Assignment #2

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Kafrelsheikh University Second Year

Faculty of Engineering Fluid Mechanics

Mechanical Engineering Oct. , 2013

Chapter 2: Fluid Properties

Assignment #2

1. Are mass, weight, and density intrinsic or extrinsic properties? Justify your answer.

2. A certain type of jet fuel has a specific gravity of 0.85.

(a) What is the density of this fuel?
(b) What is the specific weight of this fuel (in SI units)?
(c) What is the mass and weight of a 0.25 m 3drum of this fuel?

3. Estimate the mass of the air in your bedroom? State any assumptions.

4. The four common temperature scales are Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, and Rankine. Convert
each of the temperature listed to the other three temperature scales.
(a) 10◦C
(b) 10◦F
(c) 600 K
(d) 600◦R

5. Although most modern thermometers contain alcohol, older ones often contained mercury
(Hg). During fabrication of a certain thermometer, the Hg was inserted under standard
conditions so that it filled a reservoir of volume 50 mm3. Given that Hg has a specific gravity
of 13.6 and the density of water is 1000 kg/m3, calculate the weight and mass of the Hg in the

6. Consider water initially at 20°C and 1 atm. Determine the final density of water (a) if it is
heated to 40°C at a constant pressure of 1 atm, (b) if it is compressed to 150-atm pressure at a
constant temperature of 20°C, and (c) if it is compressed to 40 oC and 150 atm. Take the
isothermal compressibility of water to be a 4.80 10-5 atm-1 and coefficient of volume
expansion to be 3.3710-4 K-1

7. When water at 70 oC flows through a converging section of pipe, the pressure decreases in the
direction of flow. Estimate the minimum absolute pressure that can develop without causing

8. Calculate the speed of sound in: (a) air at 0oC, (b) nitrogen at 20oC, (c) hydrogen at 10oC, (d) air at
100oC, and (e) oxygen at 50oC.

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9. Knowing that the temperature dependence of viscosity for a liquid is modeled by the
exponential relation   Ae B / T where A and B are constants for a given liquid. Calculate the
temperature at which the viscosity of water is equal to 40% of its value at 20oC, given μ(20oC)
= 0.001 Pa.s and μ(0oC) = 0.0018 Pa.s

10. The viscosity of a gas increases with rising temperature. The appropriate form of the
viscosity–temperature relationship is
 T 
 
 o  T o 

where μo is the known viscosity at the reference temperature To (often 273 K) and n is a
constant for a specific gas (0.7 for air). Calculate the temperature at which the viscosity of air
is equal to twice its value at 20◦C, given that μ(20◦C) = 0.0001813 Pa.s.

11. A certain fluid is known to have a viscosity of 1.240 cP at 100◦C and a viscosity of 0.950 cP
at 300oC. Is this fluid likely to be a liquid or a gas? Why? Estimate the viscosity of this fluid
at 200oC.

12. Consider the viscous flow in a channel of width 2b. The channel is aligned in the x
direction, and the velocity at a distance y from the centerline is given by the parabolic

 y2 
u  y   U o 1  2 
 b 
In terms of the viscosity μ, calculate the shear stress at a distance of y = b/2. Sketch the
shear stress in the channel

13. A viscometer, used to measure the viscosity of a liquid, is composed of two 12-cm-long
concentric cylinders with radii 4 and 3.8 cm. The outer cylinder is stationary and the inner
one rotates. If a torque of 0.046 N·m is measured at a rotational speed of 120 rpm, estimate
the viscosity of the liquid. Neglect the contribution to the torque from the cylinder ends and
assume a linear velocity profile.

14. Water at 20 oC flows in a 0.8-cm-diameter pipe with a velocity distribution of

  r 2 
u r   51   
  0.004  
 
Where u in m/s and r is radius in m. Calculate the shear stress on (a) the pipe wall, (b) at a
radius where r 0.2 cm, and (c) at the centerline of the pipe.

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15. A 10 kg block slides down a smooth inclined surface as shown in Fig. 1 below. Determine
the terminal velocity of the block if the 0.1 mm gap between the block and the surface
contains SAE 30 oil at 60 °F. Assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear, and the
area of the block in contact with the oil is 0.1 m2.

Fig. 1 Sketch of Prob. #15

16. A 30 cm diameter circular plate is placed over a fixed bottom plate with a 0.1-in (0.254 cm)
gap between the two plates filled with glycerin as shown in the Fig. 2 below. Determine the
torque required to rotate the circular plate slowly at 2 rpm. Assume that the velocity
distribution in the gap is linear and that the shear stress on the edge of the rotating plate is

Fig. 2 Sketch of Prob. #16

17. A disk of radius ro rotates at angular velocity  as shown in the Fig. 3 below. Assuming a
linear velocity profile and neglecting shear on outer disk edges, derive an expression for
viscous torque on the disk.

Fig 3 Sketch of Prob. #17

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18. A pivot bearing used on the shaft of an electrical instrument is shown in the Fig. 4 below. A
SAE 30 oil at 30 oC fills the 0.025 mm- gap between the rotating shaft and the stationary
base. Determine the frictional torque on the shaft when it rotates at 5000 rpm.

5000 rpm

5 mm

0.025 mm

Fig 4 Sketch of Prob. #18

19. A conical body turns in a container, as shown in Fig. 5 below, at constant speed 11 rad/s. A
uniform 0.25 mm film of SAE 10 oil at 20 oC seperates the cone from container. What
torque to maintain the motion if the cone has a 5 cm radius at its base and 10 cm tall.

0.25 mm

0.25 mm

Fig 5 Sketch of Prob.#19

20. Estimate the height to which water at 20 oC will rise in a capillary glass tube 3 mm in
diameter exposed to the atmosphere. For water in contact with glass the wetting angle is
nearly 90o. At 20oC and water-air combination, σ = 0.073N/m. Repeat this problem by
replacing the capillary glass tube by two glass plates with 3 mm apart.

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