REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide: Rev D 1/19/2015

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REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide

Rev D

This REF TEK manual provides startup and basic operating procedures for the 160-03 (P/N
97124-00) and its related family of products. Guidelines for initial communication and
installation are provided.

Trimble Navigation Limited

1600 Tenth Street
Suite A
Plano, Texas 75074
Support Phone: 1-888-879-2207
Revision History:

Revision Date Reason for change Pages

D 2015.01.19 Added Section 3.4 and updated 5.4 Specifications Sect 3.4 and 5.4
C 2014.09.16 Updated Battery Transportation Sect 5.3.3
B 2014.09.02 Production Release (Combined two documents) All
A 2014.06.02 Release All
0.1 2012.03.05 Initial draft All

iPod touch is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Copyright© 2015 Trimble Navigation Limited

All rights are reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in
any form outside the approved recipient’s organization without written permission from
Trimble Navigation Limited.
Printed in USA.
Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

Notation Conventions

The following notation conventions are used throughout REF TEK documentation:

Notation Description
Indicates the entry conforms to the American Standard Code for Information
Interchange definition of character (text) information.
Binary Indicates the entry is a raw, numeric value.
Indicates hexadecimal notation. This is used with both ASCII characters (0 – 9, A – F)
and numeric values.
BCD Indicates the entry is a numeric value where each four bits represents a decimal digit.
Indicates the entry is the ASCII representation of a floating-point number with n
places following the decimal point.
Indicates a single 8-bit byte. When the contents are numeric, it indicates a
hexadecimal numeric value; i.e. <84> represents hexadecimal 84 (132 decimal).
<n> When the contents are capital letters, it represents a named ASCII control character;
i.e. <SP> represents a space character, <CR> represents a carriage return character
and <LF> represents a line feed character.
MSB Most Significant Byte of a multi-byte value.
MSbit Most Significant Bit of a binary number.
LSB Least Significant Byte of a multi-byte value.
LSbit Least Significant Bit (bit 0) of a binary number.
YYYY Year as a 4-digit number
DDD Day of year
HH Hour of day in 24-hour format
MM Minutes of hour
SS Seconds of minute
TTT Thousandths of a second (milliseconds)
IIII Unit ID number

n, ns nano, nanosecond; 10-9 = 0.000000001

u, us micro, microsecond; 10-6 = 0.000001
m, ms milli, millisecond; 10-3 = 0.001
K, KHz Kilo, KiloHertz; 103 = 1,000
M, MHz Mega, MegaHertz; 106 = 1,000,000
G, GHz Giga, GigaHertz; 109 = 1,000,000,000
Kb, KB Kilobit, KiloByte; 210 = 1,024
Mb, MB Megabit, MegaByte; 220 = 1,048,576
Gb, GB Gigabit, GigaByte; 230 = 1,073,741,824

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Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

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As a valued user of REF TEK equipment we would like to provide
the best support possible by keeping you up to date with our
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Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

1 Basic Features ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Purpose of the 160-03 AfterShock Recorder ............................................................................ 1
1.2 General Recorder Control Considerations ................................................................................ 1
1.3 General Recorder Parameters.................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Power Control............................................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Wi-Fi Monitor Connection ......................................................................................................... 3
2 Unit Configuration and Control ................................................................................ 5
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Getting started with the 160-03 DAS........................................................................................ 5
2.2.1 Power up .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2.2 CPU Operating processes......................................................................................................... 7
2.2.3 160-03 LED Status Display ....................................................................................................... 8
3 Field Procedures ........................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Field Setup Checklist .................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Before deployment .................................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Firmware upgrade options ...................................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Firmware update process ...................................................................................................... 10
3.3.2 FPGA update process ............................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Sensors....................................................................................................................................... 12
3.5 Leveling the 160-03 .................................................................................................................. 12
3.6 Frequently Asked Questions .................................................................................................... 12
4 Data Format............................................................................................................. 13
4.1 User Parameters........................................................................................................................ 13
4.2 Recording Format..................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Converting the Data................................................................................................................. 14
4.4 Viewing the Data ..................................................................................................................... 14
5 Reference................................................................................................................. 15
5.1 Internal power up process for the 160-03 DAS ...................................................................... 15
5.2 Standard Faceplate Connections ............................................................................................. 15
5.2.1 Power connector .................................................................................................................... 15
5.2.2 External power requirements ............................................................................................... 16
5.2.3 Mating Connectors ................................................................................................................ 16
5.3 Batteries .................................................................................................................................... 17
5.3.1 External Power ....................................................................................................................... 18
5.3.2 Battery Storage ...................................................................................................................... 18
5.3.3 Battery Transport ................................................................................................................... 20
5.4 Specifications ............................................................................................................................ 21
5.5 Periodic Maintenance checks................................................................................................... 23
5.5.1 Changing the USB Flash Drive............................................................................................... 23

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Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

5.5.2 Replacing the CPU Battery (160-03)...................................................................................... 24

6 Warranty Statement ................................................................................................ 25
6.1 Warranty/Non-Warranty Service ............................................................................................. 26
7 Index ........................................................................................................................ 27

vi Trimble Navigation Limited

Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

1 Basic Features
1.1 Purpose of the 160-03 AfterShock Recorder
The REF TEK 160-03 (P/N: 97124-00) DAS units are rugged, portable, and versatile
data recorders.

Some specific features include the following:

o Designed for burial applications (6” Pipe Sealed HDPE).

o Power ON with Magnetic wand.
o Simplified operations result in a continuous data recorder with a default
native sample rate (200 sps) to disk without the use of event or time triggers.
o Integrated single purpose instrument.
o Recording format – MiniSeed.
o Internal GPS and antenna.
o Internal 3 axis geophone.
o Internal 3 axis accelerometer.

1.2 General Recorder Control Considerations

The 160-03 is a microprocessor-based instrument. Each 160-03 unit contains a
programmable flash memory chip that contains the 160-03 firmware (control code,
micro-processor instructions). Occasionally, REF TEK revises the 160-03 DAS

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Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

1.3 General Recorder Parameters

The only settable recorder parameter is sample rate which defaults to 200sps, all
other parameters are fixed:

o 6 channels at 200 SPS

o Channels 1-3 are 2.0 Hz geophones at gain x64 relative to 40Vpp

o Channels 4-6 are accelerometers at gain x16 relative to 40Vpp

One continuous stream of hour-long events, recorded to the USB disk.

REF TEK pre-sets and tests the hardware of each 160-03 DAS before you receive the
unit to ensure that it performs as specified. The 160-03 DAS units do not require
hardware adjustments for normal operations. You may use a 160-03 DAS unit as a
stand-alone recorder. During field operations, the 160-03 DAS can store data either
in its own internal RAM or removable USB Flash Drive.

1.4 Power Control

Power is controlled by a combination of hardware and software. A magnetic (Hall­
effect) switch located on the LED board sends signals to the CPU module when a
magnet is passed across or held over the switch. The signal is also routed to the
Power Supply module.

o Automatic power on with first power applied (battery install or external

o If the unit is shutdown, a 1 second hold of the magnet turns power on.
o When on, a 4 second hold causes the CPU firmware to perform a ‘clean’
o When on, an 8 second hold is detected by the hardware and forces power
o The CPU activates the LEDs whenever the magnet is detected.
The 160-03 battery system consists of 2 parallel batteries, each containing 2 Li-ion
cells. External input power can be 12V battery, 12V AC/DC converter or a solar
panel. Limited rate battery charging is available when external power or a solar
panel is connected.

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1.5 Wi-Fi Monitor Connection

A Wi-Fi connection is provided for an iPod touch running the 160Wave monitoring
application. This app will display live A/D values as they are taken by the DAS. The
DAS establishes a network for the DAS and iPod Touch to connect to.

Each time the magnetic wand is used to light the LEDs on the 160-03, the unit will
turn on its internal Wi-Fi access point (AP) and make a Wi-Fi network available. The
SSID of the AP will be RT_160-03_xxxx, where xxxx is the Unit ID of the DAS. The AP
uses WPA2-PSK with an encryption key of deadbeefa1.

Wi-Fi LED behavior:

While the DAS is setting up its network, the Wi-Fi LED will blink fast.

o Once the network is set up, the Wi-Fi LED will be solid on.

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This Page Left Intentionally Blank

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Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

2 Unit Configuration and Control

2.1 Introduction
This section describes operations requirements for the REF TEK 160-03 Seismic
Recorder. It includes the following:

o Getting Started
o Power up
o Operating processes
o LED Display

2.2 Getting started with the 160-03 DAS

These instructions cover the hardware and connections needed to perform the
recorder operations described in the rest of this section.

Note - The 160-03 DAS is not shipped with the batteries or USB installed.
To perform the system start-up, you need the following::

o A 160-03 DAS
o USB Stick.
o Magnetic wand for power-up
o A configured stick
o An iPod touch with the 160Wave monitoring application.
Optional: A personal laptop computer with a USB port to check data

Assuming you have everything, proceed to do the following:

1. Remove the USB cover from the 160-03 DAS as shown below.
2. Install the USB as shown below.
3. Install the well cap over the USB.
4. Install batteries or wand over the switch to turn the power on.
5. Wait for the 4 middle LED’s to form a square and blink 5 times indicating acquisition has
started and the unit is in leveling mode. Time from power on to leveling mode can take
as little as 30 seconds and up to 3 minutes.
6. Wand the unit to have it set up its Wi-Fi access point.
7. Set the iPod Touch Wi-Fi to the access point in the DAS, start 160Wave and check for

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2.2.1 Power up
Magnetic switch operation
Power is controlled by a combination of hardware and software. A magnetic (Hall­
effect) switch located on the LED board sends signals through the CPU module to
the Power Supply module when a magnet is passed across the switch.

Hold magnet 1 second.

Apply YES CPU activates the LEDs and

magnet Is Unit starts Wi-Fi access point.

Hold magnet 4 seconds.

NO CPU Firmware initiates a ‘clean’

shutdown. All 16 LEDs are
turned on.

Power Up 160

Hold magnet 8 seconds.

Hardware forces power off.

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2.2.2 CPU Operating processes

GPS phase locking.
Once the GPS has locked at boot or 40 minutes after the hour the 160:
1. Compares the 160-03 time to GPS UTC time.
2. Begins phase locking for 60 seconds.
3. Uses the 1 Hz from the GPS to start and stop a counter to record the internal high-
precision oscillator.
4. Uses the difference between the value from the 1st second and the value from the 60th
second to determine the rate of drift of the oscillator.
5. The oscillator is adjusted to maintain lock with the GPS.

The 60th value is also used to determine the phase error of the internal 1 Hz.
The oscillator is voltage-controlled and an adjustment is made to the controlling D/A
value to zero out the oscillator drift, and also to correct for oscillator phase error. The
D/A value is periodically saved to SPROM for use across power cycles.
Acquisition Process
1. Powers on the A/D modules and accelerometer during boot.
2. Open geophone element shorting relays.
3. Configures ADC for 6 channels @ 200 sps.
4. Configures geophone channels 1-3 to gain x64 (based on x1=40Vpp) and accelerometer
channels 4-6 to gain x8 to match accelerometer board full scale output.
5. Records 6 channels of continuous data in 1 hour event records to RAM.
6. Write events and SOH to USB stick when RAM is 66% full.
7. Sends messages to the LED board to show battery usage, USB activity, Wi-Fi status, and
Acquisition, Time and GPS status.
8. Re-activates LED display whenever the user briefly activates the mag-switch.
9. Unit shuts down whenever the user activates the mag-switch for more than 4 seconds.
Other background processes monitor the magnetic switch, battery voltages, handle
LED display, generate state of health log records, Wi-Fi connect and Wi-Fi data

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2.2.3 160-03 LED Status Display

LED Display LED


Battery Level 100%

Battery Level 75%
Battery Level 50%
Battery Level 25%

During boot the LED’s will first all turn on then all go off. After that they will come
on one at a time (staying on) working their way around the display as internal
booting steps are completed. Following that they will clear and the battery level
will be displayed, clock will blink waiting on GPS time and disk will light twice as
the drive is checked. The next change is boot leveling mode with acquisition start.
The display will stay on during the 2 minutes of boot leveling.

During normal operation the LED’s will come on when data is written to the USB
disk. Using the magnetic wand will also turn on the LED’s. The display will stay on
for 10 seconds then turn off as part of normal operation.

Should the USB drive fill up, the disk LED will blink. When RAM also fills up,
acquisition will be stopped and the acquisition light will go out.

During shutdown the LED’s will all will turn on then begin turning off one at a
time. All data in RAM will be written to disk and the display will change to just the
disk LED on while writing. After writing to the USB drive, the display will revert
back to the last 7 LED’s on and they will turn off one at a time until all are off and
the unit has internally turned off power.

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3 Field Procedures
This section provides maintenance procedures that increase the effectiveness and
useful life of your recorder unit(s).

3.1 Field Setup Checklist

The 160-03 is a fairly simple device to use, but some care must be taken in
installation to be assured of proper performance. Because there are many
considerations, we recommend that before starting installation; you review each
section of this manual to ensure the best possible chance of a simple installation
that works right the first time. Prior to and after installation we recommend that
you verify functionality of the internal sensors as this may save time and trouble as
well as give confidence that things are, in fact, connected as expected.

Before taking the 160-03 to the field the following steps should be taken:

1. Charge batteries and install in the 160-03

2. Test the 160-03 with the magnetic wand and Wi-Fi
3. Test the 160-03 with a USB
4. Setup a few newly formatted USB spares for backup
5. Verify laptop and data programs.
6. Verify GPS has locked (Time LED is solid, not blinking)
7. Wand 160-03 to power down and leave batteries installed in 160-03.

3.2 Before deployment

The following inventory should be completed:

o 160-03 Unit setup and ready with batteries installed

o Laptop with utilities installed
o iPod Touch with monitoring application
o Spare USB for data

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3.3 Firmware upgrade options

Updating firmware in a 160-03 requires the presence of a firmware file on the
installed USB Drive.

WARNING: If the firmware flash is interrupted the 160-03 may not boot again
and the 160-03 must be returned to the factory for service. Make sure the
batteries are charged. If you live in an area of unreliable power and are
only using an external AC to DC converter, a UPS is recommended.

NOTE - Internal battery voltage should be above 7.8V to upgrade firmware.

3.3.1 Firmware update process

1. Place the firmware file on the USB drive in the \firmware directory and rename the
firmware file to 160main.srec if necessary.
2. Connect USB drive to the unit.
3. Use the magnetic wand to power up the system
4. The LED’s will follow normal boot sequence until the disk is read. The disk LED will stay
on while the firmware file is read and the update takes place, about 30 seconds. The
unit will then reset after being programmed and the LED’s will restart the boot
5. Ensure that the unit starts data collection after the system is reset.
6. Use the magnetic wand to shut-down.
7. Pull the thumb drive and ensure that the 160main.srec file is gone, and a new data file
exists. Check the State of health log following the final boot to verify the new version

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3.3.2 FPGA update process

The CPU, Power and A/D modules each contain a field programmable gate
array that can be updated by the CPU. Any one, two or all can be updated at
a time.
1. Place the FPGA file(s) on the USB drive in the \firmware directory and rename the file(s)
to rt632CPU.jbc, rt648PWR.jbc or rt679ATD.jbc if necessary.
2. Connect USB drive to the unit.
3. Use the magnetic wand to power up the system
4. The LED’s will follow normal boot sequence until the disk is read. The disk LED will stay
on while the FPGA file(s) is/are read and the update takes place. Each will take about 30
seconds. The unit will then reset after being programmed and the LED’s will restart the
boot sequence.
5. Ensure that the unit starts data collection after the system is reset.
6. Use the magnetic wand to shut-down.
7. Pull the thumb drive and ensure that the .jbc file(s) is/are gone, and a new data file
exists. Check the State of health log following the final boot for the new version

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Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

3.4 Sensors
There 160-03 has 6 fixed internal sensors, 3 2.0Hz geophones and a tri-axial
accelerometer. No external sensors can be connected.

The Geophones are single elements oriented in each of the X, Y and Z axis. The
accelerometer is a 3 axis MEMS chip.

Both the Geophones and accelerometer follow the standard accelerometer

convention for output signal. That is, if the case moves in the North direction the
output of both the Geophones and accelerometers North channels (Ch. 2 and 5
respectively) will be positive. If the case moves upward, the vertical channel
outputs will be positive for both the Geophones and accelerometer.

3.5 Leveling the 160-03

After power-up, the unit will enter leveling mode as soon as acquisition begins.
The four center LEDs will flash for 5 seconds to indicate leveling mode is starting.
One LED column represents the N-S direction, and one LED column represents the
E-W direction.

1. Adjust the leveling feet until only the four center LEDs are lit.
2. Normal LED operation will resume after 2 minutes of leveling display.
3. Tighten the thumbscrew lock nuts to secure the level settings.

3.6 Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can the 160-03 easily be opened and modules removed or does it
require customer service to repair.
The 160-03 unit should be shipped back to REF TEK for all repairs by customer service.
Question: Can the 160-03 be stored with batteries installed?
Batteries should be installed for transporting to the field. For storage they can be removed.
Question: What happens if the USB Flash drive is pulled from the 160-03
when the LEDs or power is still on.
If the DISK LED is on, the drive is writing data and should not be removed. Data loss can result
from pulling a drive when the LED is on. Be sure to wave the wand over the unit to check the
DISK LED periodically since the LEDs will time out which may look like the unit is finished
writing to the disk.
Question: Can a different sampling rate be used on different datastreams?
There is only one datastream.
Question: Is there a telemetry option for the 160-03?
Question: Which user parameters can the user change? Can they be
changed during operation?
The only settable parameter is sample rate: 50, 100, 125, 200, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000sps.
Data records are fixed as 60 minute long, STEIM1 compression, all 6 channels.
Setup only occurs at boot time and cannot be changed during operation.

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Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

4 Data Format
The 160-03 DAS collects data based on the fixed set of parameters. Only one
datastream and a continuous trigger is implemented.

Only the sample rate can be changed, it defaults to 200 SPS. The continuous trigger
is fixed at a record length of 60 minutes.

4.1 User Parameters

If a file named ashk.cfg is found during boot, the file is read and the 160-03 is
configured appropriately. The file must be in the root directory of the USB disk.
The 160-03 stays in the same mode of operation until it is powered down.

If no file is found, the sample rate from the previous power-on is used.

Sample file:
# If this file is not found, the last configuration read from disk is used.
# If no configuration file has ever been read, then the Mode 0 default is
# Comments are denoted by a line starting with #
# The active mode is selected by MODE=x (where x = 0)
# Parameters under a [MODEx] heading may be commented out or
# removed if the defaults for that mode are to be used.
# All modes use a fixed 6 channels.
# All modes use a sample rate of 200 SPS.
# All modes fix channels 1-3 to gain of x64.
# All modes fix channels 4-6 to gain of x16.
# The sample rate can be modified under any [MODEx]:
# RATE=r (where r = 50, 100, 125, 200, 250, 500, 1000, or 2000)


Trimble Navigation Limited 13

Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

4.2 Recording Format

A/D data will be recorded in data-only SEED. SEED allows the record (e.g. packet)
size to be adjustable between 256 to over 4096 bytes. The 160-03 record size is set
to 1024 bytes. The State-of-health will be recorded in LOG data records. Parameters
will be recorded in SEED blockettes; so-called data-less SEED.

For more details about Mini-SEED data records see:
Chapter 8: Data Records
Appendix G: Data Only SEED Volumes (Mini-SEED)

4.3 Converting the Data

1. Apply voltage to the 160-03 Recorder using the wand.
2. Remove the USB cover from the 160-03 unit.
3. Unplug the USB stick when the disk LED 11 is no longer illuminated.
4. Connect the USB to the Lab computer to remove the data to the workstation.
5. Use REF TEK Utilities to convert the data to the desired format.

4.4 Viewing the Data

1. View the data with the COMPASS or PQL II programs.

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5 Reference
5.1 Internal power up process for the 160-03 DAS
1. Install batteries or wand the 160-03 Recorder.
2. Set internal time from the backup clock.
3. Supply power to the GPS receiver.
4. Check USB drive. The USB drive must be installed to continue.
5. Set internal time from the GPS and begin phase locking.
6. Supply power to the A/D module and accelerometer.
7. Open geophone element shorting relays.
8. Setup A/D’s and begin recording.

5.2 Standard Faceplate Connections

The functional connections on the 160-03 Seismic Recorder faceplate are as follows:

5.2.1 Power connector

External Power is supplied to the 160-03 DAS unit through one power connector.
Hardware connection shows typical hardware connection for the 160-03 DAS. The
following chart details individual connectors.

Recorder Connector 160-03 Pin Desc Electrical Desc Voltage

Faceplate Pin Range
A +12 VDC Input 11-20 VDC
B +12 VDC Input 11-20 VDC
Power PT06A12-4P
C DGND Power Return
D DGND Power Return

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Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

5.2.2 External power requirements

To ensure continual, uninterrupted power to your 160-03 DAS and peripherals, use
a solar panel or power supply that can deliver at least 11 volts at 5 watts for
battery charging.

The 160-03 is designed to allow a Solar panel to be directly connected to the unit.
Solar power setups are frequently used in remote locations and these are available
in several capacities that cover the various equipment configurations.

5.2.3 Mating Connectors

Function Mating Connector
Power PT06SE124P

When making the connections follow industry standard practices in dressing the
cable end, soldering the connections and applying shrink tubing. The use of self-
vulcanizing tape is preferred to potting the connector since with potting, the
connector is no longer field serviceable.

Note: For additional moisture protection, apply DL-111 inside the top shell to seal
against the rubber grommet. Bottom shell must rotate freely after the top shell has
been firmly tightened into the connector body.

The recommended periodic connector maintenance and usage is as follows:

1. Plugs labeled “PT06” have a superintending outer locking collar with a machined inner
groove that locks onto the pegs in the side of the panel mount mate receptacle. When
removing a PT06 connector, move it out of the locked position by first applying a
downward force on the outer collar and then twisting it free in a counter-clockwise
2. Be careful with tools when gripping connectors - use tools with nylon fittings in the jaws
if you can, and do not apply excessive force.
3. The connectors have a machined groove inside. To avoid damaging this groove, you
must apply a downward force while turning. Because connectors for the 160-03 DAS
units are constructed of an alloy, excessive force on the locking groove can cause burrs
which make subsequent installation and removal of the connectors more difficult.
4. Do not attempt to remove a plug with pliers.
5. Assemble new connector.

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Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

5.3 Batteries
The 160-03 battery system consists of 2 battery packs, each containing 2 LiIon cells.
The 2 battery packs are electronically connected in parallel to prevent battery to
battery discharge during battery swapping in the field.

The CPU monitors and allows the charging of both battery packs (when external
power is applied).

WARNING: Do not damage the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery. A damaged

battery can cause an explosion or fire, and can result in personal injury and/or
property damage. To prevent injury or damage:
- Do not use or charge the battery if it appears to be damaged. Signs of damage
include, but are not limited to, discoloration, warping, and leaking battery
- Do not expose the battery to fire, high temperature, or direct sunlight.
- Do not immerse the battery in water.
- Do not use or store the battery inside a vehicle during hot weather.
- Do not drop or puncture the battery.
- Do not open the battery or short-circuit its contacts.

WARNING: Avoid contact with the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery if it appears to

be leaking. Battery fluid is corrosive, and contact with it can result in personal injury
and/or property damage.
To prevent injury or damage:
- If the battery leaks, avoid contact with the battery fluid.
- If battery fluid gets into your eyes, immediately rinse your eyes with clean water
and then seek medical attention. Do not rub your eyes!
- If battery fluid gets onto your skin or clothing, immediately use clean water to
wash off the battery fluid.

WARNING: Charge and use the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery only in strict
accordance with the instructions. Charging or using the battery in unauthorized
equipment can cause an explosion or fire, and can result in personal injury and/or
equipment damage.
To prevent injury or damage:
- Do not charge or use the battery if it appears to be damaged or leaking.
- Charge the Lithium-ion battery only in a Trimble product that is specified to
charge it. Be sure to follow all instructions that are provided with the battery
- Discontinue charging a battery that gives off extreme heat or a burning odor.
- Use the battery only in Trimble equipment that is specified to use it.
- Use the battery only for its intended use and according to the instructions in the
product documentation.

Trimble Navigation Limited 17

Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

5.3.1 External Power

External input power can be a solar panel or an external AC-DC power supply. The
Solar panel or AC-DC supply should be at least 5 watts.

5.3.2 Battery Storage Initial State of Charge
The initial state of charge should be between 15% and 50% before storage,
depending on length of storage. State of charge is determined by the open circuit
voltage of the battery (see the following table). Typical self-discharge during one
year is 5% at 20oC. Higher storage temperatures and higher initial state of charge
increases the rate of self-discharge.

Percent State of Open Circuit Voltage Open Circuit Voltage

Charge (External Charger) (Internal Charger)
100 8.4 8.2
95 8.3 8.12
90 8.2 8.04
85 8.1 7.97
80 8.04 7.92
75 7.95 7.85
70 7.9 7.8
65 7.804 7.75
60 7.76 7.68
55 7.7 7.64
50 7.64 7.6
45 7.6 7.58
40 7.58 7.56
35 7.56 7.55
30 7.55 7.54
25 7.52 7.5
20 7.48 7.46
15 7.39 7.38
10 7.36 7.36
5 7.28 7.2

18 Trimble Navigation Limited

Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015
97124-00-UG Minimum State of Charge

The minimum state of charge should be greater than 5% at the end of storage to
prevent an over discharge state. Over discharge (one or both cells of the battery
under 2 volts) will affect the performance of the battery, maybe seriously.

WARNING: If after storage, the battery voltage is low or even 0 volts, the
battery protection circuit has probably activated. The battery should be
charged as soon as possible to avoid cell damage. It is possible for the
battery voltage to go so low by self-discharge that the internal protection
will not allow the battery to be charged. Temperature
The recommended storage conditions are temperature range of 0oC to +30o C and
in a dry clean area. Short times from -40o C to +50o C are allowable. Temperatures
between +50o C to +60o C result in higher self-discharge, lower performance and
swelling of cells. Conditions for storage

1. Batteries should be removed from the equipment.
2. For short duration storage (less than 3 months) follow Minimum State of Charge section
3. For long duration storage (3 months to 1 year):
o Check battery voltage regularly, every 6 months.
o If necessary recharge up to 50% level (1 hour on external charger is
about 25%) Condition for De-storage

After long duration storage and before use:

1. Fully discharge the battery to 0V with a low current, ½ A, to rebalance cells.

2. Fully charge the battery
3. Discharge the battery again for capacity recovery.
4. Recommend final full charge before use.

Trimble Navigation Limited 19

Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

5.3.3 Battery Transport

The transportation certificate for the SAI2800 shows these batteries fall into the
category of smaller Lithium-Ion batteries and are permitted in carry-on baggage as
a spare if the guidelines are met to prevent short circuit and inadvertent switch on
of the device.

The following guidelines should be followed to provide secure and safe battery
storage during transportation:

For standard non-passenger shipments the 160-03 is shipped without batteries

installed. Two batteries and two spare batteries are packed in the shipping tubes
within the labeled standard shipping box.

Note: The freight shipping box with batteries needs to be identified with the label below and
proper documentation.

For passenger aircraft, the applicable UN regulations for transportation standards


UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations 13th

Revised Edition – 2003 – Ref ST/SG/AC.10/1 rev 13
UN Recommendations for Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria
5th Revised Edition – 2009 – Ref ST/SG/AC.10/11 Rev 5

The 160-03 batteries cannot be shipped on passenger aircraft and cannot be

placed in checked baggage. However the batteries are allowed in carry-on
baggage. They should be placed in their original shipping tubes to prevent
unintentional activation or shorting.

20 Trimble Navigation Limited

Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

5.4 Specifications
This section provides specifications.

Size: 8.625 (Diameter) 8.00 (High)
Weight: 12.3 lbs.
Watertight Integrity: IP 67
Shock: Survives a 1 meter drop on any axis
Power: PT07A12-4S
External Input Voltage: 11 to 20 VDC
Average Power: 0.55W on internal batteries only
5W on external power charging batteries
Internal Batteries: 2 Parallel, 2 Cell LiIon Packs
Battery Charger: Built Internal -OR- External
Consumption: 6 days on internal batteries
A/D Converter
Type: Delta Segma modulation,256 KHz base rate
24-bit output resolution
Channels: 6 channels
Common Mode Rejection Greater than 70 db within ±2.5 VDC
Gain Selection: Fixed x64 gain on geophone channels
Input Full Scale: 0.625 VPP @ x64
Bit Weight: Channels 1-3 37 nV/count @ x64
Bit Weight: Channels 4-6 298 nV/count
Noise Level: ~1 count RMS at 50sps @ x1
Sample Rate: 200 sps
Dynamic Range >135 dB
Sensor Sensitivities
2.0Hz Geophones: Channels 1-3 2 Volts/inch/sec
Accelerometer: Channels 4-6 0.4 Volts/g 1
Time Base
Type: GPS Receiver/Clock plus a disciplined oscillator
Accuracy with GPS: ±10 µsec after validated 3-D fix and locked
Free-Running Accuracy: 0.1 ppm over the temperature range of 0º C to 60º C
0.2 ppm from -20º C to 0º C

The accelerometer has a single-pole low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of approximately 44Hz

Trimble Navigation Limited 21

Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

Wi-Fi iPod Touch connection for monitoring
Recording Mode
Continuous Trigger Record length of 60 minutes
Recording Capacity
Battery Backed SRAM: 24 Mbytes
USB Device: 4 Gbytes (8 Gbytes also available)
Recording Format:
Format: Mini-SEED Recording Format

22 Trimble Navigation Limited

Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

5.5 Periodic Maintenance checks

In theory, no maintenance is needed - in practice it is to the user’s advantage to
inspect a unit at least every year or before and after any long-term field
deployment. Shock, vibration and effects the user has no control over (vandalism
for example) may occur and cause leaks in the case that result in dust or moisture
accumulating inside and damaging components. For these reasons it is best to have
REF TEK Customer Service perform an annual inspection, clean off the modules,
ensure that all cables are in good condition and that all boards and connectors are
firmly mated. If you encounter a recurrent problem, please advise REF TEK.

NOTE: For the 160-03 DAS units an EMI protective shield has been added to cover each
module and make the unit CE compliant. Care should be taken not to remove modules
from the 160-03. Warranty will be voided if a board is removed from the EMI
protective shield or module.

5.5.1 Changing the USB Flash Drive

If the USB Flash Drive needs to be changed, do the following

1. Use the magnetic wand to pass over the switch of the 160-03.
2. Check the LEDs have turned off.
Note: If the disk LED shows the unit is reading data; DO NOT REMOVE THE DRIVE UNTIL
THE LEDs are all OFF and the 160-03 is powered down. The following conditions could
result if a drive is replaced while the disk LED is ON:
o Loss of data on the drive.
o The drive may have to be reformatted.
o The 160-03 DAS may have to be power-cycled.
3. Remove the well cover for the USB Flash Drive.
4. Remove the USB Flash Drive and replace with a newly formatted drive.
5. Replace the well cap.
6. Wand over the switch on the 160-03 to turn the 160-03 power on.

Trimble Navigation Limited 23

Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

5.5.2 Replacing the CPU Battery (160-03)

The CPU module has two backup batteries.

A 3 volt backup coin cell battery is used to retain CPU RAM when the recorder is
powered off and no batteries are installed. The RAM backup battery will need to
be replaced about every three years.

The CPU backup battery should be replaced when the log file shows its voltage is
below 2.0 volts

A 3 volt backup coin cell battery for the Real-Time-Clock (RTC) is also installed in
this module. The clock backup battery will need to be replaced about every ten

To replace the CPU Backup Battery contact Customer Service and obtain an
RMA number through the website and ship the 160-03
back to REF TEK.

Trimble Navigation Limited

1600 Tenth Street, Suite A
Plano, Texas 75074

Support Phone: 1-888-8979-2207

Fax: 972-578-0045

24 Trimble Navigation Limited

Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

6 Warranty Statement
REF TEK instruments are warranted free from defects of manufacture for one year
from date of shipment.

For the full text covering the Product Limited Warranty, Warranty Remedies, How
to Obtain Warranty Service, Warranty Exclusions and Disclaimer, Limitation of
Liability, Official Language, Registration and any Product Extended Limited
Warranty that may apply, please see:

WARNING: Removal of covers from any of the modules VOIDS the warranty
unless performed by a certified REF TEK customer service technician. The
160-03 unit should be sent to REF TEK for service.

Trimble Navigation Limited 25

Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

6.1 Warranty/Non-Warranty Service

The customer must obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from
REF TEK before returning any equipment. Do not return any REF TEK supplied
equipment without first obtaining an RMA number.

The following policy is applicable for warranty/non-warranty equipment when a

problem is encountered.

Contact REF TEK, by a means that is listed below, to obtain an RMA number.

Division of Trimble
1600 Tenth Street, Suite A
Plano, Texas 75074

Support phone: 1-888-879-2207

Fax: 972-578-0045

1. Supply the indicated information at time of contact.

Description of Problem
Type of Instrument
Model No.
Serial No.
2. Package the equipment safely, preferably using the original packing materials. Include
the RMA on the outside of the shipping container, a return address where the repaired
equipment can be shipped and a contact telephone number.

Note: It is advised to use a shipping company that can provide a tracking number.

3. Ship the unit to the this address, freight prepaid:

Division of Trimble
1600 Tenth Street, Suite A
Plano, Texas 75074 USA

26 Trimble Navigation Limited

Rev D REF TEK 160-03 Users Guide 1/19/2015

7 Index

accelerometer LED display
channels 4-6 ..........................................................2 leveling mode .....................................................12
sensitivity.............................................................21 operation...............................................................8
process ...................................................................7 P
B average................................................................21
external connector..............................................15
battery mating PTO .........................................................16
100% LED ..............................................................8 PTO ......................................................................21
25% LED ................................................................8 solar .....................................................................16
50% LED ................................................................8 power up sequence ................................................15
75% LED ................................................................8
replace backup coin............................................24
storage ................................................................18 R
bit weights ..............................................................21 recording capacity ..................................................22
recording format
C Mini-SEED ......................................................14, 23
sample rate settable .............................................2
clock LED ...................................................................8 register 160-03 .........................................................iv
connections, faceplate............................................15
connector tools .......................................................16
D sample rates ......................................................13, 21
sensors internal .......................................................12
data, convert ...........................................................14 specifications...........................................................21
disk LED on warning...............................................23 start-up
dynamic range ........................................................21 items ......................................................................5
magnet switch.......................................................6
F procedure ..............................................................5
store battery............................................................19
features of 160-03.....................................................1
field procedure .........................................................9
location..................................................................1 trigger continuous ..................................................22
FPGA update ...........................................................11
G USB LED .....................................................................8
USB, changing .........................................................23
geophone user parameters ......................................................13
channels 1-3 ..........................................................2
accuracy ...............................................................21 warranty
operations ...........................................................15 RMA.....................................................................26
phase lock..............................................................7 statement ............................................................25
I LED.........................................................................8

Trimble Navigation Limited 27

Trimble Navigation Limited
1600 Tenth Street
Suite A
Plano, Texas 75074
Support: 1-888-879-2207
Fax: 972-578-0045

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