Claus S 2003
Claus S 2003
Claus S 2003
Received 22 May 2003; received in revised form 22 July 2003; accepted 25 July 2003
Browsing ruminants have been shown to tolerate a certain amount of tannins in their natural diet, and preference trials
with captive roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) have suggested an active selection for a low dose of hydrolysable tannins.
In this study, we investigated the preference patterns for tannic acid, a source of hydrolysable tannins, and quebracho, a
source of condensed tannins, in a series of preference trials with captive roe deer over time, using a pelleted feed that
differed only in the respective tannin content. Additionally, two groups of four hand-raised roe deer fawns were fed
either a control or a 3% tannic-acid containing diet and physiological parameters were compared after 7.5 months. There
were large differences in preference patterns between the individual roe deer groups; quebracho was mostly avoided,
whereas tannic acid was actively included in the diet in differing, low proportions. However, one group consistently
preferred the quebracho diet over both the control or the tannic acid diet. For the tannic acid, the preference pattern
often revealed an initial period of high preference, followed by a stable period of a moderate preference. The fawns on
the tannic acid diet had a lower pellet intake and a higher relative mass gain than the fawns on the control diet;
differences in salivary tannin-binding capacity and in blood antioxidant status were below significance. These results are
the first indications of potential benefits of a low-dose tannin diet, which need further confirmation. The results of the
preference trials demonstrate that the time pattern of tannin intake is not constant, and pose the question about the
validity of short-term preference trials in general.
䊚 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ruminant; Tannin; Preference trial; Salivary tannin-binding proteins; Mass gain; Food intake; Antioxidant status
1096-4959/03/$ - see front matter 䊚 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
370 M. Clauss et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 136 (2003) 369–382
tannins could not be demonstrated in trials with consisted of lucerne meal (39.8% of original ingre-
natural feedstuffs (Faurie and Perrin, 1993; Muller
¨ dient mass), crushed oats (39.1%), crushed wheat
et al., 1998). Additionally, Tixier et al. (1997) (7.6%), bran (9.9%), soy oil (0.6%), linseed oil
found that free-ranging roe deer (Capreolus (0.6%), a calcium-phosphorus-premix (1.2%) and
capreolus) selected a diet of higher tannin content a vitaminymineral-premix (1.2%). Prior to the
than the average tannin content of all available feeding experiments, this diet was fed for several
forage in the habitat. After a detailed analysis they weeks to the experimental animals. The tannin-
concluded that this could not simply be a side containing diets were produced using the basal
effect of a selection for plants with high soluble diet mix and adding 3 or 6% of original mass of
carbohydrate contents, which also had high tannin tannic acid (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) or que-
levels. Experimental work by McArthur et al. bracho-sol (Otto Dille, Norderstedt, Germany).
(1993) supported the idea that browsing ruminants
(adapted to dietary tannins) will tolerate a certain 2.2. Preference trials
tannin load if that is the cost of ingesting otherwise
higher quality forage. Finally, Verheyden-Tixier et Three groups of adult captive roe deer and two
al. (1999) and Verheyden-Tixier and Duncan groups of captive hand-raised roe deer fawns were
(2000) performed preference trials with captive used for the preference trials. Animals were kept
roe deer groups with identical pelleted diets that at the field station of the Institute of Zoo and
differed only in their tannin content, which indi- Wildlife Research (IZW) Berlin, except one adult
cated that the animals actively included a certain roe deer group, which was kept at the Zoological
amount of tannins in their daily ration. Garden of Rostock, Germany. All animals had
Historically, the negative effects of tannins on been raised in captivity. Animals from two groups
ruminants have been emphasized (Kumar and died during the time in which the experiments for
Singh, 1984). However, positive effects of tannins this study were performed due to other reasons.
have been investigated more recently and have For details see Table 1. At the field station, animals
been reviewed for wild animals (Clauss, 2003) were kept in meadow enclosures and received, in
and comprise anthelmintic, antibacterial and addition to the basal or experimental pelleted diets,
antioxidative effects as well as a protection of high-quality meadow hay; at the zoo, they received
valuable nutrients from forestomach fermentation; additionally high-quality meadow hay and a vari-
these postive effects could account for a potential ety of fruits and vegetables. The pelleted diet was
selection for low doses of tannins. So far, poten- offered to the adult animals in plastic feed troughs
tially positive effects have not been demonstrated of identical colour. The position of the troughs
in wild ruminant species. was rotated arbitrarily on a daily basis. The amount
We adopted the trial design of Verheyden-Tixier of pellets offered was weighed, and after 24 h the
et al. (1999), using two different tannin sources leftovers were weighed again. The length of the
and increasing the time period of the individual preference trials varied between 12 and 44 days.
preference trials (which had, in their study, lasted In the case of the group ‘Adult2’, a series of
for 5–8 days with one exception of 15 days), as preference trials with tannic acid was performed
we wanted to test whether preference or avoidance to result in a continuous choice period of 76 days.
patterns varied with time. Additionally, we wanted The different preference trials are summarized in
to compare the effect of mid-term tannin feeding Table 2.
on measurable physiological parameters of roe deer
fawns by feeding them either a control or tannin— 2.3. Effect of tannin feeding
containing pelleted diet for 7.5 months.
In order to test the effect of tannin feeding, the
2. Methods two hand-raised fawn groups, with which at dif-
ferent stages preference trials were also performed,
2.1. Basal and experimental diets were allocated to different diet treatments. The
animals received the basal diet in August, 1999
A basic pelleted diet was formulated that met and were subjected to a preference trial (see Table
the nutritional requirements of captive roe deer 2); then, from 04.09.99 on, ‘Fawn1’ received the
and could be used as a sole feed. This diet basal diet only and were regarded as the ‘control
M. Clauss et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 136 (2003) 369–382 371
Table 1
Experimental roe deer groups (castr.scastrated), kept at the Institute of Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) or the Zoological Garden
of Rostock
group’, and ‘Fawn2’ received the 3% tannic acid In April 2000 all animals were immobilized for
diet, for a total of 7.5 months. All animals had other veterinary procedures. On this occasion, body
been kept in one grass enclosure, which was masses were recorded, saliva samples were taken
divided when the two groups were defined. The from the oral cavity by cotton swabs, and blood
animals had been trained to step on an electronic samples were taken from the jugular vein. Some
scale while being hand-fed during bottle-feeding. blood and serum were transferred immediately on
Their readiness to step on the scales while an liquid nitrogen for later antioxidant analysis. Blood
investigator was nearby decreased progressively samples were analysed according to standard lab-
after weaning. Thus, masses were gathered sporad- oratory procedures. For the determination of
ically. Food intake was recorded by weighing the reduced glutathione (according to Beuter et al.,
offered amount of pelleted feed and the leftovers 1963) and oxidized glutathione (according to His-
after 24 h in August and September 1999 and in sin and Hilf, 1976) the blood was treated with a
January and April 2000. The amount of food was mixture of metaphosphoric acid, EDTA and NaCl.
always chosen so that there would be leftovers the After centrifugation, aliquots were taken for neu-
next day. Animals were screened for intestinal tralization with disodiumhydrogenphosphate fol-
parasites on a regular basis. lowed by addition of 5,59-dithio-2-nitrobenzoic
Table 2
Summary of performed preference trials: tannins used, trial lengths and pelleted diets used (TAstannic acid; Qsquebracho)
Fig. 1. Daily diet choices of roe deer group ‘Adult2’ during a course of 76 days, during which different combinations of a basal diet
and a 3 and 6% tannic acid diet were offered (on two days measurements had to be discarded for technical reasons).
acid (DTNB). Reduced glutathione (GSH) was prepared prior to the experiment. Fifty microgram
determined after reaction with DTNB in a spectro- per millilitre tannin solution and 2, 10 and 20 mgy
photometer at 412 nm. For the determination of ml salivary protein solution were added to the pre-
oxidized glutathione (GSSG) the autoxidation of incubation mix. Two controls were utilised, one
GSH was stopped by addition of N-ethylmaleimi- without both tannin and salivary protein to give
de. After addition of sodium hydroxide GSSG was the highest possible value, the other without sali-
modified using ophtalaldehyde. GSSG was deter- vary protein to give the lowest possible value.
mined at a spectrofluorimeter (excitation: 350 nmy Samples were analysed on four plates. Higher
emission: 420 nm) using GSSG standards for A405 values reflect higher relative tannin-binding
quantification. Total cellular glutathione (S GSH) capacities of salivary proteins. For comparison, a
was calculated as GSHq2 GSSG. pooled sample of total saliva of seven adult roe
Saliva was separated from the cotton by centrif- deer kept on the same experimental station, which
ugation in salivettes (Sarstedt, Numbrecht,
¨ Ger- had been exposed to tannins in natural browse and
many) at 5500=g for 20 min at 8 8C and desalted apple pomace, were used.
applying centricons YM 3 (Millipore, Eschborn, The pellet intake of ‘Fawn1’ and ‘Fawn2’ was
Germany). Filters had a molecular mass cut-off of compared statistically by fitting a regression line
3 kDa. Protein concentration of the total saliva to each group (independent: number of days after
was determined by the BCA-method of Smith et starting the experiment) and comparing their inter-
al. (1985) which was adapted to microtitre plates. cepts using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used as a The difference in mass gain and blood parameters
standard. For the assay, 10 ml of BSA (0–2.5 mgy between the ‘Fawn1’ and ‘Fawn2’ samples was
ml) or desalted salivary proteins were mixed with tested for significance with an unpaired t-test. The
150 ml of the Smith Standard Working Reagent significance level was generally set to as0.05.
and incubated for 30 min at 37 8C. The absorbance All statistical calculations were performed with the
(A492 nm) was measured using a microtitre plate- SPSS 9.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL) and STATISTICA
(StatSoft, Tulsa, OK) software packages.
reader (SLT Laborinstrumente, Crailsheim, Ger-
many). Tannin binding capacity was measured 3. Results
with help of the tannin-binding assay as described
3.1. Preference trials
previously (Fickel et al., 1998). The assay was
performed on microtitre plates. Trypsin and tannin The time period for which a preference trial was
stock solutions (1% tannin in 50% methanol) were conducted had distinctive effects on the outcome
M. Clauss et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 136 (2003) 369–382 373
Fig. 2. Daily diet choices of roe deer group ‘Fawn1’ during a course of 35 days, during which a combination of a basal diet and a 3%
tannic acid diet were offered.
of the trial. For example, regarding the choices of increased up to 4.5% tannic acid initially and then
‘Adult2’ with respect to tannic acid (Fig. 1), after decreased gradually, seemingly stabilising at 2.0%
five days this group ingested a pelleted diet with again.
approximately 3.5% tannic acid. During the next The pattern observed in this group—an initial
six days, they chose higher tannin concentrations increase in tannin intake, followed by a decline
of 4–4.5%. In the following 10 days, however, and a stabilisation at a lower level—could be
there was a decrease in tannic acid preference and observed in other groups as well (c.f. Fig. 2). In
a stable choice pattern at a level of 3.0% tannic general, the preference pattern for quebracho
acid seemed to develop. In the ensuing experiment, seemed to follow a more uniform course, consist-
which lasted 28 days, the animals could only ing of an initial peak and a much faster reduction
choose between the basal diet and the 3% tannic of intake to generally lower overall tannin content
acid diet. After an initial drop, tannin intake (c.f. Figs. 3–5). However, even quebracho was
stabilized at approximately 2.0% tannic acid. Dur- never completely avoided. In the trial where they
ing the next experiment, which lasted 25 days, the could only choose between a 3 and a 6% quebra-
animals could only choose between the basal diet cho diet, ‘Fawn2’ had an average quebracho intake
and the 6% tannic acid diet. The preference pattern of 3.5% quebracho.
Fig. 3. Daily diet choices of roe deer group ‘Adult3’ during a Fig. 4. Daily diet choices of roe deer group ‘Adult2’ during a
course of 26 days, during which a combination of a basal diet course of 29 days, during which a combination of a basal diet
and a 3 and 6% quebracho diet were offered. and a 3 and 6% quebracho diet were offered.
374 M. Clauss et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 136 (2003) 369–382
Table 3
Average selected daily tannic acid concentration in pelleted feeds in different roe deer groups. Averages calculated for the whole trial
period and for a period of ‘stable choice’
Roe deer Trial Average Average Average ‘Stable Average Average Average c.f. Figure
group period pellet tannic tannic choice pellet tannic acid tannic acid
(days) intake acid intake acid intake period’ intake intake intake
(gyanimal (gyanimal (% original (days) (gyanimal (gyanimal (% original
and day) and day) weight) and day) and day) weight)
Fawn1 35 386 5.0 1.3 17 558 6.5 1.2 2
Fawn2 35 312 3.9 1.2 not reached – – – not shown
Adult2 21 430 2.6 2.8 9 419 12.6 3.0 1ypart 1
Adult2 28 1138 21.8 1.9 13 1409 30.4 2.2 1ypart 2
Adult2 25 1208 40.1 3.2 6 783 15.2 2.0 1ypart 3
Adult1 16 114 6.8 app. 6 16 114 6.8 app. 6 6
M. Clauss et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 136 (2003) 369–382 375
Table 4
Average selected daily quebracho concentration in pelleted feeds in different roe deer groups. Averages calculated for the whole trial
period and for a period of ‘stable choice’
Roe Trial Average Average Average ‘Stable Average Average Average c.f.
deer period pellet quebracho quebracho choice pellet quebracho quebracho Figure
group (days) intake intake intake period’ intake intake intake
(gyanimal (gyanimal (% original (days) (gyanimal (gyanimal (% original
and day) and day) mass) and day) and day) mass)
Fawn1 44 807 3.8 0.6 30 903 1.5 0.2 5
Fawn2 20 938 5.5 0.6 14 929 3.8 0.4 not shown
Adult2 29 557 6.8 1.2 23 565 7.3 1.3 4
Adult3 26 403 2.3 0.4 12 523 2.4 0.4 3
Adult1 29 534 31.7 app. 6 29 534 31.7 app. 6 7
Table 5
Average selected daily tannin concentration in pelleted feeds in different roe deer groups. Note that ‘Fawns 2’ could only choose
between the two tannin diets and was not offered the control pellets
Table 6
Selected blood parameters measured in the two roe deer fawn groups after a 7.5 month-feeding period (Cscontrol group; Tstannic
acid group). Hbswhole blood hemoglobin, Hctshaematocritypacked cell volume, Glcsserum glucose, APsserum alkaline phospha-
tase, TP stotal serum proteins, T3sserum triiodthyronin, T4sserum thyroxin, Fesserum iron, Znsserum zinc, GSHsreduced
glutathione, GSSGsoxidized glutathione, S GSHstotal cellular glutathione (GSHq2 GSSG)
with many consecutive measurements. After fitting lation, incidentally. In two feeding trials of our
regression lines, the comparison of intercepts study, a ‘stable choice period’ was not reached
revealed a significant lower pellet intake for the (Table 4). In the three experiments in which both
tannin group (days 1–34: P-0.001, days 270– tannin sources were offered simultaneously, no
281: Ps0.001). ‘adaptation period’ was evident (Table 5); these
trials had been always performed after the trials
4. Discussion with the individual tannin substances (c.f. Table
According to Hagerman et al. (1992), results It is difficult to compare these results directly
derived from experimental feeding of tannic acid to those presented by Verheyden-Tixier and Dun-
or quebracho are not necessarily the same as those can (2000). In that study, only a few juvenile
that would be achieved, if natural tannin sources animals were included, which were not evaluated
were used (which are, however, generally not separately from adults. The trials were conducted
available). Even if these two commercially avail- for 5–8 days only (with one exception of 15
able tannin sources are included in feeds in iden- days), and fluctuations in intake patterns were not
tical amounts, as in our trial, differences in the presented. The results were evaluated by means of
amount of biochemically active tannin substances a regression analysis of the daily total amount of
will occur between the two preparations: whereas pellets consumed by all groups vs. the daily
the tannic acid used was of a certified pureness, amount of tannin consumed, which resulted in an
quebracho may contain as little as 50% effective inclusion of the tannin source at a level of 2.8%
tannins (Robbins et al., 1991). As analyses on the of the pelleted food mixture. For our data, such a
substances used in this study could not be per- regression analysis cannot be performed, as the
formed, differences between the two quebracho daily intake data points are clearly not independent
sources must be regarded as mainly qualitative. (c.f. Figs. 1–7), and because there were significant
differences in the preference pattern of the different
4.1. Preference trials animal groups tested. Thus, our results confirm the
conclusion that roe deer do not avoid dietary
The distinctively fluctuating patterns of prefer- tannins (in this case tannic acidyquebracho), but
ence in the preference trials present an important from our data we cannot conclude that there is a
problem for the interpretation of the results. Ide- species-specific level of active tannin selection
ally, only results of trials should be evaluated that that is precisely regulated. Rather, large differences
were performed long enough for a stable pattern between animal groups were observed.
to become evident—be it a constant level of It was demonstrated in roe deer (Tixier et al.,
selection or a consistently repeated preference 1998) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virgini-
cycle. For the feeding trials of this study, this anus, Spalinger et al., 1997) that hand-raised fawns
demand could not be considered to be fulfilled by do not differn in their dietary preferences from
all trials (c.f. Fig. 3). The importance of the adult, mother-raised individuals. In this respect,
distinction between an ‘adjustment stage’ of vari- generally lower tannic acid intake of our fawn
able time length and a ‘representative choice stage’ groups should not solely be regarded as an effect
can be demonstrated if the average ingested tannin of their young age, but rather as another manifes-
concentrations of the complete trials or of the tation of individual differences between animal
final, stabilized choice stage, are compared (Tables groups. For free-ranging roe deer and mule and
3 and 4). In some cases, higher initial tannin black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus spp.),
intakes were levelled out in the average calculation large individual differences in forage preferences
due to the length of the feeding trial (e.g. ‘Fawn1’ have been described in free-ranging animals (Vos-
on tannic acid, Fig. 2 or ‘Adult2’ on quebracho, er-Huber and Nievergelt, 1975; Bartmann and Car-
Fig. 4), but in other cases a high initial tannin penter, 1982; Gillingham and Bunnell 1989). In
intake could lead to overestimations if the total preference trials with captive roe deer with diets
average was calculated (e.g. ‘Fawn1’ on quebra- of different protein and starch content and a single
cho, Fig. 5). In ‘Adult3’ on quebracho (Fig. 3), trial period of four days, Rusterholz and Turner
the initial refusal and the subsequent high intake (1978) found large individual differences in pref-
levelled each other out in the total average calcu- erence patterns and changes in preference patterns
378 M. Clauss et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 136 (2003) 369–382
of the same individuals if the trials were repeated al., 1994). In experiments with sheep (Krueger et
after a certain time period. Evidently, results of al., 1974), taste was identified as the most impor-
such trials must be interpreted with caution. tant sense for forage selection, with all other senses
Robbins et al. (1991) and Hagerman et al. playing only supportive roles. The use of smell for
(1992) showed that when quebracho was added to food preference decisions will depend on the type
a pelleted diet, protein digestibility decreased in of feeds available for choosing. In this respect, it
mule deer and even more dramatically in sheep. is impossible to decide whether the low proportion
However, the addition of tannic acid did not, in of quebracho in the intake of most animals was a
those trials, lead to a reduction in protein digesti- result of a constant ‘sampling’ of all available
bility. Similar observations regarding tannic acid foods, or a deliberate inclusion of this low propor-
had already been made by Hawkins (1955). Given tion, although the latter interpretation may seem
the different effect of tannic acid and quebracho more unlikely. A constant sampling behaviour has
on digestion, the general pattern of a fast decline
also been described for roe deer by Kossak (1981)
of quebracho preference (c.f. Figs. 4 and 5) in
and Tixier et al. (1998). The tendency for tannic
contrast to a generally much more gradual reduc-
acid to be included in comparatively higher pro-
tion in tannic acid preference, seems understanda-
ble; it is in accord with the aversion learning portions could, however, be interpreted as an
theory of Provenza et al. (1990) that the develop- indication of an active selection.
ment of a digestive malaise leads to a fast aversion In general, the following conclusions regarding
of the according foodstuff. In this respect, the the selection of dietary tannins in the animals
preference behaviour of ‘Adult1’, who consistently investigated in this study can be made: (1) Neither
chose the highest quebracho concentration availa- tannic acid nor quebracho were entirely avoided.
ble to them, is difficult to understand. From the (2) Tannic acid seems to have been included in
time necessary until a relative rejection of the the diet to a higher degree than quebracho. In the
tannic acid pellets occurred, one can assume that direct comparisons, this preference pattern was
the proportions of tannic acid ingested did not confirmed in two of three cases. However, one
cause instantaneous malaise in roe deer. Would adult group preferred quebracho to tannic acid. (3)
that have been the case, one would have expected The fawn groups used in this study generally
a rejection of the tannin-containing pellet mix included tannic acid in lesser proportions than the
within the first few days (Provenza et al., 1990), adult animal groups, however, the intake of que-
as displayed by most groups against the quebracho bracho did not differ significantly between the
diet. However, one can only speculate if the fawns and ‘Adult3’. (4) Significant differences in
observed pattern is the result of a delayed negative the proportion of tannins ingested between the
feedback, or the lack of positive reinforcement of individual animal groups do not allow the postu-
the behavior. A tempting interpretation of the lation of a ‘species pattern’. (5) A pattern of an
observed fluctuation in tannic acid intake is that initially increasing preference of tannin-containing
the astringent, ‘woody’ tannin taste and smell is food with a subsequent decline seemed to occur
habitually used by these captive animals to identify
in several of the trials.
potentially beneficial diet items, i.e. browse, and
The length of time period for which a preference
that it takes a while to un-learn this association;
trial is performed will influence the results. Con-
when the animals realize that the digestive effect
of the ‘tasty’ food equals that of the regular food, ventionally, preference trials with both domestic
the particular preference ceases to peak. This and wild animals are carried out for much shorter
would also explain why the ‘woody’ taste of the periods of time (e.g. Schwartz et al., 1980; Prov-
comparatively harmless tannic acid is finally pre- enza et al., 1990; Duncan et al., 1994; Kirschner
ferred over that of the malaise-producing quebra- et al., 1999; Verheyden-Tixier and Duncan, 2000;
cho. Similar fluctuations of preferences were found Alm et al., 2002; De Rosa et al., 2002). In the
in a similar trial conducted with captive giraffes view of the individual differences, and the fluctu-
and tannic acid (Clauss et al., 2003). ation of preference within individual animals, the
Observations on the use of gustation or olfaction results of short-duration preference trials may have
for the selection of preferred feeds in deer is to be interpreted with caution, and should ideally
controversial (Schwartz et al., 1980; Duncan et be confirmed by long-term trials.
M. Clauss et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 136 (2003) 369–382 379
4.2. Effects of a tannic acid diet zinc in the tannin group could be attributed to a
possible influence of tannic acid on zinc absorp-
4.2.1. Saliva tion. The results on the antioxidant parameters
Fickel et al. (1998) demonstrated that the parot- GSH and S GSH could indicate that the ingestion
id saliva of roe deer contains specific, tannin- of tannic acid stabilizes the antioxidative metabo-
binding proteins—just like the saliva of mule deer, lism. Since the GSSG concentrations remain
the other deer species previously examined (Austin unchanged, no direct effect on the free radical
et al., 1989; Robbins et al., 1991). In mule deer, production can be assumed, whereas higher GSH
tannin-binding proteins could not be modulated by and consequently higher S GSH are a clear hint
the manipulation of dietary tannin concentrations on some improvement in the glutathione synthesis.
(Austin et al., 1989). As mule and roe deer are Positive effects of tannins on the antioxidant status
strict browsers, the presence of salivary tannin- of animals and man have attracted attention recent-
binding proteins could be part of the overall ly (Tebib et al., 1997; Bravo, 1998; Hassig
¨ et al.,
genetic makeup of these species. The difference 1999). The effect of tannin feeding on wild ani-
observed in the salivary tannin-binding capactiy mals in this respect, and the consequences of a
between the pooled sample from adult animals and lack of dietary tannins in captive environments,
both juvenile groups is astonishing. One could try should be further investigated.
to interpret this finding as an indication of a
gradual induction of tannin-binding proteins during 4.2.3. Body mass gain and food intake
ontogeny by constant consumption of tannin-con- The fact that the tannin animals increased their
taining forages; however, the comparison of the body mass sigificantly more than the control group
control and the tannin juvenile group does not indicates that the tannic acid supplement increased
strongly support this argument. Whether differenc- the food conversion efficiency in these animals.
es in tannin-binding capacity exist between ani- At the moment, three possible explanations for the
mals of different age classes would need to be increased food efficiency are available:
verified with a larger sample size.
1. As tannins can reduce the parasite burden (But-
4.2.2. Blood parameters ter et al., 2000; Kabasa et al., 2000; Athanasia-
Although the external conditions as day time or dou et al., 2001), this might result in a lesser
immobilisation stress were identical for all ani- energy consumption by parasites and anti-para-
mals, the small sample size and the lack of a site defence, making more nutrients available
crossover design requires a cautious interpretation for growth. However, all study animals were
of these results. Tannins are known to chelate regularly dewormed, and faecal flotations
dietary iron and thus reduce iron absorption (Gil- revealed no parasites throughout the entire study
looly et al., 1983). The lower hemoglobin concen- period. Therefore, other explanations are more
trations of the tannin animals are probably a direct likely.
result of this effect and thus indicate that the tannic 2. Low levels of tannins can reduce the protein
acid had a physiological effect regardless of the degradation in the forestomach of ruminants and
presence of salivary tannin-binding proteins. For thereby increase the flow of more valuable
iron absorption, serum iron is not considered a amino acids to the small intestine (Driedger and
suitable parameter, and accordingly, this parameter Hatfield, 1972; Barry and Manley, 1984 Wagh-
did not differ between the treatment groups in orn et al., 1987; Liu et al., 1998; Frutos et al.,
spite of the differences in hemoglobin concentra- 2000). Even mass gains have been described
tion. There are conflicting results on effects of (Kaitho et al., 1998). It is also speculated that
tannins on the availability of other minerals (Kies tannins in forages can protect soluble carbohy-
and Umoren, 1989; Jansman et al., 1993; Vaquero drates from rumen fermentation and, therefore,
et al., 1994). The availability of zinc has been increase their nutritive value for ruminants (Bar-
shown to be either decreased Greger and Lyle, ry and Manley, 1984; Sreerangaraju et al.,
1987) or not affected (Flanagan et al., 1985; 2000). These effects have mainly been observed
Jansman et al., 1993) by the presence of tannin- for condensed tannins. Whether the hydrolysa-
containing compounds. The reduction in serum ble compounds of tannic acid could perform a
380 M. Clauss et al. / Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 136 (2003) 369–382
Frutos, P., Hervas, G., Giraldez, F.J., Fernandez, M., Mantecon, McArthur, C., Robbins, C.T., Hagerman, A.E., Hanley, T.A.,
A.R., 2000. Digestive utilization of quebracho-treated soya 1993. Diet selection by a ruminant generalist browser in
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