WPS Qualify To DNV-OS-C401 - Sample

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WPQR-001 Rev. 00
Manufacturer: ABC Manufacturer LLC
Office: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Workshop: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau

Welding procedure qualification — Test certificate

Manufacturer’s WPQR no.: WPQR-001 Rev. 00

Date of issue: 16-May-2024
Code/testing standard: DNV-OS-C401. Edition July 2023
Level: -
Date of welding: 06-May-2024
Examiner or examining body: ABC Third party
Reference no.: -

Range of qualification

Test piece
Product form: Tube and plate

Welding process(es): 141 136 121

Weld layer(s): Root/Hot Fill Fill/Cap

Licensed copy by Nguyen Duy Bien - hi@duybien.com

Deposited metal thickness, 6 14 40
Provided by https://wps.duybien.com/

max., (mm):
Backing and backing Without Weld metal Weld metal
Type of joint and weld: Butt-plate: ss mb, ss fb, bs; Butt-pipe: ss mb, ss fb, bs; Fillet plate; Fillet pipe; Butt-
plate: ss mb, ss fb, bs; Butt-pipe: ss mb, ss fb, bs
Joint preparation: Mechanical (grinding or brushing)

Material group (ISO 1.1 to 1.1; 1.1 to 1.2; 1.2 to 1.2

Material strength/grade 355, lower
Material delivery: N, M or As rolled

Parent material thickness 5 to 60

Throat thickness, max. a60
Single run/multi-runs: Single-run / Multi-runs Single-run / Multi-runs Single-run / Multi-runs

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WPQR-001 Rev. 00
Manufacturer: ABC Manufacturer LLC
Office: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Workshop: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau

Range of qualification (continuing)

Test piece
Welding process(es): 141 136 121

Outside pipe diameter OD > 150 mm welded in the PC, in PF or PA rotated position; OD> 500 mm in any
(mm): positions.
Filler material designation: AWS A5.18 ER70S-6 AWS A5.20 E71T-1C AWS A5.17 F7A2-EM12K

Filler material make: Hyundai - TG-50S Hyundai - SM70 Hyundai - S717

Filler material size: 2.4 mm 1.2 mm 3.2 mm

Designation of shielding ISO 14175 - I1 ISO 14175 - C1 None

Designation of backing gas: - - -

Type of welding current DCEN DCEP DCEP

and polarity:
Transfer mode: N/A N/A N/A

Heat input, max.: 1.1 kJ/mm 1.75 kJ/mm 1.85 kJ/mm

Welding positions: All, Uphill All, uphill Flat

Preheat temperature, min 10 50 50

Interpass temperature, 120 168 225
max (°C):
Post-heating, temp. & With or without
duration (°C):
Post-weld heat-treatment: None

Other information: -

We confirm that the statements in this record are correct and that the test pieces were prepared, welded, tested
and have fulfilled the requirements in accordance with ISO 15614-1.

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WPQR-001 Rev. 00
Manufacturer: ABC Manufacturer LLC
Office: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Workshop: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau

Examiner or examining body

(Name, date and signature)

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WPQR-001 Rev. 00
Manufacturer: ABC Manufacturer LLC
Office: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Workshop: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau

Record of weld test

Location: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Manufacturer’s pWPS no.: pWPS-001
Welder’s/operator's name: Nguyen Van AN
Joint type and weld: Butt-plate, single Vee, none backing
Examiner or examining body: ABC Third party
Method of preparation and cleaning: Grinding and brushing
Parent material specification: EN 10025-2 S355J2 to EN 10025-2 S355J2
Material thickness (mm): 30 30
Outside pipe diameter (mm): - -
Heat number: - -
MTC number: - -
Material group (ISO 15608): 1.2 1.2
Material group (DNV-OS-B101): HS HS
CEV / CET / Pcm / Max. C (%): - -
Material delivery condition + Normalized + Normalized
SMYS (MPa): 345 345
Welding position: PA

Weld preparation details

Provided by https://wps.duybien.com/

Joint design Welding sequences


Welding details
Run Process Size of filler Current Voltage Current Wire feed speed Travel speed Heat input
material (A) (V) /polarit (cm/min.) (mm/min.) (kJ/mm)
1 141 2.4 mm 90 12 y
DCEN - 80 0.49
2 141 2.4 mm 90 12 DCEN - 85 0.46
3 136 1.6 mm 205 26 DCEP 52 245 1.04
4 121 3.2 mm DCEP

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WPQR-001 Rev. 00
Manufacturer: ABC Manufacturer LLC
Office: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Workshop: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau

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WPQR-001 Rev. 00
Manufacturer: ABC Manufacturer LLC
Office: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Workshop: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau

Record of weld test (continuing)

Welding process(es): 141 136 121

Weld layer(s): Root Fill Fill/Cap

Mode of metal transfer: N/A N/A N/A

Filler material designation AWS A5.18 ER70S-6 AWS A5.20 EE71T-1C AWS A5.17 F7A2-EM12K
and make:
F Number: 6 6 6
(ISO 15614-1)
A Number: 1 1 1
(ISO 15614-1)
Batch/Lot number: 1233456789 1233456789 1233456789
MTR number: 2023-MTC-001 2023-MTC-001 2023-MTC-001
Any special baking or Redrying 350 °C / 2 hours None Redrying 350 °C / 2 hours
Designation of Gas/flux - ISO 14175 - I1 ISO 14175 - C1 None
Designation of Gas/flux - None None N/A
Provided by https://wps.duybien.com/

Gas flow rate - shielding: 12~17 lpm 12~19 lpm N/A

Gas flow rate - backing: - - -


Tungsten electrode 1 7 13
Details of back None - -
Preheat temperature, °C: Ambient (32) - -

Interpass temperature, °C: 150 201 200

Post-heating, °C: None None None

PWHT: None None None

(Time, temperature,
method: heating and
cooling rates)

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WPQR-001 Rev. 00
Manufacturer: ABC Manufacturer LLC
Office: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Workshop: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau

Weaving Max. 12 mm Max. 16 mm -

(maximum width of run):
Oscillation: amplitude, None - -
frequency, dwell time
Pulse welding details: - - -

Distance contact N/A 17 mm 20 mm


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WPQR-001 Rev. 00
Manufacturer: ABC Manufacturer LLC
Office: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Workshop: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau

Record of weld test (continuing)

Welding process(es): 141 136 121

Plasma welding details: None N/A N/A

Torch angle: - - -

Other information - - -
Provided by https://wps.duybien.com/

Manufacturer Examiner or examining body #REF!

Name, date and signature Name, date and signature

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WPQR-001 Rev. 00
Manufacturer: ABC Manufacturer LLC
Office: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Workshop: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau

Test results

Manufacturer’s WPQR no.: WPQR-001 Rev. 00

Visual examination: 100% visual inspection and accepted by Nguyen Duy Bien

Radiographic/ Ultrasonic testing: 100% RT by ABC Company, accepted, report number:

Penetrant/magnetic particle testing: 100% RT by ABC Company, accepted, report number:

Examiner or examining body: ABC Third party

Reference no.: -

Temperature: 25 °C (RT)

Tensile tests
Type/No. Re (Mpa) Rm (Mpa) A % on Z% Fracture location Remarks
Requirement - 345 - - - -
Provided by https://wps.duybien.com/

Test sample 1 - 466 - - Weld metal Accepted

Test sample 2 - 452 - - Weld metal Accepted

Bend tests
Former diameter 30 mm #REF!

Type/no. Bend angle Elongation Results

Test sample 3 Side bend - Accepted
Test sample 4 Side bend - Accepted
Test sample 5 Side bend - Accepted
Test sample 6 Side bend - Accepted

Impact test
Type: Charpy V-notch Size: 10x10 Requirrement: ISO 148-1

Notch location / direction Temperature Values (Joules) Remarks

(°C) 1 2 3 Average
WM -40 42 31 32 35.0
FL -40 27 35 36 32.7
FL+1 -40 40 35 34 36.3
FL+2.5 -40 56 80 59 65.0
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WPQR-001 Rev. 00
Manufacturer: ABC Manufacturer LLC
Office: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Workshop: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau

Hardness Test
Type / Load: HV10

Location of measurements

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WPQR-001 Rev. 00
Manufacturer: ABC Manufacturer LLC
Office: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Workshop: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau

Test results (continuing)

Hardness Test
Specimens Parent metal 1 HAZ 1 Weld metal HAZ 2 Parent metal 2
Line - 1 145 200 185 111 120 215 222 156 185 111 215 222 156 185 111 111 120 222 185 111
Line - 2 165 160 155 200 145 200 185 111 155 200 200 185 111 155 200 200 145 185 155 200
Line - 3 165 231 123 178 165 231 123 178 123 178 231 123 178 123 178 178 165 123 123 178
Line - 4 165 123 145 189 165 160 155 200 145 189 160 155 200 145 189 189 165 155 145 189
Minimum 111 111 111 111 111
Maximum 231 231 231 200 222

Macroscopic examination

Photograph Photograph Photograph

Provided by https://wps.duybien.com/

Other tests: -

Remarks: -

Tests carried out in accordance with the requirements of:

Laboratory report reference no.:
Test results were: X Acceptable 0 Not acceptable
Test carried out in the presence of:

Manufacturer Examiner or examining body

Name, date and signature Name, date and signature
Page 11 of 12
WPQR-001 Rev. 00
Manufacturer: ABC Manufacturer LLC
Office: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau
Workshop: 123 - Dong Xuyen IPZ - Rach Dua - Vung Tau - Ba Ria Vung Tau

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