2024 RC Study Guide
2024 RC Study Guide
2024 RC Study Guide
Learning Guide
Module Name:
Reinforced Concrete Design 3 (RCSCIA3)
© All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 98 of 1978, no
part of this material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or used in any form or be published, redistributed or screened by any
means electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the University of Johannesburg.
Table of Contents
1. Administrative details.................................................................................3
1.1 Welcome............................................................................................................... 3
1. Administrative details.
1.1 Welcome.
Dear Learner,
Welcome to the Department of Civil Engineering Technology and specific to the module Reinforced
Concrete Design 3 (RCSCIA3). This guide aims to show you all that you need in order to pass this
subject in terms of:
- what you need to know,
- what you need to do,
- how you will be assessed and
- what the specific requirements are to pass this module
The rules and regulations of both the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment as well as
the University of Johannesburg apply to this module.
Class attendance is compulsory. Lecturing time is limited; therefore, punctuality is vital, students
must be seated in the classroom prior to the start of each lecturing session. Students turning up late
for lectures create a disturbance as the classes are full. Therefore, access to the venue will be
1.3.3 Plagiarism.
Cheating during tests and any other assessment will not be tolerated and will be dealt with very
This includes: the use of crib notes in the tests.
Copying from another learner/s – similarities with another’s work.
Use of any means that will unfairly affect your performance in a test.
If found guilty, you could be expelled from the University.
Please note that ALL assessments are compulsory. The granting of deferred or aegrotat (Sick Test)
assessment opportunities will be considered by the relevant committee at the Department of Civil
Engineering Technology (DCET) for students who, in the event of illness, compassionate reasons,
religious grounds, or for similar legitimate reasons, were prevented from attending an assessment
opportunity. Students may be granted a deferred assessment opportunity if they apply for it within
three calendar days after the original date of the relevant assessment opportunity. The departmental
assessment committee will consider all applications and decide whether to grant the deferred
assessment opportunity. The committee has determined the procedure for and manner of such
application in accordance with university procedure.
The DCET Assessment Committee may grant a student deferred assessment opportunity for the
following reasons:
A sick note/medical certificate that includes the date of the missed assessment or
laboratory/practical session should be provided. Sick notes that do not include the date of the
missed assessment will not be considered.
The issuing doctor must be registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa
(HPCSA). Certificates from registered traditional healers will be considered. Certificates from
other registered professionals who are not doctors (e.g., Dental Therapists or Optometrists) will
not be accepted.
The sick note should include the contact details (contactable telephone number and e-mail
address) of the doctor. The sick note will only be accepted after communication with the doctor
to verify its authenticity. The sick note will not be accepted if the doctor cannot be contacted.
Students who are admitted to the hospital must notify the departmental secretary within three (3)
calendar days (after the missed assessment or practical) to submit (e-mail) their sick note. In
such cases, proof of hospital admission is required.
Any certificates obtained from professionals who may be family members or friends, and which
may constitute a conflict of interest will not be accepted by the University.
A student who is not able to take an assessment on a religious Holy day recognized by the
University of Johannesburg must submit a letter of support for his/her application for a deferred
assessment from the religious leader of their faith.
In the case of a funeral or the death of a close family member, the application must be accompanied
by a sworn statement (affidavit) outlining the relationships and circumstances together with other
supporting documents that may be appropriate (i.e., a death certificate).
If a student expects to be absent in advance, a temporary leave of absence must be applied for at the
FEBE Faculty Office. This applies, for example, to students who may need to be away from campus
to represent the University - or perhaps the country - in some important sporting event, such as the
Olympics, or academic event, such as a conference. Temporary leave of absence will be granted
depending on the merits of each individual case.
NB: Temporary leave of absence must be applied for in advance through the FEBE Faculty
Office. It is never granted retrospectively.
Reasons such as attendance at music festivals and family holiday plans are not considered valid
reasons for a temporary leave of absence, so don’t make plans that clash with the University
A deferred assessment application form should be submitted to the departmental secretary with
a sworn statement detailing why the assessment or practical was missed. This should include
detailed evidence. The application must be submitted to the departmental secretary within seven
days after the missed assessment or practical. Applications submitted after seven days will NOT
be considered.
Applications for a deferred or aegrotat assessment from students who missed the assessment due
to arrangements that could have been made for another time (e.g., Driver’s License test) will not
be considered.
Attendance of Cleansing Ceremonies will not be considered a valid reason for missing an
Each application will be considered by the relevant Departmental Committee. Further evidence
may be requested. General.
The granting of deferred assessments or sick tests will be determined by the relevant
Departmental Committee. The student will be informed of the decision by the departmental
secretary. This decision is not negotiable.
An acceptable sick note must contain at least the date(s) of the examination by/consultation with
the medical practitioner/registered physiologist, the name of the student, and a clear diagnosis of
the illness (headache, diarrhea, stomach cramps are symptoms, not illnesses). An indication of
the duration of the illness with dates of inability to attend classes/assessments.
Students may not miss more than one assessment or laboratory practical per module per
semester. The deferred assessment at the end of the semester will cover marks for only one
Students who are granted the deferred assessment or “sick test” will be required to sit for an
assessment at the end of the semester, which will be on the entire syllabus (not only on the work
pertaining to the assessment missed).
The lecturer will inform students who qualify for the “sick test” of the venue and time. This
information may be included in the module Study Guide.
A student will only be permitted to submit a single application to write a deferred/sick test for a
particular test, i.e., a student may not apply to write a sick test for a sick test already applied for.
Students’ entitlement to a deferred assessment opportunity lapses if they fail to use the
opportunity by being absent during the scheduled date for the assessment.
Deferred assessment is not a mark improvement opportunity. It is reserved for students with
justifiable reasons like the ones stated above. Abuse of this opportunity may result in
disciplinary action.
If any fraudulent certificates are found, the module will be failed, and the case will be reported
to the University Ethics Committee.
The student will be informed electronically as to the outcome of their sick test application.
The DCET Assessment Committee will approve or disapprove any application without further
consideration of the student’s academic performance.
**NB: These rules and regulations only apply to modules taught at the Civil Engineering
Technology Department. They do not apply to Service Modules such as Mathematics,
Communication, etc.
A student may apply to write a deferred test that he/she missed due to illness, a funeral that
he/she attended, or any valid reasons mentioned above.
The student must print and fill out the deferred test application form attached to the module
study guide and attach the original medical certificate or certified copies of relevant documents
as stated previously.
Submit the documents (Application form and supporting documents) to the lecturer and to
office F114 of the departmental secretary as soon as possible, within seven (7) days after the
assessment has been written. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
All Sick Tests / deferred assessments for all first-semester modules will be written during the
departmental deferred tests week. No alternative dates or times can be arranged in cases where
deferred assessment dates or times clash.
All students who qualify to write the deferred assessments will be informed by their respective
lecturers within a month of submitting the application.
2 Programme information.
2.1 Programme name:
BEngTech: Civil Engineering - B6CV0Q
3. Module information.
3.1 Module name and code.
Reinforced Concrete Design 3 (RCSCIA3).
3.2 Entry prerequisites.
Theory of Structures 1B - TSTCIB1.
3.3 Duration of the module.
One (1) Semester.
4 Teaching and learning strategy.
4.1 Teaching strategy.
The teaching strategy enables students to apply the theoretical knowledge to design reinforced
concrete members to SANS 10100 – 1 Ed. 2.02 (2000).
4.2 Mode of delivery.
Theory is offered in contact classes, and a practical component is offered in the laboratory.
4.3 Prescribed Textbooks.
The prescribed books for this module are as follows:
Reinforced Concrete Design to SANS 10100-1:2000 by G. Parrott.
The Structural use of Concrete Part 1: Design SANS 10100-1 Ed. 2.02 (2000).
Basis of Structural Design and Actions for Buildings and Industrial Structures. Part 1: Basis of
Structural Design – SANS 10160-1:2010.
4.4 Mode of delivery.
Contact classes on the dates indicated below:
Simply supported beams.
Continuous beams.
Design of Beams.
Week 2 19 February 2024 10h30 onwards
Combined shear and Torsion.
Week 3 26 February 2024 10h30 onwards Deflection.
Design of Slabs.
Analysis for solid slabs.
Week 4 4 March 2024 10h30 onwards
Analysis for flat slabs.
Design for flexure.
Week 5 11 March 2024 10h30 onwards Design for Shear.
Other slab systems.
Week 6 18 March 2024 10h30 onwards
Week Lecturing Date Time Lecture Topic.
Mid semester Vacation 21 March to 31 March 2024
Columns and Arches.
Week 7 2 April 2024 10h30 onwards Bracing.
Effective Height.
Week 8 8 April 2024 10h30 onwards Slenderness.
Design axial load.
15 April 2024 10h30 onwards Design moment.
Week 9 Longitudinal reinforcement.
Other considerations.
19 April 2024 Test RC beams
Week 10 22 April 2024 10h30 onwards Isolated bases.
Combined bases.
Week 11 29 April 2024 10h30 onwards Strapped bases.
Retaining Walls.
Week 12 6 May 2024 10h30 onwards Types.
Components of a retaining wall.
Week 13 13 May 2024 10h30 onwards Modules of failure.
Soil parameters.
Applied pressures.
Week 14 20 May 2024 10h30 onwards Design approach.
To successfully pass this module, a student must achieve all the requirements of the GA3, and get
an aggregate accumulative mark of at least 50%.
If a student fails the practical (GA3) for the 1st opportunity, he/she will be given a 2nd opportunity
(supplementary) to rectify his/her project. The mark will then be capped at 50% as per UJ’s
supplementary policy. If a student fails the 2nd opportunity (supplementary) of the practical (GA3),
he/she fails this module outright. The student’s test marks will then be lowered to 30% regardless of
what he/she has obtained in the tests.
Students with an average mark of between 40% and 49% will be granted the opportunity to write a
supplementary test on all the learning outcomes at the end of the semester. The mark of this test is
capped at 50%.
Feedback, by means of discussing the memorandum, will be given after each test. Students with
marks incorrectly allocated must bring it to the attention of the lecturer within two working days
after the feedback session.
On approval from the DCET Assessment Committee, students who are absent during a test will
write a supplementary test (sick test) on all the learning outcomes at the end of the semester. The
supplementary test will be partly open book and will be assessed on campus under UJ’s
examination criteria. A venue will be announced. The following is allowed into this test:
3 x A4 pages per test with personal notes
The Structural use of Concrete Part 1: Design SANS 10100-1 Ed. 2.02 (2000).
Basis of Structural Design and Actions for Buildings and Industrial Structures. Part 1: Basis of
Structural Design – SANS 10160-1:2010.
Students who obtained an aggregate mark between 40% to 49% will be granted a supplementary
test. The supplementary test will be partly open book and will be assessed on campus under UJ’s
examination criteria. A venue will be announced. The following is allowed into this test:
3 x A4 pages per test with personal notes.
The Structural use of Concrete Part 1: Design SANS 10100-1 Ed. 2.02 (2000).
Basis of Structural Design and Actions for Buildings and Industrial Structures. Part 1: Basis of
Structural Design – SANS 10160-1:2010.
The practical (GA3) criteria are set in paragraph 5 of the study guide.
The practical mark cannot be carried over from previous years for repeating students.
Marks will be deducted for handing in projects late.
4.8Assessment schedule.
Date Assessment name Learning Outcomes
13 March 2024 @ 12h10 Test 1 RC Beam
10 April 2024 @ 12h10 Test 2 RC Slab and Column
2 May 2024 @ 9h45 Test 3 RC Foundation and Retaining Wall
Handing in practical
29 April 2024 @ 8h00
RC Beam. RC Slab and Column. RC
6 May 2024 @ 8h30 Supplementary Test
Foundation and Retaining Wall
4.9Examples for this module.
Previous year’s tests and examination papers will be posted on Moodle.
The practical component of this module (Reinforced Concrete Design 3, RCSCIA3) serves the
purpose of evaluating Graduate Attribute 3 (Engineering Design).
Student groups, consisting of no more than 10 students must analyze, design, and construct a
reinforced concrete beam which will demonstrate the following:
After the design and construction of the beam, the beam will be loaded until failure, measuring the
load applied and vertical deflection.
Each student must report his/her own findings in an individual report as below:
o Permanent load (dead) = 13kN
o Imposed load (live) = 21kN
Group 6 - Third Span Line Load
o Permanent load (dead) = 45kN
o Imposed load (live) = 14kN
Group 7 - Mid Span Line Load
o Permanent load (dead) = 13kN
o Imposed load (live) = 39kN
Group 8 – Third Span Line Load
o Permanent load (dead) = 52kN
o Imposed load (live) = 33kN
Group 9 - Mid Span Line Load
o Permanent load (dead) = 35kN
o Imposed load (live) = 45kN
Group 10 - Third Span Line Load
o Permanent load (dead) = 52kN
o Imposed load (live) = 65kN
Group 11 – Mid Span Line Load
o Permanent load (dead) = 55kN
o Imposed load (live) = 73kN
Group 12 - Third Span Line Load
o Permanent load (dead) = 114kN
o Imposed load (live) = 84kN
Group 13 – Mid Span Line Load
o Permanent load (dead) = 0kN
o Imposed load (live) = 0kN
resistance of the problem. problem. which is justified. and develops a and develops a
beam from 1st logical plan. compelling plan.
principles. Also, by
means of computer
Implementing Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate the Demonstrate Demonstrate
Design Strategy minimal or no some ability to ability to execute a skillful ability to expert ability to
Compile drawings ability to execute execute a solution to the execute a solution execute a solution
of the RC beam and a solution to the solution to the design problem or to the design to the design
bending schedule design problem or design problem process. problem or problem or
process. or process. process. process.
Evaluating Final Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate the Demonstrate Demonstrate
Design minimal or no some ability to ability to assess skillful ability to expert ability to
Compile the ability to assess assess the the functioning of assess the assess the
Load/Deflection the functioning of
functioning of the design. functioning of the functioning of the
graph from the the design.
experimental test the design. design. design.
and discuss.
Report the failure
mode during the
experimental test
and discuss how the
design can bettered.
Technical Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate the Demonstrate Demonstrate
Communication minimal or no some ability to ability to skillful ability to expert ability to
Compiling a report ability to communicate communicate the communicate the communicate the
on all the above
communicate the the design logic design logic and design logic and design logic and
design logic and and relevant relevant relevant relevant
relevant information in a information in a information in a information in a
information in a technical report technical report. technical report technical report
technical report
GA Achieved Yes No
Assessor Moderator
Assessment criteria/
Learning unit: Topic Learning outcomes: Assessment Activity/Task
Graduate attribute
Action verbs (Based on Bloom’s taxonomy).
Action verbs are used to assist you in the completion of the required activities, assignments
and/or tests/exams.
Table 1: Action verbs used to assist you in the completion of the required activities.