Dap An Part 3 Mozil - Actual Test 7

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41. How often does this report come out?

(A) Every afternoon.

(B) Once a week.
(C) Once a month.
(D) Once a year.

42. Who works in overseas sales?

(A) The man.
(B) The woman.
(C) The man's friend.
(D) The woman's friend.

43. When can the man look at the report?

(A) This afternoon.
(B) Tonight.
(C) The following day.
(D) In a week.

Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation.

M: When is (1) the company’s annual report being sent out?
W: As soon as (2) production gets the final figures from (3) our overseas sale department, they can (4) finish it
M: Will that (5) take long? I’m hoping to (6) be able to take a look at it soon.
W: My friend Brent (7) works in overseas sales and he says (8) they’ll be done by tomorrow afternoon.

44. What type of business does the man most likely work in?
(B) Publishing.
(C) Real estate.
(D) Automotive.

45. How did the woman hear about the property?

(A) From a real estate agent.
(B) From a For Sale sign.
(C) From a magazine.
(D) From her husband.

46. How did the woman's husband get to know about the building?
(A) He saw it in the magazine.
(B) He visited the building in person.
(C) He saw the sign by chance.
(D) He's usually interested in real estate.

Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation.

M: (1) That property you told me about would be (2) perfect for the magazine's new office building. Did you
hear about it from (3) a real estate agent?
W: No, actually. (4) My husband happened to mention it one day.
M: .Really? I didn't know (5) he was interested in real estate.
W: He isn't. He was (6) driving through that neighborhood the other day and (7) saw a For Sale sign.

47. Why are they nervous?

(A) They haven't booked a catering company.
(B) The manager isn't in his office.
(C) There have been recent problems with the caterers.
(D) The forecast calls for rain.

48. What are they planning?

(A) A banquet.
(B) A wedding.
(C) A birthday party.
(D) An office party.

49. What did the manager do?

(A) Cancelled the event.
(B) Reassured the woman.
(C) Postponed the banquet.
(D) Argued with the woman.

Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.

M: Did you hear about (1) the catering company we booked for Saturday? Apparently, (2) they had all sorts of
problems last weekend.
W: I know, I heard. (3) I just called their manager about it as a matter of fact.
M: Is everything OK? We really need (4) the banquet to go well this weekend.
W: (5) He assured me that (6) last weekend just a onetime thing.

50. Where does this conversation most likely take place?

(A) In a fashion studio.
(B) In a clothing store.
(C) In a pet store.
(D) In a camera store.

51. What are they doing?

(A) Going shopping.
(B) Displaying the new items.
(C) Closing the store.
(D) Going to work.

52. Why did the woman buy jeans?

(A) They were her favorite color.
(B) They were reasonably priced.
(C) She doesn't like dresses.
(D) To put them on a display rack.

Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.

M: I’m glad that (1) we closed up to do inventory. I’m (2) completely worn out from the sale yesterday.
W: I know. I tried to (3) keep the display racks in order but (4) it was just no use.
M: I actually (5) bought a few things for myself while I was (6) on my break, (7) a sweater and (8) some shirts.
W: I (9) grabbed a couple pairs of jeans. Those (10) prices were just too good to pass up.

53. What is the problem?

(A) It is heavily raining.
(B) They cannot access the computer.
(C) The electricity has gone off.
(D) They cannot watch the game.
54. What caused the problem?
(A) They haven't paid their bills.
(B) The computer blew a fuse.
(C) The weather was really bad.
(D) Telephone poles were cut down.

55. When do they expect to recover the problem?

(A) Before noon.
(B) This afternoon.
(C) When they go to sleep.
(D) Tonight.

Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation.

M: (1) The power has (2) gone out on the entire block.
W: That’s strange. (3) Everything was fine when (4) I went to sleep.
M: There was (5) a storm last night. That’s (6) what must have caused it. Service should (7) be restored by
lunchtime though so (8) I won’t miss the big game later.
W: And I really need to (9) use the computer this afternoon, so (10) that’s a relief.

56. What is the woman doing?

(A) Buying a car.
(B) Renting a van.
(C) Riding a bicycle.
(D) Playing a tape.

57. How many people can sit in a van?

(A) 7.
(B) 8.
(C) 25.
(D) 35.

58. Why does the woman choose the van without the tape deck?
(A) Her children don't like to listen to music.
(B) She doesn't like listening to the radio.
(C.) She doesn't have any cassettes with her.
(D) She can't afford a CD player.

Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation.

M: We (1) charge $25 a day for a four-passenger car and (2) $35 a day for an eight-passenger van.
W: (3) There are seven of us so (4) we’ll need the van. And (5) that’ll be for four days.
M: OK. All our (6) vehicles come with AM/FM radio. Would you prefer (7) one with a tape deck as well?
W: No, (8) that won’t be necessary. I (9) didn’t bring any tape with me.

59. Where do the speakers most likely work?

(A) At an energy corporation.
(B) At a newspaper.
(C) At an airport.
(D) At a government office.

60. What are they talking about?

(A) Wind power.
(B) New sources of energy.
(C) The head of a company.
(D) An industry conference.

61. What must the woman do first?

(A) Give a speech.
(B) Attend a conference.
(C) Write some reports.
(D) Meet the CEO.

Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation.

M: Are you going to be (1) at the industry conference next week Donna?
W: (2) I haven’t decided yet. I guess (3) it depends on who’s speaking. Do you know (4) what’s on the
M: The CEO of (5) a wind power company is (6) giving a speech on new sources of energy.
W: That sounds interesting. (7) I might stop by if (8) I can get my reports finished by then.

62. What did the woman buy?

(A) A new stereo.
(B) New speakers.
(C) A stereo shop.
(D) A box.

63. What is the woman's opinion of the new stereos in the store?
(A) They are of poor quality.
(B) They are too complicated.
(C) They should come with a free set of speakers.
(D) They are moderately priced.

64. Who is most likely the man?

(A) A doctor.
(B) A mechanic.
(C) A colleague.
(D) A music teacher.

Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation.

M: Hey there, (1) what have you got in that box?
W: I've (2) just been to the stereo shop. I finally bought (3) that brand new set of speakers I've been talking
M: Really? (4) You bought a new stereo? (5) What kind is it? (6) How much was it?
W: No, no. (7) I just bought some speakers. My old system (1) works fine. Besides, (8) some of the new models
they've (9) got break too easily.

65. Why can't the parts get in on time?

(A) Price.
(B) Quantity.
(C) Scarcity.
(D) Lazy shippers.

66. How will the man be able to receive the parts at an earlier time?
(A) By getting it delivered express.
(B) By dealing with a closer factory.
(C) By freeing up money from a different department.
(D) By asking for an extension.

67. When will the woman be able to finish her project?

(A) Next week.
(B) The end of the week.
(C) By tomorrow.
(D) She needs an extension.

Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation.

M: I have some bad news. You know (1) those parts you needed (2) for your prototype? Well, I'm quite sure (3)
they'll be coming in late. We (4) didn't expect the price to be so high so we looked around to see if we could get
a better price. We (5) got a better quote at a parts factory in Mexico, but of course (6) it will take more time to
W: Well, I don't know. Those parts are (7) very crucial but I understand (8) the price factor. My work is (9)
pretty much halted until those parts come in. I might have to (10) ask for an extension on my project. Is there
anyway I can (11) get the parts from a closer factory?
M: Of course it's possible. But it's just the price. (12) If you really creed the parts I can ask the accounting
department to (13) crunch a few numbers and see if we can (14) shift some expenses from different departments
or try to (15) allocate some funds from other projects.
W: That would be great. If you can (16) get me those parts by tomorrow then I'll (17) definitely have my work
finished before the end of the week and perhaps even (18) get started on the Johnson project.

68. Where does this conversation take place?

(A) At the department of motor vehicles.
(B) In the boardroom.
(C) At the security office.
(D) In the conference center.

69. What is the man's title?

(A) Head of security.
(B) District supervisor.
(C) Official photographer.
(D) Chief administrator.

70. What kind of ID would the woman find acceptable?

(A) A name card.
(B) A college diploma.
(C) A credit card.
(D) A driver's license.

Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation.

M: Hi, I was told to come here (1) to the security office to get my temporary ID card.
W: Are you here (2) for the administrators’ conference?
M: Yes. I’m (4) the district supervisor. I’m (4) chairing the meeting this afternoon (5) as a matter of fact.
W: Ok, then, sir. I’ll need to see (6) one piece of photo identification and (7) have you sign your name in the log

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