3.0 Batch Functions

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Imaginera 

Batch Functions

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This program is the copyright of Amtech.

Amtech claims copyright in this document, the referenced program, and the companion
documentation and help files as an unpublished works, versions of which were first licensed on
the date indicated. Claim of copyright does not imply waiver of Amtech's other rights.


This computer program and documentation are confidential trade secrets and the property of
Amtech. Use, examination, reproduction, copying, disassembly, de-compilation, transfer or
disclosures to others, in whole or in part, are strictly prohibited except with prior written consent of
Amtech. Consent implies that you purchased a licensed copy of this program and paid in full for
that copy.

© 2004-2009 Amtech. All rights reserved.

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BATCH.EXE.......................................................................................................................................................... 4
BATCH FUNCTIONS............................................................................................................................................... 4
Batch Notes...................................................................................................................................................... 4
BATCH MAINTENANCE.........................................................................................................................................5
BATCH EDI MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................................................7
FCBATCH.EXE..................................................................................................................................................... 8
BATCH FUNCTIONS............................................................................................................................................... 8
Batch Notes...................................................................................................................................................... 8
BATCH MAINTENANCE.........................................................................................................................................9
Function List.................................................................................................................................................... 9
BATCH EDI MAINTENANCE............................................................................................................................... 10
BATCHMFG.EXE............................................................................................................................................... 11
Error Log....................................................................................................................................................... 11
ASCBATCH.EXE................................................................................................................................................ 12
BATCH FUNCTIONS.............................................................................................................................................12
BATCH MAINTENANCE....................................................................................................................................... 12
ASC Functions............................................................................................................................................... 12
BATCH MONITOR............................................................................................................................................ 14
Hours to Minutes Conversion Chart..................................................................................................................15

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Batch Functions
The Batch application is designed to run specified system functions automatically on a set
schedule for Corrugated databases. Some functions set up in this program will require a license
key issued by Amtech. The first screen shows the batch processes that have been set up and
are currently activated and running.

Using the screen:

This screen contains three main buttons; Maintain, Run Now and Cancel. Maintain allows users
to add or modify batch transactions. Run Now will manually trigger all displayed batch
transactions to run. Cancel will exit out of the program.


Batch.exe is a program that is run on the server, 7 days 24 hours. This program has functionality
that has to be on at all times. For the batch file to operate on a set schedule, the application must
be left open. Click the minimize button in the upper right corner of the screen. The screen will
minimize and display at the bottom of the monitor as a button labeled Batch Functions. When a
scheduled event time arrives, the event will take place.

If a user logs into the batch program and does not click on the Maintain button the batch process
will be active. If any batch function has been set up and the date/time criteria have been
exceeded, the program will poll for new batch transactions set up on that database. For this
reason it is important to deactivate batch functions when creating a new test database.

Batch Notes

Batch operations could slow normal operations since each function polls for transactions and
updates the database. When setting up batch functions make sure to leave enough time
between intervals so multiple instances do not occur. Also check when creating new transactions
and avoid running multiple transaction sets simultaneously.

Recommendation: If experiencing time-outs or slow data saving or retrieval, then either

temporary remove the batch processes or schedule for non-critical hours. If one or more
processes are proving to be giving difficulties, then immediately contact Amtech Customer
Service with the batch process name and times run.

A separate batch executable has been created called BatchMFG.exe to run a specific function
called ‘Import MFG, Adj, Bin Trans, & Whs Trans(Table)’. This function will import Move to FG,
Bin Transfer, and Warehouse Transfer from table (Invent _Import_Trx ).

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Batch Maintenance

Screen allows for user to check off the batch functions that are to be run per schedule.

Function – list of transaction types currently available

Activated – check this box to utilize specific function
Interval (Minutes) - allows users to specify time period between execution for that function
Last Executed - date and time stamp batch performed this task
Disable From and Disable To – allows users to suspend transaction by a date range
Use Times – check this box to use specific run times instead of time intervals
Times to Run – enter in specific times for process to run.

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If any transaction is added or edited, users will receive a message to manually run batch at time
of exit. If the user clicks on the “Yes” button, all batch processed will be performed at that time. If
the user clicks on the “NO” button, changes will be saved and batch will run the function as
defined in scheduled times.

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Batch EDI Maintenance
If using the ‘Poll for EDI Transaction’ function, it is necessary to set up parameters and file paths
in the EDI Maintenance screen. Current EDI transactions supported by Amtech are: 850INB,
830INB, 860INB, 855OUTB, 810OUTB, 810INB (Imaginera to Imaginera), 856INB, 856OUTB,
947INB and 947OUTB. Activating EDI requires a License key which is issued by Amtech. If the
client has not purchased the license key, users will receive a Security error message below and
will be denied access to the EDI set up screen. To purchase a License key please call the main
Amtech office at (215) 639-9540.

Once the key has been applied to the database implementing and using EDI with Imaginera will
become available. Please see Imaginera’s EDI documentation for detailed information.

Other electronic interfaces are set up and maintained in the EDI screen which will also require the
license key. Examples of these transactions are Credit Card, A/P Checks and Remote Sheet
Ordering (RSO).

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Batch Functions
The FCBatch application is designed to run specified system functions automatically on a set
schedule for folding databases. Some functions set up in this program will require a license key
issued by Amtech. The first screen shows the batch processes that have been set up and are
currently activated and running.

Using the screen:

This screen contains three main buttons; Maintain, Run Now and Cancel. Maintain allows users
to add or modify batch transactions. Run Now will manually trigger all displayed batch
transactions to run. Cancel will exit out of the program.


FCBatch.exe is a program that is run on the server, 7 days 24 hours. This program has
functionality that has to be on at all times. For the batch file to operate on a set schedule, the
application must be left open. Click the minimize button in the upper right corner of the screen.
The screen will minimize and display at the bottom of the monitor as a button labeled Batch
Functions (Paused). When a scheduled event time arrives, the event will take place.

If a user logs into the batch program and does not click on the Maintain button the batch process
will be active. If any batch function has been set up and the date/time criteria have been
exceeded, the program will poll for new batch transactions set up on that database. For this
reason it is important to deactivate batch functions when creating a new test database.

Batch Notes

Batch operations could slow normal operations since each function polls for transactions and
updates the database. When setting up batch functions make sure to leave enough time
between intervals so multiple instances do not occur. Also check when creating new transactions
and avoid running multiple transaction sets simultaneously.

Recommendation: If experiencing time-outs or slow data saving or retrieval, then either

temporary remove the batch processes or schedule for non-critical hours. If one or more
processes are proving to be giving difficulties, then immediately contact Amtech Customer
Support with the batch process name and times run.

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Batch Maintenance
Main Screen for FCBatch.exe

Clicking on the “Maintain” button the user will be able to make selection of the functions to set.

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Batch Function
Screen allows for user to check off the batch functions that are to be run per schedule.

Function – list of transaction types currently available

Activated – check this box to utilize specific function
Interval (Minutes) - allows users to specify time period between execution for that function
Last Executed - date and time stamp batch performed this task
Disable From and Disable To – allows users to suspend transaction by a date range
Use Times – check this box to use specific run times instead of time intervals
Times to Run – enter in specific times for process to run.
User ID – Not currently used

If any transaction is added or edited, users will receive a message to manually run batch at time
of exit. If the user clicks on the “Yes” button, all batch processed will be performed at that time. If
the user clicks on the “NO” button, changes will be saved and batch will run the function as
defined in scheduled times.

Batch EDI Maintenance

If using the ‘Poll for EDI Transaction’ function, it is necessary to set up parameters and file paths
in the EDI Maintenance screen. Current EDI transactions supported by Amtech are: 850INB,
830INB, 860INB, 855OUTB, 810OUTB, 810INB (Imaginera to Imaginera), 856INB, 856OUTB,
947INB and 947OUTB. Activating EDI requires a License key which is issued by Amtech. If the
client has not purchased the license key, users will receive a Security error message below and
will be denied access to the EDI set up screen. To purchase a License key please call the main
Amtech office at (215) 639-9540.

Once the key has been applied to the database implementing and using EDI with Imaginera will
become available. Please see Imaginera’s EDI documentation for detailed information.

Other electronic interfaces are set up and maintained in the EDI screen which will also require the
license key. Examples of these transactions are Credit Card and A/P Checks.

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The module works the same as Batch.exe. A copy has been branched in order to run the
function “Import MFG, Adj, Bin Trans, & Whs Trans(Table)” without the possible interruption from
other active batch functions since this function must be continuously running.

This function is an interface with a 3rd party system with which the customer creates a moved to
finished goods transaction and prints load tags from Imaginera. The process imports MFG, Adj,
Bin Trans, & Whs Trans to the Batch Function screen in the form of a flat file. When activated,
based on the interval and last executed time, the process will execute.

The process will be displayed on the Batch Function screen with the date and time of the next
execution process.

Error Log
Transactions not updated for any reason will be listed on the inventory import error log screen
with a descriptive message of the error reason. Display the error log by pushing the error log
button. From time to time transactions errors should be removed from the log via the purge

See the BatchMFG and Related Logic document for further details

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Batch Functions
The ASCBatch application is used to automatically import or export ASCII file data into and out of
the Imaginera System and into or out of the Corporate System on a set schedule. The first
screen shows the batch processes that have been set up and are currently activated and running.
See the A/R Consolidation document and Lockbox document for a full explanation of ASCBatch

Using the screen:

This screen contains three main buttons; Maintain, Start and Cancel. Maintain allows users to
add or modify batch transactions. Start will manually trigger all displayed batch transactions to
run. Cancel will exit out of the program.


ASCBatch.exe is a program that is run on the server, 7 days 24 hours. This program has
functionality that has to be on at all times. For the batch file to operate on a set schedule, the
application must be left open. Click the minimize button in the upper right corner of the screen.
The screen will minimize and display at the bottom of the monitor as a button labeled Batch
Functions (Paused). When a scheduled event time arrives, the event will take place.

If a user logs into the batch program and does not click on the Maintain button the batch process
will be active. If any batch function has been set up and the date/time criteria have been
exceeded, the program will poll for new batch transactions set up on that database. For this
reason it is important to deactivate batch functions when creating a new test database.
Screen shows the Function to be run, Date and Time of the next run, and the interval between
runs. These are set on the Batch Functions screen.

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Path: AscBatch.exe >> Import/Export ASCii Files

Batch Maintenance

This screen is used for setting the timing and activation of the batch processes that are run from
the Import/Export Ascii Files screen. Screen will show the last time and date that a function was
run. User cannot add a function, but rather can activate an existing built-in function. Contact
Amtech Customer Service if new functions are required.

Function – list of transaction types currently available

Activated – check this box to utilize specific function
Last Executed - date and time stamp batch performed this task

If any transaction is added or edited, users will receive a message to manually run batch at time
of exit. If the user clicks on the “Yes” button, all batch processed will be performed at that time. If
the user clicks on the “NO” button, changes will be saved and batch will run the function as
defined in scheduled times.

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Batch Monitor
The screen is used for launching the CIM Import and Batch operations. It is necessary that CIM
Import or the Batch application is open in order for the functions selected in those modules to run.
This application will open those applications so that the functions can be performed.

Using the screen:

This screen contains two button; Launch Batch and Cancel. Launch Batch will log user into
batch.exe (corrugated clients) or FCBatch.exe (Folding clients) to allow user to set up the CIM
Import and batch operations. The Cancel button will exit user from this module.

Batch Notes

Batch operations could slow normal operations since each function polls for transactions and
updates the database. When setting up batch functions make sure to leave enough time
between intervals so multiple instances do not occur. Also check when creating new transactions
and avoid running multiple transaction sets simultaneously.

Recommendation: If experiencing time-outs or slow data saving or retrieval, then either

temporary remove the batch processes or schedule for non-critical hours. If one or more
processes are proving to be giving difficulties, then immediately contact Amtech Customer
Service with the batch process name and times run.

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Hours to Minutes Conversion Chart
1 = 60
2 = 120
3 = 180
4 = 240
5 = 300
6 = 360
7 = 420
8 = 480
9 = 540
10 = 600
11 = 660
12 = 720
13 = 780
14 = 840
15 = 900
16 = 960
17 = 1020
18 = 1080
19 = 1140
20 = 1200
21 = 1260
22 = 1320
23 = 1380
24 = 1440

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