Astrophysics 003 Worked - 063638
Astrophysics 003 Worked - 063638
Astrophysics 003 Worked - 063638
4 radiation and the relative abundance of hydrogen and helium in the Universe.
(a) Explain what is meant by cosmological microwave background radiation and how its
existence supports the Big Bang theory.
Cosmic microwave background radiation is microwave e/m radiaiton that comes
from all parts of the universe
the has a peak in the microwave part of the spectrum at around 2.7K
though this has been red shifted to longer wavelengths suggesting that everything
is moving away/expanding
It is the remnant left over from the big bang
When the universe was young and hot there was a brief period when fusion
of hydrogen nuclei to form helium.
As universe expanded it cooled, and this fusion stopped to quickly for the
formation of larger nuclei.
This explains the abundance of H/He as around 3:1
(Total 6 marks)
Kornephoros 43 G 2.8
Rutilicus 11 G 2.8
Sarin 23 A 3.1
(a) Define the parsec. You may use a diagram as part of your answer.
distyance at which 1AU (earth to sun distance) subtends 1/3600 (1 arc second)
of a degree
K and R are the same spectral class meaning they one of the some temperature
They have similarapparent magnitudes despite k being a lot further away & so k mint
have a greater power output/ absolute magnitude
so as power is proportional to area (surface) K must be bigger
(c) One of the four stars has the peak in its black-body radiation curve at a wavelength of
1.0 μm.
temperature = ____________________ K
(d) Explain which star produced the black-body radiation curve described in question (c).
R ~ it is an M class star which is around 3000k on the H-R diagram
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Two methods involved in the detection of exoplanets are the radial velocity method and the
10 transit method.
As planet passes in front of the star so its apparent magnitude drops.
We see a light curve which has a periodic dip in a constant value as the planet
passes in front or star absorbing some of its light
dip could be caused by some other effect
planet can take many years to orbit star, so going to take ages to check results
(Total 5 marks)
(a) Sketch a Hertzsprung−Russell diagram on the axes on the graph below. Label the position
11 of the main sequence, white dwarf and giant stars.
(b) Label the minimum and maximum values on the scale of each axis.
(c) Some of the properties of three stars are shown in the table below.
Omicron 2
Rigel Regulus A
860 16.5 79
0.13 9.5 1.3
✔ if correct
White dwarf his lowest M
Omicron 2 has lowest m despite being the nearest so it is the WD
(Total 11 marks)