Module No. 2 Disclosures in The Financial Statements
Module No. 2 Disclosures in The Financial Statements
Module No. 2 Disclosures in The Financial Statements
Scope of IND AS 19
The scope of IND AS 19 extends to various types of employee benefits, including short-term and long-term
benefits, termination benefits, and other post-employment benefits.
Short-term employee benefits: Short-term employee benefits are benefits that are expected to be settled
within 12 months after the end of the period in which the employee renders service. These benefits include
salaries, wages, bonuses, and short-term compensated absences, such as sick leave and vacation leave. IND
AS 19 requires companies to recognize the cost of short-term employee benefits as an expense in the period
in which the employee renders service.
Long-term employee benefits: Long-term employee benefits are benefits that are expected to be settled
more than 12 months after the end of the period in which the employee renders service. These benefits
include pensions, gratuity, and long-term compensated absences, such as sabbatical leave. IND AS 19
requires companies to recognize the cost of long-term employee benefits as an expense in the period in
which the employee renders service.
Termination benefits: Termination benefits are benefits that are paid to employees as a result of
termination of employment. These benefits include severance pay, early retirement benefits, and other
similar benefits. IND AS 19 requires companies to recognize the cost of termination benefits as an expense
when the company is demonstrably committed to either terminating the employment of current employees
or providing termination benefits as a result of an offer made to encourage voluntary redundancy.
Other post-employment benefits: Other post-employment benefits are benefits that are provided to
employees after they retire or leave the company. These benefits include post-employment medical care,
life insurance, and housing. IND AS 19 requires companies to recognize the cost of other post-employment
benefits as an expense in the period in which the employee renders service, based on the present value of
the expected future payments to employees.
Sandesh DSouza, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St Philomena’s College(Autonomous) Mysore pg. 2
Module No. 2 Disclosures in the Financial Statements
Apart from defined benefit and defined contribution plans, there are other post-employment benefits that
employers may provide to their employees. Here are a few examples:
1. Retiree medical and dental benefits
Retiree medical and dental benefits are a type of post-employment benefit that provides medical and dental
coverage to employees after they retire. The employer promises to pay a specified amount of medical and
dental benefits to the employee upon retirement.
2. Life insurance for retirees
Life insurance for retirees is a type of post-employment benefit that provides life insurance coverage to
employees after they retire. The employer promises to pay a specified amount of life insurance benefits to
the employee's beneficiaries upon the employee's death.
3. Long-term care insurance
Long-term care insurance is a type of post-employment benefit that provides coverage for long-term care
services, such as nursing home care or home health care. The employer promises to pay a specified amount
of long-term care benefits to the employee upon retirement.
4. Housing benefits
Housing benefits are a type of post-employment benefit that provides housing assistance to retired
employees. The employer may provide a housing allowance or subsidized housing to retired employees.
Sandesh DSouza, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St Philomena’s College(Autonomous) Mysore pg. 3
Module No. 2 Disclosures in the Financial Statements
Indian Accounting Standard 33 – Earnings per Share
Earnings per share is a method used to review the performance of an entity. As the term itself denotes it
simply means determining the profit attributable to each share. Such information is required to understand
the return on investment for the shareholders and prospective investors.
Diluted earnings per share: The diluted earnings per share are computed by adjusting the profit or loss
and ordinary shares for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary share. The numerator will be the profit
or loss as computed for basic earnings per share adjusted by the after-tax effect of the
dividends or any other items that are related to dilutive potential ordinary shares that are deducted
in computing basic earnings per share.
interest in the period related to dilutive potential ordinary shares that are recognized
changes in income or expense that would be due to the conversion of the dilutive potential ordinary
Sandesh DSouza, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St Philomena’s College(Autonomous) Mysore pg. 4
Module No. 2 Disclosures in the Financial Statements
The denominator is the weighted average number of ordinary shares as per the computation of basic
earnings per share plus the weighted average number of shares that would be issued on conversion of all
dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares.
Potential ordinary shares will be dilutive only when their conversion to ordinary shares reduces the earnings
per share or increase the loss per share from continuing operations.
The following terms are used in the standard with the meanings specified Anti Dilution is the increase in
the earnings per share or reduction in the loss per share that results from the assumption that convertible
instruments are converted, options or warrants exercised or that ordinary share are issued upon the
satisfaction of specified conditions.
A contingent share agreement is an agreement that is dependent on the satisfaction of conditions for the
issue of shares. Contingently issuable ordinary shares are issued on the satisfaction of specified conditions
in a contingent share agreement for consideration or otherwise. Dilution is the reduction in the earnings per
share or increase in the loss per share that results from the assumption that convertible instruments are
converted, options or warrants exercised or that ordinary share are issued upon the satisfaction of specified
Options, warrants and their equivalent give the holder the right to purchase an ordinary share. An ordinary
share is an equity instrument that is subordinate to all equity instruments. A potential ordinary share is an
instrument that may entitle its holder to ordinary shares. Put options on ordinary shares are contracts that
give the holder the right to sell ordinary shares at a specified price for a given period.
Sandesh DSouza, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St Philomena’s College(Autonomous) Mysore pg. 5
Module No. 2 Disclosures in the Financial Statements
Leases (Ind AS 116):
Ind AS 116 is the Indian Accounting Standard that prescribes the principles for recognition,
measurement, presentation, and disclosure of leases.
It replaces the previous standard on leases, Ind AS 17, and introduces significant changes,
particularly for lessees.
Key Definitions:
Lease: A contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the right to use an underlying asset for a
period of time in exchange for consideration.
Lessee: The entity that obtains the right to use an underlying asset for a lease term.
Lessor: The entity that provides the right to use an underlying asset for a lease term.
Lessee Accounting:
Lessees are required to recognize a right-of-use asset and a lease liability for all leases, except for
short-term leases and leases of low-value assets (optional exemptions).
Right-of-use asset: An asset that represents the lessee's right to use the underlying leased asset
during the lease term.
Lease liability: A liability that represents the lessee's obligation to make lease payments.
Right-of-use asset: Initially measured at cost, comprising the initial amount of the lease liability,
initial direct costs, and any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any
lease incentives received.
Lease liability: Initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that are not paid at the
commencement date, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease or, if that rate cannot
be readily determined, the lessee's incremental borrowing rate.
Subsequent Measurement:
Right-of-use asset: Measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment
losses, adjusted for any remeasurement of the lease liability.
Lease liability: Measured using the effective interest method, with interest expense recognized in
profit or loss.
For Lessees:
1. Lease Assets and Lease Liabilities:
- Carrying amount of right-of-use assets by class of underlying asset at the end of the reporting
period: This disclosure requires the lessee to present the carrying amount of right-of-use assets, which
represent the lessee's right to use the underlying leased assets, separately for different classes of underlying
assets like buildings, equipment, vehicles, etc.
- Additions to right-of-use assets during the reporting period: The lessee should disclose the total
additions made to the right-of-use assets during the reporting period, which could arise from new leases or
modifications to existing leases.
- Carrying amount of lease liabilities at the end of the reporting period: The lessee should disclose
the total carrying amount of lease liabilities, which represent the present value of future lease payments, at
the end of the reporting period.
- Maturity analysis of lease liabilities: The lessee should provide a maturity analysis of the contractual
undiscounted cash flows for lease liabilities, showing the amounts payable within one year, between one
and five years, and after five years.
Sandesh DSouza, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St Philomena’s College(Autonomous) Mysore pg. 6
Module No. 2 Disclosures in the Financial Statements
3. Other Disclosures:
- Nature of the entity's leasing activities: The lessee should provide a general description of its leasing
activities, including the nature of the leased assets, the terms and conditions of the leases, and any
significant assumptions or judgments made in applying Ind AS 116.
- Exposure to potential future cash outflows not reflected in the measurement of lease liabilities:
The lessee should disclose information about potential future cash outflows that are not reflected in the
measurement of lease liabilities, such as variable lease payments, extension options, residual value
guarantees, etc.
- Restrictions or covenants imposed by leases: If the leases impose any significant restrictions or
covenants, such as restrictions on dividend payments, further leasing, or additional debt, these should be
- Sale and leaseback transactions during the reporting period: If the lessee has entered into any sale
and leaseback transactions during the reporting period, the details of such transactions, including the gain
or loss recognized, should be disclosed.
For Lessors:
1. Lease Income:
- For finance leases, a maturity analysis of the lease payments receivable: For finance leases, the
lessor should provide a maturity analysis of the undiscounted lease payments receivable, showing the
amounts receivable within one year, between one and five years, and after five years, along with the
unearned finance income.
- For operating leases, the lease income recognized during the reporting period: For operating leases,
the lessor should disclose the total lease income recognized during the reporting period, separately for
variable lease payments not dependent on an index or rate.
2. Lease Assets:
- For finance leases, the carrying amount of the net investment in the lease: For finance leases, the
lessor should disclose the carrying amount of the net investment in the lease, which represents the present
value of the lease payments receivable and the unguaranteed residual value, at the end of the reporting
- For operating leases, the carrying amount of the underlying assets: For operating leases, the lessor
should disclose the carrying amount of the underlying assets subject to operating leases at the end of the
reporting period, separately for major classes of underlying assets.
3. Other Disclosures:
Sandesh DSouza, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St Philomena’s College(Autonomous) Mysore pg. 7
Module No. 2 Disclosures in the Financial Statements
- A general description of the entity's leasing activities: The lessor should provide a general description
of its leasing activities, including the nature of the leased assets, the terms and conditions of the leases, and
any significant assumptions or judgments made in applying Ind AS 116.
- Lease income relating to variable lease payments not included in finance leases: For finance leases,
the lessor should disclose the lease income relating to variable lease payments not included in the
measurement of the net investment in the lease.
- A maturity analysis of the undiscounted lease payments for operating leases: For operating leases,
the lessor should provide a maturity analysis of the undiscounted lease payments to be received, showing
the amounts receivable within one year, between one and five years, and after five years.
These disclosures aim to provide users of financial statements with relevant information about the entity's
leasing activities, the amounts recognized in the financial statements, and the potential future cash flows
and risks associated with leases. The level of detail and specificity of the disclosures may vary based on the
materiality and significance of the leasing activities for the entity.
Ind AS 34 prescribes the minimum content of an interim financial report and the principles for
recognition and measurement in complete or condensed financial statements for an interim period.
An interim period is a financial reporting period shorter than a full financial year.
Sandesh DSouza, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St Philomena’s College(Autonomous) Mysore pg. 8
Module No. 2 Disclosures in the Financial Statements
changes should be disclosed. This information helps users understand the impact of changes in estimates
on the interim financial results.
6. Issuances, Repurchases, and Repayments of Debt and Equity Securities:
- The entity should disclose information about any issuances, repurchases, or repayments of debt and
equity securities during the interim period. This information is relevant for users to understand changes in
the entity's capital structure and financing activities.
7. Dividends Paid:
- The entity should disclose the amount of dividends paid (aggregate or per share) for each class of
share capital during the interim period. This information is useful for users to understand the cash
outflows related to dividend payments.
8. Segment Information:
- If the entity is required to disclose segment information in its annual financial statements, it should
also disclose segment revenue and segment result for each operating segment in the interim financial
report. This information helps users understand the performance of different business segments during the
interim period.
9. Events after the Interim Period:
- Any significant events that occurred after the interim period but before the issuance of the interim
financial report, and that have not been reflected in the interim financial statements, should be disclosed.
This information ensures that users are aware of any material events that may impact the entity's financial
position or performance.
10. Other Disclosures:
- The entity should provide any other disclosures required by Ind AS 34 or any other Ind AS that are
relevant to an understanding of the interim financial report. These disclosures may include information
about contingencies, related party transactions, fair value measurements, etc., if they are material to the
interim financial statements.
The explanatory notes should provide sufficient information to enable users to understand the significant
changes in the entity's financial position and performance during the interim period. The level of detail
and specificity of the disclosures may vary based on the materiality and significance of the items or
Sandesh DSouza, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St Philomena’s College(Autonomous) Mysore pg. 10