Gs Pointer March

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Factual presentation of GS section of 30 sets

of new question papers held in month of

February-March 2024 and Feb., 2019.
This summary of all the latest exams will
definitely prove beneficial for the candidates
going for upcoming exams. The answers of
all the examinations have been presented
after matching with official answer keys.

Included Question-Papers

UPP Radio Operator 9 Sets
BPSC 1 Set
HPSC 1 Set
RPF Constable 19 Sets

UPP Assistant  Bundelkhand in Uttar Pradesh owes its highest

average temperature to the fact that it lies near the

Radio Operator 
– Tropic of Cancer
Section 295 of the IPC states that whoever defiles
any place of worship with the intention of insulting
4-2-2024 [Shift - I] another's religion shall be punished with a maximum
 Which malware is designed for advertising such as prison term of – Two years
pop-up screens? – Adware  Section 12 of Police Act, 1861 authorizes the
 The Seekho Aur Kamao scheme for minorities is a ________ to frame orders and rules relative to the
– Placement-linked skill training program organisation, classification and distribution of the
for Modern Trades police force. – Inspector-General of Police
 The _______ unit of the Uttar Pradesh Police  According to the Dowry Prohibition act, 1961 Act
Department is created to be a bridge between police No. 28 of 1961, section 8B, how many Dowry
and civilians, and to boost public trust in the police Prohibition Officers can the state government
appoint? – As many Dowry Prohibition
regarding women's issues.
Officers as it thinks fit
– Mahila Saamaajik Anusandhaan
 The CIRUS nuclear reactor of Bhaba Atomic
 What was the timeframe laid down by Constitution
Research Centre of India uses ________ as the
Act, 2016 for the President to constitute the GST
moderator. – Heavy water
Council under Article 279A? – 60 days
 Appointment, in every Police Commissionerate, of
 Uttar Pradesh Fire Services currently works under
one or more Legal Advisors to advise the police on
the – Uttar Pradesh Police legal issues is the responsibility of
 When is Farmer's Day in India observed? – The State Government
– 23 December  Lok Adalats have been given statutory status under
 The Ordnance Factories are 223 years old, existing – Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987
till date as the oldest such kind, the first of which is  The Uttar Pradesh Police Department enjoys the
now known as the 'Gun and Shell Factory'. In which distinction of being the first Police force to be
city was it founded in 1801? – Calcutta conferred with the ________ for its outstanding
 Petha, a sweet delicacy, owes its origins to which contribution to law and order maintenance and
city in Uttar Pradesh? – Agra crime control. – President's Colours

GS Pointer 1 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 The Hindu Widows Remarriage Act was introduced  The ability to do work is called – Energy
in the year – 1856  What is the SI unit of luminous intensity?
 The book 'Human Rights and Inhuman Wrongs' was – Candela
written by – V.R. Krishna Iyer  Archimedes' principle is used to design which of
 A stone is thrown vertically upward with an initial the following? – Submarines
velocity of 40 m/s. Find the maximum height  Kepler's second law is a consequence of the
reached by the stone. (Take g = 10 ms–2) – 160 m conservation of – Angular momentum
 A dielectric material MUST be a/an – Insulator
5-2-2024 [Shift - I]
 If the material gets strongly magnetized in the
direction of the external field they are _____  Mirik Lake is situated in – West Bengal
– Ferromagnetic  The 'Hunar Haats' launched by the Ministry of
 An electric heater of rating 1000 W is used for 5 Minority Affairs is primarily a – Platform to
hours per day for 20 days. What is the electrical showcase finest handicrafts
energy utilized? – 100 kWh  Which festival is unique to Uttar Pradesh's Varanasi
 Which law states that the net magnetic flux through celebrated in honour of the Sun and reputed to
any closed surface is zero? provide cure for incurable diseases, such as leprosy?
– Gauss's law for magnetism – Bharat Milap
 Dipoles are created when a dielectric is placed in  When was the National Human Rights Commission
a/an – Electric field constituted in India? – 1993
 The force between two charges is 380 N. If the  It is the duty of every _____ to keep a general diary
distance between the charges is doubled, then the to record all complaints, the names of all persons
force will be – 95 N arrested, the names of the complainants, etc.
 The dimensional unit of electric potential in the SI – Officer in-charge of a police-station
system is – kg m2 s– 3 A–1  Article 361(1) of the Constitution of India states
 Cobalt is an example of a _____ material. that the President of India "shall not be answerable
– Ferromagnetic to ____ for the exercise and performance of the
 The dynamic resistance of a forward-biased P-N powers and duties of his office". – Any Court
diode ________ to the reverse saturation current.  Bharatiya Sakshya (Second) Bill, 2023 is to replace
– Is inversely proportional – Indian Evidence Act, 1872
 ______ states that the net force on a body is equal  When is the World Pharmacist Day observed?
to the product of the mass and acceleration of the – 25 September
body. – Newton's second law  In which year did India explode the first nuclear
 Which electronic component performs reverse device? – 1974
operation of rectifier? – Inverter  Model Police Act, 2006 states that direct
 The phenomenon of ________ proves that recruitment to non-gazetted ranks in the Police
electromagnetic waves are transverse. Service shall be made through the
– Polarization – State-level Police Recruitment Board
 The flux of electric field lines through any surface  Where did the first spark of the Mutiny of 1857
is _________ the number of field lines passing erupt? – Barrackpore
through that surface. – Proportional to  Section 14 of the POCSO Act states that anybody
 Which physical quantity has the SI unit of who uses a child for pornographic purposes, on first
Coulomb? – Charge conviction, is liable for a minimum prison term of
 The reciprocal of resistivity is – Conductivity – Five years
 Muscular force, which can be applied only when it  What is the full form of ITA-2000?
is in contact with an object, is also called – Information Technology Act - 2000
– Contact force  Deficiency of iron causes – Anaemia

GS Pointer 2 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Which article in the Constitution of India states that 5-2-2024 [Shift - II]
'It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to uphold
and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of  In which Article of the Indian Constitution is
India'? – Article 51A (c) Establishment and Constitution of Supreme Court
 According to Model Police Act, 2006, Station House discussed? – Article 124
Officers should NOT be below the rank of  How many parts are there in the Commission of
– Sub-Inspector of Police "sati" (prevention) act, 1987 Act No. 3 of 1988 as
 When was the Reserve Bank of India established? of 3rd January, 1988? – Five parts
– 1 April 1935
 Just prior to 1962, in Uttar Pradesh, corruption
 Electromagnetic waves are – Transverse waves
complaints against gazetted Officers were enquired
 A semiconductor in its pure form is referred to as
an – Intrinsic semiconductor into by – Superintendent of Police CID
 Work done is equal to – Force × displacement  The Second Battle of Panipat took place in the year
 Which property of magnetism is denoted by 'F'? – 1556
– Magnetic flux  How many deemed members are appointed to the
 The ratio of the intensity of magnetization I to National Human Rights Commission in India?– 7
magnetic intensity H, is called
 The members of the Haj Committee of India
– Magnetic susceptibility
include 3 MPs where – Two are from the Lok
 What type of semiconductor is used in LED
electronic circuits? – Compound semiconductor Sabha and one is from the Rajya Sabha
 If the conductor circuit is closed, the current will  A Police personnel with a minimum of ___ years
also circulate through the circuit and this current is of service is eligible for the Police medal for
called – Induced current Meritorious service presented every year on
 The potential difference between the electrode and Independence day and Republic day – 18
electrolyte is called – Electrode potential  Black-hat Hackers are also known as
 ___ is defined as the change in resistance per unit
– Unethical hackers
resistance per degree rise in temperature.
 The Parama Island Flyover is located in
– Resistance of a conductor
 The SI unit of the universal gravitational constant – West Bengal
(G) is – Nm2 kg–2  Without the intervention of the State Government,
 What are the dimensions of self-inductance? an order passed by a District Magistrate under
– ML2T–2A–2 Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
 The total length of the path travelled by an object 1973, is valid for a maximum of – Two months
during a given time is called – Distance
 The Indian Police Service (Uniform) Rules, 1954
 A doped semiconductor is also known as a/an
state that the 'Crossed sword and baton' and 'the
– Extrinsic semiconductor
 Whenever an object falls towards the Earth under State Emblem' together is designated for the
the force of Earth's gravity alone, what is it called – Director General of Police
as? – Free fall  Section 44 of Police Act, 1861 states that the _____
 What is the SI unit of measurement of force? shall be at liberty to inspect the diary containing
– Newton the details of all complaints, the names of the
 What is the unit for measuring the intensity of light? complainants, etc. – Magistrate of the district
– Candela
 When is the World Maritime Day observed?
 When a dipole is placed in a non-uniform electric
– Last Thursday of September
field, it experiences – Both torque and net force
 What is the expression for the intensity of  Under the 'Definition' of Uttar Pradesh Revenue
magnetization? – I = M/V Code, 2006, who qualifies as an 'agricultural
 If a body's net external force is zero, then it has laborer'? – A person whose main source of live-
– Zero acceleration lihood is manual labour on agricultural land

GS Pointer 3 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 A transition from the solid to gas phase with no  An stone is thrown vertically upwards and rises to
intermediate liquid phase is known as a height of 22.5 m. Calculate the initial velocity of
– Sublimation the object . (Take g = 9.8 ms–2) – 21 ms–1
 After whom was the Bombay Atomic Energy Center  Most of electrostatics is basically about
renamed? – Homi Jehangir Bhabha – Coulomb's law and principle of superposition
 Which art is a dance drama belonging to Uttar  The ____ is a device for changing a low voltage
Pradesh that involves the performance of semi- alternating current into a high voltage alternating
historical tales and ballads? – Svanga current – Transformer
 What is the gravitational force between two objects?  The coefficient of the self-induction of a coil is
– Attractive at all distances numerically equal to the _____ linked with it, when
 Which diode is used in ultra-high speed switching the unit current flows through it. – Magnetic flux
electronic circuits? – Tunnel diode
6-2-2024 [Shift - I]
 The dimensional formula of electric current
– M0L0T0A1  Which Article of the Indian Constitution deals with
 Which rule is used to determine the direction of Equal justice and free legal aid? – Article 39A
the magnetic field around a current carrying  What was the code name of the first nuclear test
conductor? – Right-hand thumb rule conducted by USA on 16th July, 1945? – Trinity
 What is the dimensional formula of torque?  Which is the fourth largest state by area?
– ML2T– 2 – Uttar Pradesh
 The scalar product (or dot product) of two vectors  When did the usage of the PIN code system start in
is defined as – The product of the magnitudes India? – 1972
of both the vectors and the cosine of  Who was from Uttar Pradesh Police, conferred with
the angle between them President's Police Medal for Distinguished Service
 Most X-rays have a wavelength ranging between 2023 on Independence Day? – Bhanu Bhaskar
– 10 pm and 10 nm  How is normal human blood pressure notated
 According to Newton's second law, the time rate of (where SP is systolic pressure and DP is diastolic
change of momentum of a body is _____ the applied pressure)? – SP/DP
force and takes place in the direction of force  Section 35 of Police Act, 1861 states that charges
– Directly proportional to against a police-officer above the rank of a
 ___ are known as short-wavelength radio waves. constable shall be enquired into only by an officer
– Microwaves exercising the powers of a/an – Magistrate
 If a particle has a negative velocity and positive  Who is the present Chairperson of National
acceleration, then its speed – Decreases Commission for Minorities?– Iqbal Singh Lalpura
 Decibel is a unit used to measure – Sound  The maximum prison term on first conviction for
 The cut-in voltage for a silicon diode is approx- publishing of an advertisement which contains
imately – 0.7 volt indecent representation of women in any form is
 If the electric lines of force are equidistant parallel – Two years
lines, then – They represent a uniform field  How many colleges are being covered under the
 What is the value of one electron volt? aegis of the Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Digital
– 1.602 × 10–19 J Library, as of December 31, 2023? – 7105
 Newton's second and third laws of motion lead to  In which year did the Union Territory of Lakshad-
the conservation of – Linear momentum weep come into being? – 1956

GS Pointer 4 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Model Police Act, 2006 states that the heads of the  In electrostatics, ____ is the direct consequence of
'State Intelligence Department' and the 'Criminal Coulomb's inverse square law. – Gauss's law
Investigation Department' shall be police officers  A body can be charged by
of or above the rank of – Conduction, Induction and Friction
– Deputy Inspector General of Police  In motoring mode, the direction of rotation of a
 What type of tax is Goods and Services Tax that is motor can be determined by
in force since 2017? – Indirect tax – Fleming's left-hand rule
 The responsibility for formulating the overall  The gravitational force between two bodies is ____
policies of the National Foundation for Communal the product of their mass.– Directly proportional to
Harmony lies with its – Governing Council  ____ is the energy stored in a stretched or
 Without the approval of the Central Government, compressed spring. – Elastic potential energy
IPS cadre posts shall NOT be kept vacant for  Which logic gate can function on a single input and
periods exceeding – Six months single output? – NOT
 The first Indian IGP of the state of Uttar Pradesh  _____ states that when two bodies interact, they
after independence was – B.N. Lahiri apply forces to one another that are equal in
 In which year did India's IT Act come into magnitude and opposite in direction.
existence? – 2000 – Newton's third law
 Which junction is forward biased when transistor  What is the gravitational force on a body inside a
is used as an amplifier? – Emitter-Base spherical shell? –0
 The motion of charge carriers due to the electric  For solid non-metals, variation of resistance with
field is called – Drift current temperature is given as – a = 0, so resistance is
 What are required to calculate the momentum of a independent of temperature
body? – Velocity and mass  Which wave has a frequency range of 500 kHz to
 The quantities plotted between x/y graph are known 1000 MHz? – Radio waves
as – Variables  When an object falls freely towards the earth, then
 Which law states that the force of attraction or its total energy – Remains constant
repulsion between two poles is directly proportional
to their product and inversely proportional to the 6-2-2024 [Shift - II]
square distance between them? – Coulomb's law  The sketching method that requires measuring the
 What is the instrument used to measure high distance of an object along a straight line from two
temperatures in the furnace? – Pyrometer widely separated fixed reference points is known
 Electromagnetic waves exerting pressure on a as the – Triangulation Method
surface when they are incident on it is called  Who is from Uttar Pradesh Police, conferred with
– Radiation pressure GoI's Police Medal for Meritorious Service 2023
 The Van de Graaff generator is based on the on Independence Day? – Nidhi Sonkar
principle of – Static electricity  Milk sugar is also referred to as – Lactose
 The potential difference which exists between the  What are a mandatory procedural requirement for
two electrodes of a cell with an open circuit is called an administrative tribunal? – Cross examination,
– Electromotive force Reasoned decision and Legal representation
 What is the branch of physics and a subdivision of  What describes India as a secular state?
classical mechanics concerned with the – Preamble of the Constitution
geometrically possible motion of a body or system  What is the approximate duration that Saturn takes
of bodies without consideration of the forces to make one spin on its axis?
involved, called? – Kinematics – 10 Hours 40 Minutes
GS Pointer 5 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra
 Which Article of the Indian Constitution bans  The charged particles whose flow in a definite
hazardous jobs to children? – Article 24 direction constitutes the electric current is called?
 When is National Engineer's Day observed? – Current carriers
– 15 September  During the electrolysis of an electrolyte, oxidation
 Who is the present national cyber security takes place at the _____ and reduction takes place
at the _____. – Anode, cathode
coordinator of the government of India?
 Which diode is used as adjustable band pass filter
– Lt. Gen. M.U. Nair
in electronic circuits? – Varactor diode
 The title of Section 30 of the Constitution of India
 An emitter follower circuit works in common _____
is – Right of minorities to establish and
configuration. – Collector
administer educational institutions
 The waves used by artificial satellites for communi-
 In formal settings, the men of Uttar Pradesh don cation are – Microwaves
____, which is kurta impregnated with embroidery.  _____ deals with the study of electrical fields,
– Sherwani electric potentials and electric forces due to charges
 ______ is an ideology where a person chooses not at rest. – Electrostatics
to see differences between genders.  The energy which an electron acquires when
– Gender blindness accelerated through a potential difference of ____
 Section 189 of Model Police Act, 2006 stipulates is called 1 eV. –1V
that prescribing of routes by which a procession  CGS system of measurement units stands for
may pass is to be done by an officer NOT below – Centimetre, Gram, Second
the rank of – Assistant District Superintendent 7-2-2024 [Shift - I]
of Police
 The Planning Commission was a/an – Ministry
 The Assam Rifles is currently entrusted with
 An ____ attack occurs when a hacker intercepts,
guarding the Border between India and deletes, or modifies data that is transmitted between
– Myanmar two devices – Eavesdropping
 When was the Simon Commission appointed by the  Who is the incumbent Principal Secretary to the
British Conservative Government? – 1927 Home Department of Uttar Pradesh?
 Which bank is the ‘Bankers of Banks’? – RBI – Sanjay Prasad
 Which pass connects Himachal Pradesh and Jammu  Which police force is primarily responsible for
& Kashmir? – Bara Lacha La border security in the western and eastern borders
 A magnetic field can exert force on in India? – Border Security Force
– Moving charge  To which does the statute for India's National
 What is the term given for the potential difference Human Rights Commission conform?
across a PN junction? – Barrier potential – Paris Principles
 The classical dance native to Uttar Pradesh is
 Which law states that the net magnetic flux through
– Kathak
any closed surface is zero?
 India's biggest indoor exhibition space,
– Gauss's law for magnetism
International Convention and Expo Centre (IICC),
 Maxwell found an inconsistency in Ampere's law
is established in? – New Delhi
and suggested the existence of an additional current,
 The Article 53 of the Indian constitution deals with
namely? – Displacement current – Executive Power of the union
 The unit of volume charge density is – C/m3  The first IG of Police, soon after the enactment of
 The net force on an electric dipole placed in a Police Act of 1861, for the territory which
uniform electric field is – Zero comprised present-day Uttar Pradesh was – Court
 10 dyne is equal to
– One Newton  When is the International Day for the Universal
 Which instrument is used to measure the force of Access to Information (IDUAI) observed?
wind? – Anemometer – 28 September

GS Pointer 6 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 What is the meaning of Restitution?  The work done against the electrostatic repulsive
– Offender pays money to the victim of crime force gets stored in which form of energy?
 Shivaji defeated the Mughals in the battle of – Potential energy
– Salher  The SI unit of the amount of substance is – Mole
 Which disease is the most common type of  The change in ____of a particle is equal to the work
dementia? – Alzheimer's disease done on it by the net force. – Kinetic energy
 What role can education play in promoting  The electromagnetic waves in the increasing order
communal harmony? – Education fosters of wavelength are – Gamma rays, X-rays,
understanding and tolerance ultraviolet waves, visible light
 Which scheme is a Government scheme that aims  The units of the base quantities are called
mainly to skill rural youth who are poor and provide
– Fundamental units
them with jobs? – DDU-GKY
 Newton's second law of motion gives the
 Which instrument is used to detect the presence of
relationship between – Force and acceleration
electric current in a circuit? – Galvanometer
 Maxwell's first equation represents
 The base and collector junction in a bipolar
– Gauss's law in electrostatics
transistor is – Reverse biased
 How many rows will be there in the truth table of a
 If a particle is moving along a curved path in a plane,
3-input OR gate? –8
then it is said to be in– Two-dimensional motion
 Which law says that "Every object in the universe 7-2-2024 [Shift - II]
attracts every other object with a force which is
 The 'proviso' under Section 36 of Police Act, 1861
proportional to the product of their masses and
states that "no person shall be punished ____ for
inversely proportional to the square of the distance
the same offence". – Twice
between them"?– Universal Law of Gravitation
 The erstwhile Planning Commission was replaced
 The property of a substance due to which it opposes
in 2015 by the – NITI Aayog
the flow of current through it is called
 11th April is observed as which day?
– Electrical resistance
– National Pet Day
 The potential difference across the depletion layer
is called – Potential barrier  Which part of the The Commission of Sati
 At resonant frequency, the current amplitude in a (Prevention) Act, 1987 deals with "Punishment for
series LCR circuit is – Maximum offences relating to Sati"? – Part II
 ______ is produced by special lamps and very hot  Section 12 of Police Act, 1861 states that the
bodies. – Ultraviolet radiation framing of orders and rules, relative to the places
 Which field is produced by an electric charge at at which the members of the force shall reside, be
rest? – Only an electric field done by the – Inspector-General of Police
 For an object thrown vertically upwards, velocity  Kirana Gharana, a most important form of classical
is ______ at the highest point. – Zero Khayal art, originated in the namesake town of
 In electromagnetic induction, the induced charge Kirana in Uttar Pradesh, which is in the _____
in a coil is independent of – Time district. – Muzaffarnagar
 Newton's second law of motion is expressed as  The Economic Offences Wing of the Uttar Pradesh
– F = ma Police is generally headed by the – DG/EOW
 The electrostatic potential on the perpendicular  What is measured with the help of a Hygrometer
bisector due to an electric dipole is – Zero – Humidity
 What does the forefinger indicate in Fleming's right-  In which year was the Universal Declaration of
hand rule? – Direction of the magnetic field Human Rights adopted by the UN General
 What is the dimensional unit of electrostatic Assembly, giving the much needed impetus to the
potential in the SI system? – Kg m2 s-3 A-1 international human rights movement? – 1948

GS Pointer 7 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 To whom are mercy petitions addressed in India?  The process of adding impurity to a pure
– The President semiconductor is called – Doping
 The state of Uttar Pradesh is hemmed in by ______  The cores of electromagnets used in energy meters
states and _______ union territory. – 8, 1 are made up of – Silicon-steel
 I-tsing was a Chinese traveller who visited India  In Alternating Current (AC), the direction and
during the _______ reign. – Gupta magnitude of the current – Vary periodically
 Under Section 8 (1) of Religious Institutions  Induction motor works on the principle of
(Prevention Of Misuse) Act, 1988, what is the – Electromagnetic induction
period of disqualification for appointment in any  Which law or principle says that "when a body is
religious institution if convicted? – Six years immersed fully or partially in a fluid, it experiences
 As of 31 December 2023, Uttar Pradesh is an upward force that is equal to the weight of the
comprised of how many districts? – 75 fluid displaced by it"? – Archimedes' principle
 Which mobile app did the Department for 8-2-2024 [Shift - I]
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)
 Which state is home to the Lakh Bahosi Bird
(October 2019) launch to protect Intellectual
Sanctuary? – Uttar Pradesh
Property Rights (IPRs)? – L2Pro
 At which stupa of the present-day Uttar Pradesh
 ____ was raised in 1985 to provide proximate
did Lord Buddha first meet his five disciples?
security cover to the Prime Minister, former Prime
– Chaukhandi Stupa
Ministers and their immediate family members.  The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
– The Special Protection Group Guarantee Act seeks to provide 100 days of
 The time rate at which work is done by a force is guaranteed wage employment to rural people,
said to be the ____ due to the force. – Power within a ________ radius of their residence without
 The motion of a freely falling body is an example travel allowances to help improve their livelihood.
of – Uniformly accelerated motion – 5-km
 ____ deals with atomic and molecular phenomena.  The findings in ________ of Uttar Pradesh in 2009
– Quantum mechanics of Indus Valley Civilization artefacts helped
 Which law states that the magnitude of the induced demystify the generalized belief that the Harappan
EMF is directly proportional to the rate of change Civilization was restricted merely to Western India,
of flux linkage? – Faraday's second law of and helped establish that it spanned the entire Indian
electromagnetic induction peninsula. – Alamgirpur
 What is the dimensional formula of the capacitance  Nitrate contamination of ground water leads to
of a capacitor? – M-1L-2T-4A2 – Blue Baby Syndrome
 In electrolysis, oxidation takes place – At anode  The tectonic plates of the earth lie in the
 The direction of arrow indicates the conventional – Lithosphere
____ when the diode is under forward bias.  The Narcotics Control Bureau is under which
– Direction of current ministry in India?
 The electric field intensity of an electric field at – Union Ministry of Home Affairs
any point in a given direction is ____ to the negative  Who constitute a body to be known as the National
potential gradient in that direction – Equal Commission for Minorities to exercise the powers
 The electric field everywhere inside a charged conferred on, and to perform the functions assigned
conductor at equilibrium is – Zero to, it under the National Commission for Minorities
 What is the SI-derived unit for measuring electric Act, 1992? – The Central Government
conductance? – Siemen  The members (other than the Chairperson) of the
 In Fleming's left-hand rule, the thumb indicates the National Commission for Women will be
direction of the – Direction of motion – Nominated by the Central Government

GS Pointer 8 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Which of these is a flagship program of Uttar  The reaction occurring at the cathode during
Pradesh that is aimed at women empowerment, electrolysis is – Reduction
security and autonomy, through various ground-  The mass of an object is a measure of its inertia,
breaking facilities, for women of all sections? where heavier objects ___________ lighter objects.
– Mission Shakti – Have higher inertia than
 Which Section of Protection of Human Rights Act,  In a pure semiconductor crystal, if current flows
1993 defines human rights as rights relating to life, due to the breakage of crystal bonds, then the semi-
liberty, equality and dignity of the individual, conductor is called the – Intrinsic semiconductor
guaranteed by the Constitution, or embodied in the  In the electrochemical cell, the movement of ions
International Covenants and enforceable by courts
is inhibited by the – Salt bridge
in India? – Section 2 (d)
 What proves that electromagnetic waves are
 Section 281(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
transverse? – Polarization
1973, states that a memorandum of the substance
 When a body is dropped freely from the top of the
of the examination of the accused shall be made in
tower and another body is projected horizontally
– The language of the Court
from the same point, both will
 28 September is observed as which day?

– Right to Know Day – Reach the ground at the same time

 When is National integration day observed in India?  Paramagnetic substances are
– 19th November – Weakly attracted by a magnet
 Which committee was set up in the year 1998?  The property of a material that describes the ease
– Ribeiro Committee on Police Reforms with which a magnetic flux is established in the
 What is Doctrine of Locus Standi? component is – Permeability
– Right of petitioner to file the writ petition
8-2-2024 [Shift - II]
 What is CIA in Cyber Security?
– Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability  Section 189 of Model Police Act, 2006 stipulates
 If the angle between the force and displacement is that prescribing of routes by which a procession
more than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees, may pass is to be done by an officer NOT below
then the work done is – Negative the rank of – Assistant District Superintendent
 What are diamagnetic materials? of Police
– Bismuth, Copper, Lead  When was the Simon Commission appointed by the
 _______ is the force of mutual attraction between British Conservative Government? – 1927
any two objects by virtue of their masses.  The title of Section 30 of the Constitution of India
– Gravitational force is – Right of minorities to establish and
 An external voltage being applied across the diode
administer educational institutions
such that the N-side is positive and the P?side is
 Which bank is the 'Banker to Banks'? – RBI
negative is called – Reverse-bias
 What describes India as a secular state?
 What happens to the force acting between the
– Preamble of the Constitution
charged particles, if the distance between these
 Who was conferred with GoI's Police Medal for
charged particles is halved?
Meritorious Service 2023 on Independence Day?
– It increases by four times
 What is the SI unit of escape velocity? – Nidhi Sonkar
– Metre per second  Who is the present national cyber security coord-
 Alternating current can be measured by a inator of the government of India?
– Hot-wire ammeter – Lt. Gen. M.U. Nair
 The relative density of gold is 19.3. Its density in  When is National Engineer's Day observed?
SI unit is: – 19.3 × 103 kg/m3 – 15 September

GS Pointer 9 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Which pass connects Himachal Pradesh and Jammu  _____ deals with the study of electrical fields,
& Kashmir? – Bara Lacha La electric potentials and electric forces due to charges
 Which Article of the Indian Constitution bans at rest. – Electrostatics
hazardous jobs to children? – Article 24  CGS system of measurement units stands for
 In formal settings, the men of Uttar Pradesh don – Centimetre, Gram, Second
_____, which is kurta impregnated with embroidery.  Which instrument is used to measure the force of
wind? – Anemometer
– Sherwani
 The energy which an electron acquires when
 Milk sugar is also referred to as – Lactose
accelerated through a potential difference of ____
 What is the approximate duration that Saturn takes
is called 1 eV. –1V
to make one spin on its axis?
 The waves used by artificial satellites for
– 10 Hours 40 Minutes
communication are – Microwaves
 The Assam Rifles is currently entrusted with
 The unit of volume charge density is – C/m3
guarding the Border between India and
– Myanmar BPSC (Agriculture Dept.
 _____ is an ideology where a person chooses not Government of Bihar)
to see differences between genders
– Gender blindness 1-3-2024 [Shift - II]
 The sketching method that requires measuring the
 The defect of vision in which a person cannot see
distance of an object along a straight line from two
the distant objects clearly but can see nearby objects
widely separated fixed reference points is known clearly is called – myopia
as the – Triangulation Method  During the lightning, which phenomenon takes
 A magnetic field can exert force on place? – Electric discharge
– Moving charge  A much hyped ‘god-particle’ was discovered in the
 The charged particles whose flow in a definite CERN European Laboratory in 2012. The scientific
direction constitutes the electric current is called name of the ‘god-particle’ is – a quark
– Current carriers  A beam of blue light was used to obtain diffraction
 What is the term given for the potential difference pattern using a diffraction grating. If yellow light is
across a PN junction? – Barrier potential used by replacing the blue light
 An emitter follower circuit works in common _____ – diffraction pattern becomes broader
configuration – Collector and farther apart
 The net force on an electric dipole placed in a  Semiconductors are materials that possess
uniform electric field is – Zero – electrical conductivity less than the
conductivity of metals
 Maxwell found an inconsistency in Ampere's law
 Solar cell is a device that converts light energy into
and suggested the existence of an additional current,
electrical energy. We obtain the highest output of
namely – Displacement current
energy during noon when the sun is just above our
 Which diode is used as adjustable band pass filter
head, because – the density of light radiation is
in electronic circuits? – Varactor diode
maximum when sun rays are falling vertically
 During the electrolysis of an electrolyte, oxidation
 A substance added to food containing fats and oils
takes place at the _______ and reduction takes place
is called – antioxidant
at the _____. – Anode, cathode  Electrolysis of water is a
 Which law states that the net magnetic flux through – More than one of the above
any closed surface is zero?  Tomato is a natural source of which acid?
– Gauss's law for magnetism – Oxalic acid
 105 dyne is equal to – One Newton  100% pure ethanol is called – absolute alcohol
GS Pointer 10 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra
 Consider the following statements :  In which Indian city has the regional office of
1. Crystallization is the process of deriving crystals Universal Postal Union been established?
of pure substance from their solution. – New Delhi (NCR)
2. A bonding between constituent atoms or  Who has been appointed on1 November, 2023 as

molecules takes place during crystallization. the Regional Director for the WHO’s, South-East
3. It is an example of chemical change. Asia region? – Saima Wazed
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?  Which film has been given ‘Golden Peacock Award’
– 1 and 2 only in the 54th International Film Festival of India 2023?
 During the contraction of heart, what prevents – Endless Borders
backflow of blood? – Valves in the heart  The correct match is :
 Stapedius is a – muscle List-I List-II
 Frogs and toads are examples of which amphibians? Satya Nadella – Microsoft
– Anura Sundar Pichai – Google
 The contractile proteins in muscle are Neal Mohan – YouTube
– actin and myosin Sanjay Jha – Motorola Mobi
 Name a clinical trial in which blood is transfused Shantanu Narayen – Adobe
from recovered COVID-19 patient to a corona virus  In the Test Cricket history, six batters got out on
patient who is in critical condition. the same score. What was the score? – 153
– Plasma therapy  Which city was the host of the 15 BRICS Summit,

 The site of photosynthesis in the cells of a leaf is 2023? – Durban

– Chloroplast  ‘Operation Dost’ was conducted in February 2023
 Protista group includes related to the countries – India–Turkey–Syria
– unicellular eukaryotic organisms  World’s First Conference on Artificial Intelligence
 Pomology is the study of – fruits Safety was organized on 1st–2nd November, 2023
 Movement of leaves of the sensitive plant Mimosa in – Buckingham (England)
pudica is referred as – chemonasty  The ‘Mission Daksh’ initiative of the Bihar
 Which is the first State of India to use robotic Government is concerned with
technology to clean all its commissioned manholes? – academically weak students
– Kerala  In which district is the ‘Valmiki Tiger Reserve’
 Who is the first woman officer appointed as situated? – West Champaran
Director General of the Central Industrial Security  The second largest island of the World is
Force? – Nina Singh – New Guinea
 The ‘National Education Day’ is observed on  Lake Taupo is located in which country?
– 11th November – New Zealand
 When has INS Imphal been commissioned into  Which is the one of longest glacier of the
Indian Navy? – 26th December, 2023 Himalayas? – Hispar
 The name of the Central Government Scheme  Soil which develops in conical forest of Taiga region
launched in June 2023 to promote the use of non- is – Podzol
chemical fertilizers by farmers is – PM-PRANAM  World’s famous iron ore deposits named Krivoy
 Asia’s Largest Liquid Mirror Telescope is installed Rog is located in – Ukraine
in – Nainital (Uttarakhand)  The origin point of Luni river, which flows in
 The first Indian city that achieved Green Railway Rajasthan and Gujarat, is – Pushkar Valley
Station status in 2023 is  Harishena was the court poet of which Gupta ruler?
– Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) – Samudragupta

GS Pointer 11 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 At Delhi, during the Revolt of 1857, the nominal  Welby Commission (1895) was constituted on
and symbolic leadership belonged to the emperor which of the following matters?
Bahadur Shah, but the real command lay with a – Indian Expenditure
court of soldiers headed by – Bakht Khan  Who wrote that “In granting separate electorates
 In 1890, the first woman graduate of Calcutta we are sowing the dragon’s teeth and the harvest
University, addressed the Congress session was will be bitter”? – Minto
 The Leaders’ Manifesto condemning the exclusion
– Kadambini Ganguly
of Indians from the Simon Commission was signed
 Who is known as ‘Bihar Vibhuti’ (The Jewel of
by – More than one of the above
Bihar)? – Anugrah Narayan Sinha
 Who was the editor of Searchlight newspaper in
 The Eran inscription belonged to the reign of
Bihar? – Murli Manohar Prasad
– Budhagupta
 By which Act the power of government transferred
 ‘Diwan-i-Insha’ dealt with– State correspondence the Company to the Crown? – 1858
 Maharaja Ranjit Singh belonged to  With which incident Subhas Chandra Bose
– Sukerchakia Misl compared to Napoleon’s March to Paris on his
 At which place Mauryan empire built palace? return from Elba?
– Kumhrar – Mahatma Gandhi’s Salt March
 Who was appointed as Deputy Diwan of Bihar after  On which date the Muslim League declared as
1764? – Shitab Rai ‘Direct Action Day’? – 16th August, 1946
 Which Constitutional Amendment Act has added  In which city was the Hindustan Socialist Republic
new provisions related to cooperative societies in Army (HSRA) founded? – Delhi
fundamental rights and DPSPs of the Constitution  In which year Muzaffarpur Bomb Case took place?
of India? – 1908
– 97th Constitutional Amendment Act of 2011 HPSC -HCS Executive-2023
 Which committees are consist of the representatives
of both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha? 11-2-2024
1. Estimate Committee  Consider the statements regarding Periodic Labour
2. Committee on Sub-ordination Legislation Force Survey (PLFS) Report :
3. Public Accounts Committee Statement- I : Currently Weekly Status (CWS) in
4. Committee on Public Understanding urban areas is measured at the interval of three
Select the correct answer. – 2, 3 and 4 only months.
 Any political party could be recognized as National Statement-II : Present Labour Force participation
Party, if rate (LFPR) and Unemployment rate is in declining
1. it is recognized as State party in four States trend when compared with its base year 2017-18.
2. it secures 4% valid votes in Lok Sabha or State Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
– Statement I is correct only
Legislative Assembly
 Consider the statements regarding recently released
3. it wins 2% of seats in Lok Sabha at general
Reserve Bank of India regarding Treatment of
election from three States
Wilful Defaulters and Large Defaulters Directions,
Select the correct answer. – 1 and 3
2023 :
 Sarkaria Commission was appointed with the 1. The directions are applicable to all regulated
objective – to review Centre-State relations entities including NABARD, SIDBI and EXIM
 In India, judicial review is based on Bank.
– procedure established by law 2. A wilful default borrower needs to be reviewed
 The Indian Nationalist leader who delivered lecture and finalised within six months of an account
on Joseph Mazzini and the ‘Young Italy’ movement being classified as a non-performing asset
was – Surendranath Banerjee (NPA).

GS Pointer 12 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

3. Lender cannot proceed against guarantor without  Consider the statements regarding the Corporate
exhausting the remedies against principal debtor. Debt Market Development Fund (CDMDF)
How many of the statements given above are 1. It will be established as an Alternative Investment
correct? – 1 and 2 only Fund.
 Consider the statements regarding the Scheme for
2. Contribution to the fund shall be mandatory for
Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported
specified debt-oriented Mutual Fund Schemes
Products (RoDTEP):
and Asset Management Companies
1. It provides a mechanism for exemption of taxes,
duties, and levies on exported goods 3. Initially, it will be established for 5 years and
2. The scheme is WTO-compatible and is being can be extended as per SEBI’s mandate.
implemented in an end-to-end IT environment. How many of the statements given above are
How many of the statements given above are correct? – 2 only
correct? – 2 only  Consider the statements regarding the Foreign
 Consider the statements regarding Prompt Portfolio Investment (FPI) in India:
Corrective Action (PCA) Framework 1. It has fluctuated drastically in the past decade.
1. Currently PCA supervisory norms are applicable 2 In 2022-23, the net FPI in India was less than
to both Government and non-Government
1% of the GDP.
3. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 is the
2. Discretionary actions under PCA include
primary legislation governing FPI in India.
Restriction on Branch Expansion
How many of the statements given above are How many of the statements given above are
correct? – None correct? – All Three
 Consider the statements regarding the Fugitive  Consider the statements in reference to the fertilizers
Economic Offenders Act : sector in India:
1. A Fugitive Economic Offender (FEO) is a person 1. Sulphur-coated Urea, also commonly called
who has fled the country and against whom an Neam-coated Urea will help in addressing the
arrest warrant has been issued for involvement sulphur deficiency of the soil
in economic offenses involving at least Rs. 100 2. Fertilizer Flying Squads (FFS) was constituted
to provide crop-wise recommendations of
2. Under the Act, authorities-are empowered to
fertilizers for individual farms.
confiscate assets even when no conviction has
How many of the statements given above are
been obtained.
3. Financial Intelligence Unit is the nodal agency correct? – None
to implement the Act.  Consider the following statements :
How many of the statements given above are 1. International Financial Corporation is an organ
correct? – 1 and 2 only of World Bank to finance private sector in
 Consider the statements regarding the Global developing countries.
Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade 2. ICIMOD - International Centre for Integrated
Facilitation: Mountain Development is an inter-government
1. It was released by the World Trade Organisation.
knowledge and learning centre situated in
2. The overall score of India has been greater than
many developed countries.
3. All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey is
3. It is a bi-annual survey that deals with trade
conducted by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) every
facilitation measures taken collectively by the
‘WTO member countries. five years.
How many of the statement given above are correct: Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?
– 1 only – 1 only

GS Pointer 13 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 The correctly matched list is : 2. Ragi grows well on red, black, sandy, loamy and
List-I List-II shallow black soil.
Absolute Advantage – Adam Smith 3. It is crop of dry regions and rich in iron, calcium
Theory of Big Push – Paul Rosenstein and roughage
Rodan 4. Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Jharkhand, Rajasthan
Theory of low level – Richard R. Nelson and Arunachal Pradesh are major ragi producing
Equilibrium trap states.
Balanced Growth Theory – Ragner Nurkse How many of the statements given above are
 Consider the following statements : correct? – 2 and 3 only
1. Gini Index is a graphical representation of the  The correctly matched list is :
distribution of income or of wealth. List-I List-II
2. Higher the Gini Index, the greater the degree of Endangered Species – Lion Tailed Macaque
income equality. Vulnerable Species – Blue Sheep
3. The value of Gini Index has increased amongst Rare Species – Desert sheep and
regular workers while it decreased among casual hornbill
workers in India as per India Wage Report. Extinct Species – Pink headed duck
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are  The correctly matched list is :
correct? – 3 only List-I List-II
 ‘Which features are associated with Regur Soils in Iron ore Mines – Gua and Noamundi
India? Copper Mines – Balaghat
Bauxite Mines – Amarkantak Plateau
1. It develops on crystalline igneous rocks as a
Mica Mines – Nellore
result of intense leaching
 Consider the statements :
2. It is rich in Iron, Potash and Phosphoric contents.
1. Copper, Lead, Tin and Bauxite are non-ferrous
3. It is typically found in north-west region of
Deccan plateau and made up of lava flows.
2. Manganese, Iron, Cobalt and Mica are ferrous
4. It is rich in calcium carbonate, magnesium,
potash and lime.
3. Potash, Marble and Granite are non-metallic
How many of the statements given above are
correct? – 3 and 4 only
4. Nickel, Cobalt and Platinum are precious metals.
 ‘Which characteristics is associated with red and
How many of the statements given above are
yellow soils in India?
correct? – 1 and 3 only
1. It develops on crystalline igneous rocks in area  Consider the statements :
of heavy rainfall. 1. Kandla port also known as Sardar Patel Port is a
2. It develops a reddish colour due to diffusion of tidal port.
iron in crystalline and metamorphic rocks 2. Marmagao port is for the premier Iron ore export.
3. It develops yellow colour in hydrated forms 3. Chennai is one of the oldest artificial ports of
4. It develops red and yellow colour due to iron the country.
and Sulphur in dry conditions. 4. Paradwip port specializes in the export of Mica
How many of the statements given above are in the country.
correct? – 2 and 3 only How many of the statements given above are
 Consider the statement : There is renewed thrust correct? – 2 and 3 only
on production of Millet Crops. Which of the  Consider the statements relating to our Solar
following statement(s) is/are attributable to Ragi System:
Crop? 1. Saptarishi forms part of constellation Big Bear.
1. Ragi is rain-fed crop and mostly grows well in 2. Saptarishi forms part of the constellation Ursa
black soil. Major.

GS Pointer 14 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

3. Asteroids Belt lies between orbits of Mars and  The correctly matched list is :
Earth List-I List-II
4. The largest asteroid is Cere Bird Foot Delta – Mississippi
How many of the statements given above are Estuarine Delta – Mackenzie
correct? – 1, 2 and 4 only Triple Delta – Mahanadi delta
 The correctly matched list is : Arcuate Delta – Nile Delta
List-I List-II  Consider the statements:
Shipki Lake – Himachal Pradesh Statement I : The ancient Buddha (Bauddh) Stupa
Lipu Lake – Uttarakhand is situated on the west side of Brahmasarovar.
Jelep La – Sikkim Statement II : The mound is spread-over an area
Burzil – Kashmir of approx. three acres. The height of the mound is
 The correctly matched list is : about 4 m from the surrounding ground level.
List-I List-II In the light of the above statements, choose the
Copper and Nickel – Ontario correct answer.
Chromite and platinum – South-Africa – Both Statement-I and Statement-II are
Phosphate – Algeria correct but Statement-II is not the
Limestone – Caucasus correct explanation for Statement-I
 The correctly matched list is :  The correctly matched list is :
List-I List-II List-I List-II
Veld – South-Africa Ghethi – Neck
Pampas – South-America Laggar – Milking animal
Compos – Brazil Basan – Pitcher
Prairie – North-America Nohra – Outer house
 Consider the following statements  Consider the statements:
Statement-I : The Jet Streams are the strong cores 1. The finest and the best preserved Baoli in
of upper-level westerly winds which follow a Haryana is in Meham
meandering path 2. The coin moulds of the later Youdheyas of the
Statement-II : The term ‘jet stream’ was first third-fourth centuries A.D. have been found in
applied to high velocity upper-level winds during large numbers from Rohtak
World War-II 3. An image of Kartikeya sitting in lalitasana on a
How many of the statements given above are peacock has been discovered from Khokrakot.
correct? – Statement-I and Statement-II How many of the statements given above is/ are
both are correct correct? – Only two statements are correct
 The correctly matched list is :  Consider the statements:
List-I List-II Arrange the following intangible cultural heritages
Mountain Breeze – Katabatic in order of their year of induction into the UNESCO
Chinook – Snow Eater heritage list (Oldest to Newest)
Simoom – Asiatic and African 1. Kalbelia 2. Budhist Chanting
Desert 3. Ramlila 4. Kumbh Mela
Sirocco – Sahara Desert 5. Nowrouz
 The correctly matched list is : Choose the correct option from the following:
List-I List-II – 3, 1, 2, 5, 4
Angel Falls – Venezuela  Consider the statements:
Yosemite Falls – California Statement I : A raga is associated with a specific
Niagra Falls – USA and Canada mood, time of the day and season. For every raga
Victoria Falls – South Africa there are six female consorts called raginis.

GS Pointer 15 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

Statement II : Ragamala paintings are pictorial 3. On one of the seals of Satavahana King
interpretations of ragas and raginis. Shatakarni, a picture of a 'ship' is engraved,
How many of the statements given above are which is a symbol of his victory over the sea.
correct? 4. Information about Ashvamedha Yagya is found
– Both Statement I and Statement II are correct in the coins of Kumargupta's 'Ashvamedha style'
 Consider the pairs :
How many of the statements given above are
1. CREST: Hosakote
correct? – 3 and 4 only
2. Solar Observatory: Kodaikanal
 The correctly matched list is :
3. Radio Observatory: Gauribidanur
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched? List-I List-II
– All three pairs Abul Hasan al Hujwiri – Kashf ul Mahjub
 Consider the pairs : Kuli Khan – Murakka-E-Delhi
1. Advika : Chickpea Jahanara – Munis Al Akhaah
2. Panchamrit : India’s Climate Action Plan
Ameer Hassan Sijji – Fawaid Al Fuad
3. Mission Life : Life Style in harmony with
ecological well-being Dehlavi
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?  The correctly matched list is :
– All three pairs List-I List-II
 Consider the statements relating to free coaching Dimun – Bahrain Island
scheme under the umbrella scheme ‘SHREYAS’: Makan – Makran Coast (Balochistan)
1. It provides coaching of good quality for
Meluha – Sindh Area
economically disadvantaged SCs, OBCs and
Ur – Mesopotamian Port
2. The ceiling of total family income under the  The correctly matched list is :
scheme is Rs 8 Lakhs per annum. List-I List-II
3. The ratio of SC and OBC students is. 70: 30 and Nishad – Aakhetak
30 percent seats are reserved for females in each Charmakar – Karawar
category. Mchhuaaro – Kaiwart
4. The ratio of SCs, OBCs and minority students
Pukkus or Paulkus – Mehtar
have been fixed at 50 : 30 : 20.
 The correctly matched list is :
How many of the statements given above are
correct? – 2 and 3 only List-I List-II
 Consider the following Statements relating to Jogalthambi – Nashik (Maharashtra)
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna (PMJDY). It is Devbarnak – Shahabad (Bihar)
intended to - Devarashtra – Vishakhapattnam
1. Provide access to financial and social services (Andhra Pradesh)
at an affordable cost.
Pattadakal – Bijapur (Karnataka)
2. Use of technology to lower cost and wider reach.
 Given below are two statements:
3. Opening of basic saving bank deposit account
in camp mode with minimum balance of Rs. 500 Statement I : The Virupaksha temple was built in
and zero charges. the sixteenth century.
4. Issuance of Indigenous Debit Card. Statement II : The pavilion in front of the
How many of the statements given above are Virupaksha temple was built during the time of
correct? – 2 and 4 only
Krishnadev Rai.
 Considered the statements:
In the light of the above statements, choose the
1. Samudra Gupta's 'Vyagrashaili' postures reveal
his conquest of the West. correct answer from the options given below
2. The coins of the Ashoka era give us information – Statement I in incorrect but
about his 'governance system'. Statement II is correct

GS Pointer 16 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Given below are two statements:  Consider the statements :
Statement I : Bhakti saint Shankardev addressed 1. The election to the office of the President of
‘Vaishnav Dharma’ as ‘Bhagwati Dharma’ India is held in accordance with the system of
Statement II : Shankardev's main composition is proportional representation by means of single
Kirtanaghosh. non-transferable vote
In the light of the above statements, choose the 2. The value of the vote of each Member of
correct answer from the options given below : Parliament from Uttar Pradesh is greater than
– Both Statement I and Statement II are true the value of the vote of the MP from Goa.
 Consider the following pairs :
3. Electors cannot use the provision of NOTA in
1. Dar-ul-Adal : Place of Justice
the election of President.
2. Balahar : Low class agricultural labourer
4. The provisions of Anti-defection law are not
3. Malikut-Tujjar : Chief of traders
applicable in Presidential election.
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
How many of the statements given above are
– All three pairs
correct? – 3 and 4 only
 Consider the pairs :
 The correctly matched list in reference to
1 Amir-i-Dad Law : officer who carried out the
decisions of the judges Constitution of India is :
2. Turkan-i-Chahalgani : A group of forty List-I List-II
3. Barid-i-mamalik : Head of the information and Article 263 – Inter-state Council
intelligence department Article 226 – High Court
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched? Article 239 – Union Territory
– All three pairs Article 280 – Finance Commission
 Consider the pairs :  The correctly matched list is :
1 Sur Das : Sur Sagar List-I List-II
2. Shankardeva : Kirtan Ghosh Second Schedule of – Comptroller &
3. Sant Tukaram : Abhangas Indian Constitution Auditor General
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched? Fifth Schedule of – Administration of
– All three pairs Indian Constitution Scheduled Areas
 Consider the statements : Ninth Schedule of – Land Reform Laws
1. James Mill was highly critical of Indian religion Indian Constitution
and culture. Tenth Schedule of – Anti-defection laws
2. William Bentinck announced in‘1835, that Indian Constitution
Persian was abolished as the court language and  The correctly matched list is :
was substituted by English.
List-I List-II
3. ‘Wood’s Despatch led to the establishment of
Operation Ganga – Ukraine Evacuation
university at Calcutta, Bombay and Delhi
How many of the statements given above are
Operation Cactus – Neutralizing attempted
correct? – All three statements are correct
Coup in Maldives
 Consider the statements :
Operation Maitri – Relief and rescue in Nepal
1. The Indian National Army had fighting brigades
Operation Kaveri – Sudan Evacuation Mission
in the name of Gandhi, Azad, and Subhash.
2. The slogans of the Indian National Army were  Consider the statements :
‘Jai Hind’ and ‘Delhi Chalo.” 1. Public Interest Litigation is a legal action
3. Rash Behari Bose was not associated with the initiated in a court of law for the enforcement
Indian National Army. of public interest.
How many of the statements given above are 2. PIL has reinforced the principle of locus standi.
correct? – All three statements are correct 3. Both citizens and organizations can file a PIL.

GS Pointer 17 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

4. Supreme Court under Article 32 and High 3. Terms of office of President : Article 59 of
Courts under Article 226 of the Constitution of Constitution
India can entertain PILs. How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
How many of the statements given-above are – None of the pairs
correct? – 1, 3 and 4 only  Consider the pairs :
 The correct matched list is : 1. Enlargement of Jurisdiction of the Supreme
List-I List-II Court : Article 138A of Constitution of India.
26 Constitutional
– Abolition of Privy 2. Conferment on the Supreme Court of powers to
Amendment Purse
issue certain writs : Article 139A of Constitution
52 Constitutional
– Anti defection law
of India.
3. Civil and judicial authority to act in aid of the
86th Constitutional – Education as
Supreme Court : Article 144A of the Consti-
Amendment fundamental right
tution of India
103 Constitutional
– Reservation for EWS
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
– None of the pairs
 Consider the pairs:
 Consider the pairs:
1. Equal Justice and Free Legal Aid : Article 36 of
Constitution 1. Dengue : Caused by mosquito and spreads
2. Promotion of Cooperative Societies : Article through blood
43B of Constitution 2. Typhoid : Caused by bacteria and spreads
3. Participation of Workers in Management of through water
Industries : Article 43A of Constitution 3. Ringworm : Caused by fungus and spreads
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched? through worms
– Only two pairs How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
 Consider the following pairs: – Only one pair
1. Right to adequate means of livelihood : Article  Consider the statements regarding diabetes :
39(a) of Constitution 1. It is caused by the over secretion of insulin by
2. Equal pay for equal work for both men and pancreas.
women : “Article 39(e) of Constitution 2. The glucose level increases in the blood.
3. Right to work, education and public assistance 3. The patient urinates frequently, loses weight and
: Article 41 of Constitution becomes lethargic.
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched? How many of the statements given above are
– Only two pairs correct? – Only two statements are correct
 Consider the following pairs:
 Consider the statements :
1. Educational and economic interests of weaker
Statement I : The blood arteries have thick and
sections : Article 45 of Constitution
rigid walls.
2. Educational and economic interest of SCs &STs
Statement II : Arteries carry oxygen-rich/blood
: Article 46 of the Constitution
from heart to various body organs under high
3. Organization of agriculture and animal
husbandry : Article 47 of the Constitution
In the light of the above statements, the correct
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
– Only one pair answer is : – Both Statement-I and Statement-II
 Consider the pairs: are correct but Statement-II is not the
1. The Vice-President of India : Article 62 of correct explanation for Statement-I
Constitution  Consider the statements :
2. Election of Vice President : Article 65 of Statement I : Hydrogen is considered as a clean
Constitution automobile fuel for future.

GS Pointer 18 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

Statement II : Hydrogen is the most abundant  Consider the statements:
element in the universe. 1. ‘When pH of rain water lies in the range of 6 to
In the light of the above statements, he correct 7, it is called acid rain.
answer is : – Both Statement-I and Statement-II 2. Tooth enamel starts to corrode when pH of
are correct but Statement-II is not the mouth is greater than 7.
correct explanation for Statement-I. 3. Under acidic conditions farmers would treat the
 Consider the pairs : soil with quick lime.
1. Ginning : Separation of cotton fibres from seeds How many of the statements given above are
correct? – Only one statement
2. Weaving : Making yarn from fibres
 Consider the statements:
3. Polyester : Melts on catching fire and sticks to
1. Alkali is a base that dissolve in water.
the body
2. Ca(OH), is not an example of alkali
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
3. Dissolution of a base in water is an exothermic
– Only two pairs
 Consider the statements :
How many of the statements given above are
Statement I: The effect of ant bite can be
correct? – Only two statements are correct
neutralised by rubbing calamine solution.  Consider the pairs :
Statement II: Calamine solution contains zinc 1. Acid left by bee sting of honey bee : HCI
carbonate which is basic in nature. 2. Atmosphere of Venus : H2SO4
In the light of the above statements, the correct 3. Antacid : Methanoic Acid
answer is – Both Statement-I and Statement-II How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
are correct and Statement-II is the correct – Only one pair is correct
explanation for Statement-I  Consider the statements:
 Consider the pairs : Touching a flame is an urgent and dangerous
1. Plane mirror : Image of the same size as the- situation and we drag our hands involuntarily. This
object fast reaction is attributable to which of the following
2. Concave mirror : Rear view mirror in a vehicle structures of the nervous system?
3. Convex mirror : Dentist 1. Spinal Cord 2. Motor Neuron
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched? 3. Brain 4. Sensory neuron
How many of the statement given above are correct?
– Only one pair
– 1, 2, 3 and 4
 Consider the pairs :
 Consider the statements :
1. Quick lime : Manufacture of Cement
Which of the following functions is/are influenced
2. Slaked lime : Preparation of Soap
by adrenalin?
3. Plaster of Paris : Making Toys
1. Increase the heart beat
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
2. More Oxygen supply to muscles,
– Only two pairs
3. Increased supply of blood to the digestive
 Take few drops of onion juice, dilute vanilla essence
and clove oil in three different test tubes and 4. Breathing rate declines:
consider the following statements: How many of the statement given above are correct?
1. The characteristic smell of onion vanishes upon – 1 and 2 only
addition of NaOH, however it persists with HCl  Consider the following statements :
2. The characteristic smell of vanilla is lost upon Anaerobic breakdown of glucose in cells results in
addition of HCI, however it persists with NaOH. formation of which of the following compounds?
3. The characteristic smell of clove oil is lost upon 1. Ethanol 2. Lactic Acid
addition of NaOH in it. 3. Carbon dioxide 4. ATP
How many of the statements given above are How many of the statement given above are correct?
correct? – Only two statements are correct – 1 and 2 only

GS Pointer 19 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Consider the statements:  Chief Election Commissioner is appointed
During Urine formation which of the following – By President
substances are selectively reabsorbed from the  In which movement did Gandhiji call for "do or
initial filtrate? die"? – Quit India Movement
1. Glucose 2. Amino Acid  Coral reefs are not found in which of the following
3. Salts 4. Water marine regions? – Sunderbans
How many of the statements given above are
 Which dance is popular folk dance of Gujarat?
correct? – 3 and 4 only
– Garba
 Consider the following statements:
 Which ingredient is of sour taste and turns blue
‘Which of the following plant hormones helps in
litmus into red? – Acid
promoting growth in plants?
 When the material is cooled down under its critical
1. Auxins 2. Gibberellins
3. Cytokinins 4. Abscisic Acid temperature, which of the superconductor attains
How many of the statements given above are accidentally zero? – Resistance
correct? – 1 only  Which sport originated from ancient Japanese art
 Consider the following statements: Jujutsu? – Judo
Statements-1: The length of the small-intestine  ______ is a discrete packet of energy related to
differs in various animals depending on the food electromagnetic radiation (light), in which energy
they eat is E which is proportional to frequency of radiation
Statement-2: Herbivores needs a longer small v? – Photon
intestine to allow the cellulose to be digested.  Which governor general prepared "the Doctorine
How many of the statements given above are of lapsed" (or grab policy) in British India?
correct? – Both Statements are correct – Lord Dalhousie

RPF Constable  The right to form cooperative societies, a

fundamental right has been provided in ____
03-2-2019 [Shift - I] – 97th Amendment Act, 2011
 Which element is the most electronegative element?
 What is the process of the smooth dissolution of
– Florin
the nucleus? – Radioactive
 Article of the Indian Constitution related to the
 Which language is the sacred language of Hinayang
Comptroller and Auditor General of India is
Buddhism? – Poly
– Article 148
 Which field produces natural commodities?
 Indian type of socialism is – Democratic Socialism
– Primary sector  Oak and chestnut trees are _____.
 'White Paper on Constitutional Reforms' was – Evergreen wide leafy trees
prepared by ____ – Simon Commission  How many styles of wrestling are there in the
 Who has the full genetic formation of a person? Olympics? – Two
– Genotype (gene)  Who was the founder of the Ahmadiya movement
 Who was the great freedom fighters involved in the – Mirza Ghulam Ahmed
assassination of British officer John Saunders in  Where did the Portuguese first arrive in India?
1928? – Bhagat Singh – Calicut
 Which river is called the Singi Khamban?  Which instrument converts the alternating current
– Indus into the direct current? – Rectifier
 The Constitution of India refers to the budget as  The word 'fraternity' meant in the Indian
_____. – Annual Financial Statement Constitution means – The spirit of brotherhood
 What is the schedule of Indian Constitution related  In which year did Viceroy Curzon announce the
to anti-defection law? – Tenth Schedule partition of Bengal? – 1905

GS Pointer 20 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 In summer, the seasonal movement of animals  When was the Sports Authority of India (SAI)
between high pastures and low valleys in winter is established? – 1984
called – Transhumance  Masai tribes are from which countries? – Kenya
 Which comets comes to Earth once every 76 years?  Who was known as "Liberator of Indian Press"?
– Halley Comet – Charles Metcalfe
 'National Sample Survey Office' (NSSO) is an office
 Where is Rourkela Steel Plant located? – Odisha
under ______. – Ministry of Statistics and
 The word "service" is related to which games?
Program Implementation
– Badminton/Volleyball
 Which lake is also known as 'the only floating lake'?
– Loktak Lake  Himalaya Frontal Fault separates Shivalik from
 What measures the proportion of the literate ____. – Great Plains of India
population in the age group of 7 years and above?  What is the unit of solid angle? – Stereadian
– Literacy rate  Who has published "A Bunch of Old letters" ?
 The mysterious Bermuda triangle is located in – Jawaharlal Nehru
which ocean?  What is called airees?– Aromatic Hydrocarbons
– The Atlantic Ocean  What is the number of schedules in the Constitution
 The 'Revamped public distribution system' (RPDS) of India? – 12
was started in the year _____. – 1992  What is the celestial body orbiting the Sun between
 Is the full extension of the ICC
Mars and Jupiter? – Asteroid
– International Cricket Council
 How, According to the Vere, the constitution of
 The per capita income of the nation means
India is ____ – Semi-chance
– Revenue per person per year
 What is the pre-declared price for the farmers for
 In the revolt of 1859, in which the farmers of Bengal
their crops by the government?
refused to produce Neel, it is known as ___.
– Neel Rebellion – Minimum Support Price
 New words of 'socialist, secular and integrity' have  Tawa river, which is the tributary of River ____, is
been added in the preamble of the Constitution___. located on the Tawa reservoir – Narmada
– 42nd Constitution Amendment, 1976  Which fossil has the same embryonic origin and
 What are the undesirable plants growing in the basic structure, but their functions differ?
field? – Weed – Decorated Fossil
 The famous painting "Dying Princess" is in which  The second Anglo-Mysore war ended under which
of the following caves? – Ajanta Caves agreement? – Treaty of Mangalore
 The characteristics of the "Fundamental Rights" are  Which year was the Parliament House Local Area
taken from __. – Constitution of the United States Development Plan (MPLADS) started? – 1993
 Which Great Lakes is completely located in the  The Cook Strait is situated in which of the following
United States? – Lake Michigan
countries? – New Zealand
 Each polynucleotide of DNA is made up of small
 Which Constitution Amendment Act has reduced
units called _____. – Nucleotide
voter age from 21 years to 18 years?
 The word 'service' is related to which game?
– 61st Constitution Amendment Act
– Badminton
 The structural part of the Constitution of India is
03-2-2019 [Shift - II] taken from ___.– Government of India Act, 1935
 What is the externally applied force for the  When was the 2nd Round Table Conference held?
operation of the liver? – Effort – 1931
 During whose tenure was the Factory Act 1881  Which Noble Gas (Excellent Gas) is called Stranger
passed? – Ripon Gas? – Xenon

GS Pointer 21 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Part VI of the Constitution of India is related to?  Which state of India has summer and winter capital?
– State Governments – Jammu and Kashmir
 What is the full form of autonomous body NDTL  Who is the parent of immunology?
under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports? – Edward Jenner
– National Dope Testing Laboratory  Internet Café, ATM booth and call center are
 In which state did 'Kalamkari painting' start? examples of which sector? – Tertiary Sector
– Andhra Pradesh
 Which amendment act is called the Micro
04-2-2019 [Shift - I]
Constitution of India?  In pre-planned sequence (in a precise order), the
– 42nd Amendment Act, 1976 production of different crops on a piece of land is
 Who was the South African cricket player who called – Crop rotation
announced his retirement in May 2018?  In the soil there are parts of the destructive
– AB de Villiers biological substances called – Dam
 The duration of the football match in which the extra  Who publishes the Handbook of Statistics on Indian
time is not counted, how much is it?– 90 minutes Economy? – Reserve Bank of India
 Who declares the policies of the government on  Who is the chairman of the draft committee set up
the House of Parliament? – Prime Minister in 1947? – Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
 Who was the last Guru in human form of Sikh  In dynasty period is the idol of the famous Nataraja
religion? – Guru Gobind Singh in the Tandav dance currency? – Chole
 Related to ‘Prime Minister Ujjwal Yojana’ ____.
 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are also known as
– LPG connections to BPL women
____. – Freon
 Where did Dadabhai Naoroji set up the East India
 Which programs is aimed at building self-
Association? – London
employment opportunities in rural areas and small
 Colloid is a ____. – Alternate Mixing
towns? – Rural Employment Generation
 Which state is situated at the pilgrimage point of
Program (REGP)
pilgrim center? – Assam
 Which country was formerly known as Formosa?
 The word ‘socialist’ was added to the preamble of
– Taiwan
the Indian Constitution. – In 1976
 The longest written constitution is _______.
 When was the first Round Table Conference held?
– Constitution of India
– 1930
 Who was the calligraphist of the Constitution of
 Which law (law) has been called ‘the highest law
India? – Prem Bihari Narayan Riyazada
of the country’ in the Indian Constitution?
 Where was the only convention of Indian National
– Constitutional Rule
Congress held under the chairmanship of Mahatma
 The world’s leading producer of manganese is
Gandhi? – Belgaum
– South Africa
 What is the friction force employed between the  Who is used in the treatment of goiter?
two surfaces interacted in relative speed? – Iodine Isotope
– Dynamic Friction  Where was the Second Round Table Conference
 Which article is related to uniform civil code for held in 1931? – London
all citizens of the country? – Article 44  The President of India has a tenure – Five Years
 What is the first part of the large intestine?  Which state of India is experiencing mango shower?
– Cecum – Kerala
 Where annual rainfall is greater than ________,  Who has called the preamble “essence” of the
there are tropical evergreen forests. – 200 cm constitution – Sir Ernst Barker
 Which state has the highest number of national parks  Who published the magazine “Harijan”?
in India? – Madhya Pradesh – Mahatma Gandhi
GS Pointer 22 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra
 The SI number of power (power) is – Watts  Which game is related to the Deoband Trophy?
 Which paragraph of Indian Constitution have the – Cricket
right to freedom? – Article 19-22  Which governor of Bengal started the government’s
 Harappa, an important site of the Indus Valley double rule system? – Robert Clive
Civilization, was situated on the banks of which  Which stream is a oceanic stream in the North
river? – Ravi Atlantic Ocean? – Gulf Stream
 The Constituent Assembly was formed in  Part III of the Indian Constitution is related
November 1946 under the scheme
– Fundamental Rights
– Cabinet Mission Plan
 What is the full form of GDP in the economy? 05-2-2019 [Shift - I]
– Gross Domestic Product  Maori people are related with which country?
 Which river is a tributary of the right bank of – New Zealand
Yamuna (tributary)? – Ken  In what place did Gandhiji challenge the "do or
 The origins of the Olympics are related to ____. die" during the Quit India Movement? – Bombay
– Greek  When was the first session of the Indian National
 What type of trees are found in trees, such as teak, Congress? – 1885
sal, and shisham? – Tropical Wet Decay Forest  Which shawl is made from wool of wild Antelope
 Which game requires a bat? – Softball in the Himalayas? – Shahtoosh Shawl
 Who is called the same group of cells in structure  Who is the Chairman of National Integration
and work? – Tissue Council in India? – Prime Minister
 Which foreign travelers called the Telugu language  Which nutrition ingestes the complex ingredients
“Italian of the East”? – Nicolo Conti
produced by other fossils?
 What is SEZ, which has been set up to attract foreign
– Heterotrophic Nutrition
investments? – Special Economic Zone
 Who was called "The Plato of the Jat People"?
 When an object moves in the circular path at the
– Suraj Mal
same speed then its speed is called
 Which sport are solidarity when playing?
– Uniform Circular Speed
– Basketball
 Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary is located in ____
 It is the longest mountain range in the world?
state. – Goa
– Andes
 In 1943, in which district was the parallel
 By what name is the International Reconstruction
government established? – Satara
and Development Bank (IBRD) known?
 Which is the largest country in North America
– World Bank (WB)
according to area? – Canada
 The magnetic field lines within the periphery are in
 The word “leg before wicket” is related to____
the form of ____ – Parallel Straight Lines
– Cricket
 The origin of the kabaddi is – India  What is the arrangement between the caste and the

 India’s Constituent Assembly adopted the National village community for the supply of goods and
Flag ____. – July 22, 1947 services? – Presence system
 In 1912, ____ participated in swimming for the first  Electric energy dispersed in the resistive is
time in the Olympic Games. – Women expressed by ______. –W=V×I×t
 Who is the first President of Independent India?  What is the fundamental duties in Article 51A of
– Dr. Rajendra Prasad Indian Constitution? – 11 Duties
 In which cave is the ‘Ravana’ shaking Kailash  What is the synthesized molecule using energy
mountain’? – Ellora Caves released during cellular respiration? – ATP

GS Pointer 23 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Who was the defense minister in the interim  Who started the permanent settlement in Bengal
government formed in 1946? and Bihar in 1793? – Charles Carnavalis
– Sardar Baldev Singh  What is the fragmentation of white light in its
 Which river is the largest basin area in Peninsular component colours? – Dispersion
India? – Godavari  What year was adopted by the Indian Parliament
 All synthetic fibers using raw materials of petroleum for industrial policy resolution? – 1956
are prepared by many processes, they say ____.  When was the new economic policy launched in
– Petrochemical India? – 1991
 Who was the father of 'White Revolution' in India?  When fat and oil are oxidized then they become
– Varghese Kurien ____ and changes in their odor and taste.
 Where was the headquarters of Theosophical – Deodorant
Society in British India? – Madras  What is the maximum duration limit in which the
 Which part in humans removes the excretory Rajya Sabha can pass the money bill? – 14 Days
substances in the form of soluble nitrogen  The Indian style of wrestling is also called ___.
compounds? – Nephrons – Wrestling
 What is the article of Indian Constitution related to  How many parts are present in the Constitution of
the protection of minorities? – Article 29 India? – 25
 What is called water-soluble alkali? – Khar  Where is the Forest Research Institute located?
 What was the name of that Portuguese explorer who – Dehradun
discovered the new sea route of India from Europe  How many topics are basically in the Union List?
in 1498? – Vasco da Gama – 97 topics
 By what name is the Emergency caused by war,  Which country of 2020, hosted by the Summer
external attack or armed assassination? Olympics? – Japan
– National Emergency  Which resolution is known for the growth of a large
 Who is called the architect of the Indian economy? quantity of grain production using high-yield variety
– Mahalanobis (HYV)? – Green Revolution
 In what form is there a provision for the Finance
06-2-2019 [Shift - I]
Commission in Article 280 of Indian Constitution?
– Semi-Judicial body  The average salinity of oceans is
 Jog is situated on which river? – Sharavati – 35 parts per thousand
 Which sports require a net? – Badminton  The Abolition of Untouchability comes under which
 Which is the longest river in Southeast Asia? fundamental right of Indian constitution?
– Mekong – Right to Equality
 The word 'jump ball' is related to which sport?  Who was called as the “Father of Local Self
– Basketball Government” in India? – Lord Ripon
 Who can increase self-confidence in the training
 The term socialist in the Preamble was added in
of sports, help to strengthen morale and act as a
which amendment of the Indian Constitution?
friend and counselor? – Coach
– 42nd Amendment
 What is the study of honey bees? – Epiculture
 The traditional glove puppet show Pavakoothu
 Who was the chairperson of the first Parliament of
belongs to _____. – Kerala
Independent India as a legislative body?
– G.V. Mavlankar  Kimberley in South Africa is famous for
 What does the word 'divorced' mean in Urdu? – Diamonds
– Marriage Break  On whose advice, Gandhi spent a year travelling
 Which Indian state is inhabited by the Apatani tribe? around British India to know the land and its
– Arunachal Pradesh people? – Gopal Krishna Gokhale

GS Pointer 24 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Which dynasty was credited with the construction  “Albert Park Circuit”, “Monaco Circuit” and
of Pancha Rathas in Mahabalipuram? – Pallavas “Canadian Grand Prix” are associated with which
 Wembley Stadium in London is famously known game/sport? – Car racing
for which game/sport? – Football  Which state is also known as “Molasses basin”?
 Who solemnly resolved the Indian Constitution? – Mizoram
– We, The People of India  Which gas is a colourless gas with the smell of rotten
 Who said ‘Swarajya is my birthright and I shall have
eggs? – Hydrogen Sulphide
it’? – Bal Gangadhar Tilak
 Which day was observed as “Direct Action Day”
 With an increase in altitude, the atmospheric
by Jinnah? – 16th August, 1946
pressure – Decreases
 NITI Aayog was set up in the year – 2015  Maximum land is devoted for what purposes in
 The target group for Annapurna Scheme (APS) is India? – Agriculture
– Indigent Senior Citizens  Who won the Golden Boot in FIFA World Cup
 Duleep Trophy is associated with which game/ 2018? – Harry Kane
sport? – Cricket  What is the chemical formula of marble?
 Who gave the famous speech at Parliament of World – CaCO3
Religions in Chicago in 1893?  The amount of heat energy produced on complete
– Swami Vivekananda combustion of 1 kg of a fuel is called its ___.
 What type of Justice is guaranteed in the preamble
– Calorific value
of the Constitution of India?
 Which planet is also known as ‘Red Planet’?
– Social, Economicand Political Justice
– Mars
 Who won the French Open Men’s Singles Grand
Slam Title in 2017? – Rafael Nadal  Which constellation is called Saptarishi?
 “The Race of My Life” is the autobiography of – Ursa Major
– Milkha Singh  The new Sustainable development goals of the
 A significant step towards providing elementary United Nations (UN) proposes ending poverty of
education to all children in the age group of 6-14 all types by – 2030
years by 2010 was – Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan  An ordinance passed by the President ceases to
 Who gave the title “Raja” to Ram Mohan Rai? operate ____ from the reassembly of Parliament
– Akbar II – on the expiry of six weeks
 Who is the Chairman of all the Zonal Councils?  In which state, a martial art form called Paika
– Union Home Minister
akhada is performed? – Odisha
 When was the capital transferred from Calcutta to
 The Lok Adalat is based on
Delhi in British India? – 1911
 What represents a group of similar cells performing – Gandhian principles
a specific function? – Tissues  The transformation of the larva into an adult through
 What is the duration of Panchayats? – 5 years drastic changes is called ____. – Metamorphosis
 Which state is the major producer of mulberry silk 08-2-2019 [Shift - I]
in India (Currently)? – Karnataka
 Which term was replaced instead of “Unity of the  Majuli Island is located in which river?
Nation” in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution? – Brahmaputra
– Unity and Integrity of the Nation  What is represented by the chemical symbol 'Si'?
 The Nagarjuna Sagar Project is constructed across – Silicon
the river – Krishna  Forest Research Institute is located in– Dehradun
 What converts pressure vibrations from the sound  In the concept of food security, access to food to
waves into electrical signals inside the human ear? each person is known as ______.
– Cochlea – Food Accessibility

GS Pointer 25 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Which country will host the Summer Olympics in  In the economy, the overall production of
2028? – U.S.A. components such as total production, employment
 Which authority is organizing competitive and total value level is called – Macro economics
examinations for recruitment in the state's judicial  The author giving detailed information about the
service? – State Public Service Commission Kings of Kashmir was written by – Kalihana
 Titan is the satellite of which planets?  The capacity of the lens is defined as the inversion
– Saturn of its ______. – Focal Distance
 What is the difference between a planet's expansion  The word "lost" in the "Kho-Kho" game means
of the Sun and its axis? – Rotation Interval – GO' 'Grab'
 When did Mahatma Gandhi return from India to  What is the arrangement of local self-governing
South Africa? – 1915 governments in rural areas? – Panchayati Raj

 How many important committees were there in the  Who was the first president of the All India Trade
Union Congress? – Lala Lajpat Rai
Indian Constituent Assembly? – Eight Committees
 The duty of respecting the National Flag and
 Which government act permits the establishment
National Anthem is given in the sub-paragraph of
of All India Federation in British India?
Article 51A of Indian Constitution?
– Government of India Act, 1935
– Article 51A (a)
 Lower Valley between the Himalayan region and
 According to the plan proposed by the British
Shivalik are called – Doon
Council, the Constituent Assembly was formed?
 Which festival is known as 'Bandhan of protection'?
– Cabinet Mission
– Raksha Bandhan
 India has set up Asia's first Export Processing Zone
 The 86th Constitution Amendment Act came into
(EPZ) – Kandla
force? – 2010
 Which state is known for 'Cheraw' dance with
 Kathiawar Peninsula is found in which state?
bamboo? – Mizoram
– Gujarat
 The confluence of the Alaknanda and the Mandakini
 How many types of urban local bodies are there in
Rivers – Rudra Prayag
India? –8
 The particle of two different types of substances is
 Which tissue is a complex permanent tissue found called the function of the mixture of self
in plants? – Xylem – Variance
 In decomposition reaction, the _____ decay or  Which year did Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
_____ is formed. – Oxygen, Hydrogen (PMGSY) begin? – 2000
 Which state was associated with 'Siddhar', a group  The world's largest glacier is found in which
of saints? – Tamil Nadu continent? – Antarctica
 In which ocean is the Sargasso Sea situated?  Who can be appointed temporarily for the discharge
– Atlantic Ocean of the work of the governor of the state?
 Who wrote the book 'The Indian War of – Chief Justice of the High Court
Independence 1857'? – V.D. Savarkar  Liquid is called the force that moves upwards on
 Muscat is the capital of – Oman an object – Boiling force
 Who was the first Indian to be appointed to the  Who presided over the All Bengal Students'
executive council of British Viceroy in 1909? Conference in 1928? – Jawaharlal Nehru
– S.P. Sinha  Most of the property in which area is owned by the
 The maximum number of members in the Rajya government and all the services are provided by
Sabha is – 250 the government? – Public Areas

GS Pointer 26 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Which Constitution was started in the world with
08-2-2019 [Shift - II]
the introduction? – American Constitution
 Which organization regulates the Olympic Games?
 Cedar, which is a highly valuable region, is mainly
– International Olympic Committee
 It is said to end the session of Parliament indefinitely produced in which region? – Western Himalayas
– Adjournment Sive Die  National Planning Committee was established by
 Azad Hind Fauj was also known as ____ the Indian National Congress in ____ years.
– Indian National Army – 1938
 ______ are small balloon-shaped structures and  Constitution of India was adopted on ___ date
which have the least route in the respiratory system – November 26, 1949
– Alveoli  A segment of DNA that provides information to a
 Which player is associated with billiards / snooker? protein, is called the __________ of that protein
– Pankaj Advani
– Gene
 It is the only continent through which the equator,
 The Khilafat movement is related to which move-
cancer line and Makkar line passes? – Africa
ment? – Non-Cooperation Movement
 Who founded the Young Bengal Movement?
– Henry Derozio  Who led the British company army in Plassey's war?
 In ______, Local Hurricane Nor Westers is also – Robert Clive
known as Bardoli Chirah – Assam  Which of the following temples is also known as
 Ore mined from earth are contaminated by "Black Pagoda"? – Sun Temple
impurities like soil, sand etc. What are they called?  When was the capital of India moved from Calcutta
– Gangue to Delhi? – 1911
 Who is the supreme commander of the Indian  Is related to article 352_____ of Indian Constitution
Defense Forces? – President – National Emergency
 In which country did Mahatma Gandhi establish
 Which of these countries separates the Gibraltar
the Natal Congress in 1895? – South Africa
Strait from Spain? – Morocco
 When both sides agree to buy and buy one another's
 What is the speed of light while traveling in a
goods, it is called – Double combinations of
vacuum? – 3 × 108 ms–1
 Panchayati raj generally refers to the system of local
 Which cricketer has left the captaincy of the
Australian cricket team after the ball-tampering self-government in India, it started in a ____ by a
issue? – Steve Smith constitutional amendment – 1992
 What is used in the manufacture of sodium  What do you mean by an atheist state?
components such as borax? – Washing Soda – Anti-religion
 Basilica of Bom Jesus, a world heritage site, is  Which peak is also called K2?
located? – Goa – Godwin Austen
 Which Biosphere Reserve (Biosphere Protected  Where is dryland soil found in the following areas
Areas) has been recognized by UNESCO on the
of India? – Western Rajasthan
World Network of Biosphere Reserves?
 Which rate indicates the ratio of children who died
– Sunderban
before one year of age per 1000 live children in
 As two separate countries, India and Pakistan
that particular year? – Infant Mortality
separated under ____.
– Indian Independence Act, 1947  What is the unit of frequency? – Hertz
 The smallest blood vessels have a cell wall thickness  Harappa civilization emerged on the banks of which
called – Capillaries river? – Indus
 The Sonapani glacier is situated in which state of  Peacock Throne (Frames Taus) was built during
India? – Himachal Pradesh whose time? – Shah Jahan

GS Pointer 27 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Which of the following programs provides state-  _____ is a heterogeneous mixture whose particles
of-the-art central assistance to basic services such are so elixir that cannot be seen with the naked eyes
as primary health, primary education, rural shelter, but they are so large that they can disperse the light.
rural drinking water and rural electrification? – Coloide
– Prime Minister Gramodaya Yojana (PMGY)  What is the measurement of the mass of an object?
 Who is the head of the Council of Ministers? – Inertia
– Prime Minister  Which game is associated with the Vijay Hazare
 What is the procedure of coating with a thin layer Trophy? – Cricket
of zinc to protect steel and iron from corrosion?
 When did the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir
– Galvanization
come into force? – November 17, 1956
 The word 'Democracy' is derived from ___
 When did the implementation of the Indian
– Greek words
Constitution formally adopted? – January 26, 1950
09-2-2019 [Shift - I]  In which form is the relativistic mass of a molecule
 Which article of Indian Constitution is related to expressed? – Atomic Mass Unit
promoting international peace and security  In which year was the Planning Commission setup?
– Article 51 – 1950
 According to the 2011 census, which has the highest  According to the Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR)
population density of the Union Territory?– Delhi 1956 passed by the Indian Parliament, how many
 What are the protected remains of living organisms? sections have been divided into industries?
– Fossil – Three Square
 According to the Golden Goal rule in hockey, the  The cell wall of plant cells is formed
team which goals in extra time given is declared – Of cellulose
_____ and the match is stopped there.  Pangong Tso Lake is located in which state?
– Winner – Ladakh
 From which Constitution the principle of directive  What is the force on that object when you immerse
policy was taken from in the Indian Constitution? some object in water? – Boiling force
– Constitution of Ireland  The slogan of 'do or die' is related to which of the
 In 1760, which English general defeated the French
following movement? – Quit India Movement
General Lale in "War of the Wandivas"?
 Mississippi river is located in which country
– Erie Koote
– United States
 The format of the parliamentary system of
 Who was the Chairman of the 14 th Finance
government described in the Indian Constitution
Commission? – Y. V. Reddy
was drafted on the basis of which constitution?
 Which card is used to warn a player in a football
– British format
game? – Yellow Card
 What is the sum of the kinetic and potential energy
of an object? – Total Mechanical Energy  Who is known as the architect of the creation of
 Members of the Rajya Sabha are Indian schemes?
– Indirectly selected – Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis
 Who had the chairmanship of the National  Where is the Vittalaswamy Temple located?
Commission formed in the interest of farmers in – Hampi
2004? – M S. Swaminathan  What types of forest are found in areas with rainfall
 In the Union Territory of Puducherry, the Assembly over 200 cm? – Evergreen Forests
was formed in which year? – 1963  In 1930-31, where did the first Round Table
 Who founded the 'Asiatic Society of Bengal'? Conference between Indian leaders and the British
– William Jones Government held? – London
GS Pointer 28 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra
 Which architectural style is related to the archi-  All the goods and services produced in the country
teture of the Victoria Memorial in Calcutta? during the year are called 'market prices'
– Indo-Arabian – Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
 The policy commission is – Unconstitutional Body  What language is the word "meditation" taken
from? – Urdu
 Where was the first Tamil Sangam organized?
 Indian Statistical Institute was founded in the city
– Madurai
of _____. – Calcutta
 Who wrote a book based on ancient science in  Who has the power to declare a national emergency
relation to medicines? – Charak in India? – President
 Which river separates Laos from Thailand?  In which state is the origin of Sujani embroidery?
– Mekong – Bihar
 Which organization was founded by Vishnu Shastri  How many times has India been declared a financial
Pandit in the 19th century? emergency in? – Never
– Widow Remarriage Organization  Goods and service tax (India) came into force from
 The Lok Sabha and assembly elections of each state _____. – July 2017
 In which year did the ICC first start limited over’s
are held – Five years
in Cricket World Cup? – 1975
 Per which game is related to the activities of heating,
 The Great Artesian Basin is located in which
stopping, dribbling through 'stick'? – Hockey
country? – Australia
 Who was the Viceroy of India during the Jalianwala  The cells of the nervous system that are supported,
Bagh massacre in 1919? – Chelmsford protected and nurtured are called neurons
 What is that part of the middle of the small intestine, – Glial cells
which is the main site for absorption of nutrients?  What happens at the center of the cricket field?
– Interference – Pitch
 Which agency controlled the financial sectors in  Which method is used to determine the speed of
India? – RBI sound in the gas? – Household Tube
 The old allvial soil is called – Bangar  Cacti, Acacia and date trees are the specialty of
which vegetable area? – Desert Zone
 The word 'changing the direction' is used in which
 What is the process of transitioning into a larvae
game? – Kho-Kho
adult passing through drastic changes?
 Who is the first Indian woman wrestler to win a – Conversion
medal in the Olympics? – Sashi Malik  How many topics are currently in India's Union
09-2-2019 [Shift - II] List? – 100 Topics
 Where did Gandhi lead the mill workers' strike in
 Indian Constitution adopts universal adult suffrage 1918? – Ahmadabad
as the basis of the Lok Sabha elections. Every  Hockey was introduced in India by ___.
citizen who is not less than _____ has the right to – British people
vote – 18 years  Farakka Barrage is located in which state?
 What is the difference between the layer of a diode? – West Bengal
– Potential Barrier  In 1877, who hosted the court to accpet Queen
 What is the process of indigenous chromosome Victoria as Queen of India? – Liton
 Atomic and molecules can only emit or absorb
coupling? – Sinpsis (Syntax)
energy as discrete packets of energy, which is called
 In which city is the "Hawa Mahal" located?
– Quanta
– Jaipur
 In 1799, what was the death of Tipu Sultan?
 From which country is the famous Land Cruiser – Srirangpatnam
Silk Route spread to Europe? – China  What is the process of transfusing a substance in a
 What is the second highest post in India? gas state directly from the solid state without going
– Vice President through the liquid state? – Sublimation

GS Pointer 29 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Which card is used in a football game to tell if a  A line connecting areas with similar temperature is
player has been sent out of the game?– Red Card called – Isotherm
 In the year ____, the word 'integrity' was added in  Among Potatoes, Petroleum, Oilseeds and Shrimp
the preamble of the Indian Constitution. – 1976 which one is related to “Pink Revolution”?
 Which Ministry of Indian Government launched – Shrimp
the "Startup India Scheme"?  How many industries are calculated based on the
– Ministry of Commerce & Industry combined value of the Index of Industrial Products
 Who was the founder of Sikhism? – Guru Nanak – Eight Industries
 Which sport require a ball to play? – Volleyball  During the period of a particular period, divided
 Which soil is soil deposited in the lake of Kashmir by the total population of the country, the country’s
Valley? – Cavao Mud total national income is known as the value
 Who was the founder of Khudai Khidmatgar? – Per Capita Income
– Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan  What is the atomic number of gold (Au) in the
 The origin of the eucalyptus tree species is in which modern periodic table? – 79
continents? – Australia  According to the 2011 census, which union territory
 Which canal is the artificial water route flowing has the highest population density? – Delhi
north to south in the Strait of Suez in north-eastern  During the British rule, under which act was the
Egypt? – Suez Canal establishment of a Dyarchy system in the Indian
 Who was the Labour Minister in the first Cabinet provinces? – Government of India Act 1919
of independent India? – Jagjivan Ram  Which sport is related to Saina Nehwal?
 What year was World War I? – 1914 – Badminton
 State Emergency is also known as _____.  Which paragrph is related to the Indian Constitution
– President's rule concerned with the related powers of the Sureme
 The term of the Comptroller and Auditor General Court? – Article 140
of India is for _____. – Six years  Which action is done before participating in any
sports or physical activity? – Warm Up
 The Central Government had appointed a three-
 Alcoholic beverages contain the main ingredients
member commission on center-state relations under
– Ethanol
the chairmanship of _____. – RS Sarkaria
 Who chairs the joint sitting of both the houses of
 Who is defined as the total number of protons
the house? – Speaker of Lok Sabha
present in the atom's nucleus? – Atomic number
 The work of lipase is
 What is the repetition of sound due to the reflection
– Disrupting Emulsified Fat
of the sound? – Echo
 Which strait separates the continent from North
10-2-2019 [Shift - I] America? – Bering Strait
 When was the of Municipal Corporations in  Nagarjuni Cave is situated in which state?– Bihar
Bombay and Calcutta established? – 1726  Normal systolic pressure is – Hg 120 mm
 “Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan” was popular as the
 Where is the game of cricket originally from which
name? – Frontier (Marginal) Gandhi
country? – England
 According to the Indian Constitution the maximum
 Situated in Nilgiri, Annamalai and Palani hills, the
number of members of Rajya Sabha has been fixed
Temperate Forest is called – Shola
____. – 250
 Which element does not remain in solid state at
 Which country is called “indestructible union of
room temperature? – Mercury
indestructible states”? – United States
 The chemical formula of glucose is – C6H12O6  Whose birthday is celebrated as National Sports
 Who led the movement against the British Day in India? – Major Dhyan Chand
Government in 1824 in Kittur?  In the team of kabaddi, how many players are left
– Queen Chennamma except the players? – Seven
GS Pointer 30 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra
 The SI number of electrodynamics is – Siemens  Which sport is related to the Ranji Trophy?
 Which state became the 17th state of the Indian – Cricket
Union – Haryana  _____ is an acid in which an atom of the oxygen is
 What is the “minimum number of required members connected to an atom of hydrogen and at least one
in the House before editing any work” by which other element. – Oxidised
word? – Quantity  Who was a famous painter during the reign of
 In which of the five years of the scheme, the Jahangir? – Ustad Mansoor
agriculture was termed as the main moving source  Who determines the amount to be kept by the
of the Indian economy? – Tenth Plan banks? – RBI
 In the 19 century, which leader organized ‘Poona
 When was the World Trade Organization
Sarvajanik Sabha’? – Mahadev Govind Ranade established? – 1995
 The art of embroidey is ‘Mukesh’ originally from  The minimum calorie for the person living in rural
which state? – Uttar Pradesh areas is – 2400 calories
 Which year did the Rural Youth Self Employment  Who is the real executive secretary of India?
Program (TRYSEM) take place? – 1979 – Prime Minister
 The famous Virbhadra Temple is located in  Pichavaram Mangrove Forest is situated in which
Lepakshi in ____ – Andhra Pradesh state? – Tamil Nadu
 Where is the headquarters of BALCO Aluminium  Which gas is emitted by the reaction of chloroform
Company located? – New Delhi and HNO3? – Chloropicrin
 What does the refree in a volleyball game show by  Which optical device is made from cakite crystals
showing a yellow card? – Warning and is used for observation and production of flat
 Major inflation includes the increase in prices of polarized light? – Nicholas Prism
all products and services except food products and  Who was the first woman to chair the Annual
____. – energy Session of the Indian National Congress?
 Which proposal can the Council of Ministers – Annie Besant First Indian Women
 What is the female genital organ of flowers?
– No confidence motion passed in Parliament
– Genesium
11-2-2019 [Shift - I]  Who discovered the electron? – J. J. Thomson
 What is the origin of the cranial nerve? – Brain
 Who is the presiding officer of the Rajya Sabha?
 The period of plan for the first five years of India
– Vice President
was- – 1951-1956
 Who was the Viceroy of India during the Shimla
 In which state is the famous Chanderi Sari originally
Conference of 1945? – Wavell
made? – Madhya Pradesh
 Who founded 'Dharm Sabha' in Calcutta?
 When was the commissioning of the policy
– Radhakant Deb
commission? – 1 January 2015
 Which game is related to the word "Bai, leg bye,
 It is the traditional martial art of Korea?
no ball"? – Cricket
– Taekwondo
 In 1760, which French General was defeated by
 Which state has the lowest concentration of roads?
the British General Iro Code, in 'War of Wandivas'?
– Jammu and Kashmir
– Comte de Laili
 Who is called 'Lead Sugar'? – Lead Acetate  In which Indian states is the Agasthamala Biosphere
 Which port is situated on the banks of the Hooghly Reserve located? – Kerala
river? – Haldia  Which lyric written by Mohammad Iqbal?
 In which biom, the small plants grow very fast – Good from everywhere
during the short period of hot and cold weather in  Who was the first president of the Lok Sabha?
high mountain areas? – Tundra Biom – Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar
 What is the amount of moisture content in the air at  Which ocean section is from the Pacific Ocean?
any given time? – Humidity – California Section

GS Pointer 31 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Who has the power to constitute and reorganize the  Where was the 'Veersh Shive Movement' in 1200
autonomous districts? – Governor BC ? – Karnataka
 Lake Victoria is situated in which continent?  When vapor is condensed back into the water, heat
– Africa – released
 By which is the action of opening and closing of  In the northern plains, the soil of lime collection is
stomata in plants? – Security cells called – Cancers
 Which High Court has territorial jurisdiction in  Among Krishna, Godavari, Ganga and Mahanadi
Andaman and Nicobar Islands? which one is a mountainous river? – Ganga
– Calcutta High Court  Konkani, Manipuri and Nepali languages were now
 Which Article is related to the Finance included in the eighth schedule of Indian
Commission? – Article 280 Constitution? – 1992
 What is restricted by the Medical Commission of  What force is produced by a charged body on
the International Olympic Committee another charged or unchanged body?
– Doping for increased ability to play – Electrostatic force
 Who wrote the ancient scientific book on surgery?  The Governor of the State may remain in his
– Sushruta position as per the wish of _____. – President
 Which article is related to the power of issuing the  Where is the famous Kandaria Mhadev Temple
President Ordinance? – Article 123 located? – Madhya Pradesh
 In which country did the principle of judicial review  Which act clarified the difference between the
develop? – United States commercial and political functions of East India
 Which part of the Indian Constitution is mentioned Company for the first time?– Pitts India Act 1784
as 'Magna Carta of India'? – Part 3  Bhim (Bharat Interface for Money) mobile
 What is the global governing body of cricket? application was launched – 2016
– International Cricket Council  What is the minimum age limit for joining the
 When was the first Round Table Conference in National Pension Scheme? – 18 years
London between the Indian leaders and the British  In 1761, after the defeat of which war, the Marathas
Government? – 1930-31 were curbing the dream of ruling Delhi?
 Change the question mark with the option that – Third War of Panipat
follows the applied logic in the first pair.  Which model is based on the Indian federal system?
Hate: Love :: War: ?? – Peace – Canadian model
 Who built the famous city of Jahanpanah?
12-2-2019 [Shift - I] – Muhammad bin Tughluq
 Which chemical is known as 'Aqua Fortis'?  Which part is related to Panchayat of Indian
– Nitric Acid Constitution? – Part IX
 What is the goal of the Prime Minister's Housing  Where was the convention of Indian National
Scheme? – House for Everyone Congress under the chairmanship of Sarojini Naidu
 Who is the spine of modern industries? in 1925? – Kanpur
– Iron and Steel  In 1870-71, he was the founder of the ‘Indian
 In what year was the exchange of the regions of Reform Association’ – Keshab Chandra Sen
India and Bangladesh by their constitutional  The highest bauxite production in the world is in
amendment? – 2015 ___. – Australia
 Generally, wind is visually ____ than water and  Who is the supreme law officer of the state?
glass – Sparse medium – Advocate General
 Where is the Gorumara National Park located?  Which company belongs to the management of the
– West Bengal company act? – Ministry of Corporate Affairs

GS Pointer 32 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Which article is related to the 'structure of the state  ______ is the largest part of the northern plains,
council' of the Indian Constitution? – Article 80 made up of old alluvials. – Bhangar
 Significance of judo is found in wearing ____.  The National Statistics Commission has advised to
– Color belts revise all the economic lists on each ____.
 In snooker, the ball is killed by the Q force, which – 5 years
is called – Object ball  Which player is related to tennis? – Roger Federer
 What is related to the study of fungi?  When Queen Elizabeth II first gave the East India
– Fungal Science Company the privilege of doing business in the
 India's Finance Commission is formed East? – 1600
– By President  What is the tenure of each municipality in India?
 If the displacement of the object is zero then what – 5 years
will be the work done by the force on an object?  What is the purpose of trypsin? – Digested Protein
– Zero  The head office of the Asian Development Bank is
 Which cell organ is called "Suicide Bags"? located – In Manila
– Lysosom  Who had led the 'Bardoli Satyagraha' in 1928?
 'Twilight and rubbing' is related to which game? – Vallabhbhai Patel
– Curling  Which rivers makes 'Bird Foot Delta'? – Mississippi
 Which state has originated from the traditional  What is the rule showing the relationship between
'Paithani silk sari'? – Maharashtra unemployment and growth rate?– Law of Okuna
 Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were accused  Which river is the longest river in the world?
in the _____ conspiracy case. – Lahore – Nile River
 Who can reserve some types of bills passed by the  What is known as Peruvian oceanic currents?
State Legislature for the consideration of the – Humboldt Section
President? – Governor  The agreement which included the Indian National
 The tropical convergence area happens with the Congress and the Muslim League, is known by
virtual movement of ______. – Sun which agreements? – Lucknow Pact
 What is the top surface of the Earth's surface called?  In 1856, which kingdom was captured by Lord
– Bhuppati Dalhousie on the charge of mischief? – Awadh
 Which decision was given to the Sikh and Anglo-  What was the total expenditure in the construction
Indian people in separate India as a separate of Indian Constitution? – 64 million
constituency? – Communal Arbitration, 1932  Who is the head of Indian Audit and Accounts
 North Star is the point indicating north direction Department?
– Pole Star – Comptroller and Auditor General of India
 Which is the smallest of India? – Kanchenjunga  The Compound (Sambharak) line expresses the
 Which war is related to the 'Treaty of Gandhmak'? regions with the corresponding _____ – Pressure
– Second Anglo-Afghan War  What is the refractive index of diamonds? – 2.42
 The art of embroidery 'Banni' originated in which
12-2-2019 [Shift - II]
state? – Gujarat
 Which civilization is related to the statue of 'world  The headquarters of the National Aluminum
famous bronze dancer'?– Indus Valley Civilization Company (NALCO) – Odisha
 Where is Jim Carbett National Park located?  What is the speed in which a particle or body moves
– Uttarakhand in a straight line? – Linear Speed
 Where is the famous 'Cellular Jail' located?  Who won the title of 'Man of the Series' in Men's
– Andaman and Nicobar Islands Cricket World Cup 2011? – Yuvraj Singh
 The nucleus is differentiate from the cytoplasm by  What is the inverse of specific resistance?
_____. – Nucleus membrane – Specific Conductivity

GS Pointer 33 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Which religion is related to the famous saint  What feature of the magnetic field is displayed by
Parshvanath? – Jain the proximity of magnetic rays?
 Who was the temporary president of the first – Relative Intensity
meeting of the Constituent Assembly held on  Who is the protector of the democratic system of
December 09, 1946? – Sachchidanand Sinha the Government of India?
 The Indian citizen who is normally living outside – Supreme Court of India
India and will have an Indian passport  Which state is famous for the Tharavdu houses
– Non-Resident Indians made of teak wood? – Kerala
 The northernmost part of the Himalayan range is
 In which state did Art of embroidery Toda begin?
called – Himadri
– Tamil Nadu
 The provision of 'amendment in Indian constitution'
 Ranjit Singh was the ruler of which province?
was taken from which country's constitution?
– Punjab
– Constitution of South Africa
 How many cells are there in the heart of the fish?
 From which Constitution, the Directive principle
of 'State Policy' was taken
 The presence of _________ members is necessary
– Constitution of Ireland
 The famous Sri Bhramaramba Mallikarjuna Temple for the meeting of the Lok Sabha in Parliament.
is located in Sri Sallam of ____. – Andhra Pradesh – 55 Members
 The word 'Somersault' is related to which of the  When the Sun is perpendicular to the Tropic of
following games? – Diving Capricorn it is called – Winter Solstice
 Which states are included in Krishna river water  When a player scores a ball in the basket with one
dispute? – Maharashtra, Karnataka and or both hands while controlling himself by jumping
Andhra Pradesh in the air on the horizontal side of the rim, in the
 Who won the first Olympic medal from India in a game of basketball, this shot says - – Sting
solo competition? – Khashaba Dadasaheb Jadhav  It is part of the "World Network of Biosphere
 Currently, Headline Growth Rate is determined by Reserves"? – Nilgiri
whom? – Gross Domestic Product on Fixed  When the Indian Constitution came into effect in
Market Value 1949, how many Article were there in it? – 395
 Imported on physical units or value is called imports  Who was the chairperson of the 'Lahore Session'
– Tariff of the Indian National Congress in 1929?
 How much is the Atomic number of silver in the – Jawaharlal Nehru
modern periodic table? – 47  Which organization is related to Nairobi nego-
 Who is the highest law officer of the state? tiations? – World Trade Organization
– Advocate General
 Which writ can be issued against both public and
 "No person can be punished more than once for
private individuals? – Habeas corpus
the same crime." What is this principle called?
 Cantonment Act in India was passed in _____ year.
– Double Punishment
– 1924
14-2-2019 [Shift - I]  Which atmospheric layer contains electrically
charged particles that make radio broadcast
 According to article 280 of Indian Constitution, the
possible? – Ionosphere
Finance Commission is one ____
– Semi-judicial body  When was the capital of British India Government
 Who is the guarantor of the fundamental rights of transferred from Calcutta to Delhi? – 1911-12
citizens and the patron of the Indian Constitution?  What is the atomic number of potassium (K) in the
– Supreme Court of India modern periodic table? – 19
 Which strait serves as a separator between India  Who was the Viceroy of India when the Indian
and Sri Lanka? – Pak Strait University Act of 1904 was passed? – Curzon

GS Pointer 34 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 National Accounting Statistics is issued by _____.  What is the sign of Yellow Card being shown by
– Central Statistical Organization the referee in the handball game? – Warning
 Which article of Indian Constitution is related to  The area created by a single river system is known
the Assistant Powers of the Supreme Court? as _____ – Water shed
– Article 140  What is the percentage of land area of land in the
 What is the name of food pipes? – Esophagus whole of India? – 2.4 percent
 _____ is located on the famous Umanand Devloyi
Temple Mayur Island. – Assam
14-2-2019 [Shift - II]
 What is the annual rainfall of more than 200 cm  In which article of the Indian Constitution there is
during the short dry season? a description of the provision related to 'the tenure
– Tropical Evergreen Forests of the governor'? – Article 156
 ______ Rings connected together are represented  What is the reaction called in which only one
as Olympic symbols. – Five product is produced due to the reaction of two or
 Employment Assurance Scheme has been started more reactants? – Combination Reaction
– 1993  What is the purest form of coal? – Anthracite
 Which year did the Indian Cricket Team win the  What is the essential element that is suitable during
Cricket World Cup in the captaincy of Kapil Dev? the synthesis of proteins and other compounds in
– 1983 plants? – Nitrogen
 Who made the Sarnath column near Varanasi?  In the presence of oxygen in _____, the pyruvate
– Ashok dissolution occurs. – Mitochondria
 What is the SI number of light intensity?  The governor can dismiss the state Legislature
– Candela
member only after consultation with ____.
 Which battle led to the rule of the British over
– Election Commission
Bengal? – Battle of Plassey
 When did the Right to Information Act (RTI) come
 What is used in making perfumes and aromatic
into force? – 2005
substances? – Esters
 In which area was the origin of Kalighat art?
 ______ There are small blood corpuscles that help
– Bengal
in the clot to prevent bleeding from your body.
 The lowest distance from which the eye can clearly
– Platelets
see an object without any difficulty, is called
 Who has the power to convene and adjourn any
– Near eye point
House of the Indian Parliament? – President
 According to the 2011 census, which Union territory
 Uprise, Giant Swing, Salto, are related to which
is the sexiest year? – Puducherry
game? – Gymnastics
 In the Indian Constitution, the provisions relating
 The substance that burns in the air is called
– Flammable to the Finance Commission are given in this article?
 Is there a time lag between Arunachal Pradesh and – Article 280
Gujarat because of the long-term expansion?  Which part of the Indian Constitution is related to
– 2 hours special provisions given to the states? – Part-21
 Government of India Act 1919, which was  What is the related to 'Golden Fiber Revolution'?
implemented due to constitutional reform? – Jute
– Montague-Chelmsford Reform  Wich sign is used in spherical mirrors and lenses?
 On what basis is the determination of the level of a – New Cartesian Sign
component of Human Development Index (HDI)?  The state's definition is given in which article of
– Gross National Income Indian Constitution? – Article 12
 The world has the highest depth ocean  The SI unit of electrical resistivity is
– Pacific Ocean – Ohm Meters

GS Pointer 35 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Companies that establish their production units in  In India, cricket was brought by whom? – British
SEZs (Special Economic Zones), are exempt from  What are they called organic compounds, whose
tax payment for the time of initial ____ molecules have only a single connective bond?
– Five years – Saturated compounds
 The book 'Polymorphic Gandhi' was written by  In 1932, who founded the 'All India Harijan Sangh',
whom? – Anu Bandopadhyay also known as 'Harijan Sevak Sangh'?
 In the Paralympic 2016, India's only medal winner – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Deepa Malik won the silver medal in which game?  Making international businesses accessible is the
– Shot Put (Shot) main goal of which of the following organizations?
 The President of 'Central Public Service – World Trade Organization (WTO)
Commission' can be removed by whom?
– President 16-2-2019 [Shift - I]
 In the Udaagiri caves, the Hathigumpha inscription  Which article of Indian Constitution is related to
gives information about the military expeditions of the right to elementary education? – Article 21A
which ruler? – King Kharaweel  The substance which reduces friction is called
 The Lake of Harike is located in which state? – Lubricants
– Punjab  Where did Gandhiji finish the historical Salt March
 When did 'Buxar war' happen? – 1764 (journey) in 1930? – Dandi
 Who is known as 'Bagha Jatin'?
 In which country was the provision of 'single
– Jatindranath Mukherjee
citizenship' in the Constitution of India?
 In respect of the control and administration of
– British Constitution
Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes in any state,
 In which country is the Rub-al-Khali desert located?
what are the provisions given in the Indian
– Saudi Arabia
Constitution ? – Fifth Schedule
 In which country was the 2016 Summer Olympics
 By which control is the control of the actions
held? – Brazil
occurring while going into the small part of the small
 The green plastids with chlorophyll are called
intestine from the stomach? – Sphincter muscle
– Chloroplast
 Which logo is related to the authentication of its
 Who was known as 'Frontier Gandhi'?
quality standards on a product?
– Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
– ISI (Indian Institute of Standards)
 Where was the Asian Infrastructure Investment
 Which land structure formed due to the erosion of
glaciers? – Glacial Landforms Bank established? – Beijing
 Under which Act, separate elections were started  Operation Flood is related to which revolution?
for Muslims? – Indian Councils Act 1909 – White Revolution
 According to the legal order of the Indian  In which game/sports, is the goal of throwing the
Constitution, which of the following words is ball into the opponent’s basket? – Basketball
literally 'presenting body (person)'?  In which state is the Garhajat Hills situated?
– Habeas Corpus – Odisha
 Lord Wellesley founded the "Fort William" college  What is the quality of the metal by which it can be
in _____. – Calcutta brought in the form of a wire? – Reputation
 According to Indian Constitution, India is  When the pathogenic microbial enters the body in
– Secular State the human body, what is created by the human body
 Which Central Administrative Tribunal belongs to to fight it? – Antibody
the Ministry? – Ministry of Personnel, Public  Which tool is used to measure the force acting on
Grievances and Pension an object? – Spring Bent

GS Pointer 36 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 When did Vasco da Gama came to search for a new  Directive Principle of State Policy (DPSP) was
sea route from Europe to India? – 1498 taken from the ____ in the Constitution of India.
 The folk musician 'Manganiyar' is related to? – Irish Constitution
– Rajasthan  Where does the Pashmina shawl come from?
 Art of Madhubani is also known as ____. – Jammu and Kashmir
– Mithila painting  What is the name of the reaction in which the
 There is a distance between the two middle stump reaction of acid and alkali produces salts and water?
in the cricket pitch – 22 yards – Neutralization Reaction
 The strait of Florida separates the United States  The Virbhadra Temple, famous for the Andhra style
from _____. – Cuba of mural painting, is situated in ____ – Lepakshi
 Which Indian ruler had planted "Tree of Liberty"  Which is the main crop cultivated in Andaman and
in Srirangpatnam? – Tipu Sultan Nicobar Islands? – Rice
 Who built the celestial observatory in Jantar Mantar  The maximum size of a land owned by a person is
in Delhi? – Jai Singh II called – Land Sealing
 At present, the Supreme Court has maximum _____.  The word "penalty throw" is related to which game
– 31 Judge / sports? – Handball
 When was the Twenty-Point Program (TPP)  What is the process of depositing the layer of any
launched by the Indian Government? – 1975 desired material on any other material through
 Where is the headquarters of International Rice electrification? – Electroplating
Research Institute located? – Philippines  The first 'Backward Classes Commission' was
 Who founded Vedanta College in 1825? appointed in _____ years. – 1953
– Raja Ram Mohan Roy  What type of combustion is there in which any
 Shivasamudram Falls is located in which state? material suddenly turns into flames without any
– Karnataka apparent reason? – Spontaneous Combustion
 The first Rajya Sabha (Council of States) of the
Parliament was formed for the first time in the year
17-2-2019 [Shift - I]
____. – 1952  When the Indian Constitution was adopted in 1949,
 Which certification helps consumers to get the how many lists were there in the Constitution? – 8
assured quality of goods? – Agmark  The reflection of the spherical mirror is called the
 Who is popularly known as 'Modern Manu' in center point of the mirror- – Poll
India? – B.R. Ambedkar  Minimum age for contesting Panchayat elections
 What is that simple tool that is used to remove – 21 years
weeds and loosen the soil? – Hoe (Khuppa)  What is the chemical formula of ozone? – O3
 The word 'NABARD' is a abbreviated form of  What is the ability to convert metals into thin wires?
– National Bank for Agriculture and – Ductility
Rural Development  The mass of 1 mole of a substance is called
 Who in a football team has to wear differently – Molar Mass
colored dresses from other players in your team?  The sub-tropical high pressure belts are known as
– Goalkeeper ___. – Horse Latitude (Horse Latitude)
 The longest written constitution in the world.  Who was the father of Mahavira? – Siddhartha
– Indian Constitution  Which Ministry comes under the zonal council?
 Which ocean stream is known as "Child Christ"? – Home Ministry
– El Nino  The eyeball is about ___ diameter. – 2.3 cm

GS Pointer 37 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 Which organization is related to Non-Agricultural  When was Namami Ganges program approved?
product Market Access (NAMA)? – 2014
– World Trade Organization  In the Battle of Plassey of 1757, who among the
 The maximum number of part-time members in the following has betrayed the Nawab of Bengal?
NIT commission is – Two – Mir Jafar
 In 1927, who was the President of the 'Indian  What is the atomic number of chlorine (cl) in the
Statutory Commission' appointed by the British modern periodic table? – 17
Government? – John Simon  How many years is the Summer Olympics held?
 Workers who own an industry to run their – Four years
livelihood, are called – Self employed  The famous Danteshwari Temple is located in the
 In which state the Iikal sari was born? – Karnataka Bastar district of ______. – Chhattisgarh
 How many days is the availability of unskilled labor  In the Indian Constitution, the provision for
for the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act suspending the fundamental rights during the
2005? – 100 Days Emergency has been taken from _____.
 In 1879, which government signed the 'Treaty of – Constitution of Germany
Gandhmak' with the Afghan ruler Yakub Khan?  Where will the 2024 Summer Olympics be held?
– British – France
 National Commission for Scheduled Castes (SC)  Stalactite and Stalagmite are the words related to
is a _____. – Constitutional Body which topography? – Karst topography
 What is a symptom of Girth disease?  In 1866, 'East India Association' was established
– Swelling in the neck by Dadabhai Naoroji in _____. – London
 How is air deflected in the southern hemisphere by  Where is the famous fishing ground "Grand Bank"
the Coriolis force? – On the left located? – Newfoundland
 In which year, the Lucknow Session was organized  Which continent is the highest population in the
in which the Muslim League signed an agreement world? – Asia
with the Indian National Congress? – 1916  When the Indian National Congress (INC) had
 According to the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana officially demanded an assembly to build the
(SAGY), there may be a rural population in the plain Constitution of India? – 1935
area – 3000-5000
 When was the fundamental duties involved in the
17-2-2019 [Shift - II]
constitution of India? – 1976  Who called the introduction 'identity card' of Indian
 Who was the first Vice-President of independent Constitution? – N. A. Palkhivala
India? – Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan  The first Municipal Corporation in India was
 According to the 2011 census, which state is the established in _____. – Madras
lowest population density in India?  Kilimanjaro is situated in which continent?
– Arunachal Pradesh – Africa
 Who founded the 'Service House' in 1885?  Which type of rainfall is also known as atmospheric
– Behramji Malbari rainfall? – Cyclonic Rainfall
 What is the time taken by two successive  The practice of Cire perdue in the Harappan
contractions or rarer to cross a constant point? civilization was
– Ripple Interval – Wax Techniques for Making Bronze Statues
 Sastmakota Lake is located in which state?  What is the area of Indian land?
– Kerala – 3.28 million sq km

GS Pointer 38 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

 "If the court will find that a person has held a public  Which country is called the 'unbreakable union of
position that he is not an officer, then he can disntegrated states'? – India
officially stop him from holding office or office."  Which plant develops as a hard outer cover and
In what legal order is this written?
gradually becomes converted into seed? – Ovule
– quo warranto
 Collapsing on the harsh surface are called metal
 Which program was launched in India to popularize
producing metals – Resonant
football? – Mission XI Million
 By 1989, an adult Indian was meant to be a citizen  The Bronze statue of "Dancing Girl" was found in
of over _____ years – 21 which of the Indus Valley Civilization?
 Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education – Mohan Jodaro
is completely funded by  Which lens is used to remove near-sight defects?
– Government of India – Concave Lens
 Which is used to control nuclear fission reaction?  In 1856, which governor general of India occupied
– Cadmium Sticks
Awadh at the charge of 'misrule'? – Dalhousie
 The Human Development Index was developed by
 The declining exchange rate, which compares the
_____. – Mahbub ul Haq
currencies of other countries, reduces the value of
 Who was the first President of the All India Trade
Union Congress formed in 1920? one country's currency – Depression
– Lala Lajpat Rai  On the basis of _____, the health component of
 National Sports Day is celebrated in India Human Development Index is determined.
– August 29 – Life expectancy at birth
 The work of embroidery of flower leaf is originally  Which players was honoured with the highest
done in which state? – Uttar Pradesh civilian award 'Bharat Ratna' in 2014?
 Which component is used to control the flow of – Abhinav Bindra
electricity without changing the voltage source?
 Where is the origin of river Indus? – Tibet
– Variable Resistance
 In what year, the Indian National Congress
 The famous Varaha Lakshmi Narasimha Temple is
situated on the Singhchalam hill in _____. demanded a Constituent Assembly to create the
– Andhra Pradesh Constitution of India? – 1935
 Which paragraph of the Indian Constitution  In 1971-72, which country adopted the song 'Amar
provides for the provision of the Independent Sonar Bangla' as its national anthem?
Election Commission? – Article 324 – Bangladesh
 The Hindustan Antibiotics Limited Factory is  Which is the only state India has given 69%
located in ___. – Pune reservation? – Tamil Nadu
 The reduction of depreciation on the capital goods
 Where was the Supreme Court established by the
of a country is called the calculation of GDP
English East India Company in 1773-74?
– Net domestic product
 Who started the 'Young India' magazine? – Calcutta
– Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi  Basically, how many seats were reserved for
 What is the refractive index of Crown Glass? Scheduled Castes in the Lok Sabha? – 79
– 1.52  Which freedom fighter was known as 'Lokmanya'?
 Basically, how many seats were reserved for – Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha? – 41
 Metallic oxide reacting with both acid and base for
18-2-2019 [Shift - II]
salts and water production is called  Under which category of human body, PH value
– Amphoteric Oxide works? – 7.0 to 7.8
 Which planet is considered to be the twin of the  What is the southernmost point of the India where
Earth? – Venus T-sunami came? – Indira Point
GS Pointer 39 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra
 Who was the founder of the Muslim Anglo-Oriental  What is the process of taking oxygen from the
College in Aligarh? – Syed Ahmed Khan external environment of the body? – Respiratory
 The art of embroidery is basically belongs from  Who formed the Indian Constituent Assembly?
which state? – Manipur – Lord Viscount Simon
 Who became president of 'Central Legislative  Who is known to make an image of Mother India
Assembly' in 1925? – Vithalbhai Patel during the freedom struggle?
 What is the refractive index of water? – 1.33 – Abinindranath Tagore
 Thomas Cup and Uber Cup are related to which  How many constituencies are there in India?– 543
games? – Badminton  Bhilai Steel Plant is located in which Indian state?
 By which method can a candidate win even if no – Chhattisgarh
candidate gets a full majority?  It is related to the game of kabaddi, which is
– Most Wanted Person's Victory considered to be violation of the rules of the game?
 What is the situation when the sun is vertically – To Touch
above the Tropic of Cancer? – Summer Solstice  According to the agricultural calculation 2010-11,
 What is the minimum period for the arrested person what is the average size of land in India?– 1.15 ha
to be presented by the police in front of the nearest  Which specialties of the Indian Constitution is
judge? – Within 24 hours derived from the Constitution of the United States?
 What is the first stage of gene deposition, in which – Power of Judicial Review
enzyme RNA polymerase is copied to any particular  Who is responsible for the organizing and
segment of DNA in the RNA (especially mRNA)? superintendence of all Panchayat elections?
– Transcription – State Election Commission
 Which part of the Indian Constitution is called the  Where is the Sargaso Sea located?
'identity card' of the Constitution? – Atlantic Ocean
– Preface/Preamble  In which layer of jet streams the earth's atmosphere
 What was the first constitution of the world to start is found? – Troposphere
with the introduction? – American Constitution  What is the sale or purchase of secondary
 When the new system of joint indirect taxes was government securities through auction by the
implemented by GST, Govt. – 2017 Reserve Bank of India?
 When did the Indian National Congress's Lucknow – Open Market Operations
session take place in which the Narmada Dal and  What is the long term financial market of an
the Nationalist Party of the Hot Dal (Furious) got economy known? – Capital Market
organized in the Indian National Congress? – 1916  In 1853, where did Dalhousie take over the cotton
 In relation to the Policy Commission, what is the producing regions? – Berar
full form of the abbreviation NITI?  When did Bangladesh separated from Pakistan?
– National Institute for Transforming India – 1971
 Who was the President of the 14 th Finance  Who started the 'Atmiya Sabha'?
Commission of India? – Y.V. Reddy – Raja Ram Mohan Roy
 What will be the magnetic field within the solenoid?  The famous 'Seven Hills' temple is situated in which
– Same state? – Andhra Pradesh
 Where is the pampas grass land? – Argentina  What is the mirror formula?
 Under which category are all green plants and –1/v+1/u=1/f
bacteria that make their food through the action of  Which method is used for refining nickel metal?
photosynthesis? – Producer – Mond Method
 Where did the origin of the 'handicrafts' of 'Blue  What happens to the size of the basketball court?
Pottery' originated? – Jaipur – Rectangular

GS Pointer 40 Sam-Samayik Ghatna Chakra

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