S6 C.R.E P1 Revision Past Papers
S6 C.R.E P1 Revision Past Papers
S6 C.R.E P1 Revision Past Papers
Answer four (4) questions
2. (a) Discuss the Implications of Moses’ call to the descendants of Abraham. (13 marks)
(b) In What ways has God continued to show his love towards mankind today? (12 marks)
3. (a) Analyze the requirements for the religion of the heart according to Deuteronomy chapter II.
(13 marks)
(b) Account for Jesus’ reference to himself as the Lord of the Sabbath (12 marks)
4. (a) Discuss the importance of Sacrifices in the history of the Israelites. (13 marks)
(b) In what ways were sacrifices misused by the Israelites? (12 marks)
5. Comment on the circumstances that led to the choice and anointing of Saul as the first king of
Israel. (25 marks)
7. (a) Discuss the causes of a three year draught in Israel at the time of King Ahab. (13 marks)
(b) In what ways did Elijah reflect the nature of True Prophets (12 marks)
8. (a) Account for the destruction of Israel by the Assyrians in 721 BC (13 marks)
(b) What lessons can Christians learn from the above destruction? (12 marks)
9. (a) Discuss prophet Hosea’s teaching about God’s Love and Grace for the Israelites. (13 marks)
(b) What lessons can Christians learn from the book of Hosea? (12 marks)
10. (a) Account for prophet Jeremiah’s hostile attitude towards the use of the Temple (13 marks)
(b) What were the consequences of his temple Prophecy? (12 marks)
11. (a) Comment on Ezekiel’s experience in the valley of dry bones (13 marks)
(b) Discuss the significance of the above Vision to the exiles and to Ezekiel Himself (12 marks)
12. (a) Analyse the various trials that Job experienced in his life. (13 marks)
(b) In What ways is Satan an enemy of mankind as derived from the book of Job? (12 marks)