Power Plant Engineering 2017

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7. (a) An impulse turbine has two rows of moving blades separated by fixed B.TECH / ME /7TH SEM/ MECH 4101/2017
blades. The steam leaves the nozzle at an angle of 20° with the direction POWER PLANT ENGINEERING
of motion of blades. The blade exit angles are: first moving 30°, fixed 22°, (MECH4101)
and second moving 30°, If the isentropic heat drop for the nozzle is 186 Time Allotted: 3 hrs Full Marks: 70
kJ/kg and the nozzle efficiency is 90%,
(i) find the blade speed necessary if the final velocity of steam is to be Figures out of the right margin indicate full marks.
axial. Assume a loss of 15% in relative velocity for all blade passages.
Candidates are required to answer Group A and
[ii) Find also the blade efficiency and the stage efficiency. any 5 (fivelfrom Group B to E, taking at least one from each group.

(b) Prove that for a single stage impulse turbine the maximum blading
Candidates are required to give answer in their own words as far as
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2 Group-A
nozzle angle. (Multiple Choice Type Questions)
(3 + 2 + 2) + 5 = 12
Group - E 1. Choose the correct alternative for the following: 10 xl = 10
8. (a) The peak load on a power plant is 60MW. The loads having maximum (i) Stage efficiency of an impulse turbine is
demands of 30MW, 20MW, 10MW and 14MW are connected to the (a) llnozzle + llblade (b) llnozzle x llblade

power plant. The capacity of the power plant is 80MW and the annual (c) Tlnozzle - llblade (d) llnozzle / llblade.

load factor is 0.50. Estimate

(ii) In a Parson's reaction turbine, the enthalpy drop in fixed blade is
(i) the average load on the power plant
20 kJjkg. Enthalpy drop in moving blade in kJ/kg is
(ii) the energy supplied per year
(a) 40 (b) 20 (c) 10 (d) 80.
(iii) the demand factor
(iv) the diversity factor (iii) Steam turbines are governed by
(a) throttle control (b) nozzle control
(b) Define (a) condenser efficiency and (b) vacuum efficiency of a surface
(c) by-pass control (d) all of these.
condenser. Also derive an expression for the mass of cooling water
required to condense per kg of steam condensed. (iv) Natural circulation type of boiler works on the principle of
(2 x 4) + (1 + 1 + 2) = 12 (a) differential density of hot and cold water
(b) differential density of hot and cold gases at chimney
9. (a) How can total annual cost of a power plant be calculated? Describe the (c) natural draught system with chimney
various components of the cost. How cost of generation of power be (d) all of these.
reduced? (v) In the Rankine cycle, the work output from the turbine is given by
(b) Write short notes on (i) PWR and (ii) BWR. (a) change in internal energy between turbine inlet and outlet
(b) change in enthalpy between turbine inlet and outlet
(3 + 3) + (3 + 3) = 12 (c) change in entropy between turbine inlet and outlet
(d) change in temperature between turbine inlet and outlet.
(vi) The function of the economizer is
(a) to utilize the heat of condensing steam
(b) to increase the internal energy of air supplied to the boiler
(c) to utilize the heat of flue gases
(d) to optimize the feed water supply rate.
MECH4101 4 MECH4101 1
B.TECH / ME /7THSEM/ MECH 4101/2017 . B.TECH / ME /7THSEM/ MECH 4101/2017

(vii) In case of pure impulse turbine, enthalpy drop happens Group - C

(a) both in fixed and moving blades (b) only in fixed blades
4. (a) Mention two advantages and two limitations of chimney draught.
(c) only in moving blades (d) only in nozzles.
(b) The following particulars refer to a steam plant consisting of a boiler, an
(viii) Referred to a steam boiler, the following is an accessory: economiser and a superheater:
(a) economizer (b) water level indicator Steam pressure=12 bar; Mass of steam generated=6000 kg /hr;
(c) safety valve (d) steam stop valve. Mass of coal used=690 kg/hr; Calorific value of coal=31500 k]/kg;
Temperature offeed water entering economiser=Zb'C:
(ix) The following boiler accessory removes the entrained liquid water
Temperature of feed water leaving economiser=Lsb'C:
droplets from the steam conveyed to the steam turbine:
Dryness fraction of steam=0.95;
(a) Feed pump (b)Injector
Temperature of steam leaving superheatervSfiu'C.
(c) Steam separator (d) Superheater.
Determine (i) overall efficiency of the plant, and (ii) the percentage of
(x) The maximum efficiency of De-Laval turbine is with nozzle angle al available heat utilised in the boiler, economiser and superheater
(a) sin2at (b) cos2at (c) tan2at (d) cot2at. respectively.
(2 + 2) + (2 + 6) = 12
Group - B
5. (a) Describe in brief how coal and ash are handled in a typical thermal
2. (a) Steam at 40 bar, 5000C flowing at the rate of 5500 kg/hr expand in a power plant.
high-pressure turbine to 2 bar with an isentropic efficiency of 83%. A
continuous supply of steam at 2 bar and 0.87 dryness fraction is (b) 5400 kg of steam is produced per hour at a pressure of 750 kN/m2 in a
available from a geothermal source at a flow rate of 2700 kg/hr. This boiler when the feed water is at 41.5°C. The dryness fraction of the
steam is mixed adiabatically with the high-pressure turbine exhaust steam is 0.98.The amount of coal burnt per hour is 670 kg of calorific
steam, and the combined flow then expands in a low-pressure turbine to value 31000 kJ/kg.
0.1 bar with an isentropic efficiency of 78%. Assume that 5500 kg/hr of Determine the boiler efficiency and equivalent evaporation.
steam is generated in the boiler at 40 bar,500oC from the saturated (3 + 3) + (3 + 3) = 12
feedwater at 0.1 bar. Neglect the pump work Group - D
Determine (i) the power output, and (ii) the thermal efficiency of the 6. (a) An impulse steam turbine is supplied with steam at 35 bar,350°C, the
plant. Had the geothermal steam not been added, what would have been condenser pressure being 0.07 bar. The first stage of the turbine is
the power output and efficiency of the plant? velocity compounded with two rings of moving blades, separated by a
(b) In a power plant, the efficiencies of the electric generator, turbine ring of fixed guide blades. The isentropic enthalpy drop for this stage is
(mechanical), boiler, cycle, and the overall plant are 0.96, 0.94, 0.91, 0.41 1/4 of that for the whole turbine. The nozzle angle is 20° and the nozzle
and 0.32 respectively. What percentage of the total electricity generated efficiency is 88%.The mean blade velocity of both the moving rings of
is consumed in running the auxiliaries? blades is 0.2 of the velocity of steam leaving the nozzle. The exit blade
(5+ 3+ 1 + 1) + 2= 12 angles for both fixed and the moving blades are 30° and the blade
friction co-efficient for all blades is 0.9. If the internal efficiency of the
3. (a) What is heat rate? What is the difference between the net cycle heat rate turbine is 75%, calculate the efficiency of the first stage and the
and the gross cycle heat rate? percentage of the total power developed by the turbine in this stage.
(b) What is a supercritical steam cycle?
(b) What is the function of the governor of a steam turbine? Briefly describe
(c) State five main characteristics of an ideal working in a power cycle. how a steam turbine speed is governed ••
4 + 3 + 5= 12 (4 + 4) +(1+~)=12

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