Wi Ugt 0063396
Wi Ugt 0063396
Wi Ugt 0063396
Sold To:
E******e . Invoice
Timur Laut
Ref No : WIUGT0063396
Tel: ******20
Email: emmanuelteoh2001@gmail.com Date : 2023-10-27
Time : 12:43:42
Payment Mode : Shopee
Issued By : esther.rani
Sales Person : esther.rani
SNO Qty Desc Unit (MYR) Total (MYR) Tax (MYR) Total (MYR)
excl Tax incl Tax
B1597431 1 10.2-inch iPad Wi-Fi 64GB - Silver 1,285.00 1,285.00 0.00 1,285.00
Order ID: 231025UK2BHARH
Tracking No: -
Please make payment to our account as follows and quote our invoice number:
Beneficiary name: CG COMPUTERS SDN BHD
Bank name: Maybank Berhad
Bank account: 507040019661
Swift code: MBBEMYKL
Reference: [invoice number above]
This is a computer generated document which does not require any signature.
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