MTH #5.night of The Ninjas

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Night of the Ninjas

Jack and Annie go to old Japan and learn the secrets

of the ninjas.

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#5. Night of the Ninjas


I. Complete each sentence. Use the words from the box.

shallow gleam chill Historian

light huddle pretend vanish

1 “I‟m not feeling well.”

“Stop pretend ing you are sick. I don‟t believe you.”

2 Historian studies history.

3 The water was so shallow , it only came up to my ankles.

4 The shiny car gleam ed in the sun.

5 They huddle d together to stay warm.

II. Match the words with their opposite.

swiftly slowly

tiptoe shallow

huge stomp

deep teeny

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#5. Night of the Ninjas


III. Match each word with its definition.

Completely flat and even,

mission without any lumps, holes or
rough areas.

The faint light or the period of

twilight time at the end of the day after
the sun has gone down.

An important official job that a

person or group of people is
smooth given to do.

swiftly To push, fold or turn the ends

or edges of clothes, paper, etc.

tuck Happening or done quickly and


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#5. Night of the Ninjas


VI. Find the words in the puzzle and put them in the blanks below.

Word Box Puzzle

a r e a c h a t t e r a
p b c h e a t h o p f c
p r s u r r o u n d b h
breath l e l h u c t m g k o e
e a o r e d b u m p a e
g t p r e a l e g a t s
surround a h e h a t t r e e s g

1 I skied down the slope .

2 My teeth chatter when I am cold.

3 I bump ed into the wall and fell down.

4 I was surround ed by bees.

5 I ran so fast, I was out of breath .

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#5. Night of the Ninjas


V. Fill in the blanks.

1 I am doing this for your sake .

2 The boy stare d at the toy robots.

3 The valley is between the two mountains.

4 Cats have sharp claw s.

5 The stream was too wide to wade across.

6 I heard birds chirp in the morning.

7 They explore d the cave for a week.

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#5. Night of the Ninjas

Comprehension Chapter 1

I. Choose T for true, or F for false.

Jack insisted on going home because it was

1 getting dark. But Annie ignored him and T F
disappeared among the trees.

Annie found another sign of Morgan le Fay

2 T F
on the floor.

Annie liked the mouse who had brown and white

3 T F
fur and big dark eyes.

4 „Peanut‟ is a nickname of Morgan le Fay T F

Jack insisted that the mouse in the tree house

5 T F
was just a plain old mouse.

As soon as Annie reached out her hand toward

the mouse, it ran away.

Intuitively, Jack knew that Morgan was in big

7 T F

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#5. Night of the Ninjas

Comprehension Chapter 2

I. Fill in the blanks.

only fruits shiver colorful

swords shoulders stream flowers

fall backs pointed black

1 “Look!” Annie pointed at a book in the corner.

“That‟s the only open book,” she said.
Jack looked around again. Annie was right.
He felt a shiver go down his spine.

2 Jack stared at the picture on it. In the picture were trees with
white flowers . The trees were on the side of a mountain.
Near a wide, rushing stream .

3 Two people were also in the picture. They wore dark clothes.
They had black scarves over their faces.
And long swords strapped to their backs .

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#5. Night of the Ninjas

Comprehension Chapter 3

I. According to the book, very little is known about the shadowy

warriors called (1) . (2) believe that they lived
in (3) between the 14th and 17th centuries.
Sometimes they fought to protect their families.
(1) (2) (3)
a. samurai Historians Korea
b. ninjas Astronauts Japan
c. ninjas Historians Japan
d. ninjas Scientists China

II. Why did Jack and Annie pull up the ladder?

a. They had to get rid of it to go back to Pennsylvania.
b. The ninjas noticed that someone was in the tree house and
dashed toward the tree house.
c. They had to go to the woods as soon as possible.
d. Morgan le Fay told them to remove it when the ninjas saw them.

III. What did the ninjas look like? Read the descriptions of the ninjas,
and draw a picture.

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#5. Night of the Ninjas

Comprehension Chapter 4

I. The ninjas pulled iron band off their hands. The bands had
like claws on them. That was how the ninjas climbed the tree.

a. spirit b. spiders c. spikes

II. Jack and Annie decided to cross the stream for .

a. themselves b. Morgan‟s sake c. Magic tree house

III. Annie grabbed Jack‟s hand, and they stepped into the
water. However they both screamed and jumped out
because .

a. It was too deep to cross the stream.

b. It was the coldest water they had ever felt.
c. It stank to high heaven.

VI. Why did Jack and Annie scream and jump out of the water?

VII. How did the children cross the stream?

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#5. Night of the Ninjas

Comprehension Chapter 5

I. Choose T for true, or F for false.

1 Jack was afraid of the ninjas. T F

The ninjas moved silently, but Jack and

2 T F
Annie made plenty of noise.

According to the book about ninjas, sometimes

3 they held meetings in hidden mountain caves to T F
plan secret missions.

According to the book about ninjas, the master

4 was a Japanese millionaire who knew many T F
secrets of nature.

Jack referred to the ninja book for additional

5 T F
information along the way.

The short ninja warned of possible attacks in

the dark cave.

Another title for this chapter could be

7 T F
„Meetings in the Hidden caves.‟

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#5. Night of the Ninjas

Comprehension Chapter 6

I. What made shadows dance on the walls?

a. dozens of candles b. flashlights c. dozens of torches

II. The master of ninjas told Jack and Annie that he had no time to
help them because
a. all ninjas had to chase samurai to protect their family.
b. his family had to hold a meeting to plan secret missions.
c. his family had to leave before samurai found them.

III. Fill in the blanks.

Master : You have to find your way back to your house in the trees.
Jack : Alone ?
Master : Yes. You must go alone. And be aware of the samurai .
Jack : Why?
Master : They will think you are one of us.
They will ask you no questions.
They will show you no mercy .
But you have seen the way of the ninja.
You can practice it yourselves now.
Jack : H-how?
Master : Remember three things.
Use nature. Be nature. Follow nature.

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#5. Night of the Ninjas

Comprehension Chapter 7

I. Number the events in order.

3 “I‟ve got it! First we need a stick.”

5 “Push the stick into the ground.”

“Do you think we are still going east?”

We have to know for sure.

7 “That means the shadow‟s pointing east.”

4 “Now we just need a space with moonlight.”

2 “The ninja master said to use nature.”

“The stick‟s shadow looks like it‟s more than six


8 “Are we real ninjas now?”

II. Describe the samurai in the moonlight.

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#5. Night of the Ninjas

Comprehension Chapter 8

I. Fill in the blanks.

ever quiet step chill

chatter scamper fast still
solid neither tight never
eight leap soft either

1 Jack tried to be part of rock.

He tried to be as still as the rock.
As solid as the rock. As quite as the rock.

2 “I don‟t see the tree house,” said Annie.

“I don‟t see it either ,” said Jack.

3 “Are you okay?” said Annie.

“Not really,” said Jack, his teeth chatter ing.
He was chill ed to the bone.
“We‟ll never get cross,” said Annie.

4 Peanut climbed out of Annie‟s sweatshirt pouch

and leap ed onto the ground.
The mouse scamper ed away. “Peanut, come back!” Annie said.

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#5. Night of the Ninjas

Comprehension Chapter 9

I. The word “vanished” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to

a. disappointed b. disabled c. disagreed d. disappeared

II. How did Jack and Annie try to follow nature?

a. They tried to be as strong as the samurai.
b. They pretended they were rock.
c. They pretended they were mice.

III. The master gave something to Jack. What was it?

a. a wooden stick b. a piece of paper c. a small round stone

VI. Jack and Annie couldn‟t find the Pennsylvania book when they
wanted it because….
a. their heart knew they had a mission to complete first.
b. Annie hid the book to stay in Japan.
c. Morgan asked the master ninja to keep it for a while.

V. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in this chapter?

a. “If you could be a rock, you can be a mouse,”
b. “We can leave Peanut,”
c. “Remember, keep a kind heart,”
d. “The ninja master said to use nature,”

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#5. Night of the Ninjas

Comprehension Chapter 10

I. Jack opened his eyes and his fist. He was still holding .
It was clear and smooth. It almost seemed to glow.
a. Peanut
b. the moonstone
c. Morgan‟s message

II. Annie pulled off her and made a bed for Peanut
to sleep in.

a. sneaker
b. hood
c. sock

III. When did Jack and Annie come back to Pennsylvania?

a. at dinner time
b. at night
c. in the early morning

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#5. Night of the Ninjas

Quiz! Who am I ?
Read the following descriptions to identify the words.

I am a fierce Japanese fighter.

I carry two swords to cut
down my enemies.
I wear bamboo armor.
Who am I?

a ninja
I wear black pants and shirts.
I have black scarf around
my head.
Also very little is known
about me.
I lived in Japan between
the 14th and 17th centuries.
Who am I? a Samurai


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#5. Night of the Ninjas

Quiz! First, find the ninja!

First, find the ninja and then try to find the way out of the maze.

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#5. Night of the Ninjas
Word Book Name.

Page Word Meaning Example

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