Pse104 Midterm Reviewer

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where changes and other

developments naturally occur.

 It may be an actual physical
 Refers to theory, conception,
premise, or assumption that
simplifies our understanding of
public policies.
Chapter 3:
Models & Categories Uses of Models in Public Policy

of Public Policy 1. Simplify our thinking of public

Models & Public Policy
2. Identify important aspects of
 One of the critical areas that its most policy problems that exist in
students should consider is the the community;
practical model or approaches that
3. Focus on the essential features
are often used in explaining the
of public policy;
discipline of policy science.
 These models typically provide the 4. Suggest explanations for public
students with the necessary policy; and
introduction to the intricate 5. Direct the effort to crafting
theories and concepts of public better public policy, which is
policy and offer them the best normally the objective of the
foundation in the study of the institutions involved in enacting
discipline. appropriate rules and regulations.

Models Models in Public Policy

 The simplified representation of 1. INSTITUTIONAL MODEL
some aspects of the real world.
- Government institutions as
(Thomas Dye, 2010)
the source of public policies,
 A concept or an idea that serves to
which are considered the
explain the characteristics and
government's rational
features of the actual environment
response to the demands of
the people.
legislators, bureaucrats,
2. PROCESS MODEL interest groups, parties, and
- Public policy as a product governments seek to
of a series of steps or maximize their benefits in
processes. politics and the marketplace.


- Public policy as a result of - Responds to a political
the competition between system to the demands
several groups that try to arising from its environment.
sway the government's - Plays a vital role in
actions in their favor. transforming the inputs to
considerable outputs.
- Reflects the governing Characteristics of a Good
elite's values and preferences. Policy Model

5. RATIONAL MODEL According to Daniel McCool (1995)

- Public policy as something - Validity
that results from the best - Economy
alternative. - Testability
- Organization
- Public policy must not - Causal Explanation
result from the "hurry and - Predictability
strife" of life. - Relevance
- Usefulness
- Provide the people with - Power
incremental gains focusing - Reliability
more on public policy - Objectivity
contributions. - Honesty


- Policy actors like voters,
taxpayers, candidates,
According to Thomas Dye (2010) 4. SELF-REGULATORY POLICY
- Order & simplify reality - Very similar to the regulatory
- Identify what is significant policy.
- Be congruent with reality
- Some sectors in society resort to
- Provide meaningful communication self-regulation to contain the conduct of
- Direct inquiry and research
its members.
- Suggest explanation
Categories of Public Policy
- The government's deliberate
effort to shift the allocation of wealth,
income, property, or rights among broad
- Explicitly concerned with the classes or groups.
establishment of the structure of the
Chapter 4:
- Type of policy that is nonetheless
concerned with state-building. Policymakers & their
- Allocating services or benefits to Policy System
the particular segments of the population. - Concept of the policy system
- Involves the use or allocation of describes the study of public policy
public funds to selected individuals, as a complex web of
groups, or communities. interconnected elements that are
composed of the environment,
political system, and public policy.
3. REGULATORY POLICY - the public policy system is the
- Impositions of restrictions or overall institutional pattern within
limitations on individuals and groups' which policies are made (Dunn, 2010)
behavior. - Involves three major elements:
(a) Public Policies
- Reduce the freedom or discretion (b) Policy Environment
to act of those regulated. (c) Policy Stakeholders
- Policy system synthesizes the
interrelationships of the major
components of the system. (Mendoza, 2002)
Components of Policy System - A long series of more or less
related choices.
1. POLICY ENVIRONMENT - Made by governmental bodies and
- Includes the forces and conditions officials.
in the environment that affect - Public policy as a policy system
policymaking. component is described as either as
- Consists of specific contexts in "output-oriented" or "process-
which events surrounding a oriented" concepts.
particular policy issue occur. (a) As an "output-oriented"
- A continuing process and persists concept, public policy is viewed as
through times as long as the a series of related choices or
government and the public exist as decisions that the government
it supplies the feedback whether or renders in providing effective
not the government’s actions are solutions to the community's
meeting the demands of the problem.
general public. (b) The "process-oriented"
concept of public policy is an
extremely complex political process
- They are also known as the
with no beginning or end and
“policy actors”, “policymakers”, or
transcends even the unknown
“policy implementers”.
- Refer to the individuals or groups
which have a stake in policies
because they affect and are
Characteristics of
affected by governmental decisions. Policymakers
- The final product of the entire 1. ACCORDING TO ANDERSON
policymaking process is certainly
considered the reflection of the (a) Legislative Dept.
influential policy actors' interests. - It is the primary institution
- Policy stakeholders as the official involved in the formulation of public
and unofficial policymakers.
policies in the government.
(a) The official policymakers are the
actors who are directly involved in (b) Executive Dept.
the policymaking process,
- Plays an indispensable role
(b) while the unofficial policymakers
in the formulation of public policies
are members of civil society.
(Anderson, 2010) and makes the final signature in the
government's entire process of
(c) Judicial Dept. 2. ACCORDING TO BIRKLAND (2011)
- Performs this function (a) Legislative Dept.
through its power of judicial review.
- considered the major policy
(d) Administrative Agencies actors in the government whose
primary function is to propose and
- Also considered primary
enact public policies.
institutions in the policymaking
process in the government. Their (b) Executive Dept.
involvement in drafting the
- The president heads it in
proposed public policies at the many democratic countries, which
committee level.
serves as a conduit to the
(e) Interest Groups legislative department in the
government's policymaking process.
- Perform an interest
articulation function that demands (c) Judicial Dept.
from the government the resolution
- Function is manifested
of a particular policy problem.
through the power of judicial
(f) Political Parties review, which guarantees all law
remains within the constitution's
- Perform their function of being
unofficial policymakers during an boundaries.
election. (d) Individual Citizens
(g) Communications Media - Not as viable as the other
policy actor because only a handful
- Provider of information and
transmits them in a fast, efficient of them are seen participating in
community discussions and
and reliable manner to the public.
(h) Individual Citizens
(e) Interest Groups
- “Option of last resort”
- Rapidly expanded to the
- They are so powerful that the point that they are now considered
constitution recognizes them to one of the fundamental unofficial
perform some functions relative to participants in the policymaking
the policymaking process. process.
(f) Political Parties manner with little or no cost at all
to the general public.
- Considered as yet another
important unofficial participant in
the policymaking process. Policy Environment
- Functions in the policy loop are:
(a) Provide the voting public
- Attributes which the government
with the ideas in exercising
exhibits. It includes the features of
their right to suffrage by the
the government, like separation of
label or personality which
powers between the branches of
political parties are known.
(b) Provide how a shift in the
preferences of the voting
public are reflected in the - Composition of the population and
government. the social structure that describes
a specific community's social profile.
(c) Venue for the articulation
and aggregation of the - The composition of the
interests of its members and population.
supporters which can be used - The way the population is
in the future to shape structured in society creates an
legislation in the government. impact on some of the
(g) Think Tanks & Research Orgs government's policies.
- More solution-oriented on the 3. ECONOMIC ASPECT
issues presented to the government - Economy's growth, the distribution
and are equipped with capabilities of wealth in a society, the size and
that can provide the government composition of industry sectors, the
with the needed information. rate of growth of the economy,
(h) Communication Media inflation, and the cost of labor and
raw materials.
- An avenue of providing useful
information to the different policy 4. POLITICAL ASPECT
actors in the government. - Opinion of the general public that
- It communicates relevant serves as the basis of several
information in an efficient and fast government policies.
Policymakers in the 3. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT
Philippines - Another policy participant that
1. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT engages the other policy actors in
the government's policymaking
- Leading policy participant in the
country's policymaking process. It is
distinguished to be the formal - Assigned to interpret the laws.
lawmaking body in any political - In the Philippines, the judicial
system. In the Philippines, the department is divided into regular
bicameral legislative department and special courts.
(Senate and House of
(a) Regular courts (such as
Representatives) can pass and
the Supreme Court, Court of
repeal laws.
Appeals, Regional Trial Court,
2. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Municipal Trial Court)
- It performs the chief legislator's - Perform the regular
function in the government as it functions of the counts, from
initiates the policymaking process resolving conflicts among the
through a policy proposal that the different parties to ruling on the
institution sends to the legislative constitutionality of a specific policy
department. of the government.
- In the Philippines, it is headed by (b) Special courts (Court of
a president who is the head of Tax Appeals, Sandiganbayan,
state and head of government. Sharia Court)
- There is a vice-president who is a - Have technical functions
"spare tire" but may assist the given to them by the statute that
president in the executive created them.
department's administration when
provided with the opportunity.
- Considered official participants in
- Under the president are the
the Philippines' policymaking
cabinet secretaries who head the
different administrative agencies
and act as the chief executive's - Important because of their
alter-ego in their respective offices. proximity to the general public and
the different services that they 4. DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS
regularly provide at the local level.
- Population size, age distribution,
- The local chief executives like the and social divisions, which can
governors, mayors, and the affect government policies.
barangay captains are crucial local
officials in the formulation of
policies at the local level as they
are considered as the chief
legislators of their localities on the
account that they give the final
ascent to the policies before their

Policy Environment in the


- Basic values, attitudes, beliefs, and
orientations that people share in
common on how the government
should relate with the public by
enacting important policies and
delivering the needed programs.
- Combination of social and
economic qualities that
characterize a particular
community's people.
- The application of science in
producing goods and services.

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