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Many students do not understand the meaning of the conversation. This is due to the fact
that laboratories are not soundproof. This situation made students’ difficut to listen the conversation
on by speaker. In addition, many students were not interested at Listening Comprehension material.
Writer conduct research using Interactive CD in the learning process of Listening Comprehension.
Therefore this study aims to determine the practicality of using interactive CD-based audio visual
media to students at STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. This research used descriptive research method
with quantitative approach. Writer wants to describe the practical results of using interactive CD-
based audio visual media. The population of this study were 57 students’ of English Department in
2019 there are session B and C who had used interactive CD interactive in Listening
Comprehension learning. Writer used total sampling with 30 students from session B and 27
students from session C this reseacrh. The instrument that writer used in this study was a
Practicality Questionnaire. Then the writer conducted an analysis with the Practicality Value
formula. Based on the analysis of practicality assessments in sessions B and C, the writer analysed
13 items of questionnaire practicality writer found that (82%) of English department session B and
C in 2019 which stated the completeness of the use of interactive CD-based audio visual media in
learning to Listening Comprehension.
Keywords: Listening Skill, Interactive CD, Practicality
Banyak diantara mahasiswa kurang memahami makna dari percakapan yang mahasiswa
dengarkan. Hal ini disebabkan karena ruang labor yang tidak kedap suara mengakibatkan mahasiswa
sulit mendengarkan percakapan yang dilakukan oleh pembicara. Selain itu banyak dari mahasiswa
yang kurang tertarik mempelajari materi Listening Comprehension. Sehingga peneliti melakukan
penelitian dengan menggunakan CD Interaktif dalam proses pembelajaran Listening
Comprehension. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepraktisan penggunaan
media audio visual berbasis CD interaktif kepada mahasiswa di STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode descriptive reseach dengan pendekatan quantitative. Peneiti
ingin mendeskripsikan hasil kepraktisan penggunaan media audio visual berbasis CD interaktif.
Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Bahasa Inggris tahun 2019 berjumlah 57 orang, yang
terdiri dar sesi B dan C yang telah menggunakan CD interaktif sebagai bahan ajar pada
pembelajaran Listening Comprehension. Peneliti menggunakan total sampling dalam pengambilan
sampling dengan 30 orang dari sesi B dan 27 orang dari sesi C. Instrument yang peneliti gunakan
pada penelitian ini berupa Practicality Questionnaire. Kemudian peneliti melakukan analisis dengan
rumus Practicality Value. Berdasarkan analisis penilaian praktikalitas pada sesi B dan C peneliti
menganalisis 13 item angket praktikalitas peneliti mendapatkan bahwa (82%) mahasiswa Bahasa
Inggris tahun 2019 pada sesi B dan C yang menyatakan kepratisan penggunaan CD interaktif
berbasis audio visual media dalam pembelajaran Listening Comprehension.
Kata Kunci: Keterampilan Mendengarkan, CD Interaktif, Praktikalitas
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Listening is the process by can also develop the first language he/she
someone to get information (messages has and can hear the meaning of each
and ideas) from a speaker. Listening is language they listen to. The understanding
one of the skills that must be mastered by of listening in the opinion of experts is as
students in the English education follows:
department. It is one of the skills that are The first, Nunan (2003)
needed by students to improve their "listening is an active, purposeful process
English skills. Through these listening of making sense of what we hear." It
skills, students can discuss the skill of means that listening is an active process
listening to a conversation using English. in which someone can listen to new
Students are also required to be able to languages other than the first language.
master all four skills, one of which is Listening is the process that aims to
listening to skill. Students are expected to understand the meaning of what students
be able to add vocabulary and can are listening. Listening is very important
distinguish the meaning that the speakers for an attacker when he/she wants to
in English. It is supported by Listening is know what the speaker is talking about
the process by someone to get information the conversation.
(messages and ideas) from a speaker. The second, Nation and Newton
Listening is one of the skills that must be (2008) define listening is the natural
mastered by students in the English precursor to speaking; the early stages of
education department. It is one of the language development in a person's first
skills that are needed by students to language (and in the naturalistic
improve their English skills. Through acquisition of other languages) are
these listening skills, students can discuss dependent on listening. It means that
the skill of listening to a conversation listening is one of the natural precursors
using English. Students are also required that humans have to speak. In this stage, a
to be able to master all four skills, one of person can develop his first language. A
which is listening to skill. Students are person can develop a daily language by
expected to be able to add vocabulary and listening to the word on going seems to be
can distinguish the meaning that the miswritten. Consider replacing it.
speakers in English. Listening who can also be someone can
However, when the writer pre- master other languages besides their first
observes, the writer sees the use of language.
learning that only uses audio during the Flowerdew (2001) it means that
learning process. The author sees many listening is a dominant activity in daily
students who feel bored while listening to communication (40%), 35 % for
the conversation conducted by the speaking, 16 % for reading, and 9 % on
speaker. Many students do other activities writing. It means that listening is a very
that are not relevant to Listening dominant activity that is done by someone
Comprehension in STKIP PGRI Sumatera in increasing listening ability about 40%
Barat. On the other hand, Listening is the of people use their hearing to continue
process of someone to catch the can communication with others. The program
understand the meaning of conversations of the four skills someone mastered
that are carried out by others. The student listening to is one of the skills commonly
can listen to new languages that they have used to receive or listen to information
never heard before. The student will listen conveyed by others. Based on the theory
to a new language besides their first above, the writer can conclude that
language through listening. The student listening is the process of a person to
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understand the information given by students can get knowledge about the new
others to listeners. Listening is also one language from the conversation. Listening
stage of the students in developing the skills will increase our language skills and
language they get besides their native can infer the meaning of what students
language. Listening is one of the activities listen to when listening to a conversation.
of the student done almost every day. Based on the theory above, the
Talking about Listening is the writer can conclude that listening skills
person skill when listening to a are receptive skills where a person gets
conversation by a speaker. Listening information from their hearing. This
ability can be felt by students in daily life. listening skill is one of the key skills for
Listening to student's ability will see someone to get information effectively.
when someone talks with other people if Listening skills are also included in the
students can understand the contents of a initial skills that someone does to improve
conversation that someone is doing, it can their language skills.
be said that the students can listen. In this The importance of listening skills
case, the writer gets a lot of understanding Listening skills are one of the most
from listening to the opinions of previous important skills mastered by students. The
experts. As for the understanding of importance of students to learn listening
listening according to some opinions of skills because of listening skills is one of
the experts as follows: one's main skills in increasing their
According to (Harmer, 2001) language vocabulary. This listening skill
expresses that listening is a "receptive is very suitable for English education
skill" where people obtain the main idea students in understanding the meaning of
according to what they hear. It means that English conversation. This skill will also
listening is one of the skills needed by help students to get information and
students. These listening skills are improve their vocabulary in English.
included in receptive skills where people (Wallace & Stariha, 2003) it
will get the main idea of the conversation means listening skills are also important
they hear through the speaker. Skill is for learning purposes since through
very much needed by someone to grasp listening students receive information and
the meaning spoken by the speaker during gain insights. It means that skill is also
a conversation that is heard by others. important in the learning process. The
According to (Babita, 2013) listening skill aims to improve student
listening skill is key to receiving information when listening to a
messages effectively. It means that conversation through a speaker. This skill
listening is one of the keys to listening can also improve student language insight
skills. Listening skills are also for through conversations delivered by
someone to get information effectively. speakers. Based on the above theory, the
This listening skill is very useful for writer can conclude that listening skills
someone to get very important are very important for students to get new
information easily. According to information and increase their insight into
(Mukminatus Zuhriyah, 2016) states learning English. Listening skills are also
listening is the first part of language skills very important to improve the vocabulary
that everyone gets when learning a that students get from what they listen to.
language. It means that listening skills are Students can also demonstrate listening
one of the main parts of language skills skills in everyday life.
when someone learns one new language. Audio-visual media is a tool that
Listening skills can be said to be the main can be used for listening skills. Audio-
part of language skills because when visual media is a medium that consists of
listening to someone's conversation audio-visual it can contain elements of
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images and sound. Audio-visual media is multimedia that is a media which uses a
usually used in learning English in computer to combine text, graphics,
listening skills. Audio-visual media is audio, video, and animation into a united
usually in the form of images, graphics, system with the right link and tools so that
and sound and can also be in the form of the user operator can do navigation,
videos that can attract students' attention interaction, creation, and communication.
in accepting the learning process. Audio- It means that Interactive CD is a media
visual media can also motivate students to that uses computers as a tool to operate.
pay attention to learning English. This Interactive CD can be in the form of
(Budiman S, 2017) assumed text, graphics, audio, video, and
audio-visual media is media that contains animation that can be combined in one of
elements of image and sound. It means a compact disc. The interactive CD also
that audio-visual media is a media that uses as information, operators,
contains elements of image and sound that interaction, creation, and communication
can make students interested in learning to listeners. This Interactive CD can also
English learning; this audio-visual media be given to English students in the form
can usually be played on a computer and of Listening skills.
can be displayed and listened to by all According to Niwati, (2017)
students to support the learning process. stated Interactive CD is an interactive
Based on the theory above, the writer can program that is used to deliver important
conclude that audio-visual media is a tool messages and the users can navigate the
that can be seen by students and can be program and get the material by
touched by students. Audio-visual media themselves. It means that An Interactive
also involves two human senses, namely CD is a diagram that can be used to
the sense of hearing and sense of sight convey important messages to other
that takes place simultaneously. Audio- people. Interactive CD can also be a place
visual media can also be in the form of to find new knowledge. Based on the
images, videos, graphics and sounds that theory above, the writer can conclude that
can facilitate students in receiving an Interactive CD is also a media that use
learning material to take the form of images, graphics, and
The interactive CD is an video. The interactive CD is a compact
important element contained in audio- disc that is inserted into a monitor
visual media that can help students in the computer and connected to their
teaching and learning process. The computers to display learning materials.
interactive CD is a multimedia system in Interactive CD can also improve student
the form of a CD that can be used as an achievement in learning
English learning program. The Interactive Practicality is a tool for
CD is very easy for the lecturer to provide measuring the practicality of using
learning in all aspects of learning. Interactive CD in the teaching and
Especially in English learning, this learning process. Practicality is the way a
Interactive CD can be used for listening lecturer gives an assessment when using
skills in English conversation. The the Interactive CD during the learning
interactive CD itself is useful for process. Practicality can be a reference
improving information listening for the material to be able to increase the use of
students when listening to English interactive CD on listening skills.
conversations conducted by speakers. The Practicality is the way a lecturer gives an
understanding of Interactive CD in the assessment. It can be seen from the
opinion of experts is as follows: learning time that is not too long; the use
According to (Hofstetter, 2001) of a small cost when learning takes place
stated Interactive CD is a kind of and others. This practicality can be
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reviewed during the learning process. The also understand the contents of the
lecturer can see the practicality in material on the Interactive CD. The
assessing students in teaching materials. author can also see students better
According to Sukardi (2012) understand the material available on
argue practicality assessed consists of interactive CD because each material is
components that are ease of use, the explained in detail and provides some
efficiency of learning time, attractiveness, examples that students can understand.
and module benefits. It means that Practicality can also be used to develop
Practicality is can be an assessment to see new teaching materials for use by
the practicality of the use of teaching teachers, students, and other learning
materials. First, it can be seen from the support.
easy use of these teaching materials. The
second, the efficiency of the time needed RESEARCH METHOD
to learn to use these teaching materials. In this research, the writer used a
The third practicalities can be used to descriptive quantitative approach because
assess how much the attractiveness of the writer wanted to describe the
students in using these teaching materials. practicality of Interactive CD-based
The last, practicality can be used to see audio-visual media to improve the
how much benefit the use of teaching listening skill of English department
materials for students. According to student's at STKIP PGRI at Sumatera by
(Bliss, 2013) argue practicality of using a quantitative approach. According
teaching materials is the development of to Gay and Airisian (2000:275),
teaching materials can be used well by descriptive research is used to investigate
teachers and students and support a variety of educational problems and
learning. It means that practicality is one issues. It means that descriptive research
of the developments of teaching materials is the way for a writer to find information
that have been developed to make it easier about the research they are researching. It
for students to use these teaching means Gay and Airasian(2009:7) state
materials. The practicality can be seen that quantitative is the collection and
from the use made by teachers, students, analysis of numerical data to describe,
and other support learning. explain, predict or control phenomena of
Based on the above theory, the interest. So, quantitative research is a
author can conclude that practicality is an study that uses data collection and
assessment that can be used practically or numerical data analysis to describe,
easily understood by everyone. explain, and predict a phenomenon that is
Practicality is a tool for evaluating of interest to the writer.
whether or not the interactive CD is used According to Gay and Airasian
in Listening Comprehension learning. (2000: 122) states that the population is
Practicality can also be assessed from the the group of interest to the writer, the
components that are easy to use, time group to which the or he would like the
efficiency, attractiveness, and the benefits results of the study to be generalized. It
of the model to see the practicality in the means that was a large group of interest
use of teaching materials. This practicality by writer to conduct research on that
can be assessed from the ease of use of group. The Population of this research
the Interactive CD used for the learning was the English department students at
process. This can be seen by writer from STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat who took
students' interest when studying Listening Comprehensive Listening. In English
comprehension using the Interactive CD department there was 2 session B and C.
because students can not only listen to the They were 30 students in session B and
conversations of the student speakers can they are 27 students in sessions C of
http://ejournal.lldikti10.id/index.php/curricula/index 107
English department which many students instrument was a tool used by the writer
were 57 students in two sessions. . In this to collect data or obtain information about
case, the writer researched two sessions, research. In this case, the writer used the
namely in sessions B and C because Likers scale to see the Practicality of
sessions B and C use Interactive CD as Interactive CD-based audio-visual media
teaching material in understanding improve listening skills at STKIP PGRI
listening during the learning process. An Sumatera Barat.
The questionnaire was a list of In this case, the writer asked permission
questions that suitable for an indicator from the lecturer who teaching to give the
that was needed by that of research. The writer permission to distribute the
questionnaire itself usually consists of practicality questionnaire to the
questions that the writer would ask the participants and the writer ensured that
participants in the form of written the participants answered all the questions
questions. The questionnaire would help contained in the practicality
the writer to ask a question relating to questionnaire. After that, the writer
research to participants who had never analysed the data that the writer had
communicated with the writer. In this gotten from the participant by using data
case, the questionnaire would help the analysis techniques. This was useful for
writer to obtain information about the the writer to find out the ability of the
practicality of Interactive CD-based practicality of Interactive CD-based
audio-visual media to improve listening audio-visual media to improve listening
skills. The writer made 13 statements to skills.
measure the practicality of Interactive The research was conducted at
CD-based on audio visual media to STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat that located
improve listening skills. in Gajah Mada, Gunung Pangilun. On that
The questionnaire was a list of campus, two lecturers taught
questions that suitable for an indicator comprehensive listening in English
that was needed by that of research. The STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. The two
questionnaire itself usually consists of lecturers hold several session including
questions that the writer would ask the Class A which is taught by lecturer A and
participants in the form of written session B and C are held by lecturer B.
questions. . The questionnaire would help However, in this study, the writer only
the writer to ask a question relating to focuses examined in class B and C. The
research to participants who had never writer researched session B and C because
communicated with the writer. in this class alone use Interactive CD in
In collecting data, the writer used the learning process.
questionnaire techniques. In this case, the
writer would take several steps for the FINDING AND DISCUSSION
process of collecting the data. The first The research was conducted at
step of the writer was distributing STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat that located
practicality questionnaires to participants. in Gajah Mada, Gunung Pangilun. On that
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Based on the above table, writer in the teaching and learning process. This
conducted a study consisting of 4 can be seen from 17 students who chose
indicators of practicality questionnaire. to very agree, 32 students who chose to
The four indicators of practicality agree, and 1 student who disagree on the
questionnaire consist of 13 statements. use of interactive CD on listening
Writer conducted data analysis using the comprehension subject. Based on the
13 statements contained in the practicality description of the analysis above, the
questionnaire. 1 statement of 50 students writer can conclude that the first indicator
in 2019 sessions B and C, (86%) stated is ease of use consisting of statements
that it was very practical to use 1,2,3, and 4 (83%) of 50 students who
interactive CD in listening comprehension stated that it is very practical to use
subject during the teaching and learning interactive CD in the learning process of
process. This can be seen from 21 listening comprehension. In the 5
students who stated very agree and 29 statement of 50 students in 2019 sessions
students who agree to the first statement. B and C (87%) stated that it was very
In the 2 statement of 50 students in 2019 practical to use interactive CD in the
session B and C (85%) stated that it was teaching and learning process. It can be
very practical to use interactive CD. This seen from 24 students who stated very
can be seen from 20 students who chose agree and 26 students who agreed to use
to very agree, 29 students who chose to interactive CD on listening
agree, and 1 student who expressed comprehension subject.
disagree of the use of interactive CD on Based on the description of the
listening comprehension subject. In the 3 analysis above, the writer can conclude
statement of 50 students in 2019 sessions that the second indicator is the efficiency
B and C (80%) stating that it was very of learning time consisting of 5 statements
practical to use an interactive CD (87%) of 50 students who stated that it is
consisting of 11 students who very very practical to use interactive CD in the
agreed, 38 students who agree, and 1 learning process of listening
student who disagree in the practicality of comprehension. In the 6 statement of 50
using interactive CD on listening students in 2019 sessions B and C (83%)
comprehension subject. which stated very practical use of
In the 4 statement of 50 students interactive CD in the teaching and
in 2019 sessions B and C (83%) which learning process. This can be seen from
stated very practical use of interactive CD 17 students who chose to very agree, 32
http://ejournal.lldikti10.id/index.php/curricula/index 112
students who chose to agree, and 1 learning process. It can be seen from 13
student who disagree on the use of students who very agreed and 37 students
interactive CD on listening who agree to use interactive CD on
comprehension subject. In the 7 statement listening comprehension subject. In the 12
of 50 students in 2019 sessions B and C statement of 50 students in 2019 sessions
(82%) said that it was very practical to B and C (80%) which stated very
use interactive CD in the learning process. practical use of interactive CD in the
It can be seen from 13 students who very learning process. This can be seen from
agreed and 37 students who agree to use 11 students who chose very agree, 38
interactive CD on listening students who chose agree, and 1 student
comprehension subject. who expressed disagree of to use
In the 8 statement of 50 students interactive CD on listening
in 2019 sessions B and C (85%) who comprehension subject. In the 13
stated that it is very practical to use statement of 50 students in 2019 sessions
interactive CD in the teaching and B and C (80%) which stated very
learning process. This can be seen from practical use of interactive CD in the
20 students who chose to very agree, 29 teaching and learning process. It can be
students who chose to agree, and 1 seen from 12 students who very agree 36
student who expressed disagree of the use students who agree, and 2 students who
of interactive CD on listening disagree to the use of interactive CD on
comprehension subject. Based on the listening Comprehension subject.
description of the analysis above, the Based on the description of the
writer can conclude that the first indicator analysis above, the writer can conclude
is ease of use consisting of statements 6, that the first indicator is ease of use
7, and 8 (83%) of 50 Students who stated consisting of statements 9, 10, 11, 12, and
that it is very practical to use interactive 13 (81%) of 50 students who stated that it
CD in the learning process of listening is very practical to use interactive CD in
comprehension. the learning process of listening
In the 9 statement of 50 students comprehension. Based on the thirteen
in 2019 sessions B and C (82%) said that statements above, the writer can conclude
it was very practical to use interactive CD that average of the 4 indicators on the
in the teaching and learning process. It practicality questionnaire (83%) of
can be seen from 17 students who very students stated that it is very practical for
agree 30 students who agree, and 3 the use of interactive CD listening
students who disagree to the use of comprehension subject. This can be seen
interactive CD on listening from the results of the dissemination of
comprehension subject. In the 10 the practicality questionnaire writer had
statement of 50 students in 2019 sessions done previously.
B and C (79%) who stated that it is very Based on data analysis, the writer
practical to use interactive CD in the concludes that the data findings state that
teaching and learning process. This can be the practicality of using interactive CD on
seen from the 11 students who chose to listening skills toward students in 2019
very agree, 36 students who chose to session B and C. Writer can see the
agree, and 3 students who disagree on the practicality of using these interactive CD
use of interactive CD on listening from research on students 2019 B and
comprehension subject. 2019 C. The writer can conclude that the
In the 11 statement of 50 use of CD interactive on fresh
students in 2019 session B and C (82%) understanding subjects in English students
said that it was very practical to use 2019 B and C sessions are very practical.
interactive CD in the teaching and This can be seen from the diagram below:
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