritsar and
the airport. It is used to travel long distances.
Journey by air is known as a flight. Helicopters are used for travelling short distances
as compared to planes. It can take off and land almost everywhere. It is often used for
rescuing people in danger.
Astronauts uses rockets and space ships to travel into space but they are not used by
common man.

Aeroplane Helicopter Rocket Space ship


Most vehicles need some fuel to move. Petrol, diesel and CNG (Compressed Natural
Gas) are the most commonly used fuels.
Now a days some vehicles/ run on electricity and batteries. Air transport are powered
by an expensive fuel called ATF (Aviation Turbine Fuel)
Some vehicles like cycles, cycle rickshaws, bullock carts and horse carts runs without
engine Boats do not need any fuel and hence are pollution free.

Activity Session
Name the means of transport that rhymes with the following words.
Hip Far Hooter
Rain Sorry Coat


5An ambulance is used to carry patients.
5Carts are used by hawkers and vendors to
sell vegetables, fruits and even clothes.
5Camels are used for transport in deserts.
The camel is called the ship of the desert.
5Elephants are used to carry loads in the forest areas.
5Bullock & horse carts are common vehicles in villages.
5Road Rollar are used to made the roads.
5Palanquins (palki) were used to carry the bride from her father’s place to the
place of her in-laws. Ladies used it to travel from one village to another.
5In the polar regions, the land is covered with ice and snow. Here, animals like dogs
and reindeer are used to draw wheel-less carts called sledge.

Road roller Carts Bullock cart Palki

Quick Brush Up
$Hundreds of years ago, man travelled on foot. Later he learnt to use animals.
$Going from one place to another is called travelling.
$The vehicles that we use to travel and carrying goods from one place to another are
all known as means of transport.
$All the vehicles that run on roads or rails are known as land transport.
$It is the fastest as well as the most expensive means of transport in the world.
$Air transport are powered by an expensive fuel called ATF (Aviation Turbine Fuel)
$Elephants are used to carry loads in the forest areas.

Key Words
Transport : A way of carrying people or goods from one place to another.
Vehicles : Used to transport goods and people.

Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. A means of land transport is __________.
(a) ship (b) aeroplane (c) car
2. The most expensive means of transport is __________.
(a) air transport (b) water transport (c) land transport
3. Which is the cheapest mode of transport?
(a) bus (b) ship (c) aeroplane
4. In desert area people use __________.
(a) elephant (b) giraffe (c) camel
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. ____________ are used to carry heavy logs of wood in the forest areas.
2. ____________ is the most common means of transport.
3. ____________ transport is the fastest means of transport.
4. Metro trains are found in ____________ and ____________.
5. A journey by water is known as a ____________.
C. Write True or False.
1. Air transport is the fastest and most expensive means of transport.
2. Train and Bus are means of water transport.
3. An aeroplane needs airport.
4. A ambulance is used to carry goods.
5. Air transport are powered by an expensive fuel called ATF.
D. Match the following.
1. Air transport (a) Bus
2. Water transport (b) CNG
3. Land transport (c) Boat
4. Fuel (d) Helicopter
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What are means of transport?
2. Name some means of water, air and land transport.
3. Write down the three names of special means of transport.
4. List some reasons why people need to travel.
5. Name the animals that are used to carry goods.
6. What are water transports? Give four examples.
7. What are land transports? Give four examples.
8. What are air transports? Give four examples.
9. What types of fuels are needed by the vehicles to run?

Brain Twister
1. Why is water transport considered to be the cheapest means of transport?
2. Why CNG vehicles are preferred by environmentalists over petrol or diesel vehicles?

Creative Corner
Do you have a means of transport at your home? Draw its picture on a drawing sheet
and show it to your teacher and parents.

Life Skills
We should choose our mode of travel very wisely, depending on the distance to be
travelled and the amount of fuel used.
Learning Treasure
! Types of Communication
Chapter ! Means of Personal
! Means of Mass Communication

Self Survey
Look at these pictures and write the name of these means of communications.

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Communication means exchange our views, ideas and thoughts with other. We
communicate in many ways like speaking, writing, talking, expressions, gestures,
typing on a keyboard, dancing etc.
All those means of sending and receiving messages to a person or masses are called
‘Means of Communication.'
There are mainly two types of communication such as :
5Personal Communication 5Mass Communication
Letters are the most inexpensive and widely used means of sending long messages.

Teacher's Tip
Explain the importance of television, newspaper, radio, telephone and computer in our daily life
to the children.
Letters are a means of postal communication. There are different types of letters :
Post cards : Post cards are small card like letters used to write small messages.
Inland letters : Inland letters are foldable sheets of coloured paper on which we can
write long messages.
Aerogrammes : Aerogrammes are special letters sent to people in other countries.
Telegram are very brief messages that reach within a few hours. Todays, urgent letters
can be sent through speed post or courier.
We require stamps to sent these letters. These stamps and letters are easily available
in the post office. It is important to write address and pin code (Postal Index Number)
clearly on the envelope as it helps the letter to reach the place in time.

Fact Treasure
The telegram is sent by
a code called Morse

Postcard Aerogramme Inland letter

Telephone is one of the most important inventions of our time. It is the fastest means
of communication. To call a person in another city we use STD (Subscriber Trunk
Dialling) and outside the country we use ISD (International Subscriber Dialling).
Now a days people carry small wireless phones. These phones are called cell phones
or mobile phones. They are very convenient to carry and we can talk to anyone
anywhere and anytime.

Fact Treasure
Telephone was invented
by Alexander Graham
Bell. A phone with wires
is called a land line.
Telephone Mobile Fax machine

Fax (Facsimile Automated Xerox)
Fax is another means of personal communication. It is used to send text and pictures
through telephone lines using electric signals.
Mass communication is used when we have to send a message to a large number of
people at the same time. Television, radio, computer, newspapers, magazines, books
and satellites etc are different means of mass-communication. These means of
communication are also called Mass Media.
Radio and Television
They are a boon to people who cannot read and
write. Messages can reach faster if we broadcast
them on radio or television. On radio, we can
only listen to a message but on television we can
also see the image and pictures.
Radio TV

Books, Newspapers and Magazines

It is the easiest means of communication. They provide a
lot of information on local, national and International
events. They are available in various languages for the
Newspapers people to read.
Computer with Internet
Internet is the facility on the computer and smart phones
that connects computers and smart phones all over the
world. It also called WWW (World Wide Web).
The internet allows us to fax, send e-mails, chat and surf
for information.
Satellites are used for long distance communication.
They have made communication faster. With the help of
satellites we can watch the live telecast of any event
Satellites taking place in any part of the world.
For example, a cricket match, olympics games etc. Weather forcasts are also possible
through satellites.

Activity Session
Cross the odd one in each group?
(a) Radio, telephone, television, newspaper
(b) e-mail, internet, computer, peon
(c) telegram, television, radio, train

In olden times people send message through a messenger. They used to go on foot or
horse back. Sometimes trained pigeons carried messages from one place to another.
Some people also used smoke signals, drumbeats, etc to communicate.

Quick Brush Up
$Communication means exchange our views, ideas and thoughts with other.
$There are mainly two types of communication such as :
* Personal Communication * Mass Communication
$Aerogrammes are special letters sent to people in other countries.
$Telephone is one of the most important inventions of our time.
$Mass communication is when we have to send a message to a large number of
people at the same time.

Key Words
Communication : To convey our views and ideas
Internet : A computer network
Language : Words used for communication
Mass : Large number of people.

Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. Aerogramme is used to send letters to people in other __________.
(a) villages (b) cities (c) countries
2. Telephone is the __________ means of communication.
(a) slowest (b) fastest (c) both (a) & (b)
3. Weather forecast is possible due to :
(a) radio (b) satellite (c) television
4. E-mail can send through __________.
(a) computer (b) radio (c) fax machine
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. We send e-mails through the __________ on computer.
2. There are mainly __________ types of communication.
3. We require __________ to send these letters.
4. __________ are used for long distance communication.
C. Write True or False.
1. We can buy postcards from bank.
2. Inland letters are foldable sheets of white paper.
3. Telephone is the slowest means of communication.
4. Books are the easiest means of communication.
D. Give one word for the following.
1. Which letters are card-like? _______________
2. What do we use to send urgent letters? _______________
3. What is the full form of PIN? _______________
4. What is a phone with wires called? _______________
E. Answer the following questions.
1. What do you understand by communication?
2. What do you understand by Mass Communication?
3. What is Internet?
4. Name any four means of personal and mass communication.
5. How did people send messages in olden time?
Environmental Studies-3 95
Brain Twister
Why should we write our address and PIN at the back of the postcard before posting it in a
letter box?

Creative Corner

A. Collect various items you can get from post office and paste them in your scrap
B. Write an e-mail to your friend:
1. Type the e-mail address 2. Type the subject
3. Type the letter 4. Click on send
C. Collect an old postcard, inland letter and stamped envelope and stick them in your
D. Plan a visit to nearby post office. Ask the postmaster about its working.

Life Skills
Send invitation card of your birthday party to your uncle in another city. Do not
forget to write the complete address and the PIN code.

Environmental Studies-3 96
Learning Treasure
! Need For Pots
Chapter ! Steps of Making Pots
! Uses of Pottery

15 POTTERY ! Indian Pottery

Self Survey
Match the following:
1. Kullhad (a) Creamy substance
2. Matka (b) Tea
3. Kilu (c) Hot furnace
4. Slip (d) Water


In earlier times people lived a nomadic life. After some
times when they settled at one place they started
growing food crops. Now they felt a need for pots to
cook and to store food. They used their hands to shape
the clay to build small pots, they also made lengths of
coils and stacked them one over the other to make
pots. But all these types of pots were weak and could
be used only once. With the invention of the potter’s
wheel. They made pots of various shapes and sizes
Fact Treasure at a faster speed. They often decorated their pots
A Potter's wheel is a round with beautiful designs and patterns. The art of
platform made of wood on which
the pot is shaped. making useful things out of clay is called pottery.

Teacher's Tip
Tell the students about the art of pottery practised in India.

There are four steps in making pottery :
1. Preparing the clay 2. Shaping the clay
3. Decorating 4. Firing and glazing
Preparing the Clay
The clay is prepared by pressing and squeezing it so that the clay is made soft and
smooth, and air bubbles are eliminated.
Shaping the Clay
The kneaded clay is shaped to give different shapes. This can be done by various
Hand building Method- In this method only hands are used to shape the clay.
Slab Method
The slab method forms pottery from flat pieces of clay. Kneded clay is pounded by
these lists or by flattening it with a rolling pin just like chapati. Using one slab as the
base, the potter places other slabs on the base and gives desired shapes. The slabs are
attached together by a creamy substance called slip.

Fact Treasure
Baking of dry pots at
high temperature is
called Firing.

Potter's Wheel Method

The ball of clay is put on the spinning potter’s thin wire is
used to cut off the pot loose from the wheel.

The pottery is first dried in the sun
and then baked in an oven called
the Kiln. Baking makes pottery Potter's wheel method
hard and strong.
A glass-like material called glaze is used to cover the pot to make the pot water proof
and smoothen. It is again baked for some time in the kiln.
Now these pots are decorated artistically using
paints of different colours. Some potters can
put simple decorations on their pots by pressing
figures into the soft clay or by scratching lines
into it.
USES OF POTTERY Decorated Pots

5Pots like matka and surahi used by the people to store water. They keep the water
cool during the summer months. They are also called poor vean’s refrigerators.
5A cup like container called Kullhad used to serve tea, milk or water at any places.
5Ghatam is a musical instrument made by clay. It is popularly used in Carnatic
5Decorative items like elephants, horses, dolls, lamp stands and idols of God are
made of clay.

Indian pottery is famous all over the world. Different areas of our country have
different styles of making pottery.
Uttar Pradesh is famous for black pottery with silver work on it. Khurja and Jaipur are
well known for blue pottery. Khurja pottery includes pots, vases, dinner sets, mugs,
etc. They are very popular with people in cities.
Alwar Krcth and Kanpur are well known for paper thin pottery. It is also called Kagzi.

Besides the pots made of clay, a
large variety of metallic pots are
also used by people in the cities to
store things. People prefer to use
metallic pots as they are more
durable than pot made of clay. Black pottery Blue pottery Kagzi pottery

Quick Brush Up
$In earlier times people lived a nomadic life.
$The kneaded clay is shaped to give different shapes.
$The pottery is first desired in the sun and then baked in an oven called the Kiln.
$Pots like matka and surahi used by the people to store water.
$Uttar Pradesh is famous for black pottery with silver work on it.

Key Words
Clay : Sticky soil Pottery : Objects made of clay
Knead : Mixing soil Kiln : Furnace for baking

Let us Do
A. Choose the correct option.
1. The early men felt need for pots to ___________.
(a) store food (b) cook food (c) both(a)&(b)
2. The ___________ method forms pottery from flat pieces of clay.
(a) potter’s wheel (b) hand building (c) slab
3. Pots are made from ___________.
(a) sand (b) mud (c) clay

Environmental Studies-3 100

4. We use ___________ to cut off the pot from the wheel.
(a) Knife (b) spoon (c) thread or wire
5. We knead clay with ___________.
(a) water (c) oil (c) milk
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The pottery is baked in an oven called the ___________.
2. ___________ makes the poet waterproof.
3. The earlier times people lived a ___________ life.
4. The slabs are attached together by a creamy substance called ___________.
5. Potter’s wheel is a round platform made of ___________.
C. Write True or False.
1. Ghatam is a musical instrument made by clay.
2. Baking makes pottery hard and strong.
3. India pottery is famous all over Asia.
4. Jaipur are well known for black pottery.
D. Define the following items.
1. Potter’s wheel method ________________________________________
2. Glazing ________________________________________
3. Firing ________________________________________
4. Pottery ________________________________________
5. Slip ________________________________________
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Name the various potteries of India.
2. Why are matkas called the poor man’s refrigerators?
3. What is pottery?
4. What is Kagzi pottery?
5. What is meant by pottery?
6. Why does potter baked the pots?

Brain Twister
1. Why do we use only clay to make posts? Why can’t we use other types of soils?
2. Why does water in a clay pot remain cool?

Environmental Studies-3 101

Creative Corner
Make your own pottery design! Draw a design of your choice. Paint this baked
clay pot red and your design in black and white.

Life Skills

Try to use pots made of clay. They are healthier and environment friendly. You may
use them for cooking as well as serving food.

Environmental Studies-3 102

Time : Name : ......................
A. Choose the correct option.
1. A small family is also a ___________.
(a) small nuclear family (b) big nuclear family (c) joint family
2. People who cannot see are ___________.
(a) deaf (b) dumb (c) blind
3. ___________ repairs scooter, car, phones etc.
(a) Doctor (b) Mechanic (c) Carpenter
4. The solid state of water is ___________.
(a) steam (b) ice (c) juice
5. People play games for ___________.
(a) fun (b) relaxation (c) both (a) and (b)
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Carrom and scrabble are ___________ games.
2. Love and care make a person ___________ faster.
3. Twins may or may not be ___________.
4. People who do not be ___________.
5. Early man did not live in ___________.
C. Write True or False.
1. Deaf people often use hearing aid to hear well.
2. We should eat uncovered food.
3. A carvan is a flooting house.
4. A chemist sell medicines.
5. Your real brother or sister is your cousin.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What us Brailla?
2. What is recreation?
3. Explain water cycle.
4. What is child labour?
5. Who are twins.

Environmental Studies-3 103

Time : Name : ......................
A. Choose the correct option.
1. Pots are made from ___________.
(a) band (b) mud (c) clay
2. E-mail can send through ___________.
(a) computer (b) radio (c) fax machine
3. Pine leavers look like ___________.
(a) eggs (b) stars (c) needles
4. The cactus plant grow in ___________.
(a) mountain (b) warm places (c) deserts
5. There are ___________ directions.
(a) three (b) four (c) six
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. A book of maps is called ___________.
2. The smell of a leaf is called its ___________.
3. The tallest animal on the earth is ___________.
4. Birds like ___________ and ___________ fly very high.
5. ___________ grows in hot deserts.
C. Write True or False.
1. Herbs have may branches.
2. Humans are not herbivores.
3. Penguin is a flightless bird.
4. Tulsi and mint have big leaves.
5. Shurbs live for may years.
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What is photosynthesis?
2. What is tree? Give three examples.
3. What is habitat?
4. What are means of transport?
5. What its internet?

Environmental Studies-3 104

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