Computer Science: Paper 9608/11 Theory Fundamentals
Computer Science: Paper 9608/11 Theory Fundamentals
Computer Science: Paper 9608/11 Theory Fundamentals
Paper 9608/11
Theory Fundamentals
Key messages
Precision in answers is important. Vague answers and answers that repeat the information given in the
question will not gain any credit.
Many candidates would benefit from a better understanding of the different command words used in the
If large parts of a response are crossed out it helps if the replacement answer is written somewhere else in
the script rather than above the crossed-out work, and there should be a clear indication of where to find any
replacement answer. Using the page numbers printed on the question paper is good practice. It helps if
rough work is crossed out.
General comments
Questions may have quite specific instructions and it is essential that candidates follow these instructions. In
tick box and line drawing questions, candidates must put the correct number of ticks or lines.
The logic questions were usually completed successfully; questions about networks and translation software
were more challenging.
These comments should be read in conjunction with the published mark scheme for this paper.
Question 1
Almost all candidates correctly linked the commercial software licence to its appropriate description. There
was considerable confusion between a Shareware licence and an Open Source Licence. Some candidates
need to improve their understanding of these software licences.
Question 2
(a) Many of the responses to this question gave a description of the circle, for example, it has a thick
black edge, rather than listing its properties, line width and line colour.
(b) There was some confusion between a drawing list and a library of shapes. Many answers
described items that would be contained in a shape library, rather than describing a drawing list.
(c) Many candidates were able to describe the pixilation that would occur. Some responses did not
make it clear that this happens when the image is enlarged. Describing a second drawback proved
more challenging. Candidates who correctly identified that the bitmap would likely require more
storage often found it challenging to describe why this was the case.
(d) Almost all candidates were able to correctly give three appropriate security methods. Passwords,
biometrics and implementation of a firewall were the most popular correct answers.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 3
(a) There were a few completely correct trace tables. Few candidates made a reasonable attempt to
trace this straightforward low level language program.
(b) Many candidates need to improve their understanding of indirect addressing. A common incorrect
answer was LDI 200.
(c) (i) Almost all candidates were able to correctly convert the operand to binary.
(ii) Many candidates understood that the number of op codes was 2 . A common incorrect answer was
255, the maximum value that can be held in 8 bits, rather than 256, the number of distinct values.
(d) Few candidates understood the flags that can be set in a status register.
Question 4
(a) There were some excellent correct truth tables. There was some confusion with the NOR gates.
Some candidates need to improve their understanding of the different symbol for an XOR gate and
a NOR gate.
(b) Many candidates were able to correctly identify three logic gates not used in the diagram.
Question 5
(a) The two many-to-many relationships were generally recognised and each one split into the
appropriate one-to-many relationships. There was considerable confusion about which was the
‘many’ end of each relationship. Candidates also need to understand that they must use a
recognised notation for the relationships.
(b) Most candidates found this question challenging. Candidates need to improve their understanding
of what is meant by referential integrity and be able to apply it to a given set of tables.
(c) Some candidates were able to correctly identify that a table could be created using a DDL
statement. Most candidates found it very challenging to then list two other items that could be
created using the DDL.
(d) There were a few good attempts at this DML statement. The SELECT and FROM clauses were
straightforward. Many candidates found the WHERE clause more challenging because of the need
to include leaders who spoke either French or English.
Question 6
(a) Some candidates did not read the question carefully and missed that the value 16 had been
entered. Some candidates should be aware that quotation marks are not required on output when it
is not part of a programming statement. In questions of this type, it is important that the text is
copied exactly from the question, including both case and spelling.
(b) There was some confusion between lines 14 and 15 where the function is defined and line 12
where the function is called.
(c) Many candidates correctly identified the two variables. Some candidates need to understand that
JavaScript is case sensitive, so ‘hour’ and ‘Hour’ are two different identifiers.
(d) Some candidates correctly identified the first two statements. Many candidates need to improve
their understanding of PHP code and what is meant by a conditional statement.
(e) Most candidates selected appropriate terms from the given list.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 7
(a) There were some interesting and thoughtful answers to this question. Some candidates need to
understand that for two marks, two distinct points must be made. Some answers about Marina’s
actions were the same point written in two different ways.
(b) There were some insightful answers to this question. Many answers discussed whether Doug had
the right to ask this of his team, and whether the team had the right to refuse. Some candidates
seemed to assume that it was his fault that the project was behind schedule. Some good answers
included statements about work-life balance and the workers’ mental health.
(c) There were several interesting responses to this question too. Some candidates need to
understand that vague statements which repeat information given in the question such as,
‘Unethical because Debbie discusses her concerns on a public forum’ are not enough for credit at
this level. Why it is unethical must be described.
Question 8
(a) (i) The first two language translators were usually correctly identified. Some candidates need to
improve their understanding of the differences between compilers and interpreters.
(ii) The question asked for two benefits. Many of the answers gave descriptions without saying what
the benefit was.
(b) (i) Many candidates understood that there is often a limit on the size of a file that can be attached to
an email. Some candidates found giving a second reason more challenging. A popular correct
choice was the time taken for transmission
(ii) Answers to this question contained a lot of generic descriptions of lossless compression without
applying it to the text file described in the stem of the question. Some candidates described the
compression of a source code file (program) rather than a text file.
Question 9
(a) Many candidates found this question challenging and need to improve their understanding of public
and private IP addresses. Statements such as, ‘one is private, and the other is public’ will not gain
any credit at this level of study.
(b) Some candidates found identifying the most appropriate term very challenging. The one most likely
to be correct was a firewall. There is a need for improved understanding of the differences between
routers, gateways and servers.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9608/12
Theory Fundamentals
Key messages
Precision in answers is important. Vague answers and answers that repeat the information given in the
question will not gain any credit.
Many candidates would benefit from a better understanding of the different command words used in the
If large parts of a response are crossed out, it helps if the replacement answer is written somewhere else in
the script rather than above the crossed-out work, and there should be a clear indication of where to find any
replacement answer. Using the page numbers printed on the question paper is good practice. It helps if
rough work is crossed out.
General comments
Questions may have quite specific instructions and it essential that candidates follow these instructions.
some candidates had frequently put the incorrect number of ticks or lines in tick box and line drawing
Tracing the low level language program and completing the truth table were usually completed successfully;
questions about networks and utility software were more challenging.
These comments should be read in conjunction with the published mark scheme for this paper.
Question 1
(b) There were many correct answers to this question. A common incorrect answer was the use of a
NOR gate instead of the OR gate.
Question 2
There were a few completely correct answers to this question. A common incorrect link was from the Current
Instruction Register (CIR) to the description ‘holds the current value in the Index Register’.
Question 3
(a) A significant number of candidates found tracing this low level language program challenging.
There were two distinctly different incorrect trace tables. Some candidates had misinterpreted the
LDI instruction on line 50 and had loaded the value 100 into the accumulator instead of the
contents of address 100. Other candidates had completed the first iteration correctly, but on the
second loop at the ADD 102 instruction on line 53 had used the original value in address 102
instead of the updated value.
(b) Many candidates need to improve their understanding of the different modes of addressing. A
popular incorrect response was LDD 103.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(c) (i) Almost all candidates correctly converted the value to binary.
(d) Many candidates correctly identified two other modes of addressing. These are technical names,
and it is expected that they would be written correctly. Some candidates need to be careful with
Question 4
(a) The question asked for the drawbacks of a file-based approach. Some candidates instead wrote
about the benefits of a relational database. Many statements were too vague and applied equally to
a file-based approach or a relational database. There was considerable confusion between security
and privacy, with a misconception that security could not be applied to a file.
(b) Most candidates were able to state that there was repetition of data and give an example from the
table. Some candidates need to understand that giving the same answer three times with a
different example is only one reason not three. Another popular correct answer was the lack of a
primary key. Many candidates found it more challenging to give a third reason.
(c) There were some completely correct DDL scripts. Some candidates displayed little or no grasp of
writing SQL statements. These skills are best learnt through the practical process of writing and
testing SQL statements within a DBMS environment.
Question 5
(a) Many candidates recognised the identifiers in the code. Some candidates need to understand that
JavaScript is case-sensitive, so ‘Area’ and ‘area’ are not the same identifier.
(b) Some candidates need to improve their understanding of the use of functions in programming
code; repeating the text from line 04 of the program is not enough to explain the purpose of the
code on line 08.
(c) There were many correct answers to this question. A common error was the omission of the colon.
Some candidates should understand that quotation marks are not required on output when it is not
part of a programming statement.
(e) (i) Many candidates correctly identified the data validation as a presence check.
(ii) Many candidates were able to identify two other validation checks that could be used.
(f) Many candidates found this question challenging. The question needed to be read carefully as
there were quite specific statements about HTML, JavaScript and PHP. Some candidates need to
improve their understanding of the use of each of these, particularly the use of HTML tags and
JavaScript code.
Question 6
(a) There were some interesting responses to this question. Some candidates need to understand that
two distinct points are required for the two marks. Some answers about Latifah’s actions were the
same point written in two different ways.
(b) There were many interesting responses to this question too. Many answers discussed whether a
computer security expert would be required for a banking application.
(c) There were some very insightful answers to this question. Many candidates appear to have a good
understanding of the use of personal data by social media websites. Some candidates need to
understand that vague statements which repeat information given in the question such as, ‘Jason
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
should take further action’ are not enough for credit at this level. The further action must be
Question 7
(a) (i) The whole of Question 7(a) required the application of knowledge. The stem of the question stated
that a photographer was storing images, so the uses of the various utility software needed to be
applied to this context. There were many good answers about how backup software would be used
to make copies of the images in case of loss.
(ii) Explaining how the photographer would use defragmentation software was more challenging. Many
candidates found it difficult to explain how it would improve disc access time. Statements such as,
‘it would make the disk work faster’ are not precise enough, there needs to be the idea of improving
the time taken to access and load files.
(iii) Many of the answers to this part question lacked sufficient detail. Statements such as, ‘disk repair
software repairs the disk’ are too vague for credit.
(b) Many candidates were able to correctly identify three items that would be stored in the header of a
bitmap file. Some candidates found it more challenging to identify four different items.
(c) This question also required the application of knowledge to the images used on the website. Many
responses described lossy or lossless compression in generic terms rather than justifying why one
would be more appropriate than the other in this context.
Question 8
(b) Many candidates need to improve their understanding of what is meant by a digital signature.
There was considerable confusion between a digital signature and a digital certificate. Some
responses described the use of an electronic tablet and stylus when signing something.
Question 9
(a) Many candidates found this question challenging. Stating that wireless networks do not need
cables is not a benefit, it is a description of a wireless network. The benefit is that because there
are no cables, devices can be mobile. Some responses described drawbacks of wired networks,
with no reference to any corresponding benefit of a wireless network.
(b) Some candidates found describing drawbacks of a wireless network more straightforward. Weaker
security and interference were popular correct answers. Some responses to this question also
described benefits of wired networks, with no reference to any corresponding drawback of a
wireless network.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9608/13
Theory Fundamentals
Key messages
Precision in answers is important. Vague answers and answers that repeat the information given in the
question will not gain any credit.
Many candidates would benefit from a better understanding of the different command words used in the
If large parts of a response are crossed out, it helps if the replacement answer is written somewhere else in
the script rather than above the crossed-out work, and there should be a clear indication of where to find any
replacement answer. Using the page numbers printed on the question paper is good practice. It helps if
rough work is crossed out.
General comments
Questions may have quite specific instructions. It is essential that candidates follow these instructions. Some
candidates had frequently put the incorrect number of ticks or lines in tick box and line drawing questions.
The truth table and tracing the low level language program were usually completed successfully. The
questions about codes of conduct and video compression were more challenging.
These comments should be read in conjunction with the published mark scheme for this paper.
Question 1
(a) Many candidates were able to correctly identify the four validation types.
(b) (i) Almost all candidates were able to correctly identify another method of protecting the integrity of
the data. The most popular correct answer was verification.
(ii) Many candidates were able to correctly identify two correct measures to protect the integrity of the
data during transmission. The most popular correct answers were parity and checksum.
Question 2
(a) There were many completely correct answers to this question. Some candidates interpreted the
final XOR gate as a second OR gate.
(b) Almost all candidates were able to name the four logic gates used in the circuit.
Question 3
(a) Many candidates were able to correctly trace this code. A very common incorrect response was the
inclusion of quotation marks around the output. Some candidates should understand that these are
not required on output when it is not part of a programming statement.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(b) There were some good answers to this question. Some candidates need to read the question
carefully. The question asked for modes of addressing that had not been used in the program.
(c) (i) Almost all candidates correctly converted the value to binary.
(iii) Some candidates need to improve their understanding of two’s complement binary. A frequent
incorrect answer was 217, where candidates had treated the binary value as an unsigned integer
rather than a two’s complement value.
(d) There were a number of excellent complete answers to this question. Some candidates need to
ensure they understand the use of brackets in register transfer notation. Some answers showed
the registers correctly but with the brackets omitted.
Question 4
(a) (i) There were some good answers where candidates wrote about installing device drivers and the
management of buffers. Almost all candidates found listing three device management tasks
challenging. Many answers listed general operating system management tasks rather than tasks to
do with device management.
(ii) The most popular correct answer here was dealing with interrupts. Almost all candidates found
listing three error detection and recovery management tasks challenging. Many answers referred to
errors in code.
(iii) Many candidates were able to correctly list two other operating system management tasks. Some
candidates listed hardware management or peripheral management which is the same as the
device management task given in the question.
(b) (i) There were many completely correct answers to this question. A common incorrect answer was to
identify an IDE as a utility program.
(ii) Almost all candidates were able to correctly give two other utility programs. Disk formatter and file
compression were the most common answers.
Question 5
(a) Almost all candidates were able to correctly identify the variables. Care must be taken when writing
the variable names in the answer. Variables in PHP are case sensitive and must start with the $
(b) Almost all candidates were able to correctly locate the lines where an output was produced.
(c) Candidates found describing the purpose of the code quite challenging. Answers often referred to
concatenating the variables, rather than the contents of the variables and omitted the space
between the two names. The full line of code also includes the assignment to the $result
variable. There was little mention of this.
Question 6
(a) There were many completely correct answers to this question. A common incorrect answer was the
reversal of steps B and D.
(b) Candidates found this question challenging. Many answers provided great detail about how the
DNS converted a domain name into an IP address, which did not answer the question. Few
responses included examples of a domain name and an IP address.
Question 7
(a) Many of the answers to this question concentrated on the general features of a compiler rather
than the drawbacks of using a compiler. There were lots of statements about an executable file
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
being produced with little understanding that such a file would not be produced if there were any
syntax errors remaining in the code.
(b) Descriptions of the two licences were generally very good. Many candidates were able to write
about the difference in the availability of the source code, the cost implications, and whether the
source code could be modified or not.
(c) Many candidates found this question challenging. There was a lot of confusion between a
professional code of conduct and the production of professional program code.
Question 8
(a) Almost all candidates recognised that there would be two one-to-many relationships, one between
candidates need to improve their understanding of the notation used for E-R diagrams. The ‘crows
foot’ symbol for the many end of the relationship was often on the wrong end of the line.
(b) Identifying the primary keys and corresponding foreign keys was correctly done by almost all the
candidates. Explaining how these keys were used to link the tables was more challenging.
(c) There were some good attempts at writing this DDL statement. Candidates must take care when
using names given in the question that they write them exactly as given.
(d) This DML statement involved just a single table and there were many completely correct answers.
Question 9
(a) (i) Almost all candidates were able to correctly identify the term needed.
(ii) Almost all candidates were able to correctly identify the term needed.
(b) Candidates found this question challenging. There was considerable confusion between the two
terms and a lack of precision in answers. Statements such as, ‘if there are different pixels that are
the same colour’ are not enough. It must be clear when describing Run-Length Encoding (RLE)
that the identical pixels must be adjacent to each other within a frame (spatial redundancy) and that
for inter-frame compression (temporal redundancy) the identical pixels must be in exactly the same
position in consecutive frames.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9608/21
Problem-Solving and Programming
Key messages
The emphasis for this paper is on the application of practical skills. Candidates need to have developed
these and be able to apply them to the scenarios presented if they are to achieve high marks.
This is a technical subject and makes use of many technical words and phrases. These have specific,
defined meanings and it is important that these are used correctly.
It is important that candidates writing program code use the correct syntax for their chosen language.
The understanding of fundamental programming concepts is essential. Examples include the difference
between a literal and an identifier and the difference between OUTPUT and RETURN.
Candidates need to read each question carefully before attempting to answer it. Answers may address
individual topics in a number of different ways.
General comments
A few excellent programming solutions were seen, but most responses suggest most candidates had little or
no programming experience and the majority of candidates attempted few questions. There were a high
number of ‘no responses’ to the programming and pseudocode questions.
Candidates who offer solutions using Python need to take care to maintain the correct indentation, as this is
key to defining the program structure.
Candidates need to understand that no marks are awarded for programming answers that do not use one of
the three permitted languages.
If answers are crossed out, the new answers must be written clearly so that the text may be read easily and
the correct mark awarded.
Many candidates make use of blank pages for rough work when preparing their final answer. In these cases,
it is extremely important to cross out this text.
Question 1
(a) (i) Few candidates achieved both marks. Those achieving a mark stated that ASCII characters are
represented by a unique value.
(ii) Few candidates provided a correct response with many not attempting this question. A whole range
of incorrect values were seen.
(b) (i) Again, few candidates gave the correct response. The remainder either gave no response or the
correct values.
(ii) Few candidates provided a correct response. Various incorrect answers were given.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(c) Most candidates achieved at least one mark. Many identified that there was no error in statement 4
and many identified that there were not enough characters in the string ‘Cat’ to extract 4 characters
from the left. A few candidates simply wrote ‘NO ERROR’ for each case.
Question 2
(a) The majority of candidates either did not answer this question or produced something unrelated to
a program flowchart.
(b) Of the small number of candidates that attempted this question, there seemed to be some
confusion as to what was required. Some were comparing consecutive elements with each other
rather than setting the initial element as max, then comparing this with each element of the array
and setting max to the current element if higher than max. Some mentioned sorting the array to find
the highest, which is an acceptable solution, but did not describe the sorting mechanism.
Question 3
(a) Few candidates attempted this question. Many gained marks for correctly identifying some of the
parameters. The selection diamond was not seen on any response. A single response correctly
showed the iteration arrow for Module_X.
(b) (i) Many achieved the mark for identifying the module is a function, but many could not give a correct
(ii) Few candidates achieved any marks. Candidates who correctly wrote the procedure name then
lost marks by stating a return value, only required in function headings. ParZ was passed by
reference and therefore needed ByRef in the declaration.
Question 4
(a) Few candidates achieved 3 or more marks for this question, and many did not attempt this
question. Of those making an attempt, some good solutions were seen but many lost marks due to
writing pseudocode statements or using incorrect syntax for their chosen language.
Common errors were the incorrect type of brackets used in Visual Basic solutions, and an array
subscript should be in round brackets ( ) and not square brackets [ ].
(ii) Some Python solutions used functions such as Left and Mid, which are not valid for Python.
(iii) Many incorrect assignment symbols were seen in both Python and VB.
(b) This response required candidates to have had experience of writing programs and therefore
having the experience of using an IDE. The lack of correct responses indicated that most
candidates are not familiar with coding.
(c) (i) Most candidates were unable to answer this question or gave an unrelated response. Again,
candidates must have experience of programming to be able to identify the stages of the program
development life cycle. Some gained a mark for giving a description of a task.
(ii) As with the previous question, due to a lack of programming experience, candidates were generally
unable to answer this question.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 5
(a) (i) 12 per cent of candidates achieved at least one mark for this question. Many did not attempt it. Of
these, marks were gained mostly for the prompt and input of a number and for indicating a loop is
needed. Many used the incorrect range for the Random function, by using 21. This would select the
range 0 to 20. Some omitted the INT function to ensure an integer was used.
Some candidates lost marks for not ending constructs in loops or IF statements. These candidates
tended to be those familiar with Python where endings are not required. However, when writing
pseudocode, it is essential that candidates clearly indicate where a loop or selection statement
(ii) A few candidates stated correctly that a check should be made that the input is within the range 1
to 20. Many just stated the name of a validation method, such as type check or range check which
gained no credit.
(b) (i) Most achieved no marks. The question asked for the type of testing. Those that attempted
generally gave any type of testing method they’d heard of, in particular white box/black box testing.
Less than 5 per cent stated the correct answer.
(ii) A few candidates mentioned a simple line of code should be entered in the function but did not
state that a known value should be returned. Many did not attempt the question.
(iii) Vague responses such as’ turns program code into machine type code’, gained no credit. As with
previous questions, it is essential that candidates have experience of writing and executing their
code. This helps gain an understanding of the process of producing executable code from a high
level language.
Question 6
(a) This question tested candidates understanding and use of selection and logic statements in their
chosen language. Most did not attempt to answer this. The responses seen that lost marks,
generally used incorrect syntax, or used functions incorrectly.
(b) Most did not attempt to answer this question. Of the few that did, some excellent solutions were
seen. A few missed out a loop and as in the previous pseudocode solution, selection and loop
statements were not ended correctly.
Candidates should also be reminded that they must close the file that has been opened.
(c) This question required a programming solution which included string and array manipulation. The
better candidates produced their solution in Python using a range of different features of the
language. Some used slicing to extract substrings and some made use of the split method to
separate each substring.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9608/22
Problem-Solving and Programming
Key messages
The emphasis for this paper is on the application of practical skills. These skills involve analysing and
understanding the requirement as well as designing and presenting a solution. Requirements are often
presented using a scenario description. Candidates need to be able to identify the key elements of each
requirement (for example, the need for an iterative structure) when designing their solution. The development
of these skills requires practice.
This subject makes use of many technical words and phrases. These have specific, defined meanings and
they need to be used correctly.
Answers should be as precise and specific as possible. Candidates should familiarise themselves with the
meanings of the command words used in this paper and form their answers accordingly. Candidates should
also be aware that answering a question by simply repeating phrases from the question will not gain marks.
TI is important that candidates are familiar with the fundamental programming concepts. Lack of
understanding is often illustrated by the confusion between a literal value and an identifier, or the misuse of
OUTPUT in place of RETURN. Many candidates appear unaware of the use of parameters, often replacing
parameters to a subroutine with a series of prompts and inputs within the body of the subroutine itself.
Candidates need to read and understand each question before attempting to answer it. Questions may
address topics in many different ways, and it is often necessary to apply knowledge in a specific way if marks
are to be gained. It should not be assumed that simply because a question contains some recognised terms
that it is the same question that has appeared in previous papers.
General comments
Candidates who offer solutions using Python need to take care to maintain the correct indentation, as this is
key to defining the program structure. As in previous sessions, no marks were awarded for programming
answers that did not use one of the three languages given in the syllabus. A significant number of candidates
demonstrated skill levels suggesting they had little programming experience.
If answers are crossed out, the new answers must be written clearly so that the text may be read easily and
the correct mark awarded.
Many candidates make use of blank pages for rough work when preparing their final answer. In these cases,
it is extremely important to cross out this text.
If typed answers are provided then it is very helpful if these are organised so that individual answers do not
span page breaks. This is particularly important for programming answers. If the question involves
completing a table, they typed answers should clearly indicate any unfilled rows.
Question 1
(a) Many candidates provided fully correct answers. ‘Corrective and ‘Adaptive’ were the most
commonly identified types of maintenance, and where these were given, most answers then went
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
on to give a correct reason. ‘Perfective’ was seen much less frequently, and the reason given for
this type was often not clear.
Reasons for corrective maintenance often focused on just the testing and omitted than the
correction of the error.
Answers referencing computer science terms not related to maintenance were common.
(b) The question asked why characters need to be expressed in ASCII or Unicode. Many candidates
simply provided an answer describing what encoding meant, such as ‘each character is
represented by a unique number’. Candidates should expect that the emphasis of a question
should change from series to series and that simply repeating an answer from a past paper will not
always be successful.
Only a small number of answers addressed the fact that the encoding system complied with a
standard and would therefore be recognised by all programs.
(c) Successful responses referred to the character’s use as a separator between data items. A small
number of answers described the use of a special character (one that would not appear in the
data). Very few answers adequately described the role of the separator in terms of simplifying the
extraction algorithm.
Several answers referred to a separator being used between lines in the file, and in many cases, it
was the user that was reading the line and extracting the individual data items, rather than a
(d) A wide range of marks was awarded. Some excellent answers were seen, where comprehensive
error descriptions were provided. Many descriptions were too brief, to the point where it was
unclear whether the actual error had been identified. An example of this would be ‘invalid function’
which is saying little more than had already been stated in the question.
The second ‘No Error’ answer was the most often correct, followed by the description for the error
in the second statement.
The last statement seemed to be the most challenging. A popular assumption was that the
identifier Index was an Integer; many stated that operator and could not be used with an integer
but failed to mention the value 3.
Several candidates simply offered ‘logic error’ or ‘run-time error’ for every statement.
Question 2
(a) There was a wide range of responses to this question, with many full-mark responses provided.
Most identified ‘Overload’ as the global variable. The last two answers proved too much of a
challenge for many.
(b) Most candidates gained marks for the START and END, followed by the initial assignments. Many
went on to also gain the mark for the ‘Is Status = TRUE’ test together with the corresponding
Many solutions had incorrect flow lines. Some candidates did not label the lines coming out from
decision (diamond) boxes. A common mistake was to omit the ‘NO’ line from the ‘Is Overload =
TRUE?’ decision (diamond) box.
Question 3
(a) (i) This question part was generally, well answered. ‘Selection’ and ‘Iteration’ were the most popular
correct answers.
(ii) Many candidates achieved four marks from the available five, with the mark for the selection
diamond being the one most often missed.
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Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
The double-headed arrow for the BYREF parameter was often missed, or occasionally shown as
two separate parameter arrows. A small number of candidates seem unclear as to the significance
of the circle on each parameter arrow, and whether it should be shaded or not.
(b) Many candidates seemed unfamiliar with the three stages of the program development cycle. Many
different stages were often given, but often the core ‘Design – Code – Test’ was absent.
Some candidates offered a variant of the diagram used for the previous question. There were many
blank responses and a variety of concepts from other parts of the syllabus such as Input – Process
– Output.
Question 4
(a) This question split candidates into two distinct groups. Some good answers were seen, often
gaining full marks for accurate and complete solutions. Many candidates struggled to write the
required pseudocode.
While some candidates produced a textbook solution using only six lines, many solutions spilled
into a second column.
Although the question asked for a post-condition loop, many did not use a REPEAT ... UNTIL,
opting instead for either a FOR or WHILE loop.
The loop condition frequently contained the error as illustrated below, which would stop after the
first pass through the loop:
num ← 101
<looped statements>
UNTIL num > = 100 AND num < = 200
Solutions using a FOR loop frequently included a separate statement to increment the loop counter.
A range of attempts at trying to test for an odd number was seen (MP3). The simple method of
starting with the first odd number in the range and adding 2 each time around the loop was
common but by no means universal. The use of MOD()was common. Some solutions extracted the
last digit using string handling functions and others divided the number by 2 then attempting to
check if the result was an integer.
Although many solutions stated VB or Python, the answer given was clearly pseudocode. Some
answers contained a mixture.
VB responses commonly lost the first mark point for incorrect syntax: the use of RETURNS
instead of AS.
Many solutions included the re-declaration of the array as a local variable so were prevented from
gaining MP2
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
VB solutions regularly lost marks from the use of incorrect brackets for the array index (MP4).
Python solutions often incorrectly used a single bracket for the 2D array syntax.
Many solutions included an attempt at MP5. A common mistake was in the logical combination of
the tests for Par1 and Par2.
A frequent mistake was to use an ELSE statement inside the FOR loop which set the return value to
–1 each time there was no match with Par1 and Par2, so effectively ‘overwriting’ a correct value.
Question 5
(a) (i) Pretty print and Indentation were common correct responses. Many general computing terms were
offered, and a significant number of candidates made no attempt at this question.
(ii) The context in this question was given as initial error detection but this was missed by many who
offered general debugging and fault-finding techniques.
(b) (i) Answers tended to be awarded either both marks or neither. An exception were those answers
where the Boolean value was correctly declared but then OUTPUT rather that RETURN was used.
Many answers included a declaration statement for the first mark, but often this declared UserID,
which was parameter to the function.
(ii) A small number of excellent solutions were seen. Many answers struggled to achieve any marks,
with many candidates making no realistic attempt at answering the question. Many pseudocode
answers were seen.
Despite the simple scenario, many solutions lacked any sort of loop to allow the user to ‘try again’
(MP2). A common mistake when using post-condition loops was to omit the initialisation of the loop
Most gained at least the mark for the prompt and input of the password (MP3)
Many candidates correctly wrote the function heading with UserID as the parameter but then went
on to prompt and input the UserID.
Many solutions attempted to compare the value of UserID, using an IF UserID = ‘Guest’
THEN... construct, but several omitted the quotation marks around the string ‘Guest’ and/or failed
to return TRUE at that point or to avoid the rest of the algorithm.
Although the line which performs the validation is given in the question, many copied this
incorrectly and missed out the ...AND TODAY() part (MP4). Many resorted to the simpler, but
Solutions that did contain the correct validation line usually also gained MP5 and MP6.
Question 6
(a) As for Question 5 (b) (ii), A small number of excellent solutions were seen. Many answers
struggled to achieve any marks, with many candidates making little or no attempt at answering the
A simple scenario based around a linear search of an array; however, many solutions included
some form user input.
Many solutions did not initialise the variables used for the Count and Total (MP1).
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Most solutions included a count-controlled loop (MP2). A common mistake was to attempt to use
the array itself as a loop counter as illustrated:
The incorrect inclusion of a comma in the number 10 000 was not uncommon.
Many solutions contained successful attempts to skip elements containing the initial value (MP3).
Occasionally this took the form of a WHILE... rather than an IF... which would have generated
an endless loop.
Many did not correctly calculate the overall stock and simply gave an expression of the form:
(b) The introductory paragraph as for Question 6 (a) applies equally here.
Many solutions started with a correct function header but in many cases, there was no function end
(MP1). Some candidates attempted to pass a parameter with a name such as ThisFile.txt
Solutions that included a reasonable attempt at file handling usually gained MP2.
Many correctly opened the file in read mode but in very many cases the corresponding CLOSEFILE
was missing (MP3). A common mistake was to treat the parameter name as a literal string by
enclosing it in quotation marks when used in the OPEN and subsequent file operations.
Addressing MP4, a common mistake was to test the filename itself, rather than the file contents.
Another mistake was to compare EOF(filename) with an empty string rather than a Boolean
MP7 was frequently missed due to the use of incorrect parameters when calling Unpack().
MP8 required a check on whether the file was empty or not after reaching the end of the array but
few addressed this point.
Some candidates made this question more complicated than it was by trying to write additional
functions not required, such as Unpack().
MP2 was generally present, although this had to be within a loop to gain the mark. and this was
often not the case.
Many correctly checked the length of the file name (MP3). Some lost marks for incorrect range
comparisons (< instead of < = ) or for incorrect logic (AND instead of OR).
Many VB solutions achieved MP5 for extracting a character using MID and the Python solutions
using the index reference filename(x).
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Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Mark points 6 and 7 were usually addressed. Solutions based on built-in language functions or
methods were generally more successful than those based on range comparisons.
Many included the output of a warning message and re-input the file name following an invalid attempt, but
then missed out the return of the filename. (MP8)
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9608/23
Problem-Solving and Programming
Key messages
This paper addresses the application of practical skills. These skills involve analysing and understanding the
requirement, often presented in this paper via the use of a scenario description, as well as designing and
presenting a solution. Candidates need to be able to identify the key elements of each requirement (for
example, the need for an iterative structure) when designing their solution. The development of these skills
requires practice.
This subject makes use of many technical words and phrases. These have specific, defined meanings and
they need to be used correctly.
Answers should be as precise and specific as possible. Candidates should familiarise themselves with the
meanings of the command words used in this paper and form their answers accordingly. Candidates should
also be aware that answering a question by simply repeating phrases from the question will not gain marks.
Familiarity with fundamental programming concepts is vital. Lack of understanding is often illustrated by the
confusion between a literal value and an identifier, or the misuse of OUTPUT in place of RETURN. Many
candidates appear unaware of the use of parameters, often replacing parameters to a procedure or function
with a series of prompts and inputs within the body of the subroutine.
Candidates need to read and understand each question before attempting to answer it. Questions may
address topics in many different ways, and it is often necessary to apply knowledge in a specific way if marks
are to be gained. It should not be assumed that simply because a question contains some recognised terms
that it is the same question that has appeared in previous papers.
General comments
Candidates who offer solutions using Python need to take care to maintain the correct indentation, as this is
key to defining the program structure. As in previous sessions, no marks were awarded for programming
answers that did not use one of the three languages given in the syllabus. A significant number of candidates
demonstrated skill levels suggesting they had little programming experience.
If answers are crossed out, the new answers must be written clearly so that the text may be read easily.
Many candidates make use of blank pages for rough work when preparing their final answer. In these cases,
it is extremely important that this text is crossed out.
Question 1
(a) A few candidates stated pseudocode for the programming language used despite having been told
that programming code must be used.
(b) (i) Many candidates did not correctly identify the loop structure. They stated that it was a while or
repeat loop which was not enough to gain this mark.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(ii) Most candidates gained at least one mark and a significant number gained both marks. A common
mistake was giving the reason as ‘value not found in array’, which was not enough in this instance,
and they did not identify that the value was not found when all the array elements had been
(c) This question part was generally well answered. Most candidates achieved at least one mark for
this question with a significant number achieving all three marks available.
Question 2
(a) Not well answered. Very few candidates achieved both marks available with the second mark point
being the one which proved most elusive.
(b) (i) Many candidates did not give a detailed enough answer to gain the mark for this question. For
example, just giving the reason ‘as easier to understand’ instead of ‘easier to understand the
purpose of the identifier’.
(ii) A range of marks awarded but few candidates obtained all three marks available. A significant
number giving the example already given in (b)(i) which was not enough.
Question 3
(b) Many candidates gaining at least two marks with a significant number gaining all four marks. A
common mistake was in the check made for the upper bound of the loop which meant either too
few or too many values would have been output.
(c) A wide range of marks was awarded and a significant number of full-mark answers were seen.
Common mistakes were the use of a repeat loop instead of a while loop and calling ReCheck()
multiple times.
Question 4
(a) (i) Most candidates gained some marks for their trace tables with a wide range of marks being
awarded. A significant number achieved all five marks available. The mark point for the last stage
of the trace table was the one which most candidates did not achieve. They did not set Result to
–1 and then 0.
(b) (i) Few candidates identified and explained one of the two errors in the program. They were only
required to explain one of these errors.
(ii) Few candidates gained the one mark available here for describing how the algorithm could be
corrected. This was mainly due to few candidates correctly identifying an error in the algorithm
asked for in (b)(i).
(c) A well answered question with many candidates gaining the two marks available.
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Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 5
(a) There were some very good solutions where the full 8 marks were awarded. Many candidates
made a reasonable attempt at writing the pseudocode required with nearly all of these obtaining
some marks.
The most common mark awarded was for the function header (MP1) with many candidates gaining
the marks for initialisation (MP2) and for using a loop (MP3). The correct use of the MID function
(MP4) was also often achieved.
A common mistake was not using the STRING_TO_NUM function (MP5) appropriately or not at all or
not concatenating (MP7 and MP 8) strings correctly.
(b) Many of the answers candidates gave were too vague or the type of check given was the same for
both checks. No mark was given where candidates just stated type check with no further details.
Only a few candidates obtained all four marks available with a significant number either being
awarded no marks for their answer or making no attempt.
Question 6
(a) Many answers struggled to achieve any marks, with many candidates making little or no attempt at
answering the question.
Many solutions included a conditional loop (MP1) but few of these correctly set the loop termination
conditions correctly (MP7).
Few candidates correctly opened and closed the file correctly (MP3).
Few candidates correctly achieved the three linked mark points for testing if a file was empty (MP4)
and if not empty, confirming overwrite (MP5 and MP6).
(b) A small number of excellent solutions were seen. Many answers struggled to achieve any marks,
with many candidates making no realistic attempt at answering the question. Some pseudocode
answers were seen.
Although many solutions correctly used a loop to check each element of the StockID array (MP3)
only a small proportion of theses extracted the correct substring from the current array element
Most candidates who attempted the questions correctly achieved the marks for the procedure
heading (MP1).
Many solutions did not initialise the variables used for the Count and Total (MP2) and
misunderstood the requirement to use the Cost and Quantity arrays when calculating the Total
Many solutions did not produce the outputs in the required manner.
(c) A small number of excellent solutions were seen. Many candidates made no realistic attempt at
answering the question. Some pseudocode answers were seen.
Many solutions started with a correct function header but in some cases, there was no function end
(MP1). Some candidates attempted to pass a parameter where none was required.
Many solutions also achieved the declaration and initialisation mark (MP2) along with the correct
use of a for loop to iterate through 10 000 elements (MP3).
Most solutions did not skip unused elements in the Stock array (MP4).
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Although solutions often did not correctly extract the correct group from the current element of
StockID (MP5). Some did achieve a mark (MP6) for using the LookUp function correctly by using
the value they had extracted and then a further mark (MP7) for storing the value extracted correctly
in the Summary array.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9608/31
Advanced Theory
Key messages
Candidates need to show an in-depth study of the syllabus topics and make good use of the appropriate
technical terminology required to answer questions this paper. Candidates, who have studied the theory and
have also practised the precise use of these tools and techniques, were able to demonstrate successfully
how they could be used to solve the problems set on the examination paper.
Candidates need to ensure that they provide the information asked for in the question set. It is not enough to
rewrite the information given in the question as an answer.
General comments
Candidates need to read examination paper questions carefully before writing an answer. For example, in
Questions 4(a)(i) and 4(a)(iv), the answer must be shown as a sum-of-products. In Questions 5(b) and
5(b)(ii), Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is required. In Question 7(d)(ii), only the instructions set out in the
question can be used in the answer.
Question 1
(a) (i) Most candidates correctly identified the numbers as positive or negative. A common error seen in
the justification was to omit the reference to the mantissa.
(ii) Most candidates converted the binary values to denary for the two exponents. Correct denary
values for the two mantissas proved more challenging for some candidates. A common error was
to treat the mantissa as an integer instead of a fraction.
(iii) Many candidates correctly calculated the denary values of the numbers.
(b) Most candidates correctly identified the normalised number. A common error seen in the
justification was to omit the reference to the mantissa.
Question 2
(a) Most candidates correctly identified at least one of the missing layers. A minority of candidates
provided acceptable descriptions for the Application and Internet/Network layers. Common errors
included incorrectly identifying the lowest layer as the Network layer rather than the Network
Interface Layer and incorrectly including the transport of packets in a description of the application
(b) (i) A minority of candidates explained why communication protocols are necessary. A common error
was to define a communication protocol. An acceptable answer is ‘All data is transmitted using the
same rules and format meaning that the communication is independent of the hardware and
software used.’
(ii) Most candidates could identify one communication protocol and state its purpose. Describing the
protocol proved more challenging for some candidates.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 3
Most candidates included diagrams showing bus and star network topologies. Some diagrams were clearly
labelled. A common error in either the diagram or the description of the bus network topology was to
incorrectly name the terminators at each end of the cable as terminals.
Question 4
(a) (i) Those candidates who correctly wrote their answer as a sum-of-products usually gained full marks.
A common error was to incorrectly write P.Q.R.S for P.Q.R.S
(iv) Most candidates provided a correct simplified sum-of-products for the answer to part (a)(iii).
(b) Some candidates showed good use Boolean algebra to simplify the expression for X. Some
candidates did not attempt this part of question 4.
Question 5
(a) Most candidates gave acceptable reasons why each statement was invalid.
(b) Nearly all candidates correctly completed the BNF for <operator> and <digit>. Many
candidates correctly completed the BNF for <variable> and <unsigned_integer>. A minority
of candidates correctly completed the BNF for <assignment_statement>.
(c) (i) Many candidates provided an acceptable syntax diagram for the revised variable.
(ii) A minority of candidates provided acceptable BNF for the revised variable. Some candidates did
not attempt this part of question 5.
Question 6
(a) (i) Many candidates provided acceptable explanations of the use of asymmetric key cryptography.
(ii) Stating benefits of asymmetric key cryptography proved more challenging for some candidates. An
acceptable benefit is ‘Increased message security as the decryption key is only known by the
intended recipient.’
(b) (i) A minority of candidates provided acceptable explanations the way in which communication
security is provided by Transport Layer Security (TLS). Some candidates did not attempt this part
of question 6.
(ii) Many of candidates provided acceptable situations for the use of TLS. Some candidates did not
attempt this part of question 6.
Question 7
(a) (i) The majority of candidates correctly identified the system as a control system.
(ii) Providing a justification proved more challenging for some candidates. An acceptable answer is
‘The system uses feedback to automatically control the heater and air conditioning unit using
(b) Many candidates correctly identified the containers where the temperature was out of range and
gave the values in denary. A common error seen was to give the value of the temperature in
container 4 as 254 degrees.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(d) (i) Some candidates showed good understanding of the container control system by clearly explaining
the purpose of each instruction it applied to the container control system. For example, a
description of the first instruction:
LDD 300 loads the accumulator with the current status of the heaters and air conditioning
units held in location 300
A common error seen was to copy the explanation from the table and not apply it to the container
control system.
(ii) Most candidates completed the short assembly language program. A common error was to load
the data from another address (304).
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9608/32
Advanced Theory
Key messages
Candidates need to show an in-depth study of the syllabus topics and make good use of the appropriate
technical terminology required at this level. Candidates, who have studied the theory and have also practised
the precise use of these tools and techniques, were able to demonstrate successfully how they could be
used to solve the problems set on the examination paper.
Candidates need to ensure that they provide the information asked for in the question set. It is not enough to
rewrite the information given in the question as an answer.
General comments
Candidates need to read examination paper questions carefully before writing an answer. For example, in
Questions 4(a)(i) and 4(a)(iv), the answer must be shown as a sum-of-products. In Questions 6(b) and
6(b)(ii), Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is required. In Question 8(d)(ii), only the instructions set out in the
question can be used in the answer.
Question 1
(a) (i) Most candidates converted the binary values into denary for the two exponents. Correct denary
values for the two mantissas proved more challenging for some candidates. A common error was
to treat the mantissa as an integer instead of a fraction.
(ii) Many candidates correctly calculated the denary values of the numbers.
(b) Most candidates correctly identified the normalised number. A common error seen in the
justification was to omit the reference to the mantissa.
Question 2
(a) Most candidates correctly identified at least one of the missing layers. A minority of candidates
provided acceptable descriptions for the Application and Transport layers. Common errors included
incorrectly identifying the lowest layer as the Network layer rather than the Network Interface Layer
and incorrectly including the transport of packets in a description of the application layer.
(b) Most candidates could identify at least one communication protocol and were able to state its
Question 3
(a) Most candidates included a diagram showing the bus network. Some diagrams were clearly
labelled. A common error in either the diagram or the description was to incorrectly name the
terminators at each end of the cable as terminals.
(b) Many candidates found describing the way in which a bus network uses Ethernet technology for
communication challenging. An acceptable answer is ‘All data is transmitted over the same cable
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
using CSMA/CD. The data is divided into frames containing the MAC addresses of the source and
destination and the data itself.’
Question 4
(a) (i) Those candidates who correctly wrote their answer as a sum-of-products usually gained full marks.
A common error was to incorrectly write P.Q.R.S for P.Q.R.S
(iv) Most candidates provided a correct simplified sum-of-products for their answer to part (a)(iii).
(b) Some candidates showed good use Boolean algebra to simplify the expression for X. Some
candidates did not attempt this part of question 4.
Question 5
(a) Many candidates provided acceptable descriptions of the role of flip-flops in a computer.
(b) Many of candidates provided acceptable descriptions of the differences between an SR flip-flop
and a JK flip-flop.
Question 6
(a) Most candidates gave correct reasons why each statement was incorrect.
(b) Nearly all candidates correctly completed the BNF for <operator> and <digit>. Many
candidates correctly completed the BNF for <variable> and <unsigned_integer>. A minority
of candidates correctly completed the BNF for <assignment_statement>.
(c) (i) Many candidates provided an acceptable syntax diagram for the revised assignment statement.
(ii) A minority of candidates provided acceptable BNF for the revised assignment statement.
Question 7
(a) Most candidates correctly completed the descriptions of a digital certificate and a digital signature.
A common error was to provide the incorrect key.
(b) Most candidates were able to identify at least one encryption protocol.
(c) Most candidates were able to identify two methods used to restrict the effect of malware. Providing
an adequate description proved more challenging for some candidates. An acceptable method with
description is ‘installing anti-virus software and keeping it up-to-date. Using this software to
regularly scan for viruses and to remove them.’
Question 8
(a) (i) The majority of candidates correctly identified the system as a control system.
(ii) Providing a justification proved more challenging for some candidates. An acceptable answer is
‘The system uses feedback to automatically control the heaters and ventilation using actuators.
(b) Many candidates correctly identified the greenhouses where the temperature was out of range and
gave the values in denary. A common error seen was to give the value of the temperature in
greenhouse 4 as 255 degrees.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(d) (i) Some candidates showed good understanding of the greenhouse control system by clearly
explaining the purpose of each instruction it applied to the greenhouse control system. For
example, a description of the first instruction.
LDD 700 loads the accumulator with the current status of the heaters and vents held in location
A common error seen was to copy the explanation from the table and not apply it to the
greenhouse system.
(ii) Most candidates completed the short assembly language program. A common error was to use
another address (702) to load the data from.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9608/33
Advanced Theory
Key messages
Candidates need to show an in-depth study of the syllabus topics and make good use of the appropriate
technical terminology required to answer questions this paper. Candidates, who have studied the theory and
have also practised the precise use of these tools and techniques, were able to demonstrate successfully
how they could be used to solve the problems set on the examination paper.
Candidates need to ensure that they provide the information asked for in the question set. It is not enough to
rewrite the information given in the question as an answer.
General comments
Candidates need to read examination paper questions carefully before writing an answer. For example, in
Questions 4(a)(i) and 4(a)(iv), the answer must be shown as a sum-of-products. In Questions 5(b) and
5(b)(ii), Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is required. In Question 7(d)(ii), only the instructions set out in the
question can be used in the answer.
Question 1
(a) (i) Most candidates correctly identified the numbers as positive or negative. A common error seen in
the justification was to omit the reference to the mantissa.
(ii) Most candidates converted the binary values to denary for the two exponents. Correct denary
values for the two mantissas proved more challenging for some candidates. A common error was
to treat the mantissa as an integer instead of a fraction.
(iii) Many candidates correctly calculated the denary values of the numbers.
(b) Most candidates correctly identified the normalised number. A common error seen in the
justification was to omit the reference to the mantissa.
Question 2
(a) Most candidates correctly identified at least one of the missing layers. A minority of candidates
provided acceptable descriptions for the Application and Internet/Network layers. Common errors
included incorrectly identifying the lowest layer as the Network layer rather than the Network
Interface Layer and incorrectly including the transport of packets in a description of the application
(b) (i) A minority of candidates explained why communication protocols are necessary. A common error
was to define a communication protocol. An acceptable answer is ‘All data is transmitted using the
same rules and format meaning that the communication is independent of the hardware and
software used.’
(ii) Most candidates could identify one communication protocol and state its purpose. Describing the
protocol proved more challenging for some candidates.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 3
Most candidates included diagrams showing bus and star network topologies. Some diagrams were clearly
labelled. A common error in either the diagram or the description of the bus network topology was to
incorrectly name the terminators at each end of the cable as terminals.
Question 4
(a) (i) Those candidates who correctly wrote their answer as a sum-of-products usually gained full marks.
A common error was to incorrectly write P.Q.R.S for P.Q.R.S
(iv) Most candidates provided a correct simplified sum-of-products for the answer to part (a)(iii).
(b) Some candidates showed good use Boolean algebra to simplify the expression for X. Some
candidates did not attempt this part of question 4.
Question 5
(a) Most candidates gave acceptable reasons why each statement was invalid.
(b) Nearly all candidates correctly completed the BNF for <operator> and <digit>. Many
candidates correctly completed the BNF for <variable> and <unsigned_integer>. A minority
of candidates correctly completed the BNF for <assignment_statement>.
(c) (i) Many candidates provided an acceptable syntax diagram for the revised variable.
(ii) A minority of candidates provided acceptable BNF for the revised variable. Some candidates did
not attempt this part of question 5.
Question 6
(a) (i) Many candidates provided acceptable explanations of the use of asymmetric key cryptography.
(ii) Stating benefits of asymmetric key cryptography proved more challenging for some candidates. An
acceptable benefit is ‘Increased message security as the decryption key is only known by the
intended recipient.’
(b) (i) A minority of candidates provided acceptable explanations the way in which communication
security is provided by Transport Layer Security (TLS). Some candidates did not attempt this part
of question 6.
(ii) Many of candidates provided acceptable situations for the use of TLS. Some candidates did not
attempt this part of question 6.
Question 7
(a) (i) The majority of candidates correctly identified the system as a control system.
(ii) Providing a justification proved more challenging for some candidates. An acceptable answer is
‘The system uses feedback to automatically control the heater and air conditioning unit using
(b) Many candidates correctly identified the containers where the temperature was out of range and
gave the values in denary. A common error seen was to give the value of the temperature in
container 4 as 254 degrees.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(d) (i) Some candidates showed good understanding of the container control system by clearly explaining
the purpose of each instruction it applied to the container control system. For example, a
description of the first instruction:
LDD 300 loads the accumulator with the current status of the heaters and air conditioning
units held in location 300
A common error seen was to copy the explanation from the table and not apply it to the container
control system.
(ii) Most candidates completed the short assembly language program. A common error was to load
the data from another address (304).
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9608/41
Further Problem-Solving and
Programming Skills
Key messages
Candidates needed to demonstrate their understanding of programming structures, constructs, and their
algorithmic thinking for this paper. They needed to read and write pseudocode, program code and assembly
language code.
General comments
Many candidates were able to demonstrate their understanding of writing object-oriented code in their
chosen programming language and wrote class definitions and constructors accurately.
Some candidates demonstrated an understanding of using hash tables and random access files, but
candidates need to make sure that they are opening files in the correct format, and that their code that closes
files run in all scenarios.
Question 1
(a) There were mixed responses to this question. Some candidates found this question part
challenging. Many candidates could correctly identify several of the requirements, such as the
cancel and entering the code. Common errors included a lack of precision in answers, for example
in place of ‘Dispense item’, some responses included ‘User purchases an item’; the whole system
is about a user purchasing an item; this part of the diagram needed to identify the state of the
machine i.e. what the machine was doing at this specific point.
(b) (i) This question required candidates to demonstrate their understanding of object-oriented
programming in their chosen high-level language. Many candidates were able to declare the class.
A common error included attempting to use inheritance in the class definition, which was not part of
the class.
Other common errors included not identifying the private element of these attributes, or not
identifying the data types to be used. If candidates use Python, they are still required to identify the
data types for these attributes to demonstrate this understanding and must use comments to do
this. Some candidates did make use of these comments, stating the data type alongside each
attribute’s first use. When declaring an array, candidates need to identify the number of elements
that it will include and the data type, in this case of type class foodItem.
Many candidates were able to use the correct constructor for their chosen language. Fewer passed
the required parameters into this constructor. The class diagram describes the requirements of
each class and method, and candidates need to make sure they refer to this diagram in each
question to make sure they are meeting all the requirements.
(ii) Some candidates found this question challenging. The question required candidates to use the
methods to access the attributes of objects within an array, and a common error was using the
object in a comparison, instead of access the code of the object.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Many candidates were able to search the array using a linear search and were able to return the
appropriate values in sensible places.
Few candidates identified the need to compare the cost with the class attribute moneyIn, and
some responses attempted to read this value in as a parameter, or input from the user.
(iii) Many candidates were familiar with declaring instances of objects and could declare an object of
the appropriate type. Fewer candidates passed the appropriate parameters to the constructor.
Common errors included missing out the parameters, passing the strings i.e. ‘chocolate’ instead of
the object chocolate, or attempting to add each item manually to the newly instantiated object.
Question 2
(a) Candidates needed to use pseudocode to declare a record data type for customer. Many
candidates were able to use appropriate code to declare a record, or structure, for customer.
Candidates also needed to declare the data items within this structure, including the data types as
required by a record data structure. Some candidates omitted these data types or used
inappropriate data types for example the phone number example include a + symbol and therefore
could not be stored as an integer.
(b) (i) Many candidates were able to correctly calculate the hash value for each customer ID. Some
candidates attempted different calculations than that given in the question, for example not using
modulus division instead using normal division and therefore giving incorrect values.
(ii) Many Candidates were able to demonstrate a good clear understanding of hashing and collisions.
Most responses included moving to the next space to check if it was empty, and then continuing
this, returning to the start if the last record is found.
Some candidates also described the use of overflow tables and using linked lists (often referred to
as arrays) as each record location to store the collisions.
(iii) Some candidates were able to make appropriate use of pseudocode to access the random files to
open and access the required value. When declaring a function, candidates need to make sure
they are sending the correct parameter data type if they give it in their response, and the correct
return value data type. The question stated that the function takes a customer ID as a parameter
and not an object, therefore the parameter should have been an integer value for this ID as
opposed to accessing the customer ID of a record.
Candidates often made suitable use of the getRecordLocation() function and stored the return
value. When candidates open a file, they need to consider the type of file that they are opening and
make sure this is clear in their pseudocode response. For example, some candidates opened the
file without any reference to the random access format.
Many candidates were able to make use of suitable code to access the data in the file, but at times,
they were not making use of the calculated address, for example, they read the file and store the
value, but did not read the value at the hash address.
Many candidates did close the file, which should always be included in file access, however when a
function returns a value the code beyond this will not run, and many candidates returned values
and then inserted a close file command at the end of the function, which will never execute and
therefore the file will not close.
Question 3
(a) This question was answered well by many candidates who were able to insert the correct tasks and
their duration in the correct positions.
(b) This question required candidates to apply their understanding to the tasks in the table instead of
giving a generic answer of dividing tasks. Some candidates were able to do this and gave clear
identification of tasks that could be divided.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Candidates need to make sure they are reading the question carefully, for example, this question
asked how the tasks can be divided between teams, but some candidates described how tasks can
be run concurrently without reference to the division between teams.
(c) Candidates found this question challenging. Many attempted to describe the use of PERT charts
and the identification of a critical path, which is not relevant to the use of program libraries.
The most common correct answers included a description of saving time, but this was often
repeated and not expanded to explain why time can be saved.
(d) Candidates need to be able to differentiate between the different tools on an IDE, for example, the
difference between the features of an editor and a debugger. This question required identification
of editor features. The most common responses included the use of colour coding and
Question 4
(a) This question was answered well by many candidates who correctly positioned the nodes on the
tree. When adding nodes, candidates need to make sure they clearly show if the node is to the left
or the right of its parent node.
(b) (i) Many candidates also answered this question well. They accurately identified the pointers for the
given diagram. The question stated that null pointers are stored as –1, but this was a common error
where candidates attempted to use other values instead.
(ii) Some candidates found this question challenging. It required an array declaration to identify the
number of elements and data type. Common errors included attempting to initialise array values
instead of declaring the array, or not including the data type. Some candidates declared an array
with elements 0 to 100, which would give 101 elements and not the required 100.
(iii) This question required an understanding of how to access and follow the pointers of a linked list
stored in an array, as well as write a recursive function. Some candidates were able to accurately
produce this algorithm, accessing the required pointers and calling the function with this pointer.
Fewer candidates were able to use the required selection to make sure that the node was not
empty before calling the recursive function. A common error included the incorrect order of the
steps, for example both recursive calls before outputting the data, or outputting the data multiple
Another common error was using one ‘if .. else’ statement for the two checks, instead of two
separate ‘if’ statements. This would mean that when the recursive call rewound, it would not then
check the right link.
Question 5
(a) Responses were mixed to this question. Some candidates were able to apply their understanding
of a binary search and update the values appropriately. Common errors included replacing lower
and upper with mid, instead of the mid with the addition or subtraction of 1, as well as putting the
lower and upper changing values in the incorrect location.
(b) This question required candidates to rewrite the algorithm as a recursive function. Some
candidates did not include the required recursive calls, instead rewriting the algorithm in the same
format as the previous question. Candidates needed to include the remainder of the algorithm so
that it was functional. Some candidates did not include the first comparison to check if the data was
not found and returned –1.
Question 6
Some candidates were able to demonstrate a good understanding of assembly language programs and
completed the missing code accurately. Candidates were also required to use the masks appropriately. A
common mistake was using an incorrect opcode or accessing the incorrect operand. Candidates need to
make sure they are using the appropriate Op codes from the given list, including the correct access mode.
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Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 7
(a) This question was often answered well, with candidates looping through the values accurately.
Some candidates attempted to access an object as a parameter, and updated a pointer for each
array element, which was not given in the question. There were two parameters: one storing the
integer values and the top of stack pointer storing a singular value.
(b) This question required an understanding of how data items are removed from a stack. Some
candidates did not use the top of stack pointer to check if it was empty, but often the appropriate
value was then returned. Fewer candidates accurately returned the top data item and decremented
the pointer, often returning the value and either missing the decrement, or doing this after the
return statement in the function which meant that this code would never be executed.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9608/42
Further Problem-Solving and
Programming Skills
Key messages
This paper required candidates to demonstrate their understanding of programming structures, constructs,
and their algorithmic thinking. Candidates need to be able to read and write pseudocode, program code and
assembly language code.
General comments
Many candidates were able to demonstrate their understanding of writing object-oriented code in their
chosen programming language and were able to write class definitions and constructors accurately.
Some candidates demonstrated an understanding of using hash tables and random access files, but
candidates need to make sure that they are opening file in the correct format, and that their code to close the
file runs in all scenarios.
Where a question includes a context, candidates need to make sure they are referencing this appropriately in
their responses, for example, there is a difference between explaining how to generically search a binary tree
and searching for a specific value in a given binary tree.
Question 1
(a) This question was answered well by many candidates who were able to correctly identify the root
node of the given tree.
(b) This question was also answered well by many candidates. A common error was identifying
Donkey or Kangaroo as the leaf node, although these are children from the root node; the leaf
node does not have any children.
(c) Responses to this question part were mixed. Many candidates were able to correctly insert the
nodes. Some candidates did not follow the alphabetical order of the values in the tree and
positioned the nodes in different places. Some additions by the candidates showed the nodes
below the appropriate node but positioned directly underneath and therefore not identifying if the
node was inserted to the left or the right. The question states that the tree is a binary tree and
therefore candidates need to demonstrate their understanding that each node has two nodes
beneath, one to the left and one to the right.
(d) This question required candidates to explain how the given tree will be searched to find Elephant.
This required an application of knowledge to this scenario. Some candidate gave a generic
description of searching a binary tree, or wrote an algorithm, which did not explain how Elephant
would be searched for in this tree.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 2
(a) Candidates needed to write a pseudocode response to this question. This needed to be logical and
follow a suitable structure to meet the requirements. This included the declaration of a record, or
structure etc. A common error was writing a subroutine or just using the identifier Booking without
any reference to declaring it as a record type.
The question stated that all four values were to be integers and candidates needed to use this in
their response to declare each as integer values.
(b) (i) There were mixed responses to this question part. The function needed to take the booking ID as a
parameter. In the previous question part, candidates were told that this was an integer. Some
candidates passed a Booking record to the function, which did not meet the requirements.
Similarly, the function needed to return the final value, there are a variety of ways this could be
completed depending on the language chosen, but many candidates did not include the return of
this value, with some outputting it instead.
Candidates needed to identify that modular division was required to perform the calculation. Some
candidates were able to identify the modulus division syntax for their chosen language, but often
this was given as a standard division, or an attempt to cast as an integer for integer division which
did not give the correct result.
(ii) Many candidates were able to correctly calculate the hash value for each booking ID. Some
candidates gave incorrect values by attempting different calculations than that given in the
(c) Some candidates were able to make appropriate use of pseudocode to access the random files to
open and access the required value. When declaring a function candidates need to make sure they
are sending the correct parameter data type if they give it in their response, and the correct return
value data type. The question stated that the function takes a record as a parameter; a common
error was sending a booking ID instead.
The hash function was often called; an inaccurate value was often given as a parameter. Some
candidates attempted to rewrite the hash function instead of calling it.
When candidates open a file, they need to consider the type of file that they are opening and make
sure this is clear in their pseudocode response. For example, some candidates opened the file
without any reference to the random access format.
Many candidates were able to make use of suitable code to access the data in the file, but at times
they were not making use of the calculated address, for example, they access the file and store the
return value to check if it was free but did not identify the movement to the address to access the
Many candidates did close the file (which should always be included in file access), however, when
a function returns a value the code beyond this will not run, and many candidates returned values
and then inserted a close file command at the end of the function. This will never execute and
therefore the file will not close.
(d) Candidates were able to demonstrate an understanding of what exception handling is and why it is
used. Fewer candidates used this understanding to explain how it can be used when reading from
a file. This question required application of their understanding to file reading, and therefore
needed to reference a reason why file handling is used in this situation such as in case the file
does not exist.
Question 3
(a) This question required candidates to demonstrate their understanding of classes. Many candidates
were able to correctly declare the class and could use their constructor appropriately. Fewer
candidates declared the attributes appropriately. The question stated that all attributes are to be
declared as private. Common errors included not identifying the private element of these attributes,
or not identifying the data types to be used; if candidates are using Python, they are still required to
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
identify the data types for these attributes to demonstrate this understanding and therefore are
instructed to use comments to do this. Some candidates did make use of these comments, stating
the data type alongside each attribute’s first use. When declaring an array, candidates need to
identify the number of elements that it will include and the data type. Some candidates did not
include the number of elements, whilst others using a different data type such as string in place of
Some candidates attempted to declare a constructor method in a language where the constructor
has a designated identifier and therefore this will not be the inbuilt class constructor.
(b) This question stated that the method takes a question object as a parameter, this required
candidates to identify that the data type is the class type and not, for example, a string value.
Candidates need to make sure they are revisiting the class descriptions when they answer each
part of a question. The class has an attribute that stores the number of questions, which allows
identification of a full array by there being 20 questions. Some candidates attempted to iterate
through the array to check if there was an object in each position. On many occasions, they
checked if the array item was ‘’ when the item is an object and therefore does not have a value for
comparison in this way.
Many candidates were able to insert the object into the array, the method differing depending on
how they checked if the array was empty, and whilst many did return true, they did not consider the
need to increment the number of questions parameter to make sure this was appropriately
(c) Many candidates were able to declare instances of the given objects. Fewer used the appropriate
parameters within the constructor to create the new question object required. Where candidates
have been given identifiers to use, they need to make sure that they are using these accurately.
Fewer candidates were able to use the appropriate method to assign the question to the first quiz,
some candidates attempted to assign the question, then answer etc. separately instead of
assigning the object they had created.
A common error included mixing the identifiers with the class names, for example creating an
instance of FirstQuiz with the identifier QuizClass instead of vice-versa.
(d) This question was answered well by many candidates who were able to correctly identify the use of
containment. The most common incorrect answers given was inheritance.
(e) (i) This question required candidates to identify when the translators should be used, and not why.
Some candidates explained the benefits of compilers and interpreters or gave features of them
instead of when they would use them during the development process.
Candidates need to make sure they are giving more information in their answer than that provided
in the question. In this example, they are asked when during the development process the
translators are used, therefore stating they are used in the development is repeating the question
and not providing further information.
(ii) Candidates need to be able to differentiate between debugging and identifying errors. This
question required facilities for debugging, i.e., working out what the error is and correcting it. The
most common answers included breakpoints and stepping.
(iii) An editor is a feature of an IDE, and this question wanted candidates to consider features within
this editor. This includes features to support the writing of the programs, and not the debugging
tools asked for previously.
Question 4
(a) Candidates found the use of a circular queue challenging. Few candidates were able to accurately
enqueue and dequeue the data, manipulating the head and tail index as they went. Some
candidates attempted to move the array elements down to start at index 0 instead of enqueue at
the end and dequeuing at the front.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
(b) (i) Candidates found elements of this question challenging. A common error was identifying if number
of elements in queue was greater than 10, which would mean that if there were already 10
elements in the queue then another element could be added which would error as there are not
enough spaces in the array.
Where candidates are completing gaps in programs, they need to make sure they are following the
spelling and case used in the question; this demonstrates their understanding that
numberinqueue is different to NumberInQueue.
(ii) Most candidates made a reasonable attempt at checking if the queue was empty. A common error
was to check each element in the array as opposed to making use of the head and tail index.
Another common error was checking if the tail index was less than the head index, which would not
work in this instance where a circular queue is being incremented.
Many candidates were able to increment the head index, and some correctly updated this as a
circular queue by resetting the value to the first queue elements.
Where candidates need to return a value in a function, they need to understand that the code after
this return statement will not run. Some candidates returned the value at the head of the queue and
then attempted to update the pointers.
Some candidates attempted to change the head index before accessing the value to be returned,
for example, they incremented the head index and then accessed the value at this new location,
which is now pointing to the next queue element instead of the one to be accessed.
Question 5
Candidates found this question challenging. Most candidates could identify the comparison to Temp, but the
comparison to Counter was often mixed with the variable Count instead.
Question 6
(a) Most candidates were familiar with completing decision tables and were able to identify at least
several of the actions correctly. Candidates need to be clear when giving their responses, for
example using Y, or X consistently.
(b) Candidates found this question more challenging. Candidates needed to identify the conditions that
were did not impact the resulting actions. This needed to be identified in the conditions using an
appropriate symbol to identify that either Y or N could be used. Many candidates did not identify
these features, instead giving one set of conditions that gave an action without identifying those
conditions that do impact the results.
Question 7
This question was answered well by many candidates. They were able to identify the missing statements and
presented these appropriately. A common error was not identifying that the animal strength and health
needed to be > = 10 and not just > 10.
Question 8
Candidate responses were mixed to this question. Most candidates were able to identify some correct op
code and operands. Fewer candidates were able to identify the correct location for the label LOOP.
Candidates need to carefully check the Op codes that they are using; specifically, the different addressing
modes that need to be used to access the data.
A common error included the mixing up of left shift and right shift, candidates needed to identify that left shift
multiplies the binary values, whilst a right shift will divide.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Paper 9608/43
Further Problem-Solving and
Programming Skills
Key messages
Candidates needed to demonstrate their understanding of programming structures, constructs, and their
algorithmic thinking for this paper. They needed to read and write pseudocode, program code and assembly
language code.
General comments
Many candidates were able to demonstrate their understanding of writing object-oriented code in their
chosen programming language and wrote class definitions and constructors accurately.
Some candidates demonstrated an understanding of using hash tables and random access files, but
candidates need to make sure that they are opening files in the correct format, and that their code that closes
files run in all scenarios.
Question 1
(a) There were mixed responses to this question. Some candidates found this question part
challenging. Many candidates could correctly identify several of the requirements, such as the
cancel and entering the code. Common errors included a lack of precision in answers, for example
in place of ‘Dispense item’, some responses included ‘User purchases an item’; the whole system
is about a user purchasing an item; this part of the diagram needed to identify the state of the
machine i.e. what the machine was doing at this specific point.
(b) (i) This question required candidates to demonstrate their understanding of object-oriented
programming in their chosen high-level language. Many candidates were able to declare the class.
A common error included attempting to use inheritance in the class definition, which was not part of
the class.
Other common errors included not identifying the private element of these attributes, or not
identifying the data types to be used. If candidates use Python, they are still required to identify the
data types for these attributes to demonstrate this understanding and must use comments to do
this. Some candidates did make use of these comments, stating the data type alongside each
attribute’s first use. When declaring an array, candidates need to identify the number of elements
that it will include and the data type, in this case of type class foodItem.
Many candidates were able to use the correct constructor for their chosen language. Fewer passed
the required parameters into this constructor. The class diagram describes the requirements of
each class and method, and candidates need to make sure they refer to this diagram in each
question to make sure they are meeting all the requirements.
(ii) Some candidates found this question challenging. The question required candidates to use the
methods to access the attributes of objects within an array, and a common error was using the
object in a comparison, instead of access the code of the object.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Many candidates were able to search the array using a linear search and were able to return the
appropriate values in sensible places.
Few candidates identified the need to compare the cost with the class attribute moneyIn, and
some responses attempted to read this value in as a parameter, or input from the user.
(iii) Many candidates were familiar with declaring instances of objects and could declare an object of
the appropriate type. Fewer candidates passed the appropriate parameters to the constructor.
Common errors included missing out the parameters, passing the strings i.e. ‘chocolate’ instead of
the object chocolate, or attempting to add each item manually to the newly instantiated object.
Question 2
(a) Candidates needed to use pseudocode to declare a record data type for customer. Many
candidates were able to use appropriate code to declare a record, or structure, for customer.
Candidates also needed to declare the data items within this structure, including the data types as
required by a record data structure. Some candidates omitted these data types or used
inappropriate data types for example the phone number example include a + symbol and therefore
could not be stored as an integer.
(b) (i) Many candidates were able to correctly calculate the hash value for each customer ID. Some
candidates attempted different calculations than that given in the question, for example not using
modulus division instead using normal division and therefore giving incorrect values.
(ii) Many Candidates were able to demonstrate a good clear understanding of hashing and collisions.
Most responses included moving to the next space to check if it was empty, and then continuing
this, returning to the start if the last record is found.
Some candidates also described the use of overflow tables and using linked lists (often referred to
as arrays) as each record location to store the collisions.
(iii) Some candidates were able to make appropriate use of pseudocode to access the random files to
open and access the required value. When declaring a function, candidates need to make sure
they are sending the correct parameter data type if they give it in their response, and the correct
return value data type. The question stated that the function takes a customer ID as a parameter
and not an object, therefore the parameter should have been an integer value for this ID as
opposed to accessing the customer ID of a record.
Candidates often made suitable use of the getRecordLocation() function and stored the return
value. When candidates open a file, they need to consider the type of file that they are opening and
make sure this is clear in their pseudocode response. For example, some candidates opened the
file without any reference to the random access format.
Many candidates were able to make use of suitable code to access the data in the file, but at times,
they were not making use of the calculated address, for example, they read the file and store the
value, but did not read the value at the hash address.
Many candidates did close the file, which should always be included in file access, however when a
function returns a value the code beyond this will not run, and many candidates returned values
and then inserted a close file command at the end of the function, which will never execute and
therefore the file will not close.
Question 3
(a) This question was answered well by many candidates who were able to insert the correct tasks and
their duration in the correct positions.
(b) This question required candidates to apply their understanding to the tasks in the table instead of
giving a generic answer of dividing tasks. Some candidates were able to do this and gave clear
identification of tasks that could be divided.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Candidates need to make sure they are reading the question carefully, for example, this question
asked how the tasks can be divided between teams, but some candidates described how tasks can
be run concurrently without reference to the division between teams.
(c) Candidates found this question challenging. Many attempted to describe the use of PERT charts
and the identification of a critical path, which is not relevant to the use of program libraries.
The most common correct answers included a description of saving time, but this was often
repeated and not expanded to explain why time can be saved.
(d) Candidates need to be able to differentiate between the different tools on an IDE, for example, the
difference between the features of an editor and a debugger. This question required identification
of editor features. The most common responses included the use of colour coding and
Question 4
(a) This question was answered well by many candidates who correctly positioned the nodes on the
tree. When adding nodes, candidates need to make sure they clearly show if the node is to the left
or the right of its parent node.
(b) (i) Many candidates also answered this question well. They accurately identified the pointers for the
given diagram. The question stated that null pointers are stored as –1, but this was a common error
where candidates attempted to use other values instead.
(ii) Some candidates found this question challenging. It required an array declaration to identify the
number of elements and data type. Common errors included attempting to initialise array values
instead of declaring the array, or not including the data type. Some candidates declared an array
with elements 0 to 100, which would give 101 elements and not the required 100.
(iii) This question required an understanding of how to access and follow the pointers of a linked list
stored in an array, as well as write a recursive function. Some candidates were able to accurately
produce this algorithm, accessing the required pointers and calling the function with this pointer.
Fewer candidates were able to use the required selection to make sure that the node was not
empty before calling the recursive function. A common error included the incorrect order of the
steps, for example both recursive calls before outputting the data, or outputting the data multiple
Another common error was using one ‘if .. else’ statement for the two checks, instead of two
separate ‘if’ statements. This would mean that when the recursive call rewound, it would not then
check the right link.
Question 5
(a) Responses were mixed to this question. Some candidates were able to apply their understanding
of a binary search and update the values appropriately. Common errors included replacing lower
and upper with mid, instead of the mid with the addition or subtraction of 1, as well as putting the
lower and upper changing values in the incorrect location.
(b) This question required candidates to rewrite the algorithm as a recursive function. Some
candidates did not include the required recursive calls, instead rewriting the algorithm in the same
format as the previous question. Candidates needed to include the remainder of the algorithm so
that it was functional. Some candidates did not include the first comparison to check if the data was
not found and returned –1.
Question 6
Some candidates were able to demonstrate a good understanding of assembly language programs and
completed the missing code accurately. Candidates were also required to use the masks appropriately. A
common mistake was using an incorrect opcode or accessing the incorrect operand. Candidates need to
make sure they are using the appropriate Op codes from the given list, including the correct access mode.
© 2021
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
9608 Computer Science June 2021
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers
Question 7
(a) This question was often answered well, with candidates looping through the values accurately.
Some candidates attempted to access an object as a parameter, and updated a pointer for each
array element, which was not given in the question. There were two parameters: one storing the
integer values and the top of stack pointer storing a singular value.
(b) This question required an understanding of how data items are removed from a stack. Some
candidates did not use the top of stack pointer to check if it was empty, but often the appropriate
value was then returned. Fewer candidates accurately returned the top data item and decremented
the pointer, often returning the value and either missing the decrement, or doing this after the
return statement in the function which meant that this code would never be executed.
© 2021