CSAT 2017 Question Paper
CSAT 2017 Question Paper
CSAT 2017 Question Paper
Directions for the following 8 (eight) items: Read the following seven passages and answer the items that
follow the passages. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only.
Passage - 1
Disruption of traditional institutions, identifications and loyalties is likely to lead to ambivalent situations. It is
possible that some people may renew their identification with traditional groups whereas others align
themselves with new groups and symbols emergent from processes of political development. In addition,
political development tends to foster group awareness of a variety of class, tribe, region, clan, language, religion,
occupation and others.
1. Which one of the following is the best explanation of the above passage?
(a) Political development is not a unilinear process for it involves both growth and decay.
(b) Traditional societies succeed in resisting positive aspects of political development.
(c) It is impossible for traditional societies to break away from lingering loyalties.
(d) Sustenance of traditional loyalties is conducive to political development.
Ans. (a)
Option (b) is wrong because from passage it is not clear that they succeed in doing so always
Option (c) is wrong because passage says “new groups and symbols emergent from processes of political
development” which hints that it is not impossible for traditional societies to break away from lingering
Option (d) is not wrong essentially as Sustenance of traditional loyalties happens along with political
development but option (a) is the best option because it talks of both growth - new identities emerging
and decay - old disrupted, as seen from the passage overall.
Hence, correct answer is (a)
There has been a significant trend worldwide towards regionalism in government, resulting in a widespread
transfer of powers downwards towards regions and communities since 1990s. This process, which involves the
creation of new political entities and bodies at a sub-national level and an increase in their content and powers,
is known as devolution. Devolution has been characterized as being made up of three factors—political
legitimacy, decentralization of authority and decentralization of resources. Political legitimacy here means a
mass demand from below for the decentralization process, which is able to create a political force for it to take
place. In many cases, decentralization is initiated by the upper tier of government without sufficient political
mobilization for it at the grassroots level, and in such cases the decentralization process often does not fulfil its
2. Which among the following is the most logical, rational and critical inference that can be made from the
above passage?
(a) Emergence of powerful mass leaders is essential to create sub-national political entities and thus
ensure successful devolution and decentralization.
(b) The upper tier of government should impose devolution and decentralization on the regional
communities by law or otherwise.
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(c) Devolution, to be successful, requires a democracy in which there is free expression of the will of the
people at lower level and their active participation at the grassroots level.
(d) For devolution to take place, a strong feeling of regionalism in the masses is essential.
Ans. (c)
Option (a) is wrong because idea of powerful mass leaders to create sub-national political entities is not
discussed in the passage
Option (b) is wrong because passage says the opposite
Option (d) is not wrong but the phrase “strong regionalism” cannot be inferred confidently from the
passage. At the same time, option (a) can be inferred from the last two lines of the passage satisfactorily.
Hence, correct answer is (c)
We live in digital times. The digital is not just something we use strategically and specifically to do a few tasks.
Our very perception of who we are, how we connect to the world around us, and the ways in which we define
our domains of life, labour and language are hugely structured by the digital technologies. The digital is
everywhere and; like air, invisible. We live within digital systems, we live with intimate gadgets, we interact
through digital media, and the very presence and imagination of the digital has dramatically restructured our
lives. The digital, far from being a tool, is a condition and context that defines the shapes and boundaries of our
understanding of the self, the society, and the structure of governance.
3. Which among the following is the most logical and essential message conveyed by the above passage?
(a) All problems of governance can be solved by using digital technologies.
(b) Speaking of digital technologies is speaking of our life and living.
(c) Our creativity and imagination cannot be expressed without digital media.
(d) Use of digital systems is imperative for the existence of mankind in future.
Ans. (b)
The language and the tone of the passage clearly points to option (b) as the correct answer. The phrases
“digital is everywhere”, “condition and context that defines the shapes and boundaries of our
understanding of the self, the society” etc. support this option.
Options (a), (c) and (d) are far fetched and extreme.
Hence, correct answer is (b)
Passage - 4
The IMF has pointed out that the fast growing economies of Asia face the risk of falling into 'middle-income
trap'. It means that average incomes in these countries, which till now have been growing rapidly, will stop
growing beyond a point—a point that is well short of incomes in the developed West. The IMF identifies a
number of causes of middle-income trap—none of which is surprising—from infrastructure to weak institutions,
to leas than favourable macroeconomic conditions. But the broad, overall cause, says IMF, is a collapse in the
growth of productivity.
4. Which among the following is the most logical, rational and critical inference that can be made from the
above passage?
(a) Once a country reaches middle-income stage, it runs the risk of falling productivity which leads to
stagnant incomes.
(b) Falling into middle-income trap is a general characteristic of fast growing economies.
(c) There is no hope at all for emerging Asian economies to sustain the growth momentum.
(d) As regards growth of productivity, the performance of Asian economies is not satisfactory.
Ans. (a)
Options (b), (c) and (d) are far fetched.
Option (b) is wrong because passage says that there is risk and hence not a general characteristic
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Option (c) is extreme as it says “no hope at all”
Option (d) is wrong because it is beyond what is being said in the passage
Option (a) can be inferred from the passage as the passage says that overall cause of stagnant incomes is
a collapse in the growth of productivity.
Hence, correct answer is (a)
Passage -5
An innovative India will be inclusive as well as technologically advanced, improving the lives of all Indians.
Innovation and R&D can mitigate increases in social inequality and relieve the pressures created by rapid
urbanization. The growing divergence in productivity between agriculture and knowledge-intensive
manufacturing and services threatens to increase income inequality. By encouraging India's R&D labs and
universities to focus on the needs of poor people and by improving the ability of informal firms to absorb
knowledge, an innovation and research agenda can counter this effect. Inclusive innovation can lower the costs
of goods and services and create income - earning opportunities for the poor people.
5. Which among the following is the most logical and rational assumption that can be made from the above
(a) Innovation and R&D is the only way to reduce rural to urban migration.
(b) Every rapidly growing country needs to minimize the divergence between productivity in agriculture
and other sectors.
(c) Inclusive innovation and R&D can help create an egalitarian society.
(d) Rapid urbanization takes place only when a country's economic growth is rapid.
Ans. (c)
Options (a) and (d) can be ruled out due to their extreme wording, i.e. “only”. The passage is not
definitive about these.
Option (b) is not correct as as it is too generalistic as the context of the passage is limited to India and we
have a better choice in form of option (c). Option (c) is the best choice as it reflects the broad idea
presented in the passage. Hence, correct answer is (c).
Climate change is likely to expose a large number of people to increasing environmental risks forcing them to
migrate. The international community is yet to recognize this new category of migrants. There is no consensus
on the definition and status of climate refugees owing to the distinct meaning the term refugees carry under
international laws. There are still gaps in understanding how climate change will work as the root cause of
migration. Even if there is recognition of climate refugees, who is going to provide protection? More emphasis
has been given to international migration due to climate change. But there is a need to recognize the migration
of such people within the countries also so that their problems can be addressed properly.
6. Which of the following is the most rational inference from the above passage?
(a) The world will not be able to cope with large scale migration of climate refugees.
(b) We must find the ways and means to stop further climate change.
(c) Climate change will be the most important reason for the migration of people in the future.
(d) Relation between climate change and migration is not yet properly understood.
Ans. (d)
Option (a) and (c) cannot be inferred from the passage. They are far fetched.
Option (b) can be considered correct but cannot be strongly deduced or inferred from the passage. We
have a better choice in option (d)
Option (d) can be inferred from the passage. In fact, this idea is the crux of the passage.
Hence, correct answer is (d)
A distribution is skewed if one tail is longer than another. These distributions are sometimes called
asymmetric distributions. These are of two types:
1. A right-skewed distribution has a long right tail (also called positive-skew distribution). The mean is to
the right of the peak/mode, i.e. Mean > Mode.
2. A left-skewed distribution has a long left tail (also called negatively-skewed distribution). The mean is
to the left of the peak, i.e. Mean < Mode.
15. Consider the following relationships among members of a family of six persons A, B, C, D, E and F:
1. The number of males equals that of females.
2. A and E are sons of F.
3. D is the mother of two, one boy and one girl.
4. B is the son of A.
5. There is only one married couple in the family at present.
Which one of the following inferences can be drawn from the above?
(a) A, B and C are all females.
(b) A is the husband of D.
(c) E and F are children of D.
(d) D is the daughter of F.
As, we can see A, B and E are males. Hence, C, D and F must be females.
As per statement 3: D is the mother of two, one boy and one girl.
Now, F cannot be the daughter of D, as otherwise C must be her son. But we already know that C is a
female. Hence, C must be the daughter of D.
As per statement 5, there’s only one married couple in the family at present. The only possibility is that A
is married to D. It has been denoted below using a family tree:
Case 2:
Now, H is sixth to the right of C. It is not possible in case 1 depicted above. There’s only one way we can
place H and C in the sitting arrangement depicted in case 2:
As we know that B is not a neighbour of G, we get the following final sitting arrangement:
The medium term challenge for Indian manufacturing is to move from lower to higher tech sectors, from lower
to higher value-added sectors, and from lower to higher productivity sectors. Medium tech industries are
primarily capital intensive and resource processing; and high tech industries are mainly capital and technology
intensive. In order to push the share of manufacturing in overall GDP to the projected 25 per cent, Indian
manufacturing needs to capture the global market in sectors showing a rising trend in demand. These sectors are
largely high technology and capital intensive.
24. Which among the following is the most logical and rational inference that can be made from the above
(a) India's GDP displays high value-added and high productivity levels in medium tech and resource
processing industries.
(b) Promotion of capital and technology intensive manufacturing is not possible in India.
(c) India should push up the public investments and encourage the private investments in research and
development, technology upgradation and skill development.
(d) India has already gained a great share in global markets in sectors showing a rising trend in demand.
Ans. (c)
Option (b) and (d) are incorrect as per the passage.
Between Option (a) and option (c), option (c) seems to be better aligned to the passage
Hence, the correct answer is (c).
Over the last decade, Indian agriculture has become more robust with record production of food grains and
oilseeds. Increased procurement, consequently, has added huge of food grains in the granaries. India is one of
the world's top producers of rice, wheat, milk, fruits and vegetables. India is still home the quarter of all
So, its distance of the fly from the meeting point of the two walls in the same horizontal plane = (82 +
12)1/2 = (64 + 1)1/2 = 651/2 m
(Using Pythagoras theorem, i.e. Hypotenuse2 = Base2 + Height2)
Now, the distance of the fly from the ceiling (say h) can again be determined using Pythagoras theorem.
Now while travelling from H to C, one must take the route: HGBFDEC
Hence, one may not pass through A.
39. There are certain 2-digit numbers. The difference between the number and the one obtained on
reversing it is always 27. How many such maximum 2-digit numbers are there?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) None of the above
Ans. (d)
Let the numbers be of the form xy and yx, i.e. 10x + y and 10y + x (where y > x)
As per the question, (10y + x) – (10x + y) = 27
Or 9y – 9x = 27
Or y – x = 3
Or y = x + 3
So, possible sets of the value of x and y are: (1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6), (4, 7), (5, 8) and (6, 9), i.e. 6 such
numbers are there.
40. What is the total number of digits printed, if a book containing 150 pages is to numbered from 1 to 150?
(a) 262
(b) 342
(c) 360
(d) 450
Ans. (b)
Number of digits from 1 to 150 = Number of units digits + Number of tens digits + Number of hundreds
digits = 150 + (150 - 9) + (150 - 99) = 150 + 141 + 51 = 342
Total marks obtained by Kunal and Shankar are more than those of Randhir. So, the marks of Shankar
can be more than or less than that of Randhir.
Sonal obtained more marks than Shankar, i.e. Sonal > Shankar
Neha obtained more marks than Randhir, i.e Neha > Randhir
It’s evident that we cannot tell for sure who amongst them attained the highest marks.
Directions for the following 8 (eight) items: Read the Following eight passages and answer the items that
follow the passages. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages only.
What climate change will undeniably do is cause of amplify events that hasten the reduction of resources.
Competition over these diminising resources would ensue in the form of political or even violent conflict.
Resource based conflicts have rarely been overt and are thus difficult to isolate. Instead they take on veneers
that appear more politically palatable. Conflicts over resources like water are often cloaked in the guise of
identity or ideology.
61. What does the above passage imply?
(a) Resource-based conflicts are always politically motivated.
(b) There are no political solutions to resolve environmental and resource based conflicts.
(c) Environmental issues contribute to resource stresses and political conflict.
(d) Political conflict based on identity or ideology cannot be resolved.
Ans. (c)
Option (c) is the only option supported by the passage. Rest all cannot be seen drom the passage.
Further, this statement represents the key message of the passage. Hence, Option (c) is the correct
The man who is perpetually hesitating which of the two things he will do first, will do neither. The man who
resolves, but suffers his resolution to be changed by the first counter Suggestion of a friend—who fluctuates
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from opinion to opinion and veers from plan to plan-can never accomplish anything. He will at best be stationary
and probably retrograde in all. It is only the man who first consults wisely, then resolves firmly and then
executes his purpose with inflexible perseverance, undismayed by those petty difficulties which daunt a weaker
spirit—that can advance to eminence in any line.
62. The keynote that seems to be emerging from the passage is that
(a) we should first consult wisely and then resolve firmly
(b) we should reject suggestions of friends and remain unchanged
(c) we should always remain broad-minded
(d) we should be resolute and achievement-oriented
Ans. (d)
Keynote could be understood as the central theme or gist of the passage.
Option (b) and (c) are contradictory to the passage.
Option (a) is factually correct but does not represent the central theme.
Option (d) contains two words which represent the beginning and concluding ideas of the passage, ie
“not being perpetually hesitant” and “advance to eminence…”
Hence, Option (d) is the correct answer
During the summer in the Arctic Ocean, sea ice ha, been melting earlier and faster, and the winter freeze has
been coming later. In the last three decades, the extent of summer ice has declined by about 30 per cent. The
lengthening period of summer melt threatens to undermine the whole Arctic food web, atop which stand polar
63. Which among the following is the most crucial message conveyed by the above passage?
(a) Climate change has caused Arctic summer to be short but temperature to be high.
(b) Polar bears can be shifted to South Pole to ensure their survival.
(c) Without the presence of polar bears, the food chains in Arctic region will disappear.
(d) Climate change poses a threat to the survival of polar bears.
Ans. (d)
Option (a), (c) and (b) cannot be deduced from the passage.
Option (d) can be inferred from the passage and comes out as the most crucial message conveyed by the
Hence, Option (d) is the correct answer
Why do people prefer open defecation and not want toilets or, if they have them, only use them sometimes?
Recent research has shown two critical elements : ideas of purity and pollutions, and not wanting pits or septic
tanks to fill they have to be emptied. These are the issue that nobody wants to talk about, but if we want to
eradicate the practice of open defection, they have to be confronted and dealt properly.
64. Which among the following is the most crucial message conveyed by the above passage?
(a) The ideas of purity and pollutions are so deep-rooted that they cannot be removed from the minds
of the people.
(b) People have to perceive toilet use and pit-emptying as clean and not polluting.
(c) People cannot change their old habits.
(d) People have neither civic sense nor sense of privacy.
In it all the Sundays, i.e. 1, 8, 15 and 22 will be holidays. Also, 2nd and 4th Saturdays, i.e. 14 and 28 will be
holidays too.
Hence, minimum possible working days of any month of any year = 28 – 6 = 22 days
72. If there is a policy that 1/3rd of population of a community has migrated every year from one place, to
some other place, what is the leftover population of that community after the sixth year, if there is no
further growth in the population during this period?
(a) 16/243rd part of the population
(b) 32/243rd part of the population
(c) 32/729th part of the population
(d) 64/729th part of the population
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Ans. (d)
One third of the population migrates every year. If initially the population was x, after the first year it will
be x – x/3 = x (1 – 1/3) = 2x/3
After second year, population = (2x/3) × (1 – 1/3) = (2/3)2 x
Similarly, after sixth year, population = (2/3)6 x = (64/729) x, i.e. 64/729th part of the original population.
73. Four tests—Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology are to be conducted on four consecutive days,
not necessarily in the same order. The Physics test is held before the test which is conducted after
Biology. Chemistry is conducted exactly after two tests are held. Which is the last test held?
(a) Physics
(b) Biology
(c) Mathematics
(d) Chemistry
Ans. (c)
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology tests have to be held on four consecutive days.
Chemistry is conducted exactly after two tests are held, i.e. it is the 3rd test to be held.
Now, Physics test is held before test which is conducted after Biology, i.e. neither Physics nor Biology is
the last test. Hence, Mathematics must be the test which is held last.
74. The sum of income of A and B is more than that of C and D taken together. The sum of income of A and C
is the same as that of B and D taken together. Moreover, A earns half as much as the sum of the income
of B and D. Whose income is the highest?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
Ans. (b)
As per the question, A + B > C + D ……………..(i)
A + C = B + D …………………(ii)
A = (B + D)/2
Or B + D = 2A …………………….(iii)
Putting value of (B + D) in (ii), we get:
A + C = 2A
Or A = C
Using (i), we get:
or B > D
As per equation (iii), A (or C) is the mean of the values of B and D. Hence, its value must fall between B
and D.
Hence, B > A = C > D. So, B’s income is the highest.
75. Consider the following:
Good voice is a natural gift but one has to keep practising to improve and well in the field of music.
I. Natural gifts need nurturing and care.
II. Even though one's voice is not good, one can keep practising.
Which one of the following is correct, in respect of the above statement and conclusions?
(a) Only conclusion I follows from the statement.