A Profile of Road Transport Development

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Res ea r c he r s W o r ld Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ ■



Teesta Dey,
Senior Research Fellow (U.G.C.)
Department of Geography,
University of Calcutta, India.


Howrah, the sister city of Kolkata displays a continuous transformation of its urban land use
pattern since its inception near about 500 years ago. Transport, being the most significant
parameter of urban land use change, depending upon which urban structure develops, is of great
importance in this context. Howrah city in Howrah district is well known for its National Railway
Terminus which brings and accelerates development of this city since 1854. At present Howrah as
a primate city of this district exhibits high dominance and centralization of road based mass
transport services which helps in the development of the local linkages system. But a strong
contrast can be identified in the regional district level where a real paucity of mass transport
services creates severe transport problems and high dependency on para transit services. In the
multimodal public transport system of Howrah city, the road based mass transport services are
dominated by private sector companies with certain degree of public sector intervention. The
varying degree of bus services along with auto-rickshaws and trekker services within Howrah
district, between Howrah district and Kolkata and between Howrah and other districts of West
Bengal expresses the changing pattern of different levels of interaction among the areas. Due to
the changing scenario of the transport services in this city in relation to the district scenario, an
attempt has been made to analyze the spatial pattern of road based mass transport development
with special reference to bus services and para transit services like auto- rickshaws and trekker
services. It is also important to assess how the existing transportation system of Howrah city
influences the trafficscape of this region.

Keywords: Mass Transport, Centralization, Para-Transit Services, Spatial Transport Pattern,

Urban Trafficscape.

International Refereed Research Journal ■ www.researchersworld.com ■ Vol.–IV, Issue–3(1), July 2013 [139]
Res ea r c he r s W o r ld Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ ■

Howrah, the smallest district of West Bengal with great potential of growth, is highly influenced by its location on
the western bank of river Hugli, just opposite to Kolkata city. Howrah city within this district displays its
continuous growth trend since its inception and became an important part of Kolkata conurbation. Among the
various factors of growth, transport infrastructure and services provide the basic framework for its regional
development. From the last 150 years, the gradual transformation of the land use pattern of this district has been
highly influenced by the transport development. Major thrust was given on the then industrial sector in 1854 when
the Howrah Railway Terminus was established (Government of West Bengal, 1967). Later on, construction of
Howrah – Shalimar Railway Section and Shalimar Terminus in 1883 and National Linkage of Howrah with rest of
the country within 1914, accelerated the rate of industrial development of this district. Another important transport
medium was the all season navigable river Hugli which still serves the passenger transport in the peripheral parts
of Howrah. While rail transport accelerates National passenger and commodity linkage system and ferry services
in the peripheral linkage system, only road based mass transport services provide the intra and inter regional and
local linkage system of Howrah. The existing road transport system helps in the reconstruction of the land use
pattern of this district through which every improvement circulates directly from origin to destination and can be
used by different types of people belonging in different economic classes. In this context emphasis has been given
on the identification of spatial variation of road based public transport services in relation to regional demand
pattern and their possible impact on the trafficscape of Howrah district as a whole.

A real paucity is observed regarding documentation of infrastructural development, specifically road and
transport development in Howrah district itself. Radharaman Mitra in his book “Kolikata Darpan” (Bengali)
(1980) explained the history of transport development in Howrah city as an adjoining part of Kolkata city. The
Master Plan for Traffic and Transportation in Calcutta Metropolitan Area (2001-2025), published by the
Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority (2001), provides a detailed plan for the up gradation and
management of public and private Mass Transport services in Howrah Municipal Corporation. Sukla Bhaduri
(2003) in her paper “Mass Transport Services in Kolkata Metropolitan City” has provided a detailed data based
analysis of functions and significance of both public and private bus services in Kolkata and Howrah city.
Infrastructural Development Report of West Bengal (2010) and District Statistical Handbook of Howrah District
(2009) published by Government of West Bengal throws light on the progress of road development under
various organizations and schemes.

The dynamic urban landscape in relation to existing transport services influence the mobility pattern of the
passengers in this district. In this context the basic objectives of this paper are –
1. To identify the role of the dominant modes of road transport services and their existence in relation to
spatial demand pattern.
2. To assess the role and viability of road based mass transport services in various ways.

Howrah district, located within 22˚12΄ N to 22˚48΄ N and 88˚23΄ E to 88˚50΄ E, is consisting of Howrah and
Uluberia Sadar Divisions, 14 Community Development Blocks, Bally and Uluberia Municipality and Howrah
Municipal Corporation (HMC) (fig 1). Among the urban units, the most urbanized part is the HMC with an area of
near about 51.74 Sq. Km with 1.08 million population load (as per 2001 census). The five boroughs of HMC with
50 wards are characterized by almost all possible attributes of developing urban landscape. Since the foundation of
HMC in 1862 and transformation into the present form in 1984, it acts as the most influential part of Kolkata
Metropolitan Area (KMA) and has the dual vibes for the industrial and regional development. The continuous two
way interaction between Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) and Howrah Municipal Corporation (HMC)
through two bridges (Howrah Bridge and Second Hugli Bridge) over river Hugli transformed the whole district as
one of the most notable and influential urban and industrial part of South Bengal.

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Res ea r c he r s W o r ld Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ ■


This research paper is based on the various transport related data collected from Road Transport Authority
(RTA) of both Kolkata and Howrah city. Bus related information and data have been collected from Calcutta
State Transport Corporation (CSTC), The Calcutta Tramways Company (CTC), West Bengal Surface Transport
Corporation (WBSTC), Bengal Bus Syndicate and Mini Bus Organizations. Movement pattern analysis has
been conducted for three various modes of road transport services and spatial analysis is done based on density
variations through GIS generated maps. Degree of Concentration of bus service is measured by Theil’s Index
and Intensity Index and relationship analysis is carried on by using bivariate analysis.


Among the various urban parameters of Howrah city, one of the most significant is its transport network system
which includes rail, road and water ways. Although it shows somewhat a balanced transport network system in
the urban perimeter but the interior rural parts are deprived especially in the access to and frequency of
transport services. Brief information is given below regarding the major transport systems of Howrah to assess
the role of road transport services in the multi modal transport system of this district.


Railway system is the most identifiable feature in the trafficscape of Howrah, by virtue of having the National
Railway Terminus. It is the most influential gateway of Kolkata for both national and local passengers. Howrah
Railway subdivision belongs to both southern and south eastern railway sections with 30 different rural and 13
urban stations. Every day near about 1, 73,000 rural and 1, 90,000 urban passenger (Dey, 2012) avail this mode
for their suburban communication. The suburban railway linkage system of Howrah is inextricably bounded up
with Kolkata and other parts of South Bengal, which reveals different levels of interactions, influenced by both
spread effect and trickledown effect.


The ferry services across the river Hugli clearly shows a high dependency on water based mass transport services of
Howrah, mainly for short distance purposes. The Howrah Municipal Corporation (HMC) is directly connected with
Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) through nine different ferry ghats in part of HMC. Others blocks of Howrah
viz. Sankrail, Uluberia I, Amta I and II, Udaynarayanpur, Bagnan I and II, Shyampur I and II - all have a total of 41
ferry ghats for direct connection with South 24 Parganas and East Midnapur districts of West Bengal (Munshi,
1980). Although such an economic, fuel efficient and environment friendly inland transport system of Howrah have
the potentials for passenger movement but with due course of time, inland water transport system has not been able
to maintain the balance between increasing passenger demand and supply of improved modes in comparison to other
surface based mass transit system. The existing navigational hazard like siltation, bank erosion, absence of
infrastructural facilities etc make the inland water transport system difficult to achieve the level of maximum carrying
capacity in accordance to the growing passenger demand.

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Res ea r c he r s W o r ld Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ ■


Among the multimodal transport system of Howrah, road based mass and para transport services are most
suitable for the daily urban and rural passenger movement. In the daily life of Howrah, the significance of bus,
auto-rickshaws and trekker services as the cheapest mode for common rural and urban dwellers cannot be
ignored. The daily passengers including the commuters are highly dependent on buses for their long distance
movement and on autos and trekker services for mainly short distance movement. In case of Howrah – Kolkata
daily urban interaction both public and private buses play a dominant role (Halder, 2002). But the degree of
interaction changes with the spatial variation of the locational characteristic and infrastructural facilities.


Bus is the prime mode for mainly short distance and sometimes long distance mass transport services for the
people of Howrah. On the basis of trip generation and destination system, the bus services of Howrah can be
categorized into three different types – a) Within Howrah Bus Services, b) Howrah – Kolkata Bus Services and
c) Howrah – Long distance bus services (table 1).
Table 1: Bus Services in Howrah
Category No. of Bus routes No. of permitted Buses
a. Within Howrah Bus services 131 2,018
b. Howrah – Kolkata bus services 148 2,601
c. Howrah to Long Distance bus services. 14 77
Source: RTA, Howrah and Kolkata, 2010


The bus service of Howrah district consists of Private, Mini and Executive Buses. There are 24 different private
bus routes and 34 mini bus routes with 666 and 821 fleet strength of each of them in 2010 which mainly provide
services to connect Kolkata city. There are another 31 private bus routes and 42 executive bus routes with fleet

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strength of 346 and 185 respectively that offer bus services in the interior parts of this district. The two maps of
Howrah (fig 2) represent the existing passenger pressure of different important nodes of Howrah district in
relation to the offered number of permitted bus routes with fleet strength. Although such interrelation reveals a
clear positive trend between passenger pressure and fleet strength of permitted buses (fig 3) but there is a high
degree of disparity in Shyampur, Jagatballavpur and Udaynarayanpur in terms of availability of buses in
relation to existing passenger demands. Hence a distinct inequality can be observed between the eastern part
adjacent to Kolkata city and the peripheral areas of Howrah district. Bus services must be provided to these
marginal areas for enhancing the existing transport system and for better connectivity.
Howrah and Kolkata together forms the busiest urban landscape in the entire eastern part of India where the two
cities, situated on two opposite banks of river Hugli, are linked up through three bridges from north to south viz.
Nivedita Setu, Howrah Bridge and Second Hugli Bridge. Howrah Bridge also known as Rabindra Setu and
Second Hooghly Bridge as Vidyasagar Setu connect the two Municipal Corporations directly through which
every day a million of passengers commute for various purposes. Apart from personalized vehicles and taxies,
bus is the only mode for mass transport services on these two bridges. It acts as the prime mode for the common
urban passengers to reach Howrah or Kolkata easily. 14 different types of buses ply on these two bridges with
near about 148 different bus routes and 2,600 numbers of permitted buses daily. Table 2 shows type wise
variation of routes and number of permitted buses. It represents a close relation between public and private
sectors where private transport exceeds the public transport services. Among the different buses, Mini buses and
Private buses rule over the other types for mass transport services on Howrah Bridge with a fleet strength of
1,335 and 766 buses respectively.
Table 2: Type - Wise Variation of Number of Bus Routes and Permitted Buses
Types of Bus Routes Number of Bus Routes Number of Permitted Buses
CSTC Midi Bus 3 31
Midi Bus 1 6
CTC Midi Bus 18 146
State Bus 14 162
Private Bus 20 766
Mini Bus 52 1,335
CTC Long Distance Bus 7 27
Office Special Bus 3 9
Ladies Special Bus 2 4
Special Bus 14 57
SBSTC Special Service Bus 1 6
SBSTC Midi Bus 2 10
Executive Bus 8 34
District Service Bus 3 8
Data Source: RTA, Kolkata, 2010

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Presence of National Railway Terminus at Howrah city and Shalimar and many other sub urban railway stations
in northern and central part of Howrah reduces the pressure on long distance bus services except in some
interior part mainly the southern part of Howrah. Long distance buses are available mainly from the Howrah
city. Among the various long distance bus routes (fig 4) the most important is the Howrah – New Digha route.
The long distance bus services mainly connect Howrah city with interior parts of Howrah and with its adjacent
district like Hooghly, East and West Midnapur, Purulia, Nadia etc. An interstate long distance bus service from
Howrah to Ranchi is also notable in this regard although the demand is not up to the mark.


The area that directly linked up with Kolkata and act as the most influential part of Kolkata Metropolitan Area
(KMA) is the Howrah Municipal Corporation (HMC) or the Howrah city. This is the most urbanized part of
Howrah district consisting of 50 wards distributed in five boroughs with high concentration of population. This
cosmopolitan city has excellent accessibility to other parts of India through both rail and road based transport
system (Halder, 2007). The Howrah Railway Station serves as a main gateway to enter Howrah as well as to
Kolkata. The city has near about 300km of metalled road and good number of semi metalled road. This area
has maximum concentration of buses connecting Kolkata as well as other parts of West Bengal. Table 3 presents
brief information about road based bus transport services of five boroughs of HMC. A brief information
regarding the borough wise variation of major and minor roads are given in the following table.

Table 3: Borough - Wise Analysis of Bus Transport Services in Howrah Municipal Corporation
Populatio Area Length of Number Number of
of roads
Borough Number of Wards n in sq. roads in of Bus Permitted
under bus
(2001) km. km Routes Buses
I 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11 1,86,929 10.05 14 22.54 30 405
II 1,75,563 5.89 13 20.80 139 2,462
III 1,56,247 7.22 11 18.14 51 877
IV 1,43,231 7.43 16 24.5 33 455
V 3,20,755 21.16 22 113.54 57 738
46, 47,48,49,50
Data Source: HMC Office, RTO of Howrah and Kolkata, 2010

On the basis of number of buses running on the roads, road hierarchy can be derived from where it can easily be
identified that maximum concentration of buses can be observed on H.M.Basu Road as it directly connects
Howrah with Kolkata through Howrah Bridge. Another important road is the G.T.Road as it serves as the nerve

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that stretches in the north south direction in the eastern part of HMC. The given road hierarchy diagram (fig 3)
clearly reveals the dominance of only two roads above 1000 bus fleet strength on an average week day whereas
maximum number of roads lie below that range.

The five borough containing ten wards each, varies greatly according to their locational attributes and shows
significant dissimilarity regarding passenger pressure and supply of buses (fig 6). Among these five boroughs,
the smallest but most developed part is borough II with maximum population, road, bus routes and bus density.
This is mainly because of –
Direct connection with Kolkata through Howrah Bridge.
Location of Howrah National Railway Terminus.
It is the Central Business District zone of Howrah City with all major administrative and commercial units.
While borough II represents the commercial and administrative concentration, borough III and IV are
characterized by presence of high percentage of residential areas. Borough IV is also connected with Kolkata
through Second Hugli Bridge. Thus borough II, III and IV are comparatively developed part of HMC in
comparison to borough I and V. Although borough V has maximum area but it is least developed part of HMC
with minimum population and road density and very low number of buses. The locational attributes influence
the spatial variation of road transport development in this area.

The concentration of bus services in these five boroughs of HMC can be measured by Bus Intensity Index (table
4) (Yeats, 1972). It is expressed as the percentage share of fleet strength of each borough to the total fleet
strength of the concerned area. Through this index the level of bus service development can be recognized. This
is unit free and therefore is very useful for comparative study. This analysis represents the nature and degree of

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regional inequalities in the perspective of bus service development. Figure 7 reveals that maximum bus
intensity is in borough II although two other adjacent boroughs of Kolkata city have less intensity even than the
peripheral borough.

Table 4: Determination of Bus Intensity Index of H.M.C. (2010)

Percentage of Fleet Bus Intensity
Total Percentage of Route
Total Fleet Strength to the
Borough Number of Number to the Total
Strength Total Fleet (B.I.) =
Bus Routes Route Number (y)
Strength (x)
I 405 30 8.203 9.677 2.990
II 2462 139 49.868 44.839 6.881
III 877 51 17.764 16.452 4.136
IV 455 33 9.216 10.645 3.151
V 738 57 14.948 18.387 4.083
Σ = 4937 Σ = 310
Source: Computed by the author


Apart from bus services, Trekker is the most popular para transit system of Howrah, mainly in the interior parts,
where the frequency and availability of buses are very low or uncertain. People, who reside away from Howrah
city, rely more on trekker services than buses due to easy availability and comfort factor. The reasons behind the
high demand of trekker services are as follows-

Availability of trekker in some interior parts where buses are not prevalent.
Frequency is higher in comparison to the buses.
Short distance movement is profitable, less time consuming and comfortable.
Although fare is a little bit high than the bus fare but it compensates with the availability and comfort factor.
Sometimes the trekkers reach those areas according to the passengers’ demand which is not possible for buses.
The trekkers stop according to the passengers demand either for getting up or for getting off, instead of
stopping at intervening stoppages.
It also acts as feeder services to the ferry ghats.

At present, trekker service is one of the profitable businesses in many parts of Howrah district, mostly in
Udaynarayanpur, Bagnan, and Shyampur where bus services are really very low in number. But sometimes such
high demand of trekkers creates various problems like –

High passenger demands degrade the comfort level. Normally a trekker can carry 12 to 14 persons but most
of the time they overload themselves by carrying even more than 20 persons at a time.
Such exceeding carrying capacity of trekkers enhances the probability of accidents at any time.
Sometimes trekker services rule over certain routes due to lack of bus services where they can increase their
fare rate arbitrarily ignoring the passengers’ request and due to the paucity of other modal options
passengers could hardly afford to resist these phenomena.
High air pollution is also resulted from these services.
The high demand of trekker services makes people eager to get permit for introducing new trekker routes in
other parts of Howrah, which ultimately may lead to the over congestion of such services and wiping out of
bus services in the interior parts.

In spite of all these positive and negative attributes, it is true that where bus services are absent or insufficient,
trekker services are able to provide a viable public transport services for the local passenger. Some of the major
trekker routes are given below in table 4 to show the spatial coverage of this service within Howrah district.

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Table 4: Major Trekker Routes of Howrah

Origin Destination Number of Permitted Trekkers
Betia 15
Benapur 13
Bagnan Gadiarah 8
Garchumuk 8
Siagorimore 11
Amtakalatala 22
Bargachia 13
Harali 2
Munshirhat 6
Balichak 9
Joynagar 1
Bowalia 18
Chengali 6
Andul 14
Domjur Narna 6
Katlia 2
Nazirganj Ferry Ghat 46
Wadipur Kali Mandir 12
Jogkhamari 7
Shibgange 13
Shyampur Sitapur 8
Gadiarah 10
Amberia Kheyaghat 9
Data Source: RTA, Howrah, 2010


Where trekker services rule mainly the rural transport services, auto services dominate the short distance movement
in the urban areas and mostly at the city core of Howrah. In the present scenario of urban transport development of
Howrah, the significance of auto services is unquestionable. Some of the advantages are as follows –

Auto Rickshaw is acting as the most rapid transit system for short distance movement purposes.
It is the most convenient mode on the feeder roads connecting the railway stations and ferry ghats of Howrah.
It is largely acting as link transport network of sub-urban railways.
In terms of cost and time, the stage carriage system of auto rickshaws has got a relative advantage over
manually operated rickshaws particularly within short distance and in relatively longer distance it enjoys an
edge over buses and mini buses in terms of assured comforts (World Bank, 2002).
Table 5 shows the description of major 18 auto routes plying within Howrah Municipal Corporation and Bally
Municipality, where most of the routes connect stations with the city core. High demand of Auto services are
observed in the Howrah Maidan area which is basically the CBD zone of Howrah city.

Table 5: Auto Services within the Jurisdiction of Howrah Municipal Corporation and Bally Municipality
Route No. of permitted Auto
Howrah Maidan to Salkia 50
Howrah Station to Salkia 100
Howrah Station to DonBosco 40
Belgachhia to Salkia Chowrasta 40
Bamungachhi to Bandhaghat 30
Belgachia to Kadamtala 20
Parijat Cinema to Bally Khal 30

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Howrah Station to Shibpur Tram Depot 20

Belur Station to Chandauri 50
Bhattanagar Daspara to Lilua Station 50
Bakultala to Santragachi Station 15
Shibpur Ferry Ghat to Ichhapur Khudiram Statue 20
Nazirgange to Tikiapara 30
Lilua Station to Ghusuri 20
Mouri Mill Gate to Ramrajatala Station 20
Ramtala Station to Baltikuri 15
Santragachi Rail Colony to Belepole 15
Lilua Station to Belur Launch Ghat 20
Data Source: RTA, Howrah, 2010


To assess the spatial distribution pattern of road based transport services within Howrah Municipal Corporation,
Theil’s index has been calculated based on the fleet strength of three important modes viz. buses, auto-
rickshaws and trekkers. Theil’s Index is an important indicator to evaluate whether the service is equally
distributed all over the study area or their presence is merely concentrated in certain enclaves within that area
(Rogerson, 2010). Here the index is calculated for the three selected modes to compare their distribution pattern
within the HMC zone.
Theil’s Index = Where, n = No. of observations

= , x = Selected Criteria

Table 6: Theil’s Index of Road Transport Services of Howrah Municipal Corporation (2010)
Fleet Fleet Fleet
Strength Strength Strength
of of of
Buses Autos Trekkers
I 405 0.089096395 232 0.096505338 140 0.108469739
II 2462 0.150689698 947 0.159624966 242 0.139881522
III 877 0.133311022 320 0.115009621 220 0.134703423
IV 455 0.095428506 460 0.135962372 286 0.148137796
V 738 0.123384685 510 0.141484392 320 0.152825683
4937 0.591910306 2469 0.648586684 1208 0.684018163
Log n 0.698970004 0.698970004 0.698970004

0.107 0.050 0.015

Source: Computed by the author

The value of Theil’s index ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 denotes concentration in one place while 0 means even
distribution. The Theil’s index of all three indicators represents that all of these modes are more or less equally
distributed within HMC although maximum equal distribution of services sequentially decreases from trekkers,
autos and lastly bus services. Hence it can be said that in comparison to the mass transport services, para transit
services are evenly distributed and have more passenger demand than the bus services.
The huge population density at the urban core of Howrah creates serious transport problems affecting both
socio – economic and environmental conditions. Some of the recent problems of mass transport services in
Howrah are as follows:

International Refereed Research Journal ■ www.researchersworld.com ■ Vol.–IV, Issue–3(1), July 2013 [148]
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Very low road space at the city core (near about 3.2% to that of the total area).
High population density (especially in Borough II, III and IV) and no scope to increase road space in these
High passenger and traffic density.
Imbalances between existing demand and supply of buses.
Road congestion by trucks, para transit modes and personalized vehicles causes low road space for bus services.
High level of inequality in road space and bus services among different Boroughs. For instance, Borough I
and V are having very low road and bus density in comparison to other Boroughs.
High congestion near the railway station area in borough II creates serious problems during peak hours.
No such road infrastructural development has yet been taken.
No future transport development and traffic improvement plan in HMC area have been implemented.
High level of air pollution at the city areas resulted due to large number of old, badly maintained diesel buses etc.

Very recently government has given thrust on solving the transport related problems in urban core of Howrah
district. Among them, most notable one is the East – West Metro Railway Project (Government of West Bengal,
2000-2005) where the construction work is going on rapidly to connect Howrah city directly with Kolkata
without depending on the already overloaded three bridges. But this is only for accelerating the interaction
between these two cities. The interior parts are still neglected as far as the transport network development plans
are concerned. Thus, in spite of the introduction of metro railway services, which will be confined in the
peripheral urban area of Howrah, one cannot deny the importance of the bus and auto services for the common
urban travelers and trekker services for the rural travelers to maintain the balance in the road transport system.
The flexibility and low cost system of operation and maintenance of these modes, together with the prior
existence of the necessary roadways, means buses, autos and trekkers, are likely to remain firm favorite in both
rural and urban parts of Howrah district. Therefore government should take immediate necessary actions for the
overall up gradation of the existing road based mass and para transit systems in Howrah.

[1] Bhaduri, Sukla (2003), “Mass Transport Services in Calcutta Metropolitan Area”, Vaidya, B.C. (ed.),
Geography of Transport Development of India, Concept Publishing Company. New Delhi.
[2] Dey, Teesta (2010): “ Sub-urban Railway Network of Kolkata-A Geographical Analysis”, Sarkar, Ashis
(ed.), E-Traverse, Indian Journal of Spatial Science, vol.III no. 3, The Geographical Institute,
Presidency University, Kolkata.
[3] Government of West Bengal (1967): “Basic Development Plan,” Calcutta Metropolitan Planning
Organization (CMPO), Kolkata.
[4] Government of West Bengal (2010): “District Statistical Handbook, Howrah”, Bureau of Applied
Economics and Statistics, Kolkata
[5] Government of West Bengal (2001): “Master Plan for Traffic and Transportation in Calcutta Metropolitan
Area (2001-2025),” Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority, Kolkata.
[6] Government of West Bengal: “Office Records and Statistics” (Unpublished) (2000-2005), Public Vehicles
Department, Kolkata
[7] Halder, D. K. ed. (2007): “Studies in Urban Transport”, Book well Publishers, New Delhi.
[8] Halder, D. K. ed. (2002): “Urban Transport Pricing and Planning”, Allied Publishers Limited, Kolkata.
[9] Mitra, Radharaman (1980): “Kolikata Darpan” (Bengali), 1st part, Subarnarekha Publication, Kolkata.
[10] Munshi, Sunil Kumar (1980): Geography of Transportation in Eastern India under the British Raj, Calcutta.
[11] Rogerson, Peter A. (2010): “Statistical Methods for Geography, A Student’s Guide”, SAGE Publications
Ltd., London
[12] World Bank (2002): “Cities on the move- A Urban Transport Strategy Review”, Washington D.C.
[13] Yeats, Maurice (1972): “An Introduction to Quantitative Analysis in Human Geography”, McGraw Hill
Publication, New York.


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