AP Computer Science A 2020 Practice Exam FRQ

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SECTION II: Free Response, Questions

After the break, say:

Section II is the free-response portion of the exam.

You have 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete Section II. You may use
any blank space of the page the questions or documents are printed on
to organize your answers and for scratch work. You must write your
answers in the answer booklet for free-response questions. At the top
of each page in your booklet you must fill in the circle that indicates
the question number you are answering. Open your Section II booklet
and begin.

Note Start Time ________ . Note Stop Time ________ . After 1 hour and
20 minutes, say
There are 10 minutes remaining.

After 10 minutes, say:

Stop working and close your exam booklet. Put your exam booklet
on your desk, face up. Remain in your seat, without talking, while the
exam materials are collected.

Collect a Section II booklet from each student and check that each student wrote
his or her answers on the pages corresponding to each question. Then say:
The exam is over. You are now dismissed.

AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 1

AP Computer Science A Exam

SECTION II: Free Response, Questions


At a Glance
The questions for Section II are printed in this booklet. You may use the pages in this
Total Time booklet to organize your answers and for scratch work, but you must write your answers in
1 hour and 30 minutes the blank space provided for each question.
Number of Questions
4 The Java Quick Reference is located inside the front cover of this booklet.
Percent of Total Score
Write your answer to each question in the blank space provided. Begin your response to
each question at the top of a new page and completely fill in the circle at the top of each
Writing Instrument
Pencil page that corresponds to the question you are answering.
Electronic Device All program segments must be written in Java. Show all your work. Credit for partial
None allowed solutions will be given. Write clearly and legibly. Erased or crossed-out work will not be
Weight scored.
The questions are
weighted equally. Manage your time carefully. Do not spend too much time on any one question. You may
proceed freely from one question to the next. You may review your responses if you finish
before the end of the exam is announced.

2 AP Computer Science A Practice Exam

Java Quick Reference
Accessible methods from the Java library that may be included in the exam
Class Constructors and Methods Explanation
String Class
String(String str) Constructs a new String object that represents the same sequence of
characters as str

int length() Returns the number of characters in a String object

String substring(int from, Returns the substring beginning at index from and ending at index
int to) to - 1
String substring(int from) Returns substring(from, length())
int indexOf(String str) Returns the index of the first occurrence of str; returns -1 if not found
boolean equals(String other) Returns true if this is equal to other; returns false otherwise
int compareTo(String other) Returns a value <0 if this is less than other; returns zero if this
is equal to other; returns a value >0 if this is greater than other
Integer Class
Integer(int value) Constructs a new Integer object that represents the specified int value
Integer.MIN_VALUE The minimum value represented by an int or Integer
Integer.MAX_VALUE The maximum value represented by an int or Integer
int intValue() Returns the value of this Integer as an int
Double Class
Double(double value) Constructs a new Double object that represents the specified double value

double doubleValue() Returns the value of this Double as a double

Math Class
static int abs(int x) Returns the absolute value of an int value
static double abs(double x) Returns the absolute value of a double value
static double pow(double base, Returns the value of the first parameter raised to the power of the second
double exponent) parameter
static double sqrt(double x) Returns the positive square root of a double value
static double random() Returns a double value greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0
ArrayList Class
int size() Returns the number of elements in the list

boolean add(E obj) Appends obj to end of list; returns true

void add(int index, E obj) Inserts obj at position index (0 <= index <= size),
moving elements at position index and higher to the right (adds 1 to their
indices) and adds 1 to size

E get(int index) Returns the element at position index in the list

E set(int index, E obj) Replaces the element at position index with obj; returns the element
formerly at position index

E remove(int index) Removes element from position index, moving elements at position
index + 1 and higher to the left (subtracts 1 from their indices) and
subtracts 1 from size; returns the element formerly at position index
Object Class
boolean equals(Object other)
String toString()

AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 3

Time—1 hour and 30 minutes
4 Questions

WRITTEN IN JAVA. You may plan your answers in this Questions booklet, but no credit will be given for anything
written in this booklet. You will only earn credit for what you write in the Free Response booklet.


• Assume that the classes listed in the Java Quick Reference have been imported where appropriate.

• Unless otherwise noted in the question, assume that parameters in method calls are not null and that methods are
called only when their preconditions are satisfied.

• In writing solutions for each question, you may use any of the accessible methods that are listed in classes defined
in that question. Writing significant amounts of code that can be replaced by a call to one of these methods will not
receive full credit.


4 AP Computer Science A Practice Exam

1. A mathematical sequence is an ordered list of numbers. This question involves a sequence called a hailstone
sequence. If n is the value of a term in the sequence, then the following rules are used to find the next term, if
one exists.
• If n is 1, the sequence terminates.
• If n is even, then the next term is .
• If n is odd, then the next term is 3n + 1.

For this question, assume that when the rules are applied, the sequence will eventually terminate with the term
n = 1.

The following are examples of hailstone sequences.

Example 1: 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
• The first term is 5, so the second term is 5 * 3 + 1 =16.
• The second term is 16, so the third term is = 8.
• The third term is 8, so the fourth term is = 4.
• The fourth term is 4, so the fifth term is = 2.
• The fifth term is 2, so the sixth term is = 1.
• Since the sixth term is 1, the sequence terminates.

Example 2: 8, 4, 2, 1
• The first term is 8, so the second term is = 4.
• The second term is 4, so the third term is = 2.
• The third term is 2, so the fourth term is = 1.
• Since the fourth term is 1, the sequence terminates.


AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 5

The Hailstone class, shown below, is used to represent a hailstone sequence. You will write three methods
in the Hailstone class.
public class Hailstone
/** Returns the length of a hailstone sequence that starts with n,
* as described in part (a).
* Precondition: n > 0
public static int hailstoneLength(int n)
{ /* to be implemented in part (a) */ }

/** Returns true if the hailstone sequence that starts with n is considered long
* and false otherwise, as described in part (b).
* Precondition: n > 0
public static boolean isLongSeq(int n)
{ /* to be implemented in part (b) */ }

/** Returns the proportion of the first n hailstone sequences that are considered long,
* as described in part (c).
* Precondition: n > 0
public static double propLong(int n)
{ /* to be implemented in part (c) */ }

// There may be instance variables, constructors, and methods not shown.



6 AP Computer Science A Practice Exam

(a) The length of a hailstone sequence is the number of terms it contains. For example, the hailstone
sequence in example 1 (5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1) has a length of 6 and the hailstone sequence in example 2
(8, 4, 2, 1) has a length of 4.

Write the method hailstoneLength(int n), which returns the length of the hailstone sequence
that starts with n.
/** Returns the length of a hailstone sequence that starts with n, as described in part (a).
* Precondition: n > 0
public static int hailstoneLength(int n)


Begin your response at the top of a new page in the Free Response booklet
and fill in the appropriate circle indicating the question number.
If there are multiple parts to this question, write the part letter with your response.

Class information for this question

public class Hailstone

public static int hailstoneLength(int n)

public static boolean isLongSeq(int n)
public static double propLong(int n)


AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 7

(b) A hailstone sequence is considered long if its length is greater than its starting value. For example, the
hailstone sequence in example 1 (5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1) is considered long because its length (6) is greater
than its starting value (5). The hailstone sequence in example 2 (8, 4, 2, 1) is not considered long
because its length (4) is less than or equal to its starting value (8).

Write the method isLongSeq(int n), which returns true if the hailstone sequence starting
with n is considered long and returns false otherwise. Assume that hailstoneLength
works as intended, regardless of what you wrote in part (a). You must use hailstoneLength
appropriately to receive full credit.
/** Returns true if the hailstone sequence that starts with n is considered long
* and false otherwise, as described in part (b).
* Precondition: n > 0
public static boolean isLongSeq(int n)


Begin your response at the top of a new page in the Free Response booklet
and fill in the appropriate circle indicating the question number.
If there are multiple parts to this question, write the part letter with your response.


8 AP Computer Science A Practice Exam

(c) The method propLong(int n) returns the proportion of long hailstone sequences with starting
values between 1 and n, inclusive.

Consider the following table, which provides data about the hailstone sequences with starting values
between 1 and 10, inclusive.

Starting Length of the

Terms in the Sequence Long?
Value Sequence
1 1 1 No
2 2, 1 2 No
3 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 8 Yes
4 4, 2, 1 3 No
5 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 6 Yes
6 6, 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 9 Yes
7, 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20,
7 17 Yes
10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
8 8, 4, 2, 1 4 No
9, 28, 14, 7, 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13,
9 20 Yes
40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
10 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 7 No

The method call Hailstone.propLong(10) returns 0.5, since 5 of the 10 hailstone sequences
shown in the table are considered long.

Write the propLong method. Assume that hailstoneLength and isLongSeq work as
intended, regardless of what you wrote in parts (a) and (b). You must use isLongSeq appropriately to
receive full credit.
/** Returns the proportion of the first n hailstone sequences that are considered long,
* as described in part (c).
* Precondition: n > 0
public static double propLong(int n)


Begin your response at the top of a new page in the Free Response booklet
and fill in the appropriate circle indicating the question number.
If there are multiple parts to this question, write the part letter with your response.

Class information for this question

public class Hailstone

public static int hailstoneLength(int n)

public static boolean isLongSeq(int n)
public static double propLong(int n)


AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 9

2. This question involves the creation and use of a spinner to generate random numbers in a game.
A GameSpinner object represents a spinner with a given number of sectors, all equal in size.
The GameSpinner class supports the following behaviors.
• Creating a new spinner with a specified number of sectors
• Spinning a spinner and reporting the result
• Reporting the length of the current run, the number of consecutive spins that are the same
as the most recent spin
The following table contains a sample code execution sequence and the corresponding results.

Value Returned
Statements (blank if no value Comment
GameSpinner g = new Creates a new spinner with four sectors
Returns the length of the current run. The length
g.currentRun(); 0 of the current run is initially 0 because no
spins have occurred.
Returns a random integer between 1 and 4,
g.spin(); 3 inclusive. In this case, 3 is returned.
The length of the current run is 1 because
g.currentRun(); 1 there has been one spin of 3 so far.
Returns a random integer between 1 and 4,
g.spin(); 3 inclusive. In this case, 3 is returned.
The length of the current run is 2 because
g.currentRun(); 2 there have been two 3s in a row.
Returns a random integer between 1 and 4,
g.spin(); 4 inclusive. In this case, 4 is returned.
The length of the current run is 1 because the
g.currentRun(); 1 spin of 4 is different from the value of the spin
in the previous run of two 3s.
Returns a random integer between 1 and 4,
g.spin(); 3 inclusive. In this case, 3 is returned.
The length of the current run is 1 because the
g.currentRun(); 1 spin of 3 is different from the value of the spin
in the previous run of one 4.
Returns a random integer between 1 and 4,
g.spin(); 1 inclusive. In this case, 1 is returned.
Returns a random integer between 1 and 4,
g.spin(); 1 inclusive. In this case, 1 is returned.
Returns a random integer between 1 and 4,
g.spin(); 1 inclusive. In this case, 1 is returned.
The length of the current run is 3 because
g.currentRun(); 3 there have been three consecutive 1s since the
previous run of one 3.


10 AP Computer Science A Practice Exam

Write the complete GameSpinner class. Your implementation must meet all specifications and conform to
the example.


Begin your response at the top of a new page in the Free Response booklet
and fill in the appropriate circle indicating the question number.
If there are multiple parts to this question, write the part letter with your response.


AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 11

3. A student plans to analyze product reviews found on a Web site by looking for keywords in posted reviews.
The ProductReview class, shown below, is used to represent a single review. A product review consists
of a product name and a review of that product.
public class ProductReview
private String name;
private String review;

/** Constructs a ProductReview object and initializes the instance variables. */

public ProductReview(String pName, String pReview)
name = pName;
review = pReview;

/** Returns the name of the product. */

public String getName()
{ return name; }

/** Returns the review of the product. */

public String getReview()
{ return review; }

The ReviewCollector class, shown below, is used to represent a collection of reviews to be analyzed.
public class ReviewCollector
private ArrayList<ProductReview> reviewList;
private ArrayList<String> productList;

/** Constructs a ReviewCollector object and initializes the instance variables. */

public ReviewCollector()
reviewList = new ArrayList<ProductReview>();
productList = new ArrayList<String>();

/** Adds a new review to the collection of reviews, as described in part (a). */
public void addReview(ProductReview prodReview)
{ /* to be implemented in part (a) */ }

/** Returns the number of good reviews for a given product name, as described in part (b). */
public int getNumGoodReviews(String prodName)
{ /* to be implemented in part (b) */ }

// There may be instance variables, constructors, and methods not shown.



12 AP Computer Science A Practice Exam

(a) Write the addReview method, which adds a single product review, represented by a
ProductReview object, to the ReviewCollector object. The addReview method
does the following when it adds a product review.
• The ProductReview object is added to the reviewList instance variable.
• The product name from the ProductReview object is added to the
productList instance variable if the product name is not already found
in productList.

Elements may be added to reviewList and productList in any order.

Complete method addReview.

/** Adds a new review to the collection of reviews, as described in part (a). */
public void addReview(ProductReview prodReview)


Begin your response at the top of a new page in the Free Response booklet
and fill in the appropriate circle indicating the question number.
If there are multiple parts to this question, write the part letter with your response.


AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 13

(b) Write the getNumGoodReviews method, which returns the number of good reviews for a given
product name. A review is considered good if it contains the string "best" (all lowercase). If there
are no reviews with a matching product name, the method returns 0. Note that a review that contains
"BEST" or "Best" is not considered a good review (since not all the letters of "best" are
lowercase), but a review that contains "asbestos" is considered a good review (since all the
letters of "best" are lowercase).

Complete method getNumGoodReviews.

/** Returns the number of good reviews for a given product name, as described in part (b). */
public int getNumGoodReviews(String prodName)


Begin your response at the top of a new page in the Free Response booklet
and fill in the appropriate circle indicating the question number.
If there are multiple parts to this question, write the part letter with your response.

Class information for this question

public class ProductReview

private String name

private String review

public ProductReview(String pName, String pReview)

public String getName()
public String getReview()

public class ReviewCollector

private ArrayList<ProductReview> reviewList

private ArrayList<String> productList

public ReviewCollector()
public void addReview(ProductReview prodReview)
public int getNumGoodReviews(String prodName)


14 AP Computer Science A Practice Exam

4. A theater contains rows of seats with the same number of seats in each row. Some rows contain tier 1 seats, and
the remaining rows contain tier 2 seats. Tier 1 seats are closer to the stage and are more desirable. All seats in a
row share the same tier.

The Seat class, shown below, represents seats in the theater. The boolean instance variable
available is false if a ticket for the seat has been sold (the seat is no longer available). The int
instance variable tier indicates whether the seat is a tier 1 or tier 2 seat.
public class Seat
private boolean available;
private int tier;

public Seat(boolean isAvail, int tierNum)

available = isAvail;
tier = tierNum;

public boolean isAvailable()

{ return available; }

public int getTier()

{ return tier; }

public void setAvailability(boolean isAvail)

{ available = isAvail; }


AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 15

The Theater class represents a theater of seats. The number of seats per row and the number of tier 1 and
tier 2 rows are determined by the parameters of the Theater constructor. Row 0 of the theaterSeats
array represents the row closest to the stage.
public class Theater
private Seat[][] theaterSeats;

/** Constructs a Theater object, as described in part (a).

* Precondition: seatsPerRow > 0; tier1Rows > 0; tier2Rows >= 0
public Theater(int seatsPerRow, int tier1Rows, int tier2Rows)
{ /* to be implemented in part (a) */ }

/** Returns true if a seat holder was reassigned from the seat at fromRow, fromCol
* to the seat at toRow, toCol; otherwise it returns false, as described in part (b).
* Precondition: fromRow, fromCol, toRow, and toCol represent valid row and
* column positions in the theater.
* The seat at fromRow, fromCol is not available.
public boolean reassignSeat(int fromRow, int fromCol,
int toRow, int toCol)
{ /* to be implemented in part (b) */ }


16 AP Computer Science A Practice Exam

(a) Write the constructor for the Theater class. The constructor takes three int parameters,
representing the number of seats per row, the number of tier 1 rows, and the number of tier 2 rows,
respectively. The constructor initializes the theaterSeats instance variable so that it has the given
number of seats per row and the given number of tier 1 and tier 2 rows and all seats are available and
have the appropriate tier designation.

Row 0 of the theaterSeats array represents the row closest to the stage. All tier 1 seats are
closer to the stage than tier 2 seats.

Complete the Theater constructor.

/** Constructs a Theater object, as described in part (a).
* Precondition: seatsPerRow > 0; tier1Rows > 0; tier2Rows >= 0
public Theater(int seatsPerRow, int tier1Rows, int tier2Rows)


Begin your response at the top of a new page in the Free Response booklet
and fill in the appropriate circle indicating the question number.
If there are multiple parts to this question, write the part letter with your response.

Class information for this question

public class Seat

private boolean available

private int tier

public Seat(boolean isAvail, int tierNum)

public boolean isAvailable()
public int getTier()
public void setAvailability(boolean isAvail)

public class Theater

private Seat[][] theaterSeats

public Theater(int seatsPerRow, int tier1Rows, int tier2Rows)

public boolean reassignSeat(int fromRow, int fromCol,
int toRow, int toCol)


AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 17

(b) Write the reassignSeat method, which attempts to move a person from a source seat to a
destination seat. The reassignment can be made if the destination seat is available and has the same or
greater tier than the source seat (that is, it is equally or less desirable). For example, a person in a tier 1 seat
can be moved to a different tier 1 seat or to a tier 2 seat, but a person in a tier 2 seat can only be moved to
a different tier 2 seat.

The reassignSeat method has four int parameters representing the row and column indexes of the
source (“from”) and destination (“to”) seats. If the reassignment is possible, the source seat becomes
available, the destination seat becomes unavailable, and the method returns true. If the seat
reassignment is not possible, no changes are made to either seat and the method returns false. Assume
that the source seat is occupied when the method is called.

Complete method reassignSeat.

/** Returns true if a seat holder was reassigned from the seat at fromRow, fromCol
* to the seat at toRow, toCol; otherwise it returns false, as described in part (b).
* Precondition: fromRow, fromCol, toRow, and toCol represent valid row and
* column positions in the theater.
* The seat at fromRow, fromCol is not available.
public boolean reassignSeat(int fromRow, int fromCol,
int toRow, int toCol)


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and fill in the appropriate circle indicating the question number.
If there are multiple parts to this question, write the part letter with your response.


18 AP Computer Science A Practice Exam

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AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 19
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20 Q4854/3
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AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 21
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AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 23
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AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 25
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AP Computer Science A Practice Exam 29

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