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DR Jekyll and MR Hyde Activity Booklet Part 1 - ANSWER KEY

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ACADEMIC YEAR 2022 - 2023


The Strange Case of

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Part 1)

Theme: Struggle Between Good and Evil

Good readers read ACTIVELY. They ask questions, offer predictions, make connections, and look
for meaning.

All readers should use these strategies to help them make sense of what they are reading. These
important strategies include:

1) Predict: Use evidence and prior knowledge to help you think about what will happen in a text.

2) Infer: Use evidence and prior knowledge to help find out important details that the author
doesn’t specifically tell you.

3) Skimming: Skimming is reading quickly in order to get a general overview of the material.

4) Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts

5) Visualize: Use the words and details in the text to make pictures in your head.

6) Question: Ask questions while reading to help monitor your understanding

7) Connect: Make
connections between
what you read, your own
experiences, other books,
and the world

8) Evaluate: Use your

own opinions to talk
about a text

9) Summarize:
Brainstorm and write
about the most
important details about a

10) Determine
Importance: Come up
with what is the most
important things about a

11) Synthesize: Organize,

recall, and recreate
information, and fit it in
with what you already
Pre-Reading Activity

1. Draw a symbol that represents you in the box. How and why does it represent you?
Write down your answer next to it.



__________Student’s own answer___________





2. In the boxes below, write down 5 positive and 5 negative characteristics of yours.


Student’s own answer Student’s own answer

3. Examine the cover of the book. What can you predict about the story?
_________________________ Student’s own answer ____________________________________

Making Predictions!
a prediction is a guess you make
using text or picture clues to help you.

4. Look through the book with your partner and find the
headings of the eight chapters. Fill in this page with the
headings. Next, predict what the chapter is about based
on each heading. Share your predictions with your partner.
Does your partner have similar predictions?


CHAPTER 1 The Story Of The Door 9

CHAPTER 2 The Search For Mr Hyde 20

CHAPTER 3 The Carew Murder Case 35

CHAPTER 4 An Incident At The Window 49

CHAPTER 5 The Last Night 58

CHAPTER 6 Dr Lanyon’s Narrative 69

CHAPTER 7 Henry Jekyll’s Statement 77

CHAPTER 8 The Sad Conclusion 87

SCANNING - means searching for

specific phrases in the
text to answer questions without

5. Turn to page 4 and 5 of your reader. Without reading the text, use only scanning technique to
answer the following questions:

a) Where was Stevenson born? …Edinburg, Scotland……………………………………………………………………

b) When did he and his wife leave Scotland? ……1887…………………………………………………………………
c) What did he die of in 1894? …brain haemorrhage…………………………………………………………………..

Tip: The best way to practice scanning is to search specific key words in
the text to find answers for the questions. Scanning answering strategy:

1. Read the question.
2. Detect the key words in the question.
3. Scan the text for the key words to find the right answer.

6. Now read page 4 and 5 QUICKLY.

What 3 things have you learnt about the author? Write them down below.

…………………………………………………… Student’s own answer ………………………………………………………….

What you have just done is called Skimming.


PART OF HUMAN NATURE. Do you agree with this statement? Do you think humankind
is born good? Whether humans are born good or evil has been debated by philosophers for
centuries. What is your take on this?
Discuss with a partner and write your opinions below.

____________________________ Student’s own answer ________________________________



The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance. – Socrates

Chapter 1

A) Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. In what point of view is the story told?

__3rd party____________________________________________________________________________


2. Describe Mr Utterson in your own words.

__Serious, kind, trustworthy etc.. ________________________________________________________


3. What happened in the main street of the city that frightened and shocked Mr Enfield?

A man bumped into a girl at the corner of a street causing the girl to fall down. The man
continued walking over her.

There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.
J.K. Rowling

B) Circle the words of the definitions below then write down the words and word class


trusted regarded as reliable or truthful

relative a person connected by blood or


cheerful noticeably happy and optimistic

punish to discipline in order to teach

someone a lesson

strange unusual or surprising; difficult to

understand or explain

forgery imitation of a document, signature,

banknote, or work of art

blackmail demand money or another benefit

from (someone) in return for not
revealing compromising or
damaging information about them

Characters & Author

Fill in this page as you read through the story. After reading Chapter 1 you should be able to fill
in three main characters with their descriptions and relationships to each other. Robert Louis
Stevenson is here as an example. As you read more chapters and get to know more characters,
don’t forget to include them in.

Robert Louis Stevenson author, mid-thirties, married, creator of
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Mr Richard Endfield Mr Utterson’s good friend and relative (cousin),
loves taking walks with Mr Utterson on Sundays

Mr Utterson A lawyer in London, trustworthy, kind, serious,

hardly smiles, lives alone, has a very quiet life

Mr Edward Hyde Described as ‘small and ugly’ by people, hardly

leaves a trace to his identity and background,
evil, walked over the girl and murdered
Sir Danvers Carew

Dr Henry Jekyll A man of science, well-known in London

Poole Dr Jekyll’s servant, very concerned and caring

towards his employer, observant

Dr Lanyon An old friend of Dr Jekyll and Mr Utterson,

doesn’t like Dr Jekyll’s ideas of science

Sir Danvers Carew A member of parliament, was murdered by

Mr Hyde. His murder shock people because it
was violent and that he was an important man

Chapter 2

safe (n) will (n) glad (adj) servant (n)

secret (n) invited (v) interrupted (v) guest (n)

A) Match each definition with a word from the box.

1. a strong fireproof cabinet with a complex lock, used for the storage of valuables

2. a legal document containing instructions as to what should be done with one's money and
property after one's death ____will_____________

3. feeling pleasure or happiness ____glad_____________

4. a person who performs duties for others, especially a person employed in a house on domestic
duties ____servant____________

5. something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others ____secret________

6. make a polite, formal, or friendly request to (someone) to go somewhere or to do something


7. stop (someone speaking) by saying or doing something ___interrupted__________

8. a person who is invited to visit someone's home or attend a particular social occasion


B) Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Why was Mr Utterson upset about Dr Jekyll’s will?

He didn’t like that he left his money to Mr Hyde if he died, disappeared or went away as he
couldn’t understand why Dr Jekyll would give all his money to a terrible man.

2. Why did Mr Utterson visit Mr Lanyon?

He was hoping to find out something about the relationship between Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

3. What differences of opinion did Mr Lanyon and Dr Jekyll have?

Mr Lanyon didn’t like Dr Jekyll’s ideas about science. He found them strange.

4. Who is Poole?
He is Dr Jekyll’s servant.

5. What did Poole say about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

He said they are really good friends and Dr Jekyll has ordered the servants to obey Mr Hyde
when he comes to the laboratory.

6. What was Mr Utterson’s suspicions on Mr Hyde?

He suspected that Mr Hyde has been blackmailing Dr Jekyll.

7. What do you think Dr Jekyll is hiding?

Student’s own answer.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burk
Chapter 3

A) Match the following words to their definitions.

1. violent (adj) ……B……. A) profoundly immoral and wicked

2. victim (n) ……H………. B) using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage
or kill someone or something
3. employer (n) ……G………. C) offer helpful suggestions

4. horrified (v) …D………. D) frightened, terrified, scared

5. fainted (v) ……J………. E) a pocket-sized flat folding case for holding money and plastic
6. wallet (n) ……E………. F) in a way that is correct in all details; exactly

7. untidy(adj) ……K………. G) a person or organization that employs people

8. accurately (adv) ……F……. H) a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime,

accident, or other event or action
9. client (n) ……I………. I) a person or organization using the services of a lawyer or
other professional person or company
10. advise (v) …C……. J) lost consciousness for a short time because of a
temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain
11. evil (adj) …A…. K) not arranged neatly and in order

Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly,

while bad people will find a way around the laws.


B) Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What did the young servant girl witness?

She witnessed Mr Hyde murdering an old man Sir Danvers Carew, who was an important person
and a member of parliament.
2. What was Dr Jekyll’s promise to Mr Utterson?

Dr Jekyll promised Mr Utterson to never see Mr Hyde again.

3. What was written in the letter by Mr Hyde to Dr Jekyll?

Mr Hyde thanked Dr Jekyll for his friendship, apologised for what he had done and said he was
going away.

4. Who is Mr Guest? What did he conclude about the letter?

He is Mr Utterson’s head clerk and friend. He concluded that Mr Hyde’s letter was actually
written by Dr Jekyll.

C) Fill in the chart with what you can infer about the characters of Max and Freak.

INFERENCE an educated guess about what a character

is like based on information in the story.

Dr Jekyll Mr Utterson

* *

* *

* *

* Student’s own answer * Student’s own answer

* *

* *

Extension Activity: ‘’The people who had seen him could not describe him. Everybody agreed
that he was small and ugly – but no one could describe him accurately’’ (page 39). Try to
imagine what Mr Hyde looks like and draw him in the box below. Make a wanted poster to help
the police find him. Describe in detail how he looks like, what he was last seen wearing and
other interesting information (scar, tattoo etc...) that could help the police.

___________________ Student’s own answer_________________

Chapter 4

A) Fill in empty boxes in the table below.

Word Word Class Meaning

offered provide, give


information facts provided or learned about something or


discover find unexpectedly or during a search



(n) evidence, clue

disappeared be lost or go missing


dying on the point of death


funeral a ceremony or service held shortly after a

person's death, usually including the person's
(n) burial or cremation.

quarrelled have a heated argument or disagreement


expression a look on someone's face that conveys a

particular emotion


B) Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What specific instruction came together with the letter given to Mr Utterson after Dr Lanyon’s

It said to open it only after the death or disappearance of Dr Henry Jekyll.

2. What do you think the quarrel between Mr Lanyon and Dr Jekyll was about? Cite evidence
from what you have read so far that support your idea.

Student’s own answer.

3. Why didn’t Dr Jekyll want to see anyone?

He said it was his punishment as according to him, he had done a terrible thing.

4. Why do you think Mr Utterson said, ‘God forgive us! God forgive us!’

Both Dr Lanyon and Mr Utterson were talking to Dr Jekyll who was sitting at his window when
suddenly Dr Jekyll’s facial expression changed to one of horror and he quickly slammed the
window shut.

Goodness is the only investment which never fails. - Henry David Thoreau
C) Mental pictures are the cinema unfolding in your
mind that makes reading three-dimensional.

Visualisation helps readers engage in text in ways that

make it personal and memorable. Readers adapt their
images as they continue to read.

Below, illustrate the different mental images you have

developed in your mind while reading.
Include what chapters these mental images are from.

Student’s own answer

Chapter: Chapter: Chapter:

Chapter: Chapter: Chapter:

Chapter 5
A) Order of events
Read through these statements. Put them in the correct order by numbering them in the boxes
from 1 to 14.

a ■ 5 Mr Utterson offered to try and make the two doctors friends again.

b ■ 9 Mr Utterson opened Dr Lanyon’s letter.

c■2 Dr Jekyll started visiting his friends again.

d 10 Mr Utterson put Dr Lanyon’s envelope in his safe.

e ■12 Mr Enfield and Mr Utterson spoke to Dr Jekyll.

f■6 Mr Utterson wrote to Dr Jekyll to ask what was wrong.

g ■ 1 People told stories of the bad things Mr Hyde had done.

h ■ 7 Dr Jekyll asked Mr Utterson to let him be alone.

i ■ 11 Poole told Mr Utterson that Dr Jekyll was very silent.

j ■ 13 Dr Jekyll shut the window suddenly.

k ■ 4 Dr Lanyon became very ill.

l ■ 14 Mr Enfield and Mr Utterson looked at each other in terror.

m ■8 Dr Lanyon died.

n ■ 3 Dr Jekyll stopped seeing people and stayed at home.


A) Find the antonym of the words from the box below. Write down their word class.

relaxed deny criticise calm


1. compliment criticise (v)

2. worried relaxed (adj)

3. admit deny (v)

4. nervous calm (adj)


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