Breast Feeding & Weaning

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Dr. Sara Galal

Definition of breast-feeding:-

 Natural feeding from the mother to newborn and infant. The breast-feeding
starts after delivery to the end of two years.

Exclusive breast-feeding:-

 Exclusive breast-feeding is defined as feeding infants only breast milk, be it

directly from breast or expressed, except drops or syrups consisting of vitamins,
mineral supplements or medicine.

 Exclusive breastfeeding is sufficient for the first 6 months.

Advantages of breast-feeding

For infant:-

It is free, sterile and available when ever &where ever required.

It is supplied at right temperature.
It can build a strong physical &emotional bond between mother &infant.
It contains antibodies that protect infant from infectious diseases so they are less
liable to diarrhea &chest infection, ear infection.
Less chance of being constipation.
Less likelihood of becoming obese.
Breast-milk is important for the brain and central nervous system as well as the
correct development.
For mother:-

Breast-feeding saves time, effort of preparing formula feeding.

It fulfills the feminine role and motherly attitudes.
Breast-feeding use up the fat the mother stored up in pregnancy.
Breast-feeding used as natural contraceptive method.
Decrease incidence of breast cancer.
Help uterine involution.
Decreased postpartum hemorrhage.
Breast-feeding helps the mother to relax and feel calm. Once the milk starts
to flow, the hormones help mother to feel relax and enjoy it.
Breast-feed mothers are less liable to develop osteoporosis.
Breast-feeding protects the mother from hip fractures.

Breast-feeding positions

1. Cradle hold position:

Cradle hold is the classic breast-feeding position. In this position, the infant
feeds with its stomach against the mother's body. To perform the cradle hold position,
the mother holds the infant horizontally facing her, supports the infant with the arm
that is on the same side as the breast from which the infant is nursing, keeps the
infant's head in line with the rest of the body to avoid straining their neck, tries using a
nursing pillow to support the elbow to make this hold more comfortable

2. Cross-cradle hold position:

Cross cradle hold position is the most used position that is comfortable for most
mothers. The mother holds the infant with the head on the forearm and the whole body
facing the mother. The infant is held with the arm opposite to the breast where the
infant is going to feed from. This position is excellent for a mother who has a cesarean
section or has very large breasts. This position also works very well with pre-mature
infants who are having problems latching on.

3. Football hold position:

Football hold breast-feeding position is an easy and comfortable position for

most mothers. Football hold position is good for mothers with large breasts or
inverted nipples. The football hold position can be a helpful position when breast-
feeding a pre-mature infant and can also be a good position when breast-feeding twins

4. Side-lying breast-feeding position:

Side-lying breast-feeding position is a good position for mothers who had a

cesarean section birth. Although mothers may find this position restful, this position
can be a little challenging to learn initially. The mother lies on the side with the neck
and back supported and comfortable. The infant lies close to the mother with the arm
opposite to the breast that the infant is going to feed from, supporting the infant and
ensuring his/her safety.

Technique of breast-feeding:-

- Mother should be hand washing.

- Both hand &nipple be clean.
- Mother should sit comfortably better on a low chair, infant is held in a semi
recumbent position in the crook of one arm so that the other hand is free to manage the
- The infant face must not be buried in the breast to avoid aspiration.
- The infant should be warm &not wet.
- The breast is steadied by index and middle fingers of the free hand which should
exert gentle pressure to assist the flow of milk.
- Infant is then held vertically &tapped gently 2-3 times on the back to expel any air
swallowed during feeding.
- The infant is then placed in bed on right side position.
Contraindications of breast-feeding

Permanent contraindications:
 Tuberculosis.
 Metabolic diseases of infant.
 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
 Breast cancer
 Cleft lip and cleft palate of infant.
Temporary contraindications
 Mastitis
 Breast abscess
 Maternal intake of drug that are secreted in milk.

Criteria of breast-feeding
1. Adequacy of breast-feeding:
 Infant calm, satisfied after feeding
 Normal weight gain.
 Normal motion (stool) &no constipation.

2. Underfeeding:
 Infant always crying, failure to gain weight.
 Dehydration, constipation, sleeplessness .

3. Overfeeding:
 Regurgitation
 Vomiting &colic's.
 Large bulky stool.
 Abdominal distention, polyuria, excessive sweating.

Role of the nurse to promote breast-feeding:-

 Teach the mother the comfortable position for her &the infant.
 Teach the mother the time the infant need to feeding.
 Teach the mother the signs for complete feeding.
 Teach the mother the care &the position for the infant after feeding.
 Teach the mother the right technique for the infant feeding.

Definition of weaning
 It is introduction of semisolid and solid foods to the infant gradually until he
is accustomed to the regular family diet.

Aim of weaning:

1. Breast feeding becomes inadequate to meet the infant nutrition particularly

iron, vitamin c.
2. To train the infant to chew or swallow soiled foods.
3. To increase need of energy.
4. To train the gastrointestinal tract to digest starch and other solid foods.
5. To educate the infant independence by use spoon and cup.
6. Enzymes necessary to digest complex structure of solid food are developed.

Best time for weaning

 Weaning should be delayed for 6 months of infant's life. Because breast milk
contains high level of immunoglobulin antibodies (IGA), which protect the
immature gut wall till this time.

Principles of weaning:
1) Start weaning when the infant is free from any disease particularly from any
GIT troubles.
2) Don't start in summer because of the high susceptibility to gastroenteritis.
3) One food item is introduced at intervals of 4-7 days to allow for identification of
food allergies and to allow the child to get used to it.
4) New foods are fed in small amount, from one tea spoon to a few table spoon put
the spoon midway back on tongue to facilitate swallowing of semi-solid food.
5) Food should not be mixed in the bottle
6) Don't wait too long to introduce solid food as the infant may not be interested
7) Offer new food while infant is hungry.
8) Never force the infant to take a new food.
9) Weaning should be gradual to prevent gastrointestinal disturbance.

When can we introduce the different new foods?

1) Fruits juice without sugar (6 months).

2) Starchy food as rice (7 months).
3) Vegetable soup (8 months).
4) Fruits, chicken liver and biscuit (7-8 months).
5) Egg yolk, Cheese and beans (9 months).
6) Chicken and fish (9-12 month).
7) Red meat (12-15 months).

Things to be avoided during weaning:

1) Food that cause chocking as nut, fruits with seeds, potato chips, etc.
2) Artificial colors and flavors foods.
3) Salted food might cause hypertension.
4) Highly spiced and fatty food.

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