Restaurant Billing

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Restaurant billing

Computer Science and Engineering (Visvodaya Engineering College)

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A billing system can be very useful within a business environment. Instead of making bills
manually or to sum up the total manually, it is very much time consuming and also may have
like adding up the wrongtotal or adding wrong items into the bill. When making a handwritten
bill the owner and customer both have to repeatedly check the total, items added, etc. It also
sometimes results in to a Bad Impression towards the Restaurant from a Customer.Ideally, user
should be able to generate bill without any mistakes and quickly, enabling them to fasten or
improve their process. To overcome this problem,we have come up with this project, that is,
Restaurant Billing System Using Python.

A simple project based on Restaurant/Cafe Billing System which uses Python

Language with Tkinter Library for GUI. Following Python with Tkinter Library project contains
the least, but important features which can be in use for the first-year IT students for their college
projects. It has features that will allow all the users to interact in a way that the restaurant
manager interacts with their customers regarding their billing payments. This system as well as
the python application’s concept is all clear, it’s the same as real-life scenarios and well-
implemented on it.

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Restaurant Billing System Using Python can be very useful within a business
environment. Instead of doing manual work for making up a bill at Restaurant, which gets tiring
and time consuming, you can generate a bill including tax and service charges in just few clicks.
When making up a bill manually at a Restaurant may contain some human errors like adding
wrong items into the bill or summing up their total also may end up wrong, it also sometimes
results into a Bad Impression towards the Restaurant from a Customer.Ideally, user should be
able to generate bill without any mistakes and quickly, enabling them to fasten or improve their
process. To overcome this problem, we have come up with this project, that is, Restaurant
Billing System Using Python.

The Restaurant Billing System Using Python is very useful to small business or restaurant or
cafe or food truck owners. This helps the owner to fasten the process which is bug free and easy
to use. It also has a calculator to ease the use of the user. This project firstly has the menu and
then adds up the selected items by customer and sums up the total of all items adds tax and
service charges and displays total. To perform any other operation like division, multiplication,
etc .

Moving on, this restaurant/cafe system project in Python focuses mainly on dealing with
customer’s payment details with their respective food orders and amounts. Also, the system
allows the selection of food and drink items for calculation and entering the quantities. But here,
the project only contains Admin Panel. In an overview of this app, the system user has to select a
particular food and drink item, enter a certain quantity and generate the total cost. In addition, the
system generates the total bill amount with tax. Besides, the system also generates a bill receipt
with a reference number. Additionally, the system also contains a mini calculator where the user
can perform simple mathematics for calculation too. So with it, this simple project can perform
all the important tasks for calculations of the total bill amount of the customer.

Last but not least, a clean and simple GUI is presented with simple color combinations for a
greater user experience while using this restaurant billing system project in Python. For its UI
elements, a standard GUI library; Tkinter is on board. Presenting a new restaurant/cafe billing
system in Python project which includes a user panel that contains all the essential features to
follow up, and a knowledgeable resource for learning purposes.

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The Restaurant industry is enlarging rapidly and restaurant owners are keen to improve
every section of their business. Though much attention is paid to digitalizing the restaurant
management and the menu, but not many business owners realize the importance of applying
digital billing software in the restaurant. The customers' experience at your restaurant includes
the billing and payment experiences too. Billing software provides some exclusive features that
ease up the restaurant services. It upgrades the billing process and uplift the customers'
experience. It enables customers to pay bills more easily. The software can generate detailed
bills that eliminate the need to calculate bills separately when the guests wish to know total GST
amount. Apart from billing, the software enables you to organize a number of processes at the
restaurant. It makes your system more effective and helps you provide faster and easy services to
the customers. So many times, customers leave unhappy due to improper billing. When the
crowd is vast in the restaurant, it might take you some time to generate manual bills that may
leave your customers unsatisfied. This is where the automated billing system can be used. It
generates digital bills automatically and allows customers to make quick payments.

The Restaurant Management System helps the restaurant manager to manage the restaurant more
effectively and efficiently by computerizing meal ordering, billing and inventory control.

There is always a need of a sytem that will perform easy billing calculation in a grocery store.
This system will reduce the manual opearation required to maintain all the bills.And also
generates bill receipt with unique bill number.


• Time consuming.
• Human error.
• No backup records in case of loss or damage.
• May require specialized knowledge to maintain.

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Since many restaurant or café owners make bills for their customers manually with a pen paper.
This sometimes results into an error of total or wrong items added or some items missing in bill
or extra items added. This may end up by building up a bad impression of customer towards the
Café or restaurant. So, to overcome this problem we’ve come up with this helpful project named
Restaurant Billing System Using Python. We all love going to cafes or restaurants but when it
takes time for them to make a bill or if they Make wrong bill then it’s time consuming. So, to
avoid all such chaos our project will help in All possible terms.

Proposed System Advantages

1. Improve Customer Relationships

2. Tracking Sales

3. Automatic Analysis

4. Employee Satisfaction

5. Reduction of Errors

6. Enhanced Productivity

7. Effective Use of Human

Resource 8.Reduce the paper work

9.Customer satisfies

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Here we are including the software’s and hardware’s used for developing the project and implementing
the project

A. Software Requirements

1. Python 3.9

2. Notepad

3. Any OS

B. Hardware Requirements

1. 2 GB RAM or above

2. Intel i3 Processor or above

3. 32 Bit System or above

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This is use case diagram is a graphical depiction of the interactions among the elements of
Restaurant Billing System.It represents the methodology used in system analysis to identify,clarify and
organize system requirements of restaurant billing System.The main actors of Restaurant Billing System
in this use case diagram are :-Service Manager and Customer who performs different types of use cases
such as adding customer details,adding quantities for the items,generating tax,generates the bill in bill
area,view bill,save the bill,searches the bill .

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from tkinter import *

import random

class Bill_App:

def init (self,root):

self.root = root


self.root.maxsize(width = 1280,height = 700)

self.root.minsize(width = 1280,height = 700)

self.root.title("Billing Software")


self.cus_name = StringVar()

self.c_phone = StringVar()

#For Generating Random Bill Numbers

x = random.randint(1000,9999)

self.c_bill_no = StringVar()

#Seting Value to



self.Gobi_Manchureian= IntVar()

self.Chilli_Chicken = IntVar()

self.Chicken_Lolipop = IntVar()

self.Paneer_Tikkas = IntVar()

self.Chicken_Curry_Rice = IntVar()

self.Mutton_Curry_Rice = IntVar()

self.Prawn_Curry_Rice = IntVar()

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self.Egg_Curry_Rice = IntVar()

self.Butter_Naan = IntVar()

self.Butter_Roti = IntVar()

self.Cheese_Garlic_Naan = IntVar()

self.Keema_Naan = IntVar()

self.Channa_Masala = IntVar()

self.Kadhai_Paneer = IntVar()

self.Mushroom_Curry = IntVar()

self.Mutton_Chicken = IntVar()

self.Mutton_Biryani = IntVar()

self.Chicken_Biryani = IntVar()

self.EggVeg_Biryani = IntVar()

self.JeeraSteamed_Rice = IntVar()

self.Water_Bottle = IntVar()

self.SaltSweet_Lassi = IntVar()

self.Juices = IntVar()

self.Lemon_SodaWater = IntVar()

self.total_bill= StringVar()


bg_color = "#8B7D6B"

fg_color = "white"

lbl_color = 'white'

#Title of App

title = Label(self.root,text = "RESTAURANT BILLING SYSTEM ",bd = 12,relief = GROOVE,fg =

fg_color,bg = bg_color,font=("times new roman",30,"bold"),pady = 3).pack(fill = X)

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#==========Customers Frame==========#

F1 = LabelFrame(text = "Customer Details",font = ("time new roman",12,"bold"),fg = "gold",bg =

bg_color,relief = GROOVE,bd = 10) = 0,y = 80,relwidth = 1)

#===============Customer Name===========#

cname_lbl = Label(F1,text="Customer Name",bg = bg_color,fg = fg_color,font=("times new

roman",15,"bold")).grid(row = 0,column = 0,padx = 10,pady = 5)

cname_en = Entry(F1,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.cus_name) cname_en.grid(row = 0,column = 1,ipady = 4,ipadx =

30,pady = 5)

#=================Customer Phone==============#

cphon_lbl = Label(F1,text = "Phone No",bg = bg_color,fg = fg_color,font = ("times new

roman",15,"bold")).grid(row = 0,column = 2,padx = 20)

cphon_en = Entry(F1,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable = self.c_phone)

cphon_en.grid(row = 0,column = 3,ipady = 4,ipadx = 30,pady = 5)

#====================Customer Bill No==================#

cbill_lbl = Label(F1,text = "Bill No.",bg = bg_color,fg = fg_color,font = ("times new

roman",15,"bold")) cbill_lbl.grid(row = 0,column = 4,padx = 20)

cbill_en = Entry(F1,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable = self.c_bill_no)

cbill_en.grid(row = 0,column = 5,ipadx = 30,ipady = 4,pady = 5)


F2 = LabelFrame(self.root,text = 'Straters',bd = 10,relief = GROOVE,bg = bg_color,fg = "gold",font = ("times

new roman",13,"bold")) = 5,y = 180,width = 325,height = 220)

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gobi_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Gobi

gobi_lbl.grid(row = 0,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

gobi_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable = self.Gobi_Manchureian)

gobi_en.grid(row = 0,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

face_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Chilli

Chicken") face_lbl.grid(row = 1,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

face_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Chilli_Chicken) face_en.grid(row = 1,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

wash_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Chicken


wash_lbl.grid(row = 2,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

wash_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Chicken_Lolipop) wash_en.grid(row = 2,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

hair_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Paneer Tikkas")

hair_lbl.grid(row = 3,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

hair_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable = self.Paneer_Tikkas)

hair_en.grid(row = 3,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

F2 = LabelFrame(self.root,text = 'Specials',bd = 10,relief = GROOVE,bg = bg_color,fg = "gold",font = ("times

new roman",13,"bold")) = 5,y = 400,width = 325,height = 380)

gobi_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Chicken Curry


gobi_lbl.grid(row = 0,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

gobi_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Chicken_Curry_Rice) gobi_en.grid(row = 0,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

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face_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Mutton Curry

face_lbl.grid(row = 1,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

face_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Mutton_Curry_Rice) face_en.grid(row = 1,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

wash_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Prawn Curry


wash_lbl.grid(row = 2,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

wash_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable = self.Prawn_Curry_Rice)

wash_en.grid(row = 2,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

hair_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Egg Curry


hair_lbl.grid(row = 3,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

hair_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Egg_Curry_Rice) hair_en.grid(row = 3,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

F2 = LabelFrame(self.root,text = 'Main Course-INDIAN BREADS',bd = 10,relief = GROOVE,bg =

bg_color,fg = "gold",font = ("times new roman",13,"bold")) = 330,y = 180,width = 325,height = 220)

gobi_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Butter

Naan") gobi_lbl.grid(row = 0,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

gobi_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable = self.Butter_Naan)

gobi_en.grid(row = 0,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

face_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Butter

Roti") face_lbl.grid(row = 1,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

face_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Butter_Roti) face_en.grid(row = 1,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

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wash_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Cheese Garlic

wash_lbl.grid(row = 2,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

wash_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable = self.Cheese_Garlic_Naan)

wash_en.grid(row = 2,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

hair_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Keema

Naan") hair_lbl.grid(row = 3,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

hair_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Keema_Naan) hair_en.grid(row = 3,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

F2 = LabelFrame(self.root,text = 'MAIN COURSE - VEG& NON VEG',bd = 10,relief = GROOVE,bg =

bg_color,fg = "gold",font = ("times new roman",13,"bold")) = 330,y = 400,width = 325,height = 380)

gobi_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Channa


gobi_lbl.grid(row = 0,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

gobi_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable = self.Channa_Masala)

gobi_en.grid(row = 0,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

face_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Kadhai

Paneer") face_lbl.grid(row = 1,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

face_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Kadhai_Paneer) face_en.grid(row = 1,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

wash_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Mushroom


wash_lbl.grid(row = 2,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 8)

wash_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Mushroom_Curry) wash_en.grid(row = 2,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 0)

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hair_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text =

hair_lbl.grid(row = 3,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 8)

hair_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Mutton_Chicken) hair_en.grid(row = 3,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 0)

F2 = LabelFrame(self.root,text = 'INDIAN RICE & BIRYANI',bd = 10,relief = GROOVE,bg = bg_color,fg =

"gold",font = ("times new roman",13,"bold")) = 655,y = 180,width = 325,height = 220)

gobi_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Mutton


gobi_lbl.grid(row = 0,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

gobi_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable = self.Mutton_Biryani)

gobi_en.grid(row = 0,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

face_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Chicken


face_lbl.grid(row = 1,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

face_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Chicken_Biryani) face_en.grid(row = 1,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

wash_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Egg/Veg


wash_lbl.grid(row = 2,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

wash_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.EggVeg_Biryani) wash_en.grid(row = 2,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

hair_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Jeera/Steamed


hair_lbl.grid(row = 3,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

hair_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.JeeraSteamed_Rice) hair_en.grid(row = 3,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

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F2 = LabelFrame(self.root,text = 'Cold Beverages',bd = 10,relief = GROOVE,bg = bg_color,fg = "gold",font =
("times new roman",13,"bold")) = 655,y = 400,width = 325,height = 380)

gobi_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Water

Bottle") gobi_lbl.grid(row = 0,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

gobi_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Water_Bottle) gobi_en.grid(row = 0,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

face_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Salt/Sweet


face_lbl.grid(row = 1,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 10)

face_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable = self.SaltSweet_Lassi)

face_en.grid(row = 1,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 1)

wash_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Juices")

wash_lbl.grid(row = 2,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 8)

wash_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Juices) wash_en.grid(row = 2,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 0)

hair_lbl = Label(F2,font = ("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text = "Lemon


hair_lbl.grid(row = 3,column = 0,padx = 5,pady = 8)

hair_en = Entry(F2,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable =

self.Lemon_SodaWater) hair_en.grid(row = 3,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 0)

#===================Bill Aera================#

F3 = Label(self.root,bd = 10,relief = GROOVE) = 960,y = 180,width = 325,height = 450)


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bill_title = Label(F3,text = "Bill Area",font = ("Lucida",13,"bold"),bd= 7,relief = GROOVE)

bill_title.pack(fill = X)


scroll_y = Scrollbar(F3,orient = VERTICAL)

self.txt = Text(F3,yscrollcommand =

scroll_y.set) scroll_y.pack(side = RIGHT,fill =

Y) scroll_y.config(command = self.txt.yview)

self.txt.pack(fill = BOTH,expand = 1)

#===========Buttons Frame=============#

F4 = LabelFrame(self.root,text = 'Bill Menu',bd = 10,relief = GROOVE,bg = bg_color,fg = "gold",font =

("times new roman",13,"bold")) = 0,y = 600,relwidth = 1,height = 145)


cosm_lbl = Label(F4,font = ("times new roman",15,"bold"),fg = lbl_color,bg = bg_color,text =

"Total") cosm_lbl.grid(row = 0,column = 0,padx = 10,pady = 0)

cosm_en = Entry(F4,bd = 8,relief = GROOVE,textvariable = self.total_bill)

cosm_en.grid(row = 0,column = 1,ipady = 2,ipadx = 5)


genbill_btn = Button(F4,text = "Generate Bill",bg = bg_color,fg = fg_color,font=("lucida",12,"bold"),bd =

7,relief = GROOVE,command = self.bill_area)

genbill_btn.grid(row = 0,column = 2,ipadx = 20,padx = 30)


clear_btn = Button(F4,text = "Clear",bg = bg_color,fg = fg_color,font=("lucida",12,"bold"),bd = 7,relief =

GROOVE,command = self.clear)

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clear_btn.grid(row = 0,column = 3,ipadx = 20,padx = 30)


exit_btn = Button(F4,text = "Exit",bg = bg_color,fg = fg_color,font=("lucida",12,"bold"),bd = 7,relief =

GROOVE,command = self.exit)

exit_btn.grid(row = 0,column = 4,ipadx = 20,padx = 30)

#Function to get total prices

def total(self):



sm = (sm+

(self.Gobi_Manchureian.get() * 189)+

(self.Chilli_Chicken.get() * 240)+

(self.Chicken_Lolipop.get() * 240)+

(self.Paneer_Tikkas.get() * 200)+

(self.Chicken_Curry_Rice.get() * 300)+


(self.Prawn_Curry_Rice.get() * 300)+

(self.Egg_Curry_Rice.get() * 400)+

(self.Butter_Naan.get() *45)+

(self.Butter_Roti.get() * 35)+

(self.Cheese_Garlic_Naan.get() * 80)+

(self.Keema_Naan.get() * 50)+

(self.Channa_Masala.get() * 160)+

(self.Kadhai_Paneer.get() * 240)+

(self.Mutton_Chicken.get() * 280)+

(self.Mutton_Biryani.get() *320)+

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(self.Chicken_Biryani.get() * 270)+

(self.EggVeg_Biryani.get() * 200)+

(self.JeeraSteamed_Rice.get() * 150)+

(self.Water_Bottle.get() * 20)+

(self.SaltSweet_Lassi.get() * 40)+

(self.Juices.get() * 80)+

(self.Lemon_SodaWater.get() * 45)

self.total_bill.set("Rs. "+str(sm))

return sm

#Function For Text Area

def welcome_soft(self):


self.txt.insert(END," Welcome To Restaurant \n")

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nBill No. : {str(self.c_bill_no.get())}")

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nCustomer Name : {str(self.cus_name.get())}")

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nPhone No. : {str(self.c_phone.get())}")


self.txt.insert(END,"\nProduct Qty Price")


#Function to clear the bill area

def clear(self):


#Add Product name , qty and price to bill area

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def bill_area(self):


if self.Gobi_Manchureian.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nGobiManchureian {self.Gobi_Manchureian.get()}
{self.Gobi_Manchureian.get() * 189}")

if self.Chilli_Chicken.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nChilliChicken {self.Chilli_Chicken.get()} {self.Chilli_Chicken.get() * 240}")

if self.Chicken_Lolipop.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nChickenLolipop {self.Chicken_Lolipop.get()} {self.Chicken_Lolipop.get() *


if self.Paneer_Tikkas.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nPaneerTikkas {self.Paneer_Tikkas.get()} {self.Paneer_Tikkas.get() *

200}") if self.Chicken_Curry_Rice.get() != 0 :

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nChickenCurryRice {self.Chicken_Curry_Rice.get()}
{self.Chicken_Curry_Rice.get() * 300}")

if self.Mutton_Curry_Rice.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nMuttonCurryRice {self.Mutton_Curry_Rice.get()}

if self.Prawn_Curry_Rice.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nPrawnCurryRice {self.Prawn_Curry_Rice.get()}
{self.Prawn_Curry_Rice.get() * 300}")

if self.Egg_Curry_Rice.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nEggCurryRice {self.Egg_Curry_Rice.get()} {self.Egg_Curry_Rice.get() *


if self.Butter_Naan.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nButterNaan {self.Butter_Naan.get()} {self.Butter_Naan.get() *45}")

if self.Butter_Roti.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nButterRoti {self.Butter_Roti.get()} {self.Butter_Roti.get() *

35}") if self.Cheese_Garlic_Naan.get() != 0:

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self.txt.insert(END,f"\nCheeseGarlicNaan {self.Cheese_Garlic_Naan.get()}
{self.Cheese_Garlic_Naan.get() * 80}")

if self.Keema_Naan.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nKeemaNaan {self.Keema_Naan.get()} {self.Keema_Naan.get() * 50}")

if self.Channa_Masala.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nChannaMasala {self.Channa_Masala.get()} {self.Channa_Masala.get() *


if self.Kadhai_Paneer.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nKadhaiPaneer {self.Kadhai_Paneer.get()} {self.Kadhai_Paneer.get() *


if self.Mutton_Chicken.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nMuttonChicken {self.Mutton_Chicken.get()} {self.Mutton_Chicken.get() *


if self.Mutton_Biryani.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nMuttonBiryani {self.Mutton_Biryani.get()} {self.Mutton_Biryani.get()


if self.Chicken_Biryani.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nChickenBiryani {self.Chicken_Biryani.get()} {self.Chicken_Biryani.get() *


if self.EggVeg_Biryani.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nEgg/VegBiryani {self.EggVeg_Biryani.get()} {self.EggVeg_Biryani.get() *


if self.JeeraSteamed_Rice.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nJeera/SteamedRice {self.JeeraSteamed_Rice.get()}
{self.JeeraSteamed_Rice.get() * 150}")

if self.Water_Bottle.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nWaterBottle {self.Water_Bottle.get()} {self.Water_Bottle.get() *

20}") if self.SaltSweet_Lassi.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nSaltSweetLassi {self.SaltSweet_Lassi.get()} {self.SaltSweet_Lassi.get() *


if self.Juices.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nJuices {self.Juices.get()} {self.Juices.get() * 80}")

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if self.Lemon_SodaWater.get() != 0:

self.txt.insert(END,f"\nLemonSoda/Water {self.Lemon_SodaWater.get()} {self.Lemon_SodaWater.get()

* 45}")


self.txt.insert(END,f"\n Total : {}")

#Function to exit

def exit(self):


#Function To Clear All Fields

root = Tk()

object = Bill_App(root)



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Screen shot1:-Intially the application starts

Screen shot2:- Taking the order from user

Screen shot 3:- After clicking generate bill

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Screen shot 4:-After clicking the clear button


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The urge for the digital restaurant management systems is increasing day by date. Restaurant Billing
System Using Python is a perfect solution for this. Through this the ease of access and flexibility of the
day to day works in the restaurant is made simpler. The features such as bill number, CGST and SGST
make this software user friendly. Both the management side and worker site can manage the data easily
using such a system. It is very good and reliable system which can be in corporate to the chain of hotels
so can easily maintained and addressed.

In future, this application can be updated with some more food items. Many other latest features will be
added. Project will surely be enhanced with respect to looks and appearance and also as per user
requirements. Many more functionalities will be added. Some enhancement can also be done with
calculator. For now, this application generates the bill but with respect to future application it will be
enhanced that it will also print a bill. It can also be used on a large scale. Many more modification can
dowith menu or prices or tax as well. It will be easy to use and bug free to all future or upcoming users.
This can also be enhanced in future as per customer requirements. Many more features can be added. This
will surely help users instead of making a bill manually.


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[1] Noor Azah Samsudin, Shamsul Kamal AhmadKhalid, Mohd Fikry Akmal Mohd Kohar, Zulkifli

Mohd Nor Ihkasan; “A Customizable Wireless Food Ordering System with Real-Time Customer
Feedback.”;2011 IEEE Symposium on Wireless Technology and Applications (ISWTA), September 25-
28, 2011, Langkawi , Malaysia

[2] Sakari Pieska, Markus Liuska, Juhana Jauhiainen, and Antti Auno of Centria University of Applied
Sciences Ylivieska; “Intelligent Restaurant System Smart Menu That Digital Technology”; coginfocom
2013 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Info communications December 2-5, 2013,

[3] Ching-suchang, Che-chen Kung, Tan-hsu Tan,”Development and Implementation of an E-

Restaurantfor Customer-Centric Service Using Wlan And Rfid Technology”, proceedings of the Seventh
International Conference On Machine Learning And Cybernetics, Kunming, 12-15 July 2008

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