Optimization of ATMs Filling (IEM-21-22)
Optimization of ATMs Filling (IEM-21-22)
Optimization of ATMs Filling (IEM-21-22)
Submitted By:
Mohammad Fahad [IEM-21-22]
Submitted To:
[Engr. Abdul Hannan]
Executive Summary
Three primary cost factors are incorporated into the model: cash freezing (holding
excess cash), transportation (replenishing ATMs), and insurance (securing cash). The
effectiveness of the generated forecasts is assessed against the bank's current
prediction system, which relies solely on historical data to determine ATM refill timing
and amount.
1 Introduction 4
2 Modeling Daily Cash Demand 7
2.1 Time Series Analysis 7
2.2 Linear Regression 7
2.3 Compound Poisson Process 9
3 Optimization of ATM Filling 10
4 Decision Making 14
5 Conclusion 14
1 Introduction
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are 24-hour self-service machines that enable bank
customers conducting their financial transactions without visiting the bank branch. In
spite of online banking facilities expansion, need for ATMs transactions remains high
over years and makes ATMs an irreplaceable devices in everyday life. In order to meet
growing cash needs of bank clients, banks have to increase continually the number of
their ATMs in different location to make cash available. The number of ATMs in the
world in 2013 was over 2.2 million.
ATMs are still widely used despite online banking, and banks need to keep them
stocked with cash. Predicting the right amount for each ATM is tricky, as it involves
balancing customer needs with three costs: holding extra cash, transportation, and
insurance. This report focuses on a bank with various ATM types (active/inactive) and
locations (inside branches, outside isolated, or clustered in sectors). Understanding
these different types of ATMs is crucial for predicting their cash needs accurately.
Even with online banking on the rise, ATMs remain crucial for many. But stocking them
with the right amount of cash is a challenge. Banks need to balance meeting customer
demand with keeping costs down. This report tackles that issue for a bank with diverse
ATMs: some active, some inactive, some inside branches, and others outside, either
isolated or grouped in sectors. Understanding these different types of ATMs is key to
predicting their cash needs accurately and efficiently.
The Bank in question operates with different types of ATMs, based on their activity and
location. According to their activity, ATMs can be active or currently inactive. For our
problem, location of ATMs is crucial. Thus, it is important to make distinguish between
internal (inside of the branches) and external ( outside of the branches). External ATMs
can be isolated or clustered into sectors, where each sector consists of 2, 3, 4 or 5
closely located ATMs.
Sundar Industrial Estate phase-1
To save on transportation costs, the bank refills grouped ATMs together. This raises
another crucial question: how often to refill them? The bank wants to avoid empty ATMs
but also minimize costs:
0 13-01-2011
25-01-2011 02/01/2011
26-02-2011 02/02/2011
28-01-2011 01/04/2011
30-01-2011 02/05/2011
Figure 2: ATMs daily withdrawals
To save on transport costs, the bank groups ATM refills and uses a loop route rather
than going to each one individually. They currently rely on an app that uses historical
data to suggest refill times and amounts, but they're looking for a better way to minimize
costs while still meeting customer needs. This includes avoiding empty ATMs,
especially during peak times like holidays and paydays. The report uses data from 2011
and 2013 to analyze ATM cash transactions and identify any patterns or trends that
could help improve refill strategy. Essentially, the bank wants to find the sweet spot
between keeping ATMs stocked and minimizing costs like cash holding, transport, and
20000000 Sunday
15000000 Monday
0 Friday
Figure 3: Average value of cash withdrawals for different days of the week in 2011
Time series trend and volatility given in graph prevent us to identify seasonality. Using
available data, it is observable that cash withdrawals are not same for all days of the
week. Mondays and Fridays are the days in which the largest amounts are withdrawn
and Saturdays and Sundays the days with the lowest withdrawn amounts( 3). Important
and interesting part in daily ATM withdrawals analysis is also identifying monthly and
holidays seasonality. In particular, we could expect summer and winter seasons to be
the periods of highest withdrawn amount.
The report is organized as follows. Section 2 is referred to modeling cash demand. It
presents time series and regression models for daily cash demand predictions at
external ATMs and theoretical proposal for predictions at internal ATMs. Section 3 is
devoted to determining optimal quantity of cash to be stored in ATM based on the short
term prediction from section 2.
Last section 4 discusses the decision making process.
Daily cash demand represents a natural time series data. However, it can be organized
in time series in different ways. We considered the following ways to organize the data
into time series:
• Demand values for all days in the considered period are used to form a single time
series. This is the simplest way to arrange the data and therefore a natural first
• Separate time series were formed, consisting of demand values on specific week
days. It is reasonable to assume that the demand behavior on Friday, which
precedes the weekend, is distinct from Wednesday which is in the middle of the
week. By modeling these behaviors separately, one might hope to avoid complex
behavior in the data obtained by merging several simpler ones.
• Separate time series were formed for days that comprise the first, second, third
and fourth week in a month (e.g. all days of first week of January, first week of
February, first week of March, etc. are used to form one time series). This
approach aimed at capturing dynamics within different parts of the months which
may differ due to factors like paycheck arrival and similar.
• Three time series were formed by different resolution of data aggregation — daily,
weekly, and monthly time series. The forecasts of these three would be averaged
to provide a prediction, the aim being to provide more robustness to simple daily
The methods used to model time series was by using MS Excel, MiniTab and Python
where αi are the parameters of the model to be estimated from the data, and hi are
different statistics of cash demand history. The model is evaluated for specific day d.
Values li are which govern the computation of statistics hi, like the length of the history
considered. Specifically, we considered the following statistics:
• The average recent demand history (h1) represents the average of cash demand in
l1 days prior to given day d.
• The average weekly history (h2) represents the average of cash demand on the
day corresponding to d in l2 weeks prior to the one d belongs to. For instance, if d is
a Monday, h2 could be an average of cash demand on previous 3 Mondays.
• The average monthly history (h3) represents the average of cash demand on the
day corresponding to d in l3 months prior to the one d belongs to. For instance, if d
is 15th of the current month, then h3 could be an average of cash demand on 15th
days of previous three months. In case that previous months do not contain the
corresponding day (e.g., if d is 31st of July, the problem arises since there is no 31
of June), the information on cash demand on the last day of that month is used
• The average yearly history (h4) represents the average of cash demand on the day
corresponding to d in l4 years prior to the one d belongs to. For instance, if d is a
Christmas in the current year, h4 could be an average of cash demand on three
previous Christmases.
• Formulating new statistics (hi) to be used as predictors. Four statistics used in our
experiments were the first reasonable guesses which were based on the idea of
capturing recent activity and three different kinds of seasonality. Based on the
expert knowledge and experience of Bank’s employees, it is probably possible to
formulate more reasonable statistics which would be correlated with ongoing cash
First process (numbers of ATM users during each day) represent a situation when
outcome variable is a count. Such variable takes on a limited number of values and are
never negative. Additionally, their mean and variance are often related (which isn’t true
for normally distributed variables). Common approach for describing counting
processes is to use a Poisson process. Poisson process is one of the most important
models used in queuing theory. It is a simple stochastic process used for modeling the
times at which arrivals enter a system.
Formally, the Poisson process is described by the so called counter process Nt. The
counter tells the number of arrivals that have occurred in the interval
(0,t) i.e:
We assume that customers arrive at ATM at the times of a Poisson process with a rate
λ per day and consider day as a time unit. Parameter λ is the average of withdrawals
made of ATM customers in a day. Upon this assumption, important properties of the
process can be derived. The most important one is that the number of arrivals Nt in a
finite interval of length t obeys the Poisson distribution of parameter λt which means that
we are able to calculate the probability of n ATM customers in the time t by formula:
Moreover, the number of arrivals in intervals (t1,t2) and (t3,t4) in nonoverlapping intervals
(t1 ≤ t2 ≤ t3 ≤ t4) are independent. Mean and variance of Nt are both equal to λt.
Assuming that the successive withdrawn amounts are independent and identically
distributed random variables, we can describe the other process of our interest (total
amount withdrawn in the time interval (0,t)) by using generilized Poisson process.
Let At be the total amount withdrawn in the time interval (0,t) and Nt the number of
customers to come to the ATM in the interval (0,t) as described above. If we denote the
amount of the nth withdrawal with An, then At can be represented as the following random
sum of random variables:
At = XAn.
Process {At} is called a compound Poisson process. Using this assumtion we are able
to derive following characteristics of the process:
E[At] = λtE[A1]
Figure 4: Difference between Normal Days and 1st Week of the Month
Since a real-time approach is secondary to the optimization the latter is more important
for the solution. The optimization algorithm requires quantified costs associated with the
filling-in schedule:
• cost of insurance - dependent on the amount of money filled-in at the given ATM,
• cost of cash freezing - dependent on the amount of money at any given time in the
• cost of filling-in - any filling-in has a fixed cost associated with the distance to the
closest branch from which the cash for the ATM can be supplied.
The result based on those would include the amounts of money as well as days at
which filling-in should take place. To take into account a margin of money that should
be at all times in the ATM an additional set of assumptions can be included if desired to
fine tune the results. These assumptions can include:
• setting a minimum and maximum limit of the number of days which can occur
between sequential filling-ins,
• extra percentage of money that an ATM should be filled with (e.g. 20 % so that
assuming the forecast hold 20% of the filled-in money will be left when the next fill
An example algorithm works by first assuming that a filling-in occurs every day and then
checking other possibilities. If no other than basic assumptions are given then Tables 1-
3 show a sample of three steps conducted by the algorithm when optimizing total costs
of filling-in schedule.
Date Forecast Fill-in ( morning
2011-01- 6000 6000
2011-01- 9000 9000
2011-01- 3000 3000
2011-01- 1000 1000
2011-01- 10000 10000
Table 1: Step one of the algorithm
4. if total cost is less than previous minimal cost then set the discovered schedule as
5. modify schedule;
A real-time approach will than check the amount of money left at the ATM at the end of
the day (e.g. 7000 on first day in Table 4) and should a shortage be expected (in Table
4 because of withdrawals of 9000 on the next day) the optimization algorithm can be
ran again.
4 Decision Making
Given precise predictions on cash demands, in order to determine optimal filling of
ATMs with cash, it suffices to use the described optimization procedure. However,
predicting cash demand is a rather tough task, especially several days in advance.
Namely, one of the statistics used — average of cash demand in last several days is
not available for the future since demand history is not available for the given or future
days. For future days, that statistic can only be approximated by the average
corresponding to the day on which the prediction is made. Therefore, for better decision
making, it would be better to perform optimization each day as soon as new demand
data becomes available, and that way correct potentially bad decisions caused by bad
prediction. For example, if one predicts on day one that an ATM will need refilling in 5
days, surprisingly high cash demand on that same day might change the prediction on
the second day so that the refilling period is shortened.
5 Conclusion
Aim of the study group team was to minimize total costs of the X Bank when supplying
ATMs with cash. Main task was to find an optimal balance between two opposite
approaches such that ATMs are supplied with sufficient amount of money for satisfying
customers’ needs. Philosophy of the first one is that ATMs should be rarely refilled with
large amounts of cash which brings low transport cost, high freezing and high insurance
costs. On the contrary, other approach is based on frequently supplying ATMs with
small quantities of cash which reduces freezing and insurance cost and increases
transport cost. Numerical experiment was focused only on transactions at external
ATMs. Time series analysis and linear models were employed for obtaining predictions
of daily cash demand at each ATM. Obtained results were later incorporated in
optimization model of filling-in schedule. Final outcome of optimization algorithm gives
information on days when the filling-in should occur and about amount of money should
be filled in. The algorithm checks every solution and it results with the global minimum
cost for the schedule optimized for these days.