Inventory Counting

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Counting Inventory

**** See end of document for Company table set up

& Make sure your bins are marked COUNTABLE****


Access the main inventory screen and choose count button.

2) All counts are warehouse specific; this way you could have multiple counts going on
at different warehouses at the same time. Choose the warehouse the count is taking
place in and access the count button. This will take you into the Count screen.
3) Select the type of inventory to count
a) Choose custom count, this is the best way to set up a count.. If you choose
cycle count you must have your items set to cycle count (a,b,c,d). If you cycle
count and have the system select items to cycle count, but cancel count,
system will think they were counted.
b) Choose to count BINS or ITEMS. Bins will only allow you to select bin(s) to
count and items will only allow you to select items to count.
c) Select the check to use count tags. Count tags are internal numbers assigned
internally to each Imaginera load tag ticket. Enter a range of Tag Control
Numbers 1-32000. (max number is 32,767)
d) The Effective Date will default to today’s date; you may change this if you are
saving this count today but Freezing and performing the counting tomorrow.
e) Narrow your item selection by the Item Selection criteria fields, if counting
ITEMS. (You can repeat several times to capture specific items after moving
items to selected area)
f) Bin selection, most times you will select Normal, however you may count
WIP as a separate count, not advised to mix together in a count.
g) If counting BINS- Select a Bin or Bin range (You can repeat several times to
capture specific bins after moving bins to selected area)
h) Use the Arrow pointing to the right to move the selected item to the big white
box “selected” box. If an item/bin appears on list that you do not want to
count, click on it and highlight it blue then click on the pencil eraser to delete
that item form you list.
i) If everything looks good in your “selected” list click on the SAVE button.
This will issue it a count number. Click on print to print out list of selected
j) Final step is to click on the FREEZE button- this will freeze all inventory
selected at that moment and time stamp all units frozen. Any changes or
movement to inventory after this Freeze time will NOT effect the frozen
k) Close out of screen
4) You may wish to print out a Count Sheets to manually record your count information
if you are not using batch guns or top gun equipment. From the main Cycle Counting
screen high light the row of the count you are working on and click on the print button.
Choose “count work sheet” and print out, you may wish to sort in a way that makes it
easier to count, such as Item Description.
5) The next step after counting all your product, is to POST. Highlight your count on the
main screen and select the post button. Posting the count brings in current selected
Imaginera Inventory for the count and allows you to enter in items counted OR use Batch
Guns/Top Gun equipment with Physical.exe to import the counted inventory into the post
screen. Click on search to bring up all your items included in your count, note status will
be new.
a) Control # - This is auto generated from Imaginer and is just the sequential
numbering system that is assigned to each Imaginera ticket number.
b) Ticket # - The Imaginera ticket number assigned to the unit.
c) Order # - Order number that is associated with the unit, manufactured under.
d) Part # - The part number, all single item specs will be 1. If it is part of a product
structure could be 0, 1,2 ,3 4 ect.
e) Vendor ID – If unit was purchased the vendor number will show.
f) Item # - the spec number (all start with Z or ZM) or if a inventory item the item
number will show.
g) Item Name- The spec description or Item description
h) Bin # - The bin the unit was in when the count was frozen
i) Qty – the quantity of the unit when the count was frozen
j) Height – If counting by height (measure count) you will enter in information here
k) Status-
a. ‘Counted’ status means that unit ticket was counted and compared to selected
system bin record.
b. ‘New’ status means ticket was not counted and will be adjust out of the system
when finalized. You may verify that the unit should have been counted and enter
actual qty verified. There will be a variance if qty entered is different from system
count on the reports.
c. ‘Void’ selected tags not counted I(had a status of NEW then rolled will change to
VOID) will exclude those tags from physical adjustments.
d. ‘Counted’ indicates unit was counted and recorded in this screen.

6) If you plan to manually enter in information in this screen from count sheets, you need
to enter in the quantity and or change the bin of each item. You must touch each record
(line) so the status will be changed to counted. Remember any item left with a status of
NEW will be changed to a status of VOID. If you want to keep track of people counting
and information entered, enter in the persons name in Counted By box and click the
button assign. This will place their name on the items counted before you have save.
When done making some or all of the changes you must SAVE your work. If using
scanning equipment- see section at end of document.

7) Select Roll-Up. This changes the status of all items to rolled. If all tags are not counted then

you will get a warning.

8) The status of all counted will say ROLLED and any ticket that had new will be VOID.

9) To change a VOID ticket-

a) Select a ticket that was rolled and reenter the qty so the status changes from
b) Highlight the row(s) of the VOIDED tag you wish to change to NEW.
c) Select the word Action at the top of the screen, then Reactivate Selected
Voided Tags.
d) Enter in count and or change bin so status will change to COUNTED
f) Click on the Roll up button again to roll up.

10) Highlight your count from the main screen and select print. Select Reconciliation
Report. This will print out a report showing what was counted and what was not as well
as your variance percentage. Select the appropriate check boxes as will as the radio
button on how you want it sorted. Zero cost and quantity variance means that what was
frozen in your count was counted. Negative numbers means items were not counted.
Positive numbers mean you found inventory that was more then frozen in the count. If
unacceptable or not correct go back to your POST screen and fix counts.
11) From the main screen highlight your count and select Reconcile.
12) This screen is used to write all information to item history as well as make all final
adjustments to inventory.

13) In the Reconcile screen select the button search. This will bring out all your items
that were frozen in the count. Top part the screen shows the items and the bottom part
shows the highlighted items activities. First line is the freeze, second line is the count and
third line will be the adjustment.

14) You can reconcile each line one at a time or reconcile all at once, which is most
common. To reconcile all-
a) In the reconcile screen click on the word Action.
b) Select Pre Adjust all discrepancies
c) When completed you will get the following message
15) In your reconcile screen again, select search. This will show all changes to the
highlighted item. On the line (Event) that has the Physical Adjustment with a transaction
quantity in RED will be an adjustment down in inventory, GREEN will be an adjustment
up in inventory. No Physical Adjustment line means what was frozen was counted, zero

16) You can print out a report one final time if needed, one you finalize you will not be
able to print any reports related to the count.

17) Click on the FINALIZE button to finalize count, which will write all the records to
inventory history and make adjustments. VERY IMPORTANT- Depending on the
number of units in your count and the amount of adjustments this could take some time.
Best to finalize on a computer you will not need for a while, in other words don’t touch
the computer and don’t have things running in the back ground. Sometimes the screen
will go white, don’t panic, give the system time. When the system is completed you will

get a successful message.


Physical program used to count and import into count program.


1) You can run this program on any computer, lap top, or forklift unit or anything
that has connection to the Imaginera database.
2) Log into program. You may have several people running this program counting
the same count or multiple counts.

3) Select options, go into Options and set your Type and Measurement (Most likely
TAG and Quantity)
i. TAG- Used when scanning Imaginera FG tags
ii. Miscellaneous- used when counting items flagged as misc.
iii. Roll Stock- when scanning corrugated roll stock
iv. Work in Progress- when counting WIP tags
i. Quantity- When using ticket qty of FG tags
ii. Height- used when measure counting
iii. Diameter – Corrrugated rolls diameter
iv. Lineal Feet – using LF for corrugated rolls
v. Weight – used weight (tons) for corrugated rolls
4) Decide if you ALWAYS want to be prompted for location and quantity (Blue is
OFF and Gray is ON.) You can switch back and forth at any time during your
count manually. That way if you come across a bale with less then what the tag
says you can change your settings and input a quantity if you don’t have it set to
always prompt you.

5) Enter in the path and file name of the text file you will export from this computer.
You will want each computer that is used for counting to have a different file
name. Examples: andycount.txt, billcount.txt, forklift1.txt the path and folder
name must be valid, then add you file name with dot txt after it.
6) If you want all uses to be exported every time they export turn on Export All
Users, not recommended.
7) Click OK when done, make sure you set up every computer for counting!
Suggestion that each one have a unique and recognizable Export File name.
8) Select LOCATION to set warehouse and bin to count.

9) Click OK when bin is selected

10) Scan ticket number and continue to scan all units in Bin location. If you need to
change location or Quantity, click on the small buttons in the lower right.
11) All items scanned will remain on screen until the export button is pressed. You
may export as many times as you want. Best to set some sort of limit with the
person counted so they know how often to export. When exported this message

will appear.
12) In the Count program in Imaginera bring up your count and return to the POST
13) In post screen go to the menu option, file, then import scanned tags. This will
import .txt file from scanned count to compare with Imaginera count.

14) In the Name space enter in the information of who counted it (optional)
15) Click on the Browse button and find the file to import. After file is imported
system will change the .txt extension to a .bak.
16) Click OK to bring in counted tags to Post screen
17) Then go to File and Print out “Print Import Scanned Tags” to see if any tags did
not get imported into the count in Imaginera, or other problems. Make sure to
select the check box Printed Non Interfaced Tags (errors)
Print import scanned tags-
If you select Print Interfaced Tags you will see all tags that will flow into the post screen
and be flagged as counted

Error Messages-
Item not included in count - You froze this count but did not select this item to be
included in the count and you scanned the load tag. Was this tag scanned by mistake or
should it have been included in the count. (Cannot add tag once count is frozen)
Invalid Tag No – The Tag number does not exist in Imaginera and was not moved to
finish goods. Get bin location, order number and quantity, enter in post screen by adding
and this will create unit as counted. (Tag must have been created in loadtag.exe)
Quantity cannot be empty – The load tag scanned was either adjusted down or shipped
out. You will need to look in the History for that tag number find the last quantity
adjusted down (Or have someone find the unit and get the actual quantity on hand) and
add the unit back into the post screen, which will recreate the unit.
Bin not Included in count – The bin you scanned for this unit was not included in count,
either the bin was not marked as a NORMAL bin if counting by items or the bin was not
selected if counting by bins.
Company table Set Up

If you want the quantity that is associated with the unit ticket number to flow in from
using the Physical.exe or Batch Gun you must check the box in Company Table>
Inventory > Default Quantity During Entry.
Special Feature to Consolidate Inventory to ONE ticket at FREEZE

By checking the Summarize Count at Freeze in the Warehouse General Tab of an item,
this will consolidate any tickets for this item into one. If this item is controlled it will roll
any tickets in inventory into the next available ticket number. This feature was developed
because in a multi-plant database. Plant #1 had the units controlled but when the units
were warehouse transferred to the plant #2, plant #2 did not want to control each unit.
Plant #2 wanted the units to be un-controlled and only wanted to manually count the total
amount, not by each ticket number using the count work sheets.

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