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+265 999 111 654

Bid Submission Sheet

Date of this Bid submission: 18/04/2024

Bid No: IPCNHQ/NCB/2024002

The Chairman
Internal Procurement Committee
Development Aid From People to People (DAPP)
P.O Box 2732,

(a) No reservations: We have examined and have no reservations to the bidding document.
(b) Eligibility: We meet the eligibility requirements and have no conflict of interest
(c) Bid Securing Declaration: We have not been suspended nor declared ineligible by the
DAPP based on execution of a Bid-Securing Declaration or Proposal-Securing
Declaration in Malawi.
(e) Conformity: We offer to supply in conformity with the bidding document and in
accordance with the Delivery Schedules specified in the Schedule of Requirements
the following Goods: Procurement of ICT Equipment.;
(f) Bid Price: The total price of our Bid is: One Hundred Thirty Six Million Five Hundred
Fifty Fourteen Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Five Malawi Kwacha and Eighty
Four Tamabala [MwK 136,514,895.84]
(h) Bid Validity: Our Bid shall be valid until 90 days from the date of submission 25th April,
2024, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the
expiration of that period;
(o) DAPP is Not Bound to Accept: We understand that you are not bound to accept the
lowest evaluated cost Bid, the Most Advantageous Bid or any other Bid that you
may receive; and
(p) Fraud and Corruption: We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that no
person acting for us or on our behalf engages in any type of Fraud and Corruption.

Name of the Bidder: Dex Co. IT Solutions

Name of the person duly authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of the Bidder:
Maphumuzana Jere

Title of the person signing the Bid: Managing Director

Signature of the person named above___________________________________________________________

Date signed 18th day of April, 2024
Disclaimer: All communication should be addressed to the Managing Director.
"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming." Richard Branson
+265 999 111 654

Bidder Information Form

Date: 17/04/2024
RFB No.: IPCNHQ/NCB/2024002
Alternative No.: N/A
Page 1 of 1 pages

1. Bidder’s Name: Dex Co. IT Solutions

2. Bidder’s actual country of registration: Malawi

3. Bidder’s year of registration: 2019

4. Bidder’s Address in country of registration: Box 30862, LL

5. Bidder’s Authorized Representative Information

Name: Maphumuzana Jere

Address: Area 49, Plot # 3/720, Box 30862, LL
Phone #: +265999111654
Email ddress:

6. Attached are copies of original documents of [check the box(es) of the attached original
Certificate of Incorporation or Registration of firm named in 1, above, in.
ODPP Registration Certificate
MRA Tax Clearance Certificate
Provision of original brochures

Disclaimer: All communication should be addressed to the Managing Director.

"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming." Richard Branson
+265 999 111 654

Bid Securing Declaration

Date 18/04/2024
Bid No: IPCNHQ/NCB/2024002
The Chairman
Internal Procurement Committee
Development Aid From People to People ( DAPP)
P.O Box 2732,

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that, according to your conditions, Bids must be supported by a Bid-Securing
We accept that we will automatically be suspended from being eligible for bidding or submit-
ting proposals in any contract with the DAPP for the period of 2 years, if we are in breach of our
obligation(s) under the Bid conditions, because we:

(a) have withdrawn our Bid prior to the expiry date of the Bid validity specified in the Letter
of Bid or any extended date provided by us; or
(b) having been notified of the acceptance of our Bid by the DAPP prior to the expiry date of
the Bid validity in the Letter of Bid or any extended date provided by us, (i) fail or
refuse to sign the Contract; or (ii) fail or refuse to furnish the Performance
Security, if required, in accordance with the ITB.

We understand this Bid Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful
Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of
the successful Bidder; or (ii) twenty-eight days after the expiry date of the Bid validity.

Name of the Biddder: Maphumuzana Jere

Name of the person duly authorized to sign the Bid on behalf of the Bider:
Maphumuzana Jere

Title of the person signing the Bid: Managing Director

Signature of the person named above: ______________________________________________

Date signed 18th day of April, 2024

Disclaimer: All communication should be addressed to the Managing Director.
"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming." Richard Branson
+265 999 111 654

Price Schedule for Goods and Related Services

Date 18/04/2024
Bid No: IPCNHQ/NCB/2024002
Name of the Bidder: Dex Co. IT Solutions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Item Good or Country Percent of Quantity Unit price 2
Import Total Price
No. Related Service of origin Malawian (No. of Duties,
origin 1 units) Sales
Unit 2
1 Laptops USA 26 2,895,200.00 75,275,200.00

2 Desktops USA 16 2,556,730.63 40,907,690.08

Sub- (MwK) 116,182,890.08

PPDA (MwK) 1,161,828.90
VAT (MwK) 19,170,176.86
Grand (MwK) 136,514,895.84

1 In accordance with margin of preference ITB Clause 35, if applicable
2 In accordance with ITB Clauses 14 and 15.

Name: Maphumuzana Jere

Signed: _________________________________________
In the capacity of Managing Director
Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of: Dex Co. IT Solutions
Dated on 18th day of April, 2024

Disclaimer: All communication should be addressed to the Managing Director.

"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming." Richard Branson
+265 999 111 654

Delivery and Completion Schedule

Bid No: IPCNHQ/NCB/2024002

Lot Number Description of Goods Delivery Delivery Point/Site

or Related Service Completion

Lot 1 Laptopss 1 - 3 Weeks Chilangoma

from the date of Blantyre
signing contract
Lot 2 Desktops 1 - 3 Weeks Chilangoma
from the date of Blantyre
signing contract

Disclaimer: All communication should be addressed to the Managing Director.

"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming." Richard Branson
+265 999 111 654

List of Goods and Delivery Schedule

Bid No: IPCNHQ/NCB/2024002

Lot 1: Laptops

Line Description QTY Physical Final Delivery Date

Item of Goods Unit Destination
No. Earliest Latest Bidder’s
Delivery Delivery offered
Date Date Delivery date
[to be provided
by the Bidder]
1 Laptops 26 Each Chilangoma 1 Week 3 Weeks 1 - 3 Weeks

Lot 2 :Desktops

Line Description QTY Physical Final Delivery Date

Item of Goods Unit Destination
No. Earliest Latest Bidder’s
Delivery Delivery offered
Date Date Delivery date
[to be provided
by the Bidder]
1 Desktops 16 Each Chilangoma 1 Week 3 Weeks 1 - 3 Weeks

Disclaimer: All communication should be addressed to the Managing Director.

"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming." Richard Branson
+265 999 111 654

Payment Terms Compliance Sheet

Bid No: IPCNHQ/NCB/2024002

Item Payment terms description Compliance to Payment Terms

1 The terms of payment shall be The terms of payment shall be within 30
within 30 to 45 Days Open Account to 45 Days Open Account

Disclaimer: All communication should be addressed to the Managing Director.

"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming." Richard Branson
+265 999 111 654

Specification Information

Lot 1: Laptops


/Option (YES/NO)
1. Processor: M 1. Processor:
- Intel Core i5, 12th Gen, or AMD - Intel Core i5, 12th Gen
Ryzen 5 or 7..
2. RAM: M 2. RAM:
- Aim for at least 8GB/16GB or more - 16GB
of RAM for smooth
multitasking and
3. Storage: M 3. Storage:
- Opt for Solid State Drives (SSDs) in- - Solid State Drives (SSDs)
stead of traditional Hard Disk Drives - 512GB
(HDDs) as they provide faster boot
times and improved overall system
responsiveness. A combination of
SSD storage (256GB or higher) along
with additional HDD storage if need-
ed is ideal.
4. Display: M 4. Display:
- . A Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) IPS - . A Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) IPS
5. Graphics Card: M 5. Graphics Card:
- equipped with dedicated graphics - Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics (SHARED)
cards from NVIDIA GeForce GTX se- - NVIDIA® GeForce MX550 (DESCRETE)
ries /RTX series, or AMD Radeon RX
series/Pro WX Series
6. Battery Life: M 6. Battery Life:
- longer battery life above 6hrs - longer battery life above 6hrs +
7. Warranty M 7. Warranty
- The bidder shall provide 1 year - 1 year

Disclaimer: All communication should be addressed to the Managing Director.

"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming." Richard Branson
+265 999 111 654

Specification Information

Lot 2: Desktops


/Option (YES/NO)
Processor: M Processor:
- 11th, 12th or 13th Gen Intel Core i5, i7 - 12th Gen Intel Core i5 Processor
or i9 Processor
Operating System: M Operating System:
- Microsoft Windows 10 or Windows 11 - Windows 11 Pro
Memory (RAM): M Memory (RAM):
- 8-16 GB of RAM - 8 GB of RAM
Storage: Storage:
- 512 GB solid state drive, or larger. - 1TB GB solid state drive
Video/Graphics: Integrated or discrete M Video/Graphics: Integrated or discrete
graphics processor capable of 1440 X graphics processor capable of 1440 X 900
900 resolution, or better (1920 X 1080) resolution, or better (1920 X 1080)
Monitor: display M Monitor: display
- for desktop: 24″ – 27″ widescreen - for desktop: 24″ widescreen flat-panel
flat-panel display display
Network: 802.11ac (or better) Wi-Fi M Network: 802.11ac (or better) Wi-Fi capability
capability and Ethernet Box. and Ethernet Box.
Warranty: 1 year on-site (better) or de- M Warranty: 1 year on-site (better) or depot
pot warranty, accidental damage service warranty,accidental damage service highly
highly recommended recommended

Disclaimer: All communication should be addressed to the Managing Director.

"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming." Richard Branson

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