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Original article
Keywords: This paper presents a mathematical model for estimating the optimal sizing and assessing a standalone hybrid
Hybrid power systems power system’s performance entirely based on variable renewable energy sources and coupled with a hybrid
Multi-objective optimization energy storage system. This study evaluates how different levels of the main components’ capital cost and the
Hybrid energy storage
loss of power supply probability would affect the cost of energy and the power system’s optimal sizing. The case
Energy management strategy
study selected for this study was Ometepe Island in Nicaragua, where the crater lake of an extinct volcano was
considered a feasible upper reservoir of a pumped storage hydropower plant, reducing the investments associated
with this component. The mathematical formulation considers energy storage losses and gains, and the Pareto
efficient solutions of the multi-objective optimization model simultaneously increase reliability, reduce the cost
of energy, and minimize curtailment energy. By employing time-series with an hourly resolution, the model
allows assessing the impact of the interannual variability of renewable energy sources on the system’s perfor
mance. As for the case study, the cost of energy obtained from the model results ranges between €0.047/kWh and
€0.095/kWh, based on international reference values, and these values match the information available in the
literature and other databases.
Introduction achieve the goal of a power system based entirely on renewables [2–8].
It is worth mentioning the paper by Jacobson et al. [9], where these
Non-combustion renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydro authors assessed the feasibility of serving the all-purpose loads of 139
power, and geothermal) are becoming the pillars of electric power sys countries across the world with 100% renewables, and their findings
tems worldwide [1]. Numerous authors have investigated how to suggest that this might be attainable with careful planning of generating
Abbreviations: CAPEX, Capital expenditure; CBT, Installed capacity of the battery bank; COE, Cost of electricity; CP/T, Installed capacity for pumped storage hydro
turbomachinery; CPV, Installed capacity of solar photovoltaic power; CWT, Installed capacity of wind power; Ed, Energy deficit; EMS, Energy management strategy;
Es, Energy surplus; Evap, Sum of actual evapotranspiration and evaporation; g, Gravitational acceleration; G, Solar irradiance; Gref, Solar irradiance at standard
conditions; GV, Volume of water gained from rainfall and the catchment area; h, Available head for hydropower production; Kt, Coefficient of efficiency variation as
a function of the temperature; kW, kilowatt; kWh, kilowatt⋅hour; LFPV, Performance ratio of the PV system; LPSP, Loss of power supply probability; MOGWO, Multi-
objective Grey Wolf Optimizer; MW, Megawatt; MWh, Megawatt⋅hour; Pload, Load demand; Pn, Rated power of the wind turbine; PPV, Power output of the PV system;
PSH, Pumped-storage hydropower; PSHg, PSH production in generating mode; PSHp, PSH charging rate in pumping mode; PV, Photovoltaic; PWT, Power output of the
wind turbine; Q, Flow rate through the pumped storage hydro turbomachinery; SIN, National Interconnected System; SOCb, State of charge of the battery storage;
Tam, Ambient temperature; Tc, Junction cell temperature; Tref, Reference temperature; V, Wind velocity; Va, Cut-out wind speed of the wind turbine; Vd, Cut-in wind
speed of the wind turbine; VD, Volume of water discharged from the upper reservoir; Vp, Volume of water pumped from the lower reservoir; Vr, Rated wind speed of
the wind turbine; VRES, Variable renewable energy sources; WT, Wind turbine; ηch, Charging efficiency of the battery bank; ηdch, Battery storage’s discharge effi
ciency; ηinv, The efficiency of the inverter; ηPSH, Pumped storage hydropower plant overall efficiency; ρ, Water density; σ, Self-discharge rate of the battery.
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: fcanales@cuc.edu.co, fausto.canales.v@gmail.com (F.A. Canales), albeluco@iph.ufrgs.br (A. Beluco).
Received 17 December 2019; Received in revised form 4 November 2020; Accepted 1 February 2021
Available online 22 February 2021
2213-1388/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.A. Canales et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 44 (2021) 101062
units and energy storage systems. Similarly, Aghahosseini et al. [10] how wind-PSH hybrid power systems could increase renewables’
evaluated the interconnected energy power system’s feasibility based penetration in the Canary Islands [31]. Caralis and Zervos [32] analyzed
completely on renewables for the Americas for 2030. After assessing the operation of a wind-PSH project applied to Greek islands, and in
several scenarios, their results indicated that existing technologies could their next study [33], they assessed the market potential of wind-PSH for
supply all the electricity demand in the Americas for 2030, with a system autonomous power systems on Islands. Papaefthimiou et al. [34] pre
dominated by solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind turbines (WT). sented operating policies for wind-PSH stations for island grids, while
While there is no universal approach for attaining 100% renewable Katsaprakakis et al. [35] proposed a wind-PSH system for an insular
energy systems, several countries and regions across the globe have power system for Karpathos and Kasos’ islands. Kapsali et al. [36] per
proven that this is an achievable goal in recent times [11,12]. Some formed a sensitivity analysis of wind-PSH from the economic perspec
examples are the Tokelau islands, administered by New Zealand, which tive, using the Greek islands as a case study. Ma et al. [37] considered
use PV systems with battery backup for meeting the energy demands of adding PV modules to a wind-PSH hybrid power system and analyzed it
the approximately 1500 inhabitants of these three atolls [13]. In Central from a technical perspective for a remote island in Hong Kong.
America, Costa Rica was able to produce its electricity entirely using Papaefthymiou and Papathanassiou [38] presented an optimal sizing
renewables (a combination of hydropower, wind, solar and geothermal) method for wind-PSH stations for insular systems. Ma et al. [39]
for over 300 days in 2018, and this country has set a goal of becoming employed a similar approach to achieve an optimal design of an
carbon–neutral within this century [11,14]. The Danish island of Samso, autonomous solar-wind-PSH station. Barreira et al. [40] considered an
with a negative carbon footprint, uses biomass and wind power to serve off-stream PSH project as an option to increase VRES penetration in
its load, and it has a connection to the mainland for energy export and Santiago island (Galápagos). Tsamaslis et al. [41] showed a concept of
balancing [15]. These are only a few case studies, but the growing hybridizing PVs with PSH to increase VRES penetration and achieve grid
number of communities supplied entirely from renewables proves that benefits for Cyprus. A recent detailed review paper by Javed et al. [42]
such a 100% renewables scenario is possible with adequate planning has summarized major works in this area, highlighting PSH’s technical
and policies aimed at such a target. and economic viability in the off-grid projects.
These examples support the findings of recent studies and reviews Guezgouz et al. [43] proposed an energy management strategy
[11,12,16], stating that a combination of renewable sources, energy (EMS) for off-grid renewable energy systems, aiming to optimize a
storage, and balancing technologies can substitute conventional fossil hybrid storage system consisting of pumped storage hydro and a battery
fuel and nuclear power generation. A more extensive list of examples bank. The main idea is to prioritize PSH over batteries to store extra
can be found in the paper by Brown et al. [17]. In their research, these energy and cover deficit load when it operates in their higher efficiency
authors deconstruct and oppose a common claim that variable renew range. Otherwise, the batteries are used as a backup system to avoid the
able energy sources (VRES) are unreliable and intermittent to the degree operation of PSH in a lower efficiency range, preventing the depletion of
that they are unable to contribute significantly to the electric power the upper reservoir. The present study is based on the EMS proposed in
supply or to serve baseload power [18,19]. [43], with improvements in how the components are modeled, such as
Pumped storage hydropower (PSH) is a mature and efficient form of assessing storage systems’ losses and gains.
bulk energy storage that has drawn significant attention as a viable Ometepe island, in Nicaragua, Central America, was selected as the
option to facilitate the integration of VRES in isolated areas and national case study for this paper because it presents some attractive features for
power grids [20,21]. One of the most substantial costs related to hy evaluating the method and assessing the technical feasibility of a 100%
dropower with storage is the one related to building the reservoirs. non-combustion RES system: a) it has a crater lake at the top of an
Specifically, for PSH, the price per kilowatt⋅hour (kWh) for a PSH plant extinct volcano that might serve as the upper reservoir of a PSH plant; b)
that already has the two reservoirs available is around 18% of the cost of it is located in a large tropical freshwater lake that could act as the lower
a PSH plant that requires two new reservoirs, and 40% of a system reservoir of the PSH system; c) solar and wind energy resources are
including one new reservoir [22]. In general, PSH can present various available. The island also has geothermal potential, although this
configurations: both reservoirs are human-made (e.g., Goldisthal Pum characteristic was not considered in this work. The paper by Meza et al.
ped Storage Plant, Germany); natural lakes connected by a canal (e.g., [44] also works with the idea of reaching 100% of the energy supply to
Żydowo Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant, Poland); one of the the island of Ometepe with renewable resources. They present a detailed
reservoirs is a natural water body and the second one is an artificial survey of the wind and solar potentials, and they also consider the
reservoir (e.g., Żarnowiec Pumped Storage Power Station, Poland); the possibility of energy storage in the crater of the Maderas volcano. They
lower reservoir is using saltwater from the ocean (e.g., Okinawa Yan acknowledge the island’s geothermal potential, indicating that in
baru Seawater Pumped Storage Power Station, Japan[23]); PSH using vestments in research and development are still required. These authors
exploited (abandoned) deep mines [24,25]. Despite many possible focus on assessing the available renewable resources, discussing their
configurations of PSH plants, the main factor determining the suitability possible complementarity, and comparing them with the island’s pop
of a given site for PSH development is a beneficial ratio of vertical (head) ulation’s consumption, suggesting actions to reduce or optimize energy
to the horizontal distance between reservoirs [26]. The paper by consumption.
Ghorbani et al. [27] summarizes the different possible topologies for Within this context, this paper aims to evaluate how the combination
PSH. of different levels of the capital cost of the main components of the
The sustainability of communities living on islands and remote hybrid renewable energy system and the loss of power supply proba
communities across the world is often directly tied to fuel oil availability bility (LPSP) affect the cost of electricity (COE) and the optimal
and price. This commodity propels ships and trucks that allow trans configuration to serve the load of Ometepe Island. Some of the merits of
porting goods into and from the island, fuels the vehicles that would this article related to filling the literature gap are that unlike other
enable tourism and mobilization within these areas, and, perhaps most studies, it uses a hybrid storage system that simultaneously increases
important, has enabled the continuous electricity supply for these reliability and reduces COE and curtailment energy. The model
communities [28]. employed is an adaptation of the work by Guezgouz et al. [43] for a
There is a significant body of literature on hybrid systems based on more accurate simulation of a hybrid PW-WT-PSH-battery system by
VRES coupled with PSH operating on islands. We briefly introduce some considering storage losses and gains. Additionally, this paper discusses
of those works written over the last years. Duić et al. [29] showed how the impact of the interannual variability of solar and wind resources and
PSH could be used to increase VRES penetration in Porto Santo island. investigates the feasibility of producing hydrogen from the dumped
Bueno and Carta [30] presented a techno-economic analysis of wind- energy generated by the hybrid power system based on renewables.
powered PSH for El Hierro island. Their follow-up study investigated
F.A. Canales et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 44 (2021) 101062
Fig. 1. Satellite image showing the Ometepe island region in Nicaragua. Adapted from [49].
F.A. Canales et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 44 (2021) 101062
Fig. 2. The conceptual layout of the proposed off-grid renewable energy system for the Island of Ometepe.
• When VRES production is insufficient to serve the load: Fig. 3(c) [51–53]. As a result, a set of characteristic equations is proposed to
shows this operating mode, where PSH and battery are used to cover predict the WT’s output power as a function of different wind speeds
the deficit energy. ranging from start to cut-off speed. In this context, the performance of
the Enercon E-33/300 [54] wind turbine is simulated using the
The following section describes the EMS’s main algorithm and the following equation:
proposed changes in the components’ modeling regarding this work. ⎧
⎨ 0 V < Vd ; V > Va
PWT = (powercurve) Vd < V < Vr (3)
Solar power output ⎩
Pn Vr < V < Va
The mathematical modeling of PV generators allows the assessment
of their nonlinear behavior, which strongly depends on the variation of where PWT is the power output of the WT, Pn is the rated power of the
solar irradiance and temperature of the selected site. In this sense, the wind turbine, V represents the wind speed. Vd, Va, Vr correspondingly
power output of the PV system (PPV) as a function of temperature and denote the cut-in, cut-out, and rated WT’s wind speed. The Enercon E-33
solar radiation is given by Eq. (1): wind turbine has been successfully employed in small island grids
[ ( )] worldwide [55], and its power curve is shown in Fig. 4.
PPV = CPV × LFPV × (G/Gref ) 1 + Kt Tc − Tref (1)
where CPV denotes the installed capacity of the PV system, LFpv refers to Pumped storage hydro model
the performance ratio of the PV system, G is the solar irradiance, and Gref In standalone hybrid renewable energy systems, rechargeable bat
represents the solar irradiance at standard conditions (1000 W/m2), Kt is teries are usually used to overcome the imbalance between generation
the coefficient of efficiency variation as a function of the temperature, its and load demand. Due to their fast response time, low cost, high effi
value usually equal to − 3.7e− 3 (1/◦ C) for silicon-based PV panels. Tref is ciency, the short period required for building storage banks, and their
the reference temperature (25 ◦ C), and Tc is the junction cell tempera flexible installation, batteries have been widely used as the primary
ture, which is calculated as follow: option for studies about autonomous hybrid systems. On the other hand,
hybrid systems connected to a pumped storage hydropower plants have
Tc = Tam + (NOCT − 20/800) × G (2) increased their popularity due to their low maintenance cost, long life
Tam represents the ambient temperature; NOCT is the normal time, and high energy density.
operating cell temperature given by the manufacturer. Pump-turbines are reversible electrical machines that can change
their operation from pump mode to turbine mode by reversing their
Wind turbine and output rotation direction. In the case of excess energy during the low con
The wind turbine’s output power is heavily dependent on the wind sumption or high generation hours, the pump mode elevates water from
speed; therefore, each WT has a particular performance curve. The latter the lower reservoir to the upper one, which means a conversion of
facilitates the estimation of the power generated by a WT without electrical energy into potential hydraulic energy. Similarly, when elec
dealing with the complete technical details of the generator. Many re tricity demand is high and the generation from renewables is insuffi
searchers have developed various models based on the above concept in cient, the turbine mode converts the stored energy back into electricity.
which the power curve of the wind turbine exhibits a typical shape The power generated by the pump-turbine mainly depends on the head h
F.A. Canales et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 44 (2021) 101062
(difference in levels between the reservoirs) and the flow rate Q and can overproduction (Es) is determined using the following equation:
be expressed by the following equation [56]:
PSHp (t) = min[ρ∙g∙ηPSH ∙Q∙h; Es] (5)
EPSH = ρQghηPSH (4)
In order to ensure the production/consumption balance, the water
EPSH represents the amount of energy produced by the PSH, ρ is the pumped to the upper reservoir is converted to electrical energy via the
water density [1000 kg/m3], Q is the flow rate [m3/s], g is the gravi turbine during the hours of underproduction (Ed) from renewable en
tational acceleration [9.81 m/s2], h is the height difference between the ergy sources. The power generated from the water turbine is calculated
lower reservoir and the upper one [m], and ηPSH is the overall efficiency using the following equation.
of the PSH.
PSHg (t) = min[ρ∙g∙ηPSH ∙Q∙h; Ed] (6)
The energy pumped to the upper reservoir during the hours of
F.A. Canales et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 44 (2021) 101062
Solar resource
For the period between 2007 and 2019 evaluated in the model
described in this paper, the solar resource information for Ometepe
comes from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service [58]. The
monthly average ambient temperature and irradiation at Ometepe Is
land, the two main parameters employed by the model to estimate the
PV output, are displayed in Figs. 5 and 6. The proposed model applies
the Liu and Jordan isotropic transposition model to convert the available
irradiation on the horizontal plane to the inclined plane [59].
The primary data regarding the renewables sources and load for
setting the hybrid power system model for this case study are presented Fig. 5. Monthly average ambient temperature at Ometepe during the
and discussed over the next subsections. period 2007–2019.
F.A. Canales et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 44 (2021) 101062
Size optimization
F.A. Canales et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 44 (2021) 101062
Table 1
CAPEX of each components [22].
Components Min [€/kW] Mean [€/kW] Max [€/kW]
Table 2
Technical and economic specification of hybrid system elements.
Parameters Values Unit Reference
Lifetime 25 years [22]
O&M 1.7 % of CAPEX [43]
Temperature coefficient − 3.7x 10− 1/◦ C [43]
Performance ratio (LFpv) 90 % [72]
F.A. Canales et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 44 (2021) 101062
Table 3
Results of optimal sizing for different levels of power supply reliability.
LPSP CAPEX PV [MW] WT [MW] PSH [MW] Battery [MW] COE [€/kWh] Curtailment [%]
requirements for a PV solar park could range between 0.89 and 4.90 ha/
MW, with a capacity-weighted average of 2.80 m2/MW. Ometepe total
area is 276 km2 (27,600 ha) [46], meaning that in the worst-case sce
nario from the results, the land use requirements would be around 60 ha
(less than 0.25% of the island area).
Ometepe is one of the regions with significant wind power potential
in Nicaragua [77]. However, the country’s only relevant wind parks are
in the municipality of Rivas, a few kilometers (~30 km) from the island.
The Amayo wind farm, which started operating Phase I in 2009, and
Phase II in 2010, has an installed capacity equal to 63 MW, corre
sponding to 30 SUZLON S88 wind turbines of 2.1 MW. For this work, an
initial assessment of the wind regime indicated that the Enercon E-33/
300 wind turbine previously mentioned in the model’s description is a
good fit for this case study. The turbine could be placed offshore the
island, in the shallow waters of Lake Cocibolca.
System simulation
This section uses the results of a simulation for assessing the system’s
proper operation and the validation of sizing results. For this matter, the Fig. 11. The variation of battery state of charge during one year (2019)
of simulation.
hybrid system configuration that achieved a 100% level of power supply
reliability (presented in Table 3) was used to simulate the system per
formances and analyze its operation.
Fig. 10 depicts the state of charge (SOC) of UR for the year 2019. The
results indicate that the system operates correctly and follows the
constraint of using less than 80% of the maximum water volume avail
able in the lake. This graph evidences that the PSH is extensively used to
cover the electricity demand during May and October, where the upper
reservoir reaches its minimum allowable level. Similarly, the SOC of
battery storage is given in Fig. 11. As for the battery bank, this frequently
regulates the lower demand that PSH cannot serve. The production from
wind power and PV solar power for 2019 is shown in Figs. 12 and 13,
correspondingly. These data maps indicate a low electrical production
for both energy sources between April and June, a behavior that
F.A. Canales et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 44 (2021) 101062
Fig. 14. Potential of renewable energy sources over 2007–2009 and its effect on the hybrid system’s power supply reliability.
system and the potential of VRES each year, which were normalized curves of the excess energy during the year of simulation, also called the
based on the potential observed in 2019 (year considered in the opti residual curve.
mization). This figure shows that 2019 exhibits the highest VRES po These results indicate that although the energy surpluses (dumped/
tential of the period. Additionally, the solar potential seems to be curtailed RES generation) are significant, they present very high values,
steadier than wind potential. Therefore, it is clear that the off-grid sys and in general, they occur less than 30% of the year. The efficient uti
tem’s power supply reliability is highly affected by wind resources. lization of this energy is a challenging task. One possible solution would
Nevertheless, the year 2010 presented the lowest VRES potential, but be to use them in hydrogen production through various processes that
the system’s power supply reliability decreased only by 1.60% from the require electricity (like electrolysis) [79]. However, if the process energy
reference level (99%), and this suggests that the system is resilient to the supply would rely entirely on the VRES generation surpluses, the
variability of the two renewables under consideration. equipment’s overall utilization would remain relatively low. Fig. 16
shows a 5 MW hydrogen-producing device’s theoretical operational
range, whose nominal hydrogen flow usually ranges around 1000 Nm3/
Dumped energy analysis h [80]. The figure shows that this system would operate with its nominal
capacity for less than 1000 h per year. Such low utilization would in
Table 3 indicates that the proposed off-grid renewable energy sys crease the hydrogen cost since the investment cost in electrolyzers [81]
tem, coupled with a hybrid storage system formed by PSH and batteries, constitutes a significant fraction of the hydrogen production cost. For
might considerably reduce the curtailment. Therefore, this subsection comparison, Fig. 16 presents the capacity factors at various electrolyzer
aims to explore the system’s dumped energy and the feasibility of using sizes. For example, the device with a 500 kW capacity would operate for
it for producing hydrogen (H2), a possibility for Nicaragua, especially for roughly 22.5% of the year. Therefore, the viability of hydrogen
decarbonizing its transport sector [78]. Fig. 15 presents the duration
F.A. Canales et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 44 (2021) 101062
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