Course Concepts With Questions

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Course Concepts and Questions

Identity Culture

• How can the identity of an individual • How are authors influenced by the
or group be revealed through beliefs, values and attitudes of the
literature? time and place in which they write?
• How significant is an author’s identity • How do literary texts reflect, develop
in their creation - and our or challenge cultural traditions?
interpretation - of a literary work? • How do we approach literary texts
• What role does the identity of a from different times and cultures to
reader play in the act of appreciation our own?
and interpretation?

Creativity Communication

• Why (use writing to) create? • How and why do certain writers and
• How do writers use reality, readers connect?
imagination and craft to create • To what extent are authors the
effective and compelling works? owners of meaning?
• What role does creativity play in the • How and why do we disagree in our
way readers respond to texts? responses to texts?

Perspective Transformation

• How do authors create and control • How and why do writers often borrow
voice and perspective? or make reference to ideas and
• How does perspective impact the techniques from other writers?
emotional and intellectual proximity of • How do literary texts adhere to and
readers? deviate from conventions and
• How are writers’ and readers’ techniques associated with certain
perspectives influenced by their genres and forms?
cultural and historical context? • How can literary works and readers
have a transformative effect on each


• Do literary texts represent or reshape

• How is the act of representation
• How do representations reveal and
conceal underlying values or

© David White, InThinking 1

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