Rust As Functional Programming Language

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Functional Programming
Multi-paradigm programming language focused
on safety and performance.

Rust Unique approach to memory management and


Incorporates functional programming features

for concise, readable, and reliable code.
Immutability by Default
Variables in Rust are immutable by default. This means that once a variable is set
to a value, it cannot be changed:

To allow a variable's value to be changed, it must be explicitly declared as mutable:

Clear Function Input and Output
Specifying clear types for inputs and outputs, along with using pure functions,
enhances code safety and clarity. Pure functions ensure consistent outputs with no side
effects, further reducing errors and making the code easier to understand.
Handling Optional Values
Rust's Option are used to handle the presence or absence of a value in a type-safe
manner. This approach eliminates the risk of null pointer exceptions common in many
other programming languages.
First-Class Functions and Closures
In Rust, functions are treated as "first-class citizens," meaning they can be passed as
arguments, returned from other functions, and assigned to variables, much like any
other data type.
First-Class Functions and Closures
Fn: Can be called multiple times without mutating state.
FnMut: Can be called multiple times and may mutate state.
FnOnce: Can be called once and might consume the variable, so it cannot be used again.
Pattern Matching
Pattern matching in Rust is a powerful feature that allows you to check a value against
a series of patterns and execute code based on which pattern matches.
Pattern Matching

Exhaustiveness Checking: Rust's compiler ensures that all possible cases are
covered in a match expression, reducing the risk of bugs.

Destructuring: Patterns can destructure enums, structs, tuples, and references,

which allows for extracting parts of complex data types.

Binding: Pattern matching can bind values to names, making them available in the
associated code block.

Guards: Patterns can be augmented with guards, additional conditions specified

after the if keyword that must also be met for the matching arm to be selected.
Pattern Matching
Algebraic Data Types and Pattern Matching
Rust's enums and pattern matching allow for expressive and safe handling of various
states and conditions. This feature is foundational to Rust's error handling and optional
values, via the Result and Option types.
Higher-Order Functions
In Rust, higher-order functions (HOFs) are functions that can take one or more
functions as arguments and/or return a function.
Currying and partial application
* We can implement curried functions in Rust, but it’s not idiomatic.
Iterators and Combinators
Rust's iterators and combinators support a functional approach to operating on
sequences of items. They are lazy, only executing when consumed, and support a range
of operations like map, filter, and fold.
Merge Sort
Rust integrates functional programming elements at its foundation, which enable
Rust code to adopt functional-style patterns. These elements enhance code clarity,
optimize performance, and minimize potential bugs.

While Rust includes fundamental concepts of functional programming, it remains

distinct from purely functional languages like Haskell or Elm. But still, it might be a
good practice to selectively incorporate these aspects to refine specific code blocks
without fully committing to a functional programming paradigm.

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