20SCN13-Information Seccurity Group 2

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Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.

Ph.D Coursework Courses – 2020 in Master of Computer Applications


1 Embedded Systems: Architecture, Raj Kamal Tata McGraw 2013
Programming, and Design hill, 2nd
Reference Book(s):
1 Computer as Components, Marilyn Wolf Elsevier, 3rd 2014
Principles of Embedded Computing edition
System Design

(Group-2): Course Code 20SCN13 Information and Network Security

Exam Hours: 3 hours Exam Marks(Maximum):100
Classical Encryption Techniques Symmetric Cipher Model, Cryptography, Cryptanalysis
and BruteForce Attack, Substitution Techniques, Caesar Cipher, Mono-alphabetic Cipher,
Playfair Cipher, Hill Cipher, Poly alphabetic Cipher, One Time Pad. Block Ciphers and the
data encryption standard: Traditional block Cipher structure, stream Ciphers and block
Ciphers, Motivation for the Feistel Cipher structure, the Feistel Cipher, The data encryption
standard, DES encryption, DES decryption, A DES example, results, the avalanche effect, the
strength of DES, the use of 56-Bit Keys, the nature of the DES algorithm, timing attacks,
Block cipher design principles, number of rounds, design of function F, key schedule
Public-Key Cryptography and RSA: Principles of public-key cryptosystems. Public-key
cryptosystems. Applications for public-key cryptosystems, requirements for public-key
cryptosystems. Public-key cryptanalysis. The RSA algorithm, description of the algorithm,
computational aspects, the security of RSA. Other Public-Key Cryptosystems:Diffie-
Hellman key exchange, The algorithm, key exchange protocols, man in the middle attack,
Elgamal Cryptographic systems, Elliptic curve arithmetic, abelian groups, elliptic curves over
real numbers, elliptic curves over Zp, elliptic curves overGF(2m), Elliptic curve cryptography,
Analog of Diffie-Hellman key exchange, Elliptic curve encryption/ decryption, security of
Elliptic curve cryptography, Pseudorandom number generation based on an asymmetric
cipher, PRNG based on RSA.
Key Management and Distribution: Symmetric key distribution using Symmetric
encryption, A key distribution scenario, Hierarchical key control, session key lifetime, a
transparent key control scheme, Decentralized key control, controlling key usage, Symmetric
key distribution using asymmetric encryption, simple secret key distribution, secret key
distribution with confidentiality and authentication, A hybrid scheme, distribution of public
keys, public announcement of public keys, publicly available directory, public key authority,
public keys certificates, X-509 certificates. Certificates, X-509 version 3, public key
infrastructure. User Authentication: Remote user Authentication principles, Mutual
Authentication, one way Authentication, remote user Authentication using Symmetric
encryption, Mutual Authentication, one way Authentication, Kerberos, Motivation , Kerberos
version 4, Kerberos version 5, Remote user Authentication using Asymmetric encryption,
Mutual Authentication, one way Authentication, federated identity management, identity
management, identity federation, personal identity verification.
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
Ph.D Coursework Courses – 2020 in Master of Computer Applications

Wireless network security: Wireless security, Wireless network threats, Wireless network
measures, mobile device security, security threats, mobile device security strategy, IEEE
802.11 Wireless LAN overview, the Wi-Fi alliance, IEEE 802 protocol architecture. Security,
IEEE 802.11i services, IEEE 802.11i phases of operation, discovery phase, Authentication
phase, key management phase, protected data transfer phase, the IEEE 802.11i pseudorandom
function. Web Security Considerations: Web Security Threats, Web Traffic Security
Approaches. Secure Sockets Layer: SSL Architecture, SSL Record Protocol, Change Cipher
Spec Protocol, Alert Protocol, and shake Protocol, Cryptographic Computations. Transport
Layer Security: Version Number, Message Authentication Code, Pseudorandom Functions,
Alert Codes, Cipher Suites, Client Certificate Types, Certificate Verify and Finished
Messages, Cryptographic Computations, and Padding. HTTPS Connection Initiation,
Connection Closure. Secure Shell(SSH) Transport Layer Protocol, User Authentication
Protocol, Connection Protocol
Electronic Mail Security: Pretty good privacy, notation, operational; description, S/MIME,
RFC5322, Multipurpose internet mail extensions, S/MIME functionality, S/MIME messages,
S/MIME certificate processing, enhanced security services, Domain keys identified mail,
internet mail architecture, E-Mail threats, DKIM strategy, DKIM functional flow. IP
Security: IP Security overview, applications of IPsec, benefits of IPsec, Routing applications,
IPsec documents, IPsec services, transport and tunnel modes, IP Security policy, Security
associations, Security associations database, Security policy database, IP traffic processing,
Encapsulating Security payload, ESP format, encryption and authentication algorithms,
Padding, Anti replay service, transport and tunnel modes, combining security associations,
authentication plus confidentiality, basic combinations of security associations, internet key
exchange, key determinations protocol, header and payload formats, cryptographic suits.
Question paper pattern:
 The question paper will have ten questions.
 Each full question is for 20 marks.
 There will be 2 full questions (with a maximum of four sub questions in one full
question) from each module.
 Each full question with sub questions will cover the contents under a module.
 Students will have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
module. ∎
Textbook/Reference Books
Title of the book Author Name Publisher’s Publication
Name year
1 Cryptography and Network William Stallings Pearson, 6 th 2013
Security edition
Reference Book(s):
1 Cryptography and Information V K Pachghare PHI, 2nd 2015
Security edition

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